Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/discount.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage sale * @copyright 2001-2012 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Sale; use Bitrix\Main, Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc, Bitrix\Sale\Compatible, Bitrix\Sale\Discount\Context; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class Discount extends DiscountBase { /* Sale objects */ /** @var null|Shipment $shipment */ protected $shipment = null; /** @var array */ protected $shipmentIds = array(); /** @var bool */ protected $enableCheckingPrediction = false; /** * Enables prediction checking instead real condition. * @return void */ public function enableCheckingPrediction() { $this->enableCheckingPrediction = true; $this->saleOptions = array( 'APPLY_MODE' => $this::APPLY_MODE_ADD, ); } /** * Disables prediction checking instead real condition. * @return void */ public function disableCheckingPrediction() { $this->enableCheckingPrediction = false; } /** * Get discount by fuser and site. * * @param string|int $fuser Fuser id. * @param string $site Site id. * @return null|Discount|DiscountBase */ public static function loadByFuser($fuser, $site) { $instanceIndex = static::getInstanceIndexByFuser((int)$fuser, (string)$site); if (!static::instanceExists($instanceIndex)) return null; return static::getInstance($instanceIndex); } /** * Return parent entity type. * @internal * * @return string */ public static function getRegistryType() { return Registry::REGISTRY_TYPE_ORDER; } /** * Set calculate shipments. * * @param Shipment $shipment Current shipment. * @return void */ public function setCalculateShipments(Shipment $shipment = null) { $this->shipment = $shipment; } /** * Return shipment id list for existing order. * * @return array */ public function getShipmentsIds() { return $this->shipmentIds; } /** * Clone entity. * * @internal * @param \SplObjectStorage $cloneEntity Clone repository. * * @return Discount */ public function createClone(\SplObjectStorage $cloneEntity) { /** @var Discount $discountClone */ $discountClone = parent::createClone($cloneEntity); if ($this->isShipmentExists()) { if ($cloneEntity->contains($this->shipment)) $discountClone->shipment = $cloneEntity[$this->shipment]; } return $discountClone; } /* apply result methods */ /** * Change applied discount list. * * @param array $applyResult Change apply result. * @return void */ public function setApplyResult($applyResult) { parent::setApplyResult($applyResult); if (!empty($this->applyResult['DISCOUNT_LIST'])) { if (!empty($this->applyResult['DELIVERY']) && is_array($this->applyResult['DELIVERY'])) { foreach ($this->applyResult['DELIVERY'] as $orderDiscountId => $apply) { if ($apply == 'Y') $this->applyResult['DISCOUNT_LIST'][$orderDiscountId] = 'Y'; } unset($apply, $orderDiscountId); } } } /** * Return discount list description. * * @param bool $extMode Extended mode. * @return array */ public function getApplyResult($extMode = false) { if (Compatible\DiscountCompatibility::isUsed()) return Compatible\DiscountCompatibility::getApplyResult($extMode); $extMode = ($extMode === true); $result = parent::getApplyResult($extMode); $result = $this->getApplyDeliveryList() + $result; $result['CONVERTED_ORDER'] = (!$this->isValidState() ? 'Y' : 'N'); if (!$extMode) { /* for compatibility only */ if (isset($this->discountResult['APPLY_BLOCKS'][0]['BASKET'])) $result['BASKET'] = $this->discountResult['APPLY_BLOCKS'][0]['BASKET']; if (isset($this->discountResult['APPLY_BLOCKS'][0]['ORDER'])) $result['ORDER'] = $this->discountResult['APPLY_BLOCKS'][0]['ORDER']; } return $result; } /** * Returns show prices for public components. * * @return array */ public function getShowPrices() { $result = parent::getShowPrices(); $result['DELIVERY'] = $this->getApplyDeliveryPrice(); return $result; } /** * Save discount result. * * @return Result */ public function save() { $result = new Result; if (!$this->isOrderExists() || !$this->isBasketNotEmpty()) return $result; if ($this->isUsedDiscountCompatibility()) { if (Compatible\DiscountCompatibility::isRepeatSave()) return $result; $compatibleResult = Compatible\DiscountCompatibility::getResult(); if ($compatibleResult === false) return $result; if (empty($compatibleResult)) return $result; $this->setUseMode($compatibleResult['CALCULATE']['USE_MODE']); $this->newOrder = $compatibleResult['CALCULATE']['NEW_ORDER']; $this->discountsCache = $compatibleResult['DISCOUNT_LIST']; $this->couponsCache = $compatibleResult['COUPONS_LIST']; $this->discountResult = $compatibleResult['DISCOUNT_RESULT']; $this->forwardBasketTable = $compatibleResult['FORWARD_BASKET_TABLE']; $this->reverseBasketTable = $compatibleResult['REVERSE_BASKET_TABLE']; if ($this->isOrderNew()) { $shipmentResult = $this->loadShipment(); if (!$shipmentResult->isSuccess()) { $result->addErrors($shipmentResult->getErrors()); unset($shipmentResult); return $result; } unset($shipmentResult); $this->fillShipmentData(); } unset($compatibleResult); } $result = parent::save(); return $result; } /** * Returns order configuration for save to database. * * @return array */ protected function getOrderConfig() { $shipmentClassName = $this->getShipmentClassName(); $config = parent::getOrderConfig(); $config['DELIVERY'] = [ 'DELIVERY_ID' => $this->orderData['DELIVERY_ID'], 'CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY' => $this->orderData['CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY'], 'SHIPMENT_ID' => 0 ]; if ($this->shipment instanceof $shipmentClassName) $config['DELIVERY']['SHIPMENT_ID'] = $this->shipment->getId(); unset($shipmentClassName); return $config; } /* instance tools */ /** * Return instance index for fuser. * * @internal * @param string|int $fuser Fuser id. * @param string $site Site id. * @return string */ protected static function getInstanceIndexByFuser($fuser, $site) { return '0|'.$fuser.'|'.$site; } /** * Return field list for eval. * * @internal * * @return array */ protected function getExecuteFieldList() { if (!$this->enableCheckingPrediction) return parent::getExecuteFieldList(); return ['PREDICTIONS_APP', 'APPLICATION']; } /** * Return field with discount condition code. * * @internal * * @return string */ protected function getConditionField() { if (!$this->enableCheckingPrediction) return parent::getConditionField(); return 'PREDICTIONS_APP'; } /** * Returns result after one discount. * * @param array $order Order current data. * @return array */ protected static function getStepResult(array $order) { $result = parent::getStepResult($order);; $stepResult = &$order['DISCOUNT_RESULT']; if (!empty($stepResult['DELIVERY']) && is_array($stepResult['DELIVERY'])) { $result['DELIVERY'] = array( 'APPLY' => 'Y', 'DELIVERY_ID' => (isset($order['DELIVERY_ID']) ? $order['DELIVERY_ID'] : false), 'SHIPMENT_CODE' => (isset($order['SHIPMENT_CODE']) ? $order['SHIPMENT_CODE'] : false), 'DESCR' => Discount\Formatter::formatList($stepResult['DELIVERY']), 'DESCR_DATA' => $stepResult['DELIVERY'], 'ACTION_BLOCK_LIST' => array_keys($stepResult['DELIVERY']) ); if (is_array($result['DELIVERY']['DESCR'])) $result['DELIVERY']['DESCR'] = implode(', ', $result['DELIVERY']['DESCR']); } unset($stepResult); return $result; } /** * Round and correct discount calculation results. * @internal * * @return void */ protected function normalizeDiscountResult() { parent::normalizeDiscountResult(); $customPrice = isset($this->orderData['CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY']) && $this->orderData['CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY'] == 'Y'; $this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF'] = (!$customPrice ? PriceMaths::roundPrecision($this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF']) : 0 ); if (!$customPrice) { if ($this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF'] > 0) $this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY'] = $this->orderData['BASE_PRICE_DELIVERY'] - $this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF']; else $this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY'] = PriceMaths::roundPrecision($this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY']); } unset($customPrice); } /** * Fill prices in apply results. * * @return void */ protected function getApplyPrices() { parent::getApplyPrices(); $this->discountResult['PRICES']['DELIVERY'] = $this->getApplyDeliveryPrice(); } /** * Change result format. * * @return void */ protected function remakingDiscountResult() { parent::remakingDiscountResult(); $delivery = []; if (!empty($this->discountResult['APPLY_BLOCKS'])) { foreach ($this->discountResult['APPLY_BLOCKS'] as $counter => $applyBlock) { if (!empty($applyBlock['ORDER'])) { foreach ($applyBlock['ORDER'] as $discount) { if (!empty($discount['RESULT']['DELIVERY'])) { $delivery[] = [ 'DISCOUNT_ID' => $discount['DISCOUNT_ID'], 'COUPON_ID' => $discount['COUPON_ID'], 'DELIVERY_ID' => $discount['RESULT']['DELIVERY']['DELIVERY_ID'], 'APPLY' => $discount['RESULT']['DELIVERY']['APPLY'], 'DESCR' => $discount['RESULT']['DELIVERY']['DESCR'] ]; } } unset($discount); } } unset($counter, $applyBlock); } $this->discountResult['RESULT']['DELIVERY'] = $delivery; unset($delivery); } /** * Returns delivery price data. * * @return array */ protected function getApplyDeliveryPrice() { return array( 'BASE_PRICE' => $this->orderData['BASE_PRICE_DELIVERY'], 'PRICE' => $this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY'], 'DISCOUNT' => $this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF'] ); } /** * Get discount delivery list and delivery list. * * @return array */ protected function getApplyDeliveryList() { $result = array(); $delivery = array(); if (!empty($this->discountResult['APPLY_BLOCKS'])) { foreach ($this->discountResult['APPLY_BLOCKS'] as $counter => $applyBlock) { if (!empty($applyBlock['ORDER'])) { foreach ($applyBlock['ORDER'] as $discount) { if (empty($discount['RESULT']['DELIVERY'])) continue; $id = $discount['RESULT']['DELIVERY']['DELIVERY_ID']; $delivery[$id] = $id; } unset($id, $discount); } } unset($counter, $applyBlock); } $result['DELIVERY_LIST'] = (empty($delivery) ? array() : array_values($delivery)); unset($delivery); $shipmentClassName = $this->getShipmentClassName(); $shipment = []; if ($this->shipment instanceof $shipmentClassName) $shipment[] = $this->shipment->getShipmentCode(); $result['SHIPMENT_LIST'] = $shipment; unset($shipment); return $result; } /** * Fill empty discount result list. * * @return void */ protected function fillEmptyDiscountResult() { parent::fillEmptyDiscountResult(); $this->discountResult['DELIVERY_LIST'] = []; $this->discountResult['SHIPMENT_LIST'] = []; } /** * Fill result order data. * * @return array */ protected function fillDiscountResult() { $result = parent::fillDiscountResult(); $orderKeys = ['PRICE_DELIVERY', 'PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF']; foreach ($orderKeys as $key) { if (isset($this->orderData[$key])) $result[$key] = $this->orderData[$key]; } unset($key, $orderKeys); if (isset($result['PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF'])) { $result['DISCOUNT_PRICE'] = $result['PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF']; unset($result['PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF']); } $shipmentClassName = $this->getShipmentClassName(); $result['SHIPMENT'] = null; if ($this->shipment instanceof $shipmentClassName) $result['SHIPMENT'] = $this->shipment->getShipmentCode(); unset($shipmentClassName); return $result; } /** * Fill prices from base prices. * * @return void */ protected function resetPrices() { parent::resetPrices(); $this->resetDeliveryPrices(); } /** * Fill delivery price from base price. * * @return void */ protected function resetDeliveryPrices() { if ($this->orderData['CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY'] !== 'N') return; $this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY'] = $this->orderData['BASE_PRICE_DELIVERY']; $this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF'] = 0; } /** * Load order information. * * @return Result */ protected function loadOrderData() { $result = parent::loadOrderData(); if (!$result->isSuccess()) return $result; if (!$this->isShipmentExists()) { $this->shipmentIds = []; $shipmentResult = $this->loadShipment(); if (!$shipmentResult->isSuccess()) { $result->addErrors($shipmentResult->getErrors()); return $result; } unset($shipmentResult); } $this->fillShipmentData(); return $result; } /** * Fill empty order data. * * @return void */ protected function fillEmptyOrderData() { parent::fillEmptyOrderData(); $this->orderData += [ 'BASE_PRICE_DELIVERY' => 0, 'PRICE_DELIVERY' => 0, 'PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF' => 0, 'DELIVERY_ID' => 0, 'CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY' => 'N', 'SHIPMENT_CODE' => 0, 'SHIPMENT_ID' => 0, 'PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => 0 ]; if ($this->isOrderExists()) { /** @var Order $order */ $order = $this->getOrder(); $this->orderData['PAY_SYSTEM_ID'] = null; $paymentCollection = $order->getPaymentCollection(); /** @var Payment $payment */ foreach ($paymentCollection as $payment) { if ($payment->isInner()) continue; if (!isset($this->orderData['PAY_SYSTEM_ID'])) { $this->orderData['PAY_SYSTEM_ID'] = (int)$payment->getPaymentSystemId(); break; } } unset($payment, $paymentCollection); if (!isset($this->orderData['PAY_SYSTEM_ID'])) $this->orderData['PAY_SYSTEM_ID'] = 0; unset($order); } } /** * Get basket data from owner entity. * * @return Result * @throws Main\ObjectNotFoundException */ protected function loadBasket() { $result = parent::loadBasket(); if (!$result->isSuccess()) return $result; if ($this->isBasketNotEmpty()) { /** @var Basket $basket */ $basket = $this->getBasket(); /** @var BasketItem $basketItem */ foreach ($basket as $basketItem) { if ( !$basketItem->canBuy() || !$basketItem->isBundleParent() ) continue; $bundle = $basketItem->getBundleCollection(); if ($bundle->count() == 0) { $result->addError(new Main\Entity\EntityError( Loc::getMessage('BX_SALE_DISCOUNT_ERR_BASKET_BUNDLE_EMPTY'), self::ERROR_ID )); break; } /** @var BasketItem $bundleItem */ foreach ($bundle as $bundleItem) { $item = $this->getBasketItemFields($bundleItem); $item['IN_SET'] = 'Y'; $this->orderData['BASKET_ITEMS'][$bundleItem->getBasketCode()] = $item; } unset($item, $bundle, $bundleItem); } unset($basketItem); } return $result; } /** * Load default order config for order. * * @return void */ protected function loadDefaultOrderConfig() { parent::loadDefaultOrderConfig(); $this->shipment = null; $this->fillCompatibleOrderFields(); } /** * @param array $data Order settings from database. * @return void */ protected function applyLoadedOrderConfig(array $data) { parent::applyLoadedOrderConfig($data); if (isset($data['OLD_ORDER'])) $this->setValidState(false); /** @var Order $order */ $order = $this->getOrder(); if (!empty($data['DELIVERY'])) { $delivery = $data['DELIVERY']; $this->orderData['DELIVERY_ID'] = $delivery['DELIVERY_ID']; if (isset($delivery['CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY'])) $this->orderData['CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY'] = $delivery['CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY']; if (isset($delivery['SHIPMENT_ID'])) { $delivery['SHIPMENT_ID'] = (int)$delivery['SHIPMENT_ID']; if ($delivery['SHIPMENT_ID'] > 0) { $this->shipmentIds[] = $delivery['SHIPMENT_ID']; /** @var ShipmentCollection $orderShipmentList */ $orderShipmentList = $order->getShipmentCollection(); $this->shipment = $orderShipmentList->getItemById($delivery['SHIPMENT_ID']); if (empty($this->shipment)) { $this->shipment = null; $this->shipmentIds = array(); } } } unset($delivery); } $this->fillCompatibleOrderFields(); } /** * Return is exists discount shipment. * * @return bool */ protected function isShipmentExists() { $shipmentClassName = $this->getShipmentClassName(); return ($this->shipment instanceof $shipmentClassName); } /** * Fill data from shipment. * * @return void */ protected function fillShipmentData() { if (!$this->isShipmentExists()) return; $this->orderData['DELIVERY_ID'] = $this->shipment->getDeliveryId(); $this->orderData['CUSTOM_PRICE_DELIVERY'] = ($this->shipment->isCustomPrice() ? 'Y' : 'N'); $this->orderData['BASE_PRICE_DELIVERY'] = $this->shipment->getField('BASE_PRICE_DELIVERY'); $this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY'] = $this->shipment->getPrice(); $this->orderData['PRICE_DELIVERY_DIFF'] = $this->shipment->getField('DISCOUNT_PRICE'); $this->orderData['SHIPMENT_CODE'] = $this->shipment->getShipmentCode(); $this->orderData['SHIPMENT_ID'] = (int)$this->shipment->getId(); } /** * Load shipment. * * @return Result */ protected function loadShipment() { $result = new Result; if (!$this->isOrderExists()) return $result; if (!$this->isShipmentExists()) { $loadDelivery = false; /** @var Order $order */ $order = $this->getOrder(); /** @var ShipmentCollection $orderShipmentList */ $orderShipmentList = $order->getShipmentCollection(); /** @var Shipment $shipment */ if ($this->isOrderNew()) { foreach ($orderShipmentList as $shipment) { if ($shipment->isSystem()) continue; if (!$loadDelivery) { $this->shipment = $shipment; $loadDelivery = true; break; } } } else { $shipmentId = false; foreach ($orderShipmentList as $shipment) { if ($shipment->isSystem()) continue; $currentShipmentId = (int)$shipment->getId(); if ($shipmentId === false || $shipmentId > $currentShipmentId) $shipmentId = $currentShipmentId; } unset($currentShipmentId, $shipment); if (!empty($shipmentId)) { $this->shipment = $orderShipmentList->getItemById($shipmentId); $loadDelivery = true; } unset($shipmentId); } unset($loadDelivery); } return $result; } /** * Initial instance data after set order. * * @return void */ protected function initInstanceFromOrder() { parent::initInstanceFromOrder(); $this->loadShipment(); $this->fillShipmentData(); } /* entities id tools */ /** * Returns data for save to database. * * @param array $entity * @return array|null */ protected function getEntitySaveIdentifier(array $entity) { $result = null; switch ($entity['ENTITY_TYPE']) { case self::ENTITY_DELIVERY: $result = [ 'ENTITY_TYPE' => self::ENTITY_DELIVERY, 'ENTITY_ID' => (int)$entity['ENTITY_CODE'], 'ENTITY_VALUE' => (string)$entity['ENTITY_CODE'] ]; break; default: $result = parent::getEntitySaveIdentifier($entity); break; } return $result; } /* entities id tools finish */ /* compatibility tools */ /** * Check use old api. * * @return bool */ private function isUsedDiscountCompatibility() { return (Compatible\DiscountCompatibility::isUsed() && Compatible\DiscountCompatibility::isInited()); } /** * Fill order fields for deprecated discount classes. * * @return void */ protected function fillCompatibleOrderFields() { $this->orderData['USE_BASE_PRICE'] = $this->saleOptions['USE_BASE_PRICE']; } /* compatibility tools finish */ /* deprecated methods */ /** * Set base price for basket item. * @deprecated * * @param int|string $code Basket code. * @param float $price Price. * @param string $currency Currency. * @return void */ public function setBasketItemBasePrice($code, $price, $currency) {} /** * Set base price for all basket items. * @deprecated * * @param array $basket Basket. * @return void */ public function setBasketBasePrice($basket) {} /** * Get base price for basket item. * @deprecated * * @param int|string $code Basket code. * @return float|null */ public function getBasketItemBasePrice($code) { return (isset($this->orderData[$code]) ? $this->orderData[$code]['BASE_PRICE'] : null); } /** * Set product discounts for basket item. * @deprecated * * @param int|string $code Basket code. * @param array $discountList Discount list. * @return void */ public function setBasketItemDiscounts($code, $discountList) {} /** * Set various basket item data. * @deprecated * * @param int|string $code Basket code. * @param array $providerData Product data from provider. * @return void */ public function setBasketItemData($code, $providerData) {} /** * Clear basket item data. * @deprecated * * @param int|string $code Basket code. * @return void */ public function clearBasketItemData($code) {} /** * Get discount by basket. * * @deprecated deprecated sinse sale 17.0.11 * @see Discount::buildFromBasket * * @param Basket $basket Basket object. * @return Discount|DiscountBase|null */ public static function loadByBasket(Basket $basket) { $order = $basket->getOrder(); if ($order instanceof Order) return static::buildFromOrder($order); return self::buildFromBasket($basket, new Context\Fuser($basket->getFUserId(true))); } /** * Get discount by order. * * @deprecated deprecated sinse sale 17.0.11 * @see Discount::buildFromOrder * * @param Order $order Order object. * @return Discount|DiscountBase */ public static function load(Order $order) { return static::buildFromOrder($order); } /** * @deprecated * * @param BasketItem $basketItem * @param int $orderDiscountId * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public function saveExternalLastApplyblock(BasketItem $basketItem, $orderDiscountId) { /** @var Basket $basket */ $basket = $basketItem->getCollection(); $this->order = $basket->getOrder(); $this->loadOrderData(); $listItems[$basketItem->getBasketCode()] = array('APPLY'=>'Y', 'ACTION_BLOCK_LIST'=>array(), 'DESCR_DATA'=>array(), 'DESCR'=>array()); $this->discountsCache[$orderDiscountId]['MODULE_ID'] = 'sale'; $applyBlock = &$this->discountResult['APPLY_BLOCKS'][$this->discountResultCounter]; $applyBlock['ORDER'][] = array( 'DISCOUNT_ID' => $orderDiscountId, 'COUPON_ID' => 0, 'RESULT' => array('BASKET' => $listItems) ); $this->saveLastApplyBlock(); } /** * Return basket item currency. * @deprecated * * @param string|int $basketCode Basket item code. * @return string|null */ protected function getBasketCurrency($basketCode) { return $this->getCurrency(); } /* deprecated methods finish */ }