Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/connector.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage sale * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Sale\Location; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\DB; use Bitrix\Main\Config; use Bitrix\Main\Entity; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\Util\Assert; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\DB\BlockInserter; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); abstract class Connector extends Entity\DataManager { const LINK_ID = 0x01; const LINK_CODE = 0x02; const DB_LOCATION_FLAG = 'L'; const DB_GROUP_FLAG = 'G'; const LSTAT_IN_NOT_CONNECTED_BRANCH = 0x01; const LSTAT_IS_CONNECTOR = 0x02; const LSTAT_ABOVE_CONNECTOR = 0x03; const LSTAT_BELOW_CONNECTOR = 0x04; ##################################### #### Entity settings ##################################### /** * Method returns name of table column that provides linking between location table and entity table. For example, for delivery it should return 'DELIVERY_ID' * Limitation: mechanism does not support compound primary keys * * @return string field name */ abstract public function getLinkField(); /** Method should return a name of the "target" entity plus namespace but without trailing 'Table'. For example, for delivery this should be 'Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Delivery' * * @return string table name */ abstract public function getTargetEntityName(); /** * Returns a name of type filed. By default 'LOCATION_TYPE' is used for the most of. Does not make any sense if getUseGroups() returns false * * @return string */ public static function getTypeField() { return 'LOCATION_TYPE'; } /** * Returns a name of the filed that keep location id or code. By default 'LOCATION_ID' is used for the most. For newly-created entites this should be LOCATION_CODE (string) * * @return string */ public static function getLocationLinkField() { return 'LOCATION_ID'; } /** * Returns a name of the primary field of the "target" entity. By default 'ID' is used for the most. See target entity class for sure. * * @return string */ public static function getTargetEntityPrimaryField() { return 'ID'; } /** * Show whether or not entity use linking through groups. E.g. delivery would return true, * but location groups (which can be treated as entity too) - always return false (groups cannot be connected with groups) * * @return boolean */ public static function getUseGroups() { return true; } /** * Show whether or not entity use link tracking. Link tracking allows keeping information about link existence in option strings. * So, this is some kind of cacheing mechanism. It can be usefull, but may exceed option string length when there are lots of entity records exist. * * @return boolean */ public static function getUseLinkTracking() { return false; } /** * Return the connection type for the current entity. Return value that is equal to self::LINK_ID stands for ID, otherwise - for CODE link type * * @return integer */ public static function getConnectType() { $map = static::getMap(); $locLinkFld = static::getLocationLinkField(); if(isset($map[$locLinkFld])) return $map[$locLinkFld]['data_type'] == 'integer' ? self::LINK_ID : self::LINK_CODE; Assert::announceNotImplemented(Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_CONNECTOR_ENTITY_LINK_FLD_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION')); } /** * Just a shortcut to link type identification * * @return boolean */ public static function getUseCodes() { return static::getConnectType() == static::LINK_CODE; } ##################################### #### CRUD wrappers ##################################### /** * Adds a new connection between location and entity * * @param mixed[] $data data to add (See getMap() of a certain implementation for $data key details) * * @return Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult */ public static function add(array $data) { $res = parent::add($data); if($res->isSuccess()) static::setLinkUsage($data[static::getLinkField()], $data[static::getTypeField()], true); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->ClearByTag('sale-location-data'); static::onAfterModifiy(); return $res; } /** * Updates a connection between location and entity * * @param mixed $primary relation primary key value * @param mixed[] $data data to update with (See getMap() of a certain implementation for $data key details) * * @return Bitrix\Main\Entity\UpdateResult */ public static function update($primary, array $data) { $linkFld = static::getLinkField(); if($primary && isset($data[$linkFld])) // it will break below, at parent::delete() $link = static::getByPrimary($primary)->fetch(); $res = parent::update($primary, $data); if($res->isSuccess() && isset($data[$linkFld]) && $data[$linkFld] != $link[$linkFld]) // if switched from one entity to another { static::resetLinkUsage($link[static::getLinkField()]); // for donor entity we need to recalc link existence static::setLinkUsage($data[$linkFld], $data[static::getTypeField()], true); // we know there ARE links for retsepient entity } $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->ClearByTag('sale-location-data'); static::onAfterModifiy(); return $res; } /** * Removes a connection between location and entity * * @param mixed $primary relation primary key value * * @return Bitrix\Main\Entity\DeleteResult */ public static function delete($primary) { if($primary) // it will break below, at parent::delete() $link = static::getByPrimary($primary)->fetch(); $res = parent::delete($primary); if($res->isSuccess()) static::resetLinkUsage($link[static::getLinkField()]); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->ClearByTag('sale-location-data'); static::onAfterModifiy(); return $res; } public static function onAfterModifiy() { } /** * Establishes several connections between entity and locations. Could be used to add and delete selected relations. * * @param mixed $entityPrimary primary key for an entity * @param integer[][]|string[][] $links array of locations and groups to link an entity with * * Argument format: * array( * 'L' => array(), // an array of IDs or CODEs of locations * 'G' => array() // an array of IDs or CODEs of location groups * ) * * @throws Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException * * @return boolean */ public static function updateMultipleForOwner($entityPrimary, $links = array(), $behaviour = array('REMOVE_ABSENT' => true)) { $entityPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($entityPrimary, '$entityPrimary'); $links = static::checkUpdateLinks($links); $updateLocations = is_array($links[static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG]); $updateGroups = is_array($links[static::DB_GROUP_FLAG]) && static::getUseGroups(); // get existed relations $existed = static::getLinkedLocations($entityPrimary); if($updateLocations) static::updateMultipleLinkType($entityPrimary, $links[static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG], $existed[static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG], static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG, $behaviour['REMOVE_ABSENT']); if($updateGroups) static::updateMultipleLinkType($entityPrimary, $links[static::DB_GROUP_FLAG], $existed[static::DB_GROUP_FLAG], static::DB_GROUP_FLAG, $behaviour['REMOVE_ABSENT']); static::resetLinkUsage($entityPrimary); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->ClearByTag('sale-location-data'); static::onAfterModifiy(); return true; } // removes all links with a given entity public static function deleteAllForOwner($entityPrimary, $behaviour = array('BATCH_MODE' => false)) { $entityPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($entityPrimary, '$entityPrimary'); if($behaviour['BATCH_MODE']) { // low-level drop $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $typeField = static::getTypeField(); $sql =' delete from '.static::getTableName().' where '.static::getLinkField().' = \''.$dbConnection->getSqlHelper()->forSql($entityPrimary).'\''; if(strlen($typeField) > 0) { $sql .= ' AND ( '.$typeField.' = \''.static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG.'\' OR '.$typeField.' = \''.static::DB_GROUP_FLAG.'\' )'; } $dbConnection->query($sql); } else { // get existed relations $existed = static::getLinkedLocations($entityPrimary); static::updateMultipleLinkType($entityPrimary, array(), $existed[static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG], static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG, true); if(static::getUseGroups()) static::updateMultipleLinkType($entityPrimary, array(), $existed[static::DB_GROUP_FLAG], static::DB_GROUP_FLAG, true); } static::setLinkUsage($entityPrimary, static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG, false); static::setLinkUsage($entityPrimary, static::DB_GROUP_FLAG, false); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->ClearByTag('sale-location-data'); static::onAfterModifiy(); } public static function deleteAll() { $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $dbConnection->query('truncate table '.static::getTableName()); static::deleteLinkUsageOption(); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->ClearByTag('sale-location-data'); static::onAfterModifiy(); } /** * Removes all links and creates new ones * */ public static function resetMultipleForOwner($entityPrimary, $links = array()) { $entityPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($entityPrimary, '$entityPrimary'); $links = static::checkUpdateLinks($links); static::deleteAllForOwner($entityPrimary, array('BATCH_MODE' => true)); $map = static::getMap(); $linkFld = static::getLinkField(); $locationLinkFld = static::getLocationLinkField(); $typeFld = static::getTypeField(); $fields = array( $linkFld => $map[$linkFld], // DELIVERY_ID, SITE_ID, smth else $locationLinkFld => $map[$locationLinkFld] // LOCATION_ID or LOCATION_CODE or smth else ); if($useGroups = static::getUseGroups()) $fields[$typeFld] = $map[$typeFld]; // LOCATION_TYPE: L or G $inserter = new BlockInserter(array( 'tableName' => static::getTableName(), 'exactFields' => $fields )); $smthAdded = false; if(is_array($links[static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG])) { foreach($links[static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG] as $id) { $data = array( $linkFld => $entityPrimary, $locationLinkFld => $id, ); if($useGroups) $data[$typeFld] = static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG; $inserter->insert($data); $smthAdded = true; } } static::setLinkUsage($entityPrimary, static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG, $smthAdded); $smthAdded = false; if(is_array($links[static::DB_GROUP_FLAG]) && $useGroups) { foreach($links[static::DB_GROUP_FLAG] as $id) { $data = array( $linkFld => $entityPrimary, $locationLinkFld => $id, ); if($useGroups) $data[$typeFld] = static::DB_GROUP_FLAG; $inserter->insert($data); $smthAdded = true; } } static::setLinkUsage($entityPrimary, static::DB_GROUP_FLAG, $smthAdded); $inserter->flush(); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->ClearByTag('sale-location-data'); } private static function updateMultipleLinkType($entityPrimary, $links, $existed, $linkType = self::DB_LOCATION_FLAG, $doRemove = true) { $useGroups = static::getUseGroups(); $smthAdded = false; foreach($links as $k => $loc) { if(!isset($existed[$loc])) { $data = array( static::getLinkField() => $entityPrimary, static::getLocationLinkField() => $loc ); if($useGroups) $data[static::getTypeField()] = $linkType; $res = static::add($data); if(!$res->isSuccess()) throw new Main\SystemException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_CONNECTOR_ENTITY_CANNOT_ADD_EXCEPTION')); $smthAdded = true; } else unset($existed[$loc]); } if($doRemove && !empty($existed)) { foreach($existed as $loc => $k) { $data = array( static::getLinkField() => $entityPrimary, static::getLocationLinkField() => $loc ); if($useGroups) $data[static::getTypeField()] = $linkType; $res = static::delete($data); if(!$res->isSuccess()) throw new Main\SystemException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_CONNECTOR_ENTITY_CANNOT_DELETE_EXCEPTION')); } } } ##################################### #### Getters ##################################### /** * Returns a set of locations that connected with a given entity, directly and, optionally, through groups. * * @param mixed $entityPrimary primary key for an entity * @param mixed[] $parameters filter and select parameters in ORM getlist() style, functionality is enought for usage, but limited. See limitations in code comments. * @param string[] $behaviour a set of behaviour options: * <ul> * <li>GET_LINKED_THROUGH_GROUPS boolean (default true) - if set to true, locations will be searched also throurgh groups (if entity connector supports groups)</li> * </ul> * * @throws ArgumentNullException * @throws NotImplementedException * * @return String an SQL-query string that, being called, returns a list of locations */ public static function getConnectedLocationsQuery($entityPrimary, $parameters = array(), $behaviour = array('GET_LINKED_THROUGH_GROUPS' => false)) { $entityPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($entityPrimary, '$entityPrimary'); if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); if(!is_array($behaviour)) $behaviour = array(); if(!isset($behaviour['GET_LINKED_THROUGH_GROUPS'])) $behaviour['GET_LINKED_THROUGH_GROUPS'] = false; $useGroups = GroupTable::checkGroupUsage() && static::getUseGroups(); // check if we have groups in project and entity uses groups $getLinkedThroughGroups = $behaviour['GET_LINKED_THROUGH_GROUPS']; if(!$useGroups) $getLinkedThroughGroups = false; $connType = static::getConnectType(); // proxy select $select = array(); if(!is_array($parameters['select'])) $select = array('' => 'LOCATION'); else { foreach($parameters['select'] as $k => $v) { if($v == '*') $select[''] = 'LOCATION'; else { if(is_numeric($k) && strpos((string) $v, '.') === false) // is NOT a reference { $k = $v; } $select[$k] = 'LOCATION.'.$v; } } } // proxy filter $filter = array(); if(is_array($parameters['filter'])) { foreach($parameters['filter'] as $k => $v) { $filter['LOCATION.'.$k] = $v; } } // proxy order $order = array(); if(is_array($parameters['order'])) { //if($getLinkedThroughGroups) Assert::announceNotImplemented('Sorry, order-over-union clause is not implemented currently.'); foreach($parameters['order'] as $k => $v) $order['LOCATION.'.$k] = $v; } if(is_array($parameters['runtime'])) Assert::announceNotImplemented('Sorry, runtime clause is not implemented currently.'); $sqls = array(); if(static::checkLinkUsage($entityPrimary, static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG)) { $strictFilter = array_merge($filter, array( '='.static::getLinkField() => $entityPrimary )); if($useGroups) $strictFilter['='.static::getTypeField()] = static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG; $query = new Entity\Query(self::getEntity()); $query ->setSelect($select) ->setFilter($strictFilter) ->setOrder($order); $sqls[] = $query->getQuery(); } if(static::checkLinkUsage($entityPrimary, static::DB_GROUP_FLAG) && $getLinkedThroughGroups) { $query = new Entity\Query(static::getEntity()); if($connType == self::LINK_CODE) // entity connected by CODE { $query ->registerRuntimeField( 'G', array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\GroupTable', 'reference' => array( '=this.'.static::getLocationLinkField() => 'ref.CODE', '=this.'.static::getTypeField() => array('?', static::DB_GROUP_FLAG) ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ) ->registerRuntimeField( 'LG', array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\GroupLocation', 'reference' => array( '=this.G.ID' => 'ref.'.GroupLocationTable::getLinkField(), ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ) ->registerRuntimeField( 'LOCATION', array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'reference' => array( '=this.LG.LOCATION_ID' => 'ref.ID' ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ) ->setSelect($select) ->setFilter(array_merge($filter, array( '='.static::getLinkField() => $entityPrimary ))) ->setOrder($order); /* select LOCATION.* from b_sale_delivery2location DL inner join b_sale_location_group G on (G.CODE = DL.LOCATION_CODE and DL.LOCATION_TYPE = static::DB_GROUP_FLAG) inner join b_sale_location2location_group LG on (LG.LOCATION_GROUP_ID = G.ID) inner join b_sale_location LOCATION on (LG.LOCATION_ID = LOCATION.ID) where DL.DELIVERY_ID = 2; */ } else // entity connected by ID { $query ->registerRuntimeField( 'LG', array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\GroupLocation', 'reference' => array( '=this.'.static::getLocationLinkField() => 'ref.'.GroupLocationTable::getLinkField(), '=this.'.static::getTypeField() => array('?', static::DB_GROUP_FLAG) ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ) ->registerRuntimeField( 'LOCATION', array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'reference' => array( '=this.LG.LOCATION_ID' => 'ref.ID' ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ) ->setSelect($select) ->setFilter(array_merge($filter, array( '='.static::getLinkField() => $entityPrimary ))) ->setOrder($order); /* select LOCATION.* from b_sale_delivery2location DL inner join b_sale_location2location_group LG on (LG.LOCATION_GROUP_ID = DL.LOCATION_ID and DL.LOCATION_TYPE = static::DB_GROUP_FLAG) inner join b_sale_location LOCATION on (LG.LOCATION_ID = LOCATION.ID) where DL.DELIVERY_ID = 2; */ } $sqls[] = $query->getQuery(); } if(empty($sqls)) // entity is not connected, so it means "all connected" return false; return static::unionize($sqls); } /** * More preferable alias for getConnectedLocationsQuery() */ public static function getConnectedLocationsSql($entityPrimary, $parameters = array(), $behaviour = array('GET_LINKED_THROUGH_GROUPS' => false)) { return static::getConnectedLocationsQuery($entityPrimary, $parameters, $behaviour); } public static function getConnectedLocations($entityPrimary, $parameters = array(), $behaviour = array('GET_LINKED_THROUGH_GROUPS' => false)) { $query = static::getConnectedLocationsQuery($entityPrimary, $parameters, $behaviour); if(!$query) return new DB\ArrayResult(array()); return static::queryPage( $query, $parameters['limit'], $parameters['offset']); } /** * Returns a set of location groups that connected with a given entity. * * @param mixed $entityPrimary primary key for an entity * @param mixed[] $parameters for ORM getList() * * @throws ArgumentNullException * @throws NotImplementedException * * @return \Bitrix\Main\DB\Result list of locations */ public static function getConnectedGroups($entityPrimary, $parameters = array()) { $entityPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($entityPrimary, '$entityPrimary'); if(!static::getUseGroups()) Assert::announceNotSupported(Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_CONNECTOR_ENTITY_DOESNT_SUPPORT_GROUPS')); if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); $parameters['runtime']['C'] = array( 'data_type' => static::getEntity()->getFullName(), 'reference' => array( '=ref.'.static::getLinkField() => array('?', $entityPrimary), '=ref.'.static::getTypeField() => array('?', 'G') ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ); $parameters['runtime']['C']['reference']['=ref.'.static::getLocationLinkField()] = (static::getConnectType() == self::LINK_CODE ? 'this.CODE' : 'this.ID'); return GroupTable::getList($parameters); } // returns list of connected entities for location with ID == $locationPrimary, with an optional filter applied public static function getConnectedEntites($locationPrimary, $parameters = array()) { return static::getConnectedEntitiesByCondition($locationPrimary, 'id', $parameters); } // returns list of connected entities for location with CODE == $locationPrimary, with an optional filter applied public static function getConnectedEntitesByCode($locationPrimary, $parameters = array()) // getConnectedEntitiesByLocationCode { return static::getConnectedEntitiesByCondition($locationPrimary, 'code', $parameters); } // returns sql-select query that can be embeded to another sql query in 'ID in (select * from ...)' manner public static function getConnectedEntitiesQuery($locationPrimary, $linkType = 'id', $parameters = array()) // // getConnectedEntitiesSql { if($linkType == 'id') $locationPrimary = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($locationPrimary, '$locationPrimary'); else $locationPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($locationPrimary, '$locationPrimary'); $useGroups = GroupTable::checkGroupUsage() && static::getUseGroups(); // check if we have groups in project and entity uses groups $useCodes = static::getUseCodes(); // this entity uses codes $groupUseCodes = GroupLocationTable::getUseCodes(); // group entity uses codes $typeFld = static::getTypeField();/*LOCATION_TYPE*/ $linkFld = static::getLinkField();/*DELIVERY_ID*/ $locationLinkFld = static::getLocationLinkField();/*LOCATION_ID*/ $targetPrimaryFld = static::getTargetEntityPrimaryField();/*ID*/ $groupLocationLinkFld = GroupLocationTable::getLocationLinkField();/*LOCATION_ID*/ $groupLinkFld = GroupLocationTable::getLinkField();/*LOCATION_GROUP_ID*/ $seachById = $linkType == 'id'; $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); if(is_array($parameters['runtime'])) Assert::announceNotImplemented('Sorry, runtime clause is not implemented currently.'); $order = array(); if(is_array($parameters['order'])) Assert::announceNotImplemented('Sorry, order-over-union clause is not implemented currently.'); $filter = array(); if(is_array($parameters['filter']) && !empty($parameters['filter'])) $filter = $parameters['filter']; $select = array('*'); if(is_array($parameters['select']) && !empty($parameters['select'])) $select = $parameters['select']; /* query example when working with delivery: select distinct D.* from b_sale_delivery D inner join b_sale_delivery2location DL on D.ID = DL.DELIVERY_ID and DL.LOCATION_TYPE = 'L' inner join b_sale_location L1 on L1.CODE = DL.LOCATION_ID inner join b_sale_location L2 on L2.ID(there will be CODE, if we search by code) = 65683 and L2.LEFT_MARGIN >= L1.LEFT_MARGIN and L2.RIGHT_MARGIN <= L1.RIGHT_MARGIN; */ $query = new Entity\Query(static::getTargetEntityName()); $DLCondition = array( '=this.'.$targetPrimaryFld/*ID*/ => 'ref.'.$linkFld/*DELIVERY_ID*/ ); if($useGroups) $DLCondition['=ref.'.$typeFld/*LOCATION_TYPE*/] = array('?', static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG); $query ->registerRuntimeField( 'DL', array( 'data_type' => get_called_class(), 'reference' => $DLCondition, 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ) ->registerRuntimeField( 'L1', array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'reference' => array( '=this.DL.'.$locationLinkFld/*LOCATION_ID*/ => 'ref.'.($useCodes ? 'CODE' : 'ID'), ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ) ->registerRuntimeField( 'L2', array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'reference' => array( '=ref.'.($seachById ? 'ID' : 'CODE') => array('?', $locationPrimary), // among parents we have element with ID or CODE is equal to $locationPrimary '>=ref.LEFT_MARGIN' => 'this.L1.LEFT_MARGIN', // and its left_margin '<=ref.RIGHT_MARGIN' => 'this.L1.RIGHT_MARGIN' // and right_margin fit our restrictions ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ) ->setSelect($select) ->setFilter($filter) ->setOrder($order); if(!$useGroups) { // emulate "select distinct" $query->setGroup($select); return $query->getQuery(); } else { $sqls = array($query->getQuery()); $query = new Entity\Query(static::getTargetEntityName()); /* query example when working with delivery: select D.* from b_sale_delivery D inner join b_sale_delivery2location DL on D.ID = DL.DELIVERY_ID and DL.LOCATION_TYPE = 'G' inner join b_sale_location_group G on G.CODE = DL.LOCATION_ID (if this entity uses ID, skip this join) inner join b_sale_grouplocation GL on GL.LOCATION_GROUP_ID = G.ID (if this entity uses ID, there will be DL.LOCATION_ID) inner join b_sale_location L1 on L1.ID (there will be CODE, if grouplocation entity uses CODE) = GL.LOCATION_ID inner join b_sale_location L2 on L2.ID (there will be CODE, if we seach by code) = 65683 and L2.LEFT_MARGIN >= L1.LEFT_MARGIN and L2.RIGHT_MARGIN <= L1.RIGHT_MARGIN; */ $query ->registerRuntimeField( 'DL', array( 'data_type' => get_called_class(), 'reference' => array( '=this.'.$targetPrimaryFld/*ID*/ => 'ref.'.$linkFld/*DELIVERY_ID*/, '=ref.'.$typeFld/*LOCATION_TYPE*/ => array('?', static::DB_GROUP_FLAG) ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ); if($useCodes) { $query ->registerRuntimeField( 'G', array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Group', 'reference' => array( '=this.DL.'.$locationLinkFld/*LOCATION_ID*/ => 'ref.CODE', //$useCodes == true here, so always CODE ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ); } $query ->registerRuntimeField( 'GL', array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\GroupLocation', 'reference' => array( ($useCodes ? '=this.G.ID' : '=this.DL.'.$locationLinkFld/*LOCATION_ID*/) => 'ref.'.$groupLinkFld/*LOCATION_GROUP_ID*/ ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ) ->registerRuntimeField( 'L1', array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'reference' => array( '=this.GL.'.$groupLocationLinkFld/*LOCATION_ID*/ => 'ref.'.($groupUseCodes ? 'CODE' : 'ID'), ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ) ->registerRuntimeField( 'L2', array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'reference' => array( '=ref.'.($seachById ? 'ID' : 'CODE') => array('?', $locationPrimary), '>=ref.LEFT_MARGIN' => 'this.L1.LEFT_MARGIN', '<=ref.RIGHT_MARGIN' => 'this.L1.RIGHT_MARGIN' ), 'join_type' => 'inner' ) ) ->setSelect($select) ->setFilter($filter) ->setOrder($order); $sqls[] = $query->getQuery(); return static::unionize($sqls); } } protected static function getConnectedEntitiesByCondition($locationPrimary, $linkType = 'id', $parameters = array()) { $useGroups = GroupTable::checkGroupUsage() && static::getUseGroups(); // check if we have groups in project and entity uses groups $sql = static::getConnectedEntitiesQuery($locationPrimary, $linkType, $parameters); $res = static::queryPage($sql, $parameters['limit'], $parameters['offset']); return $res; } protected static function getLinkedLocations($entityPrimary) { $entityPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($entityPrimary, '$entityPrimary'); $existed = array(); $linkFld = static::getLocationLinkField(); $typeFld = static::getTypeField(); $res = static::getList(array('filter' => array(static::getLinkField() => $entityPrimary))); while($item = $res->fetch()) { if(!in_array($item[static::getTypeField()], array(static::DB_GROUP_FLAG, static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG))) // strange record found. skip it continue; $existed[$item[static::getTypeField()]][$item[$linkFld]] = true; } return $existed; } /** * Functions for massive check for link type * * */ public static function getLinkStatusForMultipleNodes($nodeInfo = array(), $entityPrimary, $connectors = false) // rename to: getConnectionStatusForMultipleNodes { $nodeInfo = Assert::expectArray($nodeInfo, '$nodeInfo'); $entityPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($entityPrimary, '$entityPrimary'); $result = array(); if(!static::checkLinkUsageAny($entityPrimary)) // if there are no links at all, connection virtually exists { foreach($nodeInfo as $node) { $result[$node['ID']] = self::LSTAT_BELOW_CONNECTOR; } return $result; } if(!is_array($connectors)) $connectors = static::getConnectedLocationsInfo($entityPrimary); foreach($nodeInfo as $node) { $node = Assert::expectNotEmptyArray($node, '$nodeInfo[]'); $node['ID'] = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($node['ID'], '$nodeInfo[][ID]'); $node['LEFT_MARGIN'] = Assert::expectIntegerNonNegative($node['LEFT_MARGIN'], '$nodeInfo[][LEFT_MARGIN]'); $node['RIGHT_MARGIN'] = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($node['RIGHT_MARGIN'], '$nodeInfo[][RIGHT_MARGIN]'); $result[$node['ID']] = false; foreach($connectors as $connector) { if($connector['ID'] == $node['ID']) { $result[$node['ID']] = self::LSTAT_IS_CONNECTOR; break; } elseif($node['LEFT_MARGIN'] >= $connector['LEFT_MARGIN'] && $node['RIGHT_MARGIN'] <= $connector['RIGHT_MARGIN']) { $result[$node['ID']] = self::LSTAT_BELOW_CONNECTOR; break; } elseif($node['LEFT_MARGIN'] <= $connector['LEFT_MARGIN'] && $node['RIGHT_MARGIN'] >= $connector['RIGHT_MARGIN']) { $result[$node['ID']] = self::LSTAT_ABOVE_CONNECTOR; break; } } if(!$result[$node['ID']]) $result[$node['ID']] = self::LSTAT_IN_NOT_CONNECTED_BRANCH; } return $result; } /** * Check if location is connected with entity * * @param $entityPrimary mixed Entity being checked * @param $locationPrimary mixed Location being checked. Could be a value of ID or CODE depending on what connection type is selected (see below) * @param $behaviour mixed[] A set of flags that modify function behaviour * <li> LOCATION_LINK_TYPE string One of: ID, CODE, AUTO. * If ID, than match by ID is used (default, for compatibility), if CODE than match by CODE. * In case of AUTO the target field value depends on entity connect type. * * @return boolean */ public static function checkConnectionExists($entityPrimary, $locationPrimary, array $behaviour = array('LOCATION_LINK_TYPE' => 'ID')) { $entityPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($entityPrimary, '$entityPrimary'); $locationPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($locationPrimary, '$locationPrimary'); if(!isset($behaviour['LOCATION_LINK_TYPE'])) { $behaviour['LOCATION_LINK_TYPE'] = 'ID'; } else { $behaviour['LOCATION_LINK_TYPE'] = Assert::expectEnumerationMember($behaviour['LOCATION_LINK_TYPE'], array('AUTO', 'ID', 'CODE'), '$behaviour[LOCATION_LINK_TYPE]'); } if(!static::checkLinkUsageAny($entityPrimary)) // if there are no links at all, connection virtually exists { return true; } if($behaviour['LOCATION_LINK_TYPE'] == 'AUTO') { $field = static::getUseCodes() ? 'CODE' : 'ID'; } else { $field = $behaviour['LOCATION_LINK_TYPE']; } $node = LocationTable::getList( array( 'filter' => array('='.$field => $locationPrimary), 'select' => array('ID', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN'), 'limit' => 1 ) )->fetch(); if(!intval($node['ID'])) { throw new \Bitrix\Sale\Location\Tree\NodeNotFoundException(false, array('INFO' => array($field => $locationPrimary))); } $result = static::getLinkStatusForMultipleNodes(array($node), $entityPrimary); return $result[$node['ID']] == self::LSTAT_IS_CONNECTOR || $result[$node['ID']] == self::LSTAT_BELOW_CONNECTOR; } // a wrapper to getConnectedLocations which returns simple info about connected locations protected static function getConnectedLocationsInfo($entityPrimary) { $result = array(); $res = static::getConnectedLocations($entityPrimary, array('select' => array( 'ID' => 'ID', 'LEFT_MARGIN' => 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN' => 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME', ), 'filter' => array('NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID) ), array('GET_LINKED_THROUGH_GROUPS' => true)); while($item = $res->fetch()) $result[] = $item; return $result; } ##################################### #### Link tracking ##################################### public static function checkLinkUsageAny($entityPrimary) { $entityPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($entityPrimary, '$entityPrimary'); return static::checkLinkUsage($entityPrimary, static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG) || static::checkLinkUsage($entityPrimary, static::DB_GROUP_FLAG); } /** * Check if there is a link between entity and locations, optionally of a certain type (default: locations) * * @param mixed $entityPrimary primary key for an entity * @param string $linkType link type (G or L (default)) * * @throws ArgumentNullException * * @return boolean */ public static function checkLinkUsage($entityPrimary, $linkType = self::DB_LOCATION_FLAG) { $entityPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($entityPrimary, '$entityPrimary'); $linkType = Assert::expectEnumerationMember( $linkType, array(static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG, static::DB_GROUP_FLAG), '$linkType' ); if(!static::getUseLinkTracking()) return true; // force to true if link tracking is off $useGroups = static::getUseGroups(); if(!$useGroups && $linkType == static::DB_GROUP_FLAG) return false; // we know we dont use groups $usageFlags = static::getLinkUsageOptionValue(); if(isset($usageFlags[$entityPrimary][$linkType])) return $usageFlags[$entityPrimary][$linkType]; $strictFilter = array( static::getLinkField() => $entityPrimary ); if($useGroups) $strictFilter['LOCATION_TYPE'] = static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG; $usageFlags[$entityPrimary][static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG] = !!static::getList(array( 'limit' => 1, 'filter' => $strictFilter ))->fetch(); if($useGroups) { $usageFlags[$entityPrimary][static::DB_GROUP_FLAG] = !!static::getList(array( 'limit' => 1, 'filter' => array( static::getLinkField() => $entityPrimary, 'LOCATION_TYPE' => static::DB_GROUP_FLAG ) ))->fetch(); } static::setLinkUsageOptionValue($usageFlags); return $usageFlags[$entityPrimary]; } /** * Function switches link usage to "on\off" position, for a certain entity and connection type (to location or to group) * */ private static function setLinkUsage($entityPrimary, $linkType = self::DB_LOCATION_FLAG, $way = true) { if(!static::getUseLinkTracking()) return; if(!in_array($linkType, array(static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG, static::DB_GROUP_FLAG))) $linkType = static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG; $usageFlags = static::getLinkUsageOptionValue(); $usageFlags[$entityPrimary][$linkType] = $way; static::setLinkUsageOptionValue($usageFlags); } /** * Function re-reads link existence and set options correctly * */ private static function resetLinkUsage($entityPrimary) { if(!static::getUseLinkTracking()) return; $useGroups = static::getUseGroups(); $typeFld = static::getTypeField(); $groupBy = array(); if($useGroups) $groupBy[] = $typeFld; $res = static::getList(array( 'filter' => array( static::getLinkField() => $entityPrimary ), 'group' => $groupBy )); $hasLocationLink = false; $hasGroupLink = false; while($item = $res->fetch()) { if(isset($item[$typeFld]) && $item[$typeFld] == static::DB_GROUP_FLAG) $hasGroupLink = true; else $hasLocationLink = true; } static::setLinkUsage($entityPrimary, static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG, $hasLocationLink); static::setLinkUsage($entityPrimary, static::DB_GROUP_FLAG, $hasGroupLink); } /** * Function returns option value (or an empty array, if option is not set) * */ private static function getLinkUsageOptionValue() { $usageFlagsOpt = Config\Option::get("sale", static::getLinkOptionName()); if(!strlen($usageFlagsOpt) || !is_array($usageFlags = unserialize($usageFlagsOpt))) $usageFlags = array(); return $usageFlags; } /** * Function sets option value * */ private static function setLinkUsageOptionValue($usageFlags) { Config\Option::set("sale", static::getLinkOptionName(), serialize($usageFlags), ''); } private static function deleteLinkUsageOption() { Config\Option::delete("sale", array('name' => static::getLinkOptionName())); } private static function getLinkOptionName() { return 'link_option_'.static::getTableName(); } ##################################### #### Util ##################################### private static function checkUpdateLinks($links) { $useCodes = static::getUseCodes(); $useGroups = static::getUseGroups(); $locationArgName = '$links['.static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG.']'; $groupArgName = '$links['.static::DB_GROUP_FLAG.']'; if(is_array($links[static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG])) { if($useCodes) $links[static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG] = Assert::expectArrayOfUniqueStringNotNull($links[static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG], $locationArgName); else $links[static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG] = Assert::expectArrayOfUniqueIntegerNotNull($links[static::DB_LOCATION_FLAG], $locationArgName); } if(is_array($links[static::DB_GROUP_FLAG])) { if(!$useGroups) Assert::announceNotSupported(Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_CONNECTOR_ENTITY_DOESNT_SUPPORT_GROUPS')); if($useCodes) $links[static::DB_GROUP_FLAG] = Assert::expectArrayOfUniqueStringNotNull($links[static::DB_GROUP_FLAG], $groupArgName); else $links[static::DB_GROUP_FLAG] = Assert::expectArrayOfUniqueIntegerNotNull($links[static::DB_GROUP_FLAG], $groupArgName); } return $links; } /** * A special paginator for UNION-like queries * * @param string $sql SQL select query to execute, wrapped in union * @param integer $limit record limit to fetch (default: 0) * @param integer $offset offset to start fetching records from (default: 0) * * @return Bitrix\Main\DB\Result */ protected static function queryPage($sql, $limit = 0, $offset = 0) { $artificialNav = false; $limit = intval($limit); $offset = intval($offset); // todo: Luke, use Bitrix\Main\DB\Paginator here $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); if($limit) { if($dbConnection->getType() == 'mysql') { $sql .= ' limit '.($offset ? $offset.', ' : '').$limit; } else { $artificialNav = true; } } $res = $dbConnection->query($sql); if($artificialNav) { $result = array(); $i = -1; while($item = $res->fetch()) { $i++; if($i < $offset) continue; if($i >= $offset + $limit) break; $result[] = $item; } return new DB\ArrayResult($result); } else return $res; } /** * Wraps a set of sqls to a union * * @param string[] $sqls a set of SQL select queries to wrap * * @return string */ public static function unionize($sqls) { if(!is_array($sqls)) return $sqls; if(count($sqls) == 1) return array_shift($sqls); //foreach($sqls as &$sql) // $sql = '('.$sql.')'; unset($sql); return implode(' union ', $sqls); } // function accepts denormalized list of location IDs on input, then makes it normal and returns list of IDs or CODEs, depending on current entity settings public static function normalizeLocationList($denormalizedList = array()) { if(empty($denormalizedList)) return array(); $useCodes = static::getUseCodes(); $denormalizedList = array_flip($denormalizedList); $query = new Entity\Query('Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location'); $query->setSelect(array( 'PARENT_ID', 'ID', 'CODE', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME' // tmp )); $query->setFilter(array('NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID)); // tmp $query->setOrder(array('LEFT_MARGIN' => 'desc')); // important $res = $query->exec(); // make table of children count for each node $relations = array(); $selected = array(); while($item = $res->fetch()) { if(!isset($relations[$item['ID']]['name'])) // tmp $relations[$item['ID']]['name'] = $item['LNAME']; if(!isset($relations[$item['ID']]['total'])) $relations[$item['ID']]['total'] = 0; if(!isset($relations[$item['ID']]['selected'])) $relations[$item['ID']]['selected'] = 0; /// if($item['PARENT_ID'] != 0) { if(!isset($relations[$item['PARENT_ID']]['total'])) $relations[$item['PARENT_ID']]['total'] = 0; if(!isset($relations[$item['PARENT_ID']]['selected'])) $relations[$item['PARENT_ID']]['selected'] = 0; } $relations[$item['PARENT_ID']]['total'] += (1 + $relations[$item['ID']]['total']); if(isset($denormalizedList[$item['ID']])) { $relations[$item['PARENT_ID']]['selected'] += (1 + $relations[$item['ID']]['selected']); $selected[$item['ID']] = $item; } } // now make up list of nodes to remove $removeItems = array(); $removeChildrenOf = array(); foreach($relations as $id => $rel) { if($rel['total'] > 0) // item has children { if($rel['total'] == $rel['selected']) // selected N of N of all children, remove all those children { if(isset($selected[$id])) // item should be selected itself to remove its children $removeChildrenOf[$id] = true; } elseif($rel['selected'] > 0) // selected M of N of children, where M > 0, so remove item itself $removeItems[$id] = true; } } $normalized = array(); foreach($selected as $id => $item) { if(!($item['PARENT_ID'] && $removeChildrenOf[$item['PARENT_ID']]) && !$removeItems[$item['ID']]) $normalized[] = $item[$useCodes ? 'CODE' : 'ID']; } return $normalized; } }