Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/import/compiler/db/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/import/compiler/db/exporttree.php |
<?php /** * This class is for internal use only, not a part of public API. * It can be changed at any time without notification. * * @access private */ namespace Bitrix\Sale\Location\Import\Compiler\Db; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Entity; use Bitrix\Sale\Location; class ExportTreeTable extends Entity\DataManager { const CODE_LENGTH = 10; const RECURSION_MAX_DEPTH = 30; protected $inserter = null; protected $codeIndex = array(); protected $exportOffset = 1; protected $exportPath = array(); public static function getFilePath() { return __FILE__; } public static function getTableName() { return 'b_tmp_export_tree'; } public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, ), 'CODE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'PARENT_CODE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'SYS_CODE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'TYPE_CODE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'FIAS_TYPE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'NAME' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'primary' => true, ), 'LANGNAMES' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'EXTERNALS' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'LATITUDE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'LONGITUDE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'SOURCE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'ALTERNATE_COORDS' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'BOUNDED_WITH' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), ); } public function __construct() { $this->create(); $this->inserter = new Location\DBBlockInserter(array( 'entityName' => get_called_class(), 'exactFields' => array( 'ID', 'CODE', 'PARENT_CODE', 'SYS_CODE', 'TYPE_CODE', 'FIAS_TYPE', 'NAME', 'LANGNAMES', 'EXTERNALS', 'LATITUDE', 'LONGITUDE', 'SOURCE' ), 'parameters' => array( 'mtu' => 999999, 'autoIncrementFld' => 'ID' ) )); } public function restoreExportOffset() { $this->exportOffset = intval($this->getNextFreeCode()); } public function setExportOffset($offset) { $this->exportOffset = $offset; } public function dropCodeIndex() { $this->codeIndex = array(); } public function insert($data) { if(isset($this->codeIndex[$data['SYS_CODE']])) // already in there return; $this->codeIndex[$data['SYS_CODE']] = $this->formatCode($this->exportOffset); $data['CODE'] = $this->codeIndex[$data['SYS_CODE']]; $data['PARENT_CODE'] = strlen($data['PARENT_SYS_CODE']) ? $this->codeIndex[$data['PARENT_SYS_CODE']] : ''; unset($data['PARENT_SYS_CODE']); if(is_array($data['LANGNAMES'])) $data['LANGNAMES'] = serialize($data['LANGNAMES']); if(is_array($data['EXTERNALS'])) $data['EXTERNALS'] = serialize($data['EXTERNALS']); $this->exportOffset++; $this->inserter->insert($data); } public function doneInsert() { $this->inserter->flush(); } public function deleteAll() { $this->cleanup(); } public function getLastOccupiedCode() { $res = static::getList(array('order' => array('ID' => 'desc'), 'limit' => 1, 'select' => array('CODE')))->fetch(); return $res['CODE']; } public function getNextFreeCode() { return self::formatCode(intval(static::getLastOccupiedCode()) + 1); } public static function formatCode($value, $length = self::CODE_LENGTH) { if(strlen($value) >= $length) return $value; $diff = abs($length - strlen($value)); for($i = 0; $i < $diff; $i++) $value = '0'.$value; return $value; } public function getByCode($code) { return static::getList(array('filter' => array( '=CODE' => $code ))); } public function getPathTo($code) { $nextCode = $code; $result = array(); while($nextCode) { $node = $this->getByCode($nextCode)->fetch(); $result[] = $node; $nextCode = $node['PARENT_CODE']; } return $result; } public function getWalkPath() { return $this->exportPath; } public function getWalkPathString() { $res = array(); foreach ($this->exportPath as $item) { $res[] = $item['NAME'].' ('.$item['TYPE_CODE'].')'; } return implode(', ', $res); } public function walkInDeep($callbacks, $ignoreThisAndDeeper = array(), $startFrom = '') { if(!is_callable($callbacks['ITEM'])) throw new Main\SystemException('Invalid callback passed'); $this->exportPath = array(); $this->waklInDeepBundle($callbacks, $ignoreThisAndDeeper, $startFrom); } private function waklInDeepBundle($callbacks, $ignoreThisAndDeeper = array(), $parentCode = '', $depth = 1) { if($depth > static::RECURSION_MAX_DEPTH) throw new Main\SystemException('Too deep recursion'); $res = $this->getList(array('filter' => array('PARENT_CODE' => $parentCode))); while($item = $res->fetch()) { array_push($this->exportPath, $item); $goDeeper = true; if(call_user_func($callbacks['ITEM'], $item, $this) === false) $goDeeper = false; if(isset($ignoreThisAndDeeper[$item['TYPE_CODE']])) $goDeeper = false; if($goDeeper) $this->waklInDeepBundle($callbacks, $ignoreThisAndDeeper, $item['CODE'], $depth + 1); array_pop($this->exportPath); } } public function create() { $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $table = static::getTableName(); global $DB; if(!$DB->query('select * from '.$table.' where 1=0', true)) { $dbConnection->query('create table '.$table.' ( ID int auto_increment not null primary key, CODE varchar(100) not null, PARENT_CODE varchar(100), SYS_CODE varchar(100), TYPE_CODE varchar(20), FIAS_TYPE varchar(10), NAME varchar(100) not null, LANGNAMES varchar(300), EXTERNALS varchar(200), LATITUDE varchar(30), LONGITUDE varchar(30), ALTERNATE_COORDS varchar(100), BOUNDED_WITH varchar(100), SOURCE varchar(2) )'); $this->restoreIndexes(); } } public function dropIndexes() { $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $table = static::getTableName(); try { $dbConnection->query('DROP INDEX IX_SALE_LOCATION_EXPORT_TREE_CODE ON '.$table); } catch(\Exception $e) { } try { $dbConnection->query('DROP INDEX IX_SALE_LOCATION_EXPORT_TREE_PARENT_CODE ON '.$table); } catch(\Exception $e) { } try { $dbConnection->query('DROP INDEX IX_SALE_LOCATION_EXPORT_TREE_TYPE_CODE ON '.$table); } catch(\Exception $e) { } } public function restoreIndexes() { $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $table = static::getTableName(); try { $dbConnection->query('CREATE INDEX IX_SALE_LOCATION_EXPORT_TREE_CODE ON '.$table.' (CODE)'); } catch(\Exception $e) { } try { $dbConnection->query('CREATE INDEX IX_SALE_LOCATION_EXPORT_TREE_PARENT_CODE ON '.$table.' (PARENT_CODE)'); } catch(\Exception $e) { } try { $dbConnection->query('CREATE INDEX IX_SALE_LOCATION_EXPORT_TREE_TYPE_CODE ON '.$table.' (TYPE_CODE)'); } catch(\Exception $e) { } } public function cleanup() { Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query('truncate table '.static::getTableName()); } public static function switchIndexes($way = true) { Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query('alter table '.static::getTableName().' '.($way ? 'enable' : 'disable').' keys'); } public function output($data, $important = true) { if(!$important) return false; ob_start(); print_r($data); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/output.txt', $data.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); } }