Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/search/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/search/chain.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package Bitrix\Sale\Location * @subpackage sale * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Sale\Location\Search; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\DB; use Bitrix\Main\Entity; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Sale\Location; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\DB\BlockInserter; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\DB\Helper; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); final class ChainTable extends Entity\DataManager implements \Serializable { const STEP_SIZE = 10000; const MTU = 9999; protected $procData = array(); protected $indexInserter = null; public static function getFilePath() { return __FILE__; } public static function getTableName() { return 'b_sale_loc_search_chain'; } public function serialize() { return serialize($this->procData); } public function unserialize($data) { $this->procData = unserialize($data); $this->initInsertHandles(); } public function __construct($parameters = array()) { $this->resetProcess(); if(is_array($parameters['TYPES']) && !empty($parameters['TYPES'])) { $this->procData['ALLOWED_TYPES'] = array_unique($parameters['TYPES']); } $typeSort = array(); $res = Location\TypeTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'CODE', 'DISPLAY_SORT'))); $this->procData['TYPES'] = array(); $this->procData['TYPE_SORT'] = array(); while($item = $res->fetch()) { if(!is_array($this->procData['ALLOWED_TYPES']) || (is_array($this->procData['ALLOWED_TYPES']) && in_array($item['ID'], $this->procData['ALLOWED_TYPES']))) $this->procData['TYPES'][$item['CODE']] = $item['ID']; $this->procData['TYPE_SORT'][$item['ID']] = $item['DISPLAY_SORT']; } $this->procData['TYPES_BACK'] = array_flip($this->procData['TYPES']); $this->initInsertHandles(); } public function initInsertHandles() { $this->indexInserter = new BlockInserter(array( 'entityName' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Search\ChainTable', 'exactFields' => array( 'LOCATION_ID', 'RELEVANCY', 'POSITION' ), 'parameters' => array( 'mtu' => static::MTU ) )); } public function resetProcess() { $this->procData = array( 'OFFSET' => 0, 'DEPTH' => 0, 'PATH' => array(), ); } public function getOffset() { return $this->procData['OFFSET']; } public static function cleanUpData() { Helper::dropTable(static::getTableName()); Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query("create table ".static::getTableName()." ( LOCATION_ID ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int').", RELEVANCY ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int')." default '0', POSITION ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int')." default '0', primary key (POSITION, LOCATION_ID) )"); } public static function getFilterForInitData($parameters = array()) { $filter = array(); if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); if(is_array($parameters['TYPES']) && !empty($parameters['TYPES'])) $filter['=TYPE_ID'] = array_unique($parameters['TYPES']); return $filter; } protected static function rarefact($sorts, $window = 10000) { if(!intval($window)) $window = 10000; $rSorts = array(); $w = $window; if(is_array($sorts)) { asort($sorts); foreach($sorts as $id => $sort) { $rSorts[$id] = $w; $w += $window; } } return $rSorts; } public function initializeData() { $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $res = Location\LocationTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'TYPE_ID', 'DEPTH_LEVEL', 'SORT' ), //'filter' => static::getFilterForInitData(array('TYPES' => $this->procData['ALLOWED_TYPES'])), 'order' => array( 'LEFT_MARGIN' => 'asc' ), 'limit' => self::STEP_SIZE, 'offset' => $this->procData['OFFSET'] )); $this->procData['TYPE_SORT'] = $this->rarefact($this->procData['TYPE_SORT']); $cnt = 0; while($item = $res->fetch()) { // tmp!!!! //$name = Location\Name\LocationTable::getList(array('select' => array('NAME'), 'filter' => array('=LOCATION_ID' => $item['ID'], '=LANGUAGE_ID' => 'ru')))->fetch(); if($item['DEPTH_LEVEL'] < $this->procData['DEPTH']) { $newPC = array(); foreach($this->procData['PATH'] as $dl => $id) { if($dl >= $item['DEPTH_LEVEL']) break; $newPC[$dl] = $id; } $this->procData['PATH'] = $newPC; } $this->procData['PATH'][$item['DEPTH_LEVEL']] = array( 'TYPE' => $item['TYPE_ID'], 'ID' => $item['ID'] ); if(is_array($this->procData['ALLOWED_TYPES']) && in_array($item['TYPE_ID'], $this->procData['ALLOWED_TYPES'])) { $data = array( 'LOCATION_ID' => $item['ID'], 'RELEVANCY' => $this->procData['TYPE_SORT'][$item['TYPE_ID']] + $item['SORT'],// * $item['DEPTH_LEVEL'], // tmp, will be more complicated calc here later ); $wordsAdded = array(); /* _dump_r('############################'); _dump_r('LOCATION: '.$name['NAME']); _dump_r('TYPE RELEVANCY: '.$data['RELEVANCY']); _dump_r('PATH:'); _dump_r($this->procData['PATH']); */ $this->procData['DEPTH'] = $item['DEPTH_LEVEL']; // pre-load missing words $wordCount = 0; foreach($this->procData['PATH'] as &$pathItem) { if(!isset($pathItem['WORDS'])) // words were not loaded previously for this part of the path { $sql = " select WS.POSITION from ".WordTable::getTableNameWord2Location()." WL inner join ".WordTable::getTableName()." WS on WL.WORD_ID = WS.ID where WL.LOCATION_ID = '".intval($pathItem['ID'])."' "; $wordRes = $dbConnection->query($sql); $pathItem['WORDS'] = array(); while($wordItem = $wordRes->fetch()) { $pathItem['WORDS'][] = $wordItem['POSITION']; } $pathItem['WORDS'] = array_unique($pathItem['WORDS']); } $wordCount += count($pathItem['WORDS']); } // count words //_dump_r('Words total: '.$wordCount); $wOffset = 0; foreach($this->procData['PATH'] as &$pathItem) { foreach($pathItem['WORDS'] as $i => $position) { $wordWeight = $wordCount - $wOffset; $tmpData = $data; $tmpData['RELEVANCY'] += $wordWeight; //_dump_r(' Word relevancy: '.$data['RELEVANCY'].' ==>> '.$tmpData['RELEVANCY']); if(!isset($wordsAdded[$position])) { $this->indexInserter->insert(array_merge(array('POSITION' => $position), $tmpData)); $wordsAdded[$position] = true; } $wOffset++; } } unset($pathItem); } $cnt++; } $this->indexInserter->flush(); $this->procData['OFFSET'] += self::STEP_SIZE; return !$cnt; } public static function createIndex() { Helper::createIndex(static::getTableName(), 'LPR', array('LOCATION_ID', 'POSITION', 'RELEVANCY')); } public static function getMap() { return array( 'LOCATION_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true ), 'POSITION' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true ), 'RELEVANCY' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ) ); } }