Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/search/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/search/word.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package Bitrix\Sale\Location * @subpackage sale * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Sale\Location\Search; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\DB; use Bitrix\Main\Entity; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Sale\Location; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\DB\BlockInserter; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\DB\Helper; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); final class WordTable extends Entity\DataManager implements \Serializable { protected $procData = array(); protected $word2LocationInserter = null; protected $dictionaryInserter = null; protected $dictionaryIndex = array(); const STEP_SIZE = 10000; const MTU = 9999; public function serialize() { return serialize($this->procData); } public function unserialize($data) { $this->procData = unserialize($data); $this->initInsertHandles(); } public static function getFilePath() { return __FILE__; } // this for keeping word dictionary public static function getTableName() { return 'b_sale_loc_search_word'; } // this for keeping links between location-and-word-id public static function getTableNameWord2Location() { return 'b_sale_loc_search_w2l'; } // this for merge, temporal table public static function getTableNamePositionTemporal() { return 'b_sale_loc_search_wt'; } public function __construct($parameters) { $this->resetProcess(); $this->initInsertHandles(); if(is_array($parameters['TYPES']) && !empty($parameters['TYPES'])) { $this->procData['ALLOWED_TYPES'] = array_unique($parameters['TYPES']); } if(is_array($parameters['LANGS']) && !empty($parameters['LANGS'])) { $this->procData['ALLOWED_LANGS'] = array_unique($parameters['LANGS']); } $this->procData['CURRENT_LOCATION'] = false; $this->procData['CURRENT_LOCATION_WORDS'] = array(); } public function initInsertHandles() { $this->word2LocationInserter = new BlockInserter(array( 'tableName' => static::getTableNameWord2Location(), 'exactFields' => array( 'LOCATION_ID' => array('data_type' => 'integer'), 'WORD_ID' => array('data_type' => 'integer') ), 'parameters' => array( 'mtu' => static::MTU ) )); $this->dictionaryInserter = new BlockInserter(array( 'entityName' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Search\WordTable', 'exactFields' => array( 'WORD' ), 'parameters' => array( 'mtu' => static::MTU, 'autoIncrementFld' => 'ID', 'CALLBACKS' => array( 'ON_BEFORE_FLUSH' => array($this, 'onBeforeDictionaryFlush') ) ) )); $this->dictionaryResorter = new BlockInserter(array( 'tableName' => static::getTableNamePositionTemporal(), 'exactFields' => array( 'WORD_ID' => array('data_type' => 'integer'), 'POSITION' => array('data_type' => 'integer') ), 'parameters' => array( 'mtu' => static::MTU ) )); } public function resetProcess() { $this->procData = array( 'OFFSET' => 0, 'POSITION' => 0, 'CURRENT_LOCATION' => false, 'CURRENT_LOCATION_WORDS' => array() ); } public static function cleanUpData() { $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); Helper::dropTable(static::getTableName()); $binary = ToLower($dbConnection->getType()) == 'mysql' ? 'binary' : ''; // http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=34096 // ORACE: OK, MSSQL: OK Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query("create table ".static::getTableName()." ( ID ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int')." not null ".Helper::getSqlForAutoIncrement()." primary key, WORD ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('varchar', 50)." ".$binary." not null, POSITION ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int')." default '0' )"); Helper::addAutoIncrement(static::getTableName()); // only for ORACLE Helper::createIndex(static::getTableName(), 'TMP', array('WORD'), true); Helper::dropTable(static::getTableNameWord2Location()); // ORACLE: OK, MSSQL: OK Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query("create table ".static::getTableNameWord2Location()." ( LOCATION_ID ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int')." not null, WORD_ID ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int')." not null, primary key (LOCATION_ID, WORD_ID) )"); Helper::dropTable(static::getTableNamePositionTemporal()); $dbConnection->query("create table ".static::getTableNamePositionTemporal()." ( WORD_ID ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int')." not null, POSITION ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int')." default '0' )"); } public static function createIndex() { Helper::dropIndexByName('IX_SALE_LOC_SEARCH_WORD_TMP', static::getTableName()); Helper::createIndex(static::getTableName(), 'WP', array('WORD', 'POSITION')); } public static function parseWords($words) { $result = array(); foreach($words as $k => &$word) { $word = ToUpper(trim($word)); $word = str_replace('%', '', $word); if(!strlen($word)) continue; $result[] = $word; } //natsort($result); return array_unique($result); } public static function parseString($query) { $query = ToUpper(Trim($query)); //$query = str_replace(array_keys(static::$blackList), static::$blackList, ' '.$query.' '); $query = str_replace(array(')', '(', '%', '_'), array('', '', '', ''), $query); $words = explode(' ', $query); return self::parseWords($words); } public function setOffset($offset) { $this->procData['OFFSET'] = $offset; } public function getOffset() { return $this->procData['OFFSET']; } public function setPosition($position) { $this->procData['POSITION'] = $position; } public function getPosition() { return $this->procData['POSITION']; } public function onBeforeDictionaryFlush() { $this->dictionaryIndex = array(); } public static function getFilterForInitData($parameters = array()) { $filter = array(); if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); if(is_array($parameters['TYPES']) && !empty($parameters['TYPES'])) $filter['=LOCATION.TYPE_ID'] = array_unique($parameters['TYPES']); if(is_array($parameters['LANGS']) && !empty($parameters['LANGS'])) $filter['=LANGUAGE_ID'] = array_unique($parameters['LANGS']); return $filter; } public function initializeData() { $res = Location\Name\LocationTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'NAME', 'LOCATION_ID' ), 'filter' => static::getFilterForInitData(array( 'TYPES' => $this->procData['ALLOWED_TYPES'], 'LANGS' => $this->procData['ALLOWED_LANGS'] )), 'order' => array('LOCATION_ID' => 'asc'), // need to make same location ids stay together 'limit' => static::STEP_SIZE, 'offset' => $this->procData['OFFSET'] )); $cnt = 0; while($item = $res->fetch()) { if(strlen($item['NAME'])) { if($this->procData['CURRENT_LOCATION'] != $item['LOCATION_ID']) $this->procData['CURRENT_LOCATION_WORDS'] = array(); $this->procData['CURRENT_LOCATION'] = $item['LOCATION_ID']; $words = static::parseString($item['NAME']); foreach($words as $k => &$word) { $wordHash = md5($word); $wordId = false; if(isset($this->dictionaryIndex[$wordHash])) // word is already added and in a hot index { $wordId = $this->dictionaryIndex[$wordHash]; } else { $wordId = static::getIdByWord($word); // check if the word was added previously } if($wordId === false) { $wordId = $this->dictionaryInserter->insert(array( 'WORD' => $word )); $this->dictionaryIndex[$wordHash] = $wordId; } if($wordId !== false && !isset($this->procData['CURRENT_LOCATION_WORDS'][$wordId])) { $this->procData['CURRENT_LOCATION_WORDS'][$wordId] = true; $this->word2LocationInserter->insert(array( 'LOCATION_ID' => intval($item['LOCATION_ID']), 'WORD_ID' => intval($wordId) )); } } } $cnt++; } $this->procData['OFFSET'] += static::STEP_SIZE; $this->dictionaryInserter->flush(); $this->word2LocationInserter->flush(); return !$cnt; } public function resort() { $res = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query( Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->getSqlHelper()->getTopSql("select ID, WORD from ".static::getTableName()." order by WORD asc, ID asc", self::STEP_SIZE, intval($this->procData['OFFSET'])) ); $cnt = 0; while($item = $res->fetch()) { $this->procData['POSITION']++; $this->dictionaryResorter->insert(array( 'WORD_ID' => $item['ID'], 'POSITION' => $this->procData['POSITION'] )); $cnt++; } $this->procData['OFFSET'] += static::STEP_SIZE; $this->dictionaryResorter->flush(); return !$cnt; } public static function mergeResort() { Helper::mergeTables( static::getTableName(), static::getTableNamePositionTemporal(), array('POSITION' => 'POSITION'), array('ID' => 'WORD_ID') ); Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query("drop table ".static::getTableNamePositionTemporal()); } public static function getIdByWord($word) { if(!strlen($word)) return false; $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $item = $dbConnection->query("select ID from ".static::getTableName()." where WORD = '".$dbConnection->getSqlHelper()->forSql($word)."'")->fetch(); return intval($item['ID']) ? intval($item['ID']) : false; } public static function getBoundsByWord($word) { $word = trim($word); $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $sql = "select MIN(POSITION) as INF, MAX(POSITION) as SUP from ".static::getTableName()." where WORD like '".ToUpper($dbConnection->getSqlHelper()->forSql($word))."%'"; return $dbConnection->query($sql)->fetch(); } public static function getWordsByBounds($inf, $sup) { return static::getList(array('filter' => array( '>=POSITION' => intval($inf), '<=POSITION' => intval($sup) ), 'order' => array( 'POSITION' => 'asc' ))); } public static function getBoundsForPhrase($phrase) { if(is_string($phrase)) $words = self::parseString($phrase); elseif(is_array($phrase)) $words = self::parseWords($phrase); else return array(); // check for empty request $bounds = array(); $sizes = array(); $i = 0; foreach($words as $word) { $bound = self::getBoundsByWord($word); if(!intval($bound['INF']) && !intval($bound['SUP'])) // no such word return array(); $bounds[$i] = $bound; $sizes[] = $bound['SUP'] - $bound['INF']; $i++; } // resort bounds to have sorted smallest to largest //asort($sizes, SORT_NUMERIC); $boundsSorted = array(); foreach($sizes as $j => $size) $boundsSorted[] = $bounds[$j]; // todo: here drop nested intervals, if any return $boundsSorted; } public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true ), 'WORD' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'POSITION' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer' ), 'CNT' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array( 'count(*)' ) ), ); } }