Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/tree.php |
<?php /** * Nested sets table tree implementation * * Tree struct and data fields are kept in a single table * * This class is for internal use only, not a part of public API. * It can be changed at any time without notification. * * @access private */ namespace Bitrix\Sale\Location; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\DB; use Bitrix\Main\Entity; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\Util\Assert; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\DB\BlockInserter; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\DB\Helper; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); abstract class Tree extends Entity\DataManager { const SORT_FREE_BEFORE = 1; const SORT_FREE_AFTER = 2; const SORT_HOLE_SIZE = 10; const SORT_HOLE_SIZE_HALF = 5; const BLOCK_INSERT_MTU = 9999; const SPACE_ADD = 1; const SPACE_REMOVE = 2; public static function add(array $data) { return self::addExtended($data); } /** * Available keys in $additional * REBALANCE - if set to true, method will rebalance tree after insertion */ public static function addExtended(array $data, array $additional = array()) { $rebalance = !isset($additional['REBALANCE']) || $additional['REBALANCE'] !== false; // determine LEFT_MARGIN, RIGHT_MARGIN and DEPTH_LEVEL if($data['PARENT_ID'] = intval($data['PARENT_ID'])) { // if we have PARENT_ID set, just use it`s info $node = self::getNodeInfo($data['PARENT_ID']); $needResort = true; $data['LEFT_MARGIN'] = $node['RIGHT_MARGIN']; $data['RIGHT_MARGIN'] = $node['RIGHT_MARGIN'] + 1; $data['DEPTH_LEVEL'] = $node['DEPTH_LEVEL'] + 1; $data['PARENT_ID'] = $node['ID']; } else { // otherwise, we assume we have "virtual root node", that has LEFT_MARGIN == 0 and RIGHT_MARGIN == +INFINITY // it allows us to have actually a forest, not a tree $rm = self::getMaxMargin(); $needResort = false; $data['LEFT_MARGIN'] = $rm > 1 ? $rm + 1 : 1; $data['RIGHT_MARGIN'] = $rm > 1 ? $rm + 2 : 2; $data['DEPTH_LEVEL'] = 1; $data['PARENT_ID'] = 0; } // process insert options: INSERT_AFTER and INSERT_BEFORE //self::processInsertInstruction($data); $addResult = parent::add($data); if($addResult->isSuccess() && $needResort && $rebalance) self::rebalance($node, $addResult->getId()); return $addResult; } protected static function rebalance($node, $id) { self::manageFreeSpace($node['RIGHT_MARGIN'], 2, self::SPACE_ADD, $id); } // we must guarantee tree integrity in any situation, so make low-level checking to prevent walking around public static function checkFields(Entity\Result $result, $primary, array $data) { parent::checkFields($result, $primary, $data); if(!($result instanceof Entity\UpdateResult)) // work out only when update() return; foreach (static::getEntity()->getFields() as $field) { if($field->getName() == 'PARENT_ID' && strlen($data['PARENT_ID'])) { //it cant be parent for itself if(intval($primary['ID']) == intval($data['PARENT_ID'])) { $result->addError(new Entity\FieldError( $field, Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_TREE_ENTITY_CANNOT_MOVE_STRAIGHT_TO_ITSELF_EXCEPTION'), Entity\FieldError::INVALID_VALUE )); } else { try { $node = self::getNodeInfo($primary['ID']); $nodeDst = self::getNodeInfo($data['PARENT_ID']); // new parent cannot belong to node subtree if($node['PARENT_ID'] != $nodeDst['ID']) { if($nodeDst['LEFT_MARGIN'] >= $node['LEFT_MARGIN'] && $nodeDst['RIGHT_MARGIN'] <= $node['RIGHT_MARGIN']) { $result->addError(new Entity\FieldError( $field, Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_TREE_ENTITY_CANNOT_MOVE_TO_ITSELF_EXCEPTION'), Entity\FieldError::INVALID_VALUE )); } } } catch(Main\SystemException $e) { } } } } } public static function update($primary, array $data) { return self::update($primary, $data); } /** * Available keys in $additional * REBALANCE - if set to true, method will rebalance tree after insertion */ public static function updateExtended($primary, array $data, array $additional = array()) { $rebalance = !isset($additional['REBALANCE']) || $additional['REBALANCE'] !== false; $node = self::getNodeInfo($primary); if(isset($data['PARENT_ID']) && !strlen($data['PARENT_ID'])) $data['PARENT_ID'] = 0; $updResult = parent::update($primary, $data); // if we have 'PARENT_ID' key in $data, and it was changed, we should relocate subtree if($updResult->isSuccess() && isset($data['PARENT_ID']) && (intval($node['PARENT_ID']) != intval($data['PARENT_ID'])) && $rebalance) self::moveSubtree($primary, $data['PARENT_ID']); return $updResult; } public static function delete($primary) { static::deleteExtended($primary); } /** * Available keys in $additional * REBALANCE - if set to true, method will rebalance tree after insertion * DELETE_SUBTREE - if set to true, only node will be deleted, and it`s subtree left unattached * @param $primary * @param array $additional * @return Entity\DeleteResult * @throws Main\SystemException * @throws Tree\NodeIncorrectException * @throws Tree\NodeNotFoundException * @throws \Exception */ public static function deleteExtended($primary, array $additional = array()) // here also could be an implementation of CHILDREN_REATTACH { $rebalance = !isset($additional['REBALANCE']) || $additional['REBALANCE'] !== false; $deleteSubtree = !isset($additional['DELETE_SUBTREE']) || $additional['DELETE_SUBTREE'] !== false; if($deleteSubtree) { // it means we want to delete not only the following node, but the whole subtree that belongs to it // note that with this option set to Y tree structure integrity will be compromised $node = self::getNodeInfo($primary); if(intval($node['ID'])) { static::checkNodeThrowException($node); // low-level Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query('delete from '.static::getTableName().' where LEFT_MARGIN > '.$node['LEFT_MARGIN'].' and RIGHT_MARGIN < '.$node['RIGHT_MARGIN']); // and also remove free spece, if needed if($rebalance) { self::manageFreeSpace( $node['RIGHT_MARGIN'], ($node['RIGHT_MARGIN'] - $node['LEFT_MARGIN']) + 1, self::SPACE_REMOVE ); } } else { throw new Tree\NodeNotFoundException(false, array('INFO' => array('ID' => $primary))); } } return parent::delete($primary); } /** * This method is for internal use only. It may be changed without any notification further, or even mystically disappear. * * @access private */ public static function getSubtreeRangeSqlForNode($primary, $node = array()) { $primary = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($primary, '$primary'); if(empty($node)) { $node = self::getNodeInfo($primary); if(!intval($node['ID'])) { throw new Tree\NodeNotFoundException(false, array('INFO' => array('ID' => $primary))); } } static::checkNodeThrowException($node); $query = new Main\Entity\Query(static::getEntity()); $query->setSelect(array('ID')); $query->setFilter(array( '>LEFT_MARGIN' => $node['LEFT_MARGIN'], '<RIGHT_MARGIN' => $node['RIGHT_MARGIN'] )); return $query->getQuery(); } public static function checkNodeIsParentOfNodeById($primary, $childPrimary, $behaviour = array('CHECK_DIRECT' => false)) { $primary = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($primary, '$primary'); $childPrimary = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($childPrimary, '$childPrimary'); return static::checkNodeIsParentOfNodeByCondition(array('=ID' => $primary), array('=ID' => $childPrimary), $behaviour); } protected static function checkNodeIsParentOfNodeByCondition($parentNodeFilter, $nodeFilter, $behaviour = array('CHECK_DIRECT' => false)) { $parent = static::getList(array('filter' => $parentNodeFilter, 'limit' => 1))->fetch(); $child = static::getList(array('filter' => $nodeFilter, 'limit' => 1))->fetch(); if(!intval($parent['ID'])) throw new Main\SystemException('Node being checked not found'); if(!intval($child['ID'])) throw new Main\SystemException('Child node not found'); if($behaviour['CHECK_DIRECT']) return $parent['ID'] == $child['PARENT_ID']; return $parent['LEFT_MARGIN'] < $child['LEFT_MARGIN'] && $parent['RIGHT_MARGIN'] > $child['RIGHT_MARGIN']; } // recalc left_margin & right_margin in the whole tree // strongly recommened to invoke only inside a transaction public static function resort($dontCareEvents = false) { $edges = array(); $nodes = array(); $res = parent::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'PARENT_ID', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN'))); while($item = $res->Fetch()) { $nodes[$item['ID']] = array( 'LEFT_MARGIN' => $item['LEFT_MARGIN'], 'RIGHT_MARGIN' => $item['RIGHT_MARGIN'] ); if(!intval($item['PARENT_ID'])) $edges['ROOT'][] = $item['ID']; else $edges[$item['PARENT_ID']][] = $item['ID']; } // walk tree in-deep to obtain correct margins self::walkTreeInDeep('ROOT', $edges, $nodes, 0, 0, $dontCareEvents); // now massively insert new values into the database, using a temporal table $tabName = 'b_sale_location_temp_'.rand(99, 9999); $entityTableName = static::getTableName(); $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $dbConnection->query("create table ".$tabName." ( ID ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int').", LEFT_MARGIN ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int').", RIGHT_MARGIN ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int').", DEPTH_LEVEL ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int')." )"); $handle = new BlockInserter(array( 'tableName' => $tabName, 'exactFields' => array( 'ID' => array('data_type' => 'integer'), 'LEFT_MARGIN' => array('data_type' => 'integer'), 'RIGHT_MARGIN' => array('data_type' => 'integer'), 'DEPTH_LEVEL' => array('data_type' => 'integer'), ), 'parameters' => array( 'mtu' => self::BLOCK_INSERT_MTU ) )); foreach($nodes as $id => $node) { $node['ID'] = $id; $handle->insert($node); } $handle->flush(); // merge temp table with location table Helper::mergeTables($entityTableName, $tabName, array( 'LEFT_MARGIN' => 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN' => 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'DEPTH_LEVEL' => 'DEPTH_LEVEL' ), array('ID' => 'ID')); $dbConnection->query("drop table {$tabName}"); } public static function getPathToNode($primary, $parameters, $behaviour = array('SHOW_LEAF' => true)) { $primary = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($primary, '$primary'); if(!is_array($behaviour)) $behaviour = array(); if(!isset($behaviour['SHOW_LEAF'])) $behaviour['SHOW_LEAF'] = true; return self::getPathToNodeByCondition(array('ID' => $primary), $parameters, $behaviour); } /** * Fetches a parent chain of a specified node * * Available keys in $behaviour * SHOW_LEAF : if set to true, return node itself in the result * * @access private */ public static function getPathToNodeByCondition($filter, $parameters = array(), $behaviour = array('SHOW_LEAF' => true)) { $filter = Assert::expectNotEmptyArray($filter, '$filter'); if(!is_array($behaviour)) $behaviour = array(); if(!isset($behaviour['SHOW_LEAF'])) $behaviour['SHOW_LEAF'] = true; if(empty($parameters)) $parameters = array(); // todo: try to do this job in a single query with join. Speed profit? $node = self::getList(array('filter' => $filter, 'limit' => 1))->fetch(); if(!isset($node['ID'])) throw new Main\SystemException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_TREE_ENTITY_NODE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION')); $parameters['filter']['<=LEFT_MARGIN'] = intval($node['LEFT_MARGIN']); $parameters['filter']['>=RIGHT_MARGIN'] = intval($node['RIGHT_MARGIN']); if(!$behaviour['SHOW_LEAF']) $parameters['filter']['!=ID'] = $node['ID']; $parameters['order'] = array( 'LEFT_MARGIN' => 'asc' ); return self::getList($parameters); } public static function getPathToMultipleNodes($nodeInfo = array(), $parameters = array(), $behaviour = array('SHOW_LEAF' => true)) { Assert::expectNotEmptyArray($nodeInfo, '$nodeInfo'); if(!is_array($behaviour)) $behaviour = array(); if(!isset($behaviour['SHOW_LEAF'])) $behaviour['SHOW_LEAF'] = true; if(empty($parameters)) $parameters = array(); if(is_array($parameters['select'])) $originSelect = $parameters['select']; else $originSelect = array(); if(is_array($parameters['order'])) throw new Main\NotSupportedException('"Order" clause is not supported here'); $parameters['order'] = array( 'LEFT_MARGIN' => 'asc' ); $parameters['select'][] = 'ID'; $parameters['select'][] = 'PARENT_ID'; $filter = array(); foreach($nodeInfo as $node) { Assert::expectNotEmptyArray($node, '$nodeInfo[]'); $node['ID'] = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($node['ID'], '$nodeInfo[][ID]'); $node['LEFT_MARGIN'] = Assert::expectIntegerNonNegative($node['LEFT_MARGIN'], '$nodeInfo[][LEFT_MARGIN]'); $node['RIGHT_MARGIN'] = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($node['RIGHT_MARGIN'], '$nodeInfo[][RIGHT_MARGIN]'); $filter[] = array( '<=LEFT_MARGIN' => intval($node['LEFT_MARGIN']), '>=RIGHT_MARGIN' => intval($node['RIGHT_MARGIN']) ); if(!$behaviour['SHOW_LEAF']) $filter['!=ID'] = $node['ID']; } $filter['LOGIC'] = 'OR'; $parameters['filter'][] = $filter; $res = self::getList($parameters); $index = array(); while($item = $res->Fetch()) { $index[$item['ID']] = array( 'NODE' => $item, 'PARENT_ID' => $item['PARENT_ID'] ); } $depthLimit = count($index); $pathes = array(); foreach($nodeInfo as $node) { $path = array(); $id = $node['ID']; $i = 0; while($id) { if($i >= $depthLimit) // there is a cycle or smth like, anyway this is abnormal situation break; if(!isset($index[$id])) // non-existing element in the chain. strange, abort break; $resultNode = $index[$id]['NODE']; if(!in_array('PARENT_ID', $originSelect)) unset($resultNode['PARENT_ID']); if(!in_array('ID', $originSelect)) unset($resultNode['ID']); $path[$id] = $resultNode; $id = intval($index[$id]['PARENT_ID']); $i++; } $pathes[$node['ID']] = array( 'ID' => $node['ID'], 'PATH' => $path ); } return new DB\ArrayResult($pathes); } public static function getDeepestCommonParent($nodeInfo = array(), $parameters = array()) { Assert::expectNotEmptyArray($nodeInfo, '$nodeInfo'); $filter = array(); $min = false; $max = false; foreach($nodeInfo as $node) { Assert::expectNotEmptyArray($node, '$nodeInfo[]'); $node['LEFT_MARGIN'] = Assert::expectIntegerNonNegative($node['LEFT_MARGIN'], '$nodeInfo[][LEFT_MARGIN]'); $node['RIGHT_MARGIN'] = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($node['RIGHT_MARGIN'], '$nodeInfo[][RIGHT_MARGIN]'); if($min === false || $node['LEFT_MARGIN'] < $min) $min = $node['LEFT_MARGIN']; if($max === false || $node['RIGHT_MARGIN'] > $max) $max = $node['RIGHT_MARGIN']; } if(empty($parameters)) $parameters = array(); if(!is_array($parameters['order'])) $parameters['order'] = array(); $parameters['filter']['<LEFT_MARGIN'] = $min; $parameters['filter']['>RIGHT_MARGIN'] = $max; $parameters['order'] = array_merge(array( 'LEFT_MARGIN' => 'desc', 'RIGHT_MARGIN' => 'asc' ), $parameters['order']); $parameters['limit'] = 1; return static::getList($parameters); } public static function getChildren($primary, $parameters = array()) { if(empty($parameters)) $parameters = array(); if($primary = intval($primary)) // here $primary might be unset: in this case we take the first level of a tree { $node = self::getNodeInfo($primary); $parameters['filter']['>=LEFT_MARGIN'] = intval($node['LEFT_MARGIN']); $parameters['filter']['<=RIGHT_MARGIN'] = intval($node['RIGHT_MARGIN']); $parameters['filter']['!=ID'] = $primary; $parameters['filter']['DEPTH_LEVEL'] = intval($node['DEPTH_LEVEL']) + 1; } else $parameters['filter']['DEPTH_LEVEL'] = 1; return self::getList($parameters); } /** * Fetches a set of items which form sub-tree of a given node */ public static function getSubTree($primary, $parameters = array()) { if(empty($parameters)) $parameters = array(); if($primary = intval($primary)) // here $primary might be unset: if so, get the whole tree { $node = self::getNodeInfo($primary); $parameters['filter']['>=LEFT_MARGIN'] = intval($node['LEFT_MARGIN']); $parameters['filter']['<=RIGHT_MARGIN'] = intval($node['RIGHT_MARGIN']); } if(!is_array($parameters['order']) || empty($parameters['order'])) $parameters['order'] = array('LEFT_MARGIN' => 'asc'); return self::getList($parameters); } /** * Fetches a chain of parents with their subtrees expanded * * Available keys in $behaviour * SHOW_CHILDREN : if set to true, do return direct ancestors of $primary in the result * START_FROM */ public static function getParentTree($primary, $parameters = array(), $behaviour = array('SHOW_CHILDREN' => true, 'START_FROM' => false)) { $primary = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($primary, '$primary'); if(!is_array($behaviour)) $behaviour = array(); if(!isset($behaviour['SHOW_CHILDREN'])) $behaviour['SHOW_CHILDREN'] = true; if(!isset($behaviour['START_FROM'])) $behaviour['START_FROM'] = false; if(empty($parameters)) $parameters = array(); $startFrom = intval($behaviour['START_FROM']); $showChildren = $behaviour['SHOW_CHILDREN']; if(!$startFrom) { $conditions[] = array( 'DEPTH_LEVEL' => 1 ); } // todo: combine (1) and (2) in one query, check perfomance change // (1) $res = self::getPathToNode($primary, array( 'select' => array('ID') )); $started = !$startFrom; while($item = $res->Fetch()) { if($item['ID'] == $startFrom) $started = true; if(!$started) continue; if(!$showChildren && $item['ID'] == $primary) continue; $conditions[] = array( 'PARENT_ID' => $item['ID'] ); } $conditions['LOGIC'] = 'OR'; $parameters['filter'][] = $conditions; if(!is_array($parameters['order']) || empty($parameters['order'])) $parameters['order'] = array('LEFT_MARGIN' => 'asc'); // (2) return self::getList($parameters); } ///////////////////////// /// PROTECTED ///////////////////////// /** * Do not call directly, only inside update() * * @param int $primary Subtree`s root id to move * @param int $primaryDst Item id to attach our subtree to * */ protected final static function moveSubtree($primary, $primaryDst) { $node = self::getNodeInfo($primary); if(!($primaryDst = intval($primaryDst))) // move to root { $rm = self::getMaxMargin(); $lDst = $rm + 1; $rDst = $rm + 2; $dDst = 0; } else { $nodeDst = self::getNodeInfo($primaryDst); $lDst = intval($nodeDst['LEFT_MARGIN']); $rDst = intval($nodeDst['RIGHT_MARGIN']); $dDst = intval($nodeDst['DEPTH_LEVEL']); } $lSub = intval($node['LEFT_MARGIN']); $rSub = intval($node['RIGHT_MARGIN']); $dSub = intval($node['DEPTH_LEVEL']); $tableName = static::getTableName(); $sql = "update ".$tableName." set DEPTH_LEVEL = case when LEFT_MARGIN between {$lSub} and {$rSub} then DEPTH_LEVEL + ".($dDst - $dSub + 1)." else DEPTH_LEVEL end, "; // DO NOT switch the column update order in the code below, it WILL NOT work correctly // subtree moves upwards along it`s path if ($lDst < $lSub && $rDst > $rSub && $dDst < ($dSub - 1)) { $sql .= " RIGHT_MARGIN = case when RIGHT_MARGIN between ".($rSub + 1)." and ".($rDst - 1)." then RIGHT_MARGIN - ".($rSub - $lSub + 1)." when LEFT_MARGIN between ".$lSub." and ".$rSub." then RIGHT_MARGIN + ".((($rDst - $rSub - $dSub + $dDst) / 2) * 2 + $dSub - $dDst - 1)." else RIGHT_MARGIN end, LEFT_MARGIN = case when LEFT_MARGIN between ".($rSub + 1)." and ".($rDst - 1)." then LEFT_MARGIN - ".($rSub - $lSub + 1)." when LEFT_MARGIN between ".$lSub." and ".$rSub." then LEFT_MARGIN + ".((($rDst - $rSub - $dSub + $dDst) / 2) * 2 + $dSub - $dDst - 1)." else LEFT_MARGIN end where LEFT_MARGIN between ".($lDst + 1)." and ".($rDst - 1); } elseif($lDst < $lSub) // subtree moves to the left of it`s path (to the left branch) { $sql .= " LEFT_MARGIN = case when LEFT_MARGIN between ".$rDst." and ".($lSub-1)." then LEFT_MARGIN + ".($rSub - $lSub + 1)." when LEFT_MARGIN between ".$lSub." and ".$rSub." then LEFT_MARGIN - ".($lSub - $rDst)." else LEFT_MARGIN end, RIGHT_MARGIN = case when RIGHT_MARGIN between ".$rDst." and ".$lSub." then RIGHT_MARGIN + ".($rSub - $lSub + 1)." when RIGHT_MARGIN between ".$lSub." and ".$rSub." then RIGHT_MARGIN - ".($lSub - $rDst)." else RIGHT_MARGIN end where LEFT_MARGIN between ".$lDst." and ".$rSub." or RIGHT_MARGIN between ".$lDst." and ".$rSub; } else // subtree moves to the right of it`s path (to the right branch) { $sql .= " LEFT_MARGIN = case when LEFT_MARGIN between ".$rSub." and ".$rDst." then LEFT_MARGIN - ".($rSub - $lSub + 1)." when LEFT_MARGIN between ".$lSub." and ".$rSub." then LEFT_MARGIN + ".($rDst - $rSub - 1)." else LEFT_MARGIN end, RIGHT_MARGIN = case when RIGHT_MARGIN between ".($rSub + 1)." and ".($rDst - 1)." then RIGHT_MARGIN - ".($rSub - $lSub + 1)." when RIGHT_MARGIN between ".$lSub." and ".$rSub." then RIGHT_MARGIN + ".($rDst - $rSub - 1)." else RIGHT_MARGIN end where LEFT_MARGIN between ".$lSub." and ".$rDst." or RIGHT_MARGIN between ".$lSub." and ".$rDst; } Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query($sql); } protected final static function processInsertInstruction(&$data) { $data['INSERT_AFTER'] = intval($data['INSERT_AFTER']); $data['INSERT_BEFORE'] = intval($data['INSERT_BEFORE']); if($data['INSERT_AFTER'] || $data['INSERT_BEFORE']) { $neighbourId = $data['INSERT_BEFORE'] ? $data['INSERT_BEFORE'] : $data['INSERT_AFTER']; $sort = self::makeSortSpace( $neighbourId, ($data['INSERT_BEFORE'] ? self::SORT_FREE_BEFORE : self::SORT_FREE_AFTER), $data['PARENT_ID'], isset($data['SORT']) ? $data['SORT'] : false ); unset($data['INSERT_AFTER']); unset($data['INSERT_BEFORE']); if($sort != false) $data['SORT'] = $sort; } } protected final static function manageFreeSpace($right, $length = 2, $op = self::SPACE_ADD, $exceptId = false) { if($length <= 1 || $right <= 0) return; // LEFT_MARGIN & RIGHT_MARGIN are system fields, user should not know about them ever, so no orm events needed to be fired on update of them $sign = $op == self::SPACE_ADD ? '+' : '-'; $tableName = static::getTableName(); $exceptId = intval($exceptId); $query = "update {$tableName} set LEFT_MARGIN = case when LEFT_MARGIN > {$right} then LEFT_MARGIN {$sign} {$length} else LEFT_MARGIN end, RIGHT_MARGIN = case when RIGHT_MARGIN >= {$right} then RIGHT_MARGIN {$sign} {$length} else RIGHT_MARGIN end where RIGHT_MARGIN >= {$right}".($exceptId ? " and ID <> {$exceptId}" : ""); $shifted = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query($query); if(!$shifted) throw new Main\SystemException('Query failed: managing free space in a tree', 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); // SaleTreeSystemException } // act in assumption sort field is always defined for each node and also it`s value positive signed protected final static function makeSortSpace($primary, $direction = self::SORT_FREE_AFTER, $primaryParent, $knownSort = false) { $primary = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($primary, '$primary'); $primaryParent = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($primary, '$primaryParent'); $nodeFound = false; $sorts = array(); $nextNodeId = false; $prevNodeId = false; $prev = false; $res = self::getChildren($primaryParent, array('select' => array('ID', 'SORT', 'CODE'), 'order' => array('SORT' => 'asc'))); while($item = $res->Fetch()) { if($nodeFound && !$nextNodeId) $nextNodeId = $item['ID']; if($item['ID'] == $primary) { $nodeFound = true; $prevNodeId = $prev; } $sorts[$item['ID']] = $item['SORT']; $prev = $item['ID']; } // no node exists or they are not neighbours if(!$nodeFound) return false; // add extra items if(!$prevNodeId) { $sorts = array('FH' => 0) + $sorts; $prevNodeId = 'FH'; } if(!$nextNodeId) { $sorts['FT'] = PHP_INT_MAX; $nextNodeId = 'FT'; } // handle some obvious situations if($direction == self::SORT_FREE_BEFORE) { if($knownSort && ($knownSort < $sorts[$prevNodeId]) && ($knownSort < $sorts[$primary])) return $knownSort; // its okay, current sort fits // inequation above is not true, but there is free space between nodes if($sorts[$primary] - $sorts[$prevNodeId] > 1) return $sorts[$prevNodeId] + 1; $startShift = $primary; $return = $sorts[$prevNodeId] + self::SORT_HOLE_SIZE_HALF; } else { if($knownSort && ($knownSort < $sorts[$primary]) && ($knownSort < $sorts[$nextNodeId])) return $knownSort; // its okay, current sort fits // inequation above is not true, but there is free space between nodes if($sorts[$nextNodeId] - $sorts[$primary] > 1) return $sorts[$primary] + 1; $startShift = $nextNodeId; $return = $sorts[$primary] + self::SORT_HOLE_SIZE_HALF; } // .. or else we forced to make a hole $begin = false; $shift = $sorts[$startShift] + self::SORT_HOLE_SIZE; foreach($sorts as $id => $sVal) { if($id == $startShift) $begin = true; if($begin && $sVal <= $shift) { $shift = $sVal + self::SORT_HOLE_SIZE; parent::update($id, array('SORT' => $shift)); } } return $return; } // in-deep tree walk protected final static function walkTreeInDeep($primary, $edges, &$nodes, $margin, $depth = 0, $dontCareEvents = false) { $lMargin = $margin; if(empty($edges[$primary])) $rMargin = $margin + 1; else { $offset = $margin + 1; foreach($edges[$primary] as $sNode) $offset = self::walkTreeInDeep($sNode, $edges, $nodes, $offset, $depth+1, $dontCareEvents); $rMargin = $offset; } // update ! if($primary != 'ROOT') { $nodes[$primary]['LEFT_MARGIN'] = intval($lMargin); $nodes[$primary]['RIGHT_MARGIN'] = intval($rMargin); $nodes[$primary]['DEPTH_LEVEL'] = $depth; } return $rMargin + 1; } protected static function applyRestrictions(&$data) { unset($data['LEFT_MARGIN']); unset($data['RIGHT_MARGIN']); unset($data['DEPTH_LEVEL']); } protected static function getNodeInfo($primary) { $primary = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($primary, '$primary'); $node = self::getById($primary)->fetch(); if(!isset($node['ID'])) { throw new Main\SystemException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_TREE_ENTITY_NODE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION')); } return $node; } protected static function getMaxMargin() { $tableName = static::getTableName(); // todo: write it in orm way $res = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query("select A.RIGHT_MARGIN from {$tableName} A order by A.RIGHT_MARGIN desc")->fetch(); return intval($res['RIGHT_MARGIN']); } public static function mergeRelationsFromTemporalTable($temporalTabName, $additinalFlds = array(), $fldMap = array()) { $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $dbHelper = $dbConnection->getSqlHelper(); $temporalTabName = Assert::expectStringNotNull($temporalTabName, false, 'Name of temporal table must be a non-zero length string'); $temporalTabName = $dbHelper->forSql($temporalTabName); $entityTableName = static::getTableName(); if(!is_array($additinalFlds)) $additinalFlds = array(); $additinalFlds = array_merge(array('LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'DEPTH_LEVEL'), $additinalFlds); $fldReplace = array(); foreach($additinalFlds as &$fld) { $fld = $dbHelper->forSql($fld); $fldReplace[$fld] = is_array($fldMap) && isset($fldMap[$fld]) ? $dbHelper->forSql($fldMap[$fld]) : $fld; } $idReplace = is_array($fldMap) && isset($fldMap['ID']) ? $dbHelper->forSql($fldMap['ID']) : 'ID'; if($dbConnection->getType() == 'mysql') { $sql = 'update '.$entityTableName.', '.$temporalTabName.' set '; $additFldCnt = count($additinalFlds); for($i = 0; $i < $additFldCnt; $i++) { $sql .= $entityTableName.'.'.$additinalFlds[$i].' = '.$temporalTabName.'.'.$fldReplace[$additinalFlds[$i]].($i == count($additinalFlds) - 1 ? '' : ', '); } $sql .= ' where '.$entityTableName.'.ID = '.$temporalTabName.'.'.$idReplace; } elseif($dbConnection->getType() == 'mssql') { $sql = 'update '.$entityTableName.' set '; $additFldCnt = count($additinalFlds); for($i = 0; $i < $additFldCnt; $i++) { $sql .= $additinalFlds[$i].' = '.$temporalTabName.'.'.$fldReplace[$additinalFlds[$i]].($i == count($additinalFlds) - 1 ? '' : ', '); } $sql .= ' from '.$entityTableName.' join '.$temporalTabName.' on '.$entityTableName.'.ID = '.$temporalTabName.'.'.$idReplace; } elseif($dbConnection->getType() == 'oracle') { // update tab1 set (aa,bb) = (select aa,bb from tab2 where tab2.id = tab1.id) $sql = 'update '.$entityTableName.' set ('. implode(', ', $additinalFlds). ') = (select '. implode(', ', $fldReplace). ' from '.$temporalTabName.' where '.$entityTableName.'.ID = '.$temporalTabName.'.'.$idReplace.')'; } $dbConnection->query($sql); } public static function getCountByFilter($filter = array()) { $params = array( 'runtime' => array( 'CNT' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array('COUNT(*)') ) ), 'select' => array('CNT') ); if(is_array($filter)) $params['filter'] = $filter; $res = static::getList($params)->fetch(); return intval($res['CNT']); } protected static function checkNodeThrowException($node) { // left margin MAY be equal to zero, right margin MAY NOT if(!is_numeric($node['LEFT_MARGIN']) || (int) $node['LEFT_MARGIN'] < 0 || !intval($node['RIGHT_MARGIN']) || !intval($node['ID'])) { throw new Tree\NodeIncorrectException( false, array( 'INFO' => array( 'ID' => $node['ID'], 'CODE' => $node['CODE'], 'LEFT_MARGIN' => $node['LEFT_MARGIN'], 'RIGHT_MARGIN' => $node['RIGHT_MARGIN'] ))); } } // deprecated protected static function checkNodeIsParentOfNodeByFilters($parentNodeFilter, $nodeFilter, $behaviour = array('CHECK_DIRECT' => false)) { return static::checkNodeIsParentOfNodeByCondition($parentNodeFilter, $nodeFilter, $behaviour); } }