Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/tradingplatform/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/tradingplatform/helper.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform; use Bitrix\Main\Entity\EventResult; use Bitrix\Main\SiteTable; use Bitrix\Main\SystemException; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException; use Bitrix\Sale\Internals\OrderPropsTable; use Bitrix\Sale\Internals\StatusLangTable; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class Helper * Collections of different useful static methods. * @package Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform */ class Helper { /** * Wraps Product Provider Class::GetProductData from module catalog. * @param int $productId Product Id. * @param int $quantity Product quantity. * @param string $siteId Site id. * @return array. * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ static $arIBlockIDs; public static function getProductById($productId, $quantity, $siteId) { $result = array(); if(\CModule::IncludeModule('catalog')) { //TODO: change to new provider if ($productProvider = \CSaleBasket::GetProductProvider(array( "MODULE" => "catalog", "PRODUCT_PROVIDER_CLASS" => "CCatalogProductProvider")) ) { global $USER; $bTmpUserCreated = false; if (!\CCatalog::IsUserExists()) { $bTmpUserCreated = true; if (isset($USER)) { $USER_TMP = $USER; unset($USER); } $USER = new \CUser(); } $result = $productProvider::GetProductData(array( "PRODUCT_ID" => $productId, "RENEWAL" => "N", "QUANTITY" => $quantity, "SITE_ID" => $siteId )); $result["MODULE"] = "catalog"; $result["PRODUCT_PROVIDER_CLASS"] = "CCatalogProductProvider"; $dbIblockElement = \CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $productId), false, false, array('XML_ID', 'IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID')); if($IblockElement = $dbIblockElement->Fetch()) { if(strlen($IblockElement["XML_ID"]) > 0) $result["PRODUCT_XML_ID"] = $IblockElement["XML_ID"]; if(strlen($IblockElement["IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID"]) > 0) $result["CATALOG_XML_ID"] = $IblockElement["IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID"]; } if ($bTmpUserCreated) { unset($USER); if (isset($USER_TMP)) { $USER = $USER_TMP; unset($USER_TMP); } } } } else { throw new \Bitrix\Main\SystemException("Can't include module \"Catalog\"!"); } return $result; } /** * @param string $siteId Site id. * @return array List of person types for given site. */ public static function getPersonTypesList($siteId) { $dbResultList = \CSalePersonType::GetList( "NAME", "ASC", array( "LID" => $siteId, "ACTIVE" => "Y" ) ); $arPersonTypes = array(); while ($arPT = $dbResultList->Fetch()) $arPersonTypes[$arPT['ID']] = $arPT['NAME']; return $arPersonTypes; } /** * @param string $siteId Site id. * @return array List of diliveries for given site. */ public static function getDeliveryList($siteId) { $arDeliveryFilter = array( "LID" => $siteId, "ACTIVE" => "Y" ); $dbDeliveryList = \CSaleDelivery::GetList( array("NAME" => "ASC"), $arDeliveryFilter, false, false, array("ID", "NAME") ); $arDeliveryList=array(); while ($arDelivery = $dbDeliveryList->Fetch()) $arDeliveryList[$arDelivery["ID"]] = $arDelivery["NAME"]; return $arDeliveryList; } /** * @param int $personTypeId Person type Id. * @return array Orders properties. */ public static function getOrderPropsList($personTypeId) { if(intval($personTypeId) <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException('personTypeId'); $res = OrderPropsTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array('=PERSON_TYPE_ID' => $personTypeId), 'order' => array('SORT' => 'ASC', 'NAME' => 'ASC'), 'select' => array('ID', 'CODE', 'NAME') )); return $res->fetchAll(); } /** * @return array List of properties wich required for order creation. */ public static function getRequiredOrderProps() { return array( "FIO", "EMAIL", "PHONE", "ZIP", "CITY", "ADDRESS", ); } /** * @param string $selectName Name of input element. * @param string $psIdValue Selected value. * @param int $personTypeId Person type Id. * @return string html element <select>...</select> */ public static function makeSelectorFromPaySystems($selectName, $psIdValue, $personTypeId) { static $arPaySystems = array(); if(!isset($arPaySystems[$personTypeId])) { $arPaySystems[$personTypeId] = array(); $dbResultList = \CSalePaySystem::GetList( array("NAME" => "ASC"), array( "ACTIVE" => "Y", "PSA_PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $personTypeId, ), false, false, array("ID", "NAME") ); while($arPS = $dbResultList->Fetch()) $arPaySystems[$personTypeId][$arPS['ID']] = $arPS['NAME']; } $result = '<select name="'.$selectName.'">'. '<option value="">'.Loc::getMessage("SALE_EBAY_HLP_NOT_USE").'</option>'; foreach ($arPaySystems[$personTypeId] as $psId => $psName) { $result.= '<option value="'. $psId.'"'. ($psIdValue == $psId ? ' selected ': '').'>'. htmlspecialcharsbx($psName). '</option>'; } $result .= '</select>'; return $result; } /** * @param string $name Name of select. * @param array $data to use in select, * @param string $selected Selected value. * @param bool $bShowNotUse Show or not empty value. * @return string Html select element <select>....</select> */ public static function getSelectHtml($name, array $data, $selected = "", $bShowNotUse = true) { if(!is_array($data) || empty($data)) return ""; $result = '<select name="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($name).'">'; if($bShowNotUse) $result .= '<option value="">'.GetMessage("SALE_YM_NOT_USE").'</option>'; foreach($data as $value => $title) $result .= '<option value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'"'.($selected == $value ? " selected" : "").'>'.htmlspecialcharsbx($title).'</option>'; $result .= '</select>'; return $result; } /** * @param array $params * @return array Additional order properties. */ public static function makeAdditionalOrderProps(array $params) { $psId = intval($params["PAY_SYSTEM"]); $result = array(); $arPropFilter = array( "PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $params["PERSON_TYPE"], "ACTIVE" => "Y" ); if ($psId != 0) { $arPropFilter["RELATED"]["PAYSYSTEM_ID"] = $psId; $arPropFilter["RELATED"]["TYPE"] = "WITH_NOT_RELATED"; } if (strlen($params["DELIVERY"]) > 0) { $arPropFilter["RELATED"]["DELIVERY_ID"] = $params["DELIVERY"]; $arPropFilter["RELATED"]["TYPE"] = "WITH_NOT_RELATED"; } $dbOrderProps = \CSaleOrderProps::GetList( array(), $arPropFilter, false, false, array("ID", "CODE") ); while ($arOrderProps = $dbOrderProps->Fetch()) { foreach (self::getOrderProps() as $prop) { if ($arOrderProps["CODE"] == $params["ORDER_PROPS_MAP"][$prop] && isset($params[$prop])) $result[$arOrderProps["ID"]] = $params[$prop]; } } return $result; } /** * @return array Order's statuses & flags. */ public static function getBitrixStatuses($siteId) { $result = array( "CANCELED" => Loc::getMessage("SALE_EBAY_HLP_FLAG_CANCELED"), "ALLOW_DELIVERY" => Loc::getMessage("SALE_EBAY_HLP_FLAG_DELIVERY"), "PAYED" => Loc::getMessage("SALE_EBAY_HLP_FLAG_PAYED"), "DEDUCTED" => Loc::getMessage("SALE_EBAY_HLP_FLAG_DEDUCTED"), ); if (strlen($siteId) <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("siteId"); $dbRes = SiteTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'LID' => $siteId, ), 'select' => array("LANGUAGE_ID"), )); if ($site = $dbRes->fetch()) $langId = $site["LANGUAGE_ID"]; else throw new SystemException("Site with id: \"" . $siteId . "\" not found!"); $dbRes = StatusLangTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'LID' => $langId, 'STATUS.TYPE' => 'O', ), 'order' => array( "STATUS.SORT" => "ASC", "NAME" => "ASC", ), 'select' => array( "ID" => "STATUS.ID", "NAME", ), )); while ($row = $dbRes->fetch()) $result[$row['ID']] = Loc::getMessage("SALE_EBAY_HLP_STATUS") . " " . $row['NAME'] . ' [' . $row['ID'] . ']'; return $result; } /** * @param string $selectName Name of select. * @param int $iblockId Iblock Id. * @param int $bitrixCategoryId Iblock section Id. * @param string $value Selected value. * @return string Html element <select>.... */ public static function getBitrixCategoryPropsHtml($selectName, $iblockId, $bitrixCategoryId = 0, $value = '') { $catProps = self::getPropertiesList($iblockId, $bitrixCategoryId); $resultHtml = ' <select name="' . $selectName . '"> <option value=""></option> <option value="">------------------</option> <option value="">' . Loc::getMessage("SALE_EBAY_HLP_CATEGORY_PROPS") . '</option> <option value="">------------------</option>'; foreach ($catProps as $propId => $prop) $resultHtml .= '<option value="' . $propId . '"' . ($value == $propId ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialcharsbx($prop["NAME"]) . '</option>'; $arOffers = \CCatalogSKU::GetInfoByProductIBlock($iblockId); if ($arOffers) { $catProps2 = self::getPropertiesList($arOffers["IBLOCK_ID"], $bitrixCategoryId); $resultHtml .= ' <option value="">------------------</option> <option value="">' . Loc::getMessage("SALE_EBAY_HLP_OFFERS_PROPS") . '</option> <option value="">------------------</option> '; foreach ($catProps2 as $propId => $prop) $resultHtml .= '<option value="' . $propId . '"' . ($value == $propId ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialcharsbx($prop["NAME"]) . '</option>'; } $resultHtml .= ' </select>'; return $resultHtml; } /** * @param int $iblockId Iblock Id. * @param int $sectionId Section Id. * @return array Iblock properties list. */ public static function getPropertiesList($iblockId, $sectionId = 0) { $result = \CIBlockSectionPropertyLink::GetArray($iblockId, $sectionId); $rsProps = \CIBlockProperty::GetList(array( "SORT" => "ASC", 'ID' => 'ASC', ), array( "IBLOCK_ID" => $iblockId, "CHECK_PERMISSIONS" => "N", "ACTIVE" => "Y", )); while ($arProp = $rsProps->Fetch()) if (isset($result[$arProp["ID"]])) $result[$arProp["ID"]]["NAME"] = $arProp["NAME"]; return $result; } public function notifyNewOrder($newOrderId, $siteId, $buyerEmail = "", $buyerFio = "") { if (strlen($newOrderId) <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("newOrderId"); if (strlen($siteId) <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("siteId"); global $DB; $strOrderList = ""; $baseLangCurrency = \CSaleLang::GetLangCurrency($siteId); $orderNew = \CSaleOrder::GetByID($newOrderId); $orderNew["BASKET_ITEMS"] = array(); $dbBasketTmp = \CSaleBasket::GetList( array("SET_PARENT_ID" => "DESC", "TYPE" => "DESC", "NAME" => "ASC"), array("ORDER_ID" => $newOrderId), false, false, array( "ID", "PRICE", "QUANTITY", "NAME", ) ); while ($arBasketTmp = $dbBasketTmp->GetNext()) $orderNew["BASKET_ITEMS"][] = $arBasketTmp; $orderNew["BASKET_ITEMS"] = getMeasures($orderNew["BASKET_ITEMS"]); foreach ($orderNew["BASKET_ITEMS"] as $val) { if (\CSaleBasketHelper::isSetItem($val)) continue; $measure = (isset($val["MEASURE_TEXT"])) ? $val["MEASURE_TEXT"] : GetMessage("SALE_YMH_SHT"); $strOrderList .= $val["NAME"] . " - " . $val["QUANTITY"] . " " . $measure . " x " . SaleFormatCurrency($val["PRICE"], $baseLangCurrency); $strOrderList .= "</br>"; } //send mail $arFields = array( "ORDER_ID" => $orderNew["ACCOUNT_NUMBER"], "ORDER_DATE" => Date($DB->DateFormatToPHP(\CLang::GetDateFormat("SHORT", $siteId))), "ORDER_USER" => $buyerFio, "PRICE" => SaleFormatCurrency($orderNew["PRICE"], $baseLangCurrency), "BCC" => \COption::GetOptionString("sale", "order_email", "order@" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), "EMAIL_TO" => array("PAYER_NAME" => $buyerFio, "USER_EMAIL" => $buyerEmail), "ORDER_LIST" => $strOrderList, "SALE_EMAIL" => \COption::GetOptionString("sale", "order_email", "order@" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), "DELIVERY_PRICE" => $orderNew["DELIVERY_PRICE"], ); $eventName = "SALE_NEW_ORDER"; $bSend = true; foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnOrderNewSendEmail", true) as $arEvent) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($newOrderId, &$eventName, &$arFields)) === false) $bSend = false; $emailSendRes = false; if ($bSend) { $event = new \CEvent; $emailSendRes = $event->Send($eventName, $siteId, $arFields, "N"); } $pushSendResult = \CSaleMobileOrderPush::send("ORDER_CREATED", array("ORDER" => $orderNew)); return $emailSendRes && $pushSendResult; } public static function onAfterUpdateShipment(\Bitrix\Main\Event $event) { $result = new EventResult(); $data = $event->getParameter('fields'); if (!isset($data["TRACKING_NUMBER"]) && !isset($data["DELIVERY_NAME"])) return $result; $primary = $event->getParameter('id'); $dbRes = OrderTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( '*', 'SITE_ID' => 'ORDER.LID', 'TRADING_PLATFORM_CODE' => 'TRADING_PLATFORM.CODE', 'TRADING_PLATFORM_CLASS' => 'TRADING_PLATFORM.CLASS', 'DELIVERY_NAME' => 'SHIPMENT.DELIVERY.NAME', 'DELIVERY_ID' => 'SHIPMENT.DELIVERY_ID', 'TRACKING_NUMBER' => 'SHIPMENT.TRACKING_NUMBER', ), 'filter' => array( '=SHIPMENT.ID' => $primary['ID'], ), 'runtime' => array( 'SHIPMENT' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Internals\ShipmentTable', 'reference' => array( '=this.ORDER_ID' => 'ref.ORDER_ID', ), ), ), )); if ($platformOrder = $dbRes->fetch()) { if (class_exists($platformOrder['TRADING_PLATFORM_CLASS']) && is_subclass_of($platformOrder['TRADING_PLATFORM_CLASS'], '\Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Platform')) { if ($platform = call_user_func($platformOrder['TRADING_PLATFORM_CLASS'] . '::getInstance')) { $result = $platform->onAfterUpdateShipment( $event, array_merge( $platformOrder, array( 'TRACKING_NUMBER' => isset($data["TRACKING_NUMBER"]) ? $data["TRACKING_NUMBER"] : $platformOrder["TRACKING_NUMBER"], 'DELIVERY_NAME' => isset($data["DELIVERY_NAME"]) ? $data["DELIVERY_NAME"] : $platformOrder["DELIVERY_NAME"], 'DELIVERY_ID' => isset($data["DELIVERY_ID"]) ? $data["DELIVERY_ID"] : $platformOrder["DELIVERY_ID"], ) ) ); } } } return $result; } public static function getIblocksIds($withSku = false) { if (!\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('catalog')) throw new SystemException('Module catalog is not installed'); // save result in STATIC - for multiple used if (!isset(self::$arIBlockIDs)) { self::$arIBlockIDs = array(); // get CATALOG IBLOCKS from SKU iblocks $rsCatalogs = \CCatalog::GetList( array(), array('!PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID' => 0), false, false, array('IBLOCK_ID', 'PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID', 'NAME') ); while ($arCatalog = $rsCatalogs->Fetch()) { $arCatalog['PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID'] = intval($arCatalog['PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID']); if (0 < $arCatalog['PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID']) self::$arIBlockIDs[$arCatalog['PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID']] = array( "IBLOCK_ID" => $arCatalog['PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID'], "NAME" => '', ); // get SKU IBLOCKS if needed if ($withSku) { $arCatalog['IBLOCK_ID'] = intval($arCatalog['IBLOCK_ID']); if (0 < $arCatalog['IBLOCK_ID']) self::$arIBlockIDs[$arCatalog['IBLOCK_ID']] = array( "IBLOCK_ID" => $arCatalog['IBLOCK_ID'], "NAME" => $arCatalog['NAME'], ); } } // get CATALOG IBLOCKS $rsCatalogs = \CCatalog::GetList( array(), array('PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID' => 0), false, false, array('IBLOCK_ID', 'NAME') ); while ($arCatalog = $rsCatalogs->Fetch()) { $arCatalog['IBLOCK_ID'] = intval($arCatalog['IBLOCK_ID']); if (0 < $arCatalog['IBLOCK_ID']) self::$arIBlockIDs[$arCatalog['IBLOCK_ID']] = array( "IBLOCK_ID" => $arCatalog['IBLOCK_ID'], "NAME" => $arCatalog['NAME'], ); } if (empty(self::$arIBlockIDs)) self::$arIBlockIDs[-1] = true; } return self::$arIBlockIDs; } public static function getDefaultFeedIntervals() { return array( "PRODUCT" => 30, //in MINUTES "INVENTORY" => 30, //in MINUTES "IMAGE" => 30, //in MINUTES "ORDER" => 30, //in MINUTES "ORDER_ACK" => 15, //in MINUTES "SHIPMENT" => 30, //in MINUTES "PRODUCTS" => 24, //in HOURS "ALBUMS" => 24, //in HOURS "ALL" => 24 //in HOURS ); } }