Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/tradingplatform/vk/api/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/tradingplatform/vk/api/apihelper.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Vk\Api; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException; use Bitrix\Main\SystemException; use Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient; use Bitrix\Main\Web\Json; use Bitrix\Main\IO; use Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Timer; use Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Vk\Logger; use Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Vk\Vk; use Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\TimeIsOverException; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class ApiHelper - formatted and run requests to VK Api. Provide utility functions for help. * @package Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Vk\Api */ class ApiHelper { private $vk; private $api; private $executer; private $exportId; private $logger; /** * ApiHelper constructor. * @param $exportId - int, ID of export profile */ public function __construct($exportId) { if (empty($exportId)) throw new ArgumentNullException('exportId'); $this->exportId = $exportId; $this->vk = Vk::getInstance(); $this->api = $this->vk->getApi($exportId); $this->executer = $this->vk->getExecuter($exportId); $this->logger = new Logger($this->exportId); } /** * Extract specified elements from array. Need to decrease of array size to post * * @param array $data - source array * @param array $keys - array of keys, thst needed in new array * @return array - array of extracted items */ public static function extractItemsFromArray($data = array(), $keys = array()) { if (!isset($keys) || empty($keys)) return $data; $newArr = array(); foreach ($data as $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { $newArr[] = $value; } else { $currArr = array(); foreach ($keys as $k) { $currArr[$k] = $value[$k]; } $newArr[] = $currArr; } } return $newArr; } /** * Merge to arrays by reference key * * @param array $data * @param array $result * @param $referenceKey - main key in both arrays * @return array */ public static function addResultToData($data = array(), $result = array(), $referenceKey) { if (empty($result) || !isset($referenceKey)) return $data; foreach ($result as $item) { if (isset($data[$item[$referenceKey]])) $data[$item[$referenceKey]] += $item; } return $data; } /** * Reformat array - change main (top level) key. * * @param array $data * @param $mainKey * @param string $keyRename - if isset, new main key will be rename * @return array */ public static function changeArrayMainKey($data = array(), $mainKey, $keyRename = '') { if (!isset($mainKey)) return $data; $result = array(); foreach ($data as $item) { $result[$item[$mainKey]] = $item; if ($keyRename) { $result[$item[$mainKey]][$keyRename] = $result[$item[$mainKey]][$mainKey]; unset($result[$item[$mainKey]][$mainKey]); } } return $result; } /** * Check photo size, get upload server, upload photo and save them * * @param $data * @param $vkGroupId * @param $uploadType - type of photo. For other types used other params and methods * @param null $timer - timer for control time of upload * @return array - array of save photos results * @throws SystemException */ public function uploadPhotos($data, $vkGroupId, $uploadType, Timer $timer = NULL) { // todo: this is a little kostyl. In cool variant we must separately do http-upload, // todo: and photo save run through execute method // todo: but now VK can't run savePhotoMethod through execute. Sadness (( // PARAMS set $photoSaveResults = array(); switch ($uploadType) { case 'PRODUCT_MAIN_PHOTO': $uploadServerMethod = 'photos.getMarketUploadServer'; $saveMethod = 'photos.saveMarketPhoto'; $keyReference = 'BX_ID'; $keyPhotoVk = 'PHOTO_MAIN_VK_ID'; $keyPhotoBx = 'PHOTO_MAIN_BX_ID'; break; case 'PRODUCT_PHOTOS': $uploadServerMethod = 'photos.getMarketUploadServer'; $saveMethod = 'photos.saveMarketPhoto'; $keyReference = 'PHOTO_BX_ID'; $keyPhotoVk = 'PHOTO_VK_ID'; $keyPhotoBx = 'PHOTO_BX_ID'; break; case 'ALBUM_PHOTO': $uploadServerMethod = 'photos.getMarketAlbumUploadServer'; $saveMethod = 'photos.saveMarketAlbumPhoto'; $keyReference = 'SECTION_ID'; $keyPhotoVk = 'PHOTO_VK_ID'; $keyPhotoBx = 'PHOTO_BX_ID'; break; default: throw new SystemException("Wrong photo upload type"); break; } // PROCESSED foreach ($data as $item) { // check EXISTING photo if (!array_key_exists($keyPhotoBx, $item) || empty($item[$keyPhotoBx])) continue; // GET upload server by type $getServerParams = array("group_id" => str_replace("-", "", $vkGroupId)); if ($uploadType == 'PRODUCT_MAIN_PHOTO') $getServerParams += self::setUploadServerMainPhotoParams($item[$keyPhotoBx]); $uploadServer = $this->api->run($uploadServerMethod, $getServerParams); // todo: may be this error in upload server response $this->logger->addLog("Get photo upload server", [ 'PARAMS' => $getServerParams, 'RESULT' => $uploadServer, ]); $uploadServer = $uploadServer["upload_url"]; // UPLOAD photo by http $this->logger->addLog("Upload photo HTTP before", array( "UPLOAD_TYPE" => $uploadType, "ITEM" => array_key_exists("BX_ID", $item) ? $item["BX_ID"].': '.$item["NAME"] : $item["SECTION_ID"].': '.$item["TITLE"], "PHOTO_BX_ID" => array_key_exists("PHOTO_MAIN_BX_ID", $item) ? $item["PHOTO_MAIN_BX_ID"] : $item["PHOTO_BX_ID"], "PHOTO_URL" => array_key_exists("PHOTO_MAIN_URL", $item) ? $item["PHOTO_MAIN_URL"] : $item["PHOTO_URL"], "PHOTOS" => $item["PHOTOS"] //only for products )); $responseHttp = $this->uploadPhotoHttp($item, $uploadServer, $uploadType, $timer); $responseHttp = Json::decode($responseHttp); // SAVE upload result $photoSaveParams = array( "group_id" => str_replace('-', '', $vkGroupId), "photo" => $responseHttp["photo"], "server" => $responseHttp["server"], "hash" => $responseHttp["hash"], ); // for product photo we need more params if ($saveMethod == "photos.saveMarketPhoto") { if (isset($responseHttp["crop_hash"]) && $responseHttp["crop_hash"]) $photoSaveParams["crop_hash"] = $responseHttp["crop_hash"]; if (isset($responseHttp["crop_data"]) && $responseHttp["crop_data"]) $photoSaveParams["crop_data"] = $responseHttp["crop_data"]; } $responsePhotoSave = $this->api->run($saveMethod, $photoSaveParams); // RESULT $photoSaveResults[] = array( $keyReference => $item[$keyReference], $keyPhotoVk => $responsePhotoSave[0]["id"], ); // todo: photo mapping. po odnomu, navernoe, ved timer } return $photoSaveResults; } /** * Formatted params and run http-upload process * * @param $data * @param $uploadServer * @param $uploadType * @param null $timer * @return bool|string * @throws SystemException * @throws TimeIsOverException */ private function uploadPhotoHttp($data, $uploadServer, $uploadType, Timer $timer = NULL) { switch ($uploadType) { case 'ALBUM_PHOTO': $postParams = array( "url" => $data["PHOTO_URL"], "filename" => IO\Path::getName($data["PHOTO_URL"]), "param_name" => 'file', "timer" => $timer, ); break; case 'PRODUCT_MAIN_PHOTO': $postParams = array( "url" => $data["PHOTO_MAIN_URL"], "filename" => IO\Path::getName($data["PHOTO_MAIN_URL"]), "param_name" => 'file', "timer" => $timer, ); break; case 'PRODUCT_PHOTOS': $postParams = array( "url" => $data["PHOTO_URL"], "filename" => IO\Path::getName($data["PHOTO_URL"]), "param_name" => 'file', "timer" => $timer, ); break; default: throw new SystemException("Wrong upload type"); break; } return $this->uploadHttp($uploadServer, $postParams); } /** * Execute http requst * * @param $uploadServer * @param $params * @return bool|string - result of http request * @throws TimeIsOverException */ private function uploadHttp($uploadServer, $params) { $http = new HttpClient(); $boundary = md5(rand() . time()); $file = $http->get($params["url"]); $data = ''; $data .= '--' . $boundary . "\r\n"; $data .= 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' . $params["param_name"] . '"; filename="' . $params["filename"] . '"' . "\r\n"; $data .= 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' . "\r\n\r\n"; $data .= $file . "\r\n"; $data .= '--' . $boundary . "--\r\n"; $http->setHeader('Content-type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' . $boundary); $http->setHeader('Content-length', \Bitrix\Main\Text\BinaryString::getLength($data)); $this->logger->addLog("Upload photo HTTP params", [ 'SERVER' => $uploadServer, 'PARAMS' => $params, 'FILE_OK' => $file ? 'Y' : 'N', ]); $result = $http->post($uploadServer, $data); $this->logger->addLog("Upload photo HTTP response", $result); // check TIMER if set if (array_key_exists("timer", $params)) { $timer = $params["timer"]; if ($timer !== NULL && !$timer->check()) throw new TimeIsOverException(); } return $result; } public function getUserGroupsSelector($selectedValue = null, $name = null, $id = null) { // todo: maybe cached this values $groupsSelector = false; $gpoups = $this->getUserGroups(); if(is_array($gpoups) && !empty($gpoups)) { $groupsSelector = '<option value="-1">['.Loc::getMessage('SALE_VK_CHANGE_GROUP').']</option>'; $selectedValue = str_replace('-', '', $selectedValue); $name = $name ? ' name="' . $name . '"' : ''; $id = $id ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : ''; foreach ($gpoups as $group) { $selected = $selectedValue == $group["id"] ? ' selected' : ''; $groupsSelector .= '<option' . $selected . ' value="' . $group['id'] . '">' . $group['name'] . '</option>'; } $groupsSelector = '<select id="vk_export_groupselector" onchange="BX.Sale.VkAdmin.changeVkGroupLink();"' . $id . $name . '>' . $groupsSelector . '</select>'; $groupsSelector.= '<span style="padding-left:10px"> <a href="https://vk.com/club'. $selectedValue .'" id="vk_export_groupselector__link"> <img src="/bitrix/images/sale/vk/vk_icon.png"> </a> </span>'; } return $groupsSelector; } private function getUserGroups($offset = null) { $userGroups = array(); $stepCount = 0; // max 1000 in one step.Check this value and run api again if needed while(true) { $params = array( 'extended' => 1, 'filter' => 'editor', 'offset' => $stepCount, 'count' => Vk::GROUP_GET_STEP, ); $apiResult = $this->api->run('groups.get', $params); foreach($apiResult['items'] as $group) { $userGroups[$group['id']] = array( 'id' => $group['id'], 'name' => $group['name'] ); } // increment step items counter if($apiResult['count'] > Vk::GROUP_GET_STEP + $stepCount) $stepCount += Vk::GROUP_GET_STEP; else break; } return $userGroups; } /** * Get list of VK albums from VK API * * @param $vkGroupId * @param bool $flip * @return array - list of VK albums */ public function getALbumsFromVk($vkGroupId, $flip = true) { // todo: so slow api request. Try cached this data or other acceleration techniques $albumsFromVk = $this->executer->executeMarketAlbumsGet(array( "owner_id" => $vkGroupId, "offset" => 0, "count" => Vk::MAX_ALBUMS, )); $albumsFromVk = $albumsFromVk["items"]; // get only items from response foreach ($albumsFromVk as &$item) // get only IDs from response { $item = $item["id"]; } if ($flip) $albumsFromVk = array_flip($albumsFromVk); // we need albumID as keys return $albumsFromVk; } /** * Get list of VK products from VK API * * @param $vkGroupId * @return array - list of VK products */ public function getProductsFromVk($vkGroupId) { $productsFromVk = array(); $prodGetStep = 0; while ($prodGetStep < Vk::MAX_PRODUCTS_IN_ALBUM) { $productsFromVk += $this->executer->executeMarketProductsGet(array( "owner_id" => $vkGroupId, "offset" => $prodGetStep, "step" => Vk::PRODUCTS_GET_STEP) ); $prodGetStep += Vk::PRODUCTS_GET_STEP; // exit from loop, if we reach end of VK-products if ($productsFromVk["end_products"]) { unset($productsFromVk["end_products"]); break; } } $result = array(); foreach($productsFromVk as $productFromVk) $result[$productFromVk] = array("VK_ID" => $productFromVk); return $result; } /** * Check params for save products data. * Check photos, description, vk-category * * @param $data * @return array - prepared to save data array */ public static function prepareProductsDataToVk($data) { $result = array(); foreach ($data as $item) { // check PHOTOS and formatted if (isset($item["PHOTOS"]) && is_array($item["PHOTOS"])) { $photosIds = array(); foreach ($item["PHOTOS"] as $photo) { if (is_numeric($photo["PHOTO_VK_ID"])) $photosIds[] = $photo["PHOTO_VK_ID"]; } if (!empty($photosIds)) $item["PHOTOS"] = implode(",", $photosIds); else unset($item["PHOTOS"]); } // check VK_CATEGORY if (!(isset($item["CATEGORY_VK"]) && intval($item["CATEGORY_VK"]) > 0)) { $item["CATEGORY_VK"] = Vk::VERY_DEFAULT_VK_CATEGORY; } // we need some category $result[] = $item; } return $result; } /** * Build params for http photo upload * * @param $photoId * @return array */ private static function setUploadServerMainPhotoParams($photoId) { $result = array(); $result["main_photo"] = 1; $photoParams = \CFile::GetFileArray($photoId); $w = $photoParams["WIDTH"]; $h = $photoParams["HEIGHT"]; if ($w >= $h) { $result["crop_x"] = ceil(($w + $h) / 2); $result["crop_y"] = 0; $result["crop_width"] = $h; } else { $result["crop_x"] = 0; $result["crop_y"] = ceil(($w + $h) / 2); $result["crop_width"] = $w; } return $result; } /** * Get list of VK product categories from VK API * * @param int $count * @param int $offset * @return array - Get list of VK product categories. Return false if error */ public function getVkCategories($count = Vk::MAX_VK_CATEGORIES, $offset = 0) { $vkCats = $this->api->run('market.getCategories', array("count" => $count, "offset" => $offset)); if (!empty($vkCats)) return $vkCats["items"]; else return false; } }