Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/mysql/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/mysql/location_group.php |
<? require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/sale/general/location_group.php"); use Bitrix\Sale\Location; class CSaleLocationGroup extends CAllSaleLocationGroup { function GetList($arOrder = Array("NAME"=>"ASC"), $arFilter=Array(), $strLang = LANGUAGE_ID) { global $DB; $arSqlSearch = Array(); $arSqlSearchFrom = array(); if(!is_array($arFilter)) $filter_keys = Array(); else $filter_keys = array_keys($arFilter); $countFilterKey = count($filter_keys); for($i=0; $i < $countFilterKey; $i++) { $val = $DB->ForSql($arFilter[$filter_keys[$i]]); if (strlen($val)<=0) continue; $key = $filter_keys[$i]; if ($key[0]=="!") { $key = substr($key, 1); $bInvert = true; } else $bInvert = false; switch(ToUpper($key)) { case "ID": $arSqlSearch[] = "LG.ID ".($bInvert?"<>":"=")." ".IntVal($val)." "; break; case "LOCATION": if(CSaleLocation::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $class = self::CONN_ENTITY_NAME.'Table'; $arSqlSearch[] = " LG.ID ".($bInvert ? 'not' : '')." in (".$class::getConnectedEntitiesQuery(IntVal($val), 'id', array('select' => array('ID'))).") "; } catch(Exception $e) { } } else { $arSqlSearch[] = "LG.ID = L2LG.LOCATION_GROUP_ID AND L2LG.LOCATION_GROUP_ID ".($bInvert?"<>":"=")." ".IntVal($val)." "; $arSqlSearchFrom[] = ", b_sale_location2location_group L2LG "; } break; } } $strSqlSearch = ""; $countSqlSearch = count($arSqlSearch); for($i=0; $i < $countSqlSearch; $i++) { $strSqlSearch .= " AND "; $strSqlSearch .= " (".$arSqlSearch[$i].") "; } $strSqlSearchFrom = ""; $countSqlSearchForm = count($arSqlSearchFrom); for($i=0; $i < $countSqlSearchForm; $i++) { $strSqlSearchFrom .= " ".$arSqlSearchFrom[$i]." "; } $strSql = "SELECT DISTINCT LG.ID, LG.SORT, LGL.NAME, LGL.LID ". "FROM (b_sale_location_group LG ". " ".$strSqlSearchFrom.") ". " LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_group_lang LGL ON (LG.ID = LGL.LOCATION_GROUP_ID AND LGL.LID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang, 2)."') ". "WHERE 1 = 1 ". " ".$strSqlSearch." "; $arSqlOrder = Array(); foreach ($arOrder as $by=>$order) { $by = ToUpper($by); $order = ToUpper($order); if ($order!="ASC") $order = "DESC"; if ($by == "ID") $arSqlOrder[] = " LG.ID ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "NAME") $arSqlOrder[] = " LGL.NAME ".$order." "; else { $arSqlOrder[] = " LG.SORT ".$order." "; $by = "SORT"; } } $strSqlOrder = ""; DelDuplicateSort($arSqlOrder); $countSqlOrder = count($arSqlOrder); for ($i=0; $i < $countSqlOrder; $i++) { if ($i==0) $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY "; else $strSqlOrder .= ", "; $strSqlOrder .= $arSqlOrder[$i]; } $strSql .= $strSqlOrder; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); return $db_res; } function GetByID($ID, $strLang = LANGUAGE_ID) { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); $strSql = "SELECT LG.ID, LG.SORT, LGL.NAME, LGL.LID ". "FROM b_sale_location_group LG ". " LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_group_lang LGL ON (LG.ID = LGL.LOCATION_GROUP_ID AND LGL.LID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang, 2)."') ". "WHERE LG.ID = ".$ID." "; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } function Add($arFields) { global $DB; if (!CSaleLocationGroup::CheckFields("ADD", $arFields)) return false; // make IX_B_SALE_LOC_GROUP_CODE feel happy $arFields['CODE'] = 'randstr'.rand(999, 999999); $db_events = GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnBeforeLocationGroupAdd"); while ($arEvent = $db_events->Fetch()) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($arFields))===false) return false; $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert("b_sale_location_group", $arFields); $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_sale_location_group(".$arInsert[0].") ". "VALUES(".$arInsert[1].")"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $ID = IntVal($DB->LastID()); // make IX_B_SALE_LOC_CODE feel happy Location\GroupTable::update($ID, array('CODE' => $ID)); $countFieldLang = count($arFields["LANG"]); for ($i = 0; $i < $countFieldLang; $i++) { $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert("b_sale_location_group_lang", $arFields["LANG"][$i]); $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_sale_location_group_lang(LOCATION_GROUP_ID, ".$arInsert[0].") ". "VALUES(".$ID.", ".$arInsert[1].")"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } if(CSaleLocation::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $entityClass = self::CONN_ENTITY_NAME.'Table'; $entityClass::resetMultipleForOwner($ID, array( Location\Connector::DB_LOCATION_FLAG => $entityClass::normalizeLocationList($arFields["LOCATION_ID"]) )); } catch(Exception $e) { } } else { $strSqlHead ="INSERT INTO b_sale_location2location_group (LOCATION_ID, LOCATION_GROUP_ID) VALUES "; $strSqlHeadLength = strlen($strSqlHead); $res = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'max_allowed_packet\''); $maxPack = $res->Fetch(); if(isset($maxPack["Value"])) $max_allowed_packet = $maxPack["Value"]-$strSqlHeadLength-100; else $max_allowed_packet = 0; $tmpSql = ''; $strSql = ''; $countFieldLoc = count($arFields["LOCATION_ID"]); for ($i = 0; $i < $countFieldLoc; $i++) { $tmpSql ="(".$arFields["LOCATION_ID"][$i].", ".$ID.")"; $strSqlLen = strlen($strSql); if($strSqlHeadLength + $strSqlLen + strlen($tmpSql) < $max_allowed_packet || $max_allowed_packet <= 0) { if($strSqlLen > 0) $strSql .=","; $strSql .= $tmpSql; } else { $DB->Query($strSqlHead.$strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $strSql = $tmpSql; } } if(strlen($strSql) > 0) $DB->Query($strSqlHead.$strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } $events = GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnLocationGroupAdd"); while ($arEvent = $events->Fetch()) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, $arFields)); return $ID; } } ?>