Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/ru/delivery/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/ru/delivery/delivery_ua_post.php |
<? /******************************************************************************** Delivery services for Ukrainian «Nova poshta» http://novaposhta.ua Tarif: http://novaposhta.ua/docs/internet_magaziny.pdf Order's weight must be less or equal 100 Kg. ********************************************************************************/ CModule::IncludeModule('sale'); IncludeModuleLangFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/bitrix/modules/sale/delivery/delivery_ua_post.php'); class CDeliveryUaPost { private static $MAX_WEIGHT = 100000; // (g) private static $defaultTarifs = array( "BO" => 13, // Price for ordering UAH "T1" => 1.65, // WARE-WARE Price for 1 kg "WARE_DOOR" => array( // upper bound of weight gramm => price) 2000 => 20, 10000 => 25, 100000 => 40 ), "DOOR_DOOR" => array( //upper bound of weight gramm => price 2000 => 55, 5000 => 65, 10000 => 75, 20000 => 95, 30000 => 115, 50000 => 140, 75000 => 170, 100000 => 205 ), "OB_COMISS" => 0.5, // declared-value comission % "OB_COMISS_MIN" => 3 // min declared value comission UAH ); function Init() { return array( /* Basic description */ 'SID' => 'ua_post', 'NAME' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_NAME'), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_DESCR1').' <a href="http://novaposhta.ua">http://novaposhta.ua</a>. '.GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_DESCR2'), 'DESCRIPTION_INNER' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_DESCR1').' <a href="http://novaposhta.ua">http://novaposhta.ua</a>. '.GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_DESCR2'), 'BASE_CURRENCY' => 'UAH', 'HANDLER' => __FILE__, /* Handler methods */ 'DBGETSETTINGS' => array('CDeliveryUaPost', 'GetSettings'), 'DBSETSETTINGS' => array('CDeliveryUaPost', 'SetSettings'), 'GETCONFIG' => array('CDeliveryUaPost', 'GetConfig'), 'GETFEATURES' => array('CDeliveryUaPost', 'GetFeatures'), 'COMPABILITY' => array('CDeliveryUaPost', 'Compability'), 'CALCULATOR' => array('CDeliveryUaPost', 'Calculate'), /* List of delivery profiles */ 'PROFILES' => array( 'ware' => array( 'TITLE' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_WARE_TITLE'), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_WARE_DESCR'), 'RESTRICTIONS_WEIGHT' => array(0, self::$MAX_WEIGHT), 'RESTRICTIONS_SUM' => array(0), 'TAX_RATE' => 0, 'RESTRICTIONS_MAX_SIZE' => 0, 'RESTRICTIONS_DIMENSIONS_SUM' => 0, 'RESTRICTIONS_DIMENSIONS' => 0 ), 'door' => array( 'TITLE' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_DOOR_TITLE'), 'DESCRIPTION' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_DOOR_DESCR'), 'RESTRICTIONS_WEIGHT' => array(0, self::$MAX_WEIGHT), 'RESTRICTIONS_SUM' => array(0), 'TAX_RATE' => 0, 'RESTRICTIONS_MAX_SIZE' => 0, 'RESTRICTIONS_DIMENSIONS_SUM' => 0, 'RESTRICTIONS_DIMENSIONS' => 0 ) ) ); } function GetConfig() { $arConfig = array( 'CONFIG_GROUPS' => array( 'common' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_GROUPS_COMMON'), 'ware' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_GROUPS_WARE'), 'door' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_GROUPS_DOOR') ), ); //common $arConfig['CONFIG']['DELIVERY_TO_POST'] = array( 'TYPE' => 'RADIO', 'DEFAULT' => 'ware', 'TITLE' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_DTP'), 'VALUES' => array( 'ware' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_DTP_WARE'), 'door' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_DTP_DOOR') ), 'GROUP' => 'common', ); $arConfig['CONFIG']['tarif_section_1'] = array( 'TYPE' => 'SECTION', 'TITLE' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_TARIF_WW'), 'GROUP' => 'common', ); $arConfig['CONFIG']['TARIF_BO'] = array( 'TYPE' => 'STRING', 'DEFAULT' => self::$defaultTarifs['BO'], 'TITLE' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_TARIF_REG'), 'GROUP' => 'common', 'CHECK_FORMAT' => 'NUMBER' ); $arConfig['CONFIG']['TARIF_T1'] = array( 'TYPE' => 'STRING', 'DEFAULT' => self::$defaultTarifs['T1'], 'TITLE' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_TARIF_T1'), 'GROUP' => 'common', 'CHECK_FORMAT' => 'NUMBER' ); $arConfig['CONFIG']['tarif_section_2'] = array( 'TYPE' => 'SECTION', 'TITLE' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_TARIF_WD'), 'GROUP' => 'common', ); $prevWeight = 0; foreach (self::$defaultTarifs["WARE_DOOR"] as $uperWeight => $price) { $arConfig['CONFIG']['TARIF_WARE_DOOR_'.$uperWeight] = array( 'TYPE' => 'STRING', 'DEFAULT' => $price, 'TITLE' => ($prevWeight/1000).' - '.($uperWeight/1000).' '.GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_KG').'.', 'GROUP' => 'common', 'CHECK_FORMAT' => 'NUMBER' ); $prevWeight = $uperWeight; } $arConfig['CONFIG']['tarif_section_3'] = array( 'TYPE' => 'SECTION', 'TITLE' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_TARIF_DD'), 'GROUP' => 'common', ); $prevWeight = 0; foreach (self::$defaultTarifs["DOOR_DOOR"] as $uperWeight => $price) { $arConfig['CONFIG']['TARIF_DOOR_DOOR_'.$uperWeight] = array( 'TYPE' => 'STRING', 'DEFAULT' => $price, 'TITLE' => ($prevWeight/1000).' - '.($uperWeight/1000).' '.GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_KG').'.', 'GROUP' => 'common', 'CHECK_FORMAT' => 'NUMBER' ); $prevWeight = $uperWeight; } $arConfig['CONFIG']['tarif_section_4'] = array( 'TYPE' => 'SECTION', 'TITLE' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_TARIF_DV'), 'GROUP' => 'common', ); $arConfig['CONFIG']['OB_COMISS'] = array( 'TYPE' => 'STRING', 'DEFAULT' => self::$defaultTarifs["OB_COMISS"], 'TITLE' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_TARIF_DV_VALUE').' %', 'GROUP' => 'common', 'CHECK_FORMAT' => 'NUMBER' ); $arConfig['CONFIG']['OB_COMISS_MIN'] = array( 'TYPE' => 'STRING', 'DEFAULT' => self::$defaultTarifs["OB_COMISS_MIN"], 'TITLE' => GetMessage('SALE_DH_UP_TARIF_DV_MIN'), 'GROUP' => 'common', 'CHECK_FORMAT' => 'NUMBER' ); //ware $aviableBoxes = self::getAviableBoxes(); foreach ($aviableBoxes as $boxId => $arBox) CSaleDeliveryHelper::makeBoxConfig($boxId, $arBox, 'ware', $arConfig); //door foreach ($aviableBoxes as $boxId => $arBox) CSaleDeliveryHelper::makeBoxConfig($boxId, $arBox, 'door', $arConfig); return $arConfig; } function GetSettings($strSettings) { return unserialize($strSettings); } function SetSettings($arSettings) { foreach ($arSettings as $key => $value) { if (strlen($value) > 0) $arSettings[$key] = $value; else unset($arSettings[$key]); } return serialize($arSettings); } function GetFeatures($arConfig) { $arResult = array(); if ($arConfig["DELIVERY_TO_POST"]["VALUE"] == "ware") $arResult[GetMessage("SALE_DH_UP_SHIPPING_HANDLING")] = GetMessage("SALE_DH_UP_DTP_WARE"); else $arResult[GetMessage("SALE_DH_UP_SHIPPING_HANDLING")] = GetMessage("SALE_DH_UP_DTP_DOOR"); if ($arConfig["OB_COMISS"]["VALUE"] != 0 && $arConfig["OB_COMISS_MIN"]["VALUE"] != 0) $arResult[GetMessage("SALE_DH_UP_FEATURE_VALUE")] = GetMessage("SALE_DH_UP_FEATURE_ENABLED"); return $arResult; } function Calculate($profile, $arConfig, $arOrder, $STEP, $TEMP = false) { $arPacks = CSaleDeliveryHelper::getBoxesFromConfig($profile, $arConfig); $arPackagesParams = CSaleDeliveryHelper::getRequiredPacks( $arOrder["ITEMS"], $arPacks, self::$MAX_WEIGHT); $packageCount = count($arPackagesParams); if(intval($packageCount) <= 0) { return array( "RESULT" => "ERROR", "TEXT" => GetMessage("SALE_DH_UP_OVERLOAD"), ); } $totalPrice = 0; foreach ($arPackagesParams as $arPackage) { $totalPrice += self::calculatePackPrice($arPackage, $profile, $arConfig); } $arResult = array( 'RESULT' => 'OK', 'VALUE' => $totalPrice, 'PACKS_COUNT' => $packageCount ); return $arResult; } function Compability($arOrder, $arConfig) { if(floatval($arOrder["WEIGHT"]) <= self::$MAX_WEIGHT) $profiles = array('ware', 'door'); else $profiles = array(); $arRes = array(); foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $aviableBoxes = CSaleDeliveryHelper::getBoxesFromConfig($profile, $arConfig); foreach ($aviableBoxes as $arBox) { if (CSaleDeliveryHandler::checkDimensions($arOrder["MAX_DIMENSIONS"], $arBox["DIMENSIONS"])) { $arRes[] = $profile; break; } } } return $arRes; } private static function getConfValue(&$arConfig, $key) { return CSaleDeliveryHelper::getConfValue($arConfig[$key]); } private static function getAviableBoxes() { return array( array( "NAME" => GetMessage("SALE_DH_UP_STNRD_BOX"), "DIMENSIONS" => array("0", "0", "0") ) ); } private static function calculatePackPrice($arPackage, $profile, $arConfig) { $arDebug = array(); $totalPrice = 0; $BO = floatval(self::getConfValue($arConfig, 'TARIF_BO')); $arDebug[] = 'BO: '.$BO; $T1 = floatval(self::getConfValue($arConfig, 'TARIF_T1')); $arDebug[] = 'T1: '.$T1; $weightForCalc =self::getWeightForCalc($arPackage['WEIGHT'], $arPackage['VOLUME']); $arDebug[] = 'calc weight: '.$weightForCalc; $CK = floatval(self::getConfValue($arConfig, 'OB_COMISS'))*$arPackage['PRICE']/100; //% $minComiss = floatval(self::getConfValue($arConfig, 'OB_COMISS_MIN')); if($CK < $minComiss) $CK = $minComiss; $arDebug[] = 'ccomiss: '.$CK; $deliveeryToPost = self::getConfValue($arConfig, 'DELIVERY_TO_POST'); if($profile == 'door' && $deliveeryToPost == 'door') //door-door { foreach (self::$defaultTarifs["DOOR_DOOR"] as $uperWeight => $value) { if($uperWeight > $weightForCalc) { $servicePrice = self::getConfValue($arConfig, 'TARIF_DOOR_DOOR_'.$uperWeight); $arDebug[] = 'Service price: '.$servicePrice; break; } } } else { $servicePrice = $T1*ceil($weightForCalc/1000); //ware-ware $arDebug[] = 'Service price: '.$servicePrice; if($profile != $deliveeryToPost) //ware-door or door-ware { foreach (self::$defaultTarifs["WARE_DOOR"] as $uperWeight => $value) { if($uperWeight > $weightForCalc) { $price = self::getConfValue($arConfig, 'TARIF_WARE_DOOR_'.$uperWeight); $arDebug[] = 'ware-door price: '.$price; $servicePrice += $price; $arDebug[] = 'Service price: '.$servicePrice; break; } } } } $totalPrice = $servicePrice+$BO+$CK; $arDebug[] = 'Total value: '.$totalPrice; return $totalPrice; } public static function calcVolumeWeightByVolume($volume) { return $volume/4000000; } public static function getWeightForCalc($weight, $volume) { $volWeight = self::calcVolumeWeightByVolume($volume); if(floatval($weight) >= floatval($volWeight)) $result = $weight; else $result = $volWeight; return $result; } } AddEventHandler('sale', 'onSaleDeliveryHandlersBuildList', array('CDeliveryUaPost', 'Init')); ?>