Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/seo/lib/engine/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/seo/lib/engine/yandex.php |
<? /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage seo * @copyright 2001-2013 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Seo\Engine; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException; use Bitrix\Main\Context; use Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient; use Bitrix\Main\Web\Json; use Bitrix\Seo\Engine; use Bitrix\Seo\IEngine; use Bitrix\Main\Text; use Bitrix\Main\Text\Converter; class Yandex extends Engine\YandexBase implements IEngine { const ENGINE_ID = 'yandex'; const SERVICE_URL = "https://webmaster.yandex.ru/api/v2"; const API_BASE_URL = "https://api.webmaster.yandex.net/v3/user/"; const API_HOSTS_URL = "hosts/"; const API_SUMMARY_URL = "summary/"; const API_SAMPLES_URL = "links/external/samples/"; const API_POPULAR_URL = "search-queries/popular/"; const API_VERIFICATION_URL = "verification/"; const API_ORIGINAL_TEXTS_URL = "original-texts/"; const HOSTS_SERVICE = "host-list"; const HOST_VERIFY = "verify-host"; const HOST_INFO = "host-information"; const HOST_TOP_QUERIES = "top-queries"; const HOST_ORIGINAL_TEXTS = "original-texts"; const HOST_INDEXED = "indexed-urls"; const HOST_EXCLUDED = "excluded-urls"; const ORIGINAL_TEXT_MIN_LENGTH = 500; const ORIGINAL_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = 32000; const ORIGINAL_TEXT_SHOW_COUNT = 50; const QUERY_USER = 'https://login.yandex.ru/info'; const VERIFIED_STATE_VERIFIED = "VERIFIED"; const VERIFIED_STATE_WAITING = "WAITING"; const VERIFIED_STATE_FAILED = "VERIFICATION_FAILED"; const VERIFIED_STATE_NEVER_VERIFIED = "NEVER_VERIFIED"; const VERIFIED_STATE_IN_PROGRESS = "IN_PROGRESS"; const INDEXING_STATE_OK = "OK"; private static $verificationTypes = array('DNS', 'HTML_FILE', 'META_TAG', 'WHOIS', 'TXT_FILE'); protected $engineId = 'yandex'; protected $arServiceList = array(); private $userId = NULL; private $hostIds = array(); public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // save user ID from auth if (isset($this->engineSettings['AUTH_USER']['id'])) $this->userId = $this->engineSettings['AUTH_USER']['id']; } /** * Construct URL of service for REST request. * Glue base URL and params: user ID, host ID, service name and additional url-params * @param null $userId * @param null $hostId * @param null $service * @param null $params * @return string */ private function getServiceUrl($userId = NULL, $hostId = NULL, $service = NULL, $params = NULL) { $url = self::API_BASE_URL; if ($userId) $url .= $userId . '/'; if ($hostId) $url .= 'hosts/' . $hostId . '/'; if ($service) $url .= $service; if ($params) { if (is_array($params)) $params = '?' . http_build_query($params); else $params = '?' . str_replace('?', '', $params); $url .= $params; } return $url; } // temporary hack public function getAuthSettings() { return $this->engineSettings['AUTH']; } /** * For webmaster API v3 we can use host_id instead URL. Request them onec and then them save in local variable. * * @param $domain - URL of domain * @return mixed */ private function getHostId($domain) { // get saved host ID if (isset($this->hostIds[$domain]) && !empty($this->hostIds[$domain])) return $this->hostIds[$domain]; // else get host ID from API (host will be saved in local) $hosts = $this->getFeeds(); return $hosts[$domain]['host_id']; } public function getFeeds() { $serviceUrl = $this->getServiceUrl($this->userId, NULL, self::API_HOSTS_URL); $queryResult = $this->query($serviceUrl, 'GET'); if ($queryResult && $queryResult->getStatus() == self::HTTP_STATUS_OK && strlen($queryResult->getResult()) > 0) { $resultConverted = array(); $result = Json::decode($queryResult->getResult()); foreach ($result['hosts'] as $host) { // if set main mirror - we must use them if(array_key_exists("main_mirror", $host) && is_array($host["main_mirror"]) && !empty($host["main_mirror"])) $host = array_merge($host, $host["main_mirror"]); // ascii_host_url must be equal unicode_host_url for latin URLs. // if it cyrillic URL - we need ASCII host. $hostUrl = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', $host['ascii_host_url']); $hostUrl = rtrim($hostUrl, '/'); $resultConverted[$hostUrl] = $host; // convert verified status in correct format if ($host['verified']) $resultConverted[$hostUrl]['verification'] = self::VERIFIED_STATE_VERIFIED; // save hostId in local var $this->hostIds[$hostUrl] = $host['host_id']; } // save found hosts to table $this->processHosts(); return $resultConverted; } else { throw new Engine\YandexException($queryResult); } } /** * Collect info about site by two different methods: info and statistic * @param $domain * @return array */ public function getSiteInfo($domain) { $result = array(); $result += $this->getSiteInfoGeneral($domain); $result += $this->getSiteInfoStats($domain); return array($domain => $result); } private function getSiteInfoGeneral($domain) { $domain = ToLower($domain); $hostId = $this->getHostId($domain); $serviceUrl = $this->getServiceUrl($this->userId, $hostId); $queryResult = $this->query($serviceUrl, 'GET'); if ($queryResult->getStatus() == self::HTTP_STATUS_OK && strlen($queryResult->getResult()) > 0) return Json::decode($queryResult->getResult()); else throw new Engine\YandexException($queryResult); } private function getSiteInfoStats($domain) { $domain = ToLower($domain); $hostId = $this->getHostId($domain); $serviceUrl = $this->getServiceUrl($this->userId, $hostId, self::API_SUMMARY_URL); $queryResult = $this->query($serviceUrl, 'GET'); if ($queryResult->getStatus() == self::HTTP_STATUS_OK && strlen($queryResult->getResult()) > 0) return Json::decode($queryResult->getResult()); else throw new Engine\YandexException($queryResult); } // todo: we can add info about external links like a popular queries /** * Get info about popular queries for domain * @param $domain - URL of domain * @return array * @throws YandexException */ public function getSiteInfoQueries($domain) { $domain = ToLower($domain); $hostId = $this->getHostId($domain); // get TOTAL_SHOWS $params = array( "order_by" => "TOTAL_SHOWS", "query_indicator" => "TOTAL_SHOWS", ); $serviceUrl = $this->getServiceUrl($this->userId, $hostId, self::API_POPULAR_URL, $params); // dirt hack - our construcotr not understand multiply params $serviceUrl .= '&query_indicator=TOTAL_CLICKS'; $serviceUrl .= '&query_indicator=AVG_SHOW_POSITION'; $serviceUrl .= '&query_indicator=AVG_CLICK_POSITION'; $queryResult = $this->query($serviceUrl, 'GET'); if ($queryResult->getStatus() == self::HTTP_STATUS_OK && strlen($queryResult->getResult()) > 0) $queriesShows = Json::decode($queryResult->getResult()); else throw new Engine\YandexException($queryResult); // format out array $result = array(); $totalShows = 0; $totalClicks = 0; foreach($queriesShows['queries'] as $key => $query) { $result[$key] = array( 'TEXT' => $query['query_text'], 'TOTAL_SHOWS' => $query['indicators']['TOTAL_SHOWS'], 'TOTAL_CLICKS' => $query['indicators']['TOTAL_CLICKS'], 'AVG_SHOW_POSITION' => is_null($query['indicators']['AVG_SHOW_POSITION']) ? '' :round($query['indicators']['AVG_SHOW_POSITION'], 1), 'AVG_CLICK_POSITION' => is_null($query['indicators']['AVG_CLICK_POSITION']) ? '' :round($query['indicators']['AVG_CLICK_POSITION'], 1), ); $totalShows += $query['indicators']['TOTAL_SHOWS']; $totalClicks += $query['indicators']['TOTAL_CLICKS']; } return array( 'QUERIES' => $result, 'DATE_FROM' => $queriesShows['date_from'], 'DATE_TO' => $queriesShows['date_to'], 'TOTAL_SHOWS' => $totalShows, 'TOTAL_CLICKS' => $totalClicks, ); } private function processHosts() { $existedDomains = \CSeoUtils::getDomainsList(); foreach($existedDomains as $domain) { $domain['DOMAIN'] = ToLower($domain['DOMAIN']); if(isset($this->hostIds[$domain['DOMAIN']])) { if(!is_array($this->engineSettings['SITES'])) $this->engineSettings['SITES'] = array(); $this->engineSettings['SITES'][$domain['DOMAIN']] = $this->hostIds[$domain['DOMAIN']]; } } $this->saveSettings(); } public function getOriginalTexts($domain) { $domain = ToLower($domain); $hostId = $this->getHostId($domain); $counter = 0; $limit = self::ORIGINAL_TEXT_SHOW_COUNT; $result = array( 'count' => 0, 'quota_remainder' => 0, 'can-add' =>false, 'original_texts' => array(), ); // recursive collect text ehilw not catch limit while($counter < $limit) { // default limit 10, may set other value $params = array('offset' => $counter); $stepResult = $this->getOriginalTextsRecursive($hostId, $params); $result['count'] = $stepResult['count']; $result['quota_remainder'] = $stepResult['quota_remainder']; $result['can-add'] = intval($result['quota_remainder']) > 0; $result['original_texts'] = array_merge($result['original_texts'], $stepResult['original_texts']); $counter += count($stepResult['original_texts']); // if catch last text - exit if($counter >= $result['count']) break; } return $result; } /** * Need to collect all items throuth limits * * @param $hostId * @param $params * @return mixed * @throws YandexException */ private function getOriginalTextsRecursive($hostId, $params) { $serviceUrl = $this->getServiceUrl($this->userId, $hostId, self::API_ORIGINAL_TEXTS_URL, $params); $queryResult = $this->query($serviceUrl, 'GET', $params); if ($queryResult->getStatus() == self::HTTP_STATUS_OK && strlen($queryResult->getResult()) > 0) return Json::decode($queryResult->getResult()); else throw new Engine\YandexException($queryResult); } /** * Send original text to webmaster * * @param $text * @param $domain * @return string * @throws YandexException */ public function addOriginalText($text, $domain) { $domain = ToLower($domain); $hostId = $this->getHostId($domain); // create JSON data in correct format $data = array("content" => $text); $data = Json::encode($data); $serviceUrl = $this->getServiceUrl($this->userId, $hostId, self::API_ORIGINAL_TEXTS_URL); $queryResult = $this->query($serviceUrl, 'POST', $data); if ($queryResult->getStatus() == self::HTTP_STATUS_CREATED && strlen($queryResult->getResult()) > 0) return $queryResult->getResult(); else throw new Engine\YandexException($queryResult); } /** * Add site to webmaster. After adding you need verify rights at this site. * * @param $domain * @return array * @throws YandexException */ public function addSite($domain) { $domain = ToLower($domain); $queryDomain = Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->isHttps() ? 'https://' . $domain : $domain; // create JSON data in correct format $data = array("host_url" => $queryDomain); $data = Json::encode($data); $serviceUrl = $this->getServiceUrl($this->userId, NULL, self::API_HOSTS_URL); $queryResult = $this->query($serviceUrl, 'POST', $data); if ($queryResult->getStatus() == self::HTTP_STATUS_CREATED && strlen($queryResult->getResult()) > 0) return array($domain => true); else throw new Engine\YandexException($queryResult); } /** * Just checking verify status of site and get UIN for verification * @param $domain * @return UIN if site not verified and FALSE if site already verify. * @throws YandexException */ public function getVerifySiteUin($domain) { $domain = ToLower($domain); $hostId = $this->getHostId($domain); $serviceUrl = $this->getServiceUrl($this->userId, $hostId, self::API_VERIFICATION_URL); $queryResult = $this->query($serviceUrl, 'GET'); if ($queryResult->getStatus() == self::HTTP_STATUS_OK && strlen($queryResult->getResult()) > 0) { $result = Json::decode($queryResult->getResult()); if ($result['verification_state'] != self::VERIFIED_STATE_VERIFIED) return $result['verification_uin']; else return false; //already verify } else { throw new Engine\YandexException($queryResult); } } public function verifySite($domain, $verType = 'HTML_FILE') { if (!in_array($verType, self::$verificationTypes)) return array('error' => array('message' => 'incorrect verification type')); $domain = ToLower($domain); $hostId = $this->getHostId($domain); $serviceUrl = $this->getServiceUrl($this->userId, $hostId, self::API_VERIFICATION_URL, array('verification_type' => $verType)); $queryResult = $this->query($serviceUrl, 'POST'); if ($queryResult->getStatus() == self::HTTP_STATUS_OK && strlen($queryResult->getResult()) > 0) { $result = Json::decode($queryResult->getResult()); return array($domain => array('verification' => $result['verification_state'])); } else { throw new Engine\YandexException($queryResult); } } /** * @deprecated by query * @param $scope * @param string $method * @param null $data * @param bool $skipRefreshAuth * @return \CHTTP */ protected function queryOld($scope, $method = "GET", $data = NULL, $skipRefreshAuth = false) { if ($this->engineSettings['AUTH']) { $http = new \CHTTP(); $http->setAdditionalHeaders( array( 'Authorization' => 'OAuth ' . $this->engineSettings['AUTH']['access_token'], ) ); $http->setFollowRedirect(false); switch ($method) { case 'GET': $result = $http->get($scope); break; case 'POST': $result = $http->post($scope, $data); break; case 'PUT': $result = $http->httpQuery($method, $scope, $http->prepareData($data)); break; case 'DELETE': break; } if ($http->status == 401 && !$skipRefreshAuth) { if ($this->checkAuthExpired()) { $this->queryOld($scope, $method, $data, true); } } $http->result = Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($http->result, 'utf-8', LANG_CHARSET); return $http; } } /** * Create HTTP client, set necessary headers and set request * * @param $scope - URL of service with additional params, if needed * @param string $method - may be POST, GET or DELETE * @param null $data * @param bool $skipRefreshAuth * @return HttpClient */ protected function query($scope, $method = "GET", $data = NULL, $skipRefreshAuth = false) { if ($this->engineSettings['AUTH']) { $http = new HttpClient(); $http->setHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth ' . $this->engineSettings['AUTH']['access_token']); $http->setRedirect(false); switch ($method) { case 'GET': $http->get($scope); break; case 'POST': $http->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); $http->post($scope, $data); break; case 'DELETE': break; } if ($http->getStatus() == 401 && !$skipRefreshAuth) { if ($this->checkAuthExpired()) { $this->query($scope, $method, $data, true); } } return $http; } } } ?>