Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/socialnetwork/lib/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/socialnetwork/lib/componenthelper.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Socialnetwork; use Bitrix\Blog\Item\Post; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; use Bitrix\Main\EventManager; use Bitrix\Socialnetwork\CommentAux\CreateTask; use Bitrix\Main\Update\Stepper; use Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Item\Log; use Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\LogComment; use Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\Provider; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class ComponentHelper { protected static $postsCache = array(); protected static $commentsCache = array(); protected static $commentListsCache = array(); protected static $commentCountCache = array(); protected static $authorsCache = array(); protected static $destinationsCache = array(); /** * Returns data of a blog post * * @param int $postId Blog Post Id. * @param string $languageId 2-char language Id. * @return array|bool|false|mixed|null * @throws Main\LoaderException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function getBlogPostData($postId, $languageId) { global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; if (isset(self::$postsCache[$postId])) { $result = self::$postsCache[$postId]; } else { if (!Loader::includeModule('blog')) { throw new Main\SystemException("Could not load 'blog' module."); } $res = \CBlogPost::getList( array(), array( "ID" => $postId ), false, false, array("ID", "BLOG_GROUP_ID", "BLOG_GROUP_SITE_ID", "BLOG_ID", "PUBLISH_STATUS", "TITLE", "AUTHOR_ID", "ENABLE_COMMENTS", "NUM_COMMENTS", "VIEWS", "CODE", "MICRO", "DETAIL_TEXT", "DATE_PUBLISH", "CATEGORY_ID", "HAS_SOCNET_ALL", "HAS_TAGS", "HAS_IMAGES", "HAS_PROPS", "HAS_COMMENT_IMAGES") ); if ($result = $res->fetch()) { $result["ATTACHMENTS"] = array(); if($result["HAS_PROPS"] != "N") { $userFields = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->getUserFields("BLOG_POST", $postId, $languageId); $postUf = array("UF_BLOG_POST_FILE"); foreach ($userFields as $fieldName => $userField) { if (!in_array($fieldName, $postUf)) { unset($userFields[$fieldName]); } } if ( !empty($userFields["UF_BLOG_POST_FILE"]) && !empty($userFields["UF_BLOG_POST_FILE"]["VALUE"]) ) { $result["ATTACHMENTS"] = self::getAttachmentsData($userFields["UF_BLOG_POST_FILE"]["VALUE"], $result["BLOG_GROUP_SITE_ID"]); } } $result["DETAIL_TEXT"] = self::convertDiskFileBBCode( $result["DETAIL_TEXT"], 'BLOG_POST', $postId, $result["AUTHOR_ID"], $result["ATTACHMENTS"] ); $result["DETAIL_TEXT_FORMATTED"] = preg_replace( array( '|\[DISK\sFILE\sID=[n]*\d+\]|', '|\[DOCUMENT\sID=[n]*\d+\]|' ), '', $result["DETAIL_TEXT"] ); $result["DETAIL_TEXT_FORMATTED"] = preg_replace( "/\[USER\s*=\s*([^\]]*)\](.+?)\[\/USER\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, "\\2", $result["DETAIL_TEXT_FORMATTED"] ); $p = new \blogTextParser(); $p->arUserfields = array(); $images = array(); $allow = array("IMAGE" => "Y"); $parserParameters = array(); $result["DETAIL_TEXT_FORMATTED"] = $p->convert($result["DETAIL_TEXT_FORMATTED"], false, $images, $allow, $parserParameters); $title = ( $result["MICRO"] == "Y" ? \blogTextParser::killAllTags($result["DETAIL_TEXT_FORMATTED"]) : htmlspecialcharsEx($result["TITLE"]) ); $title = preg_replace( '|\[MAIL\sDISK\sFILE\sID=[n]*\d+\]|', '', $title ); $title = str_replace(Array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), " ", $title); $result["TITLE_FORMATTED"] = \TruncateText($title, 100); $result["DATE_PUBLISH_FORMATTED"] = self::formatDateTimeToGMT($result['DATE_PUBLISH'], $result['AUTHOR_ID']); } self::$postsCache[$postId] = $result; } return $result; } /** * Returns data of blog post destinations * * @param int $postId Blog Post Id. * @return array * @throws Main\LoaderException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function getBlogPostDestinations($postId) { if (isset(self::$destinationsCache[$postId])) { $result = self::$destinationsCache[$postId]; } else { $result = array(); if (!Loader::includeModule('blog')) { throw new Main\SystemException("Could not load 'blog' module."); } $sonetPermission = \CBlogPost::getSocnetPermsName($postId); if (!empty($sonetPermission)) { foreach($sonetPermission as $typeCode => $type) { foreach($sonetPermission[$typeCode] as $userId => $destination) { $name = false; if ($typeCode == "SG") { if ($sonetGroup = \CSocNetGroup::getByID($destination["ENTITY_ID"])) { $name = $sonetGroup["NAME"]; } } elseif ($typeCode == "U") { if(in_array("US".$destination["ENTITY_ID"], $destination["ENTITY"])) { $name = "#ALL#"; Loader::includeModule('intranet'); } else { $name = \CUser::formatName( \CSite::getNameFormat(false), array( "NAME" => $destination["~U_NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $destination["~U_LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $destination["~U_SECOND_NAME"], "LOGIN" => $destination["~U_LOGIN"] ), true ); } } elseif ($typeCode == "DR") { $name = $destination["EL_NAME"]; } if ($name) { $result[] = $name; } } } } self::$destinationsCache[$postId] = $result; } return $result; } /** * Returns data of a blog post/comment author * * @param int $authorId User Id. * @param array $params Format parameters (avatar size etc). * @return array * @throws Main\LoaderException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function getBlogAuthorData($authorId, $params) { if (isset(self::$authorsCache[$authorId])) { $result = self::$authorsCache[$authorId]; } else { if (!Loader::includeModule('blog')) { throw new Main\SystemException("Could not load 'blog' module."); } $result = \CBlogUser::getUserInfo( intval($authorId), '', array( "AVATAR_SIZE" => ( isset($params["AVATAR_SIZE"]) && intval($params["AVATAR_SIZE"]) > 0 ? intval($params["AVATAR_SIZE"]) : false ), "AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT" => ( isset($params["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"]) && intval($params["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"]) > 0 ? intval($params["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"]) : false ), "RESIZE_IMMEDIATE" => "Y" ) ); $result["NAME_FORMATTED"] = \CUser::formatName( \CSite::getNameFormat(false), array( "NAME" => $result["~NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $result["~LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $result["~SECOND_NAME"], "LOGIN" => $result["~LOGIN"] ), true ); self::$authorsCache[$authorId] = $result; } return $result; } /** * Returns full list of blog post comments * * @param int $postId Blog Post Id. * @param array $params Additional paramaters. * @param string $languageId Language Id (2-char). * @param array &$authorIdList List of User Ids. * @return array * @throws Main\LoaderException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function getBlogCommentListData($postId, $params, $languageId, &$authorIdList = array()) { if (isset(self::$commentListsCache[$postId])) { $result = self::$commentListsCache[$postId]; } else { $result = array(); if (!Loader::includeModule('blog')) { throw new Main\SystemException("Could not load 'blog' module."); } $p = new \blogTextParser(); $selectedFields = Array("ID", "BLOG_GROUP_ID", "BLOG_GROUP_SITE_ID", "BLOG_ID", "POST_ID", "AUTHOR_ID", "AUTHOR_NAME", "AUTHOR_EMAIL", "POST_TEXT", "DATE_CREATE", "PUBLISH_STATUS", "HAS_PROPS", "SHARE_DEST"); $connection = Application::getConnection(); if ($connection instanceof \Bitrix\Main\DB\MysqlCommonConnection) { $selectedFields[] = "DATE_CREATE_TS"; } $res = \CBlogComment::getList( array("ID" => "DESC"), array( "PUBLISH_STATUS" => BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH, "POST_ID" => $postId, // "SHARE_DEST" => false ), false, array( "nTopCount" => $params["COMMENTS_COUNT"] ), $selectedFields ); while ($comment = $res->fetch()) { self::processCommentData($comment, $languageId, $p, array("MAIL" => (isset($params["MAIL"]) && $params["MAIL"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"))); $result[] = $comment; if (!in_array($comment["AUTHOR_ID"], $authorIdList)) { $authorIdList[] = $comment["AUTHOR_ID"]; } } if (!empty($result)) { $result = array_reverse($result); } self::$commentListsCache[$postId] = $result; } return $result; } /** * Returns a number of blog post comments * * @param int $postId Blog Post Id. * @return bool|int * @throws Main\LoaderException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function getBlogCommentListCount($postId) { if (isset(self::$commentCountCache[$postId])) { $result = self::$commentCountCache[$postId]; } else { if (!Loader::includeModule('blog')) { throw new Main\SystemException("Could not load 'blog' module."); } $selectedFields = Array("ID"); $result = \CBlogComment::getList( array("ID" => "DESC"), array( "PUBLISH_STATUS" => BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH, "POST_ID" => $postId, // "SHARE_DEST" => false ), array(), // count only false, $selectedFields ); self::$commentCountCache[$postId] = $result; } return $result; } /** * Returns data of a blog comment * * @param int $commentId Comment Id. * @param string $languageId Language id (2-chars). * @return array|bool|false|mixed|null */ public static function getBlogCommentData($commentId, $languageId) { $result = array(); if (isset(self::$commentsCache[$commentId])) { $result = self::$commentsCache[$commentId]; } else { $selectedFields = Array("ID", "BLOG_GROUP_ID", "BLOG_GROUP_SITE_ID", "BLOG_ID", "POST_ID", "AUTHOR_ID", "AUTHOR_NAME", "AUTHOR_EMAIL", "POST_TEXT", "DATE_CREATE", "PUBLISH_STATUS", "HAS_PROPS", "SHARE_DEST"); $connection = Application::getConnection(); if ($connection instanceof \Bitrix\Main\DB\MysqlCommonConnection) { $selectedFields[] = "DATE_CREATE_TS"; } $res = \CBlogComment::getList( array(), array( "ID" => $commentId ), false, false, $selectedFields ); if ($comment = $res->fetch()) { $p = new \blogTextParser(); self::processCommentData($comment, $languageId, $p); $result = $comment; } self::$commentsCache[$commentId] = $result; } return $result; } /** * Processes comment data, rendering formatted text and date * * @param array $comment Comment fields set. * @param string $languageId Language Id (2-chars). * @param \blogTextParser $p TextParser object. */ private static function processCommentData(&$comment, $languageId, $p, $params = array()) { global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; $isMail = ( is_array($params) && isset($params["MAIL"]) && $params["MAIL"] == 'Y' ); $comment["ATTACHMENTS"] = $comment["PROPS"] = array(); if ($commentAuxProvider = \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\CommentAux\Base::findProvider( $comment, array( "mobile" => (isset($params["MOBILE"]) && $params["MOBILE"] == "Y"), "mail" => (isset($params["MAIL"]) && $params["MAIL"] == "Y"), "cache" => true ) )) { $comment["POST_TEXT_FORMATTED"] = $commentAuxProvider->getText(); $arComment["AUX_TYPE"] = $commentAuxProvider->getType(); } else { if($comment["HAS_PROPS"] != "N") { $userFields = $comment["PROPS"] = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->getUserFields("BLOG_COMMENT", $comment["ID"], $languageId); $commentUf = array("UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"); foreach ($userFields as $fieldName => $userField) { if (!in_array($fieldName, $commentUf)) { unset($userFields[$fieldName]); } } if ( !empty($userFields["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"]) && !empty($userFields["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"]["VALUE"]) ) { $comment["ATTACHMENTS"] = self::getAttachmentsData($userFields["UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE"]["VALUE"], $comment["BLOG_GROUP_SITE_ID"]); } if ( $isMail && isset($comment["PROPS"]["UF_BLOG_COMM_URL_PRV"]) ) { unset($comment["PROPS"]["UF_BLOG_COMM_URL_PRV"]); } } $comment["POST_TEXT"] = self::convertDiskFileBBCode( $comment["POST_TEXT"], 'BLOG_COMMENT', $comment["ID"], $comment["AUTHOR_ID"], $comment["ATTACHMENTS"] ); $comment["POST_TEXT_FORMATTED"] = preg_replace( array( '|\[DISK\sFILE\sID=[n]*\d+\]|', '|\[DOCUMENT\sID=[n]*\d+\]|' ), '', $comment["POST_TEXT"] ); $comment["POST_TEXT_FORMATTED"] = preg_replace( "/\[USER\s*=\s*([^\]]*)\](.+?)\[\/USER\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, "\\2", $comment["POST_TEXT_FORMATTED"] ); if ($p) { $p->arUserfields = array(); } $images = array(); $allow = array("IMAGE" => "Y"); $parserParameters = array(); $comment["POST_TEXT_FORMATTED"] = $p->convert($comment["POST_TEXT_FORMATTED"], false, $images, $allow, $parserParameters); } $comment["DATE_CREATE_FORMATTED"] = self::formatDateTimeToGMT($comment['DATE_CREATE'], $comment['AUTHOR_ID']); } /** * Returns mail-hash url * * @param string $url Entity Link. * @param int $userId User Id. * @param string $entityType Entity Type. * @param int $entityId Entity Id. * @param string $siteId Site id (2-char). * @return bool|string * @throws Main\LoaderException */ public static function getReplyToUrl($url, $userId, $entityType, $entityId, $siteId, $backUrl = null) { $result = false; if ( strlen($url) > 0 && intval($userId) > 0 && strlen($entityType) > 0 && intval($entityId) > 0 && strlen($siteId) > 0 && Loader::includeModule('mail') ) { $urlRes = \Bitrix\Mail\User::getReplyTo( $siteId, intval($userId), $entityType, $entityId, $url, $backUrl ); if (is_array($urlRes)) { list($replyTo, $backUrl) = $urlRes; if ($backUrl) { $result = $backUrl; } } } return $result; } /** * Returns data of attached files * * @param array $valueList Attachments List. * @param string|bool|false $siteId Site Id (2-chars). * @return array * @throws Main\LoaderException */ public static function getAttachmentsData($valueList, $siteId = false) { $result = array(); if (!Loader::includeModule('disk')) { return $result; } if ( !$siteId || strlen($siteId) <= 0 ) { $siteId = SITE_ID; } $driver = \Bitrix\Disk\Driver::getInstance(); $urlManager = $driver->getUrlManager(); foreach ($valueList as $key => $value) { $attachedObject = \Bitrix\Disk\AttachedObject::loadById($value, array('OBJECT')); if( !$attachedObject || !$attachedObject->getFile() ) { continue; } $attachedObjectUrl = $urlManager->getUrlUfController('show', array('attachedId' => $value)); $result[$value] = array( "ID" => $value, "OBJECT_ID" => $attachedObject->getFile()->getId(), "NAME" => $attachedObject->getFile()->getName(), "SIZE" => \CFile::formatSize($attachedObject->getFile()->getSize()), "URL" => $attachedObjectUrl, "IS_IMAGE" => \Bitrix\Disk\TypeFile::isImage($attachedObject->getFile()) ); } return $result; } /** * Processes disk objects list and generates external links (for inline images) if needed * * @param array $valueList * @param string $entityType Entity Type. * @param int $entityId Entity Id. * @param int $authorId User Id. * @param array $attachmentList Attachments List. * @return array * @throws Main\LoaderException */ public static function getAttachmentUrlList($valueList = array(), $entityType = '', $entityId = 0, $authorId = 0, $attachmentList = array()) { $result = array(); if ( empty($valueList) || empty($attachmentList) || intval($authorId) <= 0 || intval($entityId) <= 0 || !Loader::includeModule('disk') ) { return $result; } $userFieldManager = \Bitrix\Disk\Driver::getInstance()->getUserFieldManager(); list($connectorClass, $moduleId) = $userFieldManager->getConnectorDataByEntityType($entityType); foreach($valueList as $value) { $attachedFileId = false; $attachedObject = false; list($type, $realValue) = \Bitrix\Disk\Uf\FileUserType::detectType($value); if ($type == \Bitrix\Disk\Uf\FileUserType::TYPE_NEW_OBJECT) { $attachedObject = \Bitrix\Disk\AttachedObject::load(array( '=ENTITY_TYPE' => $connectorClass, 'ENTITY_ID' => $entityId, '=MODULE_ID' => $moduleId, 'OBJECT_ID'=> $realValue ), array('OBJECT')); if($attachedObject) { $attachedFileId = $attachedObject->getId(); } } else { $attachedFileId = $realValue; } if ( intval($attachedFileId) > 0 && !empty($attachmentList[$attachedFileId]) ) { if (!$attachmentList[$attachedFileId]["IS_IMAGE"]) { $result[$value] = array( 'TYPE' => 'file', 'URL' => $attachmentList[$attachedFileId]["URL"] ); } else { if (!$attachedObject) { $attachedObject = \Bitrix\Disk\AttachedObject::loadById($attachedFileId, array('OBJECT')); } if ($attachedObject) { $file = $attachedObject->getFile(); $extLinks = $file->getExternalLinks(array( 'filter' => array( 'OBJECT_ID' => $file->getId(), 'CREATED_BY' => $authorId, 'TYPE' => \Bitrix\Disk\Internals\ExternalLinkTable::TYPE_MANUAL, 'IS_EXPIRED' => false, ), 'limit' => 1, )); if (empty($extLinks)) { $externalLink = $file->addExternalLink(array( 'CREATED_BY' => $authorId, 'TYPE' => \Bitrix\Disk\Internals\ExternalLinkTable::TYPE_MANUAL, )); } else { /** @var \Bitrix\Disk\ExternalLink $externalLink */ $externalLink = reset($extLinks); } if ($externalLink) { $originalFile = $file->getFile(); $result[$value] = array( 'TYPE' => 'image', 'URL' => \Bitrix\Disk\Driver::getInstance()->getUrlManager()->getUrlExternalLink( array( 'hash' => $externalLink->getHash(), 'action' => 'showFile' ), true ), 'WIDTH' => intval($originalFile["WIDTH"]), 'HEIGHT' => intval($originalFile["HEIGHT"]) ); } } } } } return $result; } /** * Converts formatted text replacing pseudo-BB code MAIL DISK, using calculated URLs * * @param string $text Text to convert. * @param array $attachmentList Attachments List. * @return mixed|string */ public static function convertMailDiskFileBBCode($text = '', $attachmentList = array()) { if (preg_match_all('|\[MAIL\sDISK\sFILE\sID=([n]*\d+)\]|', $text, $matches)) { foreach($matches[1] as $inlineFileId) { $attachmentId = false; if (strpos($inlineFileId, 'n') === 0) { $found = false; foreach($attachmentList as $attachmentId => $attachment) { if ( isset($attachment["OBJECT_ID"]) && intval($attachment["OBJECT_ID"]) == intval(substr($inlineFileId, 1)) ) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $attachmentId = false; } } else { $attachmentId = $inlineFileId; } if (intval($attachmentId) > 0) { $text = preg_replace( '|\[MAIL\sDISK\sFILE\sID='.$inlineFileId.'\]|', '[URL='.$attachmentList[$attachmentId]["URL"].']['.$attachmentList[$attachmentId]["NAME"].'][/URL]', $text ); } } $p = new \CTextParser(); $p->allow = array("HTML" => "Y", "ANCHOR" => "Y"); $text = $p->convertText($text); } return $text; } /** * Converts DISK FILE BB-code to the pseudo-BB code MAIL DISK FILE or IMG BB-code * * @param string $text Text to convert. * @param string $entityType Entity Type. * @param int $entityId Entity Type. * @param int $authorId User id. * @param array $attachmentList Attachments List. * @return mixed */ public static function convertDiskFileBBCode($text, $entityType, $entityId, $authorId, $attachmentList = array()) { if ( strlen(trim($text)) <= 0 || empty($attachmentList) || intval($authorId) <= 0 || strlen($entityType) <= 0 || intval($entityId) <= 0 ) { return $text; } if (preg_match_all('|\[DISK\sFILE\sID=([n]*\d+)\]|', $text, $matches)) { $attachmentUrlList = self::getAttachmentUrlList( $matches[1], $entityType, $entityId, $authorId, $attachmentList ); foreach($matches[1] as $inlineFileId) { if (!empty($attachmentUrlList[$inlineFileId])) { $needCreatePicture = false; $sizeSource = $sizeDestination = array(); \CFile::scaleImage( $attachmentUrlList[$inlineFileId]['WIDTH'], $attachmentUrlList[$inlineFileId]['HEIGHT'], array('width' => 400, 'height' => 1000), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, $needCreatePicture, $sizeSource, $sizeDestination ); $replacement = ( $attachmentUrlList[$inlineFileId]["TYPE"] == 'image' ? '[IMG WIDTH='.intval($sizeDestination['width']).' HEIGHT='.intval($sizeDestination['height']).']'.\htmlspecialcharsBack($attachmentUrlList[$inlineFileId]["URL"]).'[/IMG]' : '[MAIL DISK FILE ID='.$inlineFileId.']' ); $text = preg_replace( '|\[DISK\sFILE\sID='.$inlineFileId.'\]|', $replacement, $text ); } } } return $text; } /** * Formsts date time to the value of author + GMT offset * * @param string $dateTimeSource Date/Time in site format. * @param int $authorId User Id. * @return string */ public static function formatDateTimeToGMT($dateTimeSource, $authorId) { $result = ''; if (!empty($dateTimeSource)) { $serverTs = \MakeTimeStamp($dateTimeSource) - \CTimeZone::getOffset(); $serverGMTOffset = date('Z'); $authorOffset = \CTimeZone::getOffset($authorId); $authorGMTOffset = $serverGMTOffset + $authorOffset; $authorGMTOffsetFormatted = 'GMT'; if ($authorGMTOffset != 0) { $authorGMTOffsetFormatted .= ($authorGMTOffset >= 0 ? '+' : '-').sprintf('%02d', floor($authorGMTOffset / 3600)).':'.sprintf('%02u', ($authorGMTOffset % 3600) / 60); } $result = \FormatDate( preg_replace('/[\/.,\s:][s]/', '', \Bitrix\Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATETIME)), ($serverTs + $authorOffset) ).' ('.$authorGMTOffsetFormatted.')'; } return $result; } /** * Returns (non-idea) blog group list * * @param array $params Parameters. * @return array */ public static function getSonetBlogGroupIdList($params) { $result = array(); if (!Loader::includeModule('blog')) { throw new Main\SystemException("Could not load 'blog' module."); } $cacheTtl = 3153600; $cacheId = 'blog_group_list_'.md5(serialize($params)); $cacheDir = '/blog/group/'; $cache = new \CPHPCache; if($cache->initCache($cacheTtl, $cacheId, $cacheDir)) { $result = $cache->getVars(); } else { $cache->startDataCache(); $ideaBlogGroupIdList = array(); if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled("idea")) { $res = \CSite::getList($by="sort", $order="desc", Array("ACTIVE" => "Y")); while ($site = $res->fetch()) { $val = Option::get("idea", "blog_group_id", false, $site["LID"]); if ($val) { $ideaBlogGroupIdList[] = $val; } } } $filter = array(); if (!empty($params["SITE_ID"])) { $filter['SITE_ID'] = $params["SITE_ID"]; } if (!empty($ideaBlogGroupIdList)) { $filter['!@ID'] = $ideaBlogGroupIdList; } $res = \CBlogGroup::getList(array(), $filter, false, false, array("ID")); while($blogGroup = $res->fetch()) { $result[] = $blogGroup["ID"]; } $cache->endDataCache($result); } return $result; } /** * Creates a user blog (when it is the first post of the user) * * @param array $params Parameters. * @return bool * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\LoaderException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function createUserBlog($params) { $result = false; if (!Loader::includeModule('blog')) { throw new Main\SystemException("Could not load 'blog' module."); } if ( !isset($params["BLOG_GROUP_ID"]) || intval($params["BLOG_GROUP_ID"]) <= 0 || !isset($params["USER_ID"]) || intval($params["USER_ID"]) <= 0 || !isset($params["SITE_ID"]) || strlen($params["SITE_ID"]) <= 0 ) { return false; } if ( !isset($params["PATH_TO_BLOG"]) || strlen($params["PATH_TO_BLOG"]) <= 0 ) { $params["PATH_TO_BLOG"] = ""; } $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $fields = array( "=DATE_UPDATE" => $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction(), "=DATE_CREATE" => $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction(), "GROUP_ID" => intval($params["BLOG_GROUP_ID"]), "ACTIVE" => "Y", "OWNER_ID" => intval($params["USER_ID"]), "ENABLE_COMMENTS" => "Y", "ENABLE_IMG_VERIF" => "Y", "EMAIL_NOTIFY" => "Y", "ENABLE_RSS" => "Y", "ALLOW_HTML" => "N", "ENABLE_TRACKBACK" => "N", "SEARCH_INDEX" => "Y", "USE_SOCNET" => "Y", "PERMS_POST" => Array( 1 => "I", 2 => "I" ), "PERMS_COMMENT" => Array( 1 => "P", 2 => "P" ) ); $res = \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'order' => array(), 'filter' => array( "ID" => $params["USER_ID"] ), 'select' => array("NAME", "LAST_NAME", "LOGIN") )); if ($user = $res->fetch()) { $fields["NAME"] = Loc::getMessage("BLG_NAME")." ".( strlen($user["NAME"]."".$user["LAST_NAME"]) <= 0 ? $user["LOGIN"] : $user["NAME"]." ".$user["LAST_NAME"] ); $fields["URL"] = str_replace(" ", "_", $user["LOGIN"])."-blog-".$params["SITE_ID"]; $urlCheck = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/is", "", $fields["URL"]); if ($urlCheck != $fields["URL"]) { $fields["URL"] = "u".$params["USER_ID"]."-blog-".$params["SITE_ID"]; } if(\CBlog::getByUrl($fields["URL"])) { $uind = 0; do { $uind++; $fields["URL"] = $fields["URL"].$uind; } while (\CBlog::getByUrl($fields["URL"])); } $fields["PATH"] = \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( $params["PATH_TO_BLOG"], array( "blog" => $fields["URL"], "user_id" => $fields["OWNER_ID"] ) ); if ($blogID = \CBlog::add($fields)) { BXClearCache(true, "/blog/form/blog/"); $rightsFound = false; $featureOperationPerms = \CSocNetFeaturesPerms::getOperationPerm( SONET_ENTITY_USER, $fields["OWNER_ID"], "blog", "view_post" ); if ($featureOperationPerms == SONET_RELATIONS_TYPE_ALL) { $rightsFound = true; } if ($rightsFound) { \CBlog::addSocnetRead($blogID); } $result = \CBlog::getByID($blogID); } } return $result; } /** * get urlPreview property value from text with links * * @param $text string * @param bool|true $html * @return bool|string * @throws Main\ArgumentTypeException */ public static function getUrlPreviewValue($text, $html = true) { static $parser = false; $value = false; if (empty($text)) { return $value; } if (!$parser) { $parser = new \CTextParser(); } if ($html) { $text = $parser->convertHtmlToBB($text); } preg_match_all("/\[url\s*=\s*([^\]]*)\](.+?)\[\/url\]/ies".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $text, $res); if ( !empty($res) && !empty($res[1]) ) { $url = ( !Application::isUtfMode() ? \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($res[1][0], 'UTF-8', \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getCulture()->getCharset()) : $res[1][0] ); $metaData = \Bitrix\Main\UrlPreview\UrlPreview::getMetadataAndHtmlByUrl($url, true, false); if ( !empty($metaData) && !empty($metaData["ID"]) && intval($metaData["ID"]) > 0 ) { $signer = new \Bitrix\Main\Security\Sign\Signer(); $value = $signer->sign($metaData["ID"].'', \Bitrix\Main\UrlPreview\UrlPreview::SIGN_SALT); } } return $value; } /** * Returns rendered url preview block * * @param array $uf * @param array $params * @return string|boolean */ public static function getUrlPreviewContent($uf, $params = array()) { global $APPLICATION; $res = false; if ($uf["USER_TYPE"]["USER_TYPE_ID"] != 'url_preview') { return $res; } ob_start(); $APPLICATION->includeComponent( "bitrix:system.field.view", $uf["USER_TYPE"]["USER_TYPE_ID"], array( "LAZYLOAD" => (isset($params["LAZYLOAD"]) && $params["LAZYLOAD"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"), "MOBILE" => (isset($params["MOBILE"]) && $params["MOBILE"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"), "arUserField" => $uf, "arAddField" => array( "NAME_TEMPLATE" => (isset($params["NAME_TEMPLATE"]) ? $params["NAME_TEMPLATE"] : false), "PATH_TO_USER" => (isset($params["PATH_TO_USER"]) ? $params["PATH_TO_USER"] : '') ) ), null, array("HIDE_ICONS"=>"Y") ); $res = ob_get_clean(); return $res; } public static function getExtranetUserIdList() { static $result = false; global $CACHE_MANAGER; if ($result === false) { $result = array(); if (!ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('extranet')) { return $result; } $ttl = (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE") ? 2592000 : 600); $cacheId = 'sonet_ex_userid'; $cache = new \CPHPCache; $cacheDir = '/bitrix/sonet/user_ex'; if($cache->initCache($ttl, $cacheId, $cacheDir)) { $tmpVal = $cache->getVars(); $result = $tmpVal['EX_USER_ID']; unset($tmpVal); } else { if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->startTagCache($cacheDir); } $filter = array( 'UF_DEPARTMENT_SINGLE' => false ); $externalAuthIdList = self::checkPredefinedAuthIdList(array('bot', 'email', 'controller', 'sale', 'imconnector')); if (!empty($externalAuthIdList)) { $filter['!=EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID'] = $externalAuthIdList; } $res = \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'order' => array(), 'filter' => $filter, 'select' => array('ID') )); while($user = $res->fetch()) { $result[] = $user["ID"]; } if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag('sonet_user2group'); $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag('sonet_extranet_user_list'); $CACHE_MANAGER->endTagCache(); } if($cache->startDataCache()) { $cache->endDataCache(array( 'EX_USER_ID' => $result )); } } } return $result; } public static function getEmailUserIdList() { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $result = array(); if ( !ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('mail') || !ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('intranet') ) { return $result; } $ttl = (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE") ? 2592000 : 600); $cacheId = 'sonet_email_userid'; $cache = new \CPHPCache; $cacheDir = '/bitrix/sonet/user_email'; if($cache->initCache($ttl, $cacheId, $cacheDir)) { $tmpVal = $cache->getVars(); $result = $tmpVal['EMAIL_USER_ID']; unset($tmpVal); } else { if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->startTagCache($cacheDir); } $res = \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'order' => array(), 'filter' => array( '=EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID' => 'email' ), 'select' => array('ID') )); while($user = $res->fetch()) { $result[] = $user["ID"]; } if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag('USER_CARD'); $CACHE_MANAGER->endTagCache(); } if($cache->startDataCache()) { $cache->endDataCache(array( 'EMAIL_USER_ID' => $result )); } } return $result; } public static function getExtranetSonetGroupIdList() { $result = array(); $ttl = (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE") ? 2592000 : 600); $cacheId = 'sonet_ex_groupid'; $cache = new \CPHPCache; $cacheDir = '/bitrix/sonet/group_ex'; if($cache->initCache($ttl, $cacheId, $cacheDir)) { $tmpVal = $cache->getVars(); $result = $tmpVal['EX_GROUP_ID']; unset($tmpVal); } elseif (Loader::includeModule('extranet')) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->startTagCache($cacheDir); } $res = WorkgroupTable::getList(array( 'order' => array(), 'filter' => array( "=WorkgroupSite:GROUP.SITE_ID" => \CExtranet::getExtranetSiteID() ), 'select' => array('ID') )); while($sonetGroup = $res->fetch()) { $result[] = $sonetGroup["ID"]; if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag('sonet_group_'.$sonetGroup["ID"]); } } if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag('sonet_group'); $CACHE_MANAGER->endTagCache(); } if($cache->startDataCache()) { $cache->endDataCache(array( 'EX_GROUP_ID' => $result )); } } return $result; } public static function hasCommentSource($params) { $res = false; if (empty($params["LOG_EVENT_ID"])) { return $res; } $commentEvent = \CSocNetLogTools::findLogCommentEventByLogEventID($params["LOG_EVENT_ID"]); if ( isset($commentEvent["DELETE_CALLBACK"]) && $commentEvent["DELETE_CALLBACK"] != "NO_SOURCE" ) { if ( $commentEvent["EVENT_ID"] == "crm_activity_add_comment" && isset($params["LOG_ENTITY_ID"]) && intval($params["LOG_ENTITY_ID"]) > 0 && Loader::includeModule('crm') ) { $result = \CCrmActivity::getList( array(), array( 'ID' => intval($params["LOG_ENTITY_ID"]), 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N' ) ); if ($activity = $result->fetch()) { $res = ($activity['TYPE_ID'] == \CCrmActivityType::Task); } } else { $res = true; } } return $res; } // only by current userid public static function processBlogPostShare($fields, $params) { $postId = intval($fields["POST_ID"]); $blogId = intval($fields["BLOG_ID"]); $siteId = $fields["SITE_ID"]; $sonetRights = $fields["SONET_RIGHTS"]; $newRights = $fields["NEW_RIGHTS"]; $userId = $fields["USER_ID"]; $commentId = false; $logId = false; if ( Loader::includeModule('blog') && \CBlogPost::update($postId, array("SOCNET_RIGHTS" => $sonetRights, "HAS_SOCNET_ALL" => "N")) ) { BXClearCache(true, self::getBlogPostCacheDir(array( 'TYPE' => 'post', 'POST_ID' => $postId ))); BXClearCache(true, self::getBlogPostCacheDir(array( 'TYPE' => 'post_general', 'POST_ID' => $postId ))); BXClearCache(True, self::getBlogPostCacheDir(array( 'TYPE' => 'posts_popular', 'SITE_ID' => $siteId ))); $logSiteListNew = array(); $user2NotifyList = array(); $sonetPermissionList = \CBlogPost::getSocnetPermsName($postId); $extranet = Loader::includeModule("extranet"); $extranetSite = ($extranet ? \CExtranet::getExtranetSiteID() : false); $tzOffset = \CTimeZone::getOffset(); $res = \CBlogPost::getList( array(), array("ID" => $postId), false, false, array("ID", "BLOG_ID", "PUBLISH_STATUS", "TITLE", "AUTHOR_ID", "ENABLE_COMMENTS", "NUM_COMMENTS", "VIEWS", "CODE", "MICRO", "DETAIL_TEXT", "DATE_PUBLISH", "CATEGORY_ID", "HAS_SOCNET_ALL", "HAS_TAGS", "HAS_IMAGES", "HAS_PROPS", "HAS_COMMENT_IMAGES") ); $post = $res->fetch(); if (!$post) { return false; } $intranetUserIdList = ($extranet ? \CExtranet::getIntranetUsers() : false); $auxLiveParamList = array(); $sharedToIntranetUser = false; foreach($sonetPermissionList as $type => $v) { foreach($v as $vv) { if ( $type == "SG" && in_array($type.$vv["ENTITY_ID"], $newRights) ) { $renderParts = new Livefeed\RenderParts\SonetGroup(); $renderData = $renderParts->getData($vv["ENTITY_ID"]); if($sonetGroup = \CSocNetGroup::getByID($vv["ENTITY_ID"])) { $res = \CSocNetGroup::getSite($vv["ENTITY_ID"]); while ($groupSiteList = $res->fetch()) { $logSiteListNew[] = $groupSiteList["LID"]; } $auxLiveParamList[] = array( "ENTITY_TYPE" => 'SG', "ENTITY_ID" => $renderData['id'], "NAME" => $renderData['name'], "LINK" => $renderData['link'], "VISIBILITY" => ($sonetGroup["VISIBLE"] == "Y" ? "all" : "group_members") ); } } elseif ($type == "U") { if ( in_array("US".$vv["ENTITY_ID"], $vv["ENTITY"]) && in_array("UA", $newRights) ) { $renderParts = new Livefeed\RenderParts\User(); $renderData = $renderParts->getData(0); $auxLiveParamList[] = array( "ENTITY_TYPE" => 'UA', "ENTITY_ID" => 'UA', "NAME" => $renderData['name'], "LINK" => $renderData['link'], "VISIBILITY" => 'all' ); } elseif(in_array($type.$vv["ENTITY_ID"], $newRights)) { $renderParts = new Livefeed\RenderParts\User(); $renderData = $renderParts->getData($vv["ENTITY_ID"]); $user2NotifyList[] = $vv["ENTITY_ID"]; if ( $extranet && is_array($intranetUserIdList) && !in_array($vv["ENTITY_ID"], $intranetUserIdList) ) { $logSiteListNew[] = $extranetSite; $visibility = 'extranet'; } else { $sharedToIntranetUser = true; $visibility = 'intranet'; } $auxLiveParamList[] = array( "ENTITY_TYPE" => 'U', "ENTITY_ID" => $renderData['id'], "NAME" => $renderData['name'], "LINK" => $renderData['link'], "VISIBILITY" => $visibility ); } } elseif ( $type == "DR" && in_array($type.$vv["ENTITY_ID"], $newRights) ) { $renderParts = new Livefeed\RenderParts\Department(); $renderData = $renderParts->getData($vv["ENTITY_ID"]); $auxLiveParamList[] = array( "ENTITY_TYPE" => 'DR', "ENTITY_ID" => $renderData['id'], "NAME" => $renderData['name'], "LINK" => $renderData['link'], "VISIBILITY" => 'intranet' ); } } } $userIP = \CBlogUser::getUserIP(); $auxText = CommentAux\Share::getPostText(); $mention = ( isset($params["MENTION"]) && $params["MENTION"] == "Y" ); $commentFields = Array( "POST_ID" => $postId, "BLOG_ID" => $blogId, "POST_TEXT" => $auxText, "DATE_CREATE" => convertTimeStamp(time() + $tzOffset, "FULL"), "AUTHOR_IP" => $userIP[0], "AUTHOR_IP1" => $userIP[1], "PARENT_ID" => false, "AUTHOR_ID" => $userId, "SHARE_DEST" => implode(",", $newRights).($mention ? '|mention' : ''), ); $userIdSent = array(); if($commentId = \CBlogComment::add($commentFields, false)) { BXClearCache(true, self::getBlogPostCacheDir(array( 'TYPE' => 'post_comments', 'POST_ID' => $postId ))); if($post["AUTHOR_ID"] != $userId) { $fieldsIM = array( "TYPE" => "SHARE", "TITLE" => htmlspecialcharsback($post["TITLE"]), "URL" => \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( htmlspecialcharsBack($params["PATH_TO_POST"]), array( "post_id" => $postId, "user_id" => $post["AUTHOR_ID"] ) ), "ID" => $postId, "FROM_USER_ID" => $userId, "TO_USER_ID" => array($post["AUTHOR_ID"]), ); \CBlogPost::notifyIm($fieldsIM); $userIdSent[] = array_merge($userIdSent, $fieldsIM["TO_USER_ID"]); } if(!empty($user2NotifyList)) { $fieldsIM = array( "TYPE" => "SHARE2USERS", "TITLE" => htmlspecialcharsback($post["TITLE"]), "URL" => \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( htmlspecialcharsBack($params["PATH_TO_POST"]), array( "post_id" => $postId, "user_id" => $post["AUTHOR_ID"] )), "ID" => $postId, "FROM_USER_ID" => $userId, "TO_USER_ID" => $user2NotifyList, ); \CBlogPost::notifyIm($fieldsIM); $userIdSent[] = array_merge($userIdSent, $fieldsIM["TO_USER_ID"]); \CBlogPost::notifyMail(array( "type" => "POST_SHARE", "siteId" => $siteId, "userId" => $user2NotifyList, "authorId" => $userId, "postId" => $post["ID"], "postUrl" => \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( '/pub/post.php?post_id=#post_id#', array( "post_id"=> $post["ID"] ) ) )); } } $blogPostLivefeedProvider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\BlogPost; /* update socnet log rights*/ $res = \CSocNetLog::getList( array("ID" => "DESC"), array( "EVENT_ID" => $blogPostLivefeedProvider->getEventId(), "SOURCE_ID" => $postId ), false, false, array("ID", "ENTITY_TYPE", "ENTITY_ID", "USER_ID", "EVENT_ID") ); if ($logEntry = $res->fetch()) { $logId = $logEntry["ID"]; $logSiteList = array(); $res = \CSocNetLog::getSite($logId); while ($logSite = $res->fetch()) { $logSiteList[] = $logSite["LID"]; } $logSiteListNew = array_unique(array_merge($logSiteListNew, $logSiteList)); if ( $extranet && $sharedToIntranetUser && count($logSiteListNew) == 1 && $logSiteListNew[0] == $extranetSite ) { $logSiteListNew[] = \CSite::getDefSite(); } $socnetPerms = self::getBlogPostSocNetPerms(array( 'postId' => $postId, 'authorId' => $post["AUTHOR_ID"] )); \CSocNetLogRights::deleteByLogID($logId); \CSocNetLogRights::add($logId, $socnetPerms, true, false); foreach($newRights as $GROUP_CODE) { if (preg_match('/^U(\d+)$/', $GROUP_CODE, $matches)) { \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\ComponentHelper::userLogSubscribe(array( 'logId' => $logId, 'userId' => $matches[1], 'siteId' => $siteId, 'typeList' => array( 'FOLLOW', 'COUNTER_COMMENT_PUSH' ), 'followDate' => 'CURRENT' )); } } if (count(array_diff($logSiteListNew, $logSiteList)) > 0) { \CSocNetLog::update($logId, array( "ENTITY_TYPE" => $logEntry["ENTITY_TYPE"], // to use any real field "SITE_ID" => $logSiteListNew )); } if ($commentId > 0) { $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $logCommentFields = array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => SONET_ENTITY_USER, 'ENTITY_ID' => $post["AUTHOR_ID"], 'EVENT_ID' => 'blog_comment', '=LOG_DATE' => $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction(), 'LOG_ID' => $logId, 'USER_ID' => $userId, 'MESSAGE' => $auxText, "TEXT_MESSAGE" => $auxText, 'MODULE_ID' => false, 'SOURCE_ID' => $commentId, 'RATING_TYPE_ID' => 'BLOG_COMMENT', 'RATING_ENTITY_ID' => $commentId ); \CSocNetLogComments::add($logCommentFields, false, false); } \CSocNetLogFollow::deleteByLogID($logId, "Y", true); /* subscribe share author */ \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\ComponentHelper::userLogSubscribe(array( 'logId' => $logId, 'userId' => $userId, 'typeList' => array( 'FOLLOW', 'COUNTER_COMMENT_PUSH' ), 'followDate' => 'CURRENT' )); } /* update socnet groupd activity*/ foreach($newRights as $v) { if(substr($v, 0, 2) == "SG") { $groupId = intval(substr($v, 2)); if($groupId > 0) { \CSocNetGroup::setLastActivity($groupId); } } } \Bitrix\Blog\Broadcast::send(array( "EMAIL_FROM" => \COption::getOptionString("main","email_from", "nobody@nobody.com"), "SOCNET_RIGHTS" => $newRights, "ENTITY_TYPE" => "POST", "ENTITY_ID" => $post["ID"], "AUTHOR_ID" => $post["AUTHOR_ID"], "URL" => \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( htmlspecialcharsBack($params["PATH_TO_POST"]), array( "post_id" => $post["ID"], "user_id" => $post["AUTHOR_ID"] ) ), "EXCLUDE_USERS" => $userIdSent )); \Bitrix\Main\FinderDestTable::merge(array( "CONTEXT" => "blog_post", "CODE" => \Bitrix\Main\FinderDestTable::convertRights($newRights) )); if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm')) { \CCrmLiveFeedComponent::processCrmBlogPostRights($logId, $logEntry, $post, 'share'); } if ( intval($commentId) > 0 && ( !isset($params["LIVE"]) || $params["LIVE"] != "N" ) ) { $provider = \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\CommentAux\Base::init(\Bitrix\Socialnetwork\CommentAux\Share::getType(), array( 'liveParamList' => $auxLiveParamList )); \CBlogComment::addLiveComment($commentId, array( "PATH_TO_USER" => $params["PATH_TO_USER"], "PATH_TO_POST" => \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( htmlspecialcharsBack($params["PATH_TO_POST"]), array( "post_id" => $post["ID"], "user_id" => $post["AUTHOR_ID"] ) ), "LOG_ID" => ($logId ? intval($logId) : 0), "AUX" => 'share', "AUX_LIVE_PARAMS" => $provider->getLiveParams(), "CAN_USER_COMMENT" => (!empty($params["CAN_USER_COMMENT"]) && $params["CAN_USER_COMMENT"] == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N') )); } } return $commentId; } public static function processBlogCreateTask($params) { global $USER; $taskId = (isset($params['TASK_ID']) ? intval($params['TASK_ID']) : 0); $sourceEntityType = (isset($params['SOURCE_ENTITY_TYPE']) && in_array($params['SOURCE_ENTITY_TYPE'], array('BLOG_POST', 'BLOG_COMMENT')) ? $params['SOURCE_ENTITY_TYPE'] : false); $sourceEntityId = (isset($params['SOURCE_ENTITY_ID']) ? intval($params['SOURCE_ENTITY_ID']) : 0); $commentId = $postId = $blogId = $logId = 0; if ( empty($sourceEntityType) || $sourceEntityId <= 0 || $taskId <= 0 || !Loader::includeModule('tasks') || !Loader::includeModule('blog') ) { return false; } if ($task = \Bitrix\Tasks\Manager\Task::get($USER->getId(), $taskId)) { $task = $task['DATA']; } if (!$task) { return false; } if ($sourceEntityType == 'BLOG_COMMENT') { $commentId = $sourceEntityId; if ($comment = \CBlogComment::getByID($sourceEntityId)) { $postId = $comment['POST_ID']; } } else { $postId = $sourceEntityId; } if ( $postId <= 0 || !($post = \CBlogPost::getByID($postId)) || !\Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\BlogPost::canRead(array( 'POST' => $post )) ) { return false; } $blogId = intval($post['BLOG_ID']); if ($blogId <= 0) { return false; } $userIP = \CBlogUser::getUserIP(); $auxText = CommentAux\CreateTask::getPostText(); if(!($newCommentId = \CBlogComment::add(array( "POST_ID" => $postId, "BLOG_ID" => $blogId, "POST_TEXT" => $auxText, "DATE_CREATE" => convertTimeStamp(time() + \CTimeZone::getOffset(), "FULL"), "AUTHOR_IP" => $userIP[0], "AUTHOR_IP1" => $userIP[1], "PARENT_ID" => false, "AUTHOR_ID" => $task['CREATED_BY'], "SHARE_DEST" => 'sourcetype='.$sourceEntityType.'|sourceid='.$sourceEntityId.'|taskid='.$taskId, ), false))) { return false; } BXClearCache(true, "/blog/comment/".intval($postId / 100)."/".$postId."/"); $blogPostLivefeedProvider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\BlogPost; $res = \CSocNetLog::getList( array(), array( 'EVENT_ID' => $blogPostLivefeedProvider->getEventId(), 'SOURCE_ID' => $postId ), false, array('nTopCount' => 1), array('ID') ); if ($log = $res->fetch()) { $logId = intval($log['ID']); } if ($logId > 0) { $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $logCommentFields = array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => SONET_ENTITY_USER, 'ENTITY_ID' => $post["AUTHOR_ID"], 'EVENT_ID' => 'blog_comment', '=LOG_DATE' => $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction(), 'LOG_ID' => $logId, 'USER_ID' => $task['CREATED_BY'], 'MESSAGE' => $auxText, "TEXT_MESSAGE" => $auxText, 'MODULE_ID' => false, 'SOURCE_ID' => $newCommentId, 'RATING_TYPE_ID' => 'BLOG_COMMENT', 'RATING_ENTITY_ID' => $newCommentId ); \CSocNetLogComments::add($logCommentFields, false, false); if ( isset($params["LIVE"]) && $params["LIVE"] == "Y" ) { $userPage = Option::get('socialnetwork', 'user_page', SITE_DIR.'company/personal/'); $userPath = $userPage.'user/'.$post['AUTHOR_ID'].'/'; $auxLiveParamList = array( 'sourceEntityType' => $sourceEntityType, 'sourceEntityId' => $sourceEntityId, 'taskId' => $taskId, 'taskName' => htmlspecialcharsback($task['TITLE']), 'sourceEntityLink' => ( $sourceEntityType == CreateTask::SOURCE_TYPE_BLOG_COMMENT ? $userPath.'blog/'.$post['ID'].'/?commentId='.$sourceEntityId.'#com'.$sourceEntityId : '' ) ); $provider = \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\CommentAux\Base::init(\Bitrix\Socialnetwork\CommentAux\CreateTask::getType(), array( 'liveParamList' => $auxLiveParamList )); \CBlogComment::addLiveComment($newCommentId, array( "PATH_TO_USER" => $userPath, "LOG_ID" => $logId, 'MODE' => 'PULL_MESSAGE', "AUX" => 'createtask', "AUX_LIVE_PARAMS" => $provider->getLiveParams() )); } } return true; } public static function processLogEntryCreateTask($params) { global $USER; $taskId = (isset($params['TASK_ID']) ? intval($params['TASK_ID']) : 0); $siteId = (isset($params['SITE_ID']) ? $params['SITE_ID'] : SITE_ID); $postEntityType = (isset($params['POST_ENTITY_TYPE']) ? $params['POST_ENTITY_TYPE'] : false); $sourceEntityType = (isset($params['SOURCE_ENTITY_TYPE']) ? $params['SOURCE_ENTITY_TYPE'] : false); $sourceEntityId = (isset($params['SOURCE_ENTITY_ID']) ? intval($params['SOURCE_ENTITY_ID']) : 0); if ( empty($postEntityType) || empty($sourceEntityType) || $sourceEntityId <= 0 || $taskId <= 0 || !Loader::includeModule('tasks') ) { return false; } if ($task = \Bitrix\Tasks\Manager\Task::get($USER->getId(), $taskId)) { $task = $task['DATA']; } if (!$task) { return false; } $res = \CSite::getByID($siteId); $site = $res->fetch(); $provider = \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\Provider::init(array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $sourceEntityType, 'ENTITY_ID' => $sourceEntityId )); if (!$provider) { return false; } $commentProvider = false; if ($postProvider = \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\Provider::getProvider($postEntityType)) { $commentProvider = $postProvider->getCommentProvider(); } if (!$commentProvider) { return false; } $commentProvider->setLogId($provider->getLogId()); $sonetCommentId = $commentProvider->add(array( 'SITE_ID' => $siteId, 'AUTHOR_ID' => $task['CREATED_BY'], 'MESSAGE' => CommentAux\CreateTask::getPostText(), 'SHARE_DEST' => 'sourcetype='.$sourceEntityType.'|sourceid='.$sourceEntityId.'|taskid='.$taskId, 'AUX' => 'Y' )); if (!$sonetCommentId) { return false; } if ( isset($params["LIVE"]) && $params["LIVE"] == "Y" ) { $logCommentFields = \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Item\LogComment::getById($sonetCommentId)->getFields(); $res = LogTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( "=ID" => $logCommentFields['LOG_ID'] ), 'select' => array("ID", "ENTITY_TYPE", "ENTITY_ID", "USER_ID", "EVENT_ID", "SOURCE_ID") )); if (!($logEntry = $res->fetch())) { return false; } $userPage = Option::get('socialnetwork', 'user_page', $site['DIR'].'company/personal/'); $userPath = $userPage.'user/'.$logEntry['USER_ID'].'/'; $provider->initSourceFields(); $auxLiveParamList = array( 'sourceEntityType' => $sourceEntityType, 'sourceEntityId' => $sourceEntityId, 'taskId' => $taskId, 'taskName' => htmlspecialcharsback($task['TITLE']), 'suffix' => ( $provider->getType() == Provider::TYPE_COMMENT ? $provider->getSuffix() : false ), 'sourceEntityLink' => $provider->getLiveFeedUrl() ); $provider = \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\CommentAux\Base::init( \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\CommentAux\CreateTask::getType(), array( 'liveParamList' => $auxLiveParamList ) ); $commentEvent = \CSocNetLogTools::findLogCommentEventByLogEventID($logEntry["EVENT_ID"]); self::addLiveComment( $logCommentFields, $logEntry, $commentEvent, array( "ACTION" => 'ADD', "SOURCE_ID" => $logCommentFields['SOURCE_ID'], "TIME_FORMAT" => \CSite::getTimeFormat(), "PATH_TO_USER" => $userPath, "NAME_TEMPLATE" => \CSite::getNameFormat(null, $siteId), "SHOW_LOGIN" => "N", "AVATAR_SIZE" => 100, "LANGUAGE_ID" => $site["LANGUAGE_ID"], "SITE_ID" => $siteId, "PULL" => "Y", "AUX" => 'createtask', "AUX_LIVE_PARAMS" => $provider->getLiveParams() ) ); } return true; } public static function getUrlContext() { $result = array(); if ( isset($_GET["entityType"]) && strlen($_GET["entityType"]) > 0 ) { $result["ENTITY_TYPE"] = $_GET["entityType"]; } if ( isset($_GET["entityId"]) && intval($_GET["entityId"]) > 0 ) { $result["ENTITY_ID"] = intval($_GET["entityId"]); } return $result; } public static function addContextToUrl($url, $context) { $result = $url; if ( !empty($context) && !empty($context["ENTITY_TYPE"]) && !empty($context["ENTITY_ID"]) ) { $result = $url.(strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&').'entityType='.$context["ENTITY_TYPE"].'&entityId='.$context["ENTITY_ID"]; } return $result; } public static function checkPredefinedAuthIdList($authIdList = array()) { if (!is_array($authIdList)) { $authIdList = array($authIdList); } foreach($authIdList as $key => $authId) { if ( $authId == 'replica' && !ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled("replica") ) { unset($authIdList[$key]); } if ( $authId == 'imconnector' && !ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled("imconnector") ) { unset($authIdList[$key]); } if ( $authId == 'bot' && !ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled("im") ) { unset($authIdList[$key]); } if ( $authId == 'email' && !ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled("mail") ) { unset($authIdList[$key]); } if ( $authId == 'sale' && !ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled("sale") ) { unset($authIdList[$key]); } } return $authIdList; } public static function setComponentOption($list, $params = array()) { if (!is_array($list)) { return false; } $siteId = (!empty($params["SITE_ID"]) ? $params["SITE_ID"] : SITE_ID); $sefFolder = (!empty($params["SEF_FOLDER"]) ? $params["SEF_FOLDER"] : false); foreach($list as $key => $value) { if ( empty($value["OPTION"]) || empty($value["OPTION"]["MODULE_ID"]) || empty($value["OPTION"]["NAME"]) || empty($value["VALUE"]) ) { continue; } $optionValue = Option::get($value["OPTION"]["MODULE_ID"], $value["OPTION"]["NAME"], false, $siteId); if ( !$optionValue || ( !!$value["CHECK_SEF_FOLDER"] && $sefFolder && substr($optionValue, 0, strlen($sefFolder)) !== $sefFolder ) ) { Option::set($value["OPTION"]["MODULE_ID"], $value["OPTION"]["NAME"], $value["VALUE"], $siteId); } } return true; } public static function getSonetGroupAvailable($params = array(), &$limitReached = false) { global $USER; $currentUserId = $USER->getId(); $limit = (isset($params['limit']) && intval($params['limit']) > 0 ? intval($params['limit']) : 500); $currentCache = \Bitrix\Main\Data\Cache::createInstance(); $cacheTtl = defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE") ? 3153600 : 3600*4; $cacheId = 'dest_group_'.SITE_ID.'_'.$currentUserId.'_'.$limit; $cacheDir = '/sonet/dest_sonet_groups/'.SITE_ID.'/'.$currentUserId; if($currentCache->startDataCache($cacheTtl, $cacheId, $cacheDir)) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $limitReached = false; $groupList = \CSocNetLogDestination::getSocnetGroup(array( 'features' => array("blog", array("premoderate_post", "moderate_post", "write_post", "full_post")), 'limit' => $limit ), $limitReached); if(defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->startTagCache($cacheDir); foreach($groupList as $group) { $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag("sonet_features_G_".$group["entityId"]); $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag("sonet_group_".$group["entityId"]); } $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag("sonet_user2group_U".$currentUserId); $CACHE_MANAGER->endTagCache(); } $currentCache->endDataCache(array( 'groups' => $groupList, 'limitReached' => $limitReached )); } else { $tmp = $currentCache->getVars(); $groupList = $tmp['groups']; $limitReached = $tmp['limitReached']; } if ( !$limitReached && \CSocNetUser::isCurrentUserModuleAdmin() ) { $limitReached = true; } return $groupList; } public static function canAddComment($logEntry = array(), $commentEvent = array()) { $canAddComments = false; global $USER; if ( !is_array($logEntry) && intval($logEntry) > 0 ) { $res = \CSocNetLog::getList( array(), array( "ID" => intval($logEntry) ), false, false, array("ID", "ENTITY_TYPE", "ENTITY_ID", "EVENT_ID", "USER_ID") ); if (!($logEntry = $res->fetch())) { return $canAddComments; } } if ( !is_array($logEntry) || empty($logEntry) || empty($logEntry["EVENT_ID"]) ) { return $canAddComments; } if ( !is_array($commentEvent) || empty($commentEvent) ) { $commentEvent = \CSocNetLogTools::findLogCommentEventByLogEventID($logEntry["EVENT_ID"]); } if (is_array($commentEvent)) { $feature = \CSocNetLogTools::findFeatureByEventID($commentEvent["EVENT_ID"]); if ( array_key_exists("OPERATION_ADD", $commentEvent) && $commentEvent["OPERATION_ADD"] == "log_rights" ) { $canAddComments = \CSocNetLogRights::checkForUser($logEntry["ID"], $USER->getID()); } elseif ( $feature && array_key_exists("OPERATION_ADD", $commentEvent) && strlen($commentEvent["OPERATION_ADD"]) > 0 ) { $canAddComments = \CSocNetFeaturesPerms::canPerformOperation( $USER->getID(), $logEntry["ENTITY_TYPE"], $logEntry["ENTITY_ID"], ($feature == "microblog" ? "blog" : $feature), $commentEvent["OPERATION_ADD"], \CSocNetUser::isCurrentUserModuleAdmin() ); } else { $canAddComments = true; } } return $canAddComments; } public static function addLiveComment($comment = array(), $logEntry, $commentEvent = array(), $params = array()) { global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER, $DB, $APPLICATION; $result = array(); if ( !is_array($comment) || empty($comment) || !is_array($logEntry) || empty($logEntry) || !is_array($commentEvent) || empty($commentEvent) ) { return $result; } if ( !isset($params["ACTION"]) || !in_array($params["ACTION"], array("ADD", "UPDATE")) ) { $params["ACTION"] = "ADD"; } if ( !isset($params["LANGUAGE_ID"]) || empty($params["LANGUAGE_ID"]) ) { $params["LANGUAGE_ID"] = LANGUAGE_ID; } if ( !isset($params["SITE_ID"]) || empty($params["SITE_ID"]) ) { $params["SITE_ID"] = SITE_ID; } if ($params["ACTION"] == "ADD") { if ( !empty($commentEvent) && !empty($commentEvent["METHOD_CANEDIT"]) && !empty($comment["SOURCE_ID"]) && intval($comment["SOURCE_ID"]) > 0 && !empty($logEntry["SOURCE_ID"]) && intval($logEntry["SOURCE_ID"]) > 0 ) { $canEdit = call_user_func($commentEvent["METHOD_CANEDIT"], array( "LOG_SOURCE_ID" => $logEntry["SOURCE_ID"], "COMMENT_SOURCE_ID" => $comment["SOURCE_ID"], "USER_ID" => $comment["USER_ID"] )); } else { $canEdit = true; } } $result["hasEditCallback"] = ( $canEdit && is_array($commentEvent) && isset($commentEvent["UPDATE_CALLBACK"]) && ( $commentEvent["UPDATE_CALLBACK"] == "NO_SOURCE" || is_callable($commentEvent["UPDATE_CALLBACK"]) ) ? "Y" : "N" ); $result["hasDeleteCallback"] = ( $canEdit && is_array($commentEvent) && isset($commentEvent["DELETE_CALLBACK"]) && ( $commentEvent["DELETE_CALLBACK"] == "NO_SOURCE" || is_callable($commentEvent["DELETE_CALLBACK"]) ) ? "Y" : "N" ); if ( !isset($params["SOURCE_ID"]) || intval($params["SOURCE_ID"]) <= 0 ) { foreach (EventManager::getInstance()->findEventHandlers('socialnetwork', 'OnAfterSonetLogEntryAddComment') as $handler) // send notification { ExecuteModuleEventEx($handler, array($comment)); } } $result["arComment"] = $comment; foreach($result["arComment"] as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, "~") === 0) { unset($result["arComment"][$key]); } } $result["arComment"]["RATING_USER_HAS_VOTED"] = "N"; $result["sourceID"] = $comment["SOURCE_ID"]; $result["timestamp"] = makeTimeStamp( array_key_exists("LOG_DATE_FORMAT", $comment) ? $comment["LOG_DATE_FORMAT"] : $comment["LOG_DATE"] ); $comment["UF"] = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->getUserFields("SONET_COMMENT", $comment["ID"], LANGUAGE_ID); if ( array_key_exists("UF_SONET_COM_DOC", $comment["UF"]) && array_key_exists("VALUE", $comment["UF"]["UF_SONET_COM_DOC"]) && is_array($comment["UF"]["UF_SONET_COM_DOC"]["VALUE"]) && count($comment["UF"]["UF_SONET_COM_DOC"]["VALUE"]) > 0 && $commentEvent["EVENT_ID"] != "tasks_comment" ) { $rights = array(); $res = \CSocNetLogRights::getList(array(), array("LOG_ID" => $logEntry["ID"])); while ($right = $res->fetch()) { $rights[] = $right["GROUP_CODE"]; } \CSocNetLogTools::setUFRights($comment["UF"]["UF_SONET_COM_DOC"]["VALUE"], $rights); } $dateFormated = FormatDate( $DB->dateFormatToPHP(FORMAT_DATE), $result["timestamp"] ); $timeFormat = ( !empty($params["TIME_FORMAT"]) ? $params["TIME_FORMAT"] : \CSite::getTimeFormat() ); $result["timeFormatted"] = formatDateFromDB( ( array_key_exists("LOG_DATE_FORMAT", $comment) ? $comment["LOG_DATE_FORMAT"] : $comment["LOG_DATE"] ), ( stripos($timeFormat, 'a') || ( $timeFormat == 'FULL' && (strpos(FORMAT_DATETIME, 'T')!==false || strpos(FORMAT_DATETIME, 'TT')!==false) ) !== false ? (strpos(FORMAT_DATETIME, 'TT')!==false ? 'H:MI TT' : 'H:MI T') : 'HH:MI' ) ); if (intval($comment["USER_ID"]) > 0) { $user = array( 'ID' => $comment["USER_ID"] ); $res = Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'ID' => $comment["USER_ID"] ), 'select' => array('NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'LOGIN', 'PERSONAL_PHOTO', 'PERSONAL_GENDER') )); if ($userFields = $res->fetch()) { $user = array( "ID" => $comment["USER_ID"], "NAME" => $userFields["NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $userFields["LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $userFields["SECOND_NAME"], "LOGIN" => $userFields["LOGIN"], "PERSONAL_PHOTO" => $userFields["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], "PERSONAL_GENDER" => $userFields["PERSONAL_GENDER"], ); } $createdBy = array( "FORMATTED" => \CUser::formatName($params["NAME_TEMPLATE"], $user, ($params["SHOW_LOGIN"] != "N")), "URL" => \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( $params["PATH_TO_USER"], array( "user_id" => $comment["USER_ID"], "id" => $comment["USER_ID"] ) ) ); } else { $user = array(); $createdBy = array( "FORMATTED" => Loc::getMessage("SONET_HELPER_CREATED_BY_ANONYMOUS", false, $params["LANGUAGE_ID"]) ); } $commentFormatted = array( "LOG_DATE" => $comment["LOG_DATE"], "LOG_DATE_FORMAT" => $comment["LOG_DATE_FORMAT"], "LOG_DATE_DAY" => ConvertTimeStamp(MakeTimeStamp($comment["LOG_DATE"]), "SHORT"), "LOG_TIME_FORMAT" => $result["timeFormatted"], "MESSAGE" => $comment["MESSAGE"], "MESSAGE_FORMAT" => $comment["~MESSAGE"], "CREATED_BY" => $createdBy, "AVATAR_SRC" => \CSocNetLogTools::formatEvent_CreateAvatar($user, $params, ""), "USER_ID" => $comment["USER_ID"] ); if ( array_key_exists("CLASS_FORMAT", $commentEvent) && array_key_exists("METHOD_FORMAT", $commentEvent) ) { $fieldsFormatted = call_user_func( array($commentEvent["CLASS_FORMAT"], $commentEvent["METHOD_FORMAT"]), $comment, $params ); $commentFormatted["MESSAGE_FORMAT"] = htmlspecialcharsback($fieldsFormatted["EVENT_FORMATTED"]["MESSAGE"]); } else { $commentFormatted["MESSAGE_FORMAT"] = $comment["MESSAGE"]; } if ( array_key_exists("CLASS_FORMAT", $commentEvent) && array_key_exists("METHOD_FORMAT", $commentEvent) ) { $fieldsFormatted = call_user_func( array($commentEvent["CLASS_FORMAT"], $commentEvent["METHOD_FORMAT"]), $comment, array_merge( $params, array( "MOBILE" => "Y" ) ) ); $messageMobile = htmlspecialcharsback($fieldsFormatted["EVENT_FORMATTED"]["MESSAGE"]); } else { $messageMobile = $comment["MESSAGE"]; } $result["arCommentFormatted"] = $commentFormatted; if ( isset($params["PULL"]) && $params["PULL"] == "Y" && Loader::includeModule("pull") && \CPullOptions::getNginxStatus() ) { if (!empty($params["ENTITY_XML_ID"])) { $entityXMLId = $params["ENTITY_XML_ID"]; } else { $forumMetaData = \CSocNetLogTools::getForumCommentMetaData($logEntry["EVENT_ID"]); if ( $logEntry["ENTITY_TYPE"] == "CRMACTIVITY" && Loader::includeModule("crm") && ($activity = \CCrmActivity::getByID($logEntry["ENTITY_ID"], false)) && ($activity["TYPE_ID"] == \CCrmActivityType::Task) ) { $entityXMLId = "TASK_".$activity["ASSOCIATED_ENTITY_ID"]; } elseif ( $logEntry["ENTITY_TYPE"] == "WF" && $logEntry["SOURCE_ID"] > 0 && Loader::includeModule("bizproc") && ($workflowId = \CBPStateService::getWorkflowByIntegerId($logEntry["SOURCE_ID"])) ) { $entityXMLId = "WF_".$workflowId; } elseif ( $forumMetaData && $logEntry["SOURCE_ID"] > 0 ) { $entityXMLId = $forumMetaData[0]."_".$logEntry["SOURCE_ID"]; } else { $entityXMLId = strtoupper($logEntry["EVENT_ID"])."_".$logEntry["ID"]; } } $listCommentId = ( !!$comment["SOURCE_ID"] ? $comment["SOURCE_ID"] : $comment["ID"] ); $eventHandlerID = EventManager::getInstance()->addEventHandlerCompatible("main", "system.field.view.file", array("CSocNetLogTools", "logUFfileShow")); $rights = \CSocNetLogComponent::getCommentRights(array( "EVENT_ID" => $logEntry["EVENT_ID"], "SOURCE_ID" => $logEntry["SOURCE_ID"], "USER_ID" => $comment["USER_ID"] )); $postContentTypeId = $commentContentTypeId = $commentEntitySuffix = ''; $contentId = \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\Provider::getContentId($logEntry); if ( !empty($contentId['ENTITY_TYPE']) && ($postProvider = \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\Provider::getProvider($contentId['ENTITY_TYPE'])) && ($commentProvider = $postProvider->getCommentProvider()) ) { $postContentTypeId = $postProvider->getContentTypeId(); $commentProviderClassName = get_class($commentProvider); $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($commentProviderClassName); $canGetCommentContent = ($reflectionClass->getMethod('initSourceFields')->class == $commentProviderClassName); if ($canGetCommentContent) { $commentContentTypeId = $commentProvider->getContentTypeId(); } } $res = $APPLICATION->includeComponent( "bitrix:main.post.list", "", array( "TEMPLATE_ID" => '', "RATING_TYPE_ID" => $comment["RATING_TYPE_ID"], "ENTITY_XML_ID" => $entityXMLId, "POST_CONTENT_TYPE_ID" => $postContentTypeId, "COMMENT_CONTENT_TYPE_ID" => $commentContentTypeId, "RECORDS" => array( $listCommentId => array( "ID" => $listCommentId, "RATING_VOTE_ID" => $comment["RATING_TYPE_ID"].'_'.$listCommentId.'-'.(time()+rand(0, 1000)), "NEW" => "Y", "APPROVED" => "Y", "POST_TIMESTAMP" => $result["timestamp"], "AUTHOR" => array( "ID" => $user["ID"], "NAME" => $user["NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $user["LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $user["SECOND_NAME"], "PERSONAL_GENDER" => $user["PERSONAL_GENDER"], "AVATAR" => $commentFormatted["AVATAR_SRC"], ), "FILES" => false, "UF" => $comment["UF"], "~POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $comment["~MESSAGE"], "WEB" => array( "CLASSNAME" => "", "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $commentFormatted["MESSAGE_FORMAT"], "AFTER" => $commentFormatted["UF"] ), "MOBILE" => array( "CLASSNAME" => "", "POST_MESSAGE_TEXT" => $messageMobile ), "AUX" => (isset($params['AUX']) ? $params['AUX'] : ''), "AUX_LIVE_PARAMS" => (isset($params['AUX_LIVE_PARAMS']) ? $params['AUX_LIVE_PARAMS'] : array()), ) ), "NAV_STRING" => "", "NAV_RESULT" => "", "PREORDER" => "N", "RIGHTS" => array( "MODERATE" => "N", "EDIT" => $rights["COMMENT_RIGHTS_EDIT"], "DELETE" => $rights["COMMENT_RIGHTS_DELETE"], "CREATETASK" => (\Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('tasks') && $canGetCommentContent ? "Y" : "N") ), "VISIBLE_RECORDS_COUNT" => 1, "ERROR_MESSAGE" => "", "OK_MESSAGE" => "", "RESULT" => $listCommentId, "PUSH&PULL" => array( "ACTION" => "REPLY", "ID" => $listCommentId ), "MODE" => "PULL_MESSAGE", "VIEW_URL" => ( isset($comment["EVENT"]["URL"]) && strlen($comment["EVENT"]["URL"]) > 0 ? $comment["EVENT"]["URL"] : ( isset($params["PATH_TO_LOG_ENTRY"]) && strlen($params["PATH_TO_LOG_ENTRY"]) > 0 ? \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( $params["PATH_TO_LOG_ENTRY"], array( "log_id" => $logEntry["ID"] ) ).(strpos($params["PATH_TO_LOG_ENTRY"], "?") === false ? "?" : "&")."commentId=#ID#" : "" ) ), "EDIT_URL" => "__logEditComment('".$entityXMLId."', '#ID#', '".$logEntry["ID"]."');", "MODERATE_URL" => "", "DELETE_URL" => '/bitrix/components/bitrix/socialnetwork.log.entry/ajax.php?lang='.$params["LANGUAGE_ID"].'&action=delete_comment&delete_comment_id=#ID#&post_id='.$logEntry["ID"].'&site='.$params["SITE_ID"], "AUTHOR_URL" => '', "AVATAR_SIZE" => $params["AVATAR_SIZE_COMMENT"], "NAME_TEMPLATE" => $params["NAME_TEMPLATE"], "SHOW_LOGIN" => $params["SHOW_LOGIN"], "DATE_TIME_FORMAT" => $params["DATE_TIME_FORMAT"], "LAZYLOAD" => "Y", "NOTIFY_TAG" => "", "NOTIFY_TEXT" => "", "SHOW_MINIMIZED" => "Y", "SHOW_POST_FORM" => "Y", "IMAGE_SIZE" => "", "mfi" => "" ), array(), null ); if ($eventHandlerID > 0) { EventManager::getInstance()->removeEventHandler('main', 'system.field.view.file', $eventHandlerID); } $result['return_data'] = $res['JSON']; } return $result; } public static function fillSelectedUsersToInvite($HTTPPost, $componentParams, &$componentResult) { if( !empty($HTTPPost["SPERM"]) && !empty($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["UE"]) && is_array($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["UE"]) ) { $nameFormat = \CSite::getNameFormat(false); foreach ($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["UE"] as $invitedEmail) { $name = (!empty($HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_NAME"][$invitedEmail]) ? $HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_NAME"][$invitedEmail] : ''); $lastName = (!empty($HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_LAST_NAME"][$invitedEmail]) ? $HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_LAST_NAME"][$invitedEmail] : ''); $createCrmContact = ( !empty($HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_CREATE_CRM_CONTACT"][$invitedEmail]) && $HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_CREATE_CRM_CONTACT"][$invitedEmail] == 'Y' ); $userName = \CUser::formatName( empty($componentParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"]) ? $nameFormat : $componentParams["NAME_TEMPLATE"], array( 'NAME' => $name, 'LAST_NAME' => $lastName, 'LOGIN' => $invitedEmail ), true, false ); $componentResult["PostToShow"]["FEED_DESTINATION"]['USERS'][$invitedEmail] = array( 'id' => $invitedEmail, 'email' => $invitedEmail, 'showEmail' => 'Y', 'name' => $userName, 'isEmail' => 'Y', 'isCrmEmail' => ($createCrmContact ? 'Y' : 'N'), 'params' => array( 'name' => $name, 'lastName' => $lastName, 'createCrmContact' => $createCrmContact ) ); $componentResult["PostToShow"]["FEED_DESTINATION"]['SELECTED'][$invitedEmail] = 'users'; } } } public static function processBlogPostNewMailUser(&$HTTPPost, &$componentResult) { self::processBlogPostNewCrmContact($HTTPPost, $componentResult); } private static function processUserEmail($params, &$errorText) { $result = array(); if ( !is_array($params) || empty($params['EMAIL']) || !check_email($params['EMAIL']) || !Loader::includeModule('mail') ) { return $result; } $userEmail = $params['EMAIL']; if ( empty($userEmail) || !check_email($userEmail) ) { return $result; } $res = \CUser::getList( $o = "ID", $b = "ASC", array("=EMAIL" => $userEmail), array("FIELDS" => array("ID", "EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID", "ACTIVE")) ); $found = false; while ( ($emailUser = $res->fetch()) && !$found ) { if ( intval($emailUser["ID"]) > 0 && ( $emailUser["ACTIVE"] == "Y" || $emailUser["EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID"] == "email" ) ) { if ($emailUser["ACTIVE"] == "N") // email only { $user = new \CUser; $user->update($emailUser["ID"], array( "ACTIVE" => "Y" )); } $userId = $emailUser["ID"]; $found = true; } } if ($found) { return array( 'U'.$userId ); } $userFields = array( 'EMAIL' => $userEmail, 'NAME' => ( isset($params["NAME"]) ? $params["NAME"] : '' ), 'LAST_NAME' => ( isset($params["LAST_NAME"]) ? $params["LAST_NAME"] : '' ) ); if ( !empty($params["CRM_ENTITY"]) && Loader::includeModule('crm') ) { $userFields['UF'] = array( 'UF_USER_CRM_ENTITY' => $params["CRM_ENTITY"] ); $res = \CCrmLiveFeedComponent::resolveLFEntityFromUF($params["CRM_ENTITY"]); if (!empty($res)) { list($k, $v) = $res; if ($k && $v) { $result[] = $k.$v; if ( $k == \CCrmLiveFeedEntity::Contact && ($contact = \CCrmContact::getById($v)) && intval($contact['PHOTO']) > 0 ) { $userFields['PERSONAL_PHOTO_ID'] = intval($contact['PHOTO']); } } } } elseif ( !empty($params["CREATE_CRM_CONTACT"]) && $params["CREATE_CRM_CONTACT"] == 'Y' && Loader::includeModule('crm') && ($contactId = \CCrmLiveFeedComponent::createContact($userFields)) ) { $userFields['UF'] = array( 'UF_USER_CRM_ENTITY' => 'C_'.$contactId ); $result[] = "CRMCONTACT".$contactId; } // invite extranet user by email $invitedUserId = \Bitrix\Mail\User::create($userFields); $errorMessage = false; if ( intval($invitedUserId) <= 0 && $invitedUserId->LAST_ERROR <> '' ) { $errorMessage = $invitedUserId->LAST_ERROR; } if ( !$errorMessage && intval($invitedUserId) > 0 ) { $result[] = "U".$invitedUserId; } else { $errorText = $errorMessage; } return $result; } public static function processBlogPostNewMailUserDestinations(&$destinationList) { foreach($destinationList as $key => $code) { if (preg_match('/^UE(.+)$/i', $code, $matches)) { $userEmail = $matches[1]; $errorText = ''; $destRes = self::processUserEmail(array( 'EMAIL' => $userEmail ), $errorText); if ( !empty($destRes) && is_array($destRes) ) { unset($destinationList[$key]); $destinationList = array_merge($destinationList, $destRes); } } } } public static function processBlogPostNewCrmContact(&$HTTPPost, &$componentResult) { $USent = ( isset($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["U"]) && is_array($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["U"]) && !empty($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["U"]) ); $UESent = ( $componentResult["ALLOW_EMAIL_INVITATION"] && isset($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["UE"]) && is_array($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["UE"]) && !empty($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["UE"]) ); if ( ($USent || $UESent) && Loader::includeModule('mail') ) { if ( $USent && Loader::includeModule('crm') ) // process mail users/contacts { $userIdList = array(); foreach ($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["U"] as $code) { if (preg_match('/^U(\d+)$/i', $code, $matches)) { $userIdList[] = intval($matches[1]); } } if (!empty($userIdList)) { $res = Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'ID' => $userIdList, '!=UF_USER_CRM_ENTITY' => false ), 'select' => array('ID', 'UF_USER_CRM_ENTITY') )); while ($user = $res->fetch()) { $livefeedCrmEntity = \CCrmLiveFeedComponent::resolveLFEntityFromUF($user['UF_USER_CRM_ENTITY']); if (!empty($livefeedCrmEntity)) { list($k, $v) = $livefeedCrmEntity; if ($k && $v) { if (!isset($HTTPPost["SPERM"][$k])) { $HTTPPost["SPERM"][$k] = array(); } $HTTPPost["SPERM"][$k][] = $k.$v; } } } } } if ($UESent) // process emails { foreach ($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["UE"] as $key => $userEmail) { if (!check_email($userEmail)) { continue; } $errorText = ''; $destRes = self::processUserEmail(array( 'EMAIL' => $userEmail, 'NAME' => ( isset($HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_NAME"]) && isset($HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_NAME"][$userEmail]) ? $HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_NAME"][$userEmail] : '' ), 'LAST_NAME' => ( isset($HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_LAST_NAME"]) && isset($HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_LAST_NAME"][$userEmail]) ? $HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_LAST_NAME"][$userEmail] : '' ), 'CRM_ENTITY' => ( isset($HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_CRM_ENTITY"]) && isset($HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_CRM_ENTITY"][$userEmail]) ? $HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_CRM_ENTITY"][$userEmail] : '' ), "CREATE_CRM_CONTACT" => ( isset($HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_CREATE_CRM_CONTACT"]) && isset($HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_CREATE_CRM_CONTACT"][$userEmail]) ? $HTTPPost["INVITED_USER_CREATE_CRM_CONTACT"][$userEmail] : 'N' ) ), $errorText); foreach($destRes as $code) { if (preg_match('/^U(\d+)$/i', $code, $matches)) { $HTTPPost["SPERM"]["U"][] = $code; } elseif ( Loader::includeModule('crm') && (preg_match('/^CRM(CONTACT|COMPANY|LEAD|DEAL)(\d+)$/i', $code, $matches)) ) { if (!isset($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["CRM".$matches[1]])) { $HTTPPost["SPERM"]["CRM".$matches[1]] = array(); } $HTTPPost["SPERM"]["CRM".$matches[1]][] = $code; } } if (!empty($errorText)) { $componentResult["ERROR_MESSAGE"] .= $errorText; } } // unset($HTTPPost["SPERM"]["UE"]); } } } public static function getUserSonetGroupIdList($userId = false, $siteId = false) { $result = array(); if (intval($userId) <= 0) { global $USER; $userId = $USER->getId(); } if (!$siteId) { $siteId = SITE_ID; } $currentCache = \Bitrix\Main\Data\Cache::createInstance(); $cacheTtl = defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE") ? 3153600 : 3600*4; $cacheId = 'user_group_member'.$siteId.'_'.$userId; $cacheDir = '/sonet/user_group_member/'.$siteId.'/'.$userId; if($currentCache->startDataCache($cacheTtl, $cacheId, $cacheDir)) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $res = \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\UserToGroupTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '<=ROLE' => \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\UserToGroupTable::ROLE_USER, '=USER_ID' => $userId, '=GROUP.ACTIVE' => 'Y', '=GROUP.WorkgroupSite:GROUP.SITE_ID' => $siteId ), 'select' => array('GROUP_ID') )); while ($record = $res->fetch()) { $result[] = $record["GROUP_ID"]; } if(defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->startTagCache($cacheDir); $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag("sonet_user2group_U".$userId); $CACHE_MANAGER->endTagCache(); } $currentCache->endDataCache($result); } else { $result = $currentCache->getVars(); } return $result; } public static function getAllowToAllDestination($userId = false) { global $USER; $userId = intval($userId); if ($userId <= 0) { $userId = $USER->getId(); } $allowToAll = (Option::get("socialnetwork", "allow_livefeed_toall", "Y") == "Y"); if ($allowToAll) { $toAllRightsList = unserialize(Option::get("socialnetwork", "livefeed_toall_rights", 'a:1:{i:0;s:2:"AU";}')); if (!$toAllRightsList) { $toAllRightsList = array("AU"); } $userGroupCodeList = array_merge(array("AU"), \CAccess::getUserCodesArray($userId)); if (count(array_intersect($toAllRightsList, $userGroupCodeList)) <= 0) { $allowToAll = false; } } return $allowToAll; } public static function getLivefeedStepper() { $res = array(); if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('blog')) { $res["blog"] = array('Bitrix\Blog\Update\LivefeedIndexPost', 'Bitrix\Blog\Update\LivefeedIndexComment'); } if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('tasks')) { $res["tasks"] = array('Bitrix\Tasks\Update\LivefeedIndexTask'); } if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('calendar')) { $res["calendar"] = array('Bitrix\Calendar\Update\LivefeedIndexCalendar'); } if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('forum')) { $res["forum"] = array('Bitrix\Forum\Update\LivefeedIndexMessage', 'Bitrix\Forum\Update\LivefeedIndexComment'); } if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('xdimport')) { $res["xdimport"] = array('Bitrix\XDImport\Update\LivefeedIndexLog', 'Bitrix\XDImport\Update\LivefeedIndexComment'); } if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('wiki')) { $res["wiki"] = array('Bitrix\Wiki\Update\LivefeedIndexLog', 'Bitrix\Wiki\Update\LivefeedIndexComment'); } if (!empty($res)) { echo Stepper::getHtml($res, Loc::getMessage('SONET_HELPER_STEPPER_LIVEFEED')); } } public static function checkProfileRedirect($userId = 0) { $userId = intval($userId); if ($userId <= 0) { return; } $select = array('ID', 'EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID'); if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('crm')) { $select[] = 'UF_USER_CRM_ENTITY'; } $res = Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=ID' => $userId ), 'select' => $select )); if ($userFields = $res->fetch()) { $event = new Main\Event( 'socialnetwork', 'onUserProfileRedirectGetUrl', array( 'userFields' => $userFields ) ); $event->send(); foreach($event->getResults() as $eventResult) { if($eventResult->getType() == \Bitrix\Main\EventResult::SUCCESS) { $eventParams = $eventResult->getParameters(); if ( is_array($eventParams) && isset($eventParams['url']) ) { LocalRedirect($eventParams['url']); } break; } } } } // used when video transform public static function getBlogPostLimitedViewStatus($params = array()) { $result = false; $logId = ( is_array($params) && !empty($params['logId']) && intval($params['logId']) > 0 ? intval($params['logId']) : 0 ); if ($logId <= 0) { return $result; } if ($logItem = Log::getById($logId)) { $logItemFields = $logItem->getFields(); if ( isset($logItemFields['TRANSFORM']) && $logItemFields['TRANSFORM'] == "Y" ) { $result = true; } } return $result; } public static function setBlogPostLimitedViewStatus($params = array()) { static $extranetSiteId = null; $result = false; $show = ( is_array($params) && isset($params['show']) && $params['show'] === true ); $postId = ( is_array($params) && !empty($params['postId']) && intval($params['postId']) > 0 ? intval($params['postId']) : 0 ); if ( $postId <= 0 || !Loader::includeModule('blog') ) { return $result; } if ($show) { $liveFeedEntity = Livefeed\Provider::init(array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => 'BLOG_POST', 'ENTITY_ID' => $postId, )); $logId = $liveFeedEntity->getLogId(); if (!self::getBlogPostLimitedViewStatus(array( 'logId' => $logId ))) { return $result; } $post = Post::getById($postId); $postFields = $post->getFields(); $socnetPerms = self::getBlogPostSocNetPerms(array( 'postId' => $postId, 'authorId' => $postFields["AUTHOR_ID"] )); \CSocNetLogRights::deleteByLogID($logId); \CSocNetLogRights::add($logId, $socnetPerms, true, false); LogTable::update($logId, array( 'LOG_UPDATE' => new SqlExpression(Application::getConnection()->getSqlHelper()->getCurrentDateTimeFunction()), 'TRANSFORM' => 'N' )); if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm')) { $logItem = Log::getById($logId); \CCrmLiveFeedComponent::processCrmBlogPostRights($logId, $logItem->getFields(), $postFields, 'new'); } \Bitrix\Blog\Integration\Socialnetwork\CounterPost::increment(array( 'socnetPerms' => $socnetPerms, 'logId' => $logId, 'logEventId' => $liveFeedEntity->getEventId() )); $logSiteIdList = array(); $resSite = \CSocNetLog::getSite($logId); while($logSite = $resSite->fetch()) { $logSiteIdList[] = $logSite["LID"]; } if ( $extranetSiteId === null && Loader::includeModule('extranet') ) { $extranetSiteId = \CExtranet::getExtranetSiteID(); } $siteId = false; foreach($logSiteIdList as $logSiteId) { if ($logSiteId != $extranetSiteId) { $siteId = $logSiteId; break; } } if (!$siteId) { $siteId = \CSite::getDefSite(); } $postUrl = \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( Option::get('socialnetwork', 'userblogpost_page', '/company/personal/user/#user_id#/blog/#post_id#/', $siteId), array( "post_id" => $postId, "user_id" => $postFields["AUTHOR_ID"] ) ); $notificationParamsList = array( 'post' => array( 'ID' => $postFields["ID"], 'TITLE' => $postFields["TITLE"], 'AUTHOR_ID' => $postFields["AUTHOR_ID"] ), 'siteId' => $siteId, 'postUrl' => $postUrl, 'socnetRights' => $socnetPerms, ); preg_match_all("/\[user\s*=\s*([^\]]*)\](.+?)\[\/user\]/ies".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $postFields["DETAIL_TEXT"], $matches); if (!empty($matches)) { $notificationParamsList["mentionList"] = $matches[1]; } self::notifyBlogPostCreated($notificationParamsList); if ( !isset($params['notifyAuthor']) || $params['notifyAuthor'] ) { self::notifyAuthorOnSetBlogPostLimitedViewStatusShow(array( 'POST_ID' => $postId, 'POST_FIELDS' => $postFields, 'POST_URL' => $postUrl, 'LOG_ID' => $logId, 'SITE_ID' => $siteId )); } BXClearCache(true, self::getBlogPostCacheDir(array( 'TYPE' => 'post', 'POST_ID' => $postId ))); } $result = true; return $result; } private static function notifyAuthorOnSetBlogPostLimitedViewStatusShow($params = array()) { $postId = $params['POST_ID']; $postFields = $params['POST_FIELDS']; $postUrl = $params['POST_URL']; $logId = $params['LOG_ID']; $siteId = $params['SITE_ID']; if (Loader::includeModule('im')) { $authorPostUrl = $postUrl; if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled("extranet")) { $tmp = \CSocNetLogTools::processPath( array( "URL" => $authorPostUrl, ), $postFields["AUTHOR_ID"], $siteId ); $authorPostUrl = $tmp["URLS"]["URL"]; $serverName = ( strpos($authorPostUrl, "http://") === 0 || strpos($authorPostUrl, "https://") === 0 ? "" : $tmp["SERVER_NAME"] ); } $messageFields = array( "MESSAGE_TYPE" => IM_MESSAGE_SYSTEM, "TO_USER_ID" => $postFields["AUTHOR_ID"], "FROM_USER_ID" => $postFields["AUTHOR_ID"], "NOTIFY_TYPE" => IM_NOTIFY_SYSTEM, "NOTIFY_ANSWER" => "N", "NOTIFY_MODULE" => "socialnetwork", "NOTIFY_EVENT" => "transform", "NOTIFY_TAG" => "SONET|BLOG_POST_CONVERT|".$postId, "PARSE_LINK" => "N", "LOG_ID" => $logId, "NOTIFY_MESSAGE" => Loc::getMessage('SONET_HELPER_VIDEO_CONVERSION_COMPLETED', array( '#POST_TITLE#' => '<a href="'.$authorPostUrl.'" class="bx-notifier-item-action">'.htmlspecialcharsbx($postFields["TITLE"]).'</a>' )), "NOTIFY_MESSAGE_OUT" => Loc::getMessage('SONET_HELPER_VIDEO_CONVERSION_COMPLETED', array( '#POST_TITLE#' => htmlspecialcharsbx($postFields["TITLE"]), ))." ".$serverName.$authorPostUrl, ); $messageFields['PUSH_MESSAGE'] = $messageFields['NOTIFY_MESSAGE']; $messageFields['PUSH_PARAMS'] = array( 'ACTION' => 'transform', 'TAG' => $messageFields['NOTIFY_TAG'] ); \CIMNotify::add($messageFields); } } public static function getBlogPostSocNetPerms($params = array()) { $result = array(); $postId = ( is_array($params) && !empty($params['postId']) && intval($params['postId']) > 0 ? intval($params['postId']) : 0 ); $authorId = ( is_array($params) && !empty($params['authorId']) && intval($params['authorId']) > 0 ? intval($params['authorId']) : 0 ); if ($postId <= 0) { return $result; } if ($authorId <= 0) { $blogPostFields = \CBlogPost::getByID($postId); $authorId = intval($blogPostFields["AUTHOR_ID"]); } if ($authorId <= 0) { return $result; } $result = \CBlogPost::getSocNetPermsCode($postId); if(!in_array("U".$authorId, $result)) { $result[] = "U".$authorId; } $result[] = "SA"; // socnet admin if ( in_array("AU", $result) || in_array("G2", $result) ) { $socnetPermsAdd = array(); foreach($result as $perm) { if (preg_match('/^SG(\d+)$/', $perm, $matches)) { if ( !in_array("SG".$matches[1]."_".UserToGroupTable::ROLE_USER, $result) && !in_array("SG".$matches[1]."_".UserToGroupTable::ROLE_MODERATOR, $result) && !in_array("SG".$matches[1]."_".UserToGroupTable::ROLE_OWNER, $result) ) { $socnetPermsAdd[] = "SG".$matches[1]."_".$result; } } } if (count($socnetPermsAdd) > 0) { $result = array_merge($result, $socnetPermsAdd); } } return $result; } public static function notifyBlogPostCreated($params = array()) { if (!Loader::includeModule('blog')) { return false; } $post = ( !empty($params) && is_array($params) && !empty($params['post']) && is_array($params['post']) ? $params['post'] : array() ); $siteId = ( !empty($params) && is_array($params) && !empty($params['siteId']) ? $params['siteId'] : \CSite::getDefSite() ); $postUrl = ( !empty($params) && is_array($params) && !empty($params['postUrl']) ? $params['postUrl'] : '' ); $socnetRights = ( !empty($params) && is_array($params) && !empty($params['socnetRights']) && is_array($params['socnetRights']) ? $params['socnetRights'] : array() ); $socnetRightsOld = ( !empty($params) && is_array($params) && !empty($params['socnetRightsOld']) && is_array($params['socnetRightsOld']) ? $params['socnetRightsOld'] : array( 'U' => array(), 'SG' => array() ) ); $mentionListOld = ( !empty($params) && is_array($params) && !empty($params['mentionListOld']) && is_array($params['mentionListOld']) ? $params['mentionListOld'] : array() ); $mentionList = ( !empty($params) && is_array($params) && !empty($params['mentionList']) && is_array($params['mentionList']) ? $params['mentionList'] : array() ); $IMNotificationFields = array( "TYPE" => "POST", "TITLE" => $post["TITLE"], "URL" => $postUrl, "ID" => $post["ID"], "FROM_USER_ID" => $post["AUTHOR_ID"], "TO_USER_ID" => array(), "TO_SOCNET_RIGHTS" => $socnetRights, "TO_SOCNET_RIGHTS_OLD" => $socnetRightsOld ); if (!empty($mentionListOld)) { $IMNotificationFields["MENTION_ID_OLD"] = $mentionListOld; } if (!empty($mentionList)) { $IMNotificationFields["MENTION_ID"] = $mentionList[1]; } $userIdSentList = \CBlogPost::notifyIm($IMNotificationFields); if (!$userIdSentList) { $userIdSentList = array(); } $userIdToMailList = array(); if (!empty($socnetRights)) { \Bitrix\Blog\Broadcast::send(array( "EMAIL_FROM" => Option::get('main', 'email_from', 'nobody@nobody.com'), "SOCNET_RIGHTS" => $socnetRights, "SOCNET_RIGHTS_OLD" => $socnetRightsOld, "ENTITY_TYPE" => "POST", "ENTITY_ID" => $post["ID"], "AUTHOR_ID" => $post["AUTHOR_ID"], "URL" => $postUrl, "EXCLUDE_USERS" => array_merge(array($post["AUTHOR_ID"]), array($userIdSentList)) )); foreach ($socnetRights as $right) { if(substr($right, 0, 1) == "U") { $rightUserId = intVal(substr($right, 1)); if ( $rightUserId > 0 && !in_array($rightUserId, $userIdToMailList) && empty($socnetRightsOld["U"][$rightUserId]) && $rightUserId != $post["AUTHOR_ID"] ) { $userIdToMailList[] = $rightUserId; } } } } if (!empty($userIdToMailList)) { \CBlogPost::notifyMail(array( "type" => "POST", "siteId" => $siteId, "userId" => $userIdToMailList, "authorId" => $post["AUTHOR_ID"], "postId" => $post["ID"], "postUrl" => \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( '/pub/post.php?post_id=#post_id#', array( "post_id"=> $post["ID"] ) ) )); } return true; } public static function getUserSEFUrl($params = array()) { $siteId = ( is_array($params) && isset($params['siteId']) ? $params['siteId'] : false ); $siteDir = SITE_DIR; if ($siteId) { $res = \CSite::getById($siteId); if ($site = $res->fetch()) { $siteDir = $site['DIR']; } } return Option::get('socialnetwork', 'user_page', $siteDir.'company/personal/', $siteId); } public static function getWorkgroupSEFUrl($params = array()) { $siteId = ( is_array($params) && isset($params['siteId']) ? $params['siteId'] : false ); $siteDir = SITE_DIR; if ($siteId) { $res = \CSite::getById($siteId); if ($site = $res->fetch()) { $siteDir = $site['DIR']; } } return Option::get('socialnetwork', 'workgroups_page', $siteDir.'workgroups/', $siteId); } public static function convertBlogPostPermToDestinationList($params = array(), &$resultFields) { global $USER; $result = array(); if (!Loader::includeModule('blog')) { return $result; } $postId = ( isset($params['POST_ID']) && intval($params['POST_ID']) > 0 ? intval($params['POST_ID']) : false ); $postFields = array(); if ($postId) { $postFields = \Bitrix\Blog\Item\Post::getById($postId)->getFields(); } $authorId = ( !$postId && isset($params['AUTHOR_ID']) && intval($params['AUTHOR_ID']) > 0 ? intval($params['AUTHOR_ID']) : $postFields['AUTHOR_ID'] ); $extranetUser = ( isset($params['IS_EXTRANET_USER']) ? $params['IS_EXTRANET_USER'] : self::isCurrentUserExtranet(array( 'siteId' => SITE_ID, 'userId' => $USER->getId() )) ); $siteId = ( !empty($params['SITE_ID']) ? $params['SITE_ID'] : SITE_ID ); $socNetPermsListOld = array(); if ($postId > 0) { $socNetPermsListOld = \CBlogPost::getSocNetPerms($postId); } $authorInDest = ( !empty($postFields) && !empty($postFields['AUTHOR_ID']) && !empty($socNetPermsListOld) && !empty($socNetPermsListOld['U']) && isset($socNetPermsListOld['U'][$postFields['AUTHOR_ID']]) && in_array('U'.$postFields['AUTHOR_ID'], $socNetPermsListOld['U'][$postFields['AUTHOR_ID']]) ); $permList = ( isset($params['PERM']) && is_array($params['PERM']) ? $params['PERM'] : array() ); $allowToAll = self::getAllowToAllDestination(); if( empty($permList) && isset($params["IS_REST"]) && $params["IS_REST"] && $allowToAll ) { $permList = array("UA" => array("UA")); } foreach ($permList as $v => $k) { if ( strlen($v) > 0 && is_array($k) && !empty($k) ) { foreach ($k as $vv) { if ( strlen($vv) > 0 && ( empty($postFields['AUTHOR_ID']) || $vv != 'U'.$postFields['AUTHOR_ID'] || $authorInDest ) ) { $result[] = $vv; } } } } $result = self::checkBlogPostDestinationList(array( 'DEST' => $result, 'SITE_ID' => $siteId, 'AUTHOR_ID' => $authorId, 'IS_EXTRANET_USER' => $extranetUser, 'POST_ID' => $postId ), $resultFields); return $result; } public static function checkBlogPostDestinationList($params = array(), &$resultFields) { global $USER; $destinationList = ( isset($params["DEST"]) && is_array($params["DEST"]) ? $params["DEST"] : array() ); $siteId = ( !empty($params['SITE_ID']) ? $params['SITE_ID'] : SITE_ID ); $currentUserId = $USER->getId(); if (!$currentUserId) { return false; } $extranetUser = ( isset($params['IS_EXTRANET_USER']) ? $params['IS_EXTRANET_USER'] : self::isCurrentUserExtranet(array( 'siteId' => SITE_ID, 'userId' => $USER->getId() )) ); $postId = ( isset($params['POST_ID']) && intval($params['POST_ID']) > 0 ? intval($params['POST_ID']) : false ); $postFields = $oldSonetGroupIdList = array(); if ($postId) { $socNetPermsListOld = \CBlogPost::getSocNetPerms($postId); $postFields = \Bitrix\Blog\Item\Post::getById($postId)->getFields(); if (!empty($socNetPermsListOld['SG'])) { $oldSonetGroupIdList = array_keys($socNetPermsListOld['SG']); } } $userAdmin = \CSocNetUser::isUserModuleAdmin($currentUserId, $siteId); $allowToAll = self::getAllowToAllDestination(); $newSonetGroupIdList = array(); foreach($destinationList as $code) { if (preg_match('/^SG(\d+)/i', $code, $matches)) { $newSonetGroupIdList[] = $matches[1]; } } if (!empty($newSonetGroupIdList)) { $oneSG = false; $firstSG = true; $canPublish = true; foreach($newSonetGroupIdList as $groupId) { if ( !empty($postFields) && $postFields["PUBLISH_STATUS"] == BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH && in_array($groupId, $oldSonetGroupIdList) ) { continue; } $canPublish = ( $canPublish && ( $userAdmin || \CSocNetFeaturesPerms::canPerformOperation($currentUserId, SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $groupId, "blog", "write_post") || \CSocNetFeaturesPerms::canPerformOperation($currentUserId, SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $groupId, "blog", "moderate_post") || \CSocNetFeaturesPerms::canPerformOperation($currentUserId, SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $groupId, "blog", "full_post") ) ); if($firstSG) { $oneSG = true; $firstSG = false; } else { $oneSG = false; } } if (!$canPublish) { if ($oneSG) { if ( !$postId || ( !empty($postFields) && $postFields["PUBLISH_STATUS"] != BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_PUBLISH ) ) { $resultFields["PUBLISH_STATUS"] = BLOG_PUBLISH_STATUS_READY; } else { $resultFields["ERROR_MESSAGE"] = Loc::getMessage("SBPE_EXISTING_POST_PREMODERATION"); } } else { $resultFields["ERROR_MESSAGE"] = Loc::getMessage("SBPE_MULTIPLE_PREMODERATION"); } } } if ( in_array("UA", $destinationList) && !$allowToAll ) { foreach ($destinationList as $key => $value) { if ($value == "UA") { unset($destinationList[$key]); break; } } } if ($extranetUser) { if ( empty($destinationList) || in_array("UA", $destinationList) ) { $resultFields["ERROR_MESSAGE"] .= Loc::getMessage("BLOG_BPE_EXTRANET_ERROR"); } } elseif (empty($destinationList)) { $resultFields["ERROR_MESSAGE"] .= Loc::getMessage("BLOG_BPE_DESTINATION_EMPTY"); } return $destinationList; } public static function getBlogPostCacheDir($params = array()) { static $allowedTypes = array( 'post_general', 'post', 'posts_popular', 'post_comments', 'posts_last', 'posts_last_blog' ); $result = false; if (!is_array($params)) { return $result; } $type = ( isset($params['TYPE']) ? $params['TYPE'] : false ); if ( !$type || !in_array($type, $allowedTypes) ) { return $result; } $postId = ( isset($params['POST_ID']) && intval($params['POST_ID']) > 0 ? intval($params['POST_ID']) : false ); if ( !$postId && in_array($type, array('post_general', 'post', 'post_comments')) ) { return $result; } $siteId = ( isset($params['SITE_ID']) ? $params['SITE_ID'] : SITE_ID ); switch($type) { case 'post': $result = "/blog/socnet_post/".intval($postId / 100)."/".$postId."/"; break; case 'post_general': $result = "/blog/socnet_post/gen/".intval($postId / 100)."/".$postId; break; case 'posts_popular': $result = "/".$siteId."/blog/popular_posts/"; break; case 'posts_last': $result = "/".$siteId."/blog/last_messages_list/"; break; case 'posts_last_blog': $result = "/".$siteId."/blog/last_messages/"; break; case 'post_comments': $result = "/blog/comment/".intval($postId / 100)."/".$postId."/"; break; default: $result = false; } return $result; } public static function getLivefeedRatingData($params = array()) { global $USER; $result = array(); $logIdList = ( !empty($params['logId']) ? $params['logId'] : array() ); if (!is_array($logIdList)) { $logIdList = array($logIdList); } if (empty($logIdList)) { return $result; } $ratingId = \CRatings::getAuthorityRating(); if (intval($ratingId) <= 0) { return $result; } $topCount = ( isset($params['topCount']) ? intval($params['topCount']) : 0 ); if ($topCount <= 0) { $topCount = 2; } if ($topCount > 5) { $topCount = 5; } $avatarSize = ( isset($params['avatarSize']) ? intval($params['avatarSize']) : 100 ); $connection = Application::getConnection(); $connection->queryExecute('SET @user_rank = 0'); $connection->queryExecute('SET @current_log_id = 0'); if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('intranet')) { $res = $connection->query('SELECT @user_rank := IF( @current_log_id = tmp.LOG_ID, @user_rank + 1, 1 ) as USER_RANK, @current_log_id := tmp.LOG_ID, tmp.USER_ID as USER_ID, tmp.LOG_ID as LOG_ID, tmp.WEIGHT as WEIGHT FROM ( SELECT @rownum := @rownum + 1 as ROWNUM, RS1.ENTITY_ID as USER_ID, SL.ID as LOG_ID, MAX(RS1.VOTES) as WEIGHT FROM b_rating_subordinate RS1, b_rating_vote RV1 INNER JOIN b_sonet_log SL ON SL.RATING_TYPE_ID = RV1.ENTITY_TYPE_ID AND SL.RATING_ENTITY_ID = RV1.ENTITY_ID AND SL.ID IN ('.implode(',', $logIdList).') WHERE RS1.ENTITY_ID = RV1.USER_ID AND RS1.RATING_ID = '.intval($ratingId).' GROUP BY SL.ID, RS1.ENTITY_ID ORDER BY SL.ID, WEIGHT DESC ) tmp'); } else { $res = $connection->query('SELECT @user_rank := IF( @current_log_id = tmp.LOG_ID, @user_rank + 1, 1 ) as USER_RANK, @current_log_id := tmp.LOG_ID, tmp.USER_ID as USER_ID, tmp.LOG_ID as LOG_ID, tmp.WEIGHT as WEIGHT FROM ( SELECT @rownum := @rownum + 1 as ROWNUM, RV1.USER_ID as USER_ID, SL.ID as LOG_ID, RV1.VALUE as WEIGHT FROM b_rating_vote RV1 INNER JOIN b_sonet_log SL ON SL.RATING_TYPE_ID = RV1.ENTITY_TYPE_ID AND SL.RATING_ENTITY_ID = RV1.ENTITY_ID AND SL.ID IN ('.implode(',', $logIdList).') ORDER BY SL.ID, WEIGHT DESC ) tmp'); } $userWeightData = $logUserData = array(); $currentLogId = false; $hasMine = false; while ($voteFields = $res->fetch()) { if ( !$hasMine && $voteFields['USER_ID'] == $USER->getId() ) { $hasMine = true; } if ($voteFields['LOG_ID'] != $currentLogId) { $cnt = 0; $hasMine = false; $logUserData[$voteFields['LOG_ID']] = array(); } $currentLogId = $voteFields['LOG_ID']; $cnt++; if ($cnt > ($hasMine ? $topCount+1 : $topCount)) { continue; } $logUserData[$voteFields['LOG_ID']][] = $voteFields['USER_ID']; if (!isset($userWeightData[$voteFields['USER_ID']])) { $userWeightData[$voteFields['USER_ID']] = floatval($voteFields['WEIGHT']); } } $userData = array(); if (!empty($userWeightData)) { $res = Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '@ID' => array_keys($userWeightData) ), 'select' => array('ID', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'LOGIN', 'PERSONAL_PHOTO', 'PERSONAL_GENDER') )); while ($userFields = $res->fetch()) { $userData[$userFields["ID"]] = array( 'NAME_FORMATTED' => \CUser::formatName( \CSite::getNameFormat(false), $userFields, true ), 'PERSONAL_PHOTO' => array( 'ID' => $userFields['PERSONAL_PHOTO'], 'SRC' => false ), 'PERSONAL_GENDER' => $userFields['PERSONAL_GENDER'] ); if (intval($userFields['PERSONAL_PHOTO']) > 0) { $imageFile = \CFile::getFileArray($userFields["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]); if ($imageFile !== false) { $file = \CFile::resizeImageGet( $imageFile, array("width" => $avatarSize, "height" => $avatarSize), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT, false ); $userData[$userFields["ID"]]['PERSONAL_PHOTO']['SRC'] = $file['src']; } } } } foreach($logUserData as $logId => $userIdList) { $result[$logId] = array(); foreach($userIdList as $userId) { $result[$logId][] = array( 'ID' => $userId, 'NAME_FORMATTED' => $userData[$userId]['NAME_FORMATTED'], 'PERSONAL_PHOTO' => $userData[$userId]['PERSONAL_PHOTO']['ID'], 'PERSONAL_PHOTO_SRC' => $userData[$userId]['PERSONAL_PHOTO']['SRC'], 'PERSONAL_GENDER' => $userData[$userId]['PERSONAL_GENDER'], 'WEIGHT' => $userWeightData[$userId] ); } } foreach($result as $logId => $data) { usort( $data, function($a, $b) { if ($a['WEIGHT'] == $b['WEIGHT']) { return 0; } return ($a['WEIGHT'] > $b['WEIGHT']) ? -1 : 1; } ); $result[$logId] = $data; } return $result; } public static function isCurrentUserExtranet($params = array()) { static $result = array(); $siteId = (!empty($params['siteId']) ? $params['siteId'] : SITE_ID); if (!isset($result[$siteId])) { $result[$siteId] = ( !\CSocNetUser::isCurrentUserModuleAdmin($siteId, false) && Loader::includeModule('extranet') && !\CExtranet::isIntranetUser() ); } return $result[$siteId]; } public static function userLogSubscribe($params = array()) { static $logAuthorList = array(), $logDestUserList = array(); $userId = (isset($params['userId']) ? intval($params['userId']) : 0); $logId = (isset($params['logId']) ? intval($params['logId']) : 0); $typeList = (isset($params['typeList']) ? $params['typeList'] : array()); $siteId = (isset($params['siteId']) ? intval($params['siteId']) : SITE_ID); $followByWF = !empty($params['followByWF']); if (!is_array($typeList)) { $typeList = array($typeList); } if ( $userId <= 0 || $logId <= 0 ) { return false; } $followRes = false; if (in_array('FOLLOW', $typeList)) { $followRes = \CSocNetLogFollow::set( $userId, "L".$logId, "Y", ( !empty($params['followDate']) ? ( strtoupper($params['followDate']) == 'CURRENT' ? ConvertTimeStamp(time() + \CTimeZone::getOffset(), "FULL", $siteId) : $params['followDate'] ) : false ), $siteId, $followByWF ); } if (in_array('COUNTER_COMMENT_PUSH', $typeList)) { if (!isset($logAuthorList[$logId])) { $res = LogTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=ID' => $logId ), 'select' => array('USER_ID') )); if ($logFields = $res->fetch()) { $logAuthorList[$logId] = $logFields['USER_ID']; } } if (!isset($logDestUserList[$logId])) { $logDestUserList[$logId] = array(); $res = LogRightTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=LOG_ID' => $logId ), 'select' => array('GROUP_CODE') )); while ($logRightFields = $res->fetch()) { if (preg_match('/^U(\d+)$/', $logRightFields['GROUP_CODE'], $matches)) { $logDestUserList[$logId][] = $matches[1]; } } } if ( $userId != $logAuthorList[$logId] && !in_array($userId, $logDestUserList[$logId]) ) { LogSubscribeTable::set(array( 'userId' => $userId, 'logId' => $logId, 'type' => LogSubscribeTable::TYPE_COUNTER_COMMENT_PUSH, 'ttl' => true )); } } return ( in_array('FOLLOW', $typeList) ? $followRes : true ); } }