Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/statistic/loading/regsoft.php
if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true) die();
$STAT_RIGHT = $APPLICATION->GetGroupRight("statistic");
Convertation of the standard Regsoft CSV file to the
CSV file format of the Statistics module.
Currency: USD
Input parameters:
INPUT_CSV_FILE - path to the source file
OUTPUT_CSV_FILE - path to the resulting file
$SEPARATOR = "|"; // CSV separator
function CleanUpCsv(&$item)
$item = trim($item, "\"");
function PrepareQuotes(&$item)
$item = "\"".str_replace("\"","\"\"", $item)."\"";
if ($fp_in = fopen($INPUT_CSV_FILE,"rb"))
$upload_dir = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/".COption::GetOptionString("main","upload_dir","/upload/"). "/statistic";
if (substr($OUTPUT_CSV_FILE, 0, strlen($upload_dir))==$upload_dir && $fp_out = fopen($OUTPUT_CSV_FILE,"wb"))
$i = 0; // counter of the read valuable lines
$j = 0; // counter of the written to the resulting file lines
$lang_date_format = FORMAT_DATE; // date format for the current language
$event1 = "regsoft";
$event2 = "buy";
$EVENT_ID = CStatEventType::ConditionSet($event1, $event2, $arEventType)." (".$event1." / ".$event2.")";
$SITE_ID = GetEventSiteID(); // short site identifier (ID)
while (!feof($fp_in))
$arrCSV = fgetcsv($fp_in, 4096, $SEPARATOR);
if (is_array($arrCSV) && count($arrCSV)>1)
array_walk($arrCSV, "CleanUpCsv");
// if it is the first line then
if ($arrCSV[0]=="Tracking ID")
// get an array with the field numbers
$arrS = array_flip($arrCSV);
elseif ($arrCSV[0]!="Tracking ID" && is_array($arrS) && count($arrS)>0) // else form the CSV line in module format and write it to the resulting file
$arrRes = array();
// ID of an event type;
$arrRes[] = $EVENT_ID;
// event3
$arrRes[] = $arrCSV[$arrS["Order ID"]]." / ".$arrCSV[$arrS["Product ID"]]." / ".$arrCSV[$arrS["Tracking ID"]];
// date
$arrRes[] = $DB->FormatDate(trim($arrCSV[$arrS["Order Date"]]), "MM/DD/YYYY", $lang_date_format);
// additional parameter
$ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER = $arrCSV[$arrS["Reseller ID"]];
// money sum
$arrRes[] = $arrCSV[$arrS["Total"]];
// currency
$arrRes[] = "USD";
// if short site identifier exists in Additional parameter then
if (strpos($ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER,$SITE_ID)!==false)
// write the line to the resulting CSV file
array_walk($arrRes, "PrepareQuotes");
$str = implode(",",$arrRes);
if ($j>1) $str = "\n".$str;
fputs($fp_out, $str);
Column headers:
Tracking ID | Order ID | Product ID | Country | Qty | E-Mail | Customer Name | Company Name | Address 1 | Address 2 | Address 3 | City | State | Zip | Order Date | Phone Number | Total | CD Purchase | Reseller ID | Order IP | Serial Number | Order Referrer | Price Code |