Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/translate/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/translate/translate_tools.php |
<? use Bitrix\Main; IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); $arLangDirs = NULL; $arDirs = NULL; $arFiles = NULL; $IS_LANG_DIR = NULL; $arTLangs = NULL; $arDirFiles = NULL; $arLangDirFiles = NULL; $arSearchParam = NULL; function GetLangDirs($arDirs, $SHOW_LANG_DIFF = false) { global $arLangDirs; if (is_array($arDirs)) { if ($SHOW_LANG_DIFF) { foreach ($arDirs as $arr1) { if($arr1["IS_LANG"]) $arLangDirs[] = $arr1; } } else { $arLangDirs = $arDirs; } } } function DeleteLangFile($abs_path) { if (file_exists($abs_path)) { @chmod($abs_path, BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS); @unlink($abs_path); } } function prepare_path($path) { return preg_replace("#[\\\\\\/]+#", "/", $path); } function is_lang_dir($path, $c = false) { if(strpos($path, "/exec/") !== false) { return false; } elseif(preg_match("#/lang/(.*?)(/|\$)#", $path, $match)) { if ($c) { $arr = explode('/', $path); $lang_key = array_search('lang', $arr) + 1; return array_key_exists($lang_key, $arr) && strlen($arr[$lang_key]) > 0; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } function get_lang_id($path) { $arr = explode("/",$path); if (in_array("lang",$arr)) { $lang_key = array_search("lang", $arr) + 1; return $arr[$lang_key]; } return false; } function replace_lang_id($path, $new_lang_id) { //return preg_replace("#^(.*?/lang/)(.*?)(/|$)#", $path, "\\1$new_lang_id)\\3"); return preg_replace("#^(.*?/lang/)(.*?)(/|$)#", "\\1$new_lang_id\\3", $path); /* $arr = explode("/",$path); if (in_array("lang",$arr)) { $lang_key = array_search("lang", $arr) + 1; $arr[$lang_key] = $new_lang_id; $path = implode("/",$arr); } return $path; */ } function remove_lang_id($path, $arTLangs) { $arr = explode("/",$path); if (in_array("lang",$arr)) { $lang_key = array_search("lang", $arr) + 1; if (in_array($arr[$lang_key], $arTLangs)) unset($arr[$lang_key]); $path = implode("/",$arr); } return $path; } function add_lang_id($path, $lang_id, $arTLangs) { $path_temp = remove_lang_id($path, $arTLangs); $arr = explode("/",$path_temp); if (in_array("lang", $arr)) { $arr1 = array(); foreach($arr as $d) { $arr1[] = $d; if ($d=="lang") $arr1[] = $lang_id; } $path = implode("/",$arr1); } return $path; } function GetTDirList($path, $subDirs = false) { global $arDirs, $arFiles; $fullpath = realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/".$path."/"); if (preg_match('|^' . preg_quote(realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/upload'), '|') . '|i' . BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $fullpath)) { return false; } $fullpath = prepare_path($fullpath); //flag if dir is lang $is_lang = strpos($fullpath, "/lang/") !== false; $handle = @opendir($fullpath); if($handle) { $parent = prepare_path("/".$path."/"); $abs_parent = prepare_path($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$parent); $arList = array(); while (false!==($file=readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".access.php" && $file != ".htaccess" && $file != '.svn' && $file != '.hg') { $IS_DIR = (is_dir($abs_parent.$file) ? "Y" : "N"); $path_prepared = $parent.$file; if ($IS_DIR=="Y" && ($path_prepared=="/bitrix/updates" || $path_prepared=="/bitrix/updates_enc" || $path_prepared=="/bitrix/updates_enc5" || $path_prepared=="/bitrix/help" || $path_prepared=="/bitrix/cache" || $path_prepared=="/bitrix/cache_image" || $path_prepared=="/bitrix/managed_cache" || $path_prepared=="/bitrix/stack_cache" ) ) continue; $arList[$path_prepared] = array( "IS_DIR" => $IS_DIR, "PARENT" => $parent, "PATH" => ($IS_DIR=="Y") ? $path_prepared."/" : $path_prepared, "FILE" => $file, "IS_LANG" => $is_lang ); if ($arList[$path_prepared]['IS_DIR'] == 'N') { $arList[$path_prepared]["LANG"] = $is_lang ? get_lang_id($path_prepared) : ''; } } } ksort($arList); foreach($arList as $path_prepared => $arr) { if($arr["IS_DIR"]=="Y") { if($subDirs) $arr["IS_LANG"] |= GetTDirList($path_prepared."/", $subDirs); $arDirs[] = $arr; //dir is lang if any of it's children is lang $is_lang = $is_lang || $arr["IS_LANG"]; } elseif(is_lang_dir($path_prepared)) { if(substr($arr["FILE"], -4) == '.php') $arFiles[] = $arr; } } closedir($handle); } //flag for parent return $is_lang; } function GetTCSVArray() { global $arFiles; $arr = array(); foreach ($arFiles as $f) { $MESS = array(); $key = replace_lang_id($f['PATH'], '#LANG_ID#'); $lang_id = get_lang_id($f['PATH']); include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $f['PATH']); if (!empty($MESS) && is_array($MESS)) { foreach ($MESS as $m => $v) { $m = (string)$m; if ($m != '') $arr[$key][$m][$lang_id] = $v; } } } return $arr; } function SaveTCSVFile() { global $APPLICATION; if (!($APPLICATION->GetGroupRight("translate") >= 'W' && check_bitrix_sessid())) { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage('TR_TOOLS_ERROR_RIGHTS')); return false; } if (!( isset($_FILES['csvfile']) && isset($_FILES['csvfile']['tmp_name']) && file_exists($_FILES['csvfile']['tmp_name']) )) { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage('TR_TOOLS_ERROR_EMPTY_FILE')); return false; } $errors = []; $rewrite = isset($_POST['rewrite_lang_files']) && $_POST['rewrite_lang_files'] == 'Y'; $mergeMode = true; if (!$rewrite) { $mergeMode = (isset($_POST['rewrite_lang_files']) && $_POST['rewrite_lang_files'] == 'U'); } $languageList = GetTLangList(); $phraseList = array(); $columnList = []; $fileIndex = null; $keyIndex = null; $csvFile = new CCSVData(); $csvFile->LoadFile($_FILES['csvfile']['tmp_name']); $csvFile->SetFieldsType('R'); $csvFile->SetFirstHeader(false); $csvFile->SetDelimiter(';'); $csvRow = $csvFile->Fetch(); if ( !is_array($csvRow) || empty($csvRow) || (count($csvRow) == 1 && ($csvRow[0] === null || $csvRow[0] === '')) ) { $errors[] = GetMessage('BX_TRANSLATE_IMPORT_ERR_EMPTY_FIRST_ROW'); } else { $columnList = array_flip($csvRow); foreach ($languageList as $keyLang => $langID) { if (!isset($columnList[$langID])) unset($languageList[$keyLang]); } if (!isset($columnList['file'])) $errors[] = GetMessage('BX_TRANSLATE_IMPORT_ERR_DESTINATION_FIELD_ABSENT'); else $fileIndex = $columnList['file']; if (!isset($columnList['key'])) $errors[] = GetMessage('BX_TRANSLATE_IMPORT_ERR_PHRASE_CODE_FIELD_ABSENT'); else $keyIndex = $columnList['key']; if (empty($languageList)) $errors[] = GetMessage('BX_TRANSLATE_IMPORT_ERR_LANGUAGE_LIST_ABSENT'); } if (empty($errors)) { $csvRowCounter = 1; while ($csvRow = $csvFile->Fetch()) { $csvRowCounter++; if ( !is_array($csvRow) || empty($csvRow) || (count($csvRow) == 1 && ($csvRow[0] === null || $csvRow[0] === '')) ) continue; $file = (isset($csvRow[$fileIndex]) ? $csvRow[$fileIndex] : ''); $key = (isset($csvRow[$keyIndex]) ? $csvRow[$keyIndex] : ''); if ($file == '' || $key == '') { $rowErrors = []; if ($file == '') $rowErrors[] = GetMessage('BX_TRANSLATE_IMPORT_ERR_DESTINATION_FILEPATH_ABSENT'); if ($key == '') $rowErrors[] = GetMessage('BX_TRANSLATE_IMPORT_ERR_PHRASE_CODE_ABSENT'); $errors[] = GetMessage( 'TR_TOOLS_ERROR_LINE_FILE_EXT', ['#LINE#' => $csvRowCounter, '#ERROR#' => implode('; ', $rowErrors)] ); unset($rowErrors); continue; } $rowErrors = []; if (!isset($phraseList[$file])) $phraseList[$file] = []; foreach ($languageList as $languageId) { if (!isset($phraseList[$file][$languageId])) $phraseList[$file][$languageId] = []; $langIndex = $columnList[$languageId]; if (!isset($csvRow[$langIndex])) { $rowErrors[] = GetMessage( 'BX_TRANSLATE_IMPORT_ERR_ROW_LANG_ABSENT', ['#LANG#' => $languageId] ); continue; } if ($csvRow[$langIndex] === '') continue; $phrase = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $csvRow[$langIndex]); $checked = true; if (defined('BX_UTF')) { $validPhrase = preg_replace("/[^\x01-\x7F]/","", $phrase); if ($validPhrase !== $phrase) { //TODO: change to Main\Text\Encoding::detectUtf8 after method refactoring $prevBits8and7 = 0; $isUtf = 0; foreach(unpack("C*", $phrase) as $byte) { $hiBits8and7 = $byte & 0xC0; if ($hiBits8and7 == 0x80) { if ($prevBits8and7 == 0xC0) $isUtf++; elseif (($prevBits8and7 & 0x80) == 0x00) $isUtf--; } elseif ($prevBits8and7 == 0xC0) { $isUtf--; } $prevBits8and7 = $hiBits8and7; } unset($hiBits8and7, $byte); $checked = ($isUtf > 0); unset($isUtf, $prevBits8and7); } unset($validPhrase); } if ($checked) { $phraseList[$file][$languageId][$key] = $phrase; } else { $rowErrors[] = GetMessage( 'BX_TRANSLATE_IMPORT_ERR_NO_VALID_UTF8_PHRASE', ['#LANG#' => $languageId] ); } unset($checked, $phrase); } if (!empty($rowErrors)) { $errors[] = GetMessage( 'TR_TOOLS_ERROR_LINE_FILE_BIG', [ '#LINE#' => $csvRowCounter, '#FILENAME#' => $file, '#PHRASE#' => $key, '#ERROR#' => implode('; ', $rowErrors) ] ); } unset($rowErrors); } unset($csvRow); } $csvFile->CloseFile(); unset($csvFile); foreach ($phraseList as $fileIndex => $translationList) { if (is_lang_dir($fileIndex, true)) { foreach ($translationList as $languageId => $fileMessages) { if (empty($fileMessages)) continue; $rawFile = replace_lang_id($fileIndex, $languageId); $file = Rel2Abs('/', $rawFile); if ($file !== $rawFile) { $errors[] = GetMessage( 'BX_TRANSLATE_IMPORT_ERR_BAD_FILEPATH', ['#FILE#' => $fileIndex] ); break; } $MESS = []; if (!$rewrite && file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$file)) { include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$file); if (!is_array($MESS)) { $MESS = []; } else { foreach (array_keys($MESS) as $index) { if ($MESS[$index] === '') unset($MESS[$index]); } unset($index); } } if ($mergeMode) $MESS = array_merge($MESS, $fileMessages); else $MESS = array_merge($fileMessages, $MESS); if (!empty($MESS)) { $strMess = ""; foreach ($MESS as $key => $value) { $value = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $value); $strMess .= '$MESS["'.EscapePHPString($key).'"] = "'.EscapePHPString($value).'";'."\n"; } if (!TR_BACKUP($file)) { $errors[] = GetMessage("TR_TOOLS_ERROR_CREATE_BACKUP", array('%FILE%' => $file)); } else { if (!RewriteFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$file, "<?\n".$strMess."?".">")) { $errors[] = GetMessage('TR_TOOLS_ERROR_WRITE_FILE', array('%FILE%' => $file)); } } } } } else { $errors[] = GetMessage('TR_TOOLS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_LANG', array('%FILE%' => $fileIndex)); } } if (!empty($errors)) { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(implode('<br>', $errors)); return false; } unset($errors); return true; } function GetTLangList() { $result = []; $iterator = Main\Localization\LanguageTable::getList([ 'select' => ['LID', 'SORT'], 'filter' => ['=ACTIVE' => 'Y'], 'order' => ['SORT' => 'ASC'] ]); while ($row = $iterator->fetch()) $result[] = $row['LID']; unset($row, $iterator); return $result; } function GetTLangFiles($path, $IS_LANG_DIR = false) { global $arTLangs, $arFiles, $arDirFiles, $arLangDirFiles; if (is_dir(prepare_path($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/".$path."/"))) { if ($IS_LANG_DIR) { if (is_array($arTLangs)) { foreach ($arTLangs as $lng) { $path = replace_lang_id($path, $lng); $path_l = strlen($path); foreach($arFiles as $arr) { if($arr["IS_DIR"]=="N" && (strncmp($arr["PATH"], $path, $path_l) == 0)) { $arDirFiles[] = $arr["PATH"]; } } } } } else { if (is_array($arLangDirFiles)) { $path_l = strlen($path); foreach ($arLangDirFiles as $arr) { if($arr["IS_DIR"]=="N" && (strncmp($arr["PATH"], $path, $path_l) == 0)) { $arDirFiles[] = $arr["PATH"]; } } } } } else { foreach ($arTLangs as $lng) $arDirFiles[] = replace_lang_id($path, $lng); } } function TSEARCH($file, &$count) { global $arSearchParam, $USER; if (!$USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php')) return false ; $_mess = __IncludeLang($file, true); if (!is_array($_mess)) return false; $_phrase = $phrase = $arSearchParam['search']; if (!$arSearchParam['bCaseSens']) $_phrase = strtolower($arSearchParam['search']); $I_PCRE_MODIFIER = $arSearchParam['bCaseSens'] ? '' : 'i'; $_bMessage = true; $_bMnemonic = false; $_arSearchData = array(); if ($arSearchParam['bSearchMessage'] && $arSearchParam['bSearchMnemonic']) { $_bMessage = true; $_bMnemonic = true; } elseif ($arSearchParam['bSearchMnemonic']) { $_bMnemonic = true; } $_bResult = false; $count = 0; foreach ($_mess as $_sMn => $_sMe) { $__sMe = $_sMe; $__sMn = $_sMn; if (!$arSearchParam['bCaseSens']) { $__sMe = strtolower($_sMe); $__sMn = strtolower($_sMn); } $_bSearch = false; if ($_bMessage) { if (strpos($__sMe, $_phrase) !== false) $_bSearch = true; } if ($_bMnemonic) { if (strpos($__sMn, $_phrase) !== false) $_bSearch = true; } if ($_bSearch) { $_bResult = true; $res = array(); //Replace if ($arSearchParam['is_replace']) { $pattern = '/'.preg_quote($phrase, '/').'/S'.$I_PCRE_MODIFIER.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; TR_BACKUP($file); if ($_bMessage) { preg_match_all($pattern, $_sMe, $res); $count += count($res[0]); $_sMe = preg_replace($pattern, $arSearchParam['replace'], $_sMe); } if ($_bMnemonic) { preg_match_all($pattern, $_sMn, $res); $count += count($res[0]); $_sMn = preg_replace($pattern, $arSearchParam['replace'], $_sMn); } } else { $pattern = '/'.preg_quote($phrase, '/').'/'.$I_PCRE_MODIFIER.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; if ($_bMessage) { preg_match_all($pattern, $_sMe, $res); $count += count($res[0]); } if ($_bMnemonic) { preg_match_all($pattern, $_sMn, $res); $count += count($res[0]); } } } if ($arSearchParam['is_replace']) { $_arSearchData[] = "\$MESS[\"".EscapePHPString($_sMn)."\"] = \"". EscapePHPString(str_replace("\r", "", $_sMe))."\""; } } if ($arSearchParam['is_replace'] && $_bResult) { $strContent = ""; foreach ($_arSearchData as $M) { if (strlen($M)>0) $strContent .= "\n".$M.";"; } RewriteFile($file, "<?".$strContent."\n?".">"); } return $_bResult; } function TR_BACKUP($file) { $bReturn = true; if (COption::GetOptionString('translate', 'BACKUP_FILES', 'N') == 'Y') { if (strpos($file, $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]) === 0) $file = str_replace($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], '', $file); $backUPPath = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/bitrix/tmp/translate/_backup'.dirname($file).'/'; $backUPFile = basename($file); CheckDirPath($backUPPath); if (file_exists($backUPPath) && is_dir($backUPPath)) { $prfx = date('YmdHi'); $_backUPFile = $prfx.'_'.$backUPFile; if (file_exists($backUPPath.$_backUPFile)) { $i = 1; while (file_exists($backUPPath.'/'.$_backUPFile)) { $i++; $_backUPFile = $prfx.'_'.$i.'_'.$backUPFile; } } @copy($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$file, $backUPPath.$_backUPFile); @chmod($backUPPath.$_backUPFile, BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } else { $bReturn = false; } } return $bReturn; }