Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/webservice/classes/general/soap/
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Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/webservice/classes/general/soap/soapserver.php


class CSOAPServerResponser
	function OnBeforeRequest(&$cserver)

	/* $cserver->RawPostData */
	function OnAfterResponse(&$cserver)

	 * If function returns true, chain of ProcessRequest ends.
	 * If function returns true, this means function already passed It's value to ShowResponse handler
	 * If returns false, then next item in a chain will be called.
	 * Result Value must be set to $cserver->ResponseValue 
	function ProcessRequestHeader(&$cserver, $header)

	/* stub, never used */
	function ProcessRequestBody(&$cserver, $body)

class CWSSOAPResponser extends CSOAPServerResponser
	 * typename => name => array()
	 * funcname => parameters => array()
	 * Array can contain:
	 * 	serialize => class/assoc array.
	 * 	varType, arrType
	 * */
	var $TypensVars;

	/// message => function
	var $MessageTags;

	/// Contains a list over registered functions
	var $FunctionList;

	function RegisterFunction($name, $params = array())
		$this->FunctionList[] = $name;
		$this->TypensVars[$name] = $params;

		if ($params["request"]) $this->MessageTags[$params["request"]] = $name;
		if ($params["response"]) $this->MessageTags[$params["response"]] = $name;

	 * $complex = array( "typename" => array( paraname => array(type desc, valType)))
	function RegisterComplexType($complex)
		foreach ($complex as $complexTypeName => $declaration)
			$this->TypensVars[$complexTypeName] = $declaration;

	function ProcessRequestBody(&$cserver, $body)
		$functionName = $body->name();
		$namespaceURI = $body->namespaceURI();
		$requestNode = $body;

		// If this is request name in functionName, get functionName.
		if (!in_array($functionName, $this->FunctionList)
			and isset($this->MessageTags[$functionName])
			$functionName = $this->MessageTags[$functionName];

		if (!in_array($functionName, $this->FunctionList))
			CSOAPServer::ShowSOAPFault("Trying to access unregistered function: ".$functionName);
			return true;

		$objectName = "";
		$params = array();

		$paramsDecoder = new CSOAPResponse($functionName, $namespaceURI);

		if (!isset($this->TypensVars[$functionName]) or
			!isset($this->TypensVars[$functionName]["myclassname"]) or
			CSOAPServer::ShowSOAPFault("Requested function has no type specified: ".$functionName);
			return true;

		$objectName = $this->TypensVars[$functionName]["myclassname"];
		$inputParams = $this->TypensVars[$functionName]["input"];

		$httpAuth = "N";
		if (isset($this->TypensVars[$functionName]["httpauth"]))
			$httpAuth = $this->TypensVars[$functionName]["httpauth"];

		if ($httpAuth == "Y" and !CWebService::MethodRequireHTTPAuth($objectName, $functionName))
			CSOAPServer::ShowSOAPFault("Requested function requires HTTP Basic Auth to be done before.");
			return true;

		$requestParams = array(); // reorganize params
		foreach ($requestNode->children() as $parameterNode)
			if (!$parameterNode->name())
			$requestParams[$parameterNode->name()] = $parameterNode;

		// check parameters/decode // check strict params
		foreach ($inputParams as $pname => $param)
			$decoded = null;

			if (isset($requestParams[$pname]))
				$decoded = $paramsDecoder->decodeDataTypes($requestParams[$pname]);

			if (is_object($decoded) and (get_class($decoded) == "CSOAPFault" or get_class($decoded) == "csoapfault"))
				return true;

			if (
				!isset($decoded) and (!isset($param["strict"])
				or (isset($param["strict"]) and $param["strict"] == "strict"))
				CSOAPServer::ShowSOAPFault("Request has not enough params of strict type to be decoded. ");
				return true;
			$params[] = $decoded;


		$object = null;

		if (class_exists($objectName))
			$object = new $objectName;

		if (is_object($object) && method_exists($object, $functionName))
					array($object, $functionName),
		else if (!class_exists($objectName))
				new CSOAPFault('Server Error', 'Object not found')
				new CSOAPFault('Server Error', 'Method not found')

		return true;

	function ShowResponse(&$cserver, $functionName, $namespaceURI, &$value)
		global $APPLICATION;
		// Convert input data to XML

		$response = new CSOAPResponse($functionName, $namespaceURI);


		$payload = $response->payload();

		header("SOAPServer: BITRIX SOAP");
		header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"");
		Header("Content-Length: ".(defined('BX_UTF') && BX_UTF == 1 && function_exists('mb_strlen')? mb_strlen($payload, 'latin1'): strlen($payload)));

		$cserver->RawPayloadData = $payload;
		echo $payload;

class CSOAPServer
	/// Contains the RAW HTTP post data information
	var $RawPostData;
	var $RawPayloadData;

	/// Consists of instances of CSOAPServerResponser
	var $OnRequestEvent = array();

	function CSOAPServer()
		$this->RawPostData = file_get_contents("php://input");

	function GetRequestData()
		return $this->RawPostData;

	function GetResponseData()
		return $this->RawPayloadData;

	function AddServerResponser(&$respobject)
		if (is_subclass_of($respobject, "CSOAPServerResponser"))
			$this->OnRequestEvent[count($this->OnRequestEvent)] =& $respobject;
			return true;

		return false;

	// $valueEncoded type of CXMLCreator
	function ShowRawResponse($valueEncoded, $wrapEnvelope = false)
		global $APPLICATION;

		if ($wrapEnvelope)
			// $valueEncoded class of CXMLCreator
			$root = new CXMLCreator("soap:Envelope");
			$root->setAttribute("xmlns:soap", BX_SOAP_ENV);

			// add the body
			$body = new CXMLCreator("soap:Body");



			$valueEncoded = $root;

		$payload = CXMLCreator::getXMLHeader().$valueEncoded->getXML();

		header("SOAPServer: BITRIX SOAP");
		header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"");
		Header("Content-Length: ".(defined('BX_UTF') && BX_UTF == 1 && function_exists('mb_strlen')? mb_strlen($payload, 'latin1'): strlen($payload)));

		$this->RawPayloadData = $payload;

		echo $payload;

	function ShowResponse($functionName, $namespaceURI, $valueName, &$value)
		global $APPLICATION;
		// Convert input data to XML

		$response = new CSOAPResponse($functionName, $namespaceURI);

		$payload = $response->payload();

		header("SOAPServer: BITRIX SOAP");
		header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"");
		Header("Content-Length: ".(defined('BX_UTF') && BX_UTF == 1 && function_exists('mb_strlen')? mb_strlen($payload, 'latin1'): strlen($payload)));


		$this->RawPayloadData = $payload;
		echo $payload;

	/* static */
	function ShowSOAPFault($errorString)
		global $APPLICATION;
		$response = new CSOAPResponse('unknown_function_name', 'unknown_namespace_uri');
		if (is_object($errorString) and (get_class($errorString) == "CSOAPFault" or get_class($errorString) == "csoapfault"))
			$response->setValue($errorString /*CSOAPFault*/);
			$response->setValue(new CSOAPFault('Server Error', $errorString));

		$payload = $response->payload();

		header("SOAPServer: BITRIX SOAP");
		header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"");
		Header("Content-Length: ".(defined('BX_UTF') && BX_UTF == 1 && function_exists('mb_strlen')? mb_strlen($payload, 'latin1'): strlen($payload)));

		echo $payload;


		Processes the SOAP request and prints out the
		propper response.
	function ProcessRequest()
		global $APPLICATION;

		if (
			$this->ShowSOAPFault("Error: this web page does only understand POST methods. BitrixXMLParser. ");

		for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->OnRequestEvent); $i++)

		$xmlData = $this->stripHTTPHeader($this->RawPostData);
		$xmlData = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($xmlData, "UTF-8", SITE_CHARSET);

		$xml = new CDataXML();

		if (!$xml->LoadString($xmlData))
			$this->ShowSOAPFault("Error: Can't parse request xml data. ");

		$dom = $xml->GetTree();

		// Check for non-parsing XML, to avoid call to non-object error.
		if (!is_object($dom))
			$this->ShowSOAPFault("Bad XML");

		// add namespace fetching on body
		// get the SOAP body
		$body = $dom->elementsByName("Body");

		$children = $body[0]->children();

		if (count($children) == 1)
			$requestNode = $children[0];
			$requestParsed = false;

			// get target namespace for request
			// it often function request message. in wsdl gen. = function+"request"
			$functionName = $requestNode->name();
			$namespaceURI = $requestNode->namespaceURI();

			for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->OnRequestEvent); $i++)
				if ($this->OnRequestEvent[$i]->ProcessRequestBody($this, $requestNode))
					$requestParsed = true;

			for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->OnRequestEvent); $i++)

			if (!$requestParsed)
				$this->ShowSOAPFault('Unknown operation requested.');

			return $requestParsed;
			$this->ShowSOAPFault('"Body" element in the request has wrong number of children');

		return false;

	function stripHTTPHeader($data)
		//$start = strpos( $data, "<"."?xml" );
		$start = strpos($data, "\r\n\r\n");
		return substr($data, $start, strlen($data) - $start);

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0