Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/wizards/bitrix/demo/modules/photogallery/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/wizards/bitrix/demo/modules/photogallery/index.php |
<?if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true) die(); if (!CModule::IncludeModule("iblock")) return; if (!function_exists("__GetMessageArray")) { function __GetMessageArray($lang) { static $arMESS = array(); if (empty($arMESS[$lang])) { $MESS = array(); if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__)."/lang/".$lang."/".basename(__FILE__))) include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/lang/".$lang."/".basename(__FILE__)); $arMESS[$lang] = $MESS; } return $arMESS[$lang]; } } $SITE_ID = (defined("SITE_ID") && strLen(SITE_ID) > 0 ? SITE_ID : "s1"); $arLangs = array(); $arMess = array(); __IncludeLang(GetLangFileName(dirname(__FILE__)."/lang/", "/".basename(__FILE__))); // Get language $db_res = CLangAdmin::GetList(($b="sort"), ($o="asc")); while ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) $arLangs[] = $res["LID"]; // 1. Create iblock type $iblockType = CIBlockType::GetByID("gallery"); if (!($iblockType && $iblockType->Fetch())) { $arFields = Array( 'ID'=>'gallery', 'SECTIONS'=>'Y', 'IN_RSS'=>'N', 'SORT'=>100, 'LANG'=>Array()); foreach ($arLangs as $lang_id) { $res = array( 'NAME' => GetMessage("P_NAME"), 'SECTION_NAME' => GetMessage("P_SECTION_NAME"), 'ELEMENT_NAME'=> GetMessage("P_ELEMENT_NAME")); if ($lang_id != LANGUAGE_ID) { $arMess[$lang_id] = __GetMessageArray($lang_id); $res['NAME'] = trim($arMess[$lang_id]["P_NAME"]); $res['SECTION_NAME'] = trim($arMess[$lang_id]["P_SECTION_NAME"]); $res['ELEMENT_NAME'] = trim($arMess[$lang_id]["P_ELEMENT_NAME"]); } $res['NAME'] = (!empty($res['NAME']) ? $res['NAME'] : 'Gallery'); $res['SECTION_NAME'] = (!empty($res['SECTION_NAME']) ? $res['SECTION_NAME'] : 'Albums'); $res['ELEMENT_NAME'] = (!empty($res['ELEMENT_NAME']) ? $res['ELEMENT_NAME'] : 'Photos'); $arFields["LANG"][$lang_id] = $res; } $obBlocktype = new CIBlockType; $success = (bool)$obBlocktype->Add($arFields); if (!$success) return; } // 2. Import iblock $iBlockId = 0; $db_res = CIBlock::GetList(array(), array("CODE" => "photo", "XML_ID" => "photo-gallery")); if ($db_res && $res = $db_res->Fetch()) { $iBlockId = intVal($res["ID"]); } else { $source_base = dirname(__FILE__); $documentRoot = rtrim(str_replace(Array("\\\\", "//", "\\"), Array("\\", "/", "/"), $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]), "\\/"); $source_base = substr($source_base, strLen($documentRoot)); $source_base = str_replace(array("\\", "//"), "/", "/".$source_base."/"); require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/".$DBType."/cml2.php"); $res = ImportXMLFile($source_base."xml/".LANGUAGE_ID."/photogallery.xml", "gallery", $SITE_ID); $db_res = CIBlock::GetList(array(), array("CODE" => "photo", "XML_ID" => "photo-gallery")); if ($db_res && $res = $db_res->Fetch()) $iBlockId = intVal($res["ID"]); } if ($iBlockId <= 0) return false; CIBlock::SetPermission($iBlockId, Array("1" => "W", "2" => "R")); // 3. Add Forum $arParams = array( "USE_COMMENTS" => "N", "COMMENTS_TYPE" => "none", "FORUM_ID" => "", "BLOG_URL" => "", "PATH_TO_SMILE" => ""); if (CModule::IncludeModule("forum")) { // 3.1 Add group $iGroupId = 0; $db_res = CForumGroup::GetListEx(array(), array("LID" => LANGUAGE_ID)); if ($db_res && $res = $db_res->Fetch()) { do { if (GetMessage("P_FORUM_GROUP_COMMENTS") == $res["NAME"]) { $iGroupId = intVal($res["ID"]); break; } }while ($res = $db_res->Fetch()); } if ($iGroupId <= 0) { // Set Group $arFields = array("SORT" => 150); foreach ($arLangs as $lang) { $name = GetMessage("P_FORUM_GROUP_COMMENTS"); $description = GetMessage("P_FORUM_GROUP_COMMENTS_DESCRIPTION"); if ($lang != LANGUAGE_ID) { $arMess[$lang] = __GetMessageArray($lang); if (!empty($arMess[$lang]["P_FORUM_GROUP_COMMENTS"])) { $name = $arMess[$lang]["P_FORUM_GROUP_COMMENTS"]; $description = $arMess[$lang]["P_FORUM_GROUP_COMMENTS_DESCRIPTION"]; } } $arFields["LANG"][] = array( "LID" => $lang, "NAME" => $name, "DESCRIPTION" => $description); } $iGroupId = CForumGroup::Add($arFields); } // 3.2 Add Forum $FID = 0; $db_res = CForumNew::GetList(); if ($db_res && $res = $db_res->Fetch()) { do { if ($res["NAME"] == GetMessage("P_FORUM_NAME")) { $FID = intVal($res["ID"]); break; } }while ($res = $db_res->Fetch()); } if ($FID <= 0): $arFields = Array( "NAME" => GetMessage("P_FORUM_NAME"), "DESCRIPTION" => GetMessage("P_FORUM_DECRIPTION"), "SORT" => 100, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "ALLOW_HTML" => "N", "ALLOW_ANCHOR" => "N", "ALLOW_BIU" => "Y", "ALLOW_IMG" => "Y", "ALLOW_LIST" => "Y", "ALLOW_QUOTE" => "Y", "ALLOW_CODE" => "Y", "ALLOW_FONT" => "Y", "ALLOW_SMILES" => "Y", "ALLOW_UPLOAD" => "N", "ALLOW_NL2BR" => "N", "MODERATION" => "N", "ALLOW_MOVE_TOPIC" => "Y", "ORDER_BY" => "P", "ORDER_DIRECTION" => "DESC", "LID" => LANGUAGE_ID, "PATH2FORUM_MESSAGE" => "", "ALLOW_UPLOAD_EXT" => "", "FORUM_GROUP_ID" => $iGroupId, "ASK_GUEST_EMAIL" => "N", "USE_CAPTCHA" => "Y", "SITES" => array( $SITE_ID => "/communication/forum/messages/forum#FORUM_ID#/topic#TOPIC_ID#/message#MESSAGE_ID#/"), "EVENT1" => "forum", "EVENT2" => "message", "EVENT3" => "", "GROUP_ID" => array( "2" => "M", "4" => "A", "5" => "A", "11" => "A", "15" => "A", "16" => "A", "17" => "A", "18" => "A", "19" => "Q", "20" => "A")); $FID = CForumNew::Add($arFields); endif; if (intVal($FID) > 0) { $arParams = array( "USE_COMMENTS" => "Y", "COMMENTS_TYPE" => "forum", "FORUM_ID" => $FID, "BLOG_URL" => "", "PATH_TO_SMILE" => "/bitrix/images/forum/smile/"); } } elseif (CModule::IncludeModule("blog")) { $iBlogId = ""; $res = CBlog::GetByUrl("gallery"); if ($res && !empty($res) && is_array($res)): $iBlogId = intVal($res["ID"]); else: $iBlogGroupId = 0; $arFields = array("NAME" => GetMessage("P_BLOG_GROUP_NAME")); $db_res = CBlogGroup::GetList(array(), $arFields, false, false, array("ID")); if ($db_res && $res = $db_res->Fetch()) { $iBlogGroupId = intVal($res["ID"]); } else { $arFields["SITE_ID"] = $SITE_ID; $iBlogGroupId = CBlogGroup::Add($arFields); } if ($iBlogGroupId > 0) { $arFields = array( "ACTIVE" => "N", "NAME" => GetMessage("P_BLOG_NAME"), "DESCRIPTION" => GetMessage("P_BLOG_DESCRIPTION"), "=DATE_UPDATE" => $GLOBALS["DB"]->CurrentTimeFunction(), "=DATE_CREATE" => $GLOBALS["DB"]->CurrentTimeFunction(), "URL" => "gallery", "OWNER_ID" => $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetId(), "GROUP_ID" => $iBlogGroupId); $iBlogId = CBlog::Add($arFields); } endif; if (intVal($iBlogId) > 0) { $arParams = array( "USE_COMMENTS" => "Y", "COMMENTS_TYPE" => "blog", "FORUM_ID" => 0, "BLOG_URL" => "gallery", "PATH_TO_SMILE" => "/bitrix/images/blog/smile/"); } } $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"] = $iBlockId; // 4. Copy public files with "on the fly" translation $source = "/public/photogallery/"; $target = "/content/photo/"; $source_base = dirname(__FILE__); $source_abs = $source_base.$source; $source_abs = str_replace(array("\\", "//"), "/", $source_base.$source."/"); $target_abs = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$target; $bReWriteAdditionalFiles = false; if (file_exists($source_abs)) { //Create target directory CheckDirPath($target_abs); $dh = opendir($source_abs); //Read the source while($file = readdir($dh)) { if($file == "." || $file == "..") continue; $target_file = $target_abs.$file; if($bReWriteAdditionalFiles || !file_exists($target_file)) { //Here we will write public data $source_file = $source_abs.$file; $fh = fopen($source_file, "rb"); $php_source = fread($fh, filesize($source_file)); fclose($fh); //Parse localization $arParamsForReplace = array(); foreach ($arParams as $key => $val) $arParamsForReplace["#".$key."#"] = $val; $php_source = str_replace(array_keys($arParamsForReplace), $arParamsForReplace, $php_source); if(preg_match_all('/GetMessage\("(.*?)"\)/', $php_source, $matches)) { //Include LANGUAGE_ID file __IncludeLang(GetLangFileName($source_base."/lang/", $source.$file)); //Substite the stuff foreach($matches[0] as $i => $text) { $php_source = str_replace( $text, '"'.GetMessage($matches[1][$i]).'"', $php_source ); } } //Write to the destination directory $fh = fopen($target_file, "wb"); fwrite($fh, $php_source); fclose($fh); @chmod($target_file, BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } } } $arFields = array( "CONDITION" => "#^".$target."#", "RULE" => "", "ID" => "bitrix:photogallery", "PATH" => $target."index.php"); CUrlRewriter::Add($arFields); $PhotoRandom = ' <div class="information-block"> <div class="information-block-head">'.GetMessage("P_DAY_PHOTO").'</div> <?$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent( "bitrix:photo.random", "", Array("IBLOCK_TYPE" => "gallery", "IBLOCKS" => Array("'.$iBlockId.'"), "DETAIL_URL" => "'.$target.'#SECTION_ID#/#ELEMENT_ID#/", "CACHE_TYPE" => "N", "CACHE_TIME" => "180") );?></div>'; $arReplace = Array("<!--PHOTO_RANDOM-->" => $PhotoRandom); CWizardUtil::ReplaceMacros($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/index_inc.php", $arReplace, $skipSharp = true); //Left menu DemoSiteUtil::AddMenuItem("/content/.left.menu.php", Array( GetMessage("P_MENU_ITEM"), "/content/photo/", Array(), Array(), "", )); //Content section include(dirname(__FILE__)."/../content/index.php"); return true; ?>