Direktori : /proc/self/root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/modules/core/packaging/os/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/modules/core/packaging/os/apt_repository.py |
#!/usr/bin/python # encoding: utf-8 # (c) 2012, Matt Wright <matt@nobien.net> # (c) 2013, Alexander Saltanov <asd@mokote.com> # (c) 2014, Rutger Spiertz <rutger@kumina.nl> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: apt_repository short_description: Add and remove APT repositories description: - Add or remove an APT repositories in Ubuntu and Debian. notes: - This module works on Debian and Ubuntu. - This module supports Debian Squeeze (version 6) as well as its successors. - This module treats Debian and Ubuntu distributions separately. So PPA could be installed only on Ubuntu machines. options: repo: required: true default: none description: - A source string for the repository. state: required: false choices: [ "absent", "present" ] default: "present" description: - A source string state. mode: required: false default: 0644 description: - The octal mode for newly created files in sources.list.d version_added: "1.6" update_cache: description: - Run the equivalent of C(apt-get update) when a change occurs. Cache updates are run after making changes. required: false default: "yes" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] validate_certs: version_added: '1.8' description: - If C(no), SSL certificates for the target repo will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. required: false default: 'yes' choices: ['yes', 'no'] filename: version_added: '2.1' description: - Sets the name of the source list file in sources.list.d. Defaults to a file name based on the repository source url. The .list extension will be automatically added. required: false author: "Alexander Saltanov (@sashka)" version_added: "0.7" requirements: - python-apt (python 2) - python3-apt (python 3) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Add specified repository into sources list. apt_repository: repo='deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner' state=present # Add specified repository into sources list using specified filename. apt_repository: repo='deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main' state=present filename='google-chrome' # Add source repository into sources list. apt_repository: repo='deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner' state=present # Remove specified repository from sources list. apt_repository: repo='deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner' state=absent # On Ubuntu target: add nginx stable repository from PPA and install its signing key. # On Debian target: adding PPA is not available, so it will fail immediately. apt_repository: repo='ppa:nginx/stable' ''' import glob import os import re import sys import tempfile try: import apt import apt_pkg import aptsources.distro as aptsources_distro distro = aptsources_distro.get_distro() HAVE_PYTHON_APT = True except ImportError: distro = None HAVE_PYTHON_APT = False if sys.version_info[0] < 3: PYTHON_APT = 'python-apt' else: PYTHON_APT = 'python3-apt' DEFAULT_SOURCES_PERM = int('0644', 8) VALID_SOURCE_TYPES = ('deb', 'deb-src') def install_python_apt(module): if not module.check_mode: apt_get_path = module.get_bin_path('apt-get') if apt_get_path: rc, so, se = module.run_command([apt_get_path, 'update']) if rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to auto-install %s. Error was: '%s'" % (PYTHON_APT, se.strip())) rc, so, se = module.run_command([apt_get_path, 'install', PYTHON_APT, '-y', '-q']) if rc == 0: global apt, apt_pkg, aptsources_distro, distro, HAVE_PYTHON_APT import apt import apt_pkg import aptsources.distro as aptsources_distro distro = aptsources_distro.get_distro() HAVE_PYTHON_APT = True else: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to auto-install %s. Error was: '%s'" % (PYTHON_APT, se.strip())) else: module.fail_json(msg="%s must be installed to use check mode" % PYTHON_APT) class InvalidSource(Exception): pass # Simple version of aptsources.sourceslist.SourcesList. # No advanced logic and no backups inside. class SourcesList(object): def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.files = {} # group sources by file # Repositories that we're adding -- used to implement mode param self.new_repos = set() self.default_file = self._apt_cfg_file('Dir::Etc::sourcelist') # read sources.list if it exists if os.path.isfile(self.default_file): self.load(self.default_file) # read sources.list.d for file in glob.iglob('%s/*.list' % self._apt_cfg_dir('Dir::Etc::sourceparts')): self.load(file) def __iter__(self): '''Simple iterator to go over all sources. Empty, non-source, and other not valid lines will be skipped.''' for file, sources in self.files.items(): for n, valid, enabled, source, comment in sources: if valid: yield file, n, enabled, source, comment raise StopIteration def _expand_path(self, filename): if '/' in filename: return filename else: return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._apt_cfg_dir('Dir::Etc::sourceparts'), filename)) def _suggest_filename(self, line): def _cleanup_filename(s): filename = self.module.params['filename'] if filename is not None: return filename return '_'.join(re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ' ', s).split()) def _strip_username_password(s): if '@' in s: s = s.split('@', 1) s = s[-1] return s # Drop options and protocols. line = re.sub('\[[^\]]+\]', '', line) line = re.sub('\w+://', '', line) # split line into valid keywords parts = [part for part in line.split() if part not in VALID_SOURCE_TYPES] # Drop usernames and passwords parts[0] = _strip_username_password(parts[0]) return '%s.list' % _cleanup_filename(' '.join(parts[:1])) def _parse(self, line, raise_if_invalid_or_disabled=False): valid = False enabled = True source = '' comment = '' line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): enabled = False line = line[1:] # Check for another "#" in the line and treat a part after it as a comment. i = line.find('#') if i > 0: comment = line[i+1:].strip() line = line[:i] # Split a source into substring to make sure that it is source spec. # Duplicated whitespaces in a valid source spec will be removed. source = line.strip() if source: chunks = source.split() if chunks[0] in VALID_SOURCE_TYPES: valid = True source = ' '.join(chunks) if raise_if_invalid_or_disabled and (not valid or not enabled): raise InvalidSource(line) return valid, enabled, source, comment @staticmethod def _apt_cfg_file(filespec): ''' Wrapper for `apt_pkg` module for running with Python 2.5 ''' try: result = apt_pkg.config.find_file(filespec) except AttributeError: result = apt_pkg.Config.FindFile(filespec) return result @staticmethod def _apt_cfg_dir(dirspec): ''' Wrapper for `apt_pkg` module for running with Python 2.5 ''' try: result = apt_pkg.config.find_dir(dirspec) except AttributeError: result = apt_pkg.Config.FindDir(dirspec) return result def load(self, file): group = [] f = open(file, 'r') for n, line in enumerate(f): valid, enabled, source, comment = self._parse(line) group.append((n, valid, enabled, source, comment)) self.files[file] = group def save(self): for filename, sources in list(self.files.items()): if sources: d, fn = os.path.split(filename) fd, tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=".%s-" % fn, dir=d) f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') for n, valid, enabled, source, comment in sources: chunks = [] if not enabled: chunks.append('# ') chunks.append(source) if comment: chunks.append(' # ') chunks.append(comment) chunks.append('\n') line = ''.join(chunks) try: f.write(line) except IOError: err = get_exception() self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to write to file %s: %s" % (tmp_path, unicode(err))) self.module.atomic_move(tmp_path, filename) # allow the user to override the default mode if filename in self.new_repos: this_mode = self.module.params.get('mode', DEFAULT_SOURCES_PERM) self.module.set_mode_if_different(filename, this_mode, False) else: del self.files[filename] if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) def dump(self): dumpstruct = {} for filename, sources in self.files.items(): if sources: lines = [] for n, valid, enabled, source, comment in sources: chunks = [] if not enabled: chunks.append('# ') chunks.append(source) if comment: chunks.append(' # ') chunks.append(comment) chunks.append('\n') lines.append(''.join(chunks)) dumpstruct[filename] = ''.join(lines) return dumpstruct def _choice(self, new, old): if new is None: return old return new def modify(self, file, n, enabled=None, source=None, comment=None): ''' This function to be used with iterator, so we don't care of invalid sources. If source, enabled, or comment is None, original value from line ``n`` will be preserved. ''' valid, enabled_old, source_old, comment_old = self.files[file][n][1:] self.files[file][n] = (n, valid, self._choice(enabled, enabled_old), self._choice(source, source_old), self._choice(comment, comment_old)) def _add_valid_source(self, source_new, comment_new, file): # We'll try to reuse disabled source if we have it. # If we have more than one entry, we will enable them all - no advanced logic, remember. found = False for filename, n, enabled, source, comment in self: if source == source_new: self.modify(filename, n, enabled=True) found = True if not found: if file is None: file = self.default_file else: file = self._expand_path(file) if file not in self.files: self.files[file] = [] files = self.files[file] files.append((len(files), True, True, source_new, comment_new)) self.new_repos.add(file) def add_source(self, line, comment='', file=None): source = self._parse(line, raise_if_invalid_or_disabled=True)[2] # Prefer separate files for new sources. self._add_valid_source(source, comment, file=file or self._suggest_filename(source)) def _remove_valid_source(self, source): # If we have more than one entry, we will remove them all (not comment, remove!) for filename, n, enabled, src, comment in self: if source == src and enabled: self.files[filename].pop(n) def remove_source(self, line): source = self._parse(line, raise_if_invalid_or_disabled=True)[2] self._remove_valid_source(source) class UbuntuSourcesList(SourcesList): LP_API = 'https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~%s/+archive/%s' def __init__(self, module, add_ppa_signing_keys_callback=None): self.module = module self.add_ppa_signing_keys_callback = add_ppa_signing_keys_callback super(UbuntuSourcesList, self).__init__(module) def _get_ppa_info(self, owner_name, ppa_name): lp_api = self.LP_API % (owner_name, ppa_name) headers = dict(Accept='application/json') response, info = fetch_url(self.module, lp_api, headers=headers) if info['status'] != 200: self.module.fail_json(msg="failed to fetch PPA information, error was: %s" % info['msg']) return json.loads(to_native(response.read())) def _expand_ppa(self, path): ppa = path.split(':')[1] ppa_owner = ppa.split('/')[0] try: ppa_name = ppa.split('/')[1] except IndexError: ppa_name = 'ppa' line = 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/%s/%s/ubuntu %s main' % (ppa_owner, ppa_name, distro.codename) return line, ppa_owner, ppa_name def _key_already_exists(self, key_fingerprint): rc, out, err = self.module.run_command('apt-key export %s' % key_fingerprint, check_rc=True) return len(err) == 0 def add_source(self, line, comment='', file=None): if line.startswith('ppa:'): source, ppa_owner, ppa_name = self._expand_ppa(line) if source in self.repos_urls: # repository already exists return if self.add_ppa_signing_keys_callback is not None: info = self._get_ppa_info(ppa_owner, ppa_name) if not self._key_already_exists(info['signing_key_fingerprint']): command = ['apt-key', 'adv', '--recv-keys', '--keyserver', 'hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80', info['signing_key_fingerprint']] self.add_ppa_signing_keys_callback(command) file = file or self._suggest_filename('%s_%s' % (line, distro.codename)) else: source = self._parse(line, raise_if_invalid_or_disabled=True)[2] file = file or self._suggest_filename(source) self._add_valid_source(source, comment, file) def remove_source(self, line): if line.startswith('ppa:'): source = self._expand_ppa(line)[0] else: source = self._parse(line, raise_if_invalid_or_disabled=True)[2] self._remove_valid_source(source) @property def repos_urls(self): _repositories = [] for parsed_repos in self.files.values(): for parsed_repo in parsed_repos: enabled = parsed_repo[1] source_line = parsed_repo[3] if not enabled: continue if source_line.startswith('ppa:'): source, ppa_owner, ppa_name = self._expand_ppa(source_line) _repositories.append(source) else: _repositories.append(source_line) return _repositories def get_add_ppa_signing_key_callback(module): def _run_command(command): module.run_command(command, check_rc=True) if module.check_mode: return None else: return _run_command def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( repo=dict(required=True), state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present'), mode=dict(required=False, type='raw'), update_cache = dict(aliases=['update-cache'], type='bool', default='yes'), filename=dict(required=False, default=None), # this should not be needed, but exists as a failsafe install_python_apt=dict(required=False, default="yes", type='bool'), validate_certs = dict(default='yes', type='bool'), ), supports_check_mode=True, ) params = module.params repo = module.params['repo'] state = module.params['state'] update_cache = module.params['update_cache'] # Note: mode is referenced in SourcesList class via the passed in module (self here) sourceslist = None if not HAVE_PYTHON_APT: if params['install_python_apt']: install_python_apt(module) else: module.fail_json(msg='%s is not installed, and install_python_apt is False' % PYTHON_APT) if isinstance(distro, aptsources_distro.UbuntuDistribution): sourceslist = UbuntuSourcesList(module, add_ppa_signing_keys_callback=get_add_ppa_signing_key_callback(module)) elif isinstance(distro, aptsources_distro.Distribution): sourceslist = SourcesList(module) else: module.fail_json(msg='Module apt_repository supports only Debian and Ubuntu.') sources_before = sourceslist.dump() try: if state == 'present': sourceslist.add_source(repo) elif state == 'absent': sourceslist.remove_source(repo) except InvalidSource: err = get_exception() module.fail_json(msg='Invalid repository string: %s' % unicode(err)) sources_after = sourceslist.dump() changed = sources_before != sources_after if changed and module._diff: diff = [] for filename in set(sources_before.keys()).union(sources_after.keys()): diff.append({'before': sources_before.get(filename, ''), 'after': sources_after.get(filename, ''), 'before_header': (filename, '/dev/null')[filename not in sources_before], 'after_header': (filename, '/dev/null')[filename not in sources_after]}) else: diff = {} if changed and not module.check_mode: try: sourceslist.save() if update_cache: cache = apt.Cache() cache.update() except OSError: err = get_exception() module.fail_json(msg=unicode(err)) module.exit_json(changed=changed, repo=repo, state=state, diff=diff) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.urls import * main()