Current File : //proc/self/root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/
#! /usr/bin/python -tt
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Copyright 2005 Duke University
import os
import glob
import imp
import warnings
import atexit
import gettext
import logging
import logginglevels
from constants import *
import config
from config import ParsingError, ConfigParser
import Errors
from parser import ConfigPreProcessor
from textwrap import fill
import fnmatch
from weakref import proxy as weakref
from yum import _
from yum.i18n import utf8_width
# TODO: expose rpm package sack objects to plugins (once finished)
# TODO: allow plugins to use the existing config stuff to define options for
# their own configuration files (would replace confString() etc).
# TODO: expose progress bar interface
# TODO "log" slot? To allow plugins to do customised logging/history (say to a
# SQL db)
# TODO: consistent case of YumPlugins methods
# TODO: allow plugins to extend shell commands
# TODO: allow plugins to define new repository types
# TODO: More developer docs: use epydoc as API begins to stablise
# The API_VERSION constant defines the current plugin API version. It is used
# to decided whether or not plugins can be loaded. It is compared against the
# 'requires_api_version' attribute of each plugin. The version number has the
# format: "major_version.minor_version".
# For a plugin to be loaded the major version required by the plugin must match
# the major version in API_VERSION. Additionally, the minor version in
# API_VERSION must be greater than or equal the minor version required by the
# plugin.
# If a change to yum is made that break backwards compatibility wrt the plugin
# API, the major version number must be incremented and the minor version number
# reset to 0. If a change is made that doesn't break backwards compatibility,
# then the minor number must be incremented.
class DeprecatedInt(int):
"""A simple int subclass that is used to check when a deprecated
constant is used.
# Plugin types
TYPE_INTERFACE = DeprecatedInt(1)
# Mapping of slots to conduit classes
'config': 'ConfigPluginConduit',
'postconfig': 'PostConfigPluginConduit',
'init': 'InitPluginConduit',
'args': 'ArgsPluginConduit',
'predownload': 'DownloadPluginConduit',
'postdownload': 'DownloadPluginConduit',
'prelistenabledrepos': 'PreRepoSetupPluginConduit',
'prereposetup': 'PreRepoSetupPluginConduit',
'postreposetup': 'PostRepoSetupPluginConduit',
'close': 'PluginConduit',
'clean': 'PluginConduit',
'pretrans': 'MainPluginConduit',
'posttrans': 'MainPluginConduit',
'preverifytrans': 'MainPluginConduit',
'postverifytrans': 'MainPluginConduit',
'exclude': 'MainPluginConduit',
'preresolve': 'DepsolvePluginConduit',
'postresolve': 'DepsolvePluginConduit',
'historybegin': 'HistoryPluginConduit',
'historyend': 'HistoryPluginConduit',
'compare_providers': 'CompareProvidersPluginConduit',
'verify_package': 'VerifyPluginConduit',
# Enumerate all slot names
SLOTS = sorted(SLOT_TO_CONDUIT.keys())
class PluginYumExit(Exception):
"""Exception that can be raised by plugins to signal that yum should stop."""
def __init__(self, value="", translation_domain=""):
self.value = value
self.translation_domain = translation_domain
def __str__(self):
if self.translation_domain:
return gettext.dgettext(self.translation_domain, self.value)
return self.value
class YumPlugins:
"""Manager class for Yum plugins."""
def __init__(self, base, searchpath, optparser=None, types=None,
'''Initialise the instance.
@param base: The
@param searchpath: A list of paths to look for plugin modules.
@param optparser: The OptionParser instance for this run (optional).
Use to allow plugins to extend command line options.
@param types: A sequence specifying the types of plugins to load.
This should be sequnce containing one or more of the TYPE_...
constants. If None (the default), all plugins will be loaded.
@param pluginconfpath: A list of paths to look for plugin configuration
files. Defaults to "/etc/yum/pluginconf.d".
if not pluginconfpath:
pluginconfpath = ['/etc/yum/pluginconf.d']
self.searchpath = searchpath
self.pluginconfpath = pluginconfpath
self.base = weakref(base)
self.optparser = optparser
self.cmdline = (None, None)
self.verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.YumPlugins")
self.disabledPlugins = disabled
self.enabledPlugins = enabled
if types is None:
types = ALL_TYPES
if not isinstance(types, (list, tuple)):
types = (types,)
if id(TYPE_INTERFACE) in [id(t) for t in types]:
'Deprecated constant TYPE_INTERFACE during plugin '
'initialization.\nPlease use TYPE_INTERACTIVE instead.')
self.cmdlines = {}
# Call close handlers when yum exit's
atexit.register(, 'close')
# Let plugins register custom config file options'config')
def run(self, slotname, **kwargs):
"""Run all plugin functions for the given slot.
:param slotname: a string representing the name of the slot to
run the plugins for
:param kwargs: keyword arguments that will be simply passed on
to the plugins
# Determine handler class to use
conduitcls = SLOT_TO_CONDUIT.get(slotname, None)
if conduitcls is None:
raise ValueError('unknown slot name "%s"' % slotname)
conduitcls = eval(conduitcls) # Convert name to class object
for modname, func in self._pluginfuncs[slotname]:
'Running "%s" handler for "%s" plugin',
slotname, modname)
_, conf = self._plugins[modname]
func(conduitcls(self, self.base, conf, **kwargs))
def _importplugins(self, types):
'''Load plugins matching the given types.
# Initialise plugin dict
self._plugins = {}
self._pluginfuncs = {}
for slot in SLOTS:
self._pluginfuncs[slot] = []
# Import plugins
self._used_disable_plugin = set()
self._used_enable_plugin = set()
for dir in self.searchpath:
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
for modulefile in sorted(glob.glob('%s/*.py' % dir)):
self._loadplugin(modulefile, types)
# If we are in verbose mode we get the full 'Loading "blah" plugin' lines
if (self._plugins and
not self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(logginglevels.DEBUG_3)):
# Mostly copied from YumOutput._outKeyValFill()
key = _("Loaded plugins: ")
val = ", ".join(sorted(self._plugins))
nxt = ' ' * (utf8_width(key) - 2) + ': '
width = 80
if hasattr(self.base, 'term'):
width = self.base.term.columns
fill(val, width=width, initial_indent=key,
if self.disabledPlugins:
for wc in self.disabledPlugins:
if wc not in self._used_disable_plugin:
_("No plugin match for: %s") % wc)
del self._used_disable_plugin
if self.enabledPlugins:
for wc in self.enabledPlugins:
if wc not in self._used_enable_plugin:
_("No plugin match for: %s") % wc)
del self._used_enable_plugin
def _plugin_cmdline_match(modname, plugins, used):
""" Check if this plugin has been temporary enabled/disabled. """
if plugins is None:
return False
for wc in plugins:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(modname, wc):
return True
return False
def _loadplugin(self, modulefile, types):
'''Attempt to import a plugin module and register the hook methods it
dir, modname = os.path.split(modulefile)
modname = modname.split('.py')[0]
# This should really work like enable/disable repo. and be based on the
# cmd line order ... but the API doesn't really allow that easily.
# FIXME: Fix for 4.* (lol)
# Do disabled cmd line checks before loading the module code.
if (self._plugin_cmdline_match(modname, self.disabledPlugins,
self._used_disable_plugin) and
not self._plugin_cmdline_match(modname, self.enabledPlugins,
conf = self._getpluginconf(modname)
if (not conf or
(not config.getOption(conf, 'main', 'enabled',
config.BoolOption(False)) and
not self._plugin_cmdline_match(modname, self.enabledPlugins,
self.verbose_logger.debug(_('Not loading "%s" plugin, as it is disabled'), modname)
fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(modname, [dir])
module = imp.load_module(modname, fp, pathname, description)
if self.verbose_logger.isEnabledFor(logginglevels.DEBUG_4):
raise # Give full backtrace:
self.verbose_logger.error(_('Plugin "%s" can\'t be imported') %
# Check API version required by the plugin
if not hasattr(module, 'requires_api_version'):
_('Plugin "%s" doesn\'t specify required API version') %
if not apiverok(API_VERSION, module.requires_api_version):
_('Plugin "%s" requires API %s. Supported API is %s.') % (
# Check plugin type against filter
plugintypes = getattr(module, 'plugin_type', ALL_TYPES)
if not isinstance(plugintypes, (list, tuple)):
plugintypes = (plugintypes,)
if len(plugintypes) < 1:
for plugintype in plugintypes:
if id(plugintype) == id(TYPE_INTERFACE):
'Plugin "%s" uses deprecated constant '
'instead.', modname)
if plugintype not in types:
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_3, _('Loading "%s" plugin'),
# Store the plugin module and its configuration file
if modname not in self._plugins:
self._plugins[modname] = (module, conf)
raise Errors.ConfigError(_('Two or more plugins with the name "%s" ' \
'exist in the plugin search path') % modname)
for slot in SLOTS:
funcname = slot+'_hook'
if hasattr(module, funcname):
(modname, getattr(module, funcname))
def _getpluginconf(self, modname):
'''Parse the plugin specific configuration file and return a
IncludingConfigParser instance representing it. Returns None if there
was an error reading or parsing the configuration file.
for dir in self.pluginconfpath:
conffilename = os.path.join(dir, modname + ".conf")
if os.access(conffilename, os.R_OK):
# Found configuration file
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _("Configuration file %s not found") % conffilename)
else: # for
# Configuration files for the plugin not found
self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _("Unable to find configuration file for plugin %s")
% modname)
return None
parser = ConfigParser()
confpp_obj = ConfigPreProcessor(conffilename)
except ParsingError, e:
raise Errors.ConfigError("Couldn't parse %s: %s" % (conffilename,
return parser
def setCmdLine(self, opts, commands):
"""Set the parsed command line options so that plugins can
access them.
:param opts: a dictionary containing the values of the command
line options
:param commands: a list of command line arguments passed to yum
self.cmdline = (opts, commands)
class DummyYumPlugins:
"""This class provides basic emulation of the :class:`YumPlugins`
class. It exists so that calls to don't fail if
plugins aren't in use.
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Do nothing. All arguments are unused."""
def setCmdLine(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Do nothing. All arguments are unused."""
class PluginConduit:
"""A conduit class to transfer information between yum and the
def __init__(self, parent, base, conf):
self._parent = parent
self._base = base
self._conf = conf
self.logger = logging.getLogger("yum.plugin")
self.verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.plugin")
def info(self, level, msg):
"""Send an info message to the logger.
:param level: the level of the message to send
:param msg: the message to send
converted_level = logginglevels.logLevelFromDebugLevel(level)
self.verbose_logger.log(converted_level, msg)
def error(self, level, msg):
"""Send an error message to the logger.
:param level: the level of the message to send
:param msg: the message to send
converted_level = logginglevels.logLevelFromErrorLevel(level)
self.logger.log(converted_level, msg)
def promptYN(self, msg, prompt=None):
"""Return a yes or no response, either from assumeyes already
being set, or from prompting the user.
:param msg: the message to show to the user
:param prompt: the question to ask the user (optional); defaults to 'Is this ok [y/N]: '
:return: 1 if the response is yes, and 0 if the response is no
""", msg)
if self._base.conf.assumeno:
return False
if self._base.conf.assumeyes:
return True
kwargs = {'prompt': prompt} if prompt else {}
return bool(self._base.userconfirm(**kwargs))
def getYumVersion(self):
"""Return a string representing the current version of yum."""
import yum
return yum.__version__
def getOptParser(self):
"""Return the :class:`optparse.OptionParser` instance for this
execution of Yum. In the "config" and "init" slots a plugin
may add extra options to this instance to extend the command
line options that Yum exposes. In all other slots a plugin
may only read the :class:`OptionParser` instance. Any
modification of the instance at this point will have no
effect. See the
:func:`PreRepoSetupPluginConduit.getCmdLine` method for
details on how to retrieve the parsed values of command line
:return: the global :class:`optparse.OptionParser` instance used by
Yum. May be None if an OptionParser isn't in use
# ' xemacs highlighting hack
# This isn't API compatible :(
# return self._parent.optparser.plugin_option_group
return self._parent.optparser
def confString(self, section, opt, default=None):
"""Read a string value from the plugin's own configuration file.
:param section: configuration file section to read
:param opt: option name to read
:param default: value to read if the option is missing
:return: string option value read, or default if option was missing
# ' xemacs highlighting hack
return config.getOption(self._conf, section, opt, config.Option(default))
def confInt(self, section, opt, default=None):
"""Read an integer value from the plugin's own configuration file.
:param section: configuration file section to read
:param opt: option name to read
:param default: value to read if the option is missing
:return: the integer option value read, or *default* if the
option was missing or could not be parsed
return config.getOption(self._conf, section, opt, config.IntOption(default))
def confFloat(self, section, opt, default=None):
"""Read a float value from the plugin's own configuration file.
:param section: configuration file section to read
:param opt: option name to read
:param default: value to read if the option is missing
:return: float option value read, or *default* if the option was
missing or could not be parsed
return config.getOption(self._conf, section, opt, config.FloatOption(default))
def confBool(self, section, opt, default=None):
"""Read a boolean value from the plugin's own configuration file
:param section: configuration file section to read
:param opt: option name to read
:param default: value to read if the option is missing
:return: boolean option value read, or *default* if the option
was missing or could not be parsed
return config.getOption(self._conf, section, opt, config.BoolOption(default))
def confList(self, section, opt, default=None):
"""Read a boolean value from the plugin's own configuration file
:param section: configuration file section to read
:param opt: option name to read
:param default: value to read if the option is missing
:return: boolean option value read, or *default* if the option
was missing or could not be parsed
return config.getOption(self._conf, section, opt, config.ListOption(default))
def registerPackageName(self, name):
"""Register the name of a package to use.
:param name: the name of the package to register
class ConfigPluginConduit(PluginConduit):
"""A conduit for use in the config slot."""
def registerOpt(self, name, valuetype, where, default):
"""Deprecated. Register a yum configuration file option.
:param name: name of the new option
:param valuetype: option type (PLUG_OPT_BOOL, PLUG_OPT_STRING, etc.)
:param where: where the option should be available in the config file
:param default: default value for the option if it is not set by the user
warnings.warn('registerOpt() will go away in a future version of Yum.\n'
'Please manipulate config.YumConf and config.RepoConf directly.',
type2opt = {
PLUG_OPT_STRING: config.Option,
PLUG_OPT_INT: config.IntOption,
PLUG_OPT_BOOL: config.BoolOption,
PLUG_OPT_FLOAT: config.FloatOption,
if where == PLUG_OPT_WHERE_MAIN:
setattr(config.YumConf, name, type2opt[valuetype](default))
elif where == PLUG_OPT_WHERE_REPO:
setattr(config.RepoConf, name, type2opt[valuetype](default))
elif where == PLUG_OPT_WHERE_ALL:
option = type2opt[valuetype](default)
setattr(config.YumConf, name, option)
setattr(config.RepoConf, name, config.Inherit(option))
def registerCommand(self, command):
"""Register a new command.
:param command: the command to register
:raises: :class:`yum.Errors.ConfigError` if the registration
of commands is not supported
if hasattr(self._base, 'registerCommand'):
raise Errors.ConfigError(_('registration of commands not supported'))
class PostConfigPluginConduit(ConfigPluginConduit):
"""Conduit for use in the postconfig slot."""
def getConf(self):
"""Return a dictionary containing the values of the
configuration options.
:return: a dictionary containing the values of the
configuration options
return self._base.conf
class InitPluginConduit(PluginConduit):
"""Conduit for use in the init slot."""
def getConf(self):
"""Return a dictionary containing the values of the
configuration options.
:return: a dictionary containing the values of the
configuration options
return self._base.conf
def getRepos(self):
"""Return Yum's container object for all configured repositories.
:return: Yum's :class:`yum.repos.RepoStorage` instance
return self._base.repos
class ArgsPluginConduit(InitPluginConduit):
"""Conduit for dealing with command line arguments."""
def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, args):
InitPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
self._args = args
def getArgs(self):
"""Return a list of the command line arguments passed to yum.
:return: a list of the command line arguments passed to yum
return self._args
class PreRepoSetupPluginConduit(InitPluginConduit):
"""Conduit for use in the prererosetup slot."""
def getCmdLine(self):
"""Return parsed command line options.
:return: (options, commands) as returned by :class:`OptionParser.parse_args()`
return self._parent.cmdline
def getRpmDB(self):
"""Return a representation of the local RPM database. This
allows querying of installed packages.
:return: a :class:`yum.rpmUtils.RpmDBHolder` instance
return self._base.rpmdb
class PostRepoSetupPluginConduit(PreRepoSetupPluginConduit):
"""Conduit for use in the postreposetup slot."""
def getGroups(self):
"""Return group information.
:return: :class:`yum.comps.Comps` instance
return self._base.comps
class DownloadPluginConduit(PostRepoSetupPluginConduit):
"""Conduit for use in the download slots."""
def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, pkglist, errors=None):
PostRepoSetupPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
self._pkglist = pkglist
self._errors = errors
def getDownloadPackages(self):
"""Return a list of package objects representing packages to be
:return: a list of package object representing packages to be
return self._pkglist
def getErrors(self):
"""Return a dictionary of download errors.
:return: a dictionary of download errors. This dictionary is
indexed by package object. Each element is a list of
strings describing the error
if not self._errors:
return {}
return self._errors
class MainPluginConduit(PostRepoSetupPluginConduit):
"""Main conduit class for plugins. Many other conduit classes
will inherit from this class.
def getPackages(self, repo=None):
"""Return a list of packages.
:param repo: the repo to return a packages from
:return: a list of package objects
if repo:
arg =
arg = None
return self._base.pkgSack.returnPackages(arg)
def getPackageByNevra(self, nevra):
"""Retrieve a package object from the packages loaded by Yum using
nevra information.
:param nevra: a tuple holding (name, epoch, version, release, arch)
for a package
:return: a :class:`yum.packages.PackageObject` instance (or subclass)
return self._base.getPackageObject(nevra)
def delPackage(self, po):
"""Delete the given package from the package sack.
:param po: the package object to delete
def getTsInfo(self):
"""Return transaction set.
:return: the transaction set
return self._base.tsInfo
class DepsolvePluginConduit(MainPluginConduit):
"""Conduit for use in solving dependencies."""
def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, rescode=None, restring=[]):
MainPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
self.resultcode = rescode
self.resultstring = restring
def missing_requires(self):
"""Boolean indicating if depsolving failed due to missing dependencies."""
return self._base._missing_requires
def pretty_output_restring(self):
return '\n'.join(prefix % msg for prefix, msg in self._base.pretty_output_restring(self.resultstring))
class CompareProvidersPluginConduit(MainPluginConduit):
"""Conduit to compare different providers of packages."""
def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, providers_dict={}, reqpo=None):
MainPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
self.packages = providers_dict
self.reqpo = reqpo
class HistoryPluginConduit(MainPluginConduit):
"""Conduit to access information about the yum history."""
def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, rescode=None, restring=[]):
MainPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
self.history = self._base.history
class VerifyPluginConduit(MainPluginConduit):
"""Conduit to verify packages."""
def __init__(self, parent, base, conf, verify_package):
MainPluginConduit.__init__(self, parent, base, conf)
self.verify_package = verify_package
def parsever(apiver):
"""Parse a string representing an api version.
:param apiver: a string representing an api version
:return: a tuple containing the major and minor version numbers
maj, min = apiver.split('.')
return int(maj), int(min)
def apiverok(a, b):
"""Return true if API version "a" supports API version "b"
:param a: a string representing an api version
:param b: a string representing an api version
:return: whether version *a* supports version *b*
a = parsever(a)
b = parsever(b)
if a[0] != b[0]:
return 0
if a[1] >= b[1]:
return 1
return 0