Direktori : /proc/self/root/opt/webdir/bin/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/webdir/bin/bitrix_utils.sh |
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export TERM=linux export NOLOCALE=yes BASE_DIR=/opt/webdir LOGS_DIR=$BASE_DIR/logs TEMP_DIR=$BASE_DIR/temp CACHE_DIR=$BASE_DIR/tmp BIN_DIR=$BASE_DIR/bin bx_process_script=$BIN_DIR/bx-process bx_sites_script=$BIN_DIR/bx-sites ansible_wrapper=$BIN_DIR/wrapper_ansible_conf [[ -z $LOGS_FILE ]] && LOGS_FILE=$LOGS_DIR/pool_menu.log MENU_SPACER="------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" [[ -z $LINK_STATUS ]] && LINK_STATUS=1 [[ ! -d $CACHE_DIR ]] && mkdir -m 700 $CACHE_DIR # get_text variables [[ -f $BIN_DIR/bitrix_utils.txt ]] && \ . $BIN_DIR/bitrix_utils.txt get_text(){ local txt="${1}" local opt1="${2}" local opt2="${3}" if [[ -n $opt1 && -z "${opt1##*/*}" ]]; then opt1=$(echo "$opt1" | sed -e "s:/:\\\/:g") fi if [[ -n $opt2 && -z "${opt2##*/*}" ]]; then opt2=$(echo "$opt2" | sed -e "s:/:\\\/:g") fi echo "$txt" | sed -e "s/__OPT1__/$opt1/;s/__OPT2__/$opt2/;" } # get ip address of host get_ip_addr() { # get firt ip address for host ip -f inet -o addr show | cut -d\ -f 7 | cut -d/ -f 1 | grep -v '127\.0\.0\.1' | head -1 } print_color_text(){ _color_text="$1" _color_name="$2" _echo_opt="$3" [[ -z "$_color_name" ]] && _color_name='green' _color_number=38 case "$_color_name" in green) _color_number=32 ;; blue) _color_number=34 ;; red) _color_number=31 ;; cyan) _color_number=36 ;; magenta) _color_number=35 ;; *) _color_number=39 ;; esac echo -en "\\033[1;${_color_number}m" echo $_echo_opt "$_color_text" echo -en "\\033[0;39m" } # save information in log file print_log() { _log_message=$1 _log_file=$2 if [[ -n "$_log_file" ]]; then log_date=$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') # exclude test domain printf "%-14s: %6d: %s\n" "$log_date" "$$" "$_log_message" >> $_log_file else printf "%-14s: %6d: %s\n" "$log_date" "$$" "$_log_message" fi } get_os_type(){ OS_TYPE=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | grep CentOS -c) OS_VERSION=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | \ sed -e "s/CentOS Linux release//;s/CentOS release // " | \ cut -d'.' -f1 |sed -e "s/\s\+//") # is OpenVZ installation IS_OPENVZ=$( [[ -f /proc/user_beancounters ]] && echo 1 || echo 0 ) # Hardware type HW_TYPE=general [[ $IS_OPENVZ -gt 0 ]] && HW_TYPE=openvz # x86_64 or i386 IS_X86_64=$(uname -a | grep -wc 'x86_64') [[ -f /etc/profile ]] && \ BITRIX_ENV_TYPE=$(grep BITRIX_ENV_TYPE /etc/profile | \ awk -F'=' '{print $2}') [[ -z $BITRIX_ENV_TYPE ]] && BITRIX_ENV_TYPE=general } # set logo get_logo(){ logo="$BU0001" [[ -z $BITRIX_ENV_TYPE ]] && get_os_type if [[ $BITRIX_ENV_TYPE == "crm" ]]; then logo="$BU0002" fi logov=$(egrep -o 'BITRIX_VA_VER=[0-9\.]+' /root/.bash_profile | \ awk -F'=' '{print $2}' ) export BITRIX_VA_VER=$logov export BITRIX_ENV_TYPE echo -e "\t\t" $logo " version "$logov } print_header(){ _header_text=$1 echo -e '\t\t\t' "$_header_text" echo } print_verbose(){ _verbose_type=$1 _verbose_message=$2 [[ -z $VERBOSE ]] && VERBOSE=0 if [[ $VERBOSE -gt 0 ]]; then print_color_text "$_verbose_type" green -n echo ": $_verbose_message" fi } # error message for all possible menus error_pick(){ notice_message="$BU2001" ; } # print error message # as we use cycles, must make sure that the user sees an error print_message(){ _input_message=${1} # prompt in read output _print_message=${2} # colored text like a notice _input_format=${3} # can add option to read _input_key=${4} # saved variable name _input_default=${5} # default value for variable _read_input_key= _notset_input_key=0 # printf change empty string [[ -z "$_input_message" ]] && _input_message="$BU1001" # print notice message [[ -n "$_print_message" ]] && print_color_text "$_print_message" blue -e echo # get variable value from user # -r If this option is given, backslash does not act as an escape character read $_input_format -r -p "$_input_message" _read_input_key if [[ -z "$_read_input_key" ]]; then _notset_input_key=1 [[ -n "$_input_default" ]] && _notset_input_key=2 [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && echo "$BU2002; _notset_input_key=$_notset_input_key" else # %q - print the associated argument shell-quoted, reusable as input _read_input_key=$(printf "%q" "$_read_input_key") fi # if empty set variable to default value if [[ $_notset_input_key -eq 2 ]]; then [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && echo "_input_key="$_input_default eval "$_input_key="$_input_default else eval "$_input_key="$_read_input_key [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && echo "_input_key="$_read_input_key fi echo } # password can't be empty ask_password_info(){ _password_key=$1 _password_val=$2 print_color_text "$BU0003" red echo _password_set=0 _limit_request=3 _current_tequest=0 local _password_1= local _password_2= until [[ ( $_current_tequest -gt $_limit_request ) || ( $_password_set -eq 1 ) ]]; do _current_tequest=$(( $_current_tequest+1 )) print_message "$(get_text "$BU0004" "$_password_key")" "" "-s" _password_1 print_message "$(get_text "$BU0005" "$_password_key")" "" "-s" _password_2 echo [[ ( -n "$_password_1" ) && ( "$_password_1" = "$_password_2" ) ]] && _password_set=1 if [[ "$_password_1" != "$_password_2" ]]; then print_color_text "$BU2003" red _password_1= _password_2= fi if [[ -z "$_password_1" ]]; then print_color_text "$BU2004" red fi done if [[ $_password_set -eq 1 ]]; then _password_1=$(printf "%q" "$_password_1") eval "$_password_val="$_password_1 return 0 else print_message "$BU1001" "$BU2005" "" any_key return 1 fi } # client settings get_client_settings() { client_settings_file=/etc/ansible/ansible-roles IN_POOL=0 if [[ -f $client_settings_file ]]; then host_data=$(grep -v '^#' $client_settings_file) CLIENT_ID=$(echo "$host_data" | grep '^host_id ' | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | \ sed -e 's/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//') # login of host for basic auth on master CLIENT_PASSWD=$(echo "$host_data" | grep '^host_pass ' | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | \ sed -e 's/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//') # password of host for basic auth on master CLIENT_INT=$(echo "$host_data" | grep '^host_ether ' | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | \ sed -e 's/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//') # management interface name CLIENT_IP=$(echo "$host_data" | grep '^host_netaddr ' | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | \ sed -e 's/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//') # management ip address MASTER_IP=$(echo "$host_data" | grep '^master_netaddr ' | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | \ sed -e 's/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//') # master ip address MASTER_NAME=$(echo "$host_data" | grep '^master ' | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | \ sed -e 's/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//') # master name MASTER_PORT=$(echo "$host_data" | grep '^master_port ' | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | \ sed -e 's/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//') CLIENT_NAME=$(echo "$host_data" | grep '^hostname ' | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | \ sed -e 's/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//') # master name IS_MASTER=$(echo "$host_data" | grep '^groups' | grep -cwi 'bitrix-mgmt') IN_POOL=1 fi } # get information about pool configuration # output: # short_name:net_address:role1,role2,..:host_id:bx_conn:bx_version:bx_passwd:ip1,ip2... # example: # h01w:h01w.bx:mgmt,mysql_master_1,web:1397225355:4.4-51 # # NOTICE: error stops the execution of the script!!!! # fill out variable POOL_SERVER_LIST # fill out variable POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST ( contains out of day servers ) get_pool_info(){ pool_data=$($ansible_wrapper -a view) # test error err=$(echo "$pool_data" | grep '^error:' | sed -e "s/^error://" ) # test message msg=$(echo "$pool_data" | grep '^message:' | sed -e "s/^message://") # exit if error found if [[ -n "$err" ]]; then print_message "$BU2006" "$msg" "" any_key exit 1 fi POOL_SERVER_LIST="" # working servers POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST="" # unused servers # add host info to output data=$(echo "$pool_data" | grep '^host:' | sed -e "s/^host://") IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for srv_info in $data; do srv_name=$(echo $srv_info | awk -F':' '{print $1}') # get additional information # /opt/webdir/bin/wrapper_ansible_conf -a bx_info -H h01w # bx_variables:h01w:4.4-51:Apr 01, 2014:eth0=,eth1= srv_bx_info=$($ansible_wrapper -a bx_info -H $srv_name) srv_err=$(echo "$srv_bx_info" | grep '^error:' | sed -e "s/^error://") srv_msg=$(echo "$srv_bx_info" | grep '^message:' | sed -e "s/^message://") srv_conn="N" # connected to server or not by ssh srv_vers="unk" # version of bitrix env, that installed on the server srv_base_ver="unk" # main part of version (for test) srv_pwd="unk" # need to change bitrix password srv_net="unk" # ip address on the server srv_bx_uid="unk" # uid for user bitrix srv_bx_php='unk' # php version on the server srv_bx_mysql='unk' # mysql version on the server srv_bx_sph='unk' # sphinx version [[ -z "$srv_err" ]] && srv_conn="Y" srv_menu_info= if [[ -z $srv_err ]]; then srv_conn="Y" srv_vers=$( echo "$srv_bx_info" | awk -F':' '{print $3}') srv_base_ver=$( echo "$srv_vers" | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') srv_pwd_info=$( echo "$srv_bx_info" | awk -F':' '{print $4}' | grep -ic 'must be changed') srv_bx_mysql=$( echo "$srv_bx_info" | awk -F':' '{print $7}') srv_bx_php=$( echo "$srv_bx_info" | awk -F':' '{print $8}') srv_bx_sph=$( echo "$srv_bx_info" | awk -F':' '{print $14}') # test root password if [[ $srv_pwd_info -gt 0 ]]; then srv_pwd="error" else srv_pwd="ok" fi srv_net=$(echo "$srv_bx_info" | awk -F':' '{print $5}') srv_bx_uid=$(echo "$srv_bx_info" | awk -F':' '{print $6}') srv_menu_info="$srv_info:$srv_conn:$srv_vers:$srv_pwd:$srv_net:$srv_bx_uid" srv_menu_info=$srv_menu_info":$srv_base_ver:$srv_bx_mysql:$srv_bx_php:$srv_bx_sph" if [[ ( $srv_base_ver -ge 5 ) && ( $srv_pwd == "ok" ) ]]; then POOL_SERVER_LIST=$POOL_SERVER_LIST" $srv_menu_info" else srv_menu_info= fi fi if [[ -z $srv_menu_info ]]; then srv_error_descr="" if [[ $srv_base_ver -lt 5 ]]; then srv_error_descr="version," fi if [[ $srv_pwd != "ok" ]]; then srv_error_descr=$srv_error_descr"password," fi if [[ $srv_conn != 'Y' ]]; then srv_error_descr=ssh_connection fi srv_error_descr=$(echo "$srv_error_descr" | sed -e 's/,$//') srv_menu_info="$srv_info:$srv_conn:$srv_vers:$srv_pwd:$srv_net:$srv_bx_uid:$srv_error_descr" POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST=$POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST" $srv_menu_info" fi done } cache_pool_info(){ POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST= POOL_SERVER_LIST= POOL_SERVERS_CACHE=$CACHE_DIR/pool_servers.cache POOL_UNUSED_CACHE=$CACHE_DIR/pool_unused.cache POOL_CACHE_TTL=3600 test_cache_file $POOL_SERVERS_CACHE $POOL_CACHE_TTL test_cache_servers=$? test_cache_file $POOL_UNUSED_CACHE $POOL_CACHE_TTL test_cache_unused=$? # not create cache while ansible-playbook running is_ansible_running if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then get_pool_info return 0 fi if [[ ( $test_cache_servers -gt 0 ) || \ ( $test_cache_unused -gt 0 ) || ( $DEBUG -gt 0 ) ]]; then get_pool_info echo "$POOL_SERVER_LIST" > $POOL_SERVERS_CACHE echo "$POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST" > $POOL_UNUSED_CACHE else POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST=$(cat $POOL_UNUSED_CACHE) POOL_SERVER_LIST=$(cat $POOL_SERVERS_CACHE) fi } # get ansible ssh key # fill out variables: # ANSIBLE_SSHKEY_PRIVATE # ANSIBLE_SSHKEY_PUBLIC get_ansible_sshkey(){ pool_sshkey_info=$($ansible_wrapper -a key) # get sshkey that used in the pool pool_sshkey_error=$(echo "$pool_sshkey_info" | grep '^error:' | sed -e 's/^error://') # test error if [[ -n "$pool_sshkey_error" ]]; then print_message "$BU1001" "$BU2007" "" any_key exit fi ANSIBLE_SSHKEY_PRIVATE=$(echo "$pool_sshkey_info" | \ grep '^info:sshkey:' | sed -e 's/^info:sshkey://') ANSIBLE_SSHKEY_PUBLIC=$ANSIBLE_SSHKEY_PRIVATE".pub" # test if file exists for _sshkey in $ANSIBLE_SSHKEY_PRIVATE $ANSIBLE_SSHKEY_PUBLIC; do if [[ ! -f $ANSIBLE_SSHKEY_PRIVATE ]]; then print_message "$BU1001" \ "$(get_text "$BU2008" $_sshkey)" "" any_key fi done } # prints formatted output for POOL_SERVER_LIST # ex. # h01w:h01w.bx:mgmt,mysql_master_1,web:1397293177:Y:5.0-2:ok:eth0=,eth1= # m02:,eth1= # print_pool_info(){ srv_rols_exclude=$1 # exclude server with defined role srv_rols_include=$2 # include only servers with defined role if [[ -z "$POOL_SERVER_LIST" ]]; then cache_pool_info fi #echo "$POOL_SERVER_LIST" #exit print_header "$BU0006" echo "$MENU_SPACER" printf "%-25s| %-20s | %4s | %7s | %10s | %3s | %s \n" \ "ServerName" "NetAddress" "Conn" "Ver" "Passwords" "Uid" "Roles" echo "$MENU_SPACER" IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for srv_info in $POOL_SERVER_LIST; do # 1 - vm04.ksh.bx: # 2 - # 3 - mgmt,mysql_master_1,web: # 4 - 1503919366_V37FzFyfwD: # 5 - vm04.ksh.bx: # 6 - Y # 7 - 7.1-0: # 8 - ok: # 9 - enp0s3=,enp0s8=,enp0s9= # 10 - 600: # 11 - 7: # 12 - 5.7.18 # 13 - 7.0.19: # 14 - not_installed srv_name=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $1}') # server identifier in ansible inventory srv_neta=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $2}') # netaddress srv_rols=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $3}') # server roles srv_time=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $4}' | awk -F'_' '{print $1}') # creation time srv_date=$(date -d @$srv_time +"%d-%m-%Y") hostname=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $5}') # server name srv_conn=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $6}') # server connected to pool or not srv_bver=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $7}') # version virt env on server srv_bpwd=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $8}') # bitrix user password status srv_bips=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $9}') # host interfaces and ip address srv_buid=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $10}') # uid for bitrix user srv_base_ver=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $11}') # version of bitrix-env is_printed=0 if [[ -n "$srv_rols_exclude" ]]; then [[ $(echo "$srv_rols" | grep -c "$srv_rols_exclude") -eq 0 ]] && \ is_printed=1 else if [[ -n "$srv_rols_include" ]]; then [[ $(echo "$srv_rols" | grep -c "$srv_rols_include") -gt 0 ]] && \ is_printed=1 else is_printed=1 fi fi if [[ $is_printed -gt 0 ]]; then printf "%-25s| %-20s | %4s | %7s | %10s | %3s | %s \n" \ "$hostname" "$srv_neta" "$srv_conn" "$srv_bver" \ "$srv_bpwd" "$srv_buid" "$srv_rols" fi done IFS=$IFS_BAK IFS_BAK= echo "$MENU_SPACER" # print unused servers if [[ -n "$POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST" ]]; then echo print_color_text "$BU0007" red echo "$MENU_SPACER" printf "%-25s| %-20s | %s \n" \ "ServerName" "NetAddress" "Errors" echo "$MENU_SPACER" IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for srv_info in $POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST; do srv_name=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $1}') # short server name srv_neta=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $2}') # netaddress hostname=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $5}') # server name srv_bver=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $7}') # version virt env on server srv_error_descr=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $11}') # uid for bitrix user printf "%-25s| %-20s" "$hostname" "$srv_neta" err_r=1 for err in $(echo "$srv_error_descr" | sed -e 's/,/\n/g'); do if [[ "$err" == "password" ]]; then err_message="$BU2009" elif [[ "$err" == "version" ]]; then err_message="$BU2010" elif [[ "$err" == "ssh_connection" ]]; then err_message="$BU2011" else err_message=$err fi if [[ $err_r -eq 1 ]]; then printf " | %02d. %s\n" "$err_r" "$err_message" else printf "%-25s| %-20s | %02d. %s\n" "" "" "$err_r" "$err_message" fi err_r=$(($err_r+1)) done done IFS=$IFS_BAK IFS_BAK= echo "$MENU_SPACER" fi } # execute background task and print information about status exec_pool_task(){ _task_exe=$1 _task_txt=$2 _task_inf=$(eval $_task_exe) _task_err=$(echo "$_task_inf" | grep '^error:' | sed -e "s/^error://") _task_msg=$(echo "$_task_inf" | grep '^message:' | sed -e "s/^message://") _task_dat=$(echo "$_task_inf" | grep '^info:' | sed -e "s/^info://") if [[ -n "$_task_err" ]]; then print_message "$(get_text "$BU2012" "$_task_txt")" \ "$_task_msg" "" any_key exit 1 fi _task_id=$(echo "$_task_dat" | awk -F':' '{print $2}') _task_pid=$(echo "$_task_dat" | awk -F':' '{print $3}') _task_status=$(echo "$_task_dat" | awk -F':' '{print $6}') echo "$BU2014" printf "%-10s: %s\n" "$BU2015" "$_task_id" printf "%-10s: %s\n" "$BU2016" "$_task_pid" printf "%-10s: %s\n" "$BU2017" "$_task_status" echo "$(get_text "$BU2013" "$_task_txt")" _task_exe= _task_txt= print_message "$BU1001" "" "" any_key } # get list of running tasks filter by type get_task_by_type(){ _task_type=$1 _task_info_lock=$2 _task_info_var=$3 _process_inf=$($bx_process_script -a list -t $_task_type) _process_err=$(echo "$_process_inf" | grep '^error:' | sed -e "s/^error://") _process_msg=$(echo "$_process_msg" | grep '^message:' | sed -e "s/^message://") _process_data=$(echo "$_process_inf" | \ grep '^info:' | sed -e "s/^info://" | grep -i 'running') eval "$_task_info_lock=0" eval "$_task_info_var='$_process_data'" [[ -n "$_process_data" ]] && eval "$_task_info_lock=1" } # print running task information for human print_task_by_type(){ _p_task_type=$1 _p_task_lock=$2 _p_task_info=$3 if [[ -z "$_p_task_lock" ]]; then get_task_by_type "$_p_task_type" "_p_task_info" "_p_task_lock" fi if [[ $_p_task_lock -eq 1 ]]; then print_color_text "$(get_text "$BU0063" "$_p_task_type")" red echo "$MENU_SPACER" printf "%-25s| %-25s | %s\n" \ "$BU0008" "$BU0009" "$BU0010" echo "$MENU_SPACER" IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for line in $_p_task_info; do _task_iden=$(echo $line| awk -F':' '{print $2}') # task id _task_time=$(echo $line| awk -F':' '{print $4}') # task started at _task_date=$(date -d @$_task_time +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") _task_step=$(echo $line| awk -F':' '{print $NF}') # current operations printf "%-25s| %-25s | %s\n" "$_task_iden" "$_task_date" "$_task_step" done IFS=$IFS_BAK IFS_BAK= # test echo $MENU_SPACER print_color_text "$BU1001" red fi } # get information about network interfaces which is configured on the server get_local_network(){ local check_link_status="${1:-1}" # test link status: 0 - don't check; 1 - check EXCLUDE_INT='\(lo\)' # exclude interface names NONHW_INT='\(ppp\)' # exclude test of interface status by ethtool HOST_NETWORK=0 # number of IP addresses on the host HOST_INT_COUNT=0 # number interfaces with IP address on the host HOST_NETWORK_INFO= # list of information about interfaces on the host # id#interface_name#mac_address#ipv4 ... HOST_IPS= # list of matches between the interfaces and IP addresses: int1=ip1 ... # CLIENT_INT/CLIENT_IP get_client_settings [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && echo "Test link status=$check_link_status" # test openssl installation OPENVZ_INSTALL=$([[ -f /proc/user_beancounters ]] && echo 1 || echo 0) local ip_link_list=$(ip link show | egrep -o '^[0-9]+:\s+\S+' | \ sed "s/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//;s/://g;s/@.*//g" | \ awk '{printf "%s\n", $2}' | grep -v "$EXCLUDE_INT") [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && echo "ip_link_list=$ip_link_list" local int_count=$(echo "$ip_link_list" | wc -l) # test network interfaces if [[ $int_count -eq 0 ]]; then print_color_text "$BU2018" red -e return 1 fi # header print_color_text "$BU0012" green echo "$MENU_SPACER" printf "%10s | %10s | %12s | %20s | %s\n" \ "$BU0013" "$BU0014" "$BU0015" "$BU0016" "$BU0017" echo "$MENU_SPACER" # process interfaces local int_name= # eth0, eth1, eth2 for int_name in $ip_link_list; do local int_speed="not_defined" local int_link="yes" local int_mac="void" local int_data=$(ip addr show $int_name | sed -e 's/^\s\+//') # test inetrfaces, exclude non-hardware interfaces and openvz interfaces if [[ ( $(echo "$int_name" | grep -c "$NONHW_INT") -eq 0 ) && \ ( $OPENVZ_INSTALL -eq 0 ) ]]; then ethtool_info=$(ethtool $int_name | egrep -o '(Speed|Link detected):\s+\S+') int_speed=$(echo "$ethtool_info" | awk -F':' '/Speed/{print $2}' | sed -e 's/://g;s/\s\+//g;') int_link=$( echo "$ethtool_info" | awk -F':' '/Link/{print $2}' | sed -e 's/://g;s/\s\+//g;' ) int_mac=$(echo "$int_data" | egrep -o "ether\s+\S+" | awk '{print $2}') [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && \ echo "+ int_name=$int_name" else [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && echo "- int_name=$int_name" fi if [[ ( $check_link_status -eq 1 ) && ( "$int_link" != "yes" ) ]]; then [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && \ echo "$(get_text "$BU2019" "$int_name" "$int_link")" continue fi # test sub-interfaces # eth0:1 or eth0 - several times local int_subs=$(echo "$int_data" | grep '^inet\s\+' | awk '{print $NF}') local int_subs_count=$(echo "$int_subs" | wc -l) local int_subs_unique=$(echo "$int_subs" | \ sort | uniq -c | \ sed -e "s/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//;s/\s\+/=/") [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && \ echo "--> int_speed=$int_speed int_link=$int_link int_mac=$int_mac int_subs_count=$int_subs_count" # processing sub interfaces; different records in HOST_NETWORK_INFO and HOST_IPS lists if [[ $int_subs_count -gt 1 ]]; then local sub_name= for sub_name_info in $int_subs_unique; do sub_cnt=$(echo "$sub_name_info" | awk -F'=' '{print $1}') sub_name=$(echo "$sub_name_info" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') local sub_addr=$(echo "$int_data" | grep "$sub_name$" | \ egrep -o "inet [0-9\.]+" | awk '{print $2}') # IPADDR2/PREFIX2 in sysconfig file if [[ $sub_cnt -gt 1 ]]; then sub_id=0 local sa= for sa in $sub_addr; do [[ $sub_id -gt 0 ]] && continue [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && \ echo "----> sub_name=${sub_name}/$sub_id sub_addr=$sa" if [[ ( -n $sa ) && \ ( $(echo "$sa" | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') -ne 127 ) ]]; then HOST_INT_COUNT=$(($HOST_INT_COUNT+1)) HOST_IPS=$HOST_IPS"$sub_name=$sa " HOST_NETWORK=$(($HOST_NETWORK+1)) HOST_NETWORK_INFO=$HOST_NETWORK_INFO"$HOST_INT_COUNT#$sub_name#$int_mac#$sa " if [[ $sub_name == "$CLIENT_INT" ]]; then status_int=primary if [[ $sa != "$CLIENT_IP" ]]; then status_int="primary changed" fi printf "%10s | %10s | %12s | %20s | %s ($status_int)\n" \ "$sub_name" "$int_link" "$int_speed" "$int_mac" "$sa" else printf "%10s | %10s | %12s | %20s | %s\n" \ "$sub_name" "$int_link" "$int_speed" "$int_mac" "$sa" fi fi sub_id=$(( $sub_id + 1 )) done else [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && \ echo "----> sub_name=$sub_name sub_addr=$sub_addr" # ip address is found if [[ ( -n $sub_addr ) && \ ( $(echo "$sub_addr" | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') -ne 127 ) ]]; then HOST_INT_COUNT=$(($HOST_INT_COUNT+1)) HOST_IPS=$HOST_IPS"$sub_name=$sub_addr " HOST_NETWORK=$(($HOST_NETWORK+1)) HOST_NETWORK_INFO=$HOST_NETWORK_INFO"$HOST_INT_COUNT#$sub_name#$int_mac#$sub_addr " if [[ $sub_name == "$CLIENT_INT" ]]; then status_int=primary if [[ $sub_addr != "$CLIENT_IP" ]]; then status_int="primary changed" fi printf "%10s | %10s | %12s | %20s | %s ($status_int)\n" \ "$sub_name" "$int_link" "$int_speed" "$int_mac" "$sub_addr" else printf "%10s | %10s | %12s | %20s | %s\n" \ "$sub_name" "$int_link" "$int_speed" "$int_mac" "$sub_addr" fi fi # ip address is not found => skip # Notice: need to add support for inet6 fi done else local int_addr=$(echo "$int_data" | grep "$int_name$" | \ egrep -o "inet [0-9\.]+" | awk '{print $2}') # ip address is found if [[ ( -n $int_addr ) && \ ( $(echo "$int_addr" | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') -ne 127 ) ]]; then HOST_INT_COUNT=$(($HOST_INT_COUNT+1)) HOST_IPS=$HOST_IPS"$int_name=$int_addr " HOST_NETWORK=$(($HOST_NETWORK+1)) HOST_NETWORK_INFO=$HOST_NETWORK_INFO"$HOST_INT_COUNT#$int_name#$int_mac#$int_addr " if [[ $int_name == "$CLIENT_INT" ]]; then status_int=primary if [[ $int_addr != "$CLIENT_IP" ]]; then status_int="primary changed" fi printf "%10s | %10s | %12s | %20s | %s ($status_int)\n" \ "$int_name" "$int_link" "$int_speed" "$int_mac" "$int_addr" else printf "%10s | %10s | %12s | %20s | %s\n" \ "$int_name" "$int_link" "$int_speed" "$int_mac" "$int_addr" fi fi # ip address is not found => skip # Notice: need to add support for inet6 fi done echo "$MENU_SPACER" # skip final spaces HOST_IPS=$(echo "$HOST_IPS" | sed -e 's/\s\+$//') HOST_NETWORK_INFO=$(echo "$HOST_NETWORK_INFO" | sed -e 's/\s\+$//') # return 0 } # get site password file; there is 2 options: # my_cnf - my.cnf file for mysql connect # password_file - plain text file with one string - password get_site_my_connect() { local _site_name="${1}" local _site_root="${2}" local _tmpdir="${3:-/opt/webdir/tmp}" local _file_type="${4:-my_cnf}" $bx_sites_script -a $_file_type \ --site "$_site_name" -r "$_site_root" \ --tmpdir $_tmpdir | grep '^bxSite:db:' } # create random string create_random_string() { randLength=8 rndStr=</dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c $randLength echo $rndStr } # test password on localhost and start change process test_passw_bitrix_localhost() { test_pwd=$(chage -l bitrix) _test_Last_password_change=$(echo "$test_pwd" | \ awk -F':' '/Last password change/{print $2}' | \ sed 's/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//;') if [[ $(echo "$_test_Last_password_change" | grep -ic 'password must be changed') -gt 0 ]]; then clear print_color_text "$BU0018" red passwd bitrix if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then print_message "$BU1001" "$BU0018" \ "" any_key exit 1 fi fi } # send client setting to master update_client_settings() { client_address="${1}" http_url="https://$MASTER_IP:$MASTER_PORT/change?client_ip=$client_address" http_cmd="/usr/bin/curl -s" http_conn_time=10 http_max_time=30 http_user_agent="Updater/$CLIENT_NAME" _update_temp=/tmp/update_$(date +%s) curl --fail --silent --show-error \ -A $http_user_agent --connect-timeout $http_conn_time --max-time $http_max_time \ --user $CLIENT_ID:$CLIENT_PASSWD \ --insecure --write-out "http_code=%{http_code}" $http_url > $_update_temp 2>&1 curl_exit=$? if [[ $curl_exit -gt 0 ]]; then print_log "curl return error code=$curl_exit: $(head -1 $_update_temp)" $LOGS_FILE UPDATE_SEND=0 # test returned code: 401 (incorrect host login and password) [[ $curl_exit -eq 22 ]] && UPDATE_SEND=255 rm -f $_update_temp else UPDATE_SEND=1 rm -f $_update_temp fi #echo $UPDATE_SEND } # save master settings in master log update_master_settings(){ master_address="${1}" master_id="${2}" #print_log "$ansible_wrapper -a update_network --host_id $master_id -i $master_address" $LOGS_FILE update_inf=$($ansible_wrapper -a update_network \ --host_id $master_id -i $master_address) update_err=$(echo "$update_inf" | grep '^error:' | sed -e 's/^error://') if [[ -z "$update_err" ]]; then UPDATE_SEND=1 else UPDATE_SEND=0 fi } # test sites configuration before start create mysql cluster # STOP_BY_KERNELS - doesn't create cluster because kernel sites > 1 # STOP_BY_SCALE - doesn't create cluster because there are sites without scale module # STOP_BY_CLUSTER - doesn't create cluster because there are sites without scale module test_sites_config(){ sites_test=$($bx_sites_script -a cluster_test) STOP_BY_KERNELS=$(echo "$sites_test" | awk -F':' '/:general:/{print $3}') STOP_BY_CLUSTER=$(echo "$sites_test" | awk -F':' '/:general:/{print $4}') STOP_BY_SCALE=$(echo "$sites_test" | awk -F':' '/:general:/{print $5}') STOP_ALL_CONDITIONS=0 if [[ $STOP_BY_KERNELS -gt 1 ]]; then print_color_text "$BU0019" blue print_color_text "$(get_text "$BU0020" "$STOP_BY_KERNELS")" red echo $MENU_SPACER printf "%20s | %s\n" "$BU0021" "$BU0022" echo $MENU_SPACER for def in $(echo "$sites_test" | awk -F':' '/:kernels:/{print $3}' | sed -e 's/;/ /g;'); do printf "%20s | %s\n" \ "$(echo $def | awk -F'=' '{print $1}')" \ "$(echo $def | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')" done echo $MENU_SPACER STOP_ALL_CONDITIONS=$(( $STOP_ALL_CONDITIONS+1 )) fi if [[ $STOP_BY_SCALE -gt 0 ]]; then print_color_text "$BU0023" blue print_color_text "$(get_text "$BU0024" $STOP_BY_SCALE)" red echo $MENU_SPACER printf "%20s | %s\n" "$BU0021" "$BU0022" echo $MENU_SPACER for def in $(echo "$sites_test" | awk -F':' '/:scale:/{print $3}' | sed -e 's/;/ /g;'); do printf "%20s | %s\n" \ "$(echo $def | awk -F'=' '{print $1}')" \ "$(echo $def | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')" done echo $MENU_SPACER STOP_ALL_CONDITIONS=$(( $STOP_ALL_CONDITIONS+1 )) fi if [[ $STOP_BY_CLUSTER -gt 0 ]]; then print_color_text "$BU0025" blue print_color_text "$(get_text "$BU0026" $STOP_BY_CLUSTER)" red echo $MENU_SPACER printf "%20s | %s\n" "$BU0021" "$BU0022" echo $MENU_SPACER for def in $(echo "$sites_test" | awk -F':' '/:cluster:/{print $3}' | sed -e 's/;/ /g;'); do printf "%20s | %s\n" \ "$(echo $def | awk -F'=' '{print $1}')" \ "$(echo $def | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')" done echo $MENU_SPACER STOP_ALL_CONDITIONS=$(( $STOP_ALL_CONDITIONS+1 )) fi } # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1034 # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname # The standard characters are: # the numbers from 0 through 9, # uppercase and lowercase letters from A through Z, # and the hyphen (-) character. # Computer names cannot consist entirely of numbers. # Preferred name syntax # 1. test for accepted chars # 2. test string length (for netbios name) # IP: egrep '([[:digit:]]{1,3}\.){3}[[:digit:]]{1,3}' test_hostname() { q_host="${1}" q_size="${2:-0}" q_type="${3:-1}" # now we forget about 63 octets long hostname_regexp='^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$' test_hostname=0 localhost_names='^(localhost|localhost.localdom|localhost.localdomain|ip6-localhost|ip6-loopback)' number_names='^[0-9]+$' # test hostname if [[ -z "${q_host}" ]]; then [[ $q_type -gt 0 ]] && \ print_message "$BU1002" "$BU2020" "" any_key return 255 fi # test initial host name regexp if [[ $(echo "${q_host}" | egrep -c "$hostname_regexp" ) -gt 0 ]]; then # test localhost aliases if [[ $(echo "${q_host}" | egrep -c "$localhost_names") -gt 0 ]]; then [[ $q_type -gt 0 ]] && \ print_message "$BU1002" "$(get_text "$BU2021" "$q_host")" "" any_key return 2 # test names cannot consist entirely of numbers. elif [[ $(echo "${q_host}" | egrep -c "$number_names") -gt 0 ]]; then [[ $q_type -gt 0 ]] && \ print_message "$BU1002" "$(get_text "$BU2022" "$q_host")" "" any_key return 3 fi # alil test passed # if limit size defined, check it if [[ ${q_size} -gt 0 ]] 2>/dev/null; then len_hostname=$(echo -n "${q_host}" | wc -c) # hostname `test` # len 4 if [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Len Hostname: ${len_hostname}" echo "Limit: ${q_size}" fi # all ok if [[ ${len_hostname} -le ${q_size} ]]; then test_hostname=1 else [[ $q_type -gt 0 ]] && \ print_message "$BU1002" \ "$(get_text "$BU2023" "$q_host" "$q_size")" "" "" any_key return 1 fi fi test_hostname=1 else if [[ $q_type -gt 0 ]]; then print_color_text "$BU0027" echo "$BU0028" echo print_message "$BU1002" "$(get_text "$BU2024" "$q_host")" "" any_key fi return 1 fi return 0 } # test cache file # return 0 - cache file exists and relevant # return 1 - cache file doesn't exist # return 2 - cache file is expired # return 255 - unknown error test_cache_file(){ local cache_file="${1}" local cache_lv="${2:-7200}" # test file existense [[ ! -f $cache_file ]] && return 1 # test file modification time local cache_tm=$(stat -c %Y $cache_file) local tm=$(date +%s) local diff=$(( $tm - $cache_tm )) [[ $diff -gt $cache_lv ]] && return 2 # return good answer return 0 } # test bitrix-env new version test_bitrix_update(){ local bitrix_update_cache=$CACHE_DIR/bitrix_update.cache local bitrix_update_lv=86400 local bitrix_rtn=0 test_cache_file $bitrix_update_cache if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then yum makecache fast >/dev/null 2>&1 yum check-update | grep -c '^bitrix-env' > $bitrix_update_cache 2>/dev/null fi return $(cat $bitrix_update_cache) } # print menu print_menu(){ IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=$'\n' echo "$BU0029" for menu_item in $menu_list; do echo -e "\t\t" $menu_item done IFS=$IFS_BAK IFS_BAK= } log_to_file(){ log_message="${1}" notice="${2:-INFO}" printf "%20s: %5s [%s] %s\n" \ "$(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")" $$ "$notice" "$log_message" >> $LOGS_FILE [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]] && \ printf "%20s: %5s [%s] %s\n" \ "$(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")" $$ "$notice" "$log_message" 1>&2 return 0 } # Centos7: # mysql-community-server => mysql-community # Percona-Server-server => percona # MariaDB-server => MariaDB # mariadb-server => mariadb # Centos6: # mysql-server => mysql get_mysql_package(){ [[ -n $MYSQL_PACKAGE ]] && return 0 PACKAGES_LIST=$(rpm -qa) MYSQL_PACKAGE=not_installed MYSQL_SERVICE=not_installed MYSQL_VERSION=not_installed if [[ $(echo "$PACKAGES_LIST" | grep -c '^mysql-community-server') -gt 0 ]]; then MYSQL_PACKAGE=mysql-community-server MYSQL_SERVICE=mysqld elif [[ $(echo "$PACKAGES_LIST" | grep -c '^Percona-Server-server') -gt 0 ]]; then MYSQL_PACKAGE=Percona-Server-server MYSQL_SERVICE=mysqld elif [[ $(echo "$PACKAGES_LIST" | grep -c '^MariaDB-server') -gt 0 ]]; then MYSQL_PACKAGE=MariaDB-server MYSQL_SERVICE=mariadb elif [[ $(echo "$PACKAGES_LIST" | grep -c '^mariadb-server') -gt 0 ]]; then MYSQL_PACKAGE=mariadb-server MYSQL_SERVICE=mariadb elif [[ $(echo "$PACKAGES_LIST" | grep -c '^mysql-server') -gt 0 ]]; then MYSQL_PACKAGE=mysql-server MYSQL_SERVICE=mysqld else return 1 fi MYSQL_VERSION=$(rpm -qa --queryformat '%{version}' ${MYSQL_PACKAGE}* | \ head -1 | awk -F'.' '{printf "%d.%d", $1,$2}' ) MYSQL_MID_VERSION=$(echo "$MYSQL_VERSION" | awk -F'.' '{print $2}') # mysql status [[ -z $OS_VERSION ]] && get_os_type MYSQL_STATUS= if [[ $OS_VERSION -eq 7 ]]; then systemctl is-active $MYSQL_SERVICE >/dev/null 2>&1 status_rtn=$? else MYSQL_INIT_SCRIPT=/etc/init.d/mysqld MYSQL_SERVICE_NAME=mysqld if [[ -f /etc/init.d/mysql ]]; then MYSQL_INIT_SCRIPT=/etc/init.d/mysql MYSQL_SERVICE_NAME=mysql fi $MYSQL_INIT_SCRIPT status | grep -wc running >/dev/null 2>&1 status_rtn=$? fi if [[ $status_rtn -gt 0 ]]; then MYSQL_STATUS="stopped" else MYSQL_STATUS="running" fi } my_start () { [[ -z $MYSQL_STATUS ]] && get_mysql_package [[ -z $OS_VERSION ]] && get_os_type [[ $MYSQL_STATUS == "running" ]] && return 0 if [[ $OS_VERSION -eq 7 ]]; then systemctl start $MYSQL_SERVICE else service mysqld start fi } # copy-paste from mysql_secure_installation; you can find explanation in that script basic_single_escape () { echo "$1" | sed 's/\(['"'"'\]\)/\\\1/g' } # generate random password randpw(){ local len="${1:-20}" local pt="${2:-0}" if [[ $pt -eq 0 ]]; then </dev/urandom tr -dc '?!@&\-_+@%\(\)\{\}\[\]=0-9a-zA-Z' | head -c$len; echo "" elif [[ $pt -ge 10 ]]; then </dev/urandom tr -dc '\-_+=0-9a-zA-Z' | head -c$len; echo "" else </dev/urandom tr -dc '0-9a-z' | head -c$len; echo "" fi } # generate client mysql config my_config(){ local cfg="${1:-$MYSQL_CNF}" echo "# mysql bvat config file" > $cfg echo "[client]" >> $cfg echo "user=root" >> $cfg local esc_pass=$(basic_single_escape "$MYSQL_ROOTPW") echo "password='$esc_pass'" >> $cfg echo "socket=/var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock" >> $cfg } # run query my_query(){ local query="${1}" local cfg="${2:-$MYSQL_CNF}" [[ -z $query ]] && return 1 local tmp_f=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXX_command) echo "$query" > $tmp_f mysql --defaults-file=$cfg < $tmp_f >> $LOGS_FILE 2>&1 mysql_rtn=$? rm -f $tmp_f return $mysql_rtn } # query and result my_select(){ local query="${1}" local cfg="${2:-$MYSQL_CNF}" [[ -z $query ]] && return 1 local tmp_f=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXX_command) echo "$query" > $tmp_f mysql --defaults-file=$cfg < $tmp_f mysql_rtn=$? rm -f $tmp_f return $mysql_rtn } my_additional_security(){ # delete anonymous users my_query "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='';" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && print_color_text "$BU0030" # remove remote root my_query \ "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='root' AND Host NOT IN ('localhost', '', '::1');" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && print_color_text "$BU0031" # remove test database my_query "DROP DATABASE test;" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && print_color_text "$BU0032" my_query "DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test' OR Db='test\\_%'" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && print_color_text "$BU0033" # flush privileges my_query "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && print_color_text "$BU0034" } update_site_settings(){ local path=${1:-/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/.settings.php} tmp_path=$path.tmp [[ -z $BX_PASSWORD ]] && return 2 [[ -z $BX_USER ]] && return 2 [[ ! -f $path ]] && return 1 #cp -f $path $path.bak log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0036" "$path")" # 'login' => '__LOGIN__', # 'password' => '__PASSWORD__', login_line=$(grep -n "'login'" $path | awk -F':' '{print $1}') if [[ -z $login_line ]]; then log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU2025" "$path")" exit 1 fi esc_pass=$(basic_single_escape $BX_PASSWORD) { head -n $(( $login_line-1 )) $path echo " 'login' => '$BX_USER'," echo " 'password' => '$esc_pass'," tail -n +$(( $login_line+2 )) $path } > $tmp_path mv -f $tmp_path $path chown bitrix:bitrix $path chmod 640 $path log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0035" "$path")" } update_site_dbconn(){ local path=${1:-/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php} tmp_path=$path.tmp [[ -z $BX_PASSWORD ]] && return 2 [[ -z $BX_USER ]] && return 2 [[ ! -f $path ]] && return 1 #cp -f $path $path.bak log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0036" "$path")" login_line=$(grep -n "DBLogin" $path | awk -F':' '{print $1}') if [[ -z $login_line ]]; then log_to_file "$BU2025" exit 1 fi esc_pass=$(basic_single_escape $BX_PASSWORD) { head -n $(( $login_line-1 )) $path echo "\$DBLogin = '$BX_USER';" echo "\$DBPassword = '$esc_pass';" tail -n +$(( $login_line+2 )) $path } > $tmp_path mv -f $tmp_path $path chown bitrix:bitrix $path chmod 640 $path log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0035" "$path")" } # create mysql account and database for default site # MYSQL_USER_BASE update_site_mysql_data(){ user_select="${1}" user_tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXX_user) BX_PASSWORD= BX_USER= if [[ -n $user_select ]]; then BX_USER="$user_select" else user_id=0 # choose user name test_limits=20 while [[ ( -z $BX_USER ) && ( $test_limits -gt 0 ) ]]; do test_user="${MYSQL_USER_BASE}${user_id}" log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0037" "$test_user")" my_select "SELECT User FROM mysql.user WHERE User='$test_user'" > $user_tmp 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "$BU2026" cat $user_tmp >> $LOGS_FILE rm -f $user_tmp exit fi # if temporary file contains username than request return value and user exists is_user=$(cat $user_tmp | grep -wc "$test_user") [[ $is_user -eq 0 ]] && \ BX_USER="$test_user" user_id=$(( $user_id + 1 )) test_limits=$(( $test_limits - 1 )) done if [[ -z $BX_USER ]]; then log_to_file "$BU2027" rm -f $user_tmp exit 1 fi log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0038" "$BX_USER")" fi # create/update user my_query="CREATE" [[ -n $user_select ]] && my_query="ALTER" BX_PASSWORD=$(randpw) esc_db_password=$(basic_single_escape $BX_PASSWORD) my_query "$my_query USER '$BX_USER'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$esc_db_password';" > $user_tmp 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "Cannot $my_query $BX_USER" cat $user_tmp >> $LOGS_FILE rm -f $user_tmp exit 1 fi log_to_file "$my_query mysql user=$BX_USER password=$BX_PASSWORD" # grant access my_query "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $BX_DB.* TO '$BX_USER'@'localhost';" >$user_tmp 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU2028" "$BX_USER" "$BX_DB")" cat $user_tmp >> $LOGS_FILE rm -f $user_tmp exit 1 fi log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0039" "$BX_USER" "$BX_DB")" # create database rm -f $user_tmp } my_generate_rootpw(){ [[ -z $MYSQL_VERSION ]] && \ get_mysql_package # start mysql my_start log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0040" "$MYSQL_VERSION" "$MYSQL_MID_VERSION")" if [[ ! -f $MYSQL_CNF ]]; then log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0041" "$MYSQL_CNF")" if [[ $MYSQL_MID_VERSION -eq 7 ]]; then MYSQL_LOG_FILE=/var/log/mysqld.log MYSQL_ROOTPW=$(grep 'temporary password' $MYSQL_LOG_FILE | awk '{print $NF}') MYSQL_ROOTPW_TYPE=temporary else MYSQL_ROOTPW= MYSQL_ROOTPW_TYPE=empty fi # test root has empty password local my_temp=$MYSQL_CNF.temp my_config "$my_temp" my_query "status;" "$my_temp" [[ $? -gt 0 ]] && return 1 mysql_update_config=$my_temp else log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0042" "$MYSQL_CNF")" my_query "status;" [[ $? -gt 0 ]] && return 2 MYSQL_ROOTPW_TYPE=saved cp -f $MYSQL_CNF $MYSQL_CNF.temp mysql_update_config=$MYSQL_CNF.temp fi log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0043" "$MYSQL_ROOTPW_TYPE")" # generate root password and update mysql settings MYSQL_ROOTPW=$(randpw) local esc_pass=$(basic_single_escape "$MYSQL_ROOTPW") if [[ $MYSQL_MID_VERSION -gt 5 ]]; then my_query "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$esc_pass';" \ "$mysql_update_config" my_query_rtn=$? else my_query \ "UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('$esc_pass') WHERE User='root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" \ "$mysql_update_config" my_query_rtn=$? fi if [[ $my_query_rtn -eq 0 ]]; then log_to_file "$BU0044" rm -f $mysql_update_config else log_to_file "$BU0045" rm -f $mysql_update_config return 1 fi # create /root/.my.cnf and save settings my_config log_to_file "$BU0046" # configure additional options my_additional_security log_to_file "$BU0047" } my_generate_sitepw(){ local site_dir="${1:-/home/bitrix/www}" local site_dbcon="$site_dir/bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php" local site_settings="$site_dir/bitrix/.settings.php" local site_db=$(cat $site_dbcon | \ grep -v '^#\|^$\|^;' | grep -w DBName | \ awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/"//g;s/;//;s/\s\+//') [[ -f $site_dbcon && -f $site_settings ]] || return 1 [[ -z $site_db ]] && return 1 BX_DB="$site_db" # test root login in config files dbconn_info=$(cat $site_dbcon | grep -v '\(^$\|^;\|^#\)' | \ grep -w "DBLogin") settings_info=$(cat $site_settings | grep -v '\(^$\|^;\|^#\)' | \ grep -w "login") is_root_dbcon=$(echo "$dbconn_info" | grep -wc "root") is_root_settings=$(echo "$settings_info" | grep -wc "root") is_bitrix_dbcon=$(echo "$dbconn_info" | grep -c "bitrix") is_bitrix_settings=$(echo "$settings_info" | grep -c "bitrix") BX_USER= if [[ $is_bitrix_dbcon -gt 0 ]]; then BX_USER=$(echo "$dbconn_info" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | \ sed -e "s/^\s\+//;s/\s\+$//" | \ sed -e "s/^'//;s/;$//;s/'$//") else [[ ( $is_root_dbcon -eq 0 ) && ( $is_root_settings -eq 0 ) ]] && return 1 fi # generate user settings update_site_mysql_data "$BX_USER" # create db, if not exist [[ ! -d "/var/lib/mysql/$site_db" ]] && \ my_query "CREATE DATABASE $site_db" # update configs update_site_dbconn "$site_dbcon" update_site_settings "$site_settings" } update_crypto_key(){ local site_dir="${1:-/home/bitrix/www}" local site_settings="$site_dir/bitrix/.settings.php" [[ -f $site_settings ]] || return 1 secure_key=$(randpw 32 1) sed -i "s/MYSUPERSECRETPHRASE/$secure_key/" $site_settings } generate_push(){ [[ -z $OS_VERSION ]] && get_os_type if [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/push-server-multi ]]; then sed -i "/SECURITY_KEY/d" /etc/sysconfig/push-server-multi && \ log_to_file "$BU0048" # generate configs /etc/init.d/push-server-multi reset >/dev/null 2>&1 log_to_file "$BU0049" # publish variables to apache . /etc/sysconfig/push-server-multi if [[ $OS_VERSION -eq 7 ]]; then log_to_file "$BU0050" # delete current one sed -i "/BX_PUSH_SECURITY_KEY/d" /etc/httpd/bx/conf/00-environment.conf echo "SetEnv BX_PUSH_SECURITY_KEY $SECURITY_KEY" >> /etc/httpd/bx/conf/00-environment.conf else log_to_file "Update /etc/sysconfig/httpd" sed -i "/BX_PUSH_SECURITY_KEY/d" /etc/sysconfig/httpd echo "BX_PUSH_SECURITY_KEY=$SECURITY_KEY" >> /etc/sysconfig/httpd fi # settings file sed -i "s/__SECURITY_KEY__/$SECURITY_KEY/" /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/.settings.php # restart apache service httpd restart >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } update_bitrix_password(){ BITRIXTMP=$(mktemp /tmp/.password_XXXXXXX) # generate password randpw 10 > $BITRIXTMP # update user cat $BITRIXTMP | passwd --stdin bitrix >> $LOGS_FILE 2>&1 log_to_file "$BU0051" # delete temporary file rm -f $BITRIXTMP } update_root_password(){ ROOTPASSWORD=/root/ROOT_PASSWORD # generate password ROOTPW=$(randpw 10 1) # update user log_to_file "$BU0052" echo -n "$ROOTPW" | passwd --stdin root >> $LOGS_FILE 2>&1 echo -n "$ROOTPW" > $ROOTPASSWORD # this password is working for the first logon chage -d0 root >> $LOGS_FILE 2>&1 # add cleaner to .bash_profile file echo /opt/webdir/bin/rpm_package/cleaner.sh >> /root/.bash_profile log_to_file "$BU0053" } generate_ansible_inventory(){ ask_user="${1:-0}" bitrix_type="${2:-general}" hostident="${3}" log_to_file "$BU0054" # get host interfaces get_local_network 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $HOST_NETWORK -gt 0 ]]; then # use the first interface USED_INT= USED_IP= for info in $HOST_IPS; do if [[ -z $USED_INT ]]; then USED_INT=$(echo $info | awk -F'=' '{print $1}') USED_IP=$(echo $info | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') fi done else log_to_file "$BU2029" return 1 fi log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0055" "$USED_INT" "$USED_IP")" # get hostname if [[ -z $hostident ]]; then USED_HOSTNAME=$(hostname) else USED_HOSTNAME="${hostident}" fi test_hostname "$USED_HOSTNAME" 0 0 test_hostname_rtn=$? if [[ $test_hostname_rtn -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ $ask_user -gt 0 ]]; then read -r -p "$BU0056" USED_HOSTNAME [[ -z $USED_HOSTNAME ]] && \ USED_HOSTNAME=server1 else USED_HOSTNAME=server1 fi fi log_to_file "$(get_text "$BU0057" "$USED_HOSTNAME")" # start creation pool /opt/webdir/bin/wrapper_ansible_conf -a create \ --bitrix_type $bitrix_type \ -H $USED_HOSTNAME -I $USED_INT >> $LOGS_FILE 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then return 1 fi log_to_file "$BU0058" } # get available memory on board get_available_memory(){ AVAILABLE_MEMORY=$(free | grep Mem | awk '{print $2}') if [[ $IS_OPENVZ -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ -z $AVAILABLE_MEMORY ]]; then mem4kblock=`cat /proc/user_beancounters | \ grep vmguarpages|awk '{print $4}'` mem4kblock2=`cat /proc/user_beancounters | \ grep privvmpages|awk '{print $4}'` if [[ ${mem4kblock2} -gt ${mem4kblock} ]]; then AVAILABLE_MEMORY=$(echo "${mem4kblock} * 4"|bc) else AVAILABLE_MEMORY=$(echo "${mem4kblock2} * 4"|bc) fi fi fi AVAILABLE_MEMORY_MB=$(( $AVAILABLE_MEMORY / 1024 )) [[ ( $IS_X86_64 -eq 0 ) && ( $AVAILABLE_MEMORY_MB -gt 4096 ) ]] && \ AVAILABLE_MEMORY_MB=4096 } get_php_settings(){ PHP_CMD=$(which php) APACHE_CMD=$(which httpd) # 5.4, 5.6, 7.0 and etc PHP_VERSION=$($PHP_CMD -v | \ egrep -o "PHP [0-9\.]+" | awk '{print $2}' | \ awk -F'.' '{printf "%d.%d", $1, $2}') php_up=$(echo "$PHP_VERSION" | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') php_mid=$(echo "$PHP_VERSION" | awk -F'.' '{print $2}') IS_OLDER_PHP=0 [[ ( $php_up -ge 5 && $php_mid -ge 6 ) || ( $php_up -ge 7 ) ]] && \ IS_OLDER_PHP=1 APACHE_VERSION=$($APACHE_CMD -v | \ egrep -o "Apache/[0-9\.]+" | awk -F'/' '{print $2}' | \ awk -F'.' '{printf "%d.%d", $1,$2}') IS_APCU_PHP=$($PHP_CMD -m 2>/dev/null | grep -wc apcu) IS_OPCACHE_PHP=$($PHP_CMD -m 2>/dev/null | grep -wc OPcache) } # bx_trusted public_firewalld(){ if [[ $(systemctl is-active firewalld | grep -wc active) -eq 0 ]]; then # http://jabber.bx/view.php?id=89409 rpm -qi firewalld >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "$BU0061" yum -y install firewalld >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "$BU2032" return 2 fi fi systemctl enable firewalld >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl start firewalld if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "$BU2033" return 2 fi fi log_to_file "$BU0059" is_bx_trusted=$(firewall-cmd --get-zones | grep "bx_trusted" -wc) if [[ $is_bx_trusted -eq 0 ]]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --new-zone=bx_trusted >/dev/null 2>&1 fi firewall-cmd --zone=bx_trusted --permanent --add-port=1-65535/tcp >/dev/null 2>&1 firewall-cmd --zone=bx_trusted --permanent --add-port=1-65535/udp >/dev/null 2>&1 firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-interfaces 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "$BU2030" return 2 fi firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "$BU2031" return 2 fi log_to_file "$BU0060" firewall-cmd --reload >/dev/null 2>&1 return 0 } check_iptables_status() { iptables_status='disabled' iptables_tmp=$(mktemp $TMP_DIR/bx_iptables.XXXXX) iptables_test_port=2222 iptables_test_port_is_good=0 # test if port is close (nobody listen) while [[ $iptables_test_port_is_good -eq 0 ]]; do ss -lnp | egrep ":80\s+$iptables_test_port" > $iptables_tmp 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then iptables_test_port_is_good=1 else iptables_test_port=$(( $iptables_test_port + 1 )) fi done # iptables working (stateless) iptables -I INPUT -p tcp \ --dport $iptables_test_port -j ACCEPT > $iptables_tmp 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then iptables_status='stateless' iptables -D INPUT -p tcp \ --dport $iptables_test_port -j ACCEPT > $iptables_tmp 2>&1 fi # iptables working (stateful) if [[ $iptables_status == "stateless" ]]; then iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW \ -p tcp --dport $iptables_test_port -j ACCEPT > $iptables_tmp 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then iptables_status='stateful' iptables -D INPUT -m state --state NEW \ -p tcp --dport $iptables_test_port -j ACCEPT > $iptables_tmp 2>&1 fi fi rm -f $iptables_tmp } check_firewalld_status(){ firewalld_package="not_installed" firewalld_status="not_running" firewalld_bx_type="not_installed" firewalld_tolerance="non_compatible" firewalld_tmp=$(mktemp $TMP_DIR/firewalld.XXXXX) rpm -qi firewalld > $firewalld_tmp 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then rm -f $firewalld_tmp return 0 fi firewalld_package="installed" firewall-cmd --state > $firewalld_tmp 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then rm -f $firewalld_tmp return 0 fi if [[ $(grep -c '^running$' $firewalld_tmp) -gt 0 ]]; then firewalld_status="running" if [[ $(firewall-cmd --get-active-zones | grep bx_trusted -c) -gt 0 ]]; then firewalld_bx_type="installed" fi systemctl status firewalld > $firewalld_tmp 2>&1 if [[ $(grep -c "ERROR:" $firewalld_tmp) -eq 0 ]]; then firewalld_tolerance="compatible" fi fi rm -f $firewalld_tmp } replace_firewalld_by_iptables(){ [[ -z $OS_VERSION ]] && get_os_type if [[ $OS_VERSION -eq 7 ]]; then check_firewalld_status if [[ $firewalld_package == "installed" ]]; then yum -y remove firewalld >/dev/null 2>&1 yum -y install iptables-services >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl enable iptables systemctl start iptables fi if [[ $(systemctl is-active iptables | grep -c "active") -eq 0 ]]; then echo '*filter :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited -A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited COMMIT' > /etc/sysconfig/iptables systemctl start iptables fi else chkconfig iptables on /etc/init.d/iptables restart >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } public_stateless_iptables(){ replace_firewalld_by_iptables is_incorrect_rules=$(grep -c "state NEW" /etc/sysconfig/iptables) if [[ $is_incorrect_rules -gt 0 ]]; then echo '*filter :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited -A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited COMMIT' > /etc/sysconfig/iptables fi if [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config ]]; then sed -i "/IPTABLES_MODULES_UNLOAD/d" /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config echo 'IPTABLES_MODULES_UNLOAD="no"' >> /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config fi iptables -I INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && \ iptables -I INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && \ iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 443 -j ACCEPT 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && \ iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &&\ iptables -I INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "$BU2035" return 2 fi iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables } public_stateful_iptables(){ replace_firewalld_by_iptables iptables -I INPUT -m tcp -p tcp \ -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -j ACCEPT 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && \ iptables -I INPUT -m tcp -p tcp \ -m state --state NEW --dport 443 -j ACCEPT 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "$BU2035" return 2 fi iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables } configure_firewall_daemon(){ CONFIGURE_IPTABLES=${1:-1} CONFIGURE_FIREWALLD=${2:-0} # configure iptables_status check_iptables_status log_to_file "testing iptables status return $iptables_status" if [[ $iptables_status != 'stateful' ]]; then if [[ $iptables_status == "disabled" ]]; then log_to_file "$BU2036" return 255 else public_stateless_iptables fi # support statefull else if [[ $OS_VERSION == "7" ]]; then if [[ $CONFIGURE_FIREWALLD -eq 1 ]]; then public_firewalld check_firewalld_status if [[ $firewalld_tolerance == "non_compatible" ]]; then log_to_file "$BU2037" public_stateful_iptables fi else public_stateful_iptables fi else public_stateful_iptables fi fi } get_server_id(){ local h="${1}" cache_pool_info IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for srv_info in $POOL_SERVER_LIST; do srv_name=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $1}') # server identifier in ansible inventory hostname=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $5}') # server name if [[ $hostname == "$h" ]]; then echo $srv_name return 0 fi if [[ $srv_name == "$h" ]]; then echo $srv_name return 0 fi done IFS=$IFS_BAK IFS_BAK= # print unused servers if [[ -n "$POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST" ]]; then IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for srv_info in $POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST; do srv_name=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $1}') # short server name hostname=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $5}') # server name if [[ $hostname == "$h" ]]; then echo $srv_name return 1 fi if [[ $srv_name == "$h" ]]; then echo $srv_name return 1 fi done IFS=$IFS_BAK IFS_BAK= fi return 2 } if_hostname_exists_in_the_pool(){ local h="${1}" cache_pool_info IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for srv_info in $POOL_SERVER_LIST; do srv_name=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $1}') # server identifier in ansible inventory hostname=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $5}') # server name if [[ $hostname == "$h" ]]; then return 1 fi done IFS=$IFS_BAK IFS_BAK= # print unused servers if [[ -n "$POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST" ]]; then IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for srv_info in $POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST; do srv_name=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $1}') # short server name hostname=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $5}') # server name if [[ $hostname == "$h" ]]; then return 1 fi done IFS=$IFS_BAK IFS_BAK= fi return 0 } if_serverid_exists_in_the_pool(){ local h="${1}" cache_pool_info IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for srv_info in $POOL_SERVER_LIST; do srv_name=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $1}') # server identifier in ansible inventory hostname=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $5}') # server name if [[ $srv_name == "$h" ]]; then return 1 fi done IFS=$IFS_BAK IFS_BAK= # print unused servers if [[ -n "$POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST" ]]; then IFS_BAK=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for srv_info in $POOL_UNU_SERVER_LIST; do srv_name=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $1}') # short server name hostname=$(echo "$srv_info" | awk -F':' '{print $5}') # server name if [[ $srv_name == "$h" ]]; then return 1 fi done IFS=$IFS_BAK IFS_BAK= fi return 0 } print_menu_header(){ clear echo -e "\t\t\t" $logo echo -e "\t\t\t" $menu_logo echo } is_ansible_running(){ IS_ANSIBLE_PROCESS=$(ps -ef | grep ansible-playbook | grep -v grep | wc -l) return $IS_ANSIBLE_PROCESS } package_mysql(){ # one-time call [[ -n $MYSQL_PACKAGE ]] && return 0 PACKAGES_LIST=$(rpm -qa) if [[ $(echo "$PACKAGES_LIST" | grep -c '^mysql-community-server') -gt 0 ]]; then MYSQL_PACKAGE=mysql-community-server MYSQL_SERVICE=mysqld MYSQL_SYSTEMD=/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service elif [[ $(echo "$PACKAGES_LIST" | grep -c '^Percona-Server-server') -gt 0 ]]; then MYSQL_PACKAGE=Percona-Server-server MYSQL_SERVICE=mysqld MYSQL_SYSTEMD=/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service elif [[ $(echo "$PACKAGES_LIST" | grep -c '^MariaDB-server') -gt 0 ]]; then MYSQL_PACKAGE=MariaDB-server MYSQL_SERVICE=mariadb MYSQL_SYSTEMD=/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service elif [[ $(echo "$PACKAGES_LIST" | grep -c '^mariadb-server') -gt 0 ]]; then MYSQL_PACKAGE=mariadb-server MYSQL_SERVICE=mariadb MYSQL_SYSTEMD=/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service elif [[ $(echo "$PACKAGES_LIST" | grep -c '^mysql-server') -gt 0 ]]; then MYSQL_PACKAGE=mysql-server MYSQL_SERVICE=mysqld MYSQL_SYSTEMD=/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysql.service else return 1 fi MYSQL_VERSION=$(rpm -qa --queryformat '%{version}' ${MYSQL_PACKAGE}* | \ head -1 | awk -F'.' '{printf "%d.%d", $1,$2}' ) MYSQL_MID_VERSION=$(echo "$MYSQL_VERSION" | awk -F'.' '{print $2}') } bx_alternatives_for_mycnf(){ is_mycnf_alters=$(alternatives --list | grep "^my\.cnf\s\+" -c) is_percona_alternatives=$(alternatives --list | \ grep "^my\.cnf\s\+" | grep -cv '/etc/bitrix-my.cnf') [[ $is_mycnf_alters -eq 0 ]] && return 0 # doesn't use alternatives; skip [[ $is_percona_alternatives -eq 0 ]] && return 0 # already created bitrix alternatives; skip BACKUP_CFG_DIR=/etc/ansible/roles/mysql/files package_mysql BACKUP_CFG_FILE=$BACKUP_CFG_DIR/my.cnf.bx [[ $MYSQL_MID_VERSION -eq 6 ]] && \ BACKUP_CFG_FILE=$BACKUP_CFG_DIR/my.cnf.bx_mysql56 [[ $MYSQL_MID_VERSION -eq 7 ]] && \ BACKUP_CFG_FILE=$BACKUP_CFG_DIR/my.cnf.bx_mysql57 cp -f $BACKUP_CFG_FILE /etc/bitrix-my.cnf rm -f /etc/my.cnf update-alternatives --install /etc/my.cnf my.cnf "/etc/bitrix-my.cnf" 300 } bx_repo_version(){ repo_file=/etc/yum.repos.d/bitrix.repo [[ ! -f $repo_file ]] && return 0 is_bitrix_beta="$(cat $repo_file | grep -w bitrix-beta)" [[ -z "$is_bitrix_beta" ]] && \ is_bitrix="$(cat $repo_file | grep -w bitrix)" [[ -n $is_bitrix_beta ]] && return 2 [[ -n $is_bitrix ]] && return 1 return 0 } bx_enable_beta_version(){ get_os_type echo "[bitrix-beta] name=Bitrix Env Beta - CentOS-$OS_VERSION - \$basearch failovermethod=priority baseurl=http://repos.1c-bitrix.ru/yum-beta/el/$OS_VERSION/\$basearch enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=http://repos.1c-bitrix.ru/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-BitrixEnv " > /etc/yum.repos.d/bitrix.repo yum clean all >/dev/null 2>&1 } bx_disable_beta_version(){ get_os_type echo "[bitrix] name=Bitrix Env - CentOS-$OS_VERSION - \$basearch failovermethod=priority baseurl=http://repos.1c-bitrix.ru/yum/el/$OS_VERSION/\$basearch enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=http://repos.1c-bitrix.ru/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-BitrixEnv " > /etc/yum.repos.d/bitrix.repo yum clean all >/dev/null 2>&1 }