Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/admin/htmleditor2/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/admin/htmleditor2/common.js |
if (!window.debug_mode) debug_mode = false; function _alert(str) {if (debug_mode) alert("* * * * * * * * debug_mode * * * * * * * * * *\n"+str);} GLOBAL_pMainObj = {}; var ar_EVENTS = []; //Array, contains editor objects for manual cleaning and removing than editor unloads: UnloadTrigger() var ar_PROP_ELEMENTS = []; var ar_BXButtonS = []; var ar_BXTaskbarSetS = []; var ar_BXToolbarS = []; var ar_BXTaskbarS = {}; var ar_CustomElementS = []; var ar_BXPropertiesTaskbarS = []; var ar_EVENTS_DE = []; //Properties of comp2 window.as_arComp2Params = {}; window.as_arComp2Groups = {}; window.as_arComp2Templates = {}; window.as_arComp2TemplParams = {}; window.arComp2ParamsGroups = {}; window.arComp2Tooltips = {}; // Array with tooltips var pPropertybarHandlers = []; //PropertyBarHandlers .... var arUnParsers = [];//Array of unparsers.... var arContentUnParsers = [];//Array of content unparsers.... var arNodeUnParsers = []; var arEditorFastDialogs = []; // TOOLBARS SETTINGS var arToolbarSettings_default = { manage: {show : true, docked : true, position : [0,0,0]}, standart: {show : true, docked : true, position : [0,0,1]}, style: {show : true, docked : true, position: [0,1,0]}, formating: {show : true, docked : true, position : [0,2,0]}, source: {show : true, docked : true, position : [1,0,0]}, template: {show : true, docked : true, position : [0,1,2]} }; // TASKBARS SETTINGS var arTaskbarSettings_default = { BXPropertiesTaskbar: {show : true, set: 3, active: true}, BXComponents2Taskbar: {show : true, set: 2, active: true} }; if (!window.arTaskbarSettings) window.arTaskbarSettings = arTaskbarSettings_default; // TASKBARSETS SETTINGS var arTBSetsSettings_default = { 2: {show : true, size : 200}, 3: {show : true, size : 160} }; arComp2PropGroups = []; arComponents2 = []; arComponents2Length = 0; function BXSearchInd(ar, wf) { if (typeof ar != 'object') return -1; if (ar.length) { for(var i = 0, l= ar.length; i < l; i++) if(ar[i].toString() == wf.toString()) return i; } else { for(var i in ar) if (ar[i].toString() == wf.toString()) return i; } return -1; } if(!String.prototype.trim) { String.prototype.trim = function() { var r, re; re = /^\s+/g; r = this.replace(re, ""); re = /\s+$/g; r = r.replace(re, ""); return r; } } function BXCreateElement(sTagname, arParams, arStyles, pDocument) { if (!pDocument) pDocument = this.pDocument; var pEl = pDocument.createElement(sTagname); var sParamName; if(arParams) { for(sParamName in arParams) { if(sParamName.substring(0, 1) == '_' && sParamName != '__exp') pEl.setAttribute(sParamName, arParams[sParamName]); else pEl[sParamName] = arParams[sParamName]; } } if(arStyles) { for(sParamName in arStyles) pEl["style"][sParamName] = arStyles[sParamName]; } return pEl; } function GAttr(pElement, attr) { if(attr=='className' && !BX.browser.IsIE()) attr = 'class'; var v = pElement.getAttribute(attr, 2); if(v && v!='-1') return v; return ""; } function SAttr(pElement, attr, val) { if(attr == 'className') attr = 'class'; if(val.length <= 0) pElement.removeAttribute(attr); else pElement.setAttribute(attr, val); } function _BXStyleParser() { _BXStyleParser.prototype.Create = function() { if(this.pFrame) return; this.pFrame = document.body.appendChild(BXCreateElement('IFRAME', {src : 'javascript:void(0)', className : 'bxedpopupframe', frameBorder : 'no', scrolling : 'no', unselectable : 'on'}, {position : 'absolute', zIndex: '9999', left: '-1000px', top: '-1000px'}, document)); if(this.pFrame.contentDocument && !BX.browser.IsIE()) this.pDocument = this.pFrame.contentDocument; else this.pDocument = this.pFrame.contentWindow.document; this.pDocument.write("<html><head><style></style></head><body></body></html>"); this.pDocument.close(); } _BXStyleParser.prototype.Parse = function(strStyles) { try{ if(BX.browser.IsIE()) this.pDocument.styleSheets[0].cssText = strStyles; else this.pDocument.getElementsByTagName('STYLE')[0].innerHTML = strStyles; }catch(e){} var arAllSt = [], rules, cssTag, arTags, cssText = '', i, j, k, result = {}, t1, t2, l1; if(!this.pDocument.styleSheets) return result; var x1 = this.pDocument.styleSheets; for(i = 0, l1 = x1.length; i < l1; i++) { rules = (x1[i].rules ? x1[i].rules : x1[i].cssRules); for(j = 0, l2 = rules.length; j < l2; j++) { if (rules[j].type != rules[j].STYLE_RULE) continue; cssTag = rules[j].selectorText; arTags = cssTag.split(","); for(k = 0, l3 = arTags.length; k < l3; k++) { t1 = arTags[k].split(" "); t1 = t1[t1.length - 1].trim(); if(t1.substr(0, 1) == '.') { t1 = t1.substr(1); t2 = 'DEFAULT'; } else { t2 = t1.split("."); if(t2.length > 1) t1 = t2[1]; else t1 = ''; t2 = t2[0].toUpperCase(); } if(arAllSt[t1]) continue; arAllSt[t1] = true; if(!result[t2]) result[t2] = []; result[t2].push({className: t1, original: arTags[k], cssText: rules[j].style.cssText}); } } } return result; } } var BXStyleParser = new _BXStyleParser(); function _BXPopupWindow() { this.bCreated = false; } _BXPopupWindow.prototype = { Create: function() { if(this.pFrame) return; this.pFrame = document.body.appendChild(BX.create('IFRAME', {props: {src : 'javascript:void(0)', className : 'bxedpopupframe', frameBorder : 'no', scrolling : 'no', unselectable : 'on'}})); if(this.pFrame.contentDocument && !BX.browser.IsIE()) this.pDocument = this.pFrame.contentDocument; else this.pDocument = this.pFrame.contentWindow.document; this.pDocument.open(); this.pDocument.write('<html><head></head><body class="bx_popup_frame"></body></html>'); this.pDocument.close(); this.pDocument.body.style.margin = this.pDocument.body.style.padding = "0px"; this.pDocument.body.style.borderWidth = "0px"; this.pDocument.body.style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"; this.pDocument.body.style.overflow = "hidden"; this.bCreated = true; }, Hide: function(name) { if(!this.bShowed) return; this.pFrame.style.display = "none"; this.bShowed = false; }, GetDocument: function() { if(!this.pFrame) this.Create(); return this.pDocument; }, Show: function (Params) { if(!this.pFrame) this.Create(); this.pFrame.style.display = "block"; BX.cleanNode(this.pDocument.body); this.pDocument.body.appendChild(Params.node); Params.node.style.display = 'block'; if (!Params.width || !Params.height) { Params.width = this.pDiv.offsetWidth; Params.height = this.pDiv.offsetHeight; } this.pFrame.style.left = Params.left + "px"; this.pFrame.style.top = Params.top + "px"; this.pFrame.width = Params.width + "px"; this.pFrame.height = Params.height + "px"; this.bShowed = true; }, CreateElement: BXCreateElement, CreateCustomElement: function(sTagName, arParams) { var ob = new window[sTagName](); ob.pMainObj = this; ob.pDocument = this.pDocument; ob.CreateElement = BXCreateElement; if(arParams) { var sParamName; for(sParamName in arParams) ob[sParamName] = arParams[sParamName]; } ob._Create(); return ob; }, SetCurStyles: function () { var _this = this, x1 = document.styleSheets, rules, cssText = '', j, i; if(!x1[0].cssRules) { for(i = x1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i >= x1.length - 2 && x1[i].cssText.indexOf('bxed') != -1) cssText += x1[i].cssText; } } else { for(i = x1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { try{ rules = (x1[i].rules ? x1[i].rules : x1[i].cssRules); for(j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) { if(rules[j].cssText) cssText += rules[j].cssText + '\n'; else cssText += rules[j].selectorText + '{' + rules[j].style.cssText + '}\n'; } }catch(e){continue;} } } this.SetStyles(cssText); }, SetStyles: function(cssText, bClean) { if (bClean !== false) { var cur = this.pDocument.getElementsByTagName("STYLE"); for(i = 0; i < cur.length; i++) cur[i].parentNode.removeChild(cur[i]); } if (cssText && cssText.length > 0) { var xStyle = BX.create("STYLE", {}, this.pDocument); this.pDocument.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0].appendChild(xStyle); if(BX.browser.IsIE()) this.pDocument.styleSheets[0].cssText = cssText; else xStyle.appendChild(this.pDocument.createTextNode(cssText)); } } } var BXPopupWindow = new _BXPopupWindow(); function addEvent(el, evname, func, p) { el["on" + evname] = func; ar_EVENTS.push([el,evname,func]); } function addEvent1(el, evname, func, p) { if(el.addEventListener) el.addEventListener(evname, func, (p?false:p)); else el["on" + evname] = func; } function addAdvEvent(el, evname, func, p) { if(el.addEventListener) el.addEventListener(evname, func, (p?false:p)); else if (el.attachEvent) el.attachEvent('on'+evname,func); } function removeAdvEvent(el, evname, func, p) { if(el.removeEventListener) el.removeEventListener(evname, func, (p?false:p)); else el.detachEvent('on'+evname, func); } function removeEvent(el, evname, func, p) { el['on' + evname] = null; if(el.removeEventListener) el.removeEventListener(evname, func, (p?false:p)); else el.detachEvent('on'+evname,func); } var BXCustomElementEvents = []; function addCustomElementEvent(elEvent, sEventName, oEventHandler, oHandlerParent) { elEvent.w = sEventName; if(!elEvent.__eventHandlers) elEvent.__eventHandlers = []; if(!elEvent.__eventHandlers[sEventName] || elEvent.__eventHandlers[sEventName].length<=0) { elEvent.__eventHandlers[sEventName] = []; if(elEvent.addEventListener) elEvent.addEventListener(sEventName, OnCustomElementEvent, false); else elEvent["on" + sEventName] = OnCustomElementEvent; } elEvent.__eventHandlers[sEventName].push([oHandlerParent, oEventHandler]); } function OnCustomElementEvent(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; var arHandlers = this.__eventHandlers[e.type]; for(var i=0; i<arHandlers.length; i++) arHandlers[i][1].call(arHandlers[i][0], e); } function delCustomElementEvent(elEvent, sEventName, oEventHandler) { if(!elEvent.__eventHandlers || !elEvent.__eventHandlers[sEventName]) return false; var arEvents = elEvent.__eventHandlers[sEventName]; var arNewEvents = []; for(var i=0; i<arEvents.length; i++) { if(arEvents[i][1]!=oEventHandler) arNewEvents.push(arEvents[i]); } arEvents = elEvent.__eventHandlers[sEventName] = arNewEvents; //Deleting event handler if(arEvents.length<=0) removeEvent(elEvent, sEventName, OnCustomElementEvent); } function BXElementEqual(pElement1, pElement2) { if(pElement1 == pElement2) return true; return false; if(!pElement1) return false; if(!pElement2) return false; if(pElement1.nodeType != 1) return false; if(pElement2.nodeType != 1) return false; if(pElement1.tagName != pElement2.tagName) return false; if(pElement1.id != pElement2.id) return false; if(pElement1.offsetHeight != pElement2.offsetHeight) return false; if(pElement1.offsetLeft != pElement2.offsetLeft) return false; if(pElement1.offsetTop != pElement2.offsetTop) return false; if(pElement1.clientHeight != pElement2.clientHeight) return false; if(pElement1.clientWidth != pElement2.clientWidth) return false; return true; } function BXFindParentElement(pElement1, pElement2) { var p, arr1 = [], arr2 = []; while((pElement1 = pElement1.parentNode)!=null) arr1[arr1.length] = pElement1; while((pElement2 = pElement2.parentNode)!=null) arr2[arr2.length] = pElement2; var min, diff1 = 0, diff2 = 0; if(arr1.length<arr2.length) { min = arr1.length; diff2 = arr2.length - min; } else { min = arr2.length; diff1 = arr1.length - min; } for(var i=0; i<min-1; i++) { if(BXElementEqual(arr1[i+diff1], arr2[i+diff2])) return arr1[i+diff1]; } return arr1[0]; } // return position of the cursor function getRealMousePos(e, pMainObj, bEditorFrame) { if(window.event) e = window.event; if(e.pageX || e.pageY) { e.realX = e.pageX; e.realY = e.pageY; } else if(e.clientX || e.clientY) { e.realX = e.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft) - document.documentElement.clientLeft; e.realY = e.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) - document.documentElement.clientTop; } if (bEditorFrame) // if peditorFrame { if (!(arFramePos = CACHE_DISPATCHER['pEditorFrame'])) CACHE_DISPATCHER['pEditorFrame'] = arFramePos = BX.pos(pMainObj.pEditorFrame); e.realX += arFramePos.left; e.realY += arFramePos.top; var scrollLeft, scrollTop; if (BX.browser.IsIE() && !pMainObj.bFullscreen) { if (IEplusDoctype) { e.realX -= document.documentElement.scrollLeft; e.realY -= document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else { e.realX -= document.body.scrollLeft; e.realY -= document.body.scrollTop; } } else if (!BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsDoctype()) // FF without doctype { e.realX -= pMainObj.pEditorDocument.body.scrollLeft; e.realY -= pMainObj.pEditorDocument.body.scrollTop; } } return e; } function GetRealPos(el) { if(!el || !el.offsetParent) return false; var res = {left: el.offsetLeft, top: el.offsetTop}, objParent = el.offsetParent; while(objParent.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "BODY" && objParent.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "HTML") { res.left += objParent.offsetLeft; res.top += objParent.offsetTop; objParent = objParent.offsetParent; } res.right = res.left + el.offsetWidth; res.bottom=res.top + el.offsetHeight; return res; } function BXAlignToPos(pos, dir_rtl) { var oW = BX.GetWindowInnerSize(); if (oW.innerWidth < pos.right || dir_rtl) { var dw = pos.right - pos.left; pos.right -= dw; pos.left -= dw; } if (oW.innerHeight < pos.bottom) { var dh = pos.bottom - pos.top; pos.top -= dh; pos.bottom -= dh; } return pos; } function GetDisplStr(status) { return status == 0 ? "none" : ""; } function bxhtmlspecialchars(str) { if(!(typeof(str) == "string" || str instanceof String)) return str; str = str.replace(/&/g, '&'); str = str.replace(/"/g, '"'); str = str.replace(/</g, '<'); str = str.replace(/>/g, '>'); //str = str.replace(/\#/g, '#'); //str = str.replace(/\!/g, '!'); //str = str.replace(/\$/g, '$'); //str = str.replace(/\%/g, '%'); //str = str.replace(/\~/g, '~'); return str; } function bxhtmlunspecialchars(str) { if(!(typeof(str) == "string" || str instanceof String)) return str; str = str.replace(/\"/g, '"'); str = str.replace(/'/g, "'"); str = str.replace(/\</g, '<'); str = str.replace(/\>/g, '>'); //str = str.replace(/\!/g, '!'); //str = str.replace(/\$/g, '$'); //str = str.replace(/\%/g, '%'); //str = str.replace(/\~/g, '~'); //str = str.replace(/\ /g, ' '); //str = str.replace(/\#/g, '#'); str = str.replace(/\&/g, '&'); return str; } // Global object - collect global event handlers function BXEventDispatcher() { this.arHandlers = []; this.arEditorHandlers = []; this.arEditors = []; BXEventDispatcher.prototype.OnEvent = function(pDoc, e) { var arFramePos; if(window.event) e = window.event; if(pDoc["className"] && (pDoc.className == 'pEditorDocument' || pDoc.className == 'pSourceDocument')) { if(pDoc.pMainObj.pEditorWindow.event) e = pDoc.pMainObj.pEditorWindow.event; else if (!(arFramePos = CACHE_DISPATCHER['pEditorFrame'])) CACHE_DISPATCHER['pEditorFrame'] = arFramePos = BX.pos(pDoc.pMainObj.pEditorFrame); } var arHandlers = pBXEventDispatcher.arHandlers[e.type]; var arHLen = arHandlers.length; if (!arHLen) return; if(e.target) e.targetElement = e.target; else if(e.srcElement) e.targetElement = e.srcElement; if(e.targetElement.nodeType == 3) e.targetElement = e.targetElement.parentNode; if(e.pageX || e.pageY) { e.realX = e.pageX; e.realY = e.pageY; } else if(e.clientX || e.clientY) { e.realX = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; e.realY = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; } if(arFramePos) { e.realX += arFramePos["left"]; e.realY += arFramePos["top"]; } var res = true; for(var i = 0; i < arHLen; i++) { if(!arHandlers[i](e)) res = false; } return res; } //Method add handler of pEventHandler for global event eventName BXEventDispatcher.prototype.AddHandler = function (eventName, pEventHandler) { if(!this.arHandlers[eventName]) { this.arHandlers[eventName] = []; for(var i=0; i<this.arEditors.length; i++) { var pObject = this.arEditors[i]; addEvent1(pObject.pDocument, eventName, function (e) {pBXEventDispatcher.OnEvent(pObject.pDocument, e);}); addEvent1(pObject.pEditorDocument, eventName, function (e) {pBXEventDispatcher.OnEvent(pObject.pEditorDocument, e);}); } } this.arHandlers[eventName].push(pEventHandler); } BXEventDispatcher.prototype.SetEvents = function(pDocument) { for(var eventName in this.arHandlers) { for(var i=0; i<this.arHandlers[eventName].length; i++) addAdvEvent(pDocument, eventName, window['OnDispatcherEvent_pEditorDocument_' + name_cur_obj]); } } //Internal method for adding BXHTMLEditor-type object BXEventDispatcher.prototype.__Add = function (pObject) { for(var eventName in this.arHandlers) { if(this.arEditors.length <= 0) addAdvEvent(pObject.pDocument, eventName, window['OnDispatcherEvent_pDocument_' + name_cur_obj]); addAdvEvent(pObject.pEditorDocument, eventName, window['OnDispatcherEvent_pEditorDocument_'+name_cur_obj]); } this.arEditors[this.arEditors.length] = pObject; } // Setting cursor for all documents.... BXEventDispatcher.prototype.SetCursor = function (sCursor) { for(var i=0; i<this.arEditors.length; i++) { var pObject = this.arEditors[i]; pObject.pDocument.body.style.cursor = sCursor; pObject.pEditorDocument.body.style.cursor = sCursor; } } BXEventDispatcher.prototype.AddEditorHandler = function (eventName, pEventHandler) { if(!this.arEditorHandlers[eventName]) this.arEditorHandlers[eventName] = []; this.arEditorHandlers[eventName][this.arEditorHandlers[eventName].length] = pEventHandler; } BXEventDispatcher.prototype.OnEditorEvent = function (eventName, pMainObj, arParams) { if(!this.arEditorHandlers[eventName]) return true; var res = true; for(var i=0; i<this.arEditorHandlers[eventName].length; i++) if(!this.arEditorHandlers[eventName][i](pMainObj, arParams)) res = false; return res; } } window.BXLoadJSFiles = function(arJs, oCallBack, bFullPath) { var load_js = function(ind) { if (ind >= arJs.length) { oCallBack.func.apply(oCallBack.obj); return; } var oSript = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')); oSript.src = (!bFullPath ? "/bitrix/admin/htmleditor2/" : '') + arJs[ind]; if (BX.browser.IsIE()) { oSript.onreadystatechange = function() { if (oSript.readyState == 'loaded') load_js(++ind); }; } else { oSript.onload = function(){setTimeout(function (){load_js(++ind);}, 50);}; } }; load_js(0); }; // BXPreloader - special object, which one after another load functions and call they by callback... // at the end oFinalCallback will be called function BXPreloader(arSteps, oFinalCallback) { this.oFinalCallback = oFinalCallback; this.arSteps = arSteps; this.Length = arSteps.length; this.curInd = 0; this.finalLoaded = false; } BXPreloader.prototype.LoadStep = function() { if (this.curInd >= this.Length) { if (this.finalLoaded) return; this.finalLoaded = true; var o = this.oFinalCallback; if (!o.params) o.params = []; if (o.obj) o.func.apply(o.obj, o.params); else o.func(o.params); return; } var o = this.arSteps[this.curInd]; this.curInd++; if (!o.params) o.params = []; var oCallBack = {obj: this, func: this.LoadStep}; try { if (o.obj) o.func.call(o.obj, oCallBack, o.params); else o.func(oCallBack, o.params); } catch(e) { this.LoadStep(); } } BXPreloader.prototype.AddStep = function(oStep) { this.arSteps.push(oStep); this.Length++; } BXPreloader.prototype.RemoveStep = function(ind) { if (ind == -1) { delete this.arSteps[this.Length]; this.Length--; } } // CONTEXT MENU function BXContextMenu() {} BXContextMenu.prototype.Create = function() { this.pref = this.pMainObj.name.toUpperCase()+'_'; this.oDiv = document.body.appendChild(BXCreateElement('DIV', {className: 'bx_ed_context_menu', id: this.pref + '_BXContextMenu'}, {position: 'absolute', zIndex: 1500, left: '-1000px', top: '-1000px', visibility: 'hidden'}, document)); this.oDiv.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="popupmenu"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="' + this.pref + '_BXContextMenu_items"><tr><td></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>'; // Part of logic of JCFloatDiv.Show() Prevent bogus rerendering window in IE... And SpeedUp first context menu calling document.body.appendChild(BXCreateElement('IFRAME',{id: this.pref + '_BXContextMenu_frame', src: "javascript:void(0)"}, {position: 'absolute', zIndex: 1495, left: '-1000px', top: '-1000px', visibility: 'hidden'}, document)); this.menu = new PopupMenu(this.pref + '_BXContextMenu'); }; BXContextMenu.prototype.Show = function(zIndex, dxShadow, oPos, pElement, arParams, pMainObj, dir_rtl) { this.pMainObj = pMainObj; this.oPrevRange = BXGetSelectionRange(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, this.pMainObj.pEditorWindow); this.menu.PopupHide(); if (!this.FetchAndBuildItems(pElement, arParams)) return; addEvent1(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, "click", BXContextMenuOnclick); if (!isNaN(zIndex)) this.oDiv.style.zIndex = zIndex; this.oDiv.style.width = parseInt(this.oDiv.firstChild.offsetWidth) + 'px'; var w = parseInt(this.oDiv.offsetWidth); var h = parseInt(this.oDiv.offsetHeight); oPos.right = oPos.left + w; oPos.bottom = oPos.top; this.menu.PopupShow(BXAlignToPos(oPos, dir_rtl), dxShadowImgPath); }; BXContextMenu.prototype.FetchAndBuildItems = function(pElement, arParams) { var pElementTemp, i, k, arMenuItems = [], el, el_params, arUsed = [], strPath, strPath1, bxTag = false, bxtagname = false, id; if (!arParams) arParams = {}; // Handling and creation menu elements array // Single custom element if (arParams && arParams.bxtagname) { bxtagname = arParams.bxtagname; } else if (pElement && pElement.arAttributes && (id = pElement.arAttributes["id"])) { bxTag = this.pMainObj.GetBxTag(id); if (bxTag && bxTag.tag) bxtagname = bxTag.tag; } if (bxtagname) { strPath1 = bxtagname.toUpperCase(); if (arCMButtons[strPath1]) for(i = 0, k = arCMButtons[strPath1].length; i < k; i++) arMenuItems.push(arCMButtons[strPath1][i]); } else // Elements in editor iframe { if (!pElement) pElement = this.pMainObj.GetSelectionObject(); arParams.pElement = pElement; //Adding to default list for(i = 0; i < arCMButtons["DEFAULT"].length; i++) arMenuItems.push(arCMButtons["DEFAULT"][i]); //Adding other elements while(pElement && (pElementTemp = pElement.parentNode) != null) { if(pElementTemp.nodeType == 1 && pElement.tagName && (strPath = pElement.tagName.toUpperCase()) && strPath != 'TBODY' && !arUsed[strPath]) { strPath1 = strPath; if (pElement.getAttribute && (id = pElement.getAttribute('id'))) { bxTag = this.pMainObj.GetBxTag(id); if (bxTag && bxTag.tag) strPath1 = bxTag.tag.toUpperCase(); } arUsed[strPath] = pElement; if(arCMButtons[strPath1]) { if (arMenuItems.length > 0) arMenuItems.push('separator'); for(i = 0, k = arCMButtons[strPath1].length; i < k; i++) arMenuItems.push(arCMButtons[strPath1][i]); } } else { pElement = pElementTemp; continue; } } } if (arMenuItems.length == 0) return false; //Cleaning menu var contTbl = BX(this.menu.menu_id + '_items'); while(contTbl.rows.length>0) contTbl.deleteRow(0); return this.BuildItems(arMenuItems, arParams, contTbl); }; BXContextMenu.prototype.BuildItems = function(arMenuItems, arParams, contTbl, parentName) { var n = arMenuItems.length; var __this = this; var arSubMenu = {}; this.subgroup_parent_id = ''; this.current_opened_id = ''; var _hide = function() { var cs = BX("__curent_submenu"); if (!cs) return; _over(cs); __this.current_opened_id = ''; __this.subgroup_parent_id = ''; cs.style.display = "none"; cs.id = ""; }; var _over = function(cs) { if (!cs) return; var t = cs.parentNode.nextSibling; t.parentNode.className = ''; }; var _refresh = function() {setTimeout(function() {__this.current_opened_id = '';__this.subgroup_parent_id = '';}, 400);} //Creation menu elements for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var row = contTbl.insertRow(-1); var cell = row.insertCell(-1); if(arMenuItems[i] == 'separator') { cell.innerHTML = '<div class="popupseparator"></div>'; } else { if (arMenuItems[i].isgroup === true) { var c = (BX.browser.IsIE()) ? 'arrow_ie' : 'arrow'; cell.innerHTML = '<div id="_oSubMenuDiv_'+arMenuItems[i].id+'" style="position: relative;"></div>'+ '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="popupitem" id="'+arMenuItems[i].id+'">\n'+ ' <tr>\n'+ ' <td class="gutter"></td>\n'+ ' <td class="item" title="'+((arMenuItems[i].title) ? arMenuItems[i].title : arMenuItems[i].name)+'">'+arMenuItems[i].name+'</td>\n'+ ' <td class="'+c+'"></td>\n'+ ' </tr>\n'+ '</table>'; var oTable = cell.childNodes[1]; var _LOCAL_CACHE = {}; arSubMenu[arMenuItems[i].id] = arMenuItems[i].elements; oTable.onmouseover = function(e) { this.className = 'popupitem popupitemover'; var _this = this; _over(BX("__curent_submenu")); setTimeout(function() { //_this.parentNode.className = 'popup_open_cell'; if (__this.current_opened_id && __this.current_opened_id == __this.subgroup_parent_id) { _refresh(); return; } if (_this.className == 'popupitem') return; _hide(); __this.current_opened_id = _this.id; if (!_LOCAL_CACHE[_this.id]) { var _oSubMenuDiv = BX("_oSubMenuDiv_" + _this.id); var left = parseInt(oTable.offsetWidth) + 1 + 'px'; var oSubMenuDiv = BXCreateElement('DIV', {'className' : 'popupmenu'}, {position: 'absolute', zIndex: 1500, left: left, top: '-1px'}, document); _oSubMenuDiv.appendChild(oSubMenuDiv); oSubMenuDiv.onmouseover = function(){_this.parentNode.className = 'popup_open_cell';}; _LOCAL_CACHE[_this.id] = oSubMenuDiv; var contTbl = oSubMenuDiv.appendChild(BXCreateElement('TABLE', {cellPadding:0, cellSpacing:0}, {}, document)); __this.BuildItems(arSubMenu[_this.id], arParams, contTbl, _this.id); } else oSubMenuDiv = _LOCAL_CACHE[_this.id]; //oSubMenuDiv.style.visibility = "visible"; oSubMenuDiv.style.display = "block"; oSubMenuDiv.id = "__curent_submenu"; }, 400); }; oTable.onmouseout = function(e){this.className = 'popupitem';}; continue; } var el_params = arMenuItems[i][1]; var _atr = ''; if(arMenuItems[i][1].iconkit) _atr = 'style="background-image:url(' + image_path + '/'+arMenuItems[i][1].iconkit+');" class="bxedtbutton" id="bx_btn_' + arMenuItems[i][1].id+'"'; else if(arMenuItems[i][1].src) _atr = 'style="background-image:url(' + image_path + '/'+arMenuItems[i][1].src+');" '; var _innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="popupitem">\n'+ ' <tr>\n'+ ' <td class="gutter"><div '+ _atr+'></div></td>\n'+ ' <td class="item" title="'+((arMenuItems[i][1].title) ? arMenuItems[i][1].title : arMenuItems[i][1].name)+'"'+'>'+arMenuItems[i][1].name+'</td>\n'+ ' </tr>\n'+ ' </table>'; cell.innerHTML = _innerHTML; var oTable = cell.firstChild; var bDisable = (arMenuItems[i][1] && arMenuItems[i][1].disablecheck) ? arMenuItems[i][1].disablecheck(oTable, oBXContextMenu.pMainObj) : false; if (!bDisable) { oTable.pMainObj = oBXContextMenu.pMainObj; oTable.handler = arMenuItems[i][1].handler; oTable.cmd = arMenuItems[i][1].cmd; oTable.onmouseover = function(e) { if (parentName) { __this.subgroup_parent_id = parentName; } else { setTimeout(function() { if (__this.current_opened_id && __this.current_opened_id == __this.subgroup_parent_id) { _refresh(); return; } _hide(); }, 400); } this.className='popupitem popupitemover'; } oTable.onmouseout = function(e){this.className = 'popupitem';}; oTable.onclick = function() { __this.pMainObj.SetFocus(); var res = false; try{ if (BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsIE9()) //Restore selection for IE BXSelectRange(__this.oPrevRange, __this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, __this.pMainObj.pEditorWindow); }catch(e){} if (this.handler && typeof this.handler == 'function' && this.handler(arParams) !== false) res = true; if (!res && this.cmd) res = this.pMainObj.executeCommand(this.cmd); __this.pMainObj.SetFocus(); oBXContextMenu.menu.PopupHide(); return res; }; } else { oTable.className = 'popupitem popupitemdisabled'; } oTable.id=null; } } this.oDiv.style.width = contTbl.parentNode.offsetWidth; return true; }; function BXIsArrayAssoc(ob) { for(var i in ob) { if(parseInt(i)!=i) return true; } return false; } function BXSerializeAttr(ob, arAttr) { var new_ob = {}, sAttrName; for(var i=0; i<arAttr.length; i++) { sAttrName = arAttr[i]; if(ob[sAttrName]) new_ob[sAttrName] = ob[sAttrName]; } return BXSerialize(new_ob); } function BXUnSerializeAttr(sOb, ob, arAttr) { var new_ob = BXUnSerialize(sOb); for(var sAttrName in new_ob) ob[sAttrName] = new_ob[sAttrName]; } function BXSerialize(ob, vd) { var res, i, key; if(typeof(ob)=='object') { res = []; if(ob instanceof Array && !BXIsArrayAssoc(ob)) { for(i=0; i < ob.length; i++) res.push(BXSerialize(ob[i])); return '[' + res.join(', ', res) + ']'; } for(key in ob) { if (typeof ob[key] != 'function') res.push("'"+key+"': "+BXSerialize(ob[key])); } return "{" + res.join(", ", res) + "}"; } if(typeof(ob)=='boolean') { if(ob) return "true"; return "false"; } if(typeof(ob)=='number') return ob; res = ob; res = res.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); res = res.replace(/\n/g, "\\n"); res = res.replace(/\r/g, "\\r"); res = res.replace(/'/g, "\\'"); return "'"+res+"'"; } function BXUnSerialize(str) { var res; eval("res = "+str); return res; } function BXPHPVal(ob, pref) { var res, i, key; if(typeof(ob)=='object') { res = []; if(ob instanceof Array && !BXIsArrayAssoc(ob)) { for(i=0; i<ob.length; i++) res.push(BXPHPVal(ob[i], (pref?pref:'undef')+'[]')); } else { for(key in ob) res.push(BXPHPVal(ob[key], (pref?pref+'['+key+']':key))); } return res.join("&", res); } if(typeof(ob)=='boolean') { if(ob) return pref+'=1'; return pref+"=0"; } return pref+'='+escape(ob); return pref+'='+ob; } function BXPHPValArray(ob) { var res, i, key; if(typeof(ob)=='object') { res = []; if(ob instanceof Array && !BXIsArrayAssoc(ob)) { for(i=0; i<ob.length; i++) res.push(BXPHPValArray(ob[i])); return 'Array(' + res.join(', ', res) + ')'; } for(key in ob) res.push("'"+key+"'=> "+BXPHPValArray(ob[key])); return "Array(" + res.join(", ", res) + ")"; } if(typeof(ob)=='boolean') { if(ob) return "true"; return "false"; } if(typeof(ob)=='number') return ob; res = ob; res = res.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); res = res.replace(/'/g, "\\'"); return "'" + res + "'"; } // Initialization of global object var pBXEventDispatcher = new BXEventDispatcher(); var BXEditorLoaded = false; var arBXEditorObjects = []; function BXEditorLoad() { if (!BXEditorLoaded) { BXEditorLoaded = true; for(var i = 0; i < arBXEditorObjects.length; i++) arBXEditorObjects[i].OnBeforeLoad(); } } function BXEditorRegister(obj) { arBXEditorObjects.push(obj); } function BXFindParentByTagName(pElement, tagName, className) { if (pElement) { var //par = pElement.parentNode, par = pElement, tagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); while(par && par.tagName) { if(par.tagName && par.tagName.toUpperCase() == tagName) { if (className) { if (className && par.className && par.className.indexOf(className) != -1) return par; } else { return par; } } par = par.parentNode; } } return false; } function BXGetSelection(oDoc,oWin) { if (!oDoc) oDoc = document; if (!oWin) oWin = window; var oSel = false; if (oWin.getSelection) oSel = oWin.getSelection(); else if (oDoc.getSelection) oSel = oDoc.getSelection(); else if (oDoc.selection) oSel = oDoc.selection; return oSel; } function BXGetSelectionRange(oDoc, oWin) { try { if (!oDoc) oDoc = document; if (!oWin) oWin = window; var oRange, oSel = BXGetSelection(oDoc,oWin); if (oSel) { if (oDoc.createRange) oRange = oSel.getRangeAt(0); else oRange = oSel.createRange(); } else { oRange = false; } return oRange; } catch(e){} } function BXSelectRange(oRange, oDoc, oWin) { if (!oDoc) oDoc = document; if (!oWin) oWin = window; BXClearSelection(oDoc, oWin); if (oDoc.createRange && oWin.getSelection) { //FF, Opera, IE9 var oSel = oWin.getSelection(); oSel.removeAllRanges(); if (oRange && oSel.addRange) oSel.addRange(oRange); } else { //IE if (oRange && oRange.select) oRange.select(); } } var preventselect = function(e){return false;}; function BXClearSelection(oDoc, oWin) { if (!oDoc) oDoc = document; if (!oWin) oWin = window; if (oWin.getSelection) oWin.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); else oDoc.selection.empty(); } function __BXSetOptionSelected(pOption, bSel) {return function(){pOption.selected = bSel;};} // API function BXEditorUtils() { this.PHPParser = (window.__PHPParser) ? new __PHPParser() : {}; } BXEditorUtils.prototype = { addContentParser: function(func){arContentParsers.push(func);}, addDOMHandler: function(func) {arDOMHandlers.push(func);}, addUnParser: function(func) {arUnParsers.push(func);}, addContentUnParser: function(func) {arContentUnParsers.push(func);}, addNodeUnParser: function(func) {arNodeUnParsers.push(func);}, addCssLinkToFrame: function(href, frame, doc){return this.addLinkToFrame(href, 'stylesheet', 'text/css', frame, doc);} }; BXEditorUtils.prototype.addLinkToFrame = function(href, rel, type, fo, oDoc) { if (!oDoc) { if (!fo.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName) return; var oDoc = fo.contentWindow.document; } var l = oDoc.createElement('LINK'); l.href = href; if (rel) l.rel = rel; if (type) l.type = type; var heads = oDoc.getElementsByTagName('HEAD'); if (heads && heads[0]) heads[0].appendChild(l); oDoc = heads = null; return l; }; BXEditorUtils.prototype.ResetSelectionState = function(pMainObj) { if (BX.browser.IsIE()) { pMainObj.pEditorDocument.body.contentEditable = false; pMainObj.pEditorDocument.body.contentEditable = true; } else { pMainObj.pEditorDocument.designMode='off'; pMainObj.pEditorDocument.designMode='on'; } }; BXEditorUtils.prototype.CancelEvent = function(e) {return BX.PreventDefault(e);}; BXEditorUtils.prototype.GetSelectionAnchor = function(pMainObj) { // Get selection // TODO: Multiselection if (!BX.browser.IsIE()) return pMainObj.pEditorFrame.contentWindow.getSelection().anchorNode; var r = pMainObj.pEditorDocument.selection.createRange(); var x = null; if (r.parentElement) x = r.parentElement(); else if (r.item) x = r.item(0); r = null; return x; }; // API for adding taskbars BXEditorUtils.prototype.addTaskBar = function(taskbarClassName, iTaskbarSetPos, sTaskbarTitle, arParams, _sort) { for (var i = 0, l = arBXTaskbars.length; i < l; i++) if (arBXTaskbars[i].name == taskbarClassName) return; if (_sort == undefined) _sort = 100; if (!arTaskbarSettings_default[taskbarClassName]) arTaskbarSettings_default[taskbarClassName] = {show : true, set: 3, active: true}; arBXTaskbars.push({name: taskbarClassName, pos: iTaskbarSetPos, title:sTaskbarTitle, arParams:arParams, sort:_sort}); } BXEditorUtils.prototype.createToolbar = function(name, title, arButtons, defaultPosition) { if (!name) name = 'untitled_' + Math.random(); if (!title) title = name; if (!arButtons) arButtons = []; if (!defaultPosition) defaultPosition = { show : true, docked : true, position : [0,2,0] }; var res = [name,title,arButtons,defaultPosition]; res.appendButton = function(buttonName,oButton){oBXEditorUtils.appendButton(buttonName,oButton,name);}; return res; } BXEditorUtils.prototype.createButton = function(){}; BXEditorUtils.prototype.addToolbar = function(arToolbar) { arToolbars = window.arToolbars || {}; arToolbars[arToolbar[0]] = [ arToolbar[1], arToolbar[2] ]; arToolbarSettings_default[arToolbar[0]] = arToolbar[3]; } BXEditorUtils.prototype.appendButton = function(name, arButton, toolbarName) { if (!arToolbars[toolbarName]) return false; arToolbars[toolbarName][1].push(arButton); } BXEditorUtils.prototype.addPropertyBarHandler = function(tagname, handler) { pPropertybarHandlers[tagname] = handler; } BXEditorUtils.prototype.ConvertArray2Post = function(arr, arName) { var s = ''; for (var i in arr) { if (typeof arr[i] == 'object') for (var j in arr[i]) { if (typeof arr[i][j] == 'object') for (var k in arr[i][j]) s += '&'+arName+'['+i+']['+j+']['+k+']='+arr[i][j][k]; else s += '&'+arName+'['+i+']['+j+']='+arr[i][j]; } else s += '&'+arName+'['+i+']='+ BX.util.urlencode(arr[i]); } return s.substr(1); } function BXReplaceSpaceByNbsp(str) { if(typeof(str)!='string') return str; str = str.replace(/\s/g, ' '); return str; } BXEditorUtils.prototype.setCheckbox = function(oCheckbox, mode, YNmode) { mode = (mode === true); if (YNmode === false) oCheckbox.value = mode ? "True" : "False"; else oCheckbox.value = mode ? "Y" : "N"; oCheckbox.checked = oCheckbox.defaultChecked = mode; } oBXEditorUtils = new BXEditorUtils(); arContentParsers = []; arDOMHandlers = []; arBXTaskbars = []; function copyObj(obj) { var res = {}, i; for (i in obj) { if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') res[i] = copyObj(obj[i]) else res[i] = obj[i]; } return res; } function compareObj(obj1, obj2) { try { for (var i in obj1) { if (typeof(obj1[i]) == 'object') { if (typeof(obj2[i]) != 'object' || !compareObj(obj1[i], obj2[i])) return false; } else { if (obj1[i] !== obj2[i]) return false; } } return true; } catch(e) { return false; } } function JS_addslashes(str) { str=str.replace(/\\/g,'\\\\'); //str=str.replace(/\'/g,'\\\''); str=str.replace(/\"/g,'\\"'); return str; } function JS_stripslashes(str) { //str=str.replace(/\\'/g,'\''); str=str.replace(/\\"/g,'"'); str=str.replace(/\\\\/g,'\\'); return str; } function str_pad_left(input, pad_length, pad_string) { input = String (input); if (pad_string.length > 0) { var buffer = ""; var padi = 0; pad_length = parseInt(pad_length); for (var i = 0, z = pad_length - input.length; i < z; i++) buffer += pad_string; input = buffer + input; } return input; } function BXCutNode(pNode) { while(pNode.childNodes.length > 0) pNode.parentNode.insertBefore(pNode.childNodes[0], pNode); pNode.parentNode.removeChild(pNode); } function CheckChilds(node, params) { if(!node || !node.childNodes) return; var child, i; for (i = node.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (child = node.childNodes[i]) { params.func.apply(params.obj, [child]); CheckChilds(child, params); } } }