Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/admin/htmleditor2/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/admin/htmleditor2/controls.js |
//Colors of borders and backgrounds for diferent button states var borderColorNormal = "#e4e2dc"; var borderColorOver = "#4B4B6F"; var borderColorSet = "#4B4B6F"; var borderColorSetOver = "#4B4B6F"; var bgroundColorOver = "#FFC678"; var bgroundColorSet = "#FFC678"; var bgroundColorSetOver = "#FFA658"; // BXButton - class function BXButton() { this._prevDisabledState = false; } BXButton.prototype = { _Create: function () { if(this.OnCreate && this.OnCreate()==false) return false; var obj = this; if (this.id && this.iconkit) { this.pWnd = this.CreateElement("IMG", {src: one_gif_src, alt: (this.title ? this.title : this.name), title: (this.title?this.title:this.name), width: '20', height: '20', id: "bx_btn_"+obj.id}); this.pWnd.className = 'bxedtbutton'; this.pWnd.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + image_path + "/" + this.iconkit + ")"; } else { this.pWnd = this.CreateElement("IMG", {'src' : this.src, 'alt' : (this.title ? this.title : this.name), 'title': (this.title ? this.title : this.name), 'width' : '20', 'height' : '20'}); this.pWnd.className = 'bxedtbutton'; } if (this.show_name) { var _icon = this.pWnd; this.pWnd = BX.create("TABLE", {props: {className: "bxedtbuttonex", title: this.title ? this.title: this.name, id: "bx_btnex_" + obj.id}}); this.pWnd.checked = false; this.pWnd.disabled = false; var r = this.pWnd.insertRow(-1); r.insertCell(-1).appendChild(_icon); BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'tdbutex_txt'}, html: "<div>" + this.name + "</div>"}); } else { this.pWnd.style.borderColor = borderColorNormal; this.pWnd.style.borderWidth = "1px"; this.pWnd.style.borderStyle = "solid"; } if(!this.no_actions || this.no_actions != true) // for context menu { this.pWnd.onmouseover = function(e) { if(!this.disabled) { if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'table') { BX.addClass(this, 'bxedtbuttonex-over'); if (BX.browser.IsOpera()) this.border = "1px solid #4B4B6F"; // Special for Opera } else { this.style.borderColor = borderColorOver; this.style.border = "#4B4B6F 1px solid"; this.style.backgroundColor = this.checked ? bgroundColorSetOver : bgroundColorOver; } } }; this.pWnd.onmouseout = function(e) { if(!this.disabled) { if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'table') { BX.removeClass(this, 'bxedtbuttonex-over'); if (BX.browser.IsOpera()) this.border = "1px solid #E4E2DC"; // Special for Opera } else { this.style.borderColor = this.checked ? borderColorSet : borderColorNormal; this.style.backgroundColor = this.checked ? bgroundColorSet : 'transparent'; } } }; if (this.defaultState) this.Check(true); addCustomElementEvent(this.pWnd, 'click', this.OnClick, this); this.pMainObj.AddEventHandler("OnSelectionChange", this._OnSelectionChange, this); this.pMainObj.AddEventHandler("OnChangeView", this.OnChangeView, this); } }, _OnChangeView: function (mode, split_mode) { mode = (mode == 'split' ? split_mode : mode); if(mode == 'code' && !this.codeEditorMode || (mode=='html' && this.hideInHtmlEditorMode)) { this._prevDisabledState = this.pWnd.disabled; this.Disable(true); } else if(mode == 'code' && this.codeEditorMode || (this.hideInHtmlEditorMode && mode != 'html')) this.Disable(false); else if(!this.codeEditorMode) this.Disable(this._prevDisabledState); }, OnChangeView: function (mode, split_mode) { this._OnChangeView(mode, split_mode); }, Disable: function (bFlag) { if(bFlag == this.pWnd.disabled) return false; this.pWnd.disabled = bFlag; if(bFlag) { BX.addClass(this.pWnd, 'bxedtbutton-disabled'); if (this.id && this.iconkit) { //this.pWnd.className = 'bxedtbuttondisabled'; //this.pWnd.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + image_path + "/" + this.iconkit + ")"; } else { //this.pWnd.className = 'bxedtbuttondisabled'; } //this.pWnd.style.filter = 'gray() alpha(opacity=30)'; } else { BX.removeClass(this.pWnd, 'bxedtbutton-disabled'); //this.pWnd.style.filter = ''; //this.pWnd.className = 'bxedtbutton'; if(this.pWnd.checked) { this.pWnd.style.borderColor = borderColorSet; this.pWnd.style.backgroundColor = bgroundColorSet; } else { this.pWnd.style.backgroundColor =""; this.pWnd.style.borderColor = borderColorNormal; } } }, Check: function (bFlag) { if(bFlag == this.pWnd.checked) return false; this.pWnd.checked = bFlag; if(!this.pWnd.disabled) { if(this.pWnd.checked) { this.pWnd.style.borderColor = borderColorSet; this.pWnd.style.backgroundColor = bgroundColorSet; } else { this.pWnd.style.backgroundColor =""; this.pWnd.style.borderColor = borderColorNormal; } } }, OnMouseOver: function (e) { if(!this.disabled) { this.style.borderColor = borderColorOver; this.style.border = "#4B4B6F 1px solid"; if(this.checked) this.style.backgroundColor = bgroundColorSetOver; else this.style.backgroundColor = bgroundColorOver; } }, OnMouseOut: function (e) { if(!this.disabled) { if(this.checked) { this.style.borderColor = borderColorSet; this.style.backgroundColor = bgroundColorSet; } else { this.style.backgroundColor =""; this.style.borderColor = borderColorNormal; } } }, OnClick: function (e) { if(this.pWnd.disabled) return false; this.pMainObj.SetFocus(); var res = false; if(this.handler) if(this.handler(this.pMainObj) !== false) res = true; if(!res) res = this.pMainObj.executeCommand(this.cmd); if(!this.bNotFocus) this.pMainObj.SetFocus(); return res; }, _OnSelectionChange: function() { if(this.OnSelectionChange) this.OnSelectionChange(); else if(this.cmd) { var res; if(this.cmd=='Unlink' && !BXFindParentByTagName(this.pMainObj.GetSelectionObject(), 'A')) res = 'DISABLED'; else res = this.pMainObj.queryCommandState(this.cmd); if(res == 'DISABLED') this.Disable(true); else if(res == 'CHECKED') { this.Disable(false); this.Check(true); } else { this.Disable(false); this.Check(false); } } } }; function BXButtonSeparator(){} BXButtonSeparator.prototype._Create = function () { this.pWnd = this.CreateElement("DIV", {className: 'bxseparator'}); this.OnToolbarChangeDirection = function(bVertical) { if(bVertical) BX.addClass(this.pWnd, 'bxseparator-ver'); else BX.removeClass(this.pWnd, 'bxseparator-ver'); }; } // BXEdList - class function BXEdList() { this.iSelectedIndex = -1; this.disabled = false; this.bCreated = false; this.bOpened = false; this.zIndex = 2090; this.CSS = "div.bx-list-cont {background-color: #fff; display: none; overflow: auto; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; text-overflow: ellipsis;}" + "div.bx-list-cont-vis-ef{overflow: hidden!important;}" + "div.bx-list-cont table.bx-list-popup-tbl{width: 100%!important; border-collapse: collapse !important;}" + "div.bx-list-cont table.bx-list-popup-tbl td{padding: 0!important;}" + "div.bx-list-cont .bx-list-item{background: #fff; padding: 0px !important; border: 1px solid #fff; padding: 3px 4px !important; margin: 1px 0!important; cursor: default!important; font-family: Verdana,Tahoma,Courier New !important;}" + "div.bx-list-cont .bx-list-item-over{border: 1px solid #4B4B6F; background-color: #FFC678 !important;}" + "div.bx-list-cont .bx-list-item *{padding: 0!important; margin: 0!important; font-family: Verdana,Tahoma,Courier New !important;}" + "div.bx-list-cont table.bx-list-item{border-collapse: collapse!important; width:100%!important; padding: 0!important;}" + "div.bx-list-cont table.bx-list-item td{padding: 3px 4px !important;}" + "div.bx-list-cont a.bx-list-conf-link{display: block!important; font-size: 11px!important; margin: 5px!important; color: #000!important; cursor: pointer!important;}" + "div.bx-list-cont td.bx-list-conf-cell{background: #FFF!important; border-top: 2px solid #808080!important;}" + "div.bx-list-cont td.bx-list-conf-cell a{color: #000!important; font-weight: normal!important; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 14px!important; cursor: pointer!important; display: block!important; margin: 5px 10px;}"; } BXEdList.prototype = { _Create: function () { if(this.OnCreate && this.OnCreate()==false) return false; if (this.maxHeight) this.maxHeight = parseInt(this.maxHeight); this.width = parseInt(this.width) || 160; this.height = parseInt(this.height) || 250; this.field_size = parseInt(this.field_size) || 75; if(this.OnSelectionChange) this.pMainObj.AddEventHandler("OnSelectionChange", this.OnSelectionChange, this); if(this.disableOnCodeView) this.pMainObj.AddEventHandler("OnChangeView", this.OnChangeView, this); this.pWnd = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bx-list'}}); if (BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsDoctype()) this.pWnd.style.height = "20px"; this.pWnd.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props: {src: one_gif_src, className: 'bx-list-over'}})); var pTable = this.pWnd.appendChild(BX.create("TABLE")), r = pTable.insertRow(-1); if (this.field_size) this.pWnd.style.width = pTable.style.width = this.field_size + "px"; this.pTitleCell = r.insertCell(-1); this.pTitle = this.pTitleCell.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bx-listtitle", unselectable: "on"}, text: this.title || "", style: {width: (this.field_size - 24) + "px"}})); BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bx-listbutton', unselectable: "on"}, html: ' '}); this.pWnd.onmouseover = BX.proxy(this.OnMouseOver, this); this.pWnd.onmouseout = BX.proxy(this.OnMouseOut, this); this.pWnd.onclick = BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this); this.Create(); if (this.values) this.SetValues(this.values); if(this._OnInit && typeof this._OnInit == 'function') this._OnInit(); if(this.OnInit && this.OnInit() == false) return false; return true; }, Create: function () { if (!BXPopupWindow.bCreated) BXPopupWindow.Create(); this.pPopupNode = BXPopupWindow.pDocument.body.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bx-list-cont"}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex}}, BXPopupWindow.pDocument)); this.bCreated = true; this.pPopupNode.style.width = this.width + "px"; this.pPopupNode.style.height = this.height + "px"; this.pDropDownList = this.pPopupNode.appendChild(BX.create("TABLE", {props: {className: "bx-list-popup-tbl", unselectable: 'on'}}, BXPopupWindow.pDocument)); }, OnClick: function (e) { if(this.disabled) return false; if (this.bOpened) return this.Close(); this.Open(); this.ShowPopup(true); }, ShowPopup: function(bOpen) { var pFrame = BXPopupWindow.pFrame; if (bOpen) { pFrame.height = "1px"; pFrame.width = this.field_size + "px"; } var _this = this, curHeight = bOpen ? 1 : parseInt(pFrame.height), curWidth = bOpen ? this.field_size : parseInt(pFrame.width), count = 0, timeInt = BX.browser.IsIE() ? 1 : 8, maxHeight = 0, maxWidth = this.width, dx = 20, dy = BX.browser.IsIE() ? 20 : 10; if (this.Interval) clearInterval(this.Interval); BX.addClass(_this.pPopupNode, "bx-list-cont-vis-ef"); this.Interval = setInterval(function() { if (bOpen) { if (maxHeight == 0) { maxHeight = parseInt(_this.pDropDownList.offsetHeight); if (_this.maxHeight && maxHeight >= _this.maxHeight) maxHeight = _this.maxHeight; } curHeight += Math.round(dy * count); curWidth += Math.round(dx * count); if (curWidth > maxWidth) curWidth = maxWidth; if (curHeight > maxHeight) { BX.removeClass(_this.pPopupNode, "bx-list-cont-vis-ef"); clearInterval(_this.Interval); if (BX.browser.IsIE()) _this.pDropDownList.style.width = (parseInt(_this.pDropDownList.offsetWidth) - 2) + "px"; curHeight = parseInt(_this.pDropDownList.offsetHeight); if (_this.maxHeight && curHeight >= _this.maxHeight) curHeight = _this.maxHeight; } } else { curHeight -= Math.round(dy * count); curWidth -= Math.round(dx * count); if (curWidth < _this.field_size) curWidth = _this.field_size; if (curHeight < 0) { BX.removeClass(_this.pPopupNode, "bx-list-cont-vis-ef"); _this._Close(); curHeight = 0; clearInterval(_this.Interval); } } pFrame.width = _this.pPopupNode.style.width = curWidth + 'px'; pFrame.height = _this.pPopupNode.style.height = curHeight + 'px'; count++; }, timeInt ); }, Open: function () { var pOverlay = this.pMainObj.oTransOverlay.Show(), pos = BX.pos(this.pWnd), _this = this; BX.bind(document, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); BX.bind(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); oPrevRange = BXGetSelectionRange(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, this.pMainObj.pEditorWindow); pOverlay.onclick = function(){_this.Close()}; if(this.bSetGlobalStyles) BXPopupWindow.SetStyles(this.CSS); else BXPopupWindow.SetStyles(this.CSS + "\n\n" + this.pMainObj.oStyles.sStyles, false); BXPopupWindow.Show({ top: pos.top + (BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsDoctype() ? 17 : 19), left: pos.left + (BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsDoctype() ? -2 : 0), node: this.pPopupNode, width: this.width, height: this.height }); this.bOpened = true; }, Close: function () { this.ShowPopup(false); }, _Close: function () { BXPopupWindow.Hide(); this.pPopupNode.style.display = 'none'; this.pMainObj.oTransOverlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(document, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); BX.unbind(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); this.bOpened = false; }, OnKey: function (e) { if(!e) e = window.event; if(e.keyCode == 27 && this.bOpened) this.Close(); }, SetValues: function (values) { if (typeof values == 'object') this.values = values; BX.cleanNode(this.pDropDownList); var c, item, _this = this, i, l = this.values.length; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { this.values[i].index = i; c = this.pDropDownList.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1); item = c.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bx-list-item", title: this.values[i].name}}, BXPopupWindow.pDocument)); item.innerHTML = this.OnDrawItem ? this.OnDrawItem(this.values[i]) : this.values[i].name; item.value = this.values[i]; if(this.bSetFontSize) item.style.fontSize = "12px"; item.onmouseover = function (e){BX.addClass(this, "bx-list-item-over");}; item.onmouseout = function (e){BX.removeClass(this, "bx-list-item-over");}; item.onclick = function () { if (oPrevRange) BXSelectRange(oPrevRange, _this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, _this.pMainObj.pEditorWindow); _this.Close(); _this._OnChange(this.value); _this.FireChangeEvent(); }; } if (this.bAdminConfigure && false) { c = this.pDropDownList.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1); c.className = "bx-list-conf-cell"; var pConf = c.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {className: "bx-list-conf-link", title: BX_MESS.ListConfigTitle, href: "javascript:void(0);"}, text: BX_MESS.ListConfig}, BXPopupWindow.pDocument)); pConf.onclick = function() { _this.Close(); } } }, _OnChangeView: function (mode, split_mode) { mode = (mode=='split'?split_mode:mode); this.Disable(mode=='code'); }, OnChangeView: function (mode, split_mode) { this._OnChangeView(mode, split_mode); }, Disable: function(flag) { if(this.disabled == flag) return false; this.disabled = flag; if(flag) BX.addClass(this.pWnd, "bx-list-disabled"); else BX.removeClass(this.pWnd, "bx-list-disabled"); }, FireChangeEvent: function() { if(this.OnChange) this.OnChange(this.arSelected); }, _OnChange: function (selected) { this.Select(selected["index"]); }, SetValue: function(val) { if(!this.pTitle) return; this.pTitle.innerHTML = val || this.title || ''; }, OnMouseOver: function(e) { if(!this.disabled) BX.addClass(this.pWnd, "bx-list-over"); }, OnMouseOut: function(e) { if(!this.disabled) BX.removeClass(this.pWnd, "bx-list-over"); }, Select: function(v) { if(this.iSelectedIndex == v || v >= this.values.length) return; var sel = this.values[v]; this.iSelectedIndex = v; this.arSelected = sel; this.SetValue(sel["name"]); }, SelectByVal: function(val, bAddIfNotList) { if(val) { var i, l = this.values.length; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { if(this.values[i].value == val) return this.Select(i); } if (bAddIfNotList) { var ind = this.values.length; this.values.push({name: val, value: val}); this.SetValues(this.values); if (this.CreateListRow) this.additionalClass = val; return this.Select(ind); } } else { this.SetValue(this.title || ''); this.iSelectedIndex = -1; } }, OnToolbarChangeDirection: function (bVertical) { if(bVertical) { this.pWnd.style.width = "18px"; this.pTitleCell.style.visibility = "hidden"; } else { this.pWnd.style.width = this.field_size; this.pTitleCell.style.visibility = "inherit"; } //this.pWnd.className = 'bx-list'; } }; // BXStyleList - class function BXStyleList(){} BXStyleList.prototype = new BXEdList; BXStyleList.prototype._OnInit = function() { this.pMainObj.AddEventHandler("OnTemplateChanged", this.FillList, this); this.FillList(); } BXStyleList.prototype.FillList = function() { var i, j, arStyles, l; BX.cleanNode(this.pDropDownList); if(!this.filter) this._SetFilter(); this.values = []; if(!this.tag_name) this.tag_name = ''; //"clear style" item this.CreateListRow('', BX_MESS.DeleteStyleOpt, {value: '', name: BX_MESS.DeleteStyleOptTitle}); var style_title, counter = 0, arStyleTitle = this.pMainObj.arTemplateParams["STYLES_TITLE"]; // other styles for(i = 0, l = this.filter.length; i < l; i++) { arStyles = this.pMainObj.oStyles.GetStyles(this.filter[i]); for(j = 0; j < arStyles.length; j++) { if(arStyles[j].className == '') continue; if(this.pMainObj.arTemplateParams && arStyleTitle && arStyleTitle[arStyles[j].className]) style_title = arStyleTitle[arStyles[j].className] ; else if(!this.pMainObj.arConfig["bUseOnlyDefinedStyles"]) style_title = arStyles[j].className; else continue; this.CreateListRow(arStyles[j].className, style_title, {value: arStyles[j].className, name: style_title}); counter++; } } if (this.additionalClass) this.CreateListRow(this.additionalClass, this.additionalClass, {value: this.additionalClass, name: this.additionalClass}); if (this.deleteIfNoItems) this.pWnd.style.display = (counter == 0) ? "none" : "block"; }; BXStyleList.prototype.CreateListRow = function(className, name, value) { value.index = this.values.length; var _this = this, c = this.pDropDownList.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1), itemTable = c.appendChild(BX.create("TABLE", {props: {className: "bx-list-item", title: name, unselectable: "on"}}, BXPopupWindow.pDocument)), itemRow = itemTable.insertRow(-1), itemCell = itemRow.insertCell(-1); itemCell.innerHTML = name; if(this.bSetFontSize) itemCell.style.fontSize = "12px"; if (this.pMainObj.bRenderStyleList) { switch(this.tag_name.toUpperCase()) { case "TD": itemCell.className = className; break; case "TABLE": itemTable.className = className; break; case "TR": itemRow.className = className; break; default: itemCell.innerHTML = '<span class="' + className + '">'+name+'</span>'; } } itemTable.value = value; itemTable.onmouseover = function (e){BX.addClass(this, "bx-list-item-over");}; itemTable.onmouseout = function (e){BX.removeClass(this, "bx-list-item-over");}; itemTable.onclick = function (e) { _this.Close(); _this._OnChange(this.value); _this.FireChangeEvent(); if(this.value.value=='') _this.SelectByVal(); }; this.values.push(value); }; BXStyleList.prototype.OnChange = function(arSelected) { this.pMainObj.WrapSelectionWith("SPAN", {props: {className: arSelected["value"]}}); }; BXStyleList.prototype._SetFilter = function() { this.filter = ["DEFAULT"]; }; BXStyleList.prototype.OptimizeSelection = function(params) { var arNodes = params.nodes, node, i, l = arNodes.length; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { node = arNodes[i]; // Check parrent nodes if (node.parentNode) { } // Check child nodes this.CleanChildsClass(node); } }, BXStyleList.prototype.RemoveClass = function(pElement, params) { if(!pElement) return; var bFind = false, tag; while(!bFind) { if (!pElement) break; if (pElement.nodeType == 1) { tag = pElement.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (tag == 'span' || tag == 'font' && pElement.className) { bFind = true; break; } } pElement = pElement.parentNode; } if (bFind) { pElement.className = ''; pElement.removeAttribute('class'); if (this.CheckNodeAttributes(pElement)) BXCutNode(pElement); // Clean childs this.CleanChildsClass(pElement); } }, BXStyleList.prototype.CleanChildsClass = function(node) { CheckChilds(node, {func: function(node) { if (node.nodeType != 1) return; var tag = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (tag == 'span' || tag == 'font' && node.className != "") { node.className = ''; node.removeAttribute('class'); if (this.CheckNodeAttributes(node)) BXCutNode(node); } } , obj: this}); }, BXStyleList.prototype.CheckNodeAttributes = function(node) { var bClean = node.attributes.length <= 0; if (!bClean) { var bAtrExists = false, val, name, j, n = node.attributes.length, checkableAttributes = { title: true, id: true, name: true, style: true }; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { val = BX.util.trim(node.attributes[j].value); name = node.attributes[j].name.toString().toLowerCase(); if (checkableAttributes[name] && val != "" && val != "null") { bAtrExists = true; break; } } if (!bAtrExists) bClean = true; } return bClean; } function BXTransOverlay(arParams) { this.id = 'lhe_trans_overlay'; this.zIndex = arParams.zIndex || 100; } BXTransOverlay.prototype = { Create: function () { this.bCreated = true; this.bShowed = false; var windowSize = BX.GetWindowScrollSize(); this.pWnd = document.body.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {id: this.id, className: "bxed-trans-overlay"}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex, width: windowSize.scrollWidth + "px", height: windowSize.scrollHeight + "px"}})); this.pWnd.ondrag = BX.False; this.pWnd.onselectstart = BX.False; }, Show: function(arParams) { if (!this.bCreated) this.Create(); this.bShowed = true; var windowSize = BX.GetWindowScrollSize(); this.pWnd.style.display = 'block'; this.pWnd.style.width = windowSize.scrollWidth + "px"; this.pWnd.style.height = windowSize.scrollHeight + "px"; if (!arParams) arParams = {}; if (arParams.zIndex) this.pWnd.style.zIndex = arParams.zIndex; BX.bind(window, "resize", BX.proxy(this.Resize, this)); return this.pWnd; }, Hide: function () { if (!this.bShowed) return; this.bShowed = false; this.pWnd.style.display = 'none'; BX.unbind(window, "resize", BX.proxy(this.Resize, this)); this.pWnd.onclick = null; }, Resize: function () { if (this.bCreated) this.pWnd.style.width = BX.GetWindowScrollSize().scrollWidth + "px"; } }; function BXEdColorPicker() { this.disabled = false; this.bCreated = false; this.bOpened = false; this.zIndex = 2090; this.arColors = [ '#FF0000', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00', '#00FFFF', '#0000FF', '#FF00FF', '#FFFFFF', '#EBEBEB', '#E1E1E1', '#D7D7D7', '#CCCCCC', '#C2C2C2', '#B7B7B7', '#ACACAC', '#A0A0A0', '#959595', '#EE1D24', '#FFF100', '#00A650', '#00AEEF', '#2F3192', '#ED008C', '#898989', '#7D7D7D', '#707070', '#626262', '#555', '#464646', '#363636', '#262626', '#111', '#000000', '#F7977A', '#FBAD82', '#FDC68C', '#FFF799', '#C6DF9C', '#A4D49D', '#81CA9D', '#7BCDC9', '#6CCFF7', '#7CA6D8', '#8293CA', '#8881BE', '#A286BD', '#BC8CBF', '#F49BC1', '#F5999D', '#F16C4D', '#F68E54', '#FBAF5A', '#FFF467', '#ACD372', '#7DC473', '#39B778', '#16BCB4', '#00BFF3', '#438CCB', '#5573B7', '#5E5CA7', '#855FA8', '#A763A9', '#EF6EA8', '#F16D7E', '#EE1D24', '#F16522', '#F7941D', '#FFF100', '#8FC63D', '#37B44A', '#00A650', '#00A99E', '#00AEEF', '#0072BC', '#0054A5', '#2F3192', '#652C91', '#91278F', '#ED008C', '#EE105A', '#9D0A0F', '#A1410D', '#A36209', '#ABA000', '#588528', '#197B30', '#007236', '#00736A', '#0076A4', '#004A80', '#003370', '#1D1363', '#450E61', '#62055F', '#9E005C', '#9D0039', '#790000', '#7B3000', '#7C4900', '#827A00', '#3E6617', '#045F20', '#005824', '#005951', '#005B7E', '#003562', '#002056', '#0C004B', '#30004A', '#4B0048', '#7A0045', '#7A0026' ]; 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cell.onmouseover = function (e) { this.className = 'bx-col-cell bx-col-cell-over'; colorCell.style.backgroundColor = _this.arColors[this.id.substring('bx_color_'.length)]; }; cell.onmouseout = function (e){this.className = 'bx-col-cell';}; cell.onclick = function(e){_this.Select(_this.arColors[this.id.substring('bx_color_'.length)]);}; } this.pColCont.appendChild(tbl); this.bCreated = true; }, OnClick: function (e, pEl) { if(this.disabled) return false; if (!this.bCreated) this.Create(); if (this.bOpened) return this.Close(); this.Open(); }, Open: function () { var pOverlay = this.pMainObj.oTransOverlay.Show(), pos = BX.align(BX.pos(this.pIcon), 325, 155), _this = this; BX.bind(document, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); BX.bind(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); oPrevRange = BXGetSelectionRange(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, this.pMainObj.pEditorWindow); pOverlay.onclick = function(){_this.Close()}; this.pColCont.style.display = 'block'; this.pColCont.style.top = pos.top + 'px'; 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this.Disable(mode == 'code'); }, Disable: function(bFlag) { if(bFlag == this.disabled) return false; this.disabled = this.pIcon.disabled = bFlag; if(bFlag) BX.addClass(this.pIcon, 'bxedtbutton-disabled'); else BX.removeClass(this.pIcon, 'bxedtbutton-disabled'); }, SetValue: function(val) { if(this.pInput) this.pInput.value = val; } }; // BXTAlignPicker - class function BXTAlignPicker() { this.disabled = false; this.bCreated = false; this.bOpened = false; this.zIndex = 2090; this.arIcon = ["tl", "tc", "tr", "cl", "cc", "cr", "bl", "bc", "br"]; this.arIconH = ["left", "center", "right"]; this.arIconV = ["top", "middle", "bottom"]; this.arIconName = [ BX_MESS.TAlign1, BX_MESS.TAlign2, BX_MESS.TAlign3, BX_MESS.TAlign4, BX_MESS.TAlign5, BX_MESS.TAlign6, BX_MESS.TAlign7, BX_MESS.TAlign8, BX_MESS.TAlign9]; } BXTAlignPicker.prototype = { _Create: function () { this.pWnd = BX.create("TABLE", {props: {className: 'bx-ed-alignpicker'}}); var _this = this, row = this.pWnd.insertRow(-1), cell = row.insertCell(-1); this.pIcon = cell.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props: {id: 'bx_btn_align_tl', src: one_gif_src, className: "bxedtbutton"}, style: {border: '1px solid '+borderColorNormal, backgroundImage: "url(" + image_path + "/_global_iconkit.gif)"}})); if (this.title) this.pIcon.title = this.title; this.pIcon.onclick = function(e){_this.OnClick(e, this)}; this.pIcon.onmouseover = function (e){BX.addClass(this, "bxedtbuttonover");}; this.pIcon.onmouseout = function (e){BX.removeClass(this, "bxedtbuttonover");}; }, Create: function () { this.pPopupNode = document.body.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bx-alpick-cont"}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex}})); var _this = this, row, cell, j, but, tbl = this.pPopupNode.appendChild(BX.create("TABLE", {props: {className: 'bx-alpic-tbl'}})), i; row = tbl.insertRow(-1); cell = BX.adjust(row.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bx-alpic-default', colSpan: 3}, html: '<nobr>' + BX_MESS.TAlignDef + '</nobr>'}); cell.onmouseover = function (e) {BX.addClass(this, "bxedtbuttonover");}; cell.onmouseout = function (e){BX.removeClass(this, "bxedtbuttonover");}; cell.onclick = function (e){_this._OnChange('', ''); _this.Close();}; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { row = tbl.insertRow(-1); for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { cell = row.insertCell(-1); cell.className = 'bx-alpic-but'; if(this.type != 'image' || i == 1 || j == 1) { but = cell.appendChild(BXPopupWindow.CreateElement("DIV", {id: 'bx_btn_align_'+this.arIcon[i * 3 + j], className: 'bxedtbutton', title: this.arIconName[i * 3 + j]}, {border: '1px solid '+borderColorNormal, backgroundImage: "url(" + global_iconkit_path + ")"})); if(this.type == 'image') { but.val = j==1 ? this.arIconV[i] : this.arIconH[j]; but.onclick = function (e){_this._OnChangeI(this.val); _this.Close();}; } else { but.valH = this.arIconH[j]; but.valV = this.arIconV[i]; but.onclick = function (e){_this._OnChange(this.valH, this.valV); _this.Close();}; } but.onmouseover = function (e){BX.addClass(this, "bxedtbuttonover");}; but.onmouseout = function (e){BX.removeClass(this, "bxedtbuttonover");}; } } } this.bCreated = true; }, Open: function () { var pOverlay = this.pMainObj.oTransOverlay.Show(), pos = BX.align(BX.pos(this.pIcon), 91, 102), _this = this; BX.bind(document, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); BX.bind(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); oPrevRange = BXGetSelectionRange(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, this.pMainObj.pEditorWindow); pOverlay.onclick = function(){_this.Close()}; this.pPopupNode.style.display = 'block'; this.pPopupNode.style.top = pos.top + 'px'; this.pPopupNode.style.left = pos.left + 'px'; this.bOpened = true; }, Close: function () { this.pPopupNode.style.display = 'none'; this.pMainObj.oTransOverlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(document, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); BX.unbind(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); this.bOpened = false; }, _OnChange: function (valH, valV) { if(this.OnChange) this.OnChange(valH, valV); this.SetValue(valH, valV); }, _OnChangeI: function (val) { if(this.OnChange) this.OnChange(val); this.SetValueI(val); }, SetValue: function(valH, valV) { if(this.type == 'image') return this.SetValueI(valH); for(var j = 0; j < 3; j++) if(this.arIconH[j] == valH) break; for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) if(this.arIconV[i] == valV) break; if(i > 2) i = 1; if(j > 2) j=0; this.pIcon.id = "bx_btn_align_"+this.arIcon[i * 3 + j]; this.pIcon.title = this.arIconName[i * 3 + j]; return i * 3 + j; }, SetValueI: function(val) { var i, j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) if(this.arIconV[i] == val) { j = 1; break; } if(j != 1) for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) if(this.arIconH[j] == val) { i = 1; break; } if(i > 2) i=1; if(j > 2) j=0; this.pIcon.id = "bx_btn_align_"+this.arIcon[i * 3 + j]; this.pIcon.title = this.arIconName[i * 3 + j]; return i * 3 + j; }, OnClick: function (e) { if(this.disabled) return false; if (!this.bCreated) this.Create(); if (this.bOpened) return this.Close(); this.Open(); }, OnKey: function(e) { if (this.bOpened) { if(!e) e = window.event if(e.keyCode == 27) this.Close(); } } }; // function BXGroupedButton() // { // this.disabled = false; // this.bCreated = false; // this.bOpened = false; // this.zIndex = 2090; // } // BXGroupedButton.prototype = { // _Create: function() // { // var _this = this; // this.pWnd = BX.create("IMG", {props: {className: 'bxedtbutton', src: one_gif_src, id: "bx_btn_" + this.id}, style: {backgroundImage: "url(" + global_iconkit_path + ")"}}); // this.pWnd.onmouseover = function(e) // { // if(!this.disabled) // BX.addClass(this, 'bxedtbutton-over'); // }; // this.pWnd.onmouseout = function(e) // { // if(!this.disabled) // BX.removeClass(this, 'bxedtbutton-over'); // }; // this.pWnd.onclick = BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this); // this.pPopupNode = document.body.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bx-but-group"}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex}})); // this.bCreated = true; // this.pPopupNode.style.height = ((this.buttons.length - 1) * 20) + "px"; // var i, l = this.buttons.length, pBut; // for (i = 0; i < l; i++) // { // //pBut = this.pMainObj.CreateCustomElement("BXButton", arButton[1]); // //this.pPopupNode.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bx-g-tlbr-but"}})).appendChild(pBut.pWnd); // } // // if(!this.no_actions || this.no_actions != true) // for context menu // // { // //if (this.defaultState) // // this.Check(true); // // addCustomElementEvent(this.pWnd, 'click', this.OnClick, this); // // this.pMainObj.AddEventHandler("OnSelectionChange", this._OnSelectionChange, this); // // this.pMainObj.AddEventHandler("OnChangeView", this.OnChangeView, this); // //} // }, // // _OnChangeView: function (mode, split_mode) // // { // // mode = (mode == 'split' ? split_mode : mode); // // if(mode == 'code' && !this.codeEditorMode || (mode=='html' && this.hideInHtmlEditorMode)) // // { // // this._prevDisabledState = this.pWnd.disabled; // // this.Disable(true); // // } // // else if(mode == 'code' && this.codeEditorMode || (this.hideInHtmlEditorMode && mode != 'html')) // // this.Disable(false); // // else if(!this.codeEditorMode) // // this.Disable(this._prevDisabledState); // // }, // OnChangeView: function (mode, split_mode) // { // //this._OnChangeView(mode, split_mode); // }, // OnClick: function (e) // { // if(this.disabled) // return false; // if (this.bOpened) // return this.Close(); // this.Open(); // }, // Open: function () // { // var // pOverlay = this.pMainObj.oTransOverlay.Show(), // pos = BX.pos(this.pWnd), // _this = this; // //BX.bind(document, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); // //BX.bind(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); // oPrevRange = BXGetSelectionRange(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, this.pMainObj.pEditorWindow); // pOverlay.onclick = function(){_this.Close()}; // this.pPopupNode.style.top = pos.top + (BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsDoctype() ? 17 : 19); // this.pPopupNode.style.left = pos.left + (BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsDoctype() ? -2 : 0); // this.pPopupNode.style.display = 'block'; // // BXPopupWindow.Show({ // // top: pos.top + (BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsDoctype() ? 17 : 19), // // left: pos.left + (BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsDoctype() ? -2 : 0), // // node: this.pPopupNode, // // width: this.width, // // height: this.height // // }); // this.bOpened = true; // }, // Close: function () // { // this._Close(); // }, // _Close: function () // { // this.pPopupNode.style.display = 'none'; // this.pMainObj.oTransOverlay.Hide(); // //BX.unbind(document, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); // //BX.unbind(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, "keyup", BX.proxy(this.OnKey, this)); // this.bOpened = false; // }, // OnKey: function (e) // { // if(!e) // e = window.event // if(e.keyCode == 27 && this.bOpened) // this.Close(); // } // } function BXDialog() {} BXDialog.prototype = { _Create: function() { var _this = this; this.pMainObj._DisplaySourceFrame(true); if(!this.params || typeof(this.params) != "object") this.params = {}; this.params.pMainObj = this.pMainObj; pObj = window.pObj = this; oPrevRange = BXGetSelectionRange(this.pMainObj.pEditorDocument, this.pMainObj.pEditorWindow); var ShowResult = function(result, bFastMode) { BX.closeWait(); if (window.oBXEditorDialog && window.oBXEditorDialog.isOpen) return false; var arDConfig = { title : _this.name, width: _this.width, height: 300, resizable: false }; if (bFastMode) { if (result.title) arDConfig.title = result.title; if (result.width) arDConfig.width = result.width; if (result.height) arDConfig.height = result.height; if (result.resizable) { arDConfig.resizable = true; arDConfig.min_width = result.min_width; arDConfig.min_height = result.min_height; arDConfig.resize_id = result.resize_id; } } window.oBXEditorDialog = new BX.CEditorDialog(arDConfig); window.oBXEditorDialog.editorParams = _this.params; BX.addCustomEvent(window.oBXEditorDialog, 'onWindowUnRegister', function() { if (window.oBXEditorDialog && window.oBXEditorDialog.DIV && window.oBXEditorDialog.DIV.parentNode) window.oBXEditorDialog.DIV.parentNode.removeChild(window.oBXEditorDialog.DIV); }); if (bFastMode) { window.oBXEditorDialog.Show(); window.oBXEditorDialog.SetContent(result.innerHTML); if (result.OnLoad && typeof result.OnLoad == 'function') result.OnLoad(); } } BX.showWait(); var potRes = this.GetFastDialog(); if (potRes !== false) return ShowResult(potRes, true); var addUrl = (this.params.PHPGetParams ? this.params.PHPGetParams : '') + '&mode=public' + '&sessid=' + BX.bitrix_sessid() + (this.not_use_default ? '¬_use_default=Y' : ''), handler = this.handler ? '/bitrix/admin/' + this.handler : editor_dialog_path, url = handler + '?lang=' + BXLang + '&bxpublic=Y&site=' + BXSite + '&name=' + this.name + addUrl; if (_this.params.bUseTabControl) { BX.closeWait(); window.oBXEditorDialog = new BX.CAdminDialog({ title : _this.name, content_url: url, width: _this.width, resizable: false }); window.oBXEditorDialog.bUseTabControl = true; window.oBXEditorDialog.Show(); } else { // hack to loading auth url += '&bxsender=core_window_cadmindialog'; BX.ajax.post(url, {}, ShowResult); } }, Close: function(){}, GetFastDialog: function() { return window.arEditorFastDialogs[this.name] ? window.arEditorFastDialogs[this.name](this) : false; } } BXHTMLEditor.prototype.OpenEditorDialog = function(dialogName, obj, width, arParams, notUseDefaultButtons) { this.CreateCustomElement("BXDialog", {width: parseInt(width) || 500, name: dialogName, params: arParams || {}, not_use_default: notUseDefaultButtons}); }