Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/image_uploader/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/image_uploader/bximageuploader.js |
(function(window) { window.BXUploader = function(Params) { this.type = Params.type == 'flash' ? 'flash' : 'applet'; this.id = Params.id; this.arGuids = {}; this.Watermark = new WatermarkData(this); } window.BXUploader.prototype = { enableExtendedUploadPane: function(bxp, config) { var _this = this; bxp.events.beforeUpload.push(this.exUploaderOnBeforeUpload); bxp.events.uploadFileCountChange.push(this.exUploaderOnUploadFileCountChange); bxp.events.initComplete.push(function(){ if (_this.uploadPane) _this.uploadPane.style.display = "block"; }); this.extendedUploadPaneConfig = config; BX.ready(function() { _this.uploadPane = BX(_this.id + '_UploadPane'); _this.uploadPaneCount = 0; // In Safari java applets are not good in scroll. if (_this.uploadPane && BX.browser.IsSafari()) _this.uploadPane.style.height = "auto"; } ); return bxp; }, exUploaderOnUploadFileCountChange: function() { var _this = window['oBXUploaderHandler_' + this.id()], f = this.files(), fileCount = f.count(), guids = {}, i, l, div, guid; if (fileCount < _this.uploadPaneCount) { // Files are being removed // Get upload file guids for (i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) guids[f.get(i).guid() + ''] = true; for (i = 0, l = _this.uploadPane.childNodes.length; i < l; i++) { div = _this.uploadPane.childNodes[i]; if (div.tagName && div.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'div' && div.id.substr(0, 'bxitem_'.length) == 'bxitem_') { guid = _this.arGuids[div.id.substr('bxitem_'.length)]; if (!guids[guid]) div.parentNode.removeChild(div); } } } else if (fileCount > _this.uploadPaneCount) { // Files are being added for (i = _this.uploadPaneCount; i < fileCount; i++) _this.addItemToUploadPane(this, i); } _this.uploadPaneCount = fileCount; }, exUploaderOnBeforeUpload: function() { var i, l, thumbId, title, div, _this = window['oBXUploaderHandler_' + this.id()]; for (i = 0, l = _this.uploadPane.childNodes.length; i < l; i++) { div = _this.uploadPane.childNodes[i]; if (div.tagName && div.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'div' && div.id.substr(0, 'bxitem_'.length) == 'bxitem_') { thumbId = div.id.substr('bxitem_'.length); //Title will be sent as a custom Title_N POST field, where N is an index of the file if (_this.extendedUploadPaneConfig.showTitle) { title = BX(thumbId + '_title').value; this.metadata().addCustomField('Title_' + i, title, false); } //Description will be sent as a native Description POST field provided by Image Uploader. if (_this.extendedUploadPaneConfig.showDesc) this.files().get(i).description(BX(thumbId + '_desc').value); //Tags will be sent as a native Tag POST field provided by Image Uploader. if (_this.extendedUploadPaneConfig.showTags) this.files().get(i).tag(BX(thumbId + '_tags').value); } } }, addItemToUploadPane: function(uploader, index) { var file = uploader.files().get(index), guid = file.guid(), thumbId = 'Thumbnail_' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000) + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000); // Create new thumbnail control var thumbnail = $au.thumbnail({ id: thumbId, width: '100px', height: '100px', parentControlName: uploader.id(), guid: guid, javaControl: {codeBase: uploader.javaControl().codeBase()}, activeXControl: { codeBase: uploader.activeXControl().codeBase(), codeBase64: uploader.activeXControl().codeBase64() } }); this.arGuids[thumbId] = guid; var _this = this, r,c, thumbCell, rowSpan = 0, pCntrl = false, pItem = this.uploadPane.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bx-iu-ex-item", id: 'bxitem_' + thumbId}})), pTable = pItem.appendChild(BX.create("table")); r = pTable.insertRow(-1); thumbCell = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bx-iu-ex-thumb'}, html: thumbnail.getHtml()}); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {}}); if (this.extendedUploadPaneConfig.showTitle) { c.appendChild(BX.create("label", {attrs: {'for': thumbId + '_title'}, text: 'Title:'})); pCntrl = c.appendChild(BX.create("input", {props: {type: 'text', id: thumbId + '_title', value: file.name()}})); pCntrl.onfocus = function(){this.select();}; rowSpan++; c = pTable.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1); } if (this.extendedUploadPaneConfig.showDesc) { c.appendChild(BX.create("label", {attrs: {'for': thumbId + '_desc'}, text: 'Description: '})); c.appendChild(BX.create("textarea", {props: {id: thumbId + '_desc', rows: 2}, text: file.description()})); rowSpan++; c = pTable.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1); } if (this.extendedUploadPaneConfig.showTags) { c.appendChild(BX.create("label", {attrs: {'for': thumbId + '_tags'}, text: 'Tags:'})); c.appendChild(BX.create("input", {props: {type: 'text', id: thumbId + '_tags', value: file.tag()}})); rowSpan++; } if (rowSpan > 1) thumbCell.rowSpan = rowSpan; var pClose = pItem.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bx-iu-ex-item-close', id: 'bxclose_' + thumbId}})); pClose.onclick = function() { // Remove item only from upload pane. // Removing file from upload pane triggers UploadFileCountChange, // where we remove list item element. var guid = _this.arGuids[this.id.substr('bxclose_'.length)]; var files = uploader.files(); for (var i = 0, imax = files.count(); i < imax; i++) { if (BX.util.trim(guid) == BX.util.trim(files.get(i).guid())) { files.remove(i); break; } } }; }, enableWatermark: function(bxp, config) { this.watermarkConfig = config; // Current values of watermark params this.Watermark.use = config.values.use; this.Watermark.type = config.values.type; this.Watermark.text = config.values.text; this.Watermark.color = config.values.color; this.Watermark.position = config.values.position; this.Watermark.size = config.values.size; this.Watermark.file = config.values.file; bxp.events.beforeUpload.push(this.watermarkOnBeforeUpload); return bxp; }, watermarkOnBeforeUpload: function() { var length = this.converters().count(), i, _this = window['oBXUploaderHandler_' + this.id()]; if (_this.Watermark.Using() != 'Y') return; _this.Watermark.WatermarkConfig(_this.watermarkConfig); var path, text, size, w, h, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, font, watermarkFormat = '', offset = 10; // For each converter for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i == 1) // For thumbnail we don't need in watermarks continue; watermarkFormat = 'OffsetX=' + offset + ';OffsetY=' + offset + ';'; // Position watermarkFormat += 'Position=' + _this.Watermark.Position() + ';'; // Opacity if (_this.Watermark.Opacity() > 0 && _this.Watermark.Opacity() < 100) watermarkFormat += 'Opacity=' + _this.Watermark.Opacity() + ';'; thumbWidth = this.converters().get(i).thumbnailWidth(); thumbHeight = this.converters().get(i).thumbnailHeight(); if (_this.Watermark.Type() == 'image' || _this.Watermark.Type() == 'picture') { path = _this.Watermark.File(); if (!path) return; watermarkFormat += 'ImageUrl=' + path + ';'; size = _this.Watermark.Size(); var fileWidth = _this.Watermark.FileWidth(); var fileHeight = _this.Watermark.FileHeight(); w = fileWidth; h = fileHeight; if (size == 'big') { w = Math.round(fileWidth * 0.75); h = Math.round(fileHeight * 0.75); } else if(size == 'middle') { w = Math.round(fileWidth * 0.5); h = Math.round(fileHeight * 0.5); } else if (size == 'small') { w = Math.round(fileWidth * 0.25); h = Math.round(fileHeight * 0.25); } watermarkFormat += 'Width=' + w + ';Height=' + h + ';'; } else { text = _this.Watermark.Text(); if (!text) return; if (_this.Watermark.Copyright()) text = String.fromCharCode(169) + " " + text; watermarkFormat += 'Text="' + text + '";'; size = _this.Watermark.Size(); if (size == 'big') { fontSize = Math.round(thumbWidth * 0.11); if (fontSize > 75) fontSize = 75; } else if(size == 'middle') { fontSize = Math.round(thumbWidth * 0.07); if (fontSize > 55) fontSize = 55; } else { fontSize = Math.round(thumbWidth * 0.035); if (fontSize < 9) fontSize = 9; if (fontSize > 20) fontSize = 20; } watermarkFormat += 'Size=' + fontSize + ';'; watermarkFormat += 'FillColor=' + _this.Watermark.Color() + ';'; watermarkFormat += 'Font=Arial;'; } this.converters().get(i).thumbnailWatermark(watermarkFormat); } }, SetOriginalSize: function(size) { if (!this.uploader) this.uploader = window[(this.type == 'flash' ? 'BXFIU_' : 'BXIU_') + this.id]; size = parseInt(size); if (size <= 0) size = 20000; this.uploader.converters().get(0).thumbnailWidth(size); this.uploader.converters().get(0).thumbnailHeight(size); this.SaveUserOption('original_size', size == 20000 ? 0 : size); }, SaveUserOption: function(option, value) { BX.userOptions.save('main', this.id, option, value); } }; function WatermarkData(oUploadHandler) { this.oUploadHandler = oUploadHandler; } WatermarkData.prototype = { WatermarkConfig: function(watermarkConfig) { this.watermarkConfig = watermarkConfig; }, Using: function(value, bSave) { if (this.watermarkConfig && this.watermarkConfig.rules == 'ALL') return 'Y'; if (typeof value == 'undefined') return this.use; this.use = value; if (bSave !== false) this.oUploadHandler.SaveUserOption('use', this.use ? 'Y' : 'N'); }, Type: function(value, bSave) { if (this.watermarkConfig && this.watermarkConfig.rules == 'ALL' && this.watermarkConfig.type) return this.watermarkConfig.type.toLowerCase(); if (typeof value == 'undefined') return this.type; else this.type = value; if (bSave !== false) this.oUploadHandler.SaveUserOption('type', this.type); }, Color: function(value, bSave) { if (this.watermarkConfig && this.watermarkConfig.rules == 'ALL' && this.watermarkConfig.color) return this.watermarkConfig.color; if (typeof value == 'undefined') return this.color; else this.color = value; if (bSave !== false) this.oUploadHandler.SaveUserOption('color', this.color); }, Size: function(value, bSave) { if (this.watermarkConfig && this.watermarkConfig.rules == 'ALL' && this.watermarkConfig.size) return this.watermarkConfig.size; if (typeof value == 'undefined') return this.size; else this.size = value; if (bSave !== false) this.oUploadHandler.SaveUserOption('size', this.size); }, Position: function(value, bSave) { if (this.watermarkConfig && this.watermarkConfig.rules == 'ALL' && this.watermarkConfig.position) return this.watermarkConfig.position; if (typeof value == 'undefined') return this.position; else this.position = value; if (bSave !== false) this.oUploadHandler.SaveUserOption('position', this.position); }, Text: function(value) { if (this.watermarkConfig && this.watermarkConfig.rules == 'ALL') return this.watermarkConfig.text; if (typeof value == 'undefined') return this.text; else this.text = value; }, File: function(value) { if (this.watermarkConfig && this.watermarkConfig.rules == 'ALL' && this.watermarkConfig.file) return this.watermarkConfig.file; if (typeof value == 'undefined') return this.file; else this.file = value; }, FileWidth: function(value) { if (this.watermarkConfig && this.watermarkConfig.rules == 'ALL' && this.watermarkConfig.fileWidth) return this.watermarkConfig.fileWidth; if (typeof value == 'undefined') return this.fileWidth; else this.fileWidth = value; }, FileHeight: function(value) { if (this.watermarkConfig && this.watermarkConfig.rules == 'ALL' && this.watermarkConfig.fileHeight) return this.watermarkConfig.fileHeight; if (typeof value == 'undefined') return this.fileHeight; else this.fileHeight = value; }, Opacity: function(value, bSave) { if (this.watermarkConfig && this.watermarkConfig.rules == 'ALL' && this.watermarkConfig.opacity) return this.watermarkConfig.opacity; if (typeof value == 'undefined') return this.opacity; else this.opacity = value; if (bSave !== false) this.oUploadHandler.SaveUserOption('opacity', this.opacity); }, Copyright: function(value, bSave) { if (this.watermarkConfig && this.watermarkConfig.rules == 'ALL' && this.watermarkConfig.copyright) return this.watermarkConfig.copyright; if (typeof value == 'undefined') return this.copyright; else this.copyright = value; if (bSave !== false) this.oUploadHandler.SaveUserOption('copyright', this.copyright); } } })(window);