Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/block_editor/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/block_editor/dialog.js |
function BXBlockEditorPreview(params) { this.init(params); } BXBlockEditorPreview.prototype.init = function(params) { this.url = params.url; this.site = params.site; this.previewContext = BX.findChildByClassName(params.context, 'bx-block-editor-preview-container', true); this.devicesContext = BX.findChildByClassName(this.previewContext, 'devices', true); this.iframePreview = BX.findChildByClassName(this.previewContext, 'preview-iframe', true); this.shadowNode = BX.findChild(this.previewContext, {className: 'shadow'}, true); var _this = this; this.deviceList = BX.findChildrenByClassName(this.devicesContext, 'device'); for(var i in this.deviceList) { var device = this.deviceList[i]; BX.bind(device, 'click', function(){ _this.changeDevice(this); }); } this.changeDevice(); var loadHandler = function() { BX.loadCSS( '/bitrix/js/fileman/block_editor/preview.css?r=' + Math.random(), this.contentDocument, this.contentWindow ); BX.removeClass(_this.shadowNode, 'active'); }; BX.ready(function() { BX.bind(_this.iframePreview, 'load', loadHandler); }); }; BXBlockEditorPreview.prototype.changeDevice = function(deviceNode) { if(!deviceNode) { deviceNode = this.deviceList[0]; } var width = deviceNode.getAttribute('data-bx-preview-device-width'); var height = deviceNode.getAttribute('data-bx-preview-device-height'); var className = deviceNode.getAttribute('data-bx-preview-device-class'); var classNameList = []; for(var i in this.deviceList) { var deviceNodeTmp = this.deviceList[i]; if(!deviceNodeTmp) { break; } if(deviceNodeTmp !== deviceNode) { BX.removeClass(deviceNodeTmp, 'active'); } classNameList.push(deviceNodeTmp.getAttribute('data-bx-preview-device-class')); } BX.addClass(deviceNode, 'active'); var frameWrapper = BX.findChildByClassName(this.previewContext, 'iframe-wrapper', true); if(frameWrapper) { BX.removeClass(frameWrapper, classNameList.join(' ')); BX.addClass(frameWrapper, className); } this.iframePreview.style.width = width + 'px'; this.iframePreview.style.height = height + 'px'; }; BXBlockEditorPreview.prototype.show = function(params) { params = params || {}; BX.addClass(this.shadowNode, 'active'); BX.removeClass(this.shadowNode, 'access-denied'); this.previewContext.style.display = 'block'; var frameDoc = this.iframePreview.contentDocument; frameDoc.body.innerHTML = '<div style="display: none;">' + '<form method="post">' + '<textarea name="content"></textarea>' + '<input type="hidden" name="sessid" value="' + BX.bitrix_sessid() +'">' + '</form>' + '</div>'; var input = frameDoc.body.querySelector('textarea'); input.textContent = params.content; var form = frameDoc.body.querySelector('form'); form.action = this.url; BX.submit(form); }; BXBlockEditorPreview.prototype.hide = function() { this.previewContext.style.display = 'none'; }; function BXBlockEditorDragDrop(params) { this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK_TYPE = 'data-bx-block-editor-block-type'; this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK_STATUS = 'data-bx-block-editor-block-status'; this.init(params); } BXBlockEditorDragDrop.prototype = { addItem: function(node) { this.dragdrop.addCatcher(node); this.dragdrop.addDragItem([node]); }, removeItem: function(node) { this.dragdrop.removeCatcher(node); }, init: function(params) { this.dragdrop = BX.DragDrop.create({ dragItemClassName: 'bx-block-editor-i-block-list-item', dropZoneList: [], dragStart: BX.delegate(function(eventObj, dragElement, event){ this.lastDragObject = null; this.dragEnterCounter = 0; for(var i in this.dragdrop.dropZoneNodeList) { BX.addClass(this.dragdrop.dropZoneNodeList[i], 'bx-dd-start'); } }, this), dragDrop: BX.delegate(function(catcherObj, dragElement, event){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onZoneLeave', [catcherObj]); var pos = BX.pos(catcherObj); var before = event.offsetY < pos.height / 2; var blockStatus = dragElement.getAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK_STATUS); if(blockStatus == 'blank') { var blockType = dragElement.getAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK_TYPE); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onItemAdd', [blockType, catcherObj, before]); } else { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onItemMove', [dragElement, catcherObj, before]); } }, this), dragOver: BX.delegate(function(catcherObj, dragElement, event) { var blockInside = BX.findChildByClassName(catcherObj, 'bx-block-inside', true); blockInside = blockInside || catcherObj; var pos = BX.pos(blockInside); if(event.offsetY < pos.height / 2) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onZoneEnter', [catcherObj, true]); } else { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onZoneEnter', [catcherObj, false]); } }, this), dragEnter: BX.delegate(function(catcherObj, dragElement, event) { if(catcherObj == event.target) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onZoneEnter', [catcherObj, true]); event.preventDefault(); } }, this), dragLeave: BX.delegate(function(catcherObj, dragElement, event) { if(catcherObj == event.target) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onZoneLeave', [catcherObj]); this.dragEnterCounter = 0; } }, this), dragEnd: BX.delegate(function(catcherObj, dragElement, event) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onZoneLeave', [catcherObj]); for(var i in this.dragdrop.dropZoneNodeList) { BX.removeClass(this.dragdrop.dropZoneNodeList[i], 'bx-dd-start'); } }, this) }); } }; function BXBlockEditorDialogFileInput(params) { this.isMultiImage = true; this.caller = params.caller; this.context = this.caller.context; this.id = params.id; this.fileInput = BX.UI.FileInput.getInstance('bx_file_' + this.id.toLowerCase()); this.fileList = []; BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onLinkControl-src', BX.delegate(this.onLink, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onSave', BX.delegate(this.onSave, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'loadSetting-src', BX.delegate(this.onLoadSetting, this)); } BXBlockEditorDialogFileInput.prototype = { getImages: function() { var itemList = this.fileInput.agent.getItems(); itemList.reset(); var item, ids = []; while ((item = itemList.getNext()) && item) { ids.push(item.id); } return ids.map(function (id) { var filtered = this.fileList.filter(function (file) { return (file.id == id && file.url); }); if (filtered.length > 0) { return filtered[filtered.length - 1].url; } else { return null; } }, this); }, setImages: function(pathList) { this.fileInput.deleteFiles(); this.fileDialogFiles = {}; // do not use framing when load images by link // save value of frame setting var frameFilesOldValue = this.fileInput.uploadParams["frameFiles"]; this.fileInput.uploadParams["frameFiles"] = "N"; for(var i in pathList) { var path = pathList[i]; var pathAr = path.split('/'); var filename = pathAr.pop(); var filedir = pathAr.join('/'); this.fileInput.handlerFileDialog(filename, filedir); } // restore old value of frame setting this.fileInput.uploadParams["frameFiles"] = frameFilesOldValue; }, onAgentChange: function(ctrlImage) { ctrlImage.value = this.getImages().join(','); BX.onCustomEvent(ctrlImage, 'onSettingChangeValue'); }, onLoadSetting: function(event) { //change multi or single mode of control by values from field in tool this.isMultiImage = !!event.params.multi; }, onLink: function(data) { var ctrl = data.ctrl; var code = data.code; var ctrlImage = ctrl; BX.addCustomEvent(ctrlImage, "onSettingLoadValue", BX.delegate(function() { var pathList = []; var pathListTmp = ctrlImage.value.split(','); for(var i in pathListTmp) { var pathListClean = pathListTmp[i].split('?'); pathList.push(pathListClean[0]); } this.setImages(pathList); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.fileInput.agent, "onAttachFiles", BX.delegate(function() { if(!this.isMultiImage) { this.semaphoreOnQueueIsChanged = true; this.fileInput.deleteFiles(); } }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.fileInput.agent, "onQueueIsChanged", BX.delegate(function() { if(!this.semaphoreOnQueueIsChanged) { this.onAgentChange(ctrlImage); } this.semaphoreOnQueueIsChanged = false; }, this)); this.onFileIsCreated = function(id, item) { this.semaphoreOnQueueIsChanged = true; if(item.file['tmp_url']) { this.fileList.push({ 'id': id, 'url': item.file['tmp_url'], 'path': item.file['tmp_url'] }); } if(BX.util.in_array(item['type'], ['image/filedialog', 'image/medialib'])) { BX.addCustomEvent(this.fileInput.agent, "onFileIsInited", BX.delegate(function() { this.onAgentChange(ctrlImage); }, this)); } BX.addCustomEvent(item, 'onUploadDone', BX.delegate(function(item, data) { var url = data.file.files.default.url; url += (url.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?') + 'r=' + Math.random(); this.fileList.push({ 'id': data.file.id, 'url': url, 'path': data.file.files.default.path }); this.onAgentChange(ctrlImage); }, this)); }; BX.addCustomEvent(this.fileInput.agent, "onFileIsCreated", BX.delegate(this.onFileIsCreated, this)); data.bind = false; }, onSave: function() { var isNeedToDoRequest = false; var fileContainer = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'adm-fileinput-area-container', true); var inputList = fileContainer.querySelectorAll('input[name^="NEW_FILE_EDITOR"]'); var postData = {}; for(var i in inputList) { if(inputList[i] && inputList[i].getAttribute) { var paramName = inputList[i].getAttribute('name'); var paramValue = inputList[i].value; postData[inputList[i].getAttribute('name')] = paramValue; if(paramName.indexOf('tmp_name') > -1) { var isSaved = this.fileList.filter(function (file) { return (paramValue == file.path && file.saved); }).length > 0; if (!isSaved) { isNeedToDoRequest = true; } } } } if(!isNeedToDoRequest) { return; } BX.ajax({ 'url': this.caller.saveFileUrl, 'method': 'POST', 'data': postData, 'dataType': 'json', 'async': false, 'onsuccess': BX.delegate(this.onImagesSaved, this) }); }, onImagesSaved: function(answer) { for(var tabCode in this.caller.tabList) { var item = this.caller.tabList[tabCode].items['src']; if(!item) { continue; } if(!item.ctrl.value) { continue; } answer.data.list.forEach(function (savedFileData) { var filtered = this.fileList.filter(function (file) { if (!file.path && file.url) { return file.url.indexOf(savedFileData.tmp) >= 0; } return savedFileData.tmp == file.path; }); filtered.forEach(function (file) { item.ctrl.value = item.ctrl.value.replace(file.url, savedFileData.path); file.saved = true; }); }, this); BX.onCustomEvent(item.ctrl, 'onSettingChangeValue'); } if (answer.error) { alert(answer.errorText); } } }; function BXBlockEditorEditDialogColumn(params) { this.attributeColumnNum = 'data-bx-editor-column-number'; this.attributeColumnValue = 'data-bx-editor-column-value'; this.attributeColumnCount = 'data-bx-editor-column-count'; this.caller = params.caller; // init column switcher BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onLinkControl', BX.delegate(this.onLinkControl, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'loadSetting', BX.delegate(this.onLoadSetting, this)); } BXBlockEditorEditDialogColumn.prototype = { getColumnList: function(container) { return BX.findChildren(container, {attribute: this.attributeColumnNum}, true); }, bindOnSwitch: function(ctrl, columnNum) { BX.bind(columnNum, 'click', BX.delegate(function(){ var columnNumValue = columnNum.getAttribute(this.attributeColumnNum); ctrl.setAttribute(this.attributeColumnValue, columnNumValue); var container = this.caller.getCtrlContainer(ctrl); var columnList = this.getColumnList(container.container); for(var i in columnList) { BX.removeClass(columnList[i], 'active'); } BX.addClass(columnNum, 'active'); var value = this.caller.caller.getCurrentEditingBlock().getEditValue(container.code, columnNumValue); this.caller.setCtrlValue(ctrl, value); }, this)); }, onSettingDependenceChange: function(eventParams, eventParamsDependence) { var container = eventParamsDependence.container.container; var value = eventParams.value ? eventParams.value : 1; value = parseInt(value); if(value < 2) { value = 0; } var columnList = this.getColumnList(container); var counter = 0; for(var i in columnList) { counter++; var displayMode = (counter <= value) ? '' : 'none'; var column = columnList[i]; column.style.display = displayMode; } this.switchDefaultColumn(container); }, switchDefaultColumn: function(container) { var columnNumList = this.getColumnList(container); if(columnNumList.length > 0) { BX.fireEvent(columnNumList[0], 'click'); } }, onLoadSetting: function(eventParams) { this.switchDefaultColumn(eventParams.container.container); }, onLinkControl: function(eventParams) { // init every column button var columnNumList = this.getColumnList(eventParams.container); for(var j in columnNumList) { this.bindOnSwitch(eventParams.ctrl, columnNumList[j]); } if(columnNumList.length > 0) { // listen content change BX.addCustomEvent( this.caller, 'onSettingDependenceChange-' + eventParams.code, BX.delegate(this.onSettingDependenceChange, this) ); } } }; function BXBlockEditorSocial(params) { this.caller = params.caller; BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onLinkControl-social_content', BX.delegate(this.onLinkControl, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'loadSetting-social_content', BX.delegate(this.onLoadSetting, this)); } BXBlockEditorSocial.prototype = { onLoadSetting: function(eventParams) { this.inputControl = eventParams.ctrl; BX.cleanNode(this.itemContainer); var valueList = JSON.parse(eventParams.value); for(var i in valueList) { var item = valueList[i]; this.addItem(item.href, item.name); } }, fireChange: function() { this.inputControl.value = JSON.stringify(this.getValue()); BX.onCustomEvent(this.inputControl, 'onSettingChangeValue'); }, getValue: function() { var result = []; var itemList = this.getItemList(); for(var i in itemList) { var item = itemList[i]; var href = this.getItemControl(item, 'href'); var name = this.getItemControl(item, 'name'); result.push({'name': name.value, 'href': href.value}); } return result; }, getItemList: function() { return BX.findChildren(this.itemContainer, {attribute:'data-bx-block-editor-social-item'}, true); }, getItem: function(control) { return BX.findParent(control, {attribute:'data-bx-block-editor-social-item'}); }, getItemControl: function(item, className) { return BX.findChildByClassName(item, className, true); }, removeItem: function(control) { BX.remove(this.getItem(control)); }, changePreset: function(elementSelect) { var item = this.getItem(elementSelect); var href = this.getItemControl(item, 'href'); var name = this.getItemControl(item, 'name'); href.value = elementSelect.value; name.value = elementSelect.options[elementSelect.selectedIndex].text; }, addItem: function(href, name) { var html = this.templateItem.innerHTML; html = html.replace('#href#', href); html = html.replace('#name#', name); var div = BX.create('div', { 'attrs': {'data-bx-block-editor-social-item': 'item'}, 'html': html }); var deleteButton = this.getItemControl(div, 'delete'); if(this.getValue().length == 0) { deleteButton.style.display = 'none'; } var changeButton = this.getItemControl(div, 'preset'); var nameInput = this.getItemControl(div, 'name'); var hrefInput = this.getItemControl(div, 'href'); var _this = this; BX.bind(nameInput, 'bxchange', function(){ _this.fireChange(); }); BX.bind(hrefInput, 'bxchange', function(){ _this.fireChange(); }); BX.bind(deleteButton, 'click', function(){ _this.removeItem(this); _this.fireChange(); }); BX.bind(changeButton, 'change', function(){ _this.changePreset(this); _this.fireChange(); }); this.itemContainer.appendChild(div); this.fireChange(); }, onLinkControl: function(eventParams) { this.container = eventParams.container; this.templateItem = BX('template-social-item'); this.itemContainer = BX.findChildByClassName(this.container, 'container', true); var addButton = BX.findChildByClassName(this.container, 'add', true); var _this = this; BX.bind(addButton, 'click', function(){ _this.addItem('', ''); }); } }; function BXBlockEditorEditDialog(params) { this.changeList = []; this.tabList = {}; this.ctrlList = {}; this.itemFilter = []; this.itemPrevValues = []; this.htmlEditorParsedPhp = []; this.doNotProcessChanging = false; this.init(params); } BXBlockEditorEditDialog.prototype = { getPlaceCaption: function(code) { var caption = BX.message('BLOCK_EDITOR_PLACE_CAPTION_' + code.toUpperCase()); if(!caption) { caption = code; } return caption; }, init: function(params) { this.attributePlaceName = 'data-bx-place-name'; this.attributeTab = 'data-bx-block-editor-settings-tab'; this.attributeLink = 'data-bx-editor-tool'; this.attributeCtrl = 'data-bx-editor-tool-input'; this.caller = params.caller; this.callerContext = params.context; this.saveFileUrl = params.saveFileUrl; this.context = this.callerContext.querySelector('.edit-panel'); this.contextTools = this.context.querySelector('.block-edit-cont'); this.contextVisual = this.context.querySelector('.visual-part'); this.contextPanel = this.context.querySelector('.dialog-part'); this.contextPlaceList = this.contextPanel.querySelector('.edit-panel-tabs-style'); this.buttonSave = BX.findChild(this.contextTools, {className: 'bx-editor-block-tools-close'}, true); this.buttonClose = BX.findChild(this.contextTools, {className: 'bx-editor-block-tools-cancel'}, true); BX.bind(this.buttonSave, 'click', BX.delegate(this.save, this)); BX.bind(this.buttonClose, 'click', BX.delegate(this.cancel, this)); this.helper = new BXBlockEditorHelper(); this.fileInput = new BXBlockEditorDialogFileInput({'caller': this, 'id': 'BX_BLOCK_EDITOR_SRC_' + this.caller.id}); this.column = new BXBlockEditorEditDialogColumn({'caller': this}); this.social = new BXBlockEditorSocial({'caller': this}); this.initHtmlEditor(); this.initColorPicker(); this.initBorderControl(); this.initTabs(); this.initPlaceList(); this.initTools(); }, initPlaceList: function() { BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onLoadAfter', BX.delegate(this.onEditorLoadAfter, this)); }, onEditorLoadAfter: function(url, callback, editor) { var placeContainer = BX.findChild(this.contextPlaceList, {attribute: this.attributePlaceName}, true); if(!placeContainer) { return; } BX.cleanNode(placeContainer); var placeBind = (function(){ return function(place, placeCode) { var _this = this; BX.bind(place, 'click', function () { BX.onCustomEvent(_this, 'onPlaceEdit', [placeCode]); }); BX.bind(place, 'mouseenter', function () { BX.onCustomEvent(_this, 'onPlaceHover', [placeCode, true]); }); BX.bind(place, 'mouseleave', function () { BX.onCustomEvent(_this, 'onPlaceHover', [placeCode, false]); }); }; })(); var placeList = editor.findStylistPlaces(); for(var placeCode in placeList) { var placeName = this.getPlaceCaption(placeCode); var li = BX.create('li', {'text': placeName, 'attrs': {'title': placeName}}); placeContainer.appendChild(li); placeBind.apply(this, [li, placeCode]); } }, initTabs: function() { var tabList = BX.findChildren(BX.findChildByClassName(this.contextTools, 'block-edit-tabs'), {attribute: this.attributeTab}, true); for(var i in tabList) { var tab = tabList[i]; var tabCode = tab.getAttribute(this.attributeTab); this.tabList[tabCode] = {'node': tab, 'items': {}}; BX.bind(tab, 'click', BX.delegate(this.onTabClick, this)); } }, initTools: function() { var linkList = BX.findChildren(this.context, {attribute: this.attributeLink}, true); for(var i in linkList) { var link = linkList[i]; var linkCode = link.getAttribute(this.attributeLink); var linkCodeList = linkCode.split(':'); var ctrl = BX.findChild(link, {attribute: this.attributeCtrl}, true); if(!ctrl) { continue; } // fill tab 2 ctrl info this.tabList[linkCodeList[0]]['items'][linkCodeList[1]] = {'node': link, 'ctrl': ctrl}; // fire events var eventParams = { 'code': linkCodeList[1], 'group': linkCodeList[0], 'ctrl': ctrl, 'container': link, 'bind': true }; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onLinkControl', [eventParams]); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onLinkControl-' + eventParams.code, [eventParams]); this.ctrlList[eventParams.code] = eventParams.ctrl; this.linkControl(eventParams.ctrl, eventParams.code, eventParams.bind); } }, initHtmlEditor: function() { this.htmlEditor = BXHtmlEditor.Get('BX_BLOCK_EDITOR_CONTENT_' + this.caller.id); //var width = 420; var minWidth = 400; this.htmlEditor.MIN_WIDTH = minWidth; //this.htmlEditor.NORMAL_WIDTH = width; //this.htmlEditor.config.width = width; //this.htmlEditor.normalWidth = width; this.htmlEditor.ResizeSceleton(); this.htmlEditor.AutoResizeSceleton(); BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'onLinkControl-content', BX.delegate(function(data){ var ctrl = data.ctrl; var code = data.code; var ctrlEditor = ctrl; BX.addCustomEvent(this.htmlEditor, "OnContentChanged", BX.delegate(function(rawHtml){ ctrlEditor.value = this.phpParser.replacePhpByLayout(rawHtml); BX.onCustomEvent(ctrlEditor, 'onSettingChangeValue'); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(ctrlEditor, "onSettingLoadValue", BX.delegate(function(){ var text = this.phpParser.replaceLayoutByPhp(ctrlEditor.value); this.htmlEditor.SetContent(text, true); }, this)); data.bind = false; }, this)); }, initColorPicker: function() { this.picker = new BX.ColorPicker({'popupOptions': { 'offsetLeft': 15, 'offsetTop': 5 }}); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onHide", this.picker.close.bind(this.picker)); var changeHandler = function(inputNode, iconNode) { var color = inputNode.value; if (!color) { return; } iconNode.style.background = inputNode.value; }; var clickHandler = function (inputNode, iconNode) { if (!this.picker) { return; } this.picker.close(); this.picker.open({ 'defaultColor': '', 'allowCustomColor': true, 'bindElement': iconNode, 'onColorSelected': function (color) { inputNode.value = color; BX.fireEvent(inputNode, 'change'); } }); }; var inputs = this.context.querySelectorAll('.bx-editor-color-picker'); inputs = BX.convert.nodeListToArray(inputs); inputs.forEach(function (inputNode) { var iconNode = BX.nextSibling(inputNode); var textNode = BX.nextSibling(iconNode); var onClick = clickHandler.bind(this, inputNode, iconNode); var onChange = changeHandler.bind(this, inputNode, iconNode); BX.bind(iconNode, 'click', onClick); BX.bind(textNode, 'click', onClick); BX.addCustomEvent(inputNode, "onSettingLoadValue", onChange); BX.bind(inputNode, "bxchange", onChange); }, this); }, initBorderControl: function() { var ctrl = BX('block_editor_style_border'); var ctrlStyle = BX('block_editor_style_border_style'); var ctrlWidth = BX('block_editor_style_border_width'); var ctrlColor = BX('block_editor_style_border_color'); var changeVisualHandler = function(){ var val = ''; if(ctrlStyle.value) { if(!ctrlWidth.value) { ctrlWidth.value = '2px'; } if(!ctrlColor.value) { ctrlColor.value = '#000000'; } val = ctrlWidth.value + ' ' + ctrlStyle.value + ' ' + ctrlColor.value; } ctrl.value = val; BX.fireEvent(ctrl, 'change'); }; BX.addCustomEvent(ctrl, "onSettingLoadValue", BX.delegate(function() { if(ctrl.value) { var arr = ctrl.value.split(' '); for(var i = 3; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[2] = arr[2] + ' ' + arr[i]; } ctrlWidth.value = arr[0]; ctrlStyle.value = arr[1]; ctrlColor.value = this.helper.colorRgbToHex(arr[2]); BX.fireEvent(ctrlColor, 'change'); } }, this)); BX.bind(ctrlStyle, 'bxchange', changeVisualHandler); BX.bind(ctrlWidth, 'bxchange', changeVisualHandler); BX.bind(ctrlColor, 'bxchange', changeVisualHandler); }, getCtrlContainer: function(node) { var parentNode = BX.findParent(node, {'attribute': this.attributeLink}); var linkCode = parentNode.getAttribute(this.attributeLink); var linkCodeList = linkCode.split(':'); return {'container': parentNode, 'tab': linkCodeList[0], 'code': linkCodeList[1]}; }, setCtrlValue: function(ctrl, value) { ctrl.value = value; if(typeof(ctrl.oldValue) === "undefined") { ctrl.oldValue = ctrl.value; } BX.onCustomEvent(ctrl, 'onSettingLoadValue'); }, getCtrlValue: function(ctrl) { return ctrl.value; }, onControlChangeValue: function(node) { if(!this.caller.getCurrentEditingBlock()) { return; } var container = this.getCtrlContainer(node); var key = container.code; var value = node.value; var columnNum = node.getAttribute(this.column.attributeColumnValue); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'controlChangeValue', [key, value, columnNum]); if(!BX.util.in_array(node, this.changeList)) { this.changeList.push(node); } this.fireDependenceChange(key); }, linkControl: function(ctrl, code, bindChange) { var _this = this; BX.addCustomEvent(ctrl, 'onSettingChangeValue', function(){ if(!_this.doNotProcessChanging) { _this.onControlChangeValue(this); } }); if(bindChange) { var func = function(){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onSettingChangeValue'); }; BX.bind(ctrl, 'change', func); if(ctrl.nodeName == 'INPUT' || ctrl.nodeName == 'TEXTAREA') { BX.bind(ctrl, 'input', func); } } }, onTabClick: function(e) { e = e || window.event; var tab = e.target; var tabCode = tab.getAttribute(this.attributeTab); this.showTab(tabCode); }, fireDependenceChange: function(code) { if(!this.itemDependence || !this.itemDependence[code] || this.itemDependence[code].length == 0) { return; } var ctrl = this.ctrlList[code]; if(!ctrl) return; var container = this.getCtrlContainer(ctrl); var eventParams = { code: code, value: this.getCtrlValue(ctrl), ctrl: ctrl, container: container }; for(var j in this.itemDependence[code]) { var dependenceCode = this.itemDependence[code][j]; var dependenceCtrl = this.ctrlList[dependenceCode]; if(!dependenceCtrl) continue; var dependenceContainer = this.getCtrlContainer(dependenceCtrl); var eventParamsDependence = { code: dependenceCode, value: this.getCtrlValue(dependenceCtrl), ctrl: dependenceCtrl, container: dependenceContainer }; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onSettingDependenceChange-' + dependenceCode, [eventParams, eventParamsDependence]); } }, load: function(itemList) { this.doNotProcessChanging = true; this.itemFilter = []; this.itemDependence = {}; this.itemPrevValues = []; for(var i in itemList) { var code = itemList[i].code; var value = itemList[i].value; var params = itemList[i].params; var dependence = itemList[i].dependence; var ctrl = this.ctrlList[code]; if(!ctrl) continue; var container = this.getCtrlContainer(ctrl); //set filter for showing controls this.itemFilter.push(code); this.itemDependence[code] = dependence; var eventParams = { code: code, value: value, params: params, ctrl: ctrl, container: container, dependence: dependence }; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'loadSetting', [eventParams]); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'loadSetting-' + code, [eventParams]); //set values to controls ctrl.value = value; ctrl.oldValue = ctrl.value; BX.onCustomEvent(ctrl, 'onSettingLoadValue'); this.fireDependenceChange(code); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'loadSettings', [itemList]); this.doNotProcessChanging = false; for(var tabCode in this.tabList) { var tabExists = false; for(var itemCode in this.tabList[tabCode].items) { if(BX.util.in_array(itemCode, this.itemFilter)) { tabExists = true; break; } } if(tabExists) { this.tabList[tabCode].node.style.display = ''; } else { this.tabList[tabCode].node.style.display = 'none'; } } this.showTab(); }, save: function(callbackFunction) { var wait = BX.showWait(this.buttonSave); var hasChanges = this.changeList.length > 0; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onSave', [hasChanges]); BX.closeWait(this.buttonSave); this.hide(callbackFunction); }, cancel: function(callbackFunction) { for(var i in this.changeList) { var node = this.changeList[i]; node.value = node.oldValue; this.onControlChangeValue(node); } var hasChanges = false; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onCancel', [hasChanges]); this.hide(callbackFunction); }, show: function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onShow'); var contextTools = this.contextTools; var contextVisual = this.contextVisual; var context = this.context; contextTools.style.display = 'block'; if(contextTools.offsetWidth + contextVisual.offsetWidth > context.offsetWidth) { contextVisual.style.width = (context.offsetWidth - contextTools.offsetWidth) + 'px'; } contextTools.style.right = '0'; contextTools.style.visibility = 'visible'; }, hide: function(callbackFunction) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onHide'); var contextTools = this.contextTools; var contextVisual = this.contextVisual; if(this.contextTools.style.display == 'none') { if (callbackFunction && BX.type.isFunction(callbackFunction)) { callbackFunction.apply(); } } else { if (callbackFunction && BX.type.isFunction(callbackFunction)) { contextTools.style.right = "-10%"; setTimeout(callbackFunction, 200); } else { contextTools.style.right = "-100%"; contextTools.style.display = 'block'; contextTools.style.visibility = 'hidden'; contextVisual.style.width = '100%'; } } }, hideTab: function() { for(var tabCode in this.tabList) { for(var itemCode in this.tabList[tabCode]['items']) { this.tabList[tabCode]['items'][itemCode].node.style.display = 'none'; } } }, showTab: function(code) { this.hideTab(); // unhighlight tabs for(var tv in this.tabList) { BX.removeClass(this.tabList[tv]['node'], 'active'); } // determine first available tab if(!code) { var availableCodeList = []; for(var codeCurr in this.tabList) { if(this.tabList[codeCurr].node.style.display != 'none') { availableCodeList.push(codeCurr); } } for(var i in this.tabList) { if(BX.util.in_array(i, availableCodeList)) { code = i; break; } } } var emptyTab = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'block-edit-form-empty', true); if(!code) { BX.addClass(emptyTab, 'active'); return; } else { BX.removeClass(emptyTab, 'active'); } // highlight active tab BX.addClass(this.tabList[code]['node'], 'active'); // show tools on active tab for(var itemCode in this.tabList[code]['items']) { if(this.itemFilter.length > 0 && !BX.util.in_array(itemCode, this.itemFilter)) { continue; } this.tabList[code]['items'][itemCode].node.style.display = 'block'; } } }; function BXBlockEditorSliceContent(params) { this.sectionId = 'BX_BLOCK_EDITOR_EDITABLE_SECTION'; this.textarea = params.textarea; this.caller = params.caller; } BXBlockEditorSliceContent.prototype.getSectionHtml = function(path, content) { var tag = [this.sectionId].concat(path).join('/') + '/'; return '<!--START %TAG%-->\n%CONTENT%\n<!--END %TAG%-->\n'.replace('%TAG%', tag).replace('%TAG%', tag).replace('%CONTENT%', content); }; BXBlockEditorSliceContent.prototype.getSlices = function() { var result = {}; var content = this.textarea.value; var pattern = "<!--START " + this.sectionId + "\/([\\w]+?)\/([\\w]+?)\/-->" + "([\\s\\S,\\n]*?)" + "<!--END " + this.sectionId + "[\/\\w]+?-->"; var sliceRegExp = new RegExp(pattern, "g"); var matches; while(matches = sliceRegExp.exec(content)) { var section = matches[1].trim(); var item = matches[2].trim(); var value = matches[3].trim(); if(!BX.type.isArray(result[section])) { result[section] = []; } result[section].push({ 'section': section, 'item': item, 'value': value }); } return result; }; BXBlockEditorSliceContent.prototype.getHtml = function(sliceList) { var content = ''; this.caller.helper.each(sliceList, function(sectionSliceList) { this.caller.helper.each(sectionSliceList, function(slice) { content = content + this.getSectionHtml( [slice.section, slice.item], slice.value ); }, this); }, this); return content; }; function BXBlockEditorCssParser() { this.patternRule = "([\\s\\S]*?){([\\s\\S]*?)}"; this.patternDeclaration = "([\\s\\S]+?):([\\s\\S]+?);"; this.patternStyleSheet = "<style[\\s\\S]*?>([\\s\\S]*?)<\/style>"; this.patternComments = '(\\/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*\\/)'; this.patternMedia = '(@media[\\s\\S]*?){([}\\s\\S]*?)}[\\r\\n ]*?}'; } BXBlockEditorCssParser.prototype.parseRules = function(styles) { var result = {}; var matches, selector, value; var stylesRegExp = new RegExp(this.patternRule, "g"); while(matches = stylesRegExp.exec(styles)) { selector = matches[1].trim(); value = matches[2].trim(); if(!result[selector]) { result[selector] = {}; } result[selector] = BX.merge(result[selector], this.parseDeclaration(value)); } return result; }; BXBlockEditorCssParser.prototype.parseDeclaration = function(declaration) { var result = {}; var stylesRegExp = new RegExp(this.patternDeclaration, "g"); var matches, name, value; while(matches = stylesRegExp.exec(declaration)) { name = matches[1].trim(); value = matches[2].trim(); result[name] = value; } return result; }; BXBlockEditorCssParser.prototype.mergeStyles = function(arr1, arr2) { for(var selector in arr2) { if(!arr2[selector]) { continue; } if(!arr1[selector]) { arr1[selector] = {}; } arr1[selector] = BX.merge(arr1[selector], arr2[selector]); } return arr1; }; BXBlockEditorCssParser.prototype.diffStylesAll = function(arr1, arr2) { var arr = {}; var diff; for(var media in arr2) { if(!arr2[media]) { continue; } if(!arr1[media]) { arr[media] = arr2[media]; } else { diff = this.diffStyles(arr1[media], arr2[media]); if(BX.util.object_keys(diff).length > 0) { arr[media] = diff; } } } if(BX.util.object_keys(arr).length > 0) { return arr; } else { return null } }; BXBlockEditorCssParser.prototype.diffStyles = function(arr1, arr2) { var arr = {}; for(var selector in arr2) { if(!arr2[selector]) { continue; } var declarations = arr2[selector]; if(!arr1[selector] && BX.util.object_keys(declarations).length > 0) { arr[selector] = declarations; } else if(!BX.type.isString(declarations)) { for(var rule in declarations) { if(!declarations[rule]) { continue; } if(!arr1[selector][rule] || arr1[selector][rule] != declarations[rule]) { if(!arr[selector]) { arr[selector] = {}; } arr[selector][rule] = declarations[rule]; } } } } return arr; }; BXBlockEditorCssParser.prototype.parseTag = function(str) { var result = ''; var parseRegExp = new RegExp(this.patternStyleSheet, "gi"); var commentsRegExp = new RegExp(this.patternComments, "g"); if(!(matches = parseRegExp.exec(str))) { matches = [str, str]; } do { result += matches[1].trim() + "\n"; }while(matches = parseRegExp.exec(str)); result = result.replace(commentsRegExp, ''); return result; }; BXBlockEditorCssParser.prototype.parse = function(str) { str = str || ''; var result = {'': {}}; var matches; var mediaRegExp = new RegExp(this.patternMedia, "gi"); var css = this.parseTag(str); css = css.trim(); while(matches = mediaRegExp.exec(css)) { var media = matches[1].trim(); var styles = matches[2].trim() + '}'; if(!result[media]) { result[media] = {}; } result[media] = this.mergeStyles(result[media], this.parseRules(styles)); css = css.replace(matches[0], ''); } result[''] = this.mergeStyles(result[''], this.parseRules(css)); return result; }; BXBlockEditorCssParser.prototype.getCssString = function(parsed) { var result = '', media, selector, declaration, value; for(media in parsed) { if(!parsed[media]) break; if(media) { result += media + "{\n"; } for(selector in parsed[media]) { if(!selector || !parsed[media][selector]) break; result += selector + "{\n"; for(declaration in parsed[media][selector]) { if(!declaration || !parsed[media][selector][declaration]) break; value = parsed[media][selector][declaration]; result += declaration + ": " + value + ";\n"; } result += "}\n"; } if(media) { result += "}\n"; } } return result; }; BXBlockEditorCssParser.prototype.setStyle = function(str, media, selector, list) { var parseResult, changeResult; media = media || ''; selector = selector.trim(); parseResult = this.parse(str); if(!parseResult[media]) { changeResult = {}; } else { changeResult = parseResult[media]; } for(var declaration in list) { var value = list[declaration]; if(value) { if(!changeResult[selector]) { changeResult[selector] = {}; } changeResult[selector][declaration] = value; } else if(changeResult[selector]) { delete changeResult[selector][declaration]; } } parseResult[media] = changeResult; return this.getCssString(parseResult); }; BXBlockEditorCssParser.prototype.getStyle = function(str, media, selector, list) { var result = {}, parseResult, changeResult; media = media || ''; selector = selector.trim(); parseResult = this.parse(str); if(!parseResult[media]) { changeResult = {}; } else { changeResult = parseResult[media]; } for(var i in list) { var declaration = list[i]; if(!changeResult[selector] || !changeResult[selector][declaration]) { result[declaration] = null; } else { result[declaration] = changeResult[selector][declaration]; } } return result; }; function BXBlockEditorStatusManager(params) { this.caller = params.caller; BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onPlaceInitBlocksContent', BX.delegate(this.onPlaceInitBlocksContent, this.caller)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onBlockCreateAfter', BX.delegate(this.setBlockStatusContent, this.caller)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onBlockMoveAfter', BX.delegate(this.setBlockStatusContent, this.caller)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onBlockRemoveAfter', BX.delegate(this.onBlockRemoveAfter, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onBlockClone', BX.delegate(this.setBlockStatusContent, this.caller)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onBlockEditEnd', BX.delegate(this.onBlockEditEnd, this.caller)); } BXBlockEditorStatusManager.prototype.getPlaceNameList = function(nodeList) { var changedPlaceList = []; this.caller.helper.each(nodeList, function(node) { if(!node.getAttribute) { return; } var status = node.getAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK_STATUS); var placeName = node.parentNode.getAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_PLACE); if(status != 'loaded' || placeName == 'body') { changedPlaceList.push(placeName); } }, this.caller); return changedPlaceList; }; BXBlockEditorStatusManager.prototype.setBlockStatusContent = function(block) { block.node.setAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK_STATUS, 'content'); }; BXBlockEditorStatusManager.prototype.onBlockRemoveAfter = function(placeNode) { this.onPlaceInitBlocksContent.call(this.caller, placeNode, true); }; BXBlockEditorStatusManager.prototype.onBlockEditEnd = function(block, hasChanges) { if(hasChanges) { block.node.setAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK_STATUS, 'content'); } }; BXBlockEditorStatusManager.prototype.onPlaceInitBlocksContent = function(placeNode, hasBlocksFromContent) { // set loaded status to blocks var status = 'loaded'; if(hasBlocksFromContent) { // set content status to blocks status = 'content'; } var blockNodeList = BX.findChildren(placeNode, {'attribute': this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK}, true); for(var i in blockNodeList) { var blockNode = blockNodeList[i]; blockNode.setAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK_STATUS, status); } }; BX.addCustomEvent('GetControlsMap', function(controlsMap){ if(this.id.indexOf('BX_BLOCK_EDITOR_CONTENT_') !== 0) { return } var excludeControlList = [ 'ChangeView', 'placeholder_selector', 'StyleSelector', 'FontSelector', 'FontSize', 'RemoveFormat', 'Bold', 'AlignList', 'Color', 'Fullscreen', 'More' ]; for(var i in controlsMap) { var control = controlsMap[i]; if(control) { if(control.separator) { control.hidden = true; } else if(!BX.util.in_array(control.id, excludeControlList)) { control.compact = false; } else { control.compact = true; } } } }); (function (window) { function Content(params) { this.textarea = params.textarea; this.caller = params.caller; var content = this.getRaw(); this.converter = new SliceConverter(); /* if (!content || JsonConverter.isValid(content)) { this.converter = new JsonConverter(); } else { this.converter = new SliceConverter(); } */ } Content.prototype.getRaw = function() { return this.textarea.value; }; Content.prototype.setRaw = function(value) { this.textarea.value = value; }; Content.prototype.getString = function(list) { return this.converter.toString(list); }; Content.prototype.getList = function() { var content = this.getRaw(); if (content) { return this.converter.toArray(content); } return []; }; Content.prototype.getStyles = function() { return this.getList().filter(function (item) { return item && item.type === 'STYLES'; }) }; Content.prototype.getBlocks = function() { return this.getList().filter(function (item) { return item && item.type === 'BLOCKS'; }) }; function JsonConverter() { } JsonConverter.isValid = function(value) { try { var result = JSON.parse(value); return BX.type.isPlainObject(result) || BX.type.isArray(result); } catch (e) { return false; } }; JsonConverter.prototype.toArray = function(value) { try { return JSON.parse(value); } catch (e) { return []; } }; JsonConverter.prototype.toString = function(list) { list = list.map(function (item) { var newItem = { 'type': item.type, 'place': item.place, 'value': item.value }; if (item.block) { newItem.block = item.block; } return newItem; }); try { return JSON.stringify(list); } catch (e) { return ''; } }; function SliceConverter() { this.sectionId = 'BX_BLOCK_EDITOR_EDITABLE_SECTION'; } SliceConverter.prototype.toArray = function(content) { var result = []; var pattern = "<!--START " + this.sectionId + "\/([\\w]+?)\/([\\w]*?)\/-->" + "([\\s\\S,\\n]*?)" + "<!--END " + this.sectionId + "[\/\\w]+?-->"; var sliceRegExp = new RegExp(pattern, "g"); var matches; while(matches = sliceRegExp.exec(content)) { var section = matches[1].trim(); var item = matches[2].trim(); var value = matches[3].trim(); result.push({ 'type': section, 'place': item, 'value': value }); } return result; }; SliceConverter.prototype.toString = function(list) { return list.map(this.getItemString, this).join('\n'); }; SliceConverter.prototype.getItemString = function(item) { var path = [item.type, item.place]; var content = item.value; var tag = [this.sectionId].concat(path).join('/') + '/'; return '<!--START %TAG%-->\n%CONTENT%\n<!--END %TAG%-->' .replace('%TAG%', tag) .replace('%TAG%', tag) .replace('%CONTENT%', content); }; BX.namespace('BX.BlockEditor'); BX.BlockEditor.Content = Content; })(window);