Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/block_editor/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/block_editor/editor.js |
;(function(window) { if (BX.BlockEditorManager) return; BX.BlockEditorManager = { list: {}, blockList: {}, get: function (id) { if (this.list[id]) { return this.list[id]; } return null; }, add: function (params) { if(!params.blockTypeList) { params.blockTypeList = this.getBlockList(); } this.list[params.id] = new BXBlockEditor(params); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onEditorAdd', [this.list[params.id]]); return this.list[params.id]; }, create: function (params) { if (!this.get(params.id)) { return this.add(params); } else { return this.get(params.id); } }, setBlockList: function(list) { this.blockList = list; }, getBlockList: function() { return this.blockList; } }; })(window); function BXBlockEditor(params) { this.id = params.id; this.context = params.context; this.iframe = params.iframe; this.charset = params.charset; this.previewUrl = params.previewUrl; this.saveFileUrl = params.saveFileUrl; this.site = params.site; this.resultNode = params.resultNode; this.blockTypeList = params.blockTypeList; this.disableScroll = params.disableScroll || false; this.panelList = {}; this.blockList = []; this.placeList = []; this.dragdrop = null; this.preview = null; this.stylistContainerNode = null; this.stylistInitedValues = {}; this.isInited = false; this.isTemplateMode = !!params.isTemplateMode; this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK = 'data-bx-block-editor-block-type'; this.CONST_ATTR_PLACE = 'data-bx-block-editor-place'; this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK_STATUS = 'data-bx-block-editor-block-status'; this.CONST_ATTR_STYLIST_TAG = 'data-bx-stylist-container'; this.CONST_ATTR_TMP_RESOURSE = 'data-bx-resource-temp'; this.CONST_ATTR_ID_STYLIST = 'bxStylist'; this.content = new BX.BlockEditor.Content({'caller': this, 'textarea': this.resultNode}); this.statusManager = new BXBlockEditorStatusManager({'caller': this}); this.cssParser = new BXBlockEditorCssParser(); this.shadowNode = BX.findChild(this.context, {className: 'shadow'}, true); BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'onLoadBefore', BX.delegate(function(){ BX.addClass(this.shadowNode, 'active'); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'onLoadAfter', BX.delegate(function(){ BX.removeClass(this.shadowNode, 'active'); }, this)); BX.ready(BX.delegate(function() { if(params.url) { this.load(params.url); } }, this)); if (this.disableScroll) { BX.bind(this.iframe, 'load', setTimeout(this.initResize.bind(this), 1000)); } } BXBlockEditor.prototype.initResize = function() { this.resize(); BX.bind( this.iframe.contentWindow, 'resize', BX.throttle(this.resize.bind(this), 200) ); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.resize = function() { if (!this.disableScroll) { return; } var doc = this.iframe.contentDocument; var h = Math.max( doc.body.scrollHeight, doc.documentElement.scrollHeight, doc.body.offsetHeight, doc.documentElement.offsetHeight, doc.body.clientHeight, doc.documentElement.clientHeight ); if (h <= 0) { return; } this.iframe.style.height = h + 'px'; //this.iframe.contentDocument.body.style['overflow-y'] = 'hidden'; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.init = function() { // call only one time when load window if(!this.isInited) { this.helper = new BXBlockEditorHelper(); this.initControls(); this.initDragDrop(); this.initEditDialog(); this.initPreview(); this.initTabsBlockAndStyles(); } // call every time when load content this.initPhpSlices(); this.initBlockPlaces(); this.initBlocks(); this.initStylist(); this.save(); // fire event onInit only one time if(!this.isInited) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onInit', [this]); } this.isInited = true; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.initPhpSlices = function() { this.phpParser.resetItems(); var nodeList = BX.findChildren(this.iframe.contentDocument.body, {'attribute': this.phpParser.getAttrName()}, true); for(var i in nodeList) { var node = nodeList[i]; var phpSlice = node.getAttribute(this.phpParser.getAttrName()); var phpDesc = this.phpParser.getPhpSliceDescription(phpSlice); node.innerHTML = phpDesc.name; node.setAttribute('title', phpDesc.title); this.phpParser.addItem(node.id, phpSlice, node.outerHTML); } }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.initControls = function() { this.buttonMin = BX.findChild(this.context, {className: 'bx-editor-block-btn-close'}, true); this.buttonMax = BX.findChild(this.context, {className: 'bx-editor-block-btn-full'}, true); BX.bind(this.buttonMin, 'click', BX.delegate(this.close, this)); BX.bind(this.buttonMax, 'click', BX.delegate(this.open, this)); var _this = this; this.panelList['edit'] = {}; this.panelList['edit'].button = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'bx-editor-block-btn-' + 'edit', true); this.panelList['edit'].panel = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'edit' + '-panel', true); BX.bind(this.panelList['edit'].button, 'click', function(){_this.showPanel('edit');}); BX.addClass(this.panelList['edit'].button, 'bx-editor-block-btn-active'); this.panelList['edit'].panel.style.display = null; this.panelList['preview'] = {}; this.panelList['preview'].button = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'bx-editor-block-btn-' + 'preview', true); this.panelList['preview'].panel = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'preview' + '-panel', true); BX.bind(this.panelList['preview'].button, 'click', function(){_this.showPreview('preview');}); var getHtmlBtn = this.context.querySelector('[data-role="block-editor-tab-btn-get-html"]'); BX.clipboard.bindCopyClick(getHtmlBtn, {'text': this.getContent.bind(this)}); /* this.panelList['get-html'] = {}; this.panelList['get-html'].button = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'bx-editor-block-btn-' + 'get-html', true); this.panelList['get-html'].panel = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'get-html' + '-panel', true); BX.bind(this.panelList['get-html'].button, 'click', function(){_this.showHtml('get-html');}); */ }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.initBlocks = function() { this.blockList = []; var blockNodeList = BX.findChildren(this.iframe.contentDocument.body, {'attribute': this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK}, true); for(var i in blockNodeList) { this.addBlock(blockNodeList[i]); } }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.initStylist = function() { // find or add special style tag var headNode = this.iframe.contentDocument.head; this.stylistContainerNode = false; this.helper.each(headNode.childNodes, function(node) { var nodeName = node.nodeName; if(nodeName == 'SCRIPT' || nodeName == 'STYLE' || nodeName == 'LINK') { if(node.attributes && node.hasAttribute && node.hasAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_STYLIST_TAG)) { this.stylistContainerNode = node; } } }, this); if(!this.stylistContainerNode) { this.stylistContainerNode = BX.create('STYLE'); this.stylistContainerNode.setAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_STYLIST_TAG, 'item'); this.stylistContainerNode.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); headNode.appendChild(this.stylistContainerNode); } this.stylistInitedValues = this.cssParser.parse(this.stylistContainerNode.innerHTML); // init saved styles, do not if changing template if(!this.isInited) { this.content.getStyles().forEach(function(item) { var styles; if (item.block) { styles = item.block.parameters; } else if (item.value) { styles = this.cssParser.parse(item.value); } var currentStyles = this.cssParser.parse(this.stylistContainerNode.innerHTML); styles = this.cssParser.mergeStyles(currentStyles, styles); this.stylistContainerNode.innerHTML = this.cssParser.getCssString(styles); }, this); } this.placeList = []; var placeList = this.findStylistPlaces(); for(var placeCode in placeList) { var placeNode = placeList[placeCode]; var placeBlock = new BXBlockEditorStylist(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onPlaceBlockCreate', [placeBlock]); placeBlock.init(placeNode, { caller: this, type: placeCode, controls: {} }); placeBlock.styleNode = this.stylistContainerNode; placeBlock.placeNode = placeNode; this.placeList.push(placeBlock); } BX.addCustomEvent(this.editDialog, 'onPlaceEdit', BX.delegate(this.onPlaceEdit, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editDialog, 'onPlaceHover', BX.delegate(this.onPlaceHover, this)); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.findStylistPlaces = function() { var placeList = {}; var tmplPage = BX.findChild(this.iframe.contentDocument.body, {'attribute': {'id': this.CONST_ATTR_ID_STYLIST + 'Page'}}, true); if(!tmplPage) { tmplPage = this.iframe.contentDocument.body; } placeList['page'] = tmplPage; var idList = this.iframe.contentDocument.body.querySelectorAll('[id^=' + this.CONST_ATTR_ID_STYLIST + ']'); for(var j = 0; j < idList.length; j++) { var item = idList.item(j); if(item && item.id) { var key = item.id.substr(this.CONST_ATTR_ID_STYLIST.length); if(key) { placeList[key] = item; } } } /* var tmpPlaceList = this.findBlockPlaces(); for(var i in tmpPlaceList) { if(tmpPlaceList[i]) { placeList[i] = tmpPlaceList[i]; } } */ return placeList; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.onPlaceHover = function(code, isHover) { for(var i in this.placeList) { var placeBlock = this.placeList[i]; if(code != placeBlock.type) { continue; } var node = placeBlock.node; if(isHover) { BX.addClass(node, 'bx-stylist-enter') } else { BX.removeClass(node, 'bx-stylist-enter') } break; } }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.onPlaceEdit = function(code) { for(var i in this.placeList) { var placeBlock = this.placeList[i]; if(code != placeBlock.type) { continue; } this.editBlock(placeBlock); break; } }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.initBlockPlaces = function() { //var placeList = BX.findChildren(this.iframe.contentDocument.body, {'attribute': this.CONST_ATTR_PLACE}, true); var key, place; var firstPlaceInfoCode = null; var placeInfoCode; var placeList = this.findBlockPlaces(); if(this.isTemplateMode) { var placeInfoList = {}; for(placeInfoCode in placeList) { /* if(!placeList[key]) { continue; } */ place = placeList[placeInfoCode]; //var placeInfoCode = place.getAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_PLACE); if(!placeInfoList[placeInfoCode]) { placeInfoList[placeInfoCode] = {'node': place, 'html': ''}; } if(!firstPlaceInfoCode) { firstPlaceInfoCode = placeInfoCode; } } this.content.getBlocks().forEach(function (item) { var placeInfoCode = null; if(placeInfoList[item.place]) { placeInfoCode = item.place; } else if(placeInfoList['body']) { placeInfoCode = 'body'; } else if(placeInfoList[firstPlaceInfoCode]) { placeInfoCode = firstPlaceInfoCode; } else { return; } var placeInfo = placeInfoList[placeInfoCode]; var html = ''; if (item.block) { html = this.getBlockHtml(item.block.type, item.block.parameters); } else { html = this.phpParser.replacePhpByLayout(item.value); } var emptyTextLayout = '<div ' + this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK + '="text">'; if (html.indexOf(emptyTextLayout) === 0 && html.length < emptyTextLayout.length + 10) { html = ' '; } placeInfo.html += html; }, this); // clean places from template blocks, that have blocks from content this.helper.each(placeInfoList, function(placeInfo){ if(placeInfo.html.length > 0) { placeInfo.node.innerHTML = ''; } }, this); // fill places by blocks from content this.helper.each(placeInfoList, function(placeInfo){ var hasBlocksFromContent = false; if(placeInfo.html.length > 0) { placeInfo.node.innerHTML = placeInfo.html; hasBlocksFromContent = true; } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onPlaceInitBlocksContent', [placeInfo.node, hasBlocksFromContent]); }, this); } for(placeInfoCode in placeList) { place = placeList[placeInfoCode]; if(place.innerHTML) { place.innerHTML = place.innerHTML.trim(); } this.actualizeBlockPlace(place); } }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.findBlockPlaces = function() { var result = {}; var params = {'attribute': this.CONST_ATTR_PLACE}; var placeList = BX.findChildren(this.iframe.contentDocument.body, params, true); this.helper.each(placeList, function(place){ var placeCode = place.getAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_PLACE); result[placeCode] = place; }, this); return result; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.actualizeBlockPlace = function(place) { if(!place.hasAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_PLACE)) { return false; } var dropZone; // if there are no blocks in place, then clean place var blockList = BX.findChildren(place, {'attribute': this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK}, true); if(blockList.length == 0) { BX.cleanNode(place); } // remove all text child-nodes //for(var i in place.childNodes) for(var i = 0; i < place.childNodes.length; i++) { var childNode = place.childNodes.item(i); if(childNode && childNode.nodeName == '#text') { BX.remove(childNode); } } // if it is empty place, then add dropzone if(place.childNodes.length == 0) { dropZone = BX.create('DIV', {'text': BX.message('BLOCK_EDITOR_PLACE_DROP_ZONE')}); BX.addClass(dropZone, 'bx-editor-place'); place.appendChild(dropZone); this.dragdrop.dragdrop.addCatcher(dropZone); } else // else remove dropzone { dropZone = BX.findChild(place, {'className': 'bx-editor-place'}); if(dropZone && place.childNodes.length > 1) { this.dragdrop.dragdrop.removeCatcher(dropZone); BX.remove(dropZone); } } return true; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.initPreview = function() { this.preview = new BXBlockEditorPreview({'context': this.context, 'caller': this, 'site': this.site, 'url': this.previewUrl}); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.initTabsBlockAndStyles = function() { var tabContainer = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'bx-editor-block-tabs', true); var tabBlocks = BX.findChildByClassName(tabContainer, 'blocks', true); var tabStyles = BX.findChildByClassName(tabContainer, 'styles', true); var contentBlocks = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'edit-panel-tabs-block', true); var contentStyles = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'edit-panel-tabs-style', true); var clickHandler = function(){ if(BX.hasClass(this, 'blocks')) { BX.removeClass(tabStyles, 'active'); contentBlocks.style.display = 'block'; contentStyles.style.display = 'none'; } else { BX.removeClass(tabBlocks, 'active'); contentBlocks.style.display = 'none'; contentStyles.style.display = 'block'; } BX.addClass(this, 'active'); }; BX.bind(tabBlocks, 'click', clickHandler); BX.bind(tabStyles, 'click', clickHandler); var contentPagerPrev = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'adm-nav-page-prev', true); var contentPagerNext = BX.findChildByClassName(this.context, 'adm-nav-page-next', true); var pagerClickHandler = function(context, next){ var currentPageNode = context.querySelector('ul.bx-block-editor-i-block-list');; while(currentPageNode) { if(BX.style(currentPageNode, 'display') == 'block') { break; } currentPageNode = currentPageNode.nextElementSibling; } if(currentPageNode) { var nextPageNode; if(next) { nextPageNode = currentPageNode.nextElementSibling; } else { nextPageNode = currentPageNode.previousElementSibling; } if(nextPageNode) { var easing = new BX.easing({ duration : 200, start : {opacity: 1}, finish : {opacity: 0}, transition : BX.easing.transitions.quart, step: function(state){ currentPageNode.style.opacity = state.opacity; }, complete : function() { currentPageNode.style.display = 'none'; currentPageNode.style.opacity = 1; nextPageNode.style.display = 'block'; } }); easing.animate(); } } }; var _context = this.context; BX.bind(contentPagerPrev, 'click', function(){ pagerClickHandler(_context, false); }); BX.bind(contentPagerNext, 'click', function(){ pagerClickHandler(_context, true); }); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.showPanel = function(code) { for(var i in this.panelList) { if(i != code) { this.panelList[i].panel.style.display = 'none'; BX.removeClass(this.panelList[i].button, 'bx-editor-block-btn-active'); } } BX.addClass(this.panelList[code].button, 'bx-editor-block-btn-active'); this.panelList[code].panel.removeAttribute('style'); //this.panelList[code].panel.style.display = ''; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.showPreview = function(panelCode, executePhp) { if(executePhp == undefined) { executePhp = false; } this.preview.show({'content': this.getContent(executePhp)}); this.showPanel(panelCode); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.showHtml = function(panelCode) { var node = BX.findChild(this.panelList[panelCode].panel, {'tag': 'textarea'}, true); node.value = this.getContent(); // this.helper.htmlEscape(this.getContent()) this.showPanel(panelCode); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.initEditDialog = function() { this.editDialog = new BXBlockEditorEditDialog({ 'context': this.context, 'caller': this, 'saveFileUrl': this.saveFileUrl }); this.editDialog.caller = this; this.phpParser = new BXBlockEditorPHPParser({'htmlEditor': this.editDialog.htmlEditor}); this.editDialog.phpParser = this.phpParser; BX.addCustomEvent( this.editDialog, 'controlChangeValue', BX.delegate(this.onEditDialogControlChangeValue, this) ); BX.addCustomEvent( this.editDialog, 'onSave', BX.delegate(this.editBlockEnd, this) ); BX.addCustomEvent( this.editDialog, 'onCancel', BX.delegate(this.editBlockEnd, this) ); BX.addCustomEvent( this, 'onClose', BX.delegate(this.editDialog.save, this.editDialog) ); var formNode = BX.findParent(this.resultNode, {'tag': 'form'}); var self = this; BX.bind( formNode, 'submit', function(e) { if (self.isFinalSave) { self.isFinalSave = false; return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); self.editDialog.save(function(){ self.isFinalSave = true; self.save(); BX.submit(formNode); }); } ); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.initDragDrop = function() { this.dragdrop = new BXBlockEditorDragDrop(); BX.addCustomEvent(this.dragdrop, 'onZoneEnter', this.showDragDropZone); BX.addCustomEvent(this.dragdrop, 'onZoneLeave', this.hideDragDropZone); BX.addCustomEvent(this.dragdrop, 'onItemAdd', BX.delegate(this.onDragDropItemAdd, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.dragdrop, 'onItemMove', BX.delegate(this.onDragDropItemMove, this)); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.open = function() { BX.addClass(this.context, 'editing'); /* var rect = this.context.getBoundingClientRect(); this.context.style.top = rect.top + 'px'; this.context.style.left = rect.left + 'px'; this.context.style.position = 'fixed'; setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ var context = this.context; var easing = new BX.easing({ duration : 300, start : { left : rect.left, top : rect.top}, finish : { left : 0, top: 0 }, transition : BX.easing.transitions.quart, step : function(state){ context.left = state.left + "px"; context.top = state.top + "px"; }, complete : function() { BX.addClass(context, 'editing'); } }); easing.animate(); }, this), 100); */ }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.close = function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onClose'); BX.removeClass(this.context, 'editing'); //this.context.style.position = 'initial'; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.save = function() { var content = this.getContentForSave(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onSave', [content]); if(!this.resultNode) { return; } this.resultNode.value = content; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.load = function(url, callback) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onLoadBefore', [url, callback, this]); BX.unbindAll(this.iframe); BX.bind(this.iframe, 'load', BX.delegate(function() { var css = BX.loadCSS( '/bitrix/js/fileman/block_editor/editor.css?r='+Math.random(), this.iframe.contentDocument, this.iframe.contentWindow ); if(css) { var cssParams = {attrs: {}}; cssParams['attrs'][this.CONST_ATTR_TMP_RESOURSE] = 'bx-editor'; BX.adjust(css, cssParams); } this.init(); if(BX.type.isFunction(callback)) { callback.apply(this); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onLoadAfter', [url, callback, this]); }, this)); if(this.charset) { url = url + '&template_charset=' + this.charset; } this.iframe.src = url; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.getSortedBlockListWithReplacedEmptyPlaces = function() { this.helper.each(this.findBlockPlaces(), function (placeNode, placeCode) { var blockNodes = placeNode.querySelectorAll('[' + this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK + ']'); if (blockNodes.length > 0 ) { return; } if (placeNode.children.length != 1) { return; } var blockNode = this.getBlockNodeByType('text'); if (blockNode) { var block = this.addBlockByNode(blockNode, placeNode.children[0], true); block.setContentHtml(''); } }, this); return this.getSortedBlockList(); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.getSortedBlockList = function() { var sortedBlockList = []; var nodeList = this.iframe.contentDocument.body.querySelectorAll('[' + this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK + ']'); nodeList = BX.convert.nodeListToArray(nodeList); // get as changed that places what have changed blocks var changedPlaceList = this.statusManager.getPlaceNameList(nodeList); nodeList.forEach(function(node, sort) { // add blocks only from changed places if(!node.parentNode || !BX.util.in_array(node.parentNode.getAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_PLACE), changedPlaceList)) { return; } this.helper.each(this.blockList, function(block) { if(block.node !== node) { return; } block.sort = sort; sortedBlockList.push(block); }, this); }, this); return sortedBlockList; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.getContentForSave = function() { if(!this.isTemplateMode) { return this.getContent(); } else { var list = []; // save styles if(this.stylistContainerNode && this.stylistContainerNode.innerHTML) { var styleContent = this.stylistContainerNode.innerHTML.trim(); if(styleContent) { // save only changed styles var diffStyles = this.cssParser.diffStylesAll( this.stylistInitedValues, this.cssParser.parse(styleContent) ); if(diffStyles) { styleContent = '<style type="text/css">' + "\n" + this.cssParser.getCssString(diffStyles) + "\n" + '</style>'; list.push({ 'type': 'STYLES', 'place': 'page', 'value': styleContent, 'block': { 'type': 'stylist', 'parameters': diffStyles } }); } } } // save blocks var blockList = this.isFinalSave ? this.getSortedBlockListWithReplacedEmptyPlaces() : this.getSortedBlockList(); list = list.concat(blockList.map(function(block) { return { 'type': 'BLOCKS', 'place': block.getPlaceHolderCode(), 'value': block.getContentHtmlOuter(), // '', 'block': { 'type': block.type, 'parameters': block.getEditValues() } }; }, this)); return this.content.getString(list); } }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.getContent = function(withoutPHP) { withoutPHP = !!(withoutPHP || null); var doc = this.iframe.contentDocument.cloneNode(true); // clean resources from editor resources if(doc.head) for(var i = doc.head.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var node = doc.head.childNodes.item(i); var nodeName = node.nodeName; nodeName = nodeName || ''; nodeName = nodeName.toUpperCase(); if(nodeName == 'SCRIPT' || nodeName == 'STYLE' || nodeName == 'LINK') { if(node.attributes && node.hasAttribute) { if(node.hasAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_TMP_RESOURSE)) { BX.remove(node); } else if(node.hasAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_STYLIST_TAG)) { //node.removeAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_STYLIST_TAG); } } if (node.href && node.href.indexOf('/bitrix/js/fileman/block_editor/editor.css') > -1) { BX.remove(node); } } } // delete layout from empty block places var blockPlaceList = BX.findChildren(doc.body, {'attribute': this.CONST_ATTR_PLACE}, true); for(var j in blockPlaceList) { var blockPlace = blockPlaceList[j]; var blockPlaceBlocks = BX.findChildren(blockPlace, {'attribute': this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK}, true); if(blockPlaceBlocks.length == 0) { BX.cleanNode(blockPlace); } } // clean blocks from accessory layout var blockList = []; if(doc.body) { blockList = BX.findChildren(doc.body, {'attribute': this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK}, true); } for(var k in blockList) { var block = blockList[k]; // get block content var blockContent = BX.findChild(block, {'className': 'bx-content'}, true); var blockContentChildren = BX.convert.nodeListToArray(blockContent.childNodes); if(withoutPHP && block && block.getAttribute && block.getAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK) == 'component') { blockContentChildren = BX.findChildren(block, {'className': 'bx-component'}, true) } // remove accessory layout BX.cleanNode(block); BX.adjust(block, {children: blockContentChildren}); // remove temporary attributes for(var n = block.attributes.length; n >=0; n--) { if(block.attributes[n] && block.attributes[n].name != this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK) { block.removeAttribute(block.attributes[n].name); } } } // replace layout by placeholder #bx_....# if (!withoutPHP) { this.phpParser.replaceLayoutBySurrogate(doc.body); } // get html var result = doc.documentElement.outerHTML; // replace placeholder #bx_....# by PHP-chunk if (!withoutPHP) { result = this.phpParser.replaceSurrogateByPhp(result); } return result; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.showDragDropZone = function(node, isTopPosition) { //if(BX.hasClass(node, 'bx-editor-block')) { BX.addClass(node, 'bx-dd-enter'); if(isTopPosition) { BX.removeClass(node, 'bx-dd-enter-bottom'); BX.addClass(node, 'bx-dd-enter-top'); } else { BX.removeClass(node, 'bx-dd-enter-top'); BX.addClass(node, 'bx-dd-enter-bottom'); } } }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.hideDragDropZone = function(node) { //if(BX.hasClass(node, 'bx-editor-block')) { BX.removeClass(node, 'bx-dd-enter'); BX.removeClass(node, 'bx-dd-enter-top'); BX.removeClass(node, 'bx-dd-enter-bottom'); } }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.onDragDropItemMove = function(blockNode, node, before) { var oldBlockPlace = blockNode.parentNode; var block; for(var i in this.blockList) { if(this.blockList[i] && this.blockList[i].node == blockNode) { block = this.blockList[i]; break; } } block.onMoveHandler(node); // move block this.helper.appendChildNode(blockNode, node, before); this.actualizeBlockPlace(oldBlockPlace); this.actualizeBlockPlace(node.parentNode); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onBlockMoveAfter', [block]); this.save(); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.onDragDropItemAdd = function(type, node, before) { /* before = before || null; var blankBlock = this.getBlockByType(type); var block = this.addBlock(blankBlock); block.onMoveHandler(node); this.helper.appendChildNode(blankBlock, node, before); this.actualizeBlockPlace(node.parentNode); */ this.addBlockByNode(this.getBlockNodeByType(type), node, before); this.save(); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.onEditDialogControlChangeValue = function(key, value, columnNum) { if(this.currentEditingBlock) { this.currentEditingBlock.setEditValue(key, value, columnNum); } }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.getCurrentEditingBlock = function() { return this.currentEditingBlock; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.getBlockHtml = function(type, values) { var blockNode = this.getBlockNodeByType(type); var block; if(type === 'component') { block = new BXBlockEditorBlockComponent(); } else { block = new BXBlockEditorBlock(); } block.init(blockNode, {'caller': this, 'type': type}); block.setEditValues(values); return block.getContentHtmlOuter(); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.getBlockHtmlByCode = function(code) { var type = this.blockTypeList[code].TYPE; var html = this.blockTypeList[code].HTML; if(type == 'component') { html = this.phpParser.getComponentInclude(code); } return this.phpParser.replacePhpByLayout(html); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.getBlockNodeByType = function(code) { var bxParams = {}; var type = this.blockTypeList[code].TYPE; var html = this.getBlockHtmlByCode(code); bxParams[this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK] = type; return BX.create({'tag': 'DIV', 'attrs': bxParams, 'html': html}); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.addBlockByNode = function(blockNode, node, before) { var block = this.addBlock(blockNode); block.onMoveHandler(node); this.helper.appendChildNode(blockNode, node, before); this.actualizeBlockPlace(node.parentNode); BX.onCustomEvent(block, 'onBlockCreateAfter'); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onBlockCreateAfter', [block]); return block; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.addBlockByHtml = function(html, node, before) { var parentNode = BX.create({'tag': 'DIV', 'html': html}); return this.addBlockByNode(parentNode.children[0], node, before); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.addBlock = function(blockNode) { var type = blockNode.getAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK); var block; BX.addClass(blockNode, 'bx-editor-block'); BX.addClass(blockNode, 'bx-type-' + type); if(type === 'component') { block = new BXBlockEditorBlockComponent(); } else { block = new BXBlockEditorBlock(); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onBlockCreate', [block]); block.init(blockNode, { caller: this, type: blockNode.getAttribute(this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK), controls: { drag: BX.delegate(function(){ }, this), clone: BX.delegate(function(e){ this.cloneBlock(block); return BX.PreventDefault(e);}, this), edit: BX.delegate(function(e){ this.editBlock(block); return BX.PreventDefault(e);}, this), remove: BX.delegate(function(e){ this.removeBlock(block); return BX.PreventDefault(e);}, this) } }); this.blockList.push(block); this.dragdrop.addItem(block.node); return block; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.removeBlock = function(block) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onBlockRemove', [block]); for(var i in this.blockList) { if(block == this.blockList[i]) { this.blockList.splice(i, 1); } } this.dragdrop.removeItem(block.node); var parentRemovedNode = block.node.parentNode; BX.remove(block.node); this.actualizeBlockPlace(parentRemovedNode); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onBlockRemoveAfter', [parentRemovedNode]); this.save(); this.editDialog.hide(); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.cloneBlock = function(block) { var bxParams = {}; bxParams[this.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK] = block.type; var clonedBlankBlock = BX.create({ 'tag': 'DIV', 'attrs': bxParams, //'children': nodeContent.children 'html': this.phpParser.replacePhpByLayout(block.getContentHtml()) }); block.node.parentNode.insertBefore(clonedBlankBlock, block.node); var clonedBlock = this.addBlock(clonedBlankBlock); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onBlockClone', [clonedBlock]); this.save(); }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.editBlockEnd = function(hasChanges) { if(!this.currentEditingBlock) { return; } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onBlockEditEnd', [this.currentEditingBlock, hasChanges]); this.save(); BX.removeClass(this.currentEditingBlock.node, 'bx-editor-block-current-edit'); this.currentEditingBlock = null; }; BXBlockEditor.prototype.editBlock = function(block) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onBlockEdit', [block]); var _this = this; this.editDialog.save(function() { _this.currentEditingBlock = block; BX.addClass(_this.currentEditingBlock.node, 'bx-editor-block-current-edit'); _this.editDialog.load(block.getEditPropList()); _this.editDialog.show(); }); }; function BXBlockEditorBlock() { this.caller = null; this.type = ''; this.node = {}; this.nodeContent = {}; this.editHandlerList = {}; } BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.init = function (node, params) { this.caller = params.caller; this.type = params.type; this.node = node; this.helper = new BXBlockEditorHelper(); this.initStructure(); if (params.controls) { this.initControls(params.controls); } this.initEditHandlers(); this.initDependencies(); }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.initEditHandlers = function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this.caller, 'onBlockInitHandlers', [this, this.type]); }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.getPlaceHolderCode = function() { return this.node.parentNode.getAttribute(this.caller.CONST_ATTR_PLACE); }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.setContentHtml = function(html, withoutPHP) { withoutPHP = !!(withoutPHP || null); if (!withoutPHP) { html = this.caller.phpParser.replacePhpByLayout(html); } this.nodeContent.innerHTML = html; }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.getContentHtml = function(withoutPHP) { withoutPHP = !!(withoutPHP || null); var nodeContent = BX.clone(this.nodeContent); // replace layout by placeholder #bx_....# if (!withoutPHP) { this.caller.phpParser.replaceLayoutBySurrogate(nodeContent); } // get html var result = nodeContent.innerHTML; if(!result) { result = ''; } // replace placeholder #bx_....# by PHP-chunk if (!withoutPHP) { result = this.caller.phpParser.replaceSurrogateByPhp(result); } result = result.trim(); return result; }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.getContentHtmlOuter = function(withoutPHP) { var blockHtml = this.getContentHtml(withoutPHP); blockHtml = '<div ' + this.caller.CONST_ATTR_BLOCK + '="' + this.type + '">\n' + blockHtml + '\n</div>'; return blockHtml; }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.findEditHandler = function(code) { if(this.editHandlerList && this.editHandlerList[code]) { return this.editHandlerList[code]; } return null; }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.initDependencies = function() { var result = {}; for(var code in this.editHandlerList) { var handler = this.editHandlerList[code]; if(!BX.type.isArray(handler.reload_dependence)) { continue; } for(var j in handler.reload_dependence) { var dependenceCode = handler.reload_dependence[j]; if(!BX.type.isArray(result[dependenceCode])) { result[dependenceCode] = []; } result[dependenceCode].push(code); } } this.dependencies = result; }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.onMoveHandler = function(nearNode) { var node = this.node; this.helper.each(this.editHandlerList, BX.delegate(function(handler){ if(BX.type.isFunction(handler.onMove)) { this.findEditNodeList(handler.className); handler.onMove.apply(this, [node, nearNode]); } }, this)); if(BX.type.isFunction(this.onMove)) { this.onMove.apply(this, [node, nearNode]); } }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.findEditNodeList = function(className, columnNum) { var result = []; var nodeList = []; var columnCounter = 0; if(columnNum) { columnNum = parseInt(columnNum); } if(className) { nodeList = BX.findChildren(this.nodeContent, {'className': className}, true); } else { nodeList.push(this.nodeContent); } for(var i in nodeList) { if(columnNum) { columnCounter++; if(columnCounter < columnNum) continue; if(columnCounter > columnNum) break; } result.push(nodeList[i]); } return result; }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.columnToolName = 'column-count'; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.getEditValues = function() { var result = []; var column = this.getEditValue(this.columnToolName); column = column > 0 ? column : 1; for (var code in this.editHandlerList) { if (!this.editHandlerList.hasOwnProperty(code)) { continue; } for (var i = 1; i <= column; i++) { var value = this.getEditValue(code, i); if (value === null || value === '') { continue; } result.push({'code': code, 'value': value, 'column': i}); } } return result; }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.setEditValues = function(values) { var filtered = values.filter(function (item) { return item.code == this.columnToolName; }, this); if (filtered && filtered[0]) { var column = filtered[0].value; column = column > 0 ? column : 1; this.setEditValue(this.columnToolName, column); } values.forEach(function (item) { this.setEditValue(item.code, item.value, item.column > 0 ? item.column : 1); }, this); }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.setEditValue = function(param, value, columnNum) { var handler = this.findEditHandler(param); if(!handler) { return; } var nodeList = this.findEditNodeList(handler.className, columnNum); if(!BX.type.isFunction(handler.func)) { return; } for(var i in nodeList) { var node = nodeList[i]; handler.func.apply(this, [node, param, value]); } }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.getEditValue = function(param, columnNum) { var result = null; var handler = this.findEditHandler(param); if(!handler) { return result; } var nodeList = this.findEditNodeList(handler.className, columnNum); if(!BX.type.isFunction(handler.func)) { return result; } var node = nodeList[0]; if(!node) { return result; } result = handler.func.apply(this, [node, param]); return result; }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.getEditPropList = function(filterCodeList) { var result = []; filterCodeList = filterCodeList || []; for(var code in this.editHandlerList) { if(filterCodeList.length > 0 && !BX.util.in_array(code, filterCodeList)) { continue; } var handler = this.editHandlerList[code]; result.push({ 'code': code, 'params': handler['params'] ? handler['params'] : {}, 'value': this.getEditValue(code), 'dependence': this.dependencies[code] ? this.dependencies[code] : [] }); } return result; }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.initStructure = function() { var blockNode = this.node; var editorBlock; var editorBlockShadow = document.createElement('div'); BX.addClass(editorBlockShadow, 'bx-shadow'); var editorBlockControls = document.createElement('div'); BX.addClass(editorBlockControls, 'bx-controls'); editorBlockControls.innerHTML = ''+ '<span title="' + BX.message('BLOCK_EDITOR_BLOCK_ACTION_MOVE') + '" class="bx-editor-block-controls-btn bx-drag"></span>' + '<span title="' + BX.message('BLOCK_EDITOR_BLOCK_ACTION_REMOVE') + '" class="bx-editor-block-controls-btn bx-remove"></span>' + '<span title="' + BX.message('BLOCK_EDITOR_BLOCK_ACTION_COPY') + '" class="bx-editor-block-controls-btn bx-clone"></span>' + '<span title="' + BX.message('BLOCK_EDITOR_BLOCK_ACTION_EDIT') + '" class="bx-editor-block-controls-btn bx-edit"></span>' + ''; var htmlContent = blockNode.innerHTML; var editorBlockContent = BX.create({ 'tag': 'DIV', 'props': {'className': 'bx-content'}, 'html': htmlContent //'children': blockNode.children }); blockNode.innerHTML = ''; this.nodeContent = editorBlockContent; editorBlock = BX.create({ 'tag': 'DIV', 'props': {'className': 'bx-block-inside'}, 'children': [editorBlockShadow, editorBlockContent, editorBlockControls], 'style': {'display': 'none'} }); var editorBlockDropZoneBefore = document.createElement('div'); BX.addClass(editorBlockDropZoneBefore, 'bx-dropzone'); editorBlockDropZoneBefore.innerHTML = BX.message('BLOCK_EDITOR_PLACE_DROP_ZONE'); var editorBlockDropZoneAfter = document.createElement('div'); BX.addClass(editorBlockDropZoneAfter, 'bx-dropzone'); editorBlockDropZoneAfter.innerHTML = BX.message('BLOCK_EDITOR_PLACE_DROP_ZONE'); blockNode.appendChild(editorBlockDropZoneBefore); blockNode.appendChild(editorBlock); blockNode.appendChild(editorBlockDropZoneAfter); editorBlock.style.display = 'block'; }; BXBlockEditorBlock.prototype.initControls = function(controlHandlers) { var controls = BX.findChild(this.node, {'className': 'bx-controls'}, true); var remove = BX.findChild(controls, {'className': 'bx-remove'}, true); var drag = BX.findChild(controls, {'className': 'bx-drag'}, true); var clone = BX.findChild(controls, {'className': 'bx-clone'}, true); var edit = BX.findChild(controls, {'className': 'bx-edit'}, true); BX.bind(remove, 'click', controlHandlers.remove); BX.bind(drag, 'click', controlHandlers.drag); BX.bind(clone, 'click', controlHandlers.clone); BX.bind(edit, 'click', controlHandlers.edit); BX.bind(this.node, 'click', controlHandlers.edit); }; function BXBlockEditorBlockComponent() { BXBlockEditorBlockComponent.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.componentDescriptionNode = null; this.init = function(node, params) { // rewrite edit behavior params.controls.edit = BX.delegate(this.onEdit, this); // call parent method BXBlockEditorBlockComponent.superclass.init.call(this, node, params); this.setContentClearPhp(this.getContentClearPhp()); // set description var editorBlockComponentHeader = BX.create({'tag': 'DIV', 'props': {'className': 'bx-component-header'}}); var editorBlockComponentIcon = BX.create({'tag': 'DIV', 'props': {'className': 'bx-component-icon'}}); var editorBlockComponentDescription = BX.create({'tag': 'DIV', 'props': {'className': 'bx-component-description'}}); var editorBlockComponent = BX.create({ 'tag': 'DIV', 'props': {'className': 'bx-component'}, 'children': [editorBlockComponentHeader, editorBlockComponentIcon, editorBlockComponentDescription] }); this.nodeContent.parentNode.insertBefore(editorBlockComponent, this.nodeContent.nextSibling); this.componentIconNode = BX.findChildByClassName(this.node, 'bx-component-icon', true); this.componentDescriptionNode = BX.findChildByClassName(this.node, 'bx-component-description', true); this.componentHeaderNode = BX.findChildByClassName(this.node, 'bx-component-header', true); var componentDescription = this.caller.phpParser.getPhpSliceDescription(this.getContentClearPhp()); this.componentHeaderNode.innerHTML = componentDescription ? componentDescription.name : this.type; this.componentDescriptionNode.innerHTML = componentDescription ? componentDescription.title : this.type; BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'onBlockCreateAfter', this.onBlockCreateAfter); }; this.setContentClearPhp = function(php) { php = '<div class="bxBlockPadding">' + php + '</div>'; this.setContentHtml(php); }; this.getContentClearPhp = function() { return this.getContentHtml().split(/<[^?>]+>/g).join(''); }; this.onBlockCreateAfter = function() { this.showComponentPropertiesDialog(); }; this.onEdit = function() { this.showComponentPropertiesDialog(); }; this.showComponentPropertiesDialog = function() { this.caller.currentEditingBlock = this; var _this = this; this.caller.editDialog.save(); this.caller.currentEditingBlock = this; this.caller.phpParser.showComponentPropertiesDialog( this.getContentClearPhp(), function(html){ _this.setContentClearPhp(html); _this.caller.editBlockEnd(true); }, function(){ _this.caller.editBlockEnd(false); } ); }; } BX.extend(BXBlockEditorBlockComponent, BXBlockEditorBlock); function BXBlockEditorStylist() { BXBlockEditorStylist.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.styleNode = null; this.placeNode = null; this.selectorTextList = [ '.bxBlockContentText', '.bxBlockContentText p', '.bxBlockContentSocial', '.bxBlockContentSocial p', '.bxBlockContentBoxedText', '.bxBlockContentBoxedText p' ]; this.selectorAList = [ '.bxBlockSocial a', '.bxBlockContentText a', '.bxBlockContentBoxedText a' ]; this.getPlaceHolderCode = function() { }; this.initStructure = function(){}; this.initControls = function(){}; this.getContentHtml = function(){}; this.getContentHtmlOuter = function(){}; this.findEditNodeList = function(className) { return [this.styleNode]; }; this.initEditHandlers = function() { if(this.type == 'page') { this.editHandlerList = { 'bx-stylist-bgcolor': { 'className': '', 'func': function (node, param, value) { return this.css('', [''], node, 'background', value); } } }; var getHTagHandler = (function (){ return function (handlerList, hTag) { handlerList['bx-stylist-' + hTag + '-color'] = { 'className': '', 'func': function (node, param, value) { if(value) { value += ' !important'; } var result = this.css('', [hTag], node, 'color', value); if(result) { resultList = result.split(' '); result = resultList[0]; } return result; } }; handlerList['bx-stylist-' + hTag + '-font-size'] = { 'className': '', 'func': function (node, param, value) { if(value) { value += ' !important'; } var result = this.css('', [hTag], node, 'font-size', value); if(result) { resultList = result.split(' '); result = resultList[0]; } return result; } }; handlerList['bx-stylist-' + hTag + '-font-weight'] = { 'className': '', 'func': function (node, param, value) { if(value) { value += ' !important'; } var result = this.css('', [hTag], node, 'font-weight', value); if(result) { resultList = result.split(' '); result = resultList[0]; } return result; } }; handlerList['bx-stylist-' + hTag + '-font-weight'] = { 'className': '', 'func': function (node, param, value) { if(value) { value += ' !important'; } var result = this.css('', [hTag], node, 'font-weight', value); if(result) { resultList = result.split(' '); result = resultList[0]; } return result; } }; handlerList['bx-stylist-' + hTag + '-line-height'] = { 'className': '', 'func': function (node, param, value) { if(value) { value += ' !important'; } var result = this.css('', [hTag], node, 'line-height', value); if(result) { resultList = result.split(' '); result = resultList[0]; } return result; } }; handlerList['bx-stylist-' + hTag + '-text-align'] = { 'className': '', 'func': function (node, param, value) { if(value) { value += ' !important'; } var result = this.css('', [hTag], node, 'text-align', value); if(result) { resultList = result.split(' '); result = resultList[0]; } return result; } }; return handlerList; } })(); for(var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { this.editHandlerList = getHTagHandler(this.editHandlerList, 'h' + i); } } else { this.editHandlerList = { 'bx-stylist-bgcolor': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.css('', [''], node, 'background', value); } }, 'bx-stylist-padding-top': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.css('', [''], node, 'padding-top', value); } }, 'bx-stylist-padding-bottom': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.css('', [''], node, 'padding-bottom', value); } }, 'bx-stylist-text-color': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.cssTextBlock(node, 'color', value); } }, 'bx-stylist-text-font-family': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.cssTextBlock(node, 'font-family', value); } }, 'bx-stylist-text-font-size': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.cssTextBlock(node, 'font-size', value); } }, 'bx-stylist-text-font-weight': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.cssTextBlock(node, 'font-weight', value); } }, 'bx-stylist-text-line-height': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.cssTextBlock(node, 'line-height', value); } }, 'bx-stylist-text-text-align': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.cssTextBlock(node, 'text-align', value); } }, 'bx-stylist-a-color': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.cssATag(node, 'color', value); } }, 'bx-stylist-a-font-weight': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.cssATag(node, 'font-weight', value); } }, 'bx-stylist-a-text-decoration': { 'className': '', 'func': function(node, param, value){ return this.cssATag(node, 'text-decoration', value); } } }; } }; this.getSelector = function(selectorList) { var type = this.type; type = type[0].toUpperCase() + type.substring(1); var finalSelectorList = []; for(var i in selectorList) { var selector = selectorList[i]; if(this.type == 'page') { finalSelectorList.push('body' + (selector ? ' ' : '') + selector); } finalSelectorList.push('#' + this.caller.CONST_ATTR_ID_STYLIST + type + (selector ? ' ' : '') + selector); } return finalSelectorList.join(', '); }; this.cssHeadTag = function(head, node, param, value) { return this.css('', [head], node, param, value); }; this.css = function(media, selectorList, node, param, value) { var selector = this.getSelector(selectorList); var cssText; if(typeof(value) !== "undefined") { var changeParams = {}; changeParams[param] = value; cssText = node.innerHTML; if(node.styleSheet) { cssText = node.styleSheet.cssText; } cssText = this.caller.cssParser.setStyle(cssText, media, selector, changeParams); node.innerHTML = cssText; if(node.styleSheet) { node.styleSheet.cssText = cssText; } } cssText = node.innerHTML; if(node.styleSheet) { cssText = node.styleSheet.cssText; } var changeResult = this.caller.cssParser.getStyle(cssText, media, selector, [param]); return changeResult[param]; }; this.cssTextBlock = function(node, param, value) { return this.css('', this.selectorTextList, node, param, value); }; this.cssATag = function(node, param, value) { return this.css('', this.selectorAList, node, param, value); }; } BX.extend(BXBlockEditorStylist, BXBlockEditorBlock); function BXBlockEditorPHPParser(params) { this.phpList = []; this.htmlEditor = params.htmlEditor; this.componentPropertiesDialogHandler = null; this.componentPropertiesDialogHandlerCancel = null; BX.addCustomEvent(this.htmlEditor, 'OnContentChanged', BX.delegate(this.handleComponentPropertiesChange, this)); } BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.handleComponentPropertiesClose = function() { if(BX.type.isFunction(this.componentPropertiesDialogHandlerCancel)) { this.componentPropertiesDialogHandlerCancel.call(this); } this.componentPropertiesDialogHandler = null; this.componentPropertiesDialogHandlerCancel = null; }; BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.handleComponentPropertiesChange = function(html) { if(BX.type.isFunction(this.componentPropertiesDialogHandler)) { this.componentPropertiesDialogHandler.call(this, html); } this.componentPropertiesDialogHandler = null; this.componentPropertiesDialogHandlerCancel = null; }; BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.showComponentPropertiesDialog = function(html, handlerSave, handlerCancel) { if(!this.htmlEditor.components.IsComponent(html)) { return; } this.htmlEditor.SetContent(html, true); var surrogateList = this.htmlEditor.phpParser.GetAllSurrogates(); if(!surrogateList[0]) { return; } var surrogate = surrogateList[0]; var origTag = this.htmlEditor.GetBxTag(surrogate.node); var bxTag = this.htmlEditor.GetBxTag(origTag.surrogateId); this.componentPropertiesDialogHandler = handlerSave; this.componentPropertiesDialogHandlerCancel = handlerCancel; this.htmlEditor.components.ShowPropertiesDialog(origTag.params, bxTag); BX.addCustomEvent( this.htmlEditor.components.oPropertiesDialog.oDialog, "onWindowUnRegister", BX.proxy(this.handleComponentPropertiesClose, this) ); }; BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.replaceLayoutBySurrogate = function(context) { for(var i in this.phpList) { var item = this.phpList[i]; var phpNode = BX.findChild(context, {'attribute': {'id': item.id}}, true); if(phpNode) { phpNode.outerHTML = '#' + item.id + '#'; } } }; BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.replaceSurrogateByPhp = function(text) { var result = text; for(var i in this.phpList) { var item = this.phpList[i]; result = result.replace('#' + item.id + '#', item.content); } return result; }; BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.replaceLayoutByPhp = function(text) { var result = text; var len = this.phpList.length; for(var i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var item = this.phpList[i]; result = result.replace(item.layout, item.content); } return result; }; BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.resetItems = function() { this.phpList = []; }; BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.addItem = function(id, phpSlice, layout) { this.phpList.push({ 'id': id, 'content': phpSlice, 'layout': layout }); }; BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.getAttrName = function() { return 'data-bx-editor-php-slice'; }; BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.getPhpSliceDescription = function(phpSlice) { var result = {'name': 'PHP', 'title': 'PHP'}; var component = this.htmlEditor.components.IsComponent(phpSlice); if(component && this.htmlEditor.components.components) { var cData = this.htmlEditor.components.GetComponentData(component.name); var name = cData.title || component.name; var title = (cData.params && cData.params.DESCRIPTION) ? cData.params.DESCRIPTION : title; result = {'name': name, 'title': title}; } return result; }; BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.replacePhpByLayout = function(text) { var parsedText = this.htmlEditor.phpParser.ReplacePhpBySymCode(text); for(var ind in this.htmlEditor.phpParser.arScripts) { var phpPattern = this.htmlEditor.phpParser.GetPhpPattern(ind); var id = 'bx_block_php_' + Math.random(); var phpSlice = this.htmlEditor.phpParser.arScripts[ind]; var phpDesc = this.getPhpSliceDescription(phpSlice); var encodedPhpSlice = phpSlice.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/"/g, '"') // BX.util.htmlspecialchars(phpSlice) var replaceTo = '<span id="'+id+'" ' + this.getAttrName() + '="' + encodedPhpSlice + '" class="bxhtmled-surrogate" title="'+phpDesc.title+'">'+phpDesc.name+'</span>'; this.addItem(id, phpSlice, replaceTo); parsedText = parsedText.replace(phpPattern, replaceTo); } return parsedText; }; BXBlockEditorPHPParser.prototype.getComponentInclude = function(componentName, asLayout) { asLayout = asLayout || false; var includeText = this.htmlEditor.components.GetOnDropHtml({'name': componentName}); if(asLayout) { includeText = this.replacePhpByLayout(includeText); } return includeText; };