Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/medialib/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/medialib/core_admin.js |
function BXMedialibAdmin(oConfig) { window.MLItems = {}; this.arCollections = window.MLCollections; this.arItemsCollList = {}; this.oConfig = oConfig; this.sessid = this.oConfig.sessid; this.zIndex = 1000; this.arItems = {}; this.curColl = this.oConfig.curColl; this.arExt = this.oConfig.strExt.split(','); } BXMedialibAdmin.prototype = { OnStart: function() { this.pCollCont = BX('ml_coll_cont'); this.pBread = BX('ml_breadcrumbs'); this.Types = this.oConfig.Types; this.curType = ''; this.requestTypes = []; this.imageTypeId = 0; var i, l, arExt_, arExt, j, s; for (i = 0, l = this.Types.length; i < l; i++) { arExt = []; arExt_ = this.Types[i].ext.split(','); for (j = 0; j < arExt_.length; j++) { s = BX.util.trim(arExt_[j]); if (s.length > 0) arExt.push(s.toLowerCase()); } this.Types[i].arExt = arExt; if (this.Types[i].system && this.Types[i].code == 'image') { this.imageTypeId = this.Types[i].id; this.requestTypes.push(0); } this.requestTypes.push(this.Types[i].id); } this.InitMultiaction(); this.InitContextMenu(); this.InitTypeSelector(); //this.InitSearch(); this.Search = new BXMLSearch(this); // Build collections this.BuildCollections(); //if (this.arCollections.length <= 0) // BX('ml_no_colection_notice').style.display = "block"; if (this.curColl > 0) { this.SelectCollection(this.curColl, true); this.OpenCollection(this.curColl); } // Temp hack for dialogs in Opera must die when redesigned if (BX('mlsd_item')) document.body.appendChild(BX('mlsd_item').parentNode); }, BuildCollections: function() { this.oCollections = {}; this.arCollectionsTree = []; this.bNoCollections = true; var arCollectionsTemp = [], newAr, it = 0, i, l = this.arCollections.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (!this.BuildCollection(this.arCollections[i], i)) arCollectionsTemp.push([this.arCollections[i], i]); } while(arCollectionsTemp.length > 0 && it < 50) { l = arCollectionsTemp.length; newAr = []; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (!this.BuildCollection(arCollectionsTemp[i][0], arCollectionsTemp[i][1])) newAr.push(arCollectionsTemp[i]); } arCollectionsTemp = newAr; it++; } this.bRedrawCollections = true; if (this.bNoCollections) BX('ml_no_colection_notice').style.display = "block"; }, BuildCollection: function(oCol, ind) { if (!oCol) return false; if (!this.CheckMLType(oCol.type)) return true; if (this.bNoCollections) { this.bNoCollections = false; BX('ml_no_colection_notice').style.display = "none"; } var pCont, level, _this = this, parAr; oCol.parent = parseInt(oCol.parent); if (!oCol.parent) // Root element { pCont = this.pCollCont; level = 0; parAr = this.arCollectionsTree; } else if (this.oCollections[oCol.parent]) { pCont = this.oCollections[oCol.parent].pCollsCont; level = this.oCollections[oCol.parent].level + 1; this.oCollections[oCol.parent].childCount++; if (this.oCollections[oCol.parent].childCount == 1) this.oCollections[oCol.parent].icon.className = 'ml-col-icon-closed'; parAr = this._ReqFindChildCol(this.arCollectionsTree, oCol.parent); } else return false; parAr.push({id: oCol.id, child: []}); if (pCont) { var html = '', i, titleDiv = BX.create("DIV", {props:{id : 'ml_coll_title_' + oCol.id}}), img = titleDiv.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props:{src: '/bitrix/images/1.gif', className: 'ml-col-icon ml-col-icon-closed'}})), arHideItems = {length: 0}, ch = titleDiv.appendChild(BX.create("INPUT", {props:{type: 'checkbox', value: 'c_' + oCol.id}})), menuIc = titleDiv.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props:{src: '/bitrix/images/1.gif', className: 'ml-col-menu', id: 'mlccm_' + oCol.id}})), span = titleDiv.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {title: bxspcharsback(oCol.desc || oCol.name)}, text: oCol.name})), childDiv = BX.create("DIV"), childTbl = childDiv.appendChild(BX.create("TABLE")); itemsTd = childTbl.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1), colsTd = childTbl.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1), cellX = childTbl.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1); itemsTd.className = 'ml-coll-items-cont'; colsTd.className = 'ml-coll-cols-cont'; cellX.className = 'ml-coll-cols-cell-x'; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) html += "<img src='/bitrix/images/1.gif' />"; cellX.innerHTML = html; if (arHideItems.del = !this.UserCan(oCol, 'del')) arHideItems.length++; if (arHideItems.edit = !this.UserCan(oCol, 'edit')) arHideItems.length++; if (arHideItems.add_col = !this.UserCan(oCol, 'new_col')) arHideItems.length++; if (arHideItems.add_item = !this.UserCan(oCol, 'new_item')) arHideItems.length++; if (arHideItems.access = !this.UserCan(oCol, 'access')) arHideItems.length++; if (arHideItems.length < 5) { menuIc.onmouseover = function(){BX.addClass(this, 'ml-col-menu-over');}; menuIc.onmouseout = function(){BX.removeClass(this, 'ml-col-menu-over');}; menuIc.onclick = function(e){_this.oColMenu.Show({pElement: this, arHideItems: arHideItems});return BX.PreventDefault(e);}; } else { menuIc.className = 'ml-col-menu ml-col-menu-dis'; } ch.onclick = function(e) { var id = this.value.substr('c_'.length); if (!this.checked) { var col = _this.GetCollection(id); if (col && col.parent > 0 && _this.oCollections[col.parent]) _this.oCollections[col.parent].pCheck.checked = false; } _this.CheckAllCollChild(id, !!this.checked, true); if(!e) e = window.event; if(e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); else e.cancelBubble = true; }; _this._SetColTitleLevel(titleDiv, childDiv, level); titleDiv.onclick = function(){_this.OpenCollection(this.id.substr('ml_coll_title_'.length), true);}; img.onclick = function(e){_this.OpenCollection(this.parentNode.id.substr('ml_coll_title_'.length), false, true); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event);}; pCont.appendChild(titleDiv); pCont.appendChild(childDiv); this.oCollections[oCol.id] = { ind: ind, pTitle: titleDiv, pChildCont: childDiv, pCollsCont: colsTd, pItemsCont: itemsTd, icon: img, level: level, childCount: 0, bOpened: false, pCheck: ch }; return true; } }, ReNewCollectionTree: function() { this.bRedrawCollections = true; this.arCollectionsTree = []; var arTMP = [], newAr, it = 0, i, l = this.arCollections.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (!this.CheckMLType(this.arCollections[i].type)) continue; if (!this.ReNewCol4Tree(this.arCollections[i])) arTMP.push(this.arCollections[i]); } while(arTMP.length > 0 && it < 50) { l = arTMP.length; newAr = []; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (!this.ReNewCol4Tree(arTMP[i])) newAr.push(arTMP[i]); } arTMP = newAr; it++; } }, ReNewCol4Tree: function(oCol) { var parId = parseInt(oCol.parent), parAr; if (!parId) // Root element parAr = this.arCollectionsTree; else if (this.oCollections[parId]) parAr = this._ReqFindChildCol(this.arCollectionsTree, parId); if(!parAr) return false; parAr.push({id: oCol.id, child: []}); return true; }, SelectCollection: function(id, bOpenCrumbs) { var Col = this.oCollections[id]; if (!Col || this.SelectedColId == id) return; this.DeSelectCollection(false); this.SelectedColId = id; BX.addClass(Col.pTitle, 'mlcollt-active'); BX.addClass(Col.pChildCont, 'mlcollt-active-ch'); var arCrumbs = this.GetCollsCrumbs(id); this.BuildCrumbs(arCrumbs); if (bOpenCrumbs) // Open collection sections { var i, l = arCrumbs.length; for(i = 1; i < l; i++) { if (!this.oCollections[arCrumbs[i].id].bOpened) this.OpenCollection(arCrumbs[i].id); } } }, DeSelectCollection: function(bDelCrumbs) { if (this.SelectedColId && this.oCollections[this.SelectedColId]) // Deselect { BX.removeClass(this.oCollections[this.SelectedColId].pTitle, 'mlcollt-active'); BX.removeClass(this.oCollections[this.SelectedColId].pChildCont, 'mlcollt-active-ch'); } if (bDelCrumbs !== false) // Clean BreadCrumbs while(this.pBread.childNodes.length > 0) this.pBread.removeChild(this.pBread.firstChild); }, UserCan: function(oCol, action) { var oAc; if (typeof oCol !== 'object') { if (oCol === 0) { oAc = this.oConfig.rootAccess; } else { oCol = this.GetCollection(oCol); if (typeof oCol !== 'object' ) return false; oAc = oCol.access; } } else { oAc = oCol.access; } return oAc && oAc[action] === '1'; }, GetCollsCrumbs: function(id) { var arCrumbs = [], arCol; while(id) { arCol = this.GetCollection(id); if (arCol) { arCrumbs.push(arCol); id = arCol.parent; } else id = false; } return arCrumbs; }, BuildCrumbs: function(arCrumbs) { // Clean while(this.pBread.childNodes.length > 0) this.pBread.removeChild(this.pBread.firstChild); var _this = this, coll, i, l = arCrumbs.length; for(i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) { coll = arCrumbs[i]; if (!coll || typeof coll != 'object') continue; pCr = this.pBread.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'ml-crumb', id : 'ml_crumb_' + coll.id, title: coll.desc}, text: coll.name})); if (i > 0) { // Add separator this.pBread.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props:{className: 'ml-crumb-sep'}})).appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); pCr.onclick = function(){_this.SelectCollection(this.id.substr('ml_crumb_'.length));}; } else { pCr.style.cursor = 'default'; } } return arCrumbs; }, GetCollection: function(id) { if (this.oCollections[id]) return this.arCollections[this.oCollections[id].ind]; // For collections from other types var i, l = this.arCollections.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (this.arCollections[i].id == id) return this.arCollections[i]; return false; }, _ReqFindChildCol: function(arr, id) { var i, l = arr.length, res = false; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (arr[i].id == id) { res = arr[i].child; break; } else if (arr[i].child.length > 0) { res = this._ReqFindChildCol(arr[i].child, id); if (res) break; } } return res; }, _ReqBuildCollSelect: function(oSel, arr, level, bClean) { if (!level) level = 0; var i, l = arr.length, l1 = oSel.options.length, j, html, opt; if (bClean == true) { var ind = 1; while (oSel.options[ind]) oSel.options[ind] = null; } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { col = this.GetCollection(arr[i].id); if (col) { html = ''; for (j = 0; j < level; j++) html += ' . '; html += bxspcharsback(col.name); opt = new Option(html, arr[i].id); opt.title = bxspcharsback(col.name); oSel.options.add(opt); if (arr[i].child.length > 0) this._ReqBuildCollSelect(oSel, arr[i].child, level + 1); } } }, OpenCollection: function(id, bSelect, bClose) { var Col = this.oCollections[id]; if (!Col || typeof Col != 'object') return; if (!Col.bOpened || !bClose) { if(bSelect) this.SelectCollection(id); // Show Items Col.icon.className = 'ml-col-icon ml-col-icon-opened'; Col.pChildCont.style.display = 'block'; if (Col.childCount > 0) Col.pCollsCont.style.display = 'block'; this.ShowItems(id); } else { Col.pChildCont.style.display = 'none'; Col.icon.className = 'ml-col-icon ml-col-icon-closed'; } Col.bOpened = !Col.bOpened; }, DelCollection: function(id) { if (id > 0 && confirm(ML_MESS.DelCollectionConf)) { var childs = []; if (this.oCollections[id].childCount > 0) { var arDivs = this.oCollections[id].pChildCont.getElementsByTagName('DIV'), i, l = arDivs.length, chId; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (arDivs[i].id.substr(0, 14) == 'ml_coll_title_') { chId = parseInt(arDivs[i].id.substr(14)); if (chId > 0) childs.push(chId); } } } var _this = this; this.Request({ action: 'del_collection', postData: {id: id, child_cols: childs}, handler: function() { if (window.bx_req_res) _this.CSDelCollection(id, childs); } }); } }, _IncreaseCollChild: function(id, i) { var Col = this.oCollections[id]; if (Col) { if (i !== -1) // Increase { Col.childCount++; if (Col.childCount > 0) Col.icon.className = 'ml-col-icon ' + (Col.bOpened ? 'ml-col-icon-opened' : 'ml-col-icon-closed'); } else { Col.childCount--; if (Col.childCount <= 0) Col.icon.className = 'ml-col-icon'; } } }, _SetColTitleLevel: function(pTitle, pChild, level) { pTitle.className = 'ml-coll-title mlcolllevel-' + (level > 3 ? 3 : level); pChild.className = 'ml-coll-child-cont mlchlevel-' + (level > 3 ? 3 : level); if (level >= 3) pTitle.childNodes[1].className = 'ml-smaller-title'; }, SaveCollection: function() { var D = this.EditCollDialog, _this = this, postData = { name: encodeURIComponent(D.pName.value), desc: encodeURIComponent(D.pDesc.value), keywords: encodeURIComponent(D.pKeys.value), parent: D.pParent.value, type: D.typeId }; // 1. Check name if(D.pName.value == '') { alert(ML_MESS.ColNameError); D.pName.focus(); return false; } if (!D.bNew) postData.id = D.oCol.id; this.Request({ action: 'edit_collection', postData: postData, handler: function() { if (window.bx_req_res !== false) { _this.CloseEditCollDialog(); var oCol = { id: window.bx_req_res.id, name: D.pName.value, desc: D.pDesc.value, date: '', keywords: D.pKeys.value, parent: postData.parent, access: window.bx_req_res.access, type: D.typeId }; // Cliend Side if (D.bNew) { if (_this.bNoCollections) // No collections for this type return _this.Refresh({curColl: oCol.id}); _this.arCollections.push(oCol); _this.BuildCollection(oCol, _this.arCollections.length - 1); } else { var pTitle = _this.oCollections[oCol.id].pTitle, pChildCont = _this.oCollections[oCol.id].pChildCont, oldParent = _this.arCollections[_this.oCollections[oCol.id].ind].parent, newParent = oCol.parent || 0; if (_this.arCollections[_this.oCollections[oCol.id].ind].parent != newParent) // Move { _this._IncreaseCollChild(oldParent, -1); _this._IncreaseCollChild(newParent); var pCont = newParent == 0 ? _this.pCollCont : _this.oCollections[newParent].pChildCont; pCont.appendChild(pTitle); pCont.appendChild(pChildCont); var level = newParent == 0 ? 0 : _this.oCollections[newParent].level + 1; // Level padding _this.oCollections[oCol.id].level = level; _this._SetColTitleLevel(pTitle, pChildCont, level); } _this.arCollections[_this.oCollections[oCol.id].ind] = oCol; pTitle.childNodes[3].innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(oCol.name); pTitle.title = oCol.desc || oCol.name; } _this.ReNewCollectionTree(); _this.SelectCollection(oCol.id); } else { // TODO: Error message alert('error'); } } }); }, OpenEditCollDialog: function(Params) { if (!Params) Params = {}; if (!this.EditCollDialog) this.CreateEditCollDialog(); this.EditCollDialog.bNew = !Params.id; var zIndex = 600, D = this.EditCollDialog, w = BX.GetWindowSize(), left = parseInt(w.scrollLeft + w.innerWidth / 2 - D.width / 2), top = parseInt(w.scrollTop + w.innerHeight / 2 - D.height / 2); if (this.bRedrawCollections) { this._ReqBuildCollSelect(D.pParent, this.arCollectionsTree, 0, true); this.bRedrawCollections = false; } D.Overlay.Show({zIndex: zIndex - 10}); D.pWnd.style.zIndex = zIndex; D.pWnd.style.display = 'block'; this.EditCollDialog.bFocusKeywords = false; if (!D.bNew) { var oCol = this.GetCollection(Params.id); D.pName.value = bxspcharsback(oCol.name); D.pDesc.value = bxspcharsback(oCol.desc); D.pKeys.value = bxspcharsback(oCol.keywords); D.pParent.value = oCol.parent || 0; this.EditCollDialog.oCol = oCol; } else { D.pName.value = ''; D.pDesc.value = ''; D.pKeys.value = ''; if (!Params.parentCol && Params.bGetSelCol && this.SelectedColId && this.oCollections[this.SelectedColId]) Params.parentCol = this.SelectedColId; if (Params.parentCol > 0 && this.UserCan(Params.parentCol, 'new_col')) D.pParent.value = Params.parentCol; var oCol = this.GetCollection(Params.parentCol); if (oCol && oCol.keywords) D.pKeys.value = oCol.keywords; } D.typeId = this.curType.id || ''; // Set ML Type D.pName.onchange(); // Set title D.pName.focus(); jsFloatDiv.Show(this.EditCollDialog.pWnd, left, top); BX.bind(document, "keypress", window.MlEdColOnKeypress); }, CreateEditCollDialog: function(Params) { var _this = this, D = { width: 360, height: 230, pWnd: BX('mlsd_coll'), pTitle: BX('mlsd_coll_title'), pName: BX('mlsd_coll_name'), pDesc: BX('mlsd_coll_desc'), pKeys: BX('mlsd_coll_keywords'), pParent: BX('mlsd_coll_parent'), Overlay: new BXOverlay({id: 'bxml_ed_col_overlay'}) }; D.pName.onkeydown = D.pName.onchange = function() { setTimeout( function(){ var D = _this.EditCollDialog, val = bxhtmlspecialchars(D.pName.value), t1 = D.bNew ? ML_MESS.NewCollection : ML_MESS.Collection; D.pTitle.title = t1 + (val.length > 0 ? ': ' + D.pName.value : ''); D.pTitle.innerHTML = t1 + (val.length > 0 ? ': ' + val : ''); }, 20); }; D.pKeys.onchange = D.pKeys.onblur = function() {_this.EditCollDialog.bFocusKeywords = true;} D.pParent.onchange = function() { if (!_this.EditCollDialog.bNew && this.value == _this.EditCollDialog.oCol.parent) return true; if (_this.EditCollDialog.bNew && !_this.UserCan(parseInt(this.value), 'new_col') || !_this.EditCollDialog.bNew && !_this.UserCan(parseInt(this.value), 'edit')) { _this._SetFirstAvailableCol(); return alert(ML_MESS.CollAccessDenied3); } if (_this.EditCollDialog.oCol) { var arCol = _this._ReqFindChildCol(_this.arCollectionsTree, _this.EditCollDialog.oCol.id); // Put parent into child if (!arCol || _this._ReqFindChildCol(arCol, this.value)) { alert(ML_MESS.ColLocEr2); this.value = _this.EditCollDialog.oCol.parent || 0; return true; } } if (!_this.EditCollDialog.bNew && _this.EditCollDialog.oCol.id == this.value) { alert(ML_MESS.ColLocEr); this.value = _this.EditCollDialog.oCol.parent || 0; } if (_this.EditCollDialog.bNew && !_this.EditCollDialog.bFocusKeywords && this.value > 0) { var oCol = _this.GetCollection(this.value); if (oCol && oCol.keywords) D.pKeys.value = oCol.keywords; } }; BX('mlsd_coll_save').onclick = function(){_this.SaveCollection();}; BX('mlsd_coll_cancel').onclick = function(){_this.CloseEditCollDialog();}; BX('mlsd_coll_close').onclick = function(){_this.CloseEditCollDialog();}; this.bRedrawCollections = true; window.MlEdColOnKeypress = function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; if(e && e.keyCode == 27) _this.CloseEditCollDialog(); }; D.pWnd.style.width = D.width + 'px'; D.pWnd.style.height = 'auto'; D.pWnd.style.minHeight = '10px'; this.EditCollDialog = D; }, CloseEditCollDialog: function() { this.EditCollDialog.pWnd.style.display = 'none'; jsFloatDiv.Close(this.EditCollDialog.pWnd); this.EditCollDialog.Overlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(document, "keypress", window.MlEdColOnKeypress); }, _SetFirstAvailableCol: function(act) { var D = this.EditCollDialog, act = D.bNew ? 'new_col' : 'edit', cid, col, i, l = D.pParent.options.length; if (!D.bNew && D.oCol.parent) D.pParent.value = D.oCol.parent; if (this.oConfig.rootAccess[act]) D.pParent.value = 0; else { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { cid = D.pParent.options[i].value; col = this.GetCollection(cid); if (col && col.access && col.access[act]) { D.pParent.value = cid; return; } } } }, ShowItems: function(id) { var _this = this, arCol = this.GetCollection(id), arAccess = {edit: this.UserCan(arCol, 'edit_item'), del: this.UserCan(arCol, 'del_item')}; if (typeof MLItems[id] == 'object') return this.DisplayItems({Items: MLItems[id], id: id, Access: arAccess}); this.Request({ action: 'get_items', postData: {col_id: id}, handler: function() { if (!window.MLItems[id]) return false; _this.DisplayItems({Items: MLItems[id], id: id, Access: arAccess}); } }); }, DisplayItems: function(Params) { var id = Params.id, pCont = this.oCollections[id].pItemsCont; pCont.style.display = 'block'; // Clean while(pCont.firstChild) pCont.removeChild(pCont.lastChild); this.arItems[id] = {}; if (Params.Items && Params.Items.length) { var i, l = Params.Items.length, bCheck = false; if (this.arLoadItems[id]) bCheck = true; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) this.DisplayItem({Item: Params.Items[i], pCont: pCont, bCheck: bCheck, id: id, Access: Params.Access}); } }, DisplayItem: function(Params) { var oItem = Params.Item, _this = this, w = this.oConfig.thumbWidth, h = this.oConfig.thumbHeight, itemDiv = BX.create("DIV", {props:{id : 'ml_item_' + oItem.id, className: 'ml-item-cont', title: bxspcharsback(oItem.name)}, style:{width: (w + 15) + 'px', height: (h + 35) + 'px'}}), ch = itemDiv.appendChild(BX.create("INPUT", {props:{type: 'checkbox', className: 'item-checkbox', value: Params.id + '|' + oItem.id}})), tmbImg = itemDiv.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props:{src: oItem.thumb_path || '/bitrix/images/1.gif', className: 'ml-item-thumb'}})), titleDiv = itemDiv.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props:{className: 'ml-item-title'}, style:{width: (w + 8) + 'px'}})); var tmb_path = oItem.thumb_path || oItem.path; if (oItem.type == 'image' && tmb_path) // For small images tmbImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + tmb_path + '\')'; oItem.trueHeight = Params.Item.height; if (!oItem.thumb_path || !oItem.width || !oItem.height) { BX.addClass(tmbImg, 'ml-item-no-thumb'); oItem.height = 100; // Bitrix thumb height } if (oItem.width < w && oItem.height < h) // Small image { var mt = Math.round((h - oItem.height) / 2); if (mt > 0) tmbImg.style.marginTop = mt + 'px'; } titleDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(bxspcharsback(oItem.name))); if (Params.bCheck) ch.checked = true; ch.onclick = function() { if (!this.checked && _this.oCollections[Params.id]) _this.oCollections[Params.id].pCheck.checked = false; _this.EnableMultiAction(this.checked || _this.AskAllCheckBoxes()); }; var butCont = itemDiv.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props:{className: 'ml-item-but-cont'}})); var view = butCont.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props: {src: '/bitrix/images/1.gif', className: 'ml-item-view', title: ML_MESS.ViewItem}})); view.onclick = function(e) { var id = this.parentNode.parentNode.id.substr('ml_item_'.length); _this.GetItemCollList(id, "OpenViewItDialog", {id: id, colId: Params.id, Access: Params.Access, bSearch: Params.bSearch}); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }; itemDiv.ondblclick = function(e) { var id = this.id.substr('ml_item_'.length); _this.GetItemCollList(id, "OpenViewItDialog", {id: id, colId: Params.id, Access: Params.Access, bSearch: Params.bSearch}); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }; if (Params.Access.edit || Params.Access.del) { if (Params.Access.edit) { var edit = butCont.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props: {src: '/bitrix/images/1.gif', className: 'ml-item-edit', title: ML_MESS.EditItem}})); edit.onclick = function(e) { var id = this.parentNode.parentNode.id.substr('ml_item_'.length); _this.GetItemCollList(id, "OpenEditItemDialog", {id: id, colId: Params.id, bSearch: Params.bSearch}); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); }; } if (Params.Access.del) { var del = butCont.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props:{src: '/bitrix/images/1.gif', className: 'ml-item-del', title: ML_MESS.DelItem}})); del.onclick = function(e) { var id = this.parentNode.parentNode.id.substr('ml_item_'.length); _this.GetItemCollList(id, "DelItem", {id: id, colId: Params.id, bSearch: Params.bSearch}); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); }; } else { ch.disabled = true; ch.checked = false; } itemDiv.onmouseover = function(){BX.addClass(this, 'ml-item-cont-over');}; itemDiv.onmouseout = function(){BX.removeClass(this, 'ml-item-cont-over');}; } itemDiv.onclick = function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var targ = e.target || e.srcElement; if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug targ = targ.parentNode; if (targ && targ.nodeName && targ.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'input' && Params.Access.del) ch.checked = !ch.checked; ch.onclick(); }; if (!Params.bSearch) this.arItems[Params.id][oItem.id] = {oItem : oItem, pWnd: itemDiv}; Params.pCont.appendChild(itemDiv); }, OpenViewItDialog: function(Params) { if (!this.ViewItDialog) this.CreateViewItDialog(Params); var oItem, i, l, zIndex = 600, D = this.ViewItDialog; if (Params.bSearch) { l = window.MLSearchResult.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (window.MLSearchResult[i].id == Params.id) { oItem = window.MLSearchResult[i]; break; } } } else if(MLItems[Params.colId]) { l = MLItems[Params.colId].length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (MLItems[Params.colId][i].id == Params.id) { oItem = MLItems[Params.colId][i]; break; } } } if (!oItem) return; D.oItem = oItem; D.colId = Params.colId; D.Overlay.Show({zIndex: zIndex - 10}); D.pWnd.style.zIndex = zIndex; D.pDel.style.display = Params.Access.del ? 'inline' : 'none'; D.pEdit.style.display = Params.Access.edit ? 'inline' : 'none'; D.pWnd.style.display = "block" D.pWnd.style.visibility = "hidden"; D.bOpened = true; this.SetItemInfo(oItem); }, CreateViewItDialog: function(Params) { var _this = this, D = { width: 100, height: 100, pWnd: BX('mlsd_view_item'), pItemCont: BX('mlsd_item_cont'), pInfoCont: BX('mlsd_info_cont'), pName: BX('mlvi_info_name'), pCols: BX('mlvi_info_colls'), pKeys: BX('mlvi_info_keys'), pDesc: BX('mlvi_info_desc'), pDetails: BX('mlvi_info_details'), pDel: BX('mlsd_viewit_del'), pEdit: BX('mlsd_viewit_edit'), pLink: BX('mlvi_info_link'), pCopyLink: BX('mlvi_info_copy_link'), pCopyInput: BX('mlvi_info_copy_input'), pExt: BX('mlvi_info_ext'), Overlay: new BXOverlay({id: 'bxml_viewit_overlay'}) }; BX('mlsd_viewit_cancel').onclick = function(){_this.CloseViewItDialog();}; BX('mlsd_viewit_close').onclick = function(){_this.CloseViewItDialog();}; D.pDel.onclick = function(e){_this.DelItem({id: _this.ViewItDialog.oItem.id, colId: _this.ViewItDialog.colId});}; D.pEdit.onclick = function(e) { _this.CloseViewItDialog(); _this.OpenEditItemDialog({id: _this.ViewItDialog.oItem.id, colId: _this.ViewItDialog.colId, bSearch: Params.bSearch}); }; window.MlViewItOnKeypress = function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; if(e && e.keyCode == 27) _this.CloseViewItDialog(); }; this.ViewItDialog = D; }, CloseViewItDialog: function() { this.ViewItDialog.bOpened = false; this.ViewItDialog.pWnd.style.display = 'none'; this.ViewItDialog.pCopyInput.style.display = 'none'; if ((typeof videojs !== 'undefined') && (player = BX.findChild(BX('mlsd_item_cont'), {"class" : "video-js"}, false))) videojs(player.id).pause(); if (player = BX.findChild(BX('mlsd_item_cont'), {"tag" : "div"}, false) && typeof jwplayer !== 'undefined') jwplayer(player.id).stop(); jsFloatDiv.Close(this.ViewItDialog.pWnd); this.ViewItDialog.Overlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(document, "keypress", window.MlViewItOnKeypress); }, SetItemInfo: function(oItem) { var _this = this, D = this.ViewItDialog, arCols = this.arItemsCollList[oItem.id], str = '', i, l = arCols.length, a, oCol; // Name D.pName.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(oItem.name); D.pName.title = oItem.name; // Link //D.pLink.href = oItem.path; D.pLink.onclick = function () { jsUtils.Redirect([], 'fileman_file_download.php?path='+BX.util.urlencode(oItem.path)); }; D.pCopyLink.onclick = function() { D.pCopyInput.value = oItem.path.substr(0,1) !== '/' ? oItem.path : window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + oItem.path; D.pCopyInput.style.display = 'block'; D.pCopyInput.select(); }; // Keywords if (oItem.keywords.length > 0) { D.pKeys.parentNode.className = 'small-grey'; D.pKeys.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(oItem.keywords); D.pKeys.title = oItem.keywords; } else { D.pKeys.parentNode.className = 'ml-info-keys-h'; } // Description if (oItem.desc.length > 0) { D.pDesc.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(oItem.desc.replace(/\n/g, '<br />')); D.pDesc.parentNode.className = 'small-grey'; } else { D.pDesc.parentNode.className = 'ml-info-desc-h'; } // Collections for (var j = D.pCols.childNodes.length - 1; j > 0; j--) if (D.pCols.childNodes[j].nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'span') D.pCols.removeChild(D.pCols.childNodes[j]); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) str += BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(this.GetCollection(arCols[i]).name + (i != l - 1 ? ', ' : '')); D.pCols.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str)); var Details = ML_MESS.FileExt + ': ' + oItem.path.substr(oItem.path.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); Details += '<br />' + ML_MESS.DateModified + ': ' + oItem.date_mod; if (oItem.file_size) Details += '<br />' + ML_MESS.FileSize + ': ' + oItem.file_size; if (oItem.width && oItem.height) Details += '<br />' + ML_MESS.ImageSize + ': ' + oItem.width + ' x ' + oItem.trueHeight + ' px'; D.pDetails.innerHTML = Details; this.SetItemHTML(oItem); }, SetItemHTML: function(oItem) { var D = this.ViewItDialog, _this = this; this.Request({ action: 'get_item_view', postData: {id: oItem.id}, handler: function() { // Replace id, and increase "curCount" var html = window.bx_req_res.html; var code = [], start, end, i, cnt; while((start = html.indexOf('<' + 'script>')) != -1) { var end = html.indexOf('</' + 'script>', start); if(end == -1) break; code[code.length] = html.substr(start + 8, end - start - 8); html = html.substr(0, start) + html.substr(end + 9); 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D.pItemCont.style.height = viewHeight + 'px'; D.pWnd.style.visibility = 'visible'; } }); }, DelItem: function(Params) { if (!Params.id) return; var _this = this, bDisAll = false, arCols = this.arItemsCollList[Params.id], i, l = arCols.length, oCol; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (!this.GetCollection(arCols[i])) { bDisAll = true; break; } } if (!Params.mode && Params.bSearch) return this.OpenConfirm( { text: ML_MESS.DelElConfirm, but1: {text: ML_MESS.DelElConfirmYes, handler: function(){_this.DelItem({id: Params.id, colId: Params.colId, mode: 'all', bSearch: true})}, width: 100}, width: 380, height: 100 }); if (!Params.mode) return this.OpenConfirm( { text: ML_MESS.DelItConfTxt, but1: {text: ML_MESS.DelItB1, handler: function(){_this.DelItem({id: Params.id, colId: Params.colId, mode: 'current'})}, width: 180}, but2: {text: ML_MESS.DelItB2, handler: function(){_this.DelItem({id: Params.id, colId: Params.colId, mode: 'all'})}, disabled: bDisAll, width: 160} }); var colId = Params.colId || 0; this.Request({ action: 'del_item', postData: {id: Params.id, mode: Params.mode, col_id: colId}, handler: function() { if (window.bx_req_res == true) _this.CSDelItem({id: Params.id, mode: Params.mode, colId: colId, bSearch: Params.bSearch}); else if (window.bx_req_res !== false) return false; } }); }, _ChooseKeysCount: function(pk, pp, strKeys, h, bCut) { var _this = this; pk.innerHTML = strKeys; setTimeout(function() { var kh = parseInt(pp.offsetHeight), ind = strKeys.lastIndexOf(','); if(kh > h && ind > 0) _this._ChooseKeysCount(pk, pp, BX.util.trim(strKeys.substr(0, ind)), h, true) else if(bCut) pk.innerHTML += '...'; }, 1); }, GetItemCollList: function(id, strCallback, oParam) { if (!this.arItemsCollList[id]) { var _this = this; this.Request({ action: 'get_item_coll_list', postData: {id: id}, handler: function() { if (!window._ml_items_colls) return false; _this.arItemsCollList[id] = []; for (var i = 0, l = window._ml_items_colls.length; i < l; i++) _this.arItemsCollList[id].push(window._ml_items_colls[i]); _this[strCallback](oParam); } }); } else this[strCallback](oParam); }, OpenEditItemDialog: function(Params, bFromOnload) { if (!this.EditItemDialog) return this.CreateEditItemDialog(Params); else if(!bFromOnload) { this.Request({action: 'bx_test', handler: function(){}}); // Only for access checking this.EditItemDialog.alreadySubmitted = false; this.EditItemDialog.alreadyLoaded = false; this.EditItemDialog.Params = Params || this.EditItemDialog.Params || {}; this.EditItemDialog.pIfrm.src = this.GetRequestUrl('upload_form'); return; } var _this = this, D = this.EditItemDialog, id = D.Params.id, zIndex = 600, w = BX.GetWindowSize(), left = parseInt(w.scrollLeft + w.innerWidth / 2 - D.width / 2), top = parseInt(w.scrollTop + w.innerHeight / 2 - D.height / 2); D.bNew = !id; D.Overlay.Show({zIndex: zIndex - 10}); D.pWnd.style.zIndex = zIndex; D.pWnd.style.display = 'block'; this.EditItemDialog.bShow = true; D.arColls = {}; D.colLength = 0; if (!D.bNew) { if (D.Params.bSearch) { var i, l; l = window.MLSearchResult.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (window.MLSearchResult[i].id == id) { oItem = window.MLSearchResult[i]; break; } } } else { var oItem = this.arItems[D.Params.colId][id].oItem; } D.pPCFileCont.style.display = D.pLoadFDLink.style.display = D.pFDFileCont.style.display = D.pLoadPCLink.style.display = 'none'; D.pFNFileCont.style.display = 'block'; D.pChangeFileLink.style.display = 'inline'; D.pChangeFileLinkBack.style.display = 'none'; D.pFileName.innerHTML = oItem.file_name; this._AddItemsCollections(this.arItemsCollList[id]); D.pName.value = bxspcharsback(oItem.name); D.pDesc.value = bxspcharsback(oItem.desc); D.pKeys.value = bxspcharsback(oItem.keywords); if (oItem.width && oItem.height) { D.pSize.style.display = 'block'; D.pSize.innerHTML = oItem.width + " x " + oItem.trueHeight; } else { D.pSize.style.display = 'none'; } if (oItem.thumb_path) { D.pThumb.src = oItem.thumb_path; D.pNoPreview.style.display = "none"; if (oItem.width > 146 || oItem.height > 136) { if (oItem.width - oItem.height > 0) D.pThumb.style.width = "146px"; 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D.pIfrm.src = this.GetRequestUrl('upload_form'); var _this = this; if (BX.browser.IsIE()) D.pIfrm.onreadystatechange = function(){_this.EditItemDialogOnload()}; else D.pIfrm.onload = function(){_this.EditItemDialogOnload()}; BX('mlsd_item_cancel').onclick = BX('mlsd_item_close').onclick = function(){_this.CloseEditItemDialog();}; D.pWnd.style.width = D.width + 'px'; D.pWnd.style.height = D.height + 'px'; this.EditItemDialog = D; }, EditItemDialogOnload: function() { var _this = this, D = this.EditItemDialog; D.pFrameDoc = D.pIfrm.contentDocument || D.pIfrm.contentWindow.document; D.pName = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_item_name"); D.bFocusKeywords = false; if (!D.pName && !this.EditItemDialog.alreadyLoaded) return; //return alert(ML_MESS.AccessDenied); if (!D.pName && this.EditItemDialog.alreadyLoaded && !this.EditItemDialog.alreadySubmitted) // Result { this.EditItemDialog.alreadySubmitted = true; return setTimeout(function(){_this.CSEditItem(top.bx_req_res, top._ml_items_colls);}, 50); } if (this.EditItemDialog.alreadyLoaded || this.EditItemDialog.alreadySubmitted) return; this.EditItemDialog.alreadyLoaded = true; D.pDesc = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_item_desc"); D.pKeys = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_item_keywords"); D.pColSelect = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_coll_sel"); D.pItCollCont = D.pColSelect.parentNode.parentNode; D.pFNFileCont = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_fname_cont"); D.pPCFileCont = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_load_cont"); D.pFDFileCont = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_select_cont"); D.pLoadFile = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("ml_load_file"); D.pLoadMaxSize = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("ml_load_max_size"); D.pChangeFileLink = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_fname_change"); D.pChangeFileLinkBack = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_fname_change_back"); D.pLoadPCLink = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_select_pc"); D.pLoadFDLink = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_select_fd"); D.pItemColls = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById('mlsd_item_collections'); D.pFileName = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("ml_file_name"); D.pId = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_item_id"); D.pNoPreview = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_no_preview"); D.pFileName = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("ml_file_name"); D.pThumb = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_item_thumb"); D.pSize = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_item_size"); D.pItemPath = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_item_path"); D.pOpenFD = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_open_fd"); D.pSourceType = D.pFrameDoc.getElementById("mlsd_source_type"); D.pSaveBut = BX('mlsd_item_save'); D.pForm = D.pFrameDoc.forms['ml_item_form']; D.pTbl = D.pForm.firstChild; D.pItemPath.onchange = D.pLoadFile.onchange = function() { var val = this.value; if (!val || val.length <= 0) return; val = val.replace(/\\/g, '/'); val = val.substr(val.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); D.pName.value = val; D.pName.onchange(); }; D.pName.onkeydown = D.pName.onchange = function() { setTimeout( function(){ var D = _this.EditItemDialog, val = bxhtmlspecialchars(D.pName.value), t1 = D.bNew ? ML_MESS.NewItem : ML_MESS.Item; D.pTitle.title = t1 + (val.length > 0 ? ': ' + D.pName.value : ''); D.pTitle.innerHTML = t1 + (val.length > 0 ? ': ' + val : ''); }, 20); }; D.pLoadFDLink.onclick = function() { D.pPCFileCont.style.display = D.pLoadFDLink.style.display = 'none'; D.pFDFileCont.style.display = 'block'; D.pLoadPCLink.style.display = 'inline'; D.pSourceType.value = "FD"; }; D.pLoadPCLink.onclick = function() { D.pPCFileCont.style.display = 'block'; D.pLoadFDLink.style.display = 'inline'; D.pFDFileCont.style.display = D.pLoadPCLink.style.display = 'none'; D.pSourceType.value = "PC"; }; D.pChangeFileLink.onclick = function() { D.pFNFileCont.style.display = 'none'; D.pChangeFileLink.style.display = 'none'; D.pChangeFileLinkBack.style.display = 'inline'; D.pLoadPCLink.onclick(); }; D.pChangeFileLinkBack.onclick = function() { D.pPCFileCont.style.display = D.pLoadFDLink.style.display = D.pFDFileCont.style.display = D.pLoadPCLink.style.display = 'none'; D.pFNFileCont.style.display = 'block'; D.pChangeFileLink.style.display = 'inline'; D.pChangeFileLinkBack.style.display = 'none'; D.pSourceType.value = "N"; }; D.pColSelect.onchange = function(){_this._AddCollToItem(this.value); this.value = 0;}; D.pSaveBut.onclick = function() { if (_this.EditItemDialogOnsubmit()) { D.pForm.submit(); _this.CloseEditItemDialog(); } }; D.pOpenFD.onclick = window.mlOpenFileDialog; window.mlOnFileDialogSave = function(name, path, site) { var url = (path == '/' ? '' : path) + '/' + name; D.pItemPath.value = url; D.pItemPath.focus(); D.pItemPath.select(); }; D.pKeys.onchange = D.pKeys.onblur = function() {_this.EditItemDialog.bFocusKeywords = true;} this._ReqBuildCollSelect(D.pColSelect, this.arCollectionsTree, 0, true); this.OpenEditItemDialog(false, true); }, EditItemDialogOnsubmit: function() { var D = this.EditItemDialog, cid, ar = this.EditItemDialog.arColls, val = ''; for (cid in ar) if(ar[cid] && typeof ar[cid] == 'object' && ar[cid].pWnd) val += (val == '' ? '' : ',') + cid; // 1. Check source var srcVal = D.pSourceType.value == "PC" ? D.pLoadFile.value : D.pItemPath.value; // Check available extention if((D.bNew || srcVal !== '') && !this.CheckFileExt(srcVal)) { alert(ML_MESS.ItemExtError); return; } // Check extention for current type if ((D.bNew || srcVal !== '') && !this.CheckFileExt(srcVal, this.curType.arExt) && !confirm(ML_MESS.CheckExtTypeConf)) return false; if (D.bNew) { var bStop = true; if (srcVal == '') alert(ML_MESS.ItSourceError); else bStop = false; if (bStop) { if (D.pSourceType.value == "PC") { D.pLoadPCLink.onclick(); D.pLoadFile.focus(); } else { D.pLoadFDLink.onclick(); D.pItemPath.focus(); } return false; } } // 2. Check name if(D.pName.value == '') { alert(ML_MESS.ItNameError); D.pName.focus(); return false; } // 3. Check collections if(val == '') { alert(ML_MESS.ItCollsError); D.pColSelect.focus(); return false; } if (!this.EditItemDialog.bNew) this.EditItemDialog.pId.value = this.EditItemDialog.oItem.id; this.EditItemDialog.pItemColls.value = val; return true; }, CloseEditItemDialog: function() { this.EditItemDialog.bShow = false; this.EditItemDialog.Params = false; this.EditItemDialog.pWnd.style.display = 'none'; jsFloatDiv.Close(this.EditItemDialog.pWnd); this.EditItemDialog.Overlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(document, "keypress", window.MlEdItemOnKeypress); }, _AddItemsCollections: function(arColls) { var i, l = arColls.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) this._AddCollToItem(arColls[i], false); }, _AddCollToItem: function(id, checkAccess) { if (this.EditItemDialog.arColls[id]) return; if (this.EditItemDialog.bNew && !this.UserCan(parseInt(id), 'new_item') || !this.EditItemDialog.bNew && !this.UserCan(parseInt(id), 'edit_item')) return alert(ML_MESS.CollAccessDenied4); var oCol = this.GetCollection(id); if (!oCol) return; var i, l, _this = this, pSel = this.EditItemDialog.pColSelect, pDiv = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'mlsd-ch-col', title: oCol.name}}, this.EditItemDialog.pFrameDoc), pSpan = pDiv.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {text: oCol.name}, this.EditItemDialog.pFrameDoc)), pDel = pDiv.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props:{src: '/bitrix/images/1.gif', className: 'ml-col-del', title: ML_MESS.DelColFromItem, id: 'mlsd_it_' + id}}, this.EditItemDialog.pFrameDoc)); if (oCol.keywords && this.EditItemDialog.bNew && !this.EditItemDialog.bFocusKeywords) this.AppendKeywords(this.EditItemDialog.pKeys, oCol.keywords); this.EditItemDialog.pItCollCont.onmouseover = function(e){}; this.EditItemDialog.pItCollCont.onmouseout = function(e){}; pDiv.onmouseover = function(e){BX.addClass(this, 'col-over');}; pDiv.onmouseout = function(e){parent.BX.removeClass(this, 'col-over');}; pDel.onclick = function(e) { var cid = this.id.substr('mlsd_it_'.length); _this.EditItemDialog.pItCollCont.removeChild(_this.EditItemDialog.arColls[cid].pWnd); _this._SelectOptionInColList(_this.EditItemDialog.pColSelect, cid, false); _this.EditItemDialog.arColls[cid] = null; _this.EditItemDialog.colLength--; _this._ReHeightEditDialog(); }; this.EditItemDialog.colLength++; this.EditItemDialog.pItCollCont.insertBefore(pDiv, pSel.parentNode); _this._SelectOptionInColList(pSel, id); if (checkAccess !== false) this._ReHeightEditDialog(); this.EditItemDialog.arColls[id] = {pWnd : pDiv}; }, _SelectOptionInColList: function(pSel, val, bSel) { for (var i = 0, l = pSel.options.length; i < l; i++) { if (pSel.options[i].value == val) { pSel.options[i].className = (bSel !== false) ? 'opt-checked' : ''; pSel.options[i].title = (bSel !== false) ? ML_MESS.CheckedColTitle : ''; break; } } }, _ReHeightEditDialog: function() { var rows = Math.ceil((this.EditItemDialog.colLength + 2) / 4); if (rows < 2) rows = 2; var delta = (rows - 2) * 28; this.EditItemDialog.pItCollCont.style.height = rows * 28 + 'px'; this.EditItemDialog.pIfrm.style.height = 275 + delta + 'px'; this.EditItemDialog.pTbl.style.height = 265 + delta + 'px'; this.EditItemDialog.pWnd.style.height = 350 + delta + 'px'; jsFloatDiv.AdjustShadow(this.EditItemDialog.pWnd); }, GetRequestUrl: function(action, sessid) { return '/bitrix/admin/fileman_medialib.php?sessid=' + (sessid || this.sessid) + '&lang=' + this.oConfig.lang + (action ? '&action=' + action : ''); }, CheckReqLostSessid: function(result) { var LSS = 'BX_ML_DUBLICATE_ACTION_REQUEST', LSSIndex = result.indexOf(LSS); if (LSSIndex == -1) return true; this.sessid = result.substring(LSSIndex + LSS.length, result.lastIndexOf('-->')); return this.sessid; }, Request : function(P) { this.ShowWaitWindow(); var _this = this, iter = 0, q = new JCHttpRequest(); q.Action = function(result) { var handleRes = function() { _this.CloseWaitWindow(); if (result.indexOf('BX_ML_LOAD_OK') == -1) return alert(ML_MESS.AccessDenied); var new_sess = _this.CheckReqLostSessid(result); if (new_sess !== true) { if (P.bRequestReply) alert(ML_MESS.SessExpired); else { P.bRequestReply = true; setTimeout(function(){_this.Request(P);}, 50); } return; } var res = P.handler(result); if(res === false && ++iter < 20) setTimeout(handleRes, 3); }; setTimeout(handleRes, 10); }; window.bx_req_res = false; q.Post(this.GetRequestUrl(P.action), P.postData ? ConvertArray2Post(P.postData) : ''); }, ShowWaitWindow: function() { if (window.ShowWaitWindow) ShowWaitWindow(); }, CloseWaitWindow: function() { if (window.CloseWaitWindow) CloseWaitWindow(); }, OpenConfirm: function(Params) { var w = Params.width || 560, h = Params.height || 100, zIndex = 700, _this = this; if (!this.Confirm) { var D = { pWnd: BX('ml_colfirm_dialog'), pText: BX('ml_confd_text'), but1: BX('ml_confd_b1'), but2: BX('ml_confd_b2'), butCancel: BX('ml_confd_cancel'), Overlay: new BXOverlay({id: 'bxml_conf_overlay', parCont: BX('ml_colfirm_dialog').parentNode}) }; D.butCancel.onclick = function(){_this.CloseConfirm();}; } else { var D = this.Confirm; } D.pWnd.style.width = w + 'px'; D.pWnd.style.height = h + 'px'; D.pWnd.style.zIndex = zIndex; D.pWnd.style.display = 'block'; D.Overlay.Show({zIndex: zIndex - 10, clickCallback:{func:this.CloseConfirm, obj: this}}); var ws = BX.GetWindowSize(), left = parseInt(ws.scrollLeft + ws.innerWidth / 2 - w / 2), top = parseInt(ws.scrollTop + ws.innerHeight / 2 - h / 2); jsFloatDiv.Show(D.pWnd, left, top, 0); //But 1 D.but1.value = Params.but1.text; D.but1.onclick = function(e){Params.but1.handler(e);_this.CloseConfirm();} D.but1.disabled = !!Params.but1.disabled; if (Params.but1.width && !isNaN(parseInt(Params.but1.width))) D.but1.style.width = parseInt(Params.but1.width) + 'px'; D.but1.focus(); if (Params.but2) { D.but2.style.display = 'inline'; D.but2.value = Params.but2.text; D.but2.disabled = !!Params.but2.disabled; D.but2.onclick = function(e){Params.but2.handler(e);_this.CloseConfirm();} if (Params.but2.width && !isNaN(parseInt(Params.but2.width))) D.but2.style.width = parseInt(Params.but2.width) + 'px'; } else { D.but2.style.display = 'none'; } D.pText.innerHTML = Params.text; this.Confirm = D; window.MlConfDialofOnKeypress = function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; if(e && e.keyCode == 27) _this.CloseConfirm(); }; BX.bind(document, "keypress", window.MlConfDialofOnKeypress); }, CloseConfirm: function() { //this.bShow = false; this.Confirm.pWnd.style.display = 'none'; jsFloatDiv.Close(this.Confirm.pWnd); this.Confirm.Overlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(document, "keypress", window.MlConfDialofOnKeypress); }, SaveSettings: function() { if (this.width && this.height) { this.userSettings.width = this.width; this.userSettings.height = this.height; } this.Request({ action: 'save_settings', postData: this.userSettings, handler: function(){} }); }, CSDelCollection: function(id, childs) { var C = this.oCollections[id]; if (C) { var col = this.GetCollection(id); if (childs !== false && typeof col == 'object' && col.parent > 0) this._IncreaseCollChild(parseInt(col.parent), -1); if (this.SelectedColId && this.SelectedColId == id) this.DeSelectCollection(); //1. Del from array this.arCollections = BX.util.deleteFromArray(this.arCollections, C.ind); var pCont = C.pChildCont.parentNode; // Del from list if (pCont) { pCont.removeChild(C.pChildCont); pCont.removeChild(C.pTitle); } var bEmpty = true; for (var i = 0, l = pCont.childNodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (pCont.childNodes[i] && pCont.childNodes[i].nodeName && pCont.childNodes[i].nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'DIV') { bEmpty = false; break; } } if (bEmpty) return this.Refresh(); // Del from obj this.oCollections[id] = null; if (childs) { for (var i = 0, l = childs.length; i < l; i++) this.CSDelCollection(childs[i], false); } if (childs !== false) this.ReNewCollectionTree(); } }, CSDelItem: function(Params) { var id = Params.id, arCols = []; if (Params.colId == 'search_result') Params.bSearch = true; if (Params.bSearch) { var i, l = window.MLSearchResult.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (window.MLSearchResult[i].id == id) { Item = window.MLSearchResult[i]; break; } } } else { var colId = parseInt(Params.colId), Item = this.arItems[colId][parseInt(id)]; } if (!Item) return; if (this.ViewItDialog && this.ViewItDialog.bOpened) this.CloseViewItDialog(); if (Params.mode == 'current') { arCols.push(colId); this.arItemsCollList[id] = false; } else { if (!this.arItemsCollList[id]) return this.GetItemCollList(id, "CSDelItem", Params); arCols = this.arItemsCollList[id]; } // Del from collections var i, l = arCols.length, n, j, el, col; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if(MLItems[arCols[i]]) { n = MLItems[arCols[i]].length; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { el = MLItems[arCols[i]][j]; if (el.id == id) { MLItems[arCols[i]] = BX.util.deleteFromArray(MLItems[arCols[i]], j); break; } } this.ShowItems(arCols[i]); } } if (this.Search.bShowed) { var is, ls = window.MLSearchResult.length, sItem; for (is = 0; is < ls; is++) { sItem = window.MLSearchResult[is]; if (sItem.id == id) { window.MLSearchResult = BX.util.deleteFromArray(window.MLSearchResult, is); this.Search.DisplayResult(window.MLSearchResult, this.Search.Query); break; } } } }, CSEditItem: function(arItem, arColls) { if(!arItem) { // Check size if(parseInt(this.EditItemDialog.pLoadFile.files[0].size) > parseInt(this.EditItemDialog.pLoadMaxSize.value)) { var fileSize = parseInt(this.EditItemDialog.pLoadMaxSize.value)/(1024*1024); return alert(ML_MESS.ItFileSizeError.replace('#FILESIZE#', fileSize)); } } if (!arItem || typeof arColls != 'object') return alert(ML_MESS.EditItemError); var i, l = arColls.length, id = arItem.id, ind, oldColls = this.arItemsCollList[id] || [], l2 = oldColls.length, used = {}; if (oldColls.length > 0) { ind = this.FindItem(oldColls[0], id) if (ind !== false) arItem = this._MergeItemInfo(MLItems[oldColls[0]][ind], arItem); } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (MLItems[arColls[i]]) { ind = this.FindItem(arColls[i], id); if (ind === false) MLItems[arColls[i]].push(arItem); else MLItems[arColls[i]][ind] = arItem; used[arColls[i]] = true; } } for (i = 0; i < l2; i++) { if(!used[oldColls[i]]) { ind = this.FindItem(oldColls[i], id); if (ind !== false) { MLItems[oldColls[i]] = BX.util.deleteFromArray(MLItems[oldColls[i]], ind); this.ShowItems(oldColls[i]); } } } this.arItemsCollList[id] = arColls; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) this.ShowItems(arColls[i]); if (this.Search.bShowed) { var is, ls = window.MLSearchResult.length, sItem; for (is = 0; is < ls; is++) { sItem = window.MLSearchResult[is]; if (sItem.id == id) { arItem = this._MergeItemInfo(sItem, arItem); window.MLSearchResult[is] = arItem; window.MLSearchResult[is].collections = arColls; window.MLSearchResult[is].perm = sItem.perm; this.Search.DisplayResult(window.MLSearchResult, this.Search.Query); break; } } } }, _MergeItemInfo: function(ar1, ar2) { if (typeof ar1 == 'object' && typeof ar2 == 'object') { for (var i in ar2) { if (ar2[i] && (ar2[i].length > 0 || ar2[i] > 0)) ar1[i] = ar2[i]; } } return ar1; }, FindItem: function(colId, itemId) { if (MLItems[colId] && typeof MLItems[colId] == 'object' && MLItems[colId].length > 0) { var i, l = MLItems[colId].length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { el = MLItems[colId][i]; if (el && el.id == itemId) return i; } } return false; }, InitMultiaction: function() { var _this = this; this.pMultiActCont = BX('ml_multiaction_cnt'); if (!this.pMultiActCont) return; this.pCheckAll = BX('ml_action_target'); this.arLoadItems = {}; this.pDelBut = BX('action_delete_button'); this.pCheckAll.onclick = function() { var bCheck = !!this.checked, arChecks = _this.pCollCont.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'), i, l = arChecks.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (arChecks[i].type == 'checkbox') arChecks[i].checked = bCheck; _this.EnableMultiAction(bCheck); _this.arLoadItems = {}; if (bCheck) for (i = 0, l = _this.arCollections.length; i < l; i++) _this.arLoadItems[_this.arCollections[i].id] = true; }; this.pDelBut.onclick = function() { if (!_this.bMultiActEnabled || !confirm(ML_MESS.MultiDelConfirm)) return; var Res = _this.MultiActGetSelected(); _this.Request({ action: 'multi_del', postData: { cols: Res.Colls, items: Res.Items }, handler: function() { _this.Refresh({curColl: _this.SelectedColId}); } }); }; }, AskAllCheckBoxes: function() { var arChecks = this.pCollCont.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); if (this.Search.bShowed) arChecks = [].concat(arChecks, this.Search.GetCheckboxes()); for (var i = 0, l = arChecks.length; i < l; i++) if (arChecks[i].type == 'checkbox' && arChecks[i].checked) return true; return false; }, EnableMultiAction: function(bEnable) { this.bMultiActEnabled = bEnable; if (bEnable) BX.removeClass(this.pMultiActCont, "multi-dis"); else BX.addClass(this.pMultiActCont, "multi-dis"); }, CheckAllCollChild: function(colId, bCheck, bRoot) { var oCol = this.oCollections[colId], col, i, l = this.arCollections.length; oCol.pCheck.checked = bCheck; if (bRoot) { this.arMultiSelect = { Cols: [colId], Items:[], NotLoadedItems:[] }; } if (oCol.childCount > 0) //Subcollections { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { col = this.arCollections[i]; if (col.parent == colId) this.CheckAllCollChild(col.id, bCheck); } } if (typeof MLItems[colId] == 'undefined') // Items not loaded { if (bCheck) { this.arLoadItems[colId] = true; //this.arMultiSelect.NotLoadedItems.push(colId); } else this.arLoadItems[colId] = false; } else if (typeof MLItems[colId] == 'object' && MLItems[colId].length > 0) { var arChecks = oCol.pChildCont.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'), l1 = arChecks.length; for (i = 0; i < l1; i++) if (arChecks[i].type == 'checkbox') arChecks[i].checked = bCheck; } if (bRoot) this.EnableMultiAction(bCheck || this.AskAllCheckBoxes()); }, MultiActGetSelected: function() { var arSelCols = [], arSelItems = {}, arChecks = this.pCollCont.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'), i, l = arChecks.length, val, sep, cid, eid; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (arChecks[i].type == 'checkbox' && arChecks[i].checked) { val = arChecks[i].value; if (val.indexOf('c_') != -1) // Collection { arSelCols.push(val.substr(2)); continue; } sep = val.indexOf('|'); if (sep != -1) { cid = val.substr(0, sep); eid = val.substr(sep + 1); if (!arSelItems[cid]) arSelItems[cid] = []; arSelItems[cid].push(eid); // Items } } } if (this.Search.bShowed) { this.arChecks = false; var arSearchCh = this.Search.GetCheckboxes(); l = window.MLSearchResult.length; var it, n, j; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { it = window.MLSearchResult[i]; if (this.Search.checkedChIndex[it.id]) { if (it.collections) { for (j = 0, n = it.collections.length; j < n; j++) { cid = it.collections[j]; if (!arSelItems[cid]) arSelItems[cid] = []; arSelItems[cid].push(it.id); // Items } } } } } return {Colls: arSelCols, Items: arSelItems}; }, InitContextMenu: function() { var _this = this; var arMenuColl = [ {id: 'edit', name: ML_MESS.Edit, title: ML_MESS.EditCollection, handler: function(pEl){_this.OpenEditCollDialog({id: pEl.id.substr('mlccm_'.length)});}}, {id: 'del', name: ML_MESS.Delete,title: ML_MESS.DelCollection,handler: function(pEl){_this.DelCollection(pEl.id.substr('mlccm_'.length));}}, {id: 'access', name: ML_MESS.Access,title: ML_MESS.AccessTitle,handler: function(pEl){window.location = "/bitrix/admin/fileman_medialib_access.php?col_id=" + pEl.id.substr('mlccm_'.length);}}, {id: 'add_item', name: ML_MESS.AddElement,title: ML_MESS.AddElementTitle, handler: function(pEl){_this.OpenEditItemDialog({parentCol: pEl.id.substr('mlccm_'.length)});}}, {id: 'add_col', name: ML_MESS.AddCollection,title: ML_MESS.AddCollectionTitle,handler: function(pEl){_this.OpenEditCollDialog({parentCol: pEl.id.substr('mlccm_'.length)});}} ]; arMenuColl.push({id: 'change_type', name: ML_MESS.ChangeType,title: ML_MESS.ChangeTypeTitle, handler: function(pEl) { _this.OpenChangeTypeDialog({id: pEl.id.substr('mlccm_'.length)}); }}); this.ClearOverlay = new BXOverlay({id: 'bx_clear', className: 'bx-clear-overlay'}); this.oColMenu = new MLContextMenu({id: 'coll', Items: arMenuColl, Overlay: this.ClearOverlay, cmPushed: 'ml-col-menu-pushed'}); //this.oItemMenu = new MLContextMenu({id: 'item'}); }, Refresh: function(Params) { var curColl = Params ? parseInt(Params.curColl) : 0, strLoc = window.location.toString(); if (curColl > 0) { if (strLoc.indexOf('cur_col=') != -1) strLoc = strLoc.replace(/(cur_col=)(\d)+/g, '$1' + curColl); else strLoc += (strLoc.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'cur_col=' + curColl; } window.location = strLoc; }, CheckFileExt: function(ext, arExt) { ext = ext.substr(ext.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); ext = ext.toLowerCase(); if (!arExt) arExt = this.arExt; for (var i = 0, l = arExt.length; i < l; i++) if (arExt[i] == ext) return true; return false; }, AppendKeywords: function(pInput, value) { if (!pInput || !value) return; var arKeys = [], arKeysR = pInput.value.split(',').concat(value.split(',')), kw, i, l = arKeysR.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { kw = BX.util.trim(arKeysR[i]); if (kw && !BX.util.in_array(kw, arKeys)) arKeys.push(kw); } pInput.value = arKeys.join(', '); }, InitTypeSelector: function() { this.bTypes = this.Types.length > 1; if (this.bTypes) { this.pTypeCont = BX('ml_type_cont'); // Show selector cont this.pTypeCont.style.display = "block"; this.oTypeSelector = new BXMLTypeSelector({ oML: this, Types: this.Types, oCallback: { obj : this, func : this.TypeOnChange } }); this.pTypeCont.appendChild(this.oTypeSelector.pWnd); // Set init type this.oTypeSelector.SetType(this.oConfig.curTypeInd, false); this.curType = this.Types[this.oConfig.curTypeInd]; } else { this.curType = this.Types[this.oConfig.curTypeInd]; } }, TypeOnChange: function(Params) { if (this.Types[Params.typeInd].id != this.curType.id) window.location = "/bitrix/admin/fileman_medialib_admin.php?lang=" + this.oConfig.lang + "&type=" + this.Types[Params.typeInd].id; // + '&sessid=' + this.sessid; }, CheckMLType: function(typeId) { typeId = parseInt(typeId); if (!this.bTypes || typeId == this.curType.id) return true; if ((!this.curType || this.curType.code == "image" && this.curType.system) && (!typeId || typeId == this.curType.id)) return true; return false; }, OpenChangeTypeDialog: function(Params) { if (!Params) Params = {}; if (!this.ChangeTypeDialog) this.CreateChangeTypeDialog(); var zIndex = 600, D = this.ChangeTypeDialog, w = BX.GetWindowSize(), left = parseInt(w.scrollLeft + w.innerWidth / 2 - D.width / 2), top = parseInt(w.scrollTop + w.innerHeight / 2 - D.height / 2); D.oCol = this.GetCollection(Params.id); D.Overlay.Show({zIndex: zIndex - 10}); D.pWnd.style.zIndex = zIndex; D.pWnd.style.display = 'block'; // Set current type value D.pType.value = "none"; this._TypeOnChange(); jsFloatDiv.Show(this.ChangeTypeDialog.pWnd, left, top); BX.bind(document, "keypress", window.MlChTypeOnKeypress); }, CreateChangeTypeDialog: function(Params) { var _this = this, type, opt, D = { width: 360, height: 125, pWnd: BX('mlsd_change_type'), pType: BX('mlsd_chtype_type'), pParent: BX('mlsd_chtype_parent'), Overlay: new BXOverlay({id: 'bxml_ch_type_overlay'}) }; D.pType.onchange = function(){_this._TypeOnChange();}; for (var i = 0, l = this.Types.length; i < l; i++) { if (this.Types[i].id != this.curType.id) D.pType.options.add(new Option(this.Types[i].name, i)); } // Build sollections this._typeColInd = {}; this.arTypeCol = {}; var arCollectionsTemp = [], newAr, it = 0, i, l = this.arCollections.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (!this._buildTypeCol(this.arCollections[i], i)) arCollectionsTemp.push([this.arCollections[i], i]); while(arCollectionsTemp.length > 0 && it < 50) { l = arCollectionsTemp.length; newAr = []; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (!this._buildTypeCol(arCollectionsTemp[i][0], arCollectionsTemp[i][1])) newAr.push(arCollectionsTemp[i]); arCollectionsTemp = newAr; it++; } BX('mlsd_chtype_save').onclick = function() { if (_this.ChangeColType() !== false); _this.CloseChangeTypeDialog(); }; BX('mlsd_chtype_cancel').onclick = function(){_this.CloseChangeTypeDialog();}; BX('mlsd_chtype_close').onclick = function(){_this.CloseChangeTypeDialog();}; window.MlChTypeOnKeypress = function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; if(e && e.keyCode == 27) _this.CloseChangeTypeDialog(); }; D.pWnd.style.width = D.width + 'px'; D.pWnd.style.height = D.height + 'px'; this.ChangeTypeDialog = D; }, CloseChangeTypeDialog: function() { this.ChangeTypeDialog.pWnd.style.display = 'none'; jsFloatDiv.Close(this.ChangeTypeDialog.pWnd); this.ChangeTypeDialog.Overlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(document, "keypress", window.MlChTypeOnKeypress); }, _TypeOnChange: function() { var pParSel = this.ChangeTypeDialog.pParent; if (this.ChangeTypeDialog.pType.value == 'none') { pParSel.disabled = true; this._ReqBuildCollSelect(pParSel, [], 0, true); } else { pParSel.disabled = false; var type = this.Types[this.ChangeTypeDialog.pType.value]; this._ReqBuildCollSelect(pParSel, this.arTypeCol[type.id] || [], 0, true); } }, _buildTypeCol: function(oCol, ind) { if (!oCol) return false; var type = oCol.type || this.imageTypeId, level, parAr; if (!this.arTypeCol[type]) this.arTypeCol[type] = []; oCol.parent = parseInt(oCol.parent); if (!oCol.parent) // Root element { level = 0; parAr = this.arTypeCol[type]; } else if (this._typeColInd[oCol.parent]) { level = this._typeColInd[oCol.parent].level + 1; this._typeColInd[oCol.parent].childCount++; parAr = this._ReqFindChildCol(this.arTypeCol[type], oCol.parent); } else return false; if (parAr && typeof parAr == 'object') parAr.push({id: oCol.id, child: []}); this._typeColInd[oCol.id] = {ind: ind, level: level, childCount: 0}; return true; }, ChangeColType: function() { var _this = this, D = _this.ChangeTypeDialog, type = D.pType.value, par = D.pParent.value; if (type != 'none') { // Count child collections var children = this._IterGetChildCols(this._ReqFindChildCol(this.arCollectionsTree, D.oCol.id)); if (children.length > 0 && !confirm(ML_MESS.ChangeTypeChildConf)) return false; this.Request({ action: 'change_col_type', postData: {col: D.oCol.id, type: this.Types[type].id, parent: par, children: children}, handler: function() { if (window.bx_req_res === false) alert(ML_MESS.ChangeTypeError); else return _this.Refresh(); } }); } return true; }, _IterGetChildCols: function(ar) { var arRes = [], i, l = ar.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { arRes.push(ar[i].id); if (ar[i].child.length > 0) arRes = arRes.concat(this._IterGetChildCols(ar[i].child)); } return arRes; } } function BXMLSearch(oML) { this.oML = oML; this.Init(); } BXMLSearch.prototype = { Init: function() { var _this = this; this.bShowed = false; this.pInput = BX('ml_search_input'); this.pButton = BX('ml_search_button'); this.pResultCont = BX('ml_search_res_cont'); this.pResultContDiv = BX('ml_s_res_cnt_div'); this.pResultContPar = BX('ml_search_res_cont_par'); this.pResultTitle = BX('ml_srch_res_title'); this.pResultCheckbox = BX('ml_srch_res_check'); this.pResultFlip = BX('ml_srch_res_flip'); this.pResultHide = BX('ml_srch_res_hide'); this.pButton.onclick = function() { if (_this.pInput.value.length > 0) _this.Search(_this.pInput.value); }; this.pInput.onkeydown = function(e) // Enter press { if (!e) e = window.event; if(e.keyCode == 13 && this.value.length > 0) _this.Search(this.value); }; this.pResultHide.onclick = function(e){_this.pResultContPar.style.display = 'none'; _this.bShowed = false; return BX.PreventDefault(e);}; this.pResultFlip.onclick = function(e) { _this.OpenResultCont(); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }; this.pResultCheckbox.onclick = function(e) { var bCheck = this.checked, arChecks = _this.GetCheckboxes(), i, l = arChecks.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) arChecks[i].checked = bCheck && !arChecks[i].disabled; _this.oML.EnableMultiAction(bCheck || _this.oML.AskAllCheckBoxes()); if(!e) e = window.event; if(e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); else e.cancelBubble = true; }; }, GetCheckboxes: function() { this.checkedChIndex = {}; if (!this.arChecks) { this.arChecks = []; var arChecks = this.pResultCont.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'), i, l = arChecks.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (arChecks[i].type == 'checkbox' && arChecks[i].value.indexOf('search_result') != -1) { this.arChecks.push(arChecks[i]); if (arChecks[i].checked) this.checkedChIndex[arChecks[i].value.substr(14)] = true; // 'search_result|'.length } } } else { for (var i = 0, l = this.arChecks.length; i < l; i++) if (this.arChecks[i].checked) this.checkedChIndex[this.arChecks[i].value.substr(14)] = true; // 'search_result|'.length } return this.arChecks; }, Search: function(q) { var _this = this; window.MLSearchResult = false; this.oML.Request({ action: 'search', postData: {q: q}, handler: function() { if (window.MLSearchResult) _this.DisplayResult(window.MLSearchResult, q); } }); }, DisplayResult: function(Res, Query) { this.arChecks = false; this.bOpened = false; this.bShowed = true; this.Query = Query; this.pResultContPar.style.display = 'block'; this.OpenResultCont(); this.pResultTitle.innerHTML = ML_MESS.SearchResultEx.replace('#SEARCH_QUERY#', BX.util.htmlspecialchars(Query)); // Clean while(this.pResultCont.firstChild) this.pResultCont.removeChild(this.pResultCont.lastChild); var i, l = Res.length; if (l > 0) { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) this.oML.DisplayItem({ bSearch: true, Item: Res[i], pCont: this.pResultCont, bCheck: false, id: 'search_result', Access: Res[i].perm }); } else { this.pResultCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props:{className: 'ml-search-no-result'}, text:ML_MESS.NoResult})); } }, OpenResultCont: function() { if (!this.bOpened) { this.pResultFlip.className = 'ml-col-icon ml-col-icon-opened'; this.pResultContDiv.style.display = 'block'; } else { this.pResultContDiv.style.display = 'none'; this.pResultFlip.className = 'ml-col-icon ml-col-icon-closed'; } this.bOpened = !this.bOpened; } } // CONTEXT MENU FOR EDITING AREA function MLContextMenu(arParams) { this.Items = arParams.Items; this.oOverlay = arParams.Overlay; this.zIndex = arParams.zIndex || 600; this.id = arParams.id || 'menu'; this.cmPushed = arParams.cmPushed; this.PreCreate(); } MLContextMenu.prototype = { PreCreate: function() { this.pref = 'ML_' + this.id + '_'; this.oDiv = document.body.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props:{className: 'bx-cm', id: this.pref + '_cont'}, style:{zIndex: this.zIndex}, html: '<table><tr><td class="bxcm-popup"><table id="' + this.pref + '_cont_items"><tr><td></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>'})); // Part of logic of JCFloatDiv.Show() Prevent bogus rerendering window in IE... And SpeedUp first context menu calling document.body.appendChild(BX.create('IFRAME', {props:{id: this.pref + '_frame', src: "javascript:void(0)"}, style:{position: 'absolute', zIndex: this.zIndex - 5, left: '-1000px', top: '-1000px', visibility: 'hidden'}})); this.menu = new PopupMenu(this.pref + '_cont'); }, Create: function() { this.BuildItems(); this.bCreated = true; }, Show: function(Params) { if (!this.bCreated) this.Create(); this.oDiv.style.width = parseInt(this.oDiv.firstChild.offsetWidth) + 'px'; this.pElement = Params.pElement; var pos = jsUtils.GetRealPos(this.pElement), _this = this, w = parseInt(this.oDiv.offsetWidth), h = parseInt(this.oDiv.offsetHeight), pOverlay = this.oOverlay.Show(); if (this.cmPushed) BX.addClass(this.pElement, this.cmPushed); if (Params.arHideItems.length > 0) { var i, n = this.Items.length; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (typeof this.Items[i] == 'object') this.Items[i].pWnd.style.display = Params.arHideItems[this.Items[i].id] ? 'none' : (BX.browser.IsIE() ? 'inline' : 'table-cell'); } } pOverlay.onclick = function(){_this.Close()}; window.overlay_keypress = function(e){_this.OnKeyPress(e);}; BX.bind(window, "keypress", window.overlay_keypress); pos.top += 2; pos.left += 1; this.menu.PopupShow(pos); }, Close: function() { this.menu.PopupHide(); this.oOverlay.Hide(); if (this.cmPushed) BX.removeClass(this.pElement, this.cmPushed); BX.unbind(window, "keypress", window.overlay_keypress); }, BuildItems: function() { var contTbl = BX(this.pref + '_cont_items'), n = this.Items.length; _this = this; var i, cell, oItem; //Creation menu elements for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { oItem = this.Items[i]; cell = contTbl.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1); if(oItem == 'separator') { cell.innerHTML = '<div class="popupseparator"></div>'; } else { cell.innerHTML = '<table class="popupitem" id="bx_cm_' + oItem.id + '"><tr><td class="gutter"><div class="bx-button" id="bx_btn_' + oItem.id + '" ></div></td><td class="item">' + oItem.name + '</td></tr></table>'; var oTable = cell.firstChild; oTable.onmouseover = function(e){this.className='popupitem popupitemover';} oTable.onmouseout = function(e){this.className = 'popupitem';}; oTable.onclick = function(e){_this.OnClick(this);}; oItem.pWnd = cell; } } this.oDiv.style.width = contTbl.parentNode.offsetWidth; return true; }, OnClick: function(pEl) { var i, n = this.Items.length, act = pEl.id.substring('bx_cm_'.length); this.Close(); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) if (this.Items[i].id == act && this.Items[i].handler) return this.Items[i].handler(this.pElement); }, OnKeyPress: function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; if(e.keyCode == 27) this.Close(); } }