Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/spotlight/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/spotlight/spotlight.js |
;(function () { "use strict"; BX.SpotLight = function (options) { this.container = null; this.popup = null; this.id = "spotlight-" + BX.util.getRandomString().toLowerCase(); this.options = {}; this.targetElement = null; this.targetElementRect = null; this.targetVertex = "top-left"; this.content = null; this.top = 0; this.left = 0; this.lightMode = false; this.autoSave = false; this.zIndex = null; this.observerTimeoutId = null; this.observerTimeout = 1000; this.setOptions(options); if (!this.targetElement) { throw new Error("BX.SpotLight: 'targetElement' is not a DOMNode."); } this.handlePageResize = this.handlePageResize.bind(this); }; BX.SpotLight.prototype = { setOptions: function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; this.options = options; this.setTargetElement(options.renderTo); //compatibility this.setTargetElement(options.targetElement); this.setTargetVertex(options.targetVertex); this.setZindex(options.zIndex); this.setLightMode(options.lightMode); this.setContent(options.content); this.setOffsetLeft(options.left); this.setOffsetTop(options.top); this.setAutoSave(options.autoSave); this.setObserverTimeout(options.observerTimeout); this.setId(options.id); }, bindEvents: function(events) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(events)) { return; } for (var eventName in events) { var cb = BX.type.isFunction(events[eventName]) ? events[eventName] : BX.getClass(events[eventName]); if (cb) { BX.addCustomEvent(this, this.getFullEventName(eventName), cb); } } }, unbindEvents: function(events) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(events)) { return; } for (var eventName in events) { var cb = BX.type.isFunction(events[eventName]) ? events[eventName] : BX.getClass(events[eventName]); if (cb) { BX.removeCustomEvent(this, this.getFullEventName(eventName), cb); } } }, getOptions: function() { return this.options; }, getId: function() { return this.id; }, setId: function(id) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(id)) { this.id = id; } }, getZindex: function() { if (this.zIndex !== null) { return this.zIndex; } return this.getGlobalIndex(this.getTargetElement()) + 1; }, getGlobalIndex: function(element) { var index = 0; do { var propertyValue = BX.style(element, "z-index"); if (propertyValue !== "auto") { index = BX.type.stringToInt(propertyValue); } element = element.parentNode; } while ( element && element.tagName !== "BODY" ); return index; }, setZindex: function(zIndex) { if (BX.type.isNumber(zIndex) || zIndex === null) { this.zIndex = zIndex; } }, getContent: function() { return this.content; }, setContent: function(content) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(content) || BX.type.isDomNode(content) || content === null) { this.content = content; } }, getTargetElement: function() { return this.targetElement; }, setTargetElement: function(targetElement) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(targetElement)) { targetElement = document.querySelector(targetElement) || BX(targetElement); } if (BX.type.isDomNode(targetElement)) { this.targetElement = targetElement; this.renderTo = targetElement; //compatibility } }, getOffsetLeft: function() { return this.left; }, setOffsetLeft: function(offset) { if (BX.type.isNumber(offset)) { this.left = offset; } }, getOffsetTop: function() { return this.top; }, setOffsetTop: function(offset) { if (BX.type.isNumber(offset)) { this.top = offset; } }, getLightMode: function() { return this.lightMode; }, setLightMode: function(mode) { if (BX.type.isBoolean(mode)) { this.lightMode = mode; } }, getAutoSave: function() { return this.autoSave; }, setAutoSave: function(mode) { if (BX.type.isBoolean(mode)) { this.autoSave = mode; } }, getObserverTimeout: function() { return this.observerTimeout; }, setObserverTimeout: function(timeout) { if (BX.type.isNumber(timeout) && timeout >= 0) { this.observerTimeout = timeout; } }, getTargetVertex: function() { return this.targetVertex; }, setTargetVertex: function(vertex) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(vertex)) { this.targetVertex = vertex; } }, getPopup: function() { if (this.popup) { return this.popup; } this.popup = new BX.PopupWindow("spotlight-" + BX.util.getRandomString(), this.container, { className: "main-spot-light-popup", angle: { position: "top", offset: 41 }, closeByEsc: true, overlay: true, content: this.getContent(), events: { onPopupShow: function() { this.fireEvent("onPopupShow"); }.bind(this), onPopupClose: function() { this.close(); this.fireEvent("onPopupClose"); }.bind(this) }, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowCustomButton({ text: BX.message("MAIN_SPOTLIGHT_UNDERSTAND"), className: "webform-small-button webform-small-button-blue", events: { click: function() { this.close(); this.fireEvent("onPopupAccept"); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "spotLightOk", [this.getTargetElement(), this]); //compatibility }.bind(this) } }) ] }); return this.popup; }, getTargetContainer: function() { if (this.container) { return this.container; } this.container = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: this.getLightMode() ? "main-spot-light main-spot-light-white" : "main-spot-light" }, events: { mouseenter: this.handleTargetMouseEnter.bind(this), mouseleave: this.handleTargetMouseLeave.bind(this) } }); return this.container; }, adjustPosition: function() { this.targetElementRect = BX.pos(this.getTargetElement()); var targetElement = this.getTargetElement(); var isVisible = Boolean( targetElement.offsetWidth || targetElement.offsetHeight || targetElement.getClientRects().length ); if (!isVisible) { this.container.hidden = true; return; } var left = 0; var top = 0; var vertex = this.getTargetVertex(); switch (vertex) { case "top-left": default: left = this.targetElementRect.left; top = this.targetElementRect.top; break; case "top-center": left = this.targetElementRect.left + this.targetElementRect.width / 2; top = this.targetElementRect.top; break; case "top-right": left = this.targetElementRect.right; top = this.targetElementRect.top; break; case "middle-left": left = this.targetElementRect.left; top = this.targetElementRect.top + this.targetElementRect.height / 2; break; case "middle-center": left = this.targetElementRect.left + this.targetElementRect.width / 2; top = this.targetElementRect.top + this.targetElementRect.height / 2; break; case "middle-right": left = this.targetElementRect.right; top = this.targetElementRect.top + this.targetElementRect.height / 2; break; case "bottom-left": left = this.targetElementRect.left; top = this.targetElementRect.bottom; break; case "bottom-center": left = this.targetElementRect.left + this.targetElementRect.width / 2; top = this.targetElementRect.bottom; break; case "bottom-right": left = this.targetElementRect.right; top = this.targetElementRect.bottom; break; } this.container.hidden = false; this.container.style.left = left + this.getOffsetLeft() + "px"; this.container.style.top = top + this.getOffsetTop() + "px"; this.container.style.zIndex = this.getZindex(); }, handlePageResize: function() { this.adjustPosition(); }, handleTargetMouseEnter: function() { this.fireEvent("onTargetEnter"); if (this.getContent()) { this.getPopup().show(); } if (this.getAutoSave()) { this.save(); } }, handleTargetMouseLeave: function() { this.fireEvent("onTargetLeave"); }, handleTargetElementResize: function() { var currentRect = BX.pos(this.getTargetElement()); if ( currentRect.left !== this.targetElementRect.left || currentRect.right !== this.targetElementRect.right || currentRect.top !== this.targetElementRect.top || currentRect.bottom !== this.targetElementRect.bottom ) { this.adjustPosition(); } }, show: function() { if (!this.getTargetContainer().parentNode) { BX.bind(window, "resize", this.handlePageResize); BX.bind(window, "load", this.handlePageResize); BX.addCustomEvent("onFrameDataProcessed", this.handlePageResize); this.bindEvents(this.getOptions().events); document.body.appendChild(this.getTargetContainer()); if (this.getObserverTimeout()) { this.observerTimeoutId = setInterval( this.handleTargetElementResize.bind(this), this.getObserverTimeout() ); } } this.fireEvent("onShow"); this.adjustPosition(); }, close: function() { this.fireEvent("onClose"); if (this.popup) { this.popup.destroy(); this.popup = null; } if (this.observerTimeoutId) { clearInterval(this.observerTimeoutId); this.observerTimeoutId = null; } BX.unbind(window, "resize", this.handlePageResize); BX.unbind(window, "load", this.handlePageResize); BX.removeCustomEvent("onFrameDataProcessed", this.handlePageResize); this.unbindEvents(this.getOptions().events); BX.remove(this.container); this.container = null; }, save: function() { var optionName = "view_date_" + this.getId(); BX.userOptions.save("spotlight", optionName, null, Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)); BX.userOptions.send(null); }, fireEvent: function(eventName) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(eventName)) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, this.getFullEventName(eventName), [this]); } }, getFullEventName: function(shortName) { return "BX.SpotLight:" + shortName; } }; BX.SpotLight.Manager = { spotlights: {}, /** * * @param {object} options * @returns {BX.SpotLight} */ create: function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; var id = options.id; if (!BX.type.isNotEmptyString(id)) { throw new Error("'id' parameter is required.") } if (this.get(id)) { throw new Error("The spotlight instance with the same 'id' already exists."); } var spotlight = new BX.SpotLight(options); this.spotlights[id] = spotlight; return spotlight; }, /** * * @param {string} id * @returns {BX.SpotLight|null} */ get: function(id) { return id in this.spotlights ? this.spotlights[id] : null; }, /** * * @param {string} id */ remove: function(id) { delete this.spotlights[id]; } }; })();