Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/rest/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/rest/client.js |
'use strict'; ;(function(){ /****************** ATTENTION ******************************* * Please do not use Bitrix CoreJS in this class. * This class can be called on page without Bitrix Framework *************************************************************/ if (!window.BX) { window.BX = {}; } else if (window.BX.RestClient) { return; } var BX = window.BX; BX.RestClient = function (options) { options = options || {}; this.endpoint = options.endpoint || '/rest'; this.queryParams = options.queryParams || ''; }; BX.RestClient.prototype.callMethod = function(method, params, callback, sendCallback, logTag) { return ajax({ method: method, data: params, callback: callback, sendCallback: sendCallback, logTag: logTag, endpoint: this.endpoint, queryParams: this.queryParams }); }; /* calls = [[method,params],[method,params]]; calls = [{method:method,params:params},[method,params]]; calls = {call_id:[method,params],...}; */ BX.RestClient.prototype.callBatch = function(calls, callback, bHaltOnError, sendCallback, logTag) { var cmd = Utils.isArray(calls) ? [] : {}; var cnt = 0; var cb = function(cmd) { ajax.batch(cmd, callback, bHaltOnError, sendCallback, this.endpoint, this.queryParams, logTag); }.bind(this); for(var i in calls) { var method = null, params = null; if(!!calls[i] && calls.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if(Utils.isArray(calls[i])) { method = calls[i][0]; params = calls[i][1]; } else if(!!calls[i].method) { method = calls[i].method; params = calls[i].params; } if(!!method) { cnt++; cmd[i] = [method, params]; } } } if(cnt > 0) { var e = function(i) { return function(str) { cmd[i] = cmd[i][0] + '?' + str; if(--cnt <= 0) cb(cmd); } }; for(var c in cmd) { if(cmd.hasOwnProperty(c)) { ajax.prepareData(cmd[c][1], '', e(c)); } } } }; BX.RestClient.prototype.setEndpoint = function(url) { this.endpoint = url; }; BX.RestClient.prototype.setQueryParams = function(params) { this.queryParams = params; }; /* self init for bitrix env */ if (typeof BX.namespace !== 'undefined') { var BXRest = new BX.RestClient(); if (typeof BX.rest == 'undefined') { BX.rest = {}; } BX.rest.callMethod = function (method, params, callback, sendCallback, logTag) { return BXRest.callMethod(method, params, callback, sendCallback, logTag); }; /* calls = [[method,params],[method,params]]; calls = [{method:method,params:params},[method,params]]; calls = {call_id:[method,params],...}; */ BX.rest.callBatch = function (calls, callback, bHaltOnError, sendCallback, logTag) { return BXRest.callBatch(calls, callback, bHaltOnError, sendCallback, logTag); }; } var Utils = { isArray: function(item) { return item && Object.prototype.toString.call(item) == "[object Array]"; }, isFunction: function(item) { return item === null ? false : (typeof (item) == "function" || item instanceof Function); }, isString: function(item) { return item === '' ? true : (item ? (typeof (item) == "string" || item instanceof String) : false); }, isDomNode: function(item) { return item && typeof (item) == "object" && "nodeType" in item; }, isDate: function(item) { return item && Object.prototype.toString.call(item) == "[object Date]"; }, buildQueryString: function(params) { var result = ''; for (var key in params) { if (!params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } var value = params[key]; if(this.isArray(value)) { value.forEach(function(valueElement, index) { result += encodeURIComponent(key + "[" + index + "]") + "=" + encodeURIComponent(valueElement) + "&"; }); } else { result += encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "&"; } } if(result.length > 0) { result = result.substr(0, result.length - 1); } return result; }, clone: function(obj, bCopyObj) { var _obj, i, l; if (bCopyObj !== false) bCopyObj = true; if (obj === null) return null; if (this.isDomNode(obj)) { _obj = obj.cloneNode(bCopyObj); } else if (typeof obj == 'object') { if (this.isArray(obj)) { _obj = []; for (i=0,l=obj.length;i<l;i++) { if (typeof obj[i] == "object" && bCopyObj) _obj[i] = this.clone(obj[i], bCopyObj); else _obj[i] = obj[i]; } } else { _obj = {}; if (obj.constructor) { if (this.isDate(obj)) _obj = new Date(obj); else _obj = new obj.constructor(); } for (i in obj) { if (typeof obj[i] == "object" && bCopyObj) _obj[i] = this.clone(obj[i], bCopyObj); else _obj[i] = obj[i]; } } } else { _obj = obj; } return _obj; } }; var ajax = function(config) { var hasCallback = !!config.callback && Utils.isFunction(config.callback); var promise = typeof BX.Promise === 'undefined' || hasCallback? null: new BX.Promise(); var sendCallback = config.sendCallback || function() {}; var withoutRestoringCsrf = config.withoutRestoringCsrf || false; var xhr = ajax.xhr(); var url = config.endpoint + '/' + ajax.escape(config.method) + '.json'+(config.logTag? '?logTag='+config.logTag: ''); xhr.open('POST', url); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); var bRequestCompleted = false; // IE fix xhr.onprogress = function(){}; xhr.ontimeout = function(){}; xhr.timeout = 0; xhr.onload = function() { if(bRequestCompleted) return; xhr.onload = function() {}; var bSuccess = ajax.isSuccess(xhr); var status = xhr.status; if(bSuccess) { var data = xhr.responseText; if(data.length > 0) { try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { bSuccess = false; } } if (status == 401) { if (data.sessid && !withoutRestoringCsrf) { BX.message({'bitrix_sessid': data.sessid}); console.warn('BX.rest: your csrf-token has expired, send query with a new token'); config.withoutRestoringCsrf = true; if (!hasCallback) { config.callback = function(result) { if (result.error()) { promise.reject(result); } else { promise.fulfill(result); } } } ajax(config); return true; } } else if (status == 0) { data = {result: {}, error: "ERROR_NETWORK", error_description: "A network error occurred while the request was being executed."}; } else { if (status == 200) { if (data.length <= 0) { data = {result: {}}; } } else if (data.length <= 0) { data = {result: {}, error: "BLANK_ANSWER_WITH_ERROR_CODE", error_description: 'Blank answer with error http code: '+status}; } } } xhr = null; if(bSuccess) { var res = new ajaxResult(data, config, status); if(hasCallback) { config.callback.apply(window, [res]); } else { if (res.error()) { promise.reject(res); } else { promise.fulfill(res); } } } else { var res = new ajaxResult({ error: "ERROR_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER", error_description: "Server returned an unexpected response.", ex: {} }, config, 0); if(hasCallback) { config.callback.apply(window, [res]); } else { promise.reject(res); } } }; xhr.onerror = function(e) { var res = new ajaxResult({ error: "ERROR_NETWORK", error_description: "A network error occurred while the request was being executed.", ex: e }, config, 0); if(hasCallback) { config.callback.apply(window, [res]); } else { promise.reject(res); } }; var query_data = ''; if (config.queryParams) { query_data = Utils.buildQueryString(config.queryParams); } else if (typeof BX.bitrix_sessid !== 'undefined') { query_data = 'sessid=' + BX.bitrix_sessid(); } if(typeof config.start !== 'undefined') { query_data += '&start=' + parseInt(config.start); } if(!!config.data) { ajax.prepareData(config.data, '', function(res) { query_data += '&' + res; xhr.send(query_data); sendCallback(xhr); }); } else { xhr.send(query_data); sendCallback(xhr); } return hasCallback || !promise? xhr: promise; }; ajax.batch = function(calls, callback, bHaltOnError, sendCallback, endpoint, queryParams, logTag) { return ajax({ method: 'batch', data: {halt: !!bHaltOnError ? 1 : 0, cmd: calls}, callback: function(res, config, status) { if(!!callback) { var error = res.error(); var data = res.data(); var result = Utils.isArray(calls) ? [] : {}; for(var i in calls) { if(!!calls[i] && calls.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if(Utils.isString(calls[i])) { var q = calls[i].split('?'); } else { q = [ Utils.isArray(calls[i]) ? calls[i][0] : calls[i].method, Utils.isArray(calls[i]) ? calls[i][1] : calls[i].data ]; } if(data && (typeof data.result[i] !== 'undefined' || typeof data.result_error[i] !== 'undefined')) { result[i] = new ajaxResult({ result: typeof data.result[i] !== 'undefined' ? data.result[i] : {}, error: data.result_error[i] || undefined, total: data.result_total[i], time: data.result_time[i], next: data.result_next[i] }, { method: q[0], data: q[1], callback: callback, endpoint: endpoint, queryParams: queryParams }, res.status); } else if (error) { result[i] = new ajaxResult({ result: {}, error: error.ex, total: 0 }, { method: q[0], data: q[1], callback: callback, endpoint: endpoint, queryParams: queryParams }, res.status); } } } callback.apply(window, [result]); } }, sendCallback: sendCallback, endpoint: endpoint, queryParams: queryParams, logTag: logTag }); }; ajax.xhr = function() { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }; ajax.escape = function(str) { return encodeURIComponent(str); }; ajax.prepareData = function(arData, prefix, callback) { var data = '', objects = []; if(Utils.isString(arData) || arData === null) { callback.call(document, arData || ''); } else { for(var i in arData) { if(!arData.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } var name = ajax.escape(i); if(prefix) name = prefix + '[' + name + ']'; if(typeof arData[i] === 'object') { objects.push([name, arData[i]]); } else { if(data.length > 0) { data += '&'; } if(typeof arData[i] === 'boolean') { data += name + '=' + (arData[i]? 1: 0); } else { data += name + '=' + ajax.escape(arData[i]) } } } var cnt = objects.length; if(cnt > 0) { var cb = function(str) { data += (!!str ? '&' : '') + str; if(--cnt <= 0) { callback.call(document, data) } }; var cnt1 = cnt; for(var i = 0; i < cnt1; i++) { if(Utils.isDomNode(objects[i][1])) { if(objects[i][1].tagName.toUpperCase() === 'INPUT' && objects[i][1].type === 'file') { if(fileReader.canUse()) { fileReader(objects[i][1], (function(name) { return function(result) { if(Utils.isArray(result) && result.length > 0) { cb(name + '[0]=' + ajax.escape(result[0]) + '&' + name + '[1]=' + ajax.escape(result[1])); } else { cb(name + '='); } } })(objects[i][0])); } } else if(typeof objects[i][1].value !== 'undefined') { cb(objects[i][0] + '=' + ajax.escape(objects[i][1].value)); } else { cb(''); } } else if(Utils.isDate(objects[i][1])) { cb(objects[i][0] + '=' + ajax.escape(objects[i][1].toJSON())); } else if(Utils.isArray(objects[i][1]) && objects[i][1].length <= 0) { cb(objects[i][0] + '='); } else { ajax.prepareData(objects[i][1], objects[i][0], cb); } } } else { callback.call(document, data) } } }; ajax.isSuccess = function(xhr) { return typeof xhr.status === 'undefined' || (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status === 304 || xhr.status >= 400 && xhr.status < 500 || xhr.status === 1223 || xhr.status === 0; }; var ajaxResult = function(answer, query, status) { this.answer = answer; this.query = Utils.clone(query); this.status = status; if(typeof this.answer.next !== 'undefined') { this.answer.next = parseInt(this.answer.next); } if(typeof this.answer.error !== 'undefined') { this.answer.ex = new ajaxError(this.status, typeof this.answer.error === 'string' ? this.answer : this.answer.error) } }; ajaxResult.prototype.data = function() { return this.answer.result; }; ajaxResult.prototype.time = function() { return this.answer.time; }; ajaxResult.prototype.error = function() { return this.answer.ex; }; ajaxResult.prototype.error_description = function() { return this.answer.error_description; }; ajaxResult.prototype.more = function() { return !isNaN(this.answer.next); }; ajaxResult.prototype.total = function() { return parseInt(this.answer.total); }; ajaxResult.prototype.next = function(cb) { if(this.more()) { this.query.start = this.answer.next; if(!!cb && Utils.isFunction(cb)) { this.query.callback = cb; } return ajax(this.query); } return false; }; var ajaxError = function(status, ex) { this.status = status; this.ex = ex; }; ajaxError.prototype.getError = function() { return this.ex; }; ajaxError.prototype.getStatus = function() { return this.status; }; ajaxError.prototype.toString = function() { return this.ex.error + ( !!this.ex.error_description ? ': ' + this.ex.error_description : '' ) + ' (' + this.status + ')'; }; var fileReader = function(fileInput, cb) { if(fileReader.canUse()) { var files = fileInput.files, len = 0, result = fileInput.multiple ? [] : null; for(var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) { var reader = new window.FileReader(); reader.BXFILENAME = files[i].name; reader.onload = function(e) { e = e || window.event; var res = [this.BXFILENAME, btoa(e.target.result)]; if(result === null) result = res; else result.push(res); if(--len <= 0) { cb(result); } }; reader.readAsBinaryString(f); } len = i; if(len <= 0) { cb(result); } } }; fileReader.canUse = function() { return !!window.FileReader; }; })();