Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/sale/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/sale/core_ui_autocomplete.js |
(function(){ if(typeof BX.ui != 'object') BX.ui = {}; ////////////////////////////// // generic autocomplete ////////////////////////////// /* todo: implement handling selectbox in the role of target input todo: take care about the situation when BX.ajax() cannot handle request in time, and user presses enter or somehow else input looses focus todo: make connection between origin and fake inputs, handling: change todo: do ajax call interruption if it cannot handle request in time, but there is another newly typed request came and pending */ BX.ui.autoComplete = function(opts, nf){ this.parentConstruct(BX.ui.autoComplete, opts); BX.merge(this, { opts: { // default options source: '/somewhere.php', // url that will be used to obtain select options from pageSize: 20, // amount of variants to show paginatedRequest: true, // if true, parameters for server-side paginator will be sent in the request // behaviour autoSelectOnBlur: false, // if true, plugin will select first item in variant list when input looses focus autoSelectOnTab: false, // if true, plugin will select first item in variant list when user types tab button on fake input with string being incomplete typed in autoSelectOnlyIfOneVariant: false, selectOnEnter: true, // item can be selected by pressing Enter on it selectByClick: true, // item can be selected by clicking on it chooseUsingArrows: true, // item can be choosable when user presses arrow up\down while input is in focus scrollToVariantOnArrow: true, closePopupOnOuterClick: true, // if true, popup will be closed when user clicks outside the widget focusOnMouseSelect: true, // if true, plugin will return focus to the fake input after user selects item using mouse. it allows not to lose tabindex order autoSelectIfOneVariant: false, // if true, and only one variant found for currently typed query, it will be selected without any dropdown shown debounceTime: 500, // time of reaction on input content change. Should not be too small startSearchLen: 2, // minimum string length search will start with knownItems: [], // already known items which go directly to the cache selectedItem: false, // initially selected item VALUE useCache: true, // always should be true, behaviour when useCache == false is not implemented usePagingOnScroll: false, // if true, showing items on pane scroll will be used. Note that you must specify also paneHConstraint option, or have popup height limited in your css. Otherwise you will be wondered with the result :) useCustomScrollPane: false, // always false, the developing of a custom scroll panel were frozen currently scrollThrottleTimeout: 300, // timeout of reaction on pane scroll. Should not be too small paneHConstraint: 0, // limit pane height with this value, if greather than zero // language-dependent messages to display messages: { nothingFound: 'Sorry, nothing found', error: 'Error occured', clearSelection: 'Clear selection' }, // magic design-related values arrowScrollAdditional: 0, pageUpWardOffset: 0, wrapTagName: 'span', paneHConstraintType: 'max-height', // constraint type of pane height wrapSeparate: true, bindEvents: { 'init': function(){ // after all we do this this.setInitialValue(); this.vars.allowHideErrors = true; } } }, vars: { // significant variables opened: false, // whether dropdown is opened or not eventLock: false, // when we fire 'change' on the target node, we dont want our own callback to be called displayPageMutex: false, blockingCall: false, keyboardMutex: false, cache: { // item cache nodes: {}, // data index, keeps data for each node ever loaded search: {}, // cache for request: map from query string to a set of items in responce. Here pagenavigation can be implemented without a trouble ceilings: {} }, lastQuery: null, lastPage: 0, displayedIndex: [], value: false, // actually, [VALUE,DISPLAY] pair id currentGlow: false, // item that is currently highlighted by arrow-up\down keys previousGlow: false, // previous value of currentGlow outSideClickScope: null, forceSelectSingeOnce: false, allowHideErrors: false }, ctrls: { // links to controls displayedItems: {}, popup: null }, sys: { code: 'autocomplete' } }); this.handleInitStack(nf, BX.ui.autoComplete, opts); }; BX.extend(BX.ui.autoComplete, BX.ui.widget); // the following functions can be overrided with inheritance BX.merge(BX.ui.autoComplete.prototype, { // member of stack of initializers, must be defined even if do nothing init: function(){ var ctx = this, so = this.opts, sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls; // find input var input = this.getControl('input', true); if(input == null) input = sc.scope.querySelector('input[type="text"]'); if(input == null) input = sc.scope.querySelector('select'); if(input == null) throw new Error('Input control still not found'); sc.inputs = { origin: input == null ? sc.scope : input }; sv.loader = new BX.ui.loader({ timeout: 500 }); sv.loader.bindEvent('toggle', BX.proxy(this.whenLoaderToggle, ctx)); if(sc.inputs.origin.nodeName == 'SELECT'){ throw new Error('Sorry, usage of <select> node as a source currently is not implemented'); // todo: get knownItems from sc.inputs.origin options (and also so.selectedItem) } if(typeof so.knownItems == 'object') this.fillCache(so.knownItems, false); this.pushFuncStack('buildUpDOM', BX.ui.autoComplete); this.pushFuncStack('bindEvents', BX.ui.autoComplete); }, buildUpDOM: function(){ var so = this.opts, sc = this.ctrls, sv = this.vars, code = this.sys.code; // add container node sc.container = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+code+'-container' }, style: { margin: 0, padding: 0, border: 'none', position: 'relative' } }); //BX.style(sc.container, 'display', BX.style(sc.inputs.origin, 'display')); BX.insertAfter(sc.container, sc.inputs.origin); // clone input node var pseudoInput = BX.clone(sc.inputs.origin); pseudoInput.removeAttribute('name'); // make it invisible for form BX.adjust(pseudoInput, { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+code+'-fake' } }); sc.container.appendChild(pseudoInput); sc.inputs.fake = pseudoInput; /* if(sv.value !== false) { console.dir('set from input'); //this.selectItem(sv.value); this.setFakeInputValue(sv.cache.nodes[sv.value].DISPLAY); } else this.setFakeInputValue(''); */ // hide origin input BX.hide(sc.inputs.origin); //sc.inputs.origin.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); if(BX.browser.IsIE8()){ BX.bind(sc.inputs.fake, 'click', function(e){ BX.eventCancelBubble(e); }); BX.bind(sc.container, 'click', function(){ sc.inputs.fake.focus(); }); } // clear handle sc.clear = this.getControl('clear', true); if(!BX.type.isElementNode(sc.clear)){ sc.clear = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+code+'-clear' }, attrs: { title: so.messages.clearSelection }, style: { position: 'absolute', top: '0px', right: '0px' } }); sc.container.appendChild(sc.clear); } //if(sv.value === false) BX.style(sc.clear, 'display', 'none'); // insert pane sc.pane = this.getControl('pane', true); if(!BX.type.isElementNode(sc.pane)){ sc.pane = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+code+'-pane' }, style: { display: 'none', position: 'absolute' } }); sc.container.appendChild(sc.pane); } // adjust a bit if(so.usePagingOnScroll){ BX.style(sc.pane, 'overflow-y', 'auto'); BX.style(sc.pane, 'overflow-x', 'hidden'); if(so.paneHConstraint > 0 && so.paneHConstraintType != '') BX.style(sc.pane, so.paneHConstraintType, so.paneHConstraint+'px'); } if (so.usePopup) { BX.style(sc.pane, 'position', 'inherit'); BX.style(sc.pane, 'border', 'none'); BX.style(sc.pane, 'box-shadow', 'none'); } // insert variants sc.vars = this.getControl('variants', true); if(!BX.type.isElementNode(sc.vars)){ sc.vars = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+code+'-variants' } }); sc.pane.appendChild(sc.vars); } // nothing found message sc.nothingFound = this.getControl('nothing-found', true); // error message sc.errorMessage = this.getControl('error-message', true); }, bindEvents: function(){ var ctx = this, so = this.opts, sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls, code = this.sys.code; // bind item select if(so.selectByClick){ BX.bindDelegate(sc.pane, 'click', { className: 'bx-ui-'+code+'-variant' }, function(){ var id = BX.data(this, 'bx-'+code+'-item-value'); if(typeof id != 'undefined' && typeof sv.cache.nodes[id] != 'undefined'){ ctx.selectItem(id); if(so.focusOnMouseSelect) sc.inputs.fake.focus(); } }); } // bind debounced key-type input change BX.bindDebouncedChange(sc.inputs.fake, function(val){ if(val.length >= so.startSearchLen){ ctx.displayPage({QUERY: val}); }else ctx.hideDropdown(); }, function(){ ctx.fireEvent('before-input-value-modify'); // dropping selections ctx.deselectItem(); ctx.fireEvent('after-input-value-modify'); }, so.debounceTime, sc.inputs.fake ); // close dropdown by a custom event BX.addCustomEvent(document, 'bx-ui-'+code+'-close-dropdown', function(){ ctx.hideDropdown(); }); // outside click should close the dropdown if(so.closePopupOnOuterClick){ sv.outSideClickScope = sc.container; BX.bind(document, 'click', function(e){ e = e || window.event; if(!BX.isParentForNode(sv.outSideClickScope, e.target || e.srcElement)){ ctx.hideDropdown(); } }); } // keyboard events BX.bind(sc.inputs.fake, 'keydown', function(e){ if(sv.keyboardMutex){ //console.dir('kb mutex is on, ignore keyboard'); return; } var key = e.keyCode || e.which; var displayedLen = sv.displayedIndex.length; if(so.chooseUsingArrows){ // up (38) - down (40) if((key == 38 || key == 40) && sv.opened && displayedLen > 0){ var way = key == 38 ? -1 : 1; // end were reached, but we can load more if(sv.currentGlow == displayedLen - 1 && ctx.getCanLoadMore()){ return; } sv.previousGlow = sv.currentGlow; sv.currentGlow += way; sv.currentGlow = sv.currentGlow % displayedLen; if(sv.currentGlow < 0) sv.currentGlow = displayedLen + sv.currentGlow; ctx.toggleGlow(); var item = sc.displayedItems[sv.displayedIndex[sv.currentGlow]]; if(so.scrollToVariantOnArrow){ // here we determine currently selected item is not in the visible area var pos = BX.pos(item, sc.vars); var itemBottomPos = pos.top+pos.height; var a = pos.top; var b = pos.height; var c = sc.pane.clientHeight; var d = sc.pane.scrollTop; var f = so.arrowScrollAdditional; if(a + b > c + d){ sc.scrollController.scrollTo({dy: a + b - (c + d) + f}); }else if(a < d){ sc.scrollController.scrollTo({dy: -(d - a + f)}); } } BX.PreventDefault(e); } } // on enter we perform item selection if(key == 13 && so.selectOnEnter){ if(sv.currentGlow !== false) ctx.selectItem(sv.displayedIndex[sv.currentGlow]); else if(sv.opened && displayedLen > 0) ctx.selectItem(sv.displayedIndex[0]); } // on tab dropdown close and optional select if(key == 9 && sv.opened && so.autoSelectOnTab){ if((so.autoSelectOnlyIfOneVariant && displayedLen == 1) || (!so.autoSelectOnlyIfOneVariant && displayedLen > 0)) ctx.selectItem(sv.displayedIndex[0]); else ctx.hideDropdown(); } if(key == 13) BX.PreventDefault(e); }); if(so.autoSelectOnBlur) { BX.bind(sc.inputs.fake, 'blur', function(){ var displayedLen = sv.displayedIndex.length; if(sv.opened && ((so.autoSelectOnlyIfOneVariant && displayedLen == 1) || (!so.autoSelectOnlyIfOneVariant && displayedLen > 0))) ctx.selectItem(sv.displayedIndex[0]); }); } if(so.autoSelectOnBlur) { BX.bind(sc.inputs.fake, 'blur', function(){ var displayedLen = sv.displayedIndex.length; if(sv.opened && ((so.autoSelectOnlyIfOneVariant && displayedLen == 1) || (!so.autoSelectOnlyIfOneVariant && displayedLen > 0))) ctx.selectItem(sv.displayedIndex[0]); }); } // when nothing were selected (but there were already an attempt of search), open dropdown if it was closed occasionly by user BX.bind(sc.inputs.fake, 'click', function(){ if(!sv.opened && sv.value === false && sv.displayedIndex.length > 0) { ctx.showDropdown(); } }); // clear handle BX.bind(sc.clear, 'click', function(){ ctx.clearSelected(); }); if(so.usePagingOnScroll){ if(so.useCustomScrollPane){ sc.scrollController = null; throw new Error('Sorry, custom scroll panel currently is not implemented'); }else{ sc.scrollController = new BX.ui.scrollPaneNative({ scope: sc.pane, eventTimeout: so.scrollThrottleTimeout, controls: { 'container': sc.pane } }); } ctx.vars.addPage = BX.debounce(function(){ if(!sv.opened) return; ctx.blockingCall(); // set mutex ctx.displayNextPage(); }, 10); sc.scrollController.bindEvent('scroll-to-end', ctx.vars.addPage); sc.scrollController.bindEvent('has-free-space', ctx.vars.addPage); // when really add smth, dispatch this signal: this.bindEvent('after-page-display', function(){ sc.scrollController.informContentChanged(); if(ctx.vars.lastPage == 0) sc.scrollController.dropScrollTop(); }); } // handle onChange event BX.bind(sc.inputs.origin, 'change', function(){ if(sv.eventLock) return; if(this.value == ''){ // this is a plain reset if(sv.value) ctx.clearSelected(); }else{ ctx.setValue(this.value); } }); }, ////////// PUBLIC: free to use outside // common // todo addItems2Cache: function(){ }, clearCache: function(){ }, // set focus to fake input focus: function(){ this.ctrls.inputs.fake.focus(); }, // todo checkDisabled: function(){ }, // todo disable: function(){ }, // todo enable: function(){ }, // function made to have ability to set value externally: when passed empty string, it resets the whole control, otherwise // it searches for the value in the cache. And then, if none is found, sends request to server to obtain missing item setValue: function(value, autoSelect){ var sv = this.vars, so = this.opts, sc = this.ctrls, ctx = this; this.hideError(); // clean if(value == null || value == false || typeof value == 'undefined' || value.toString().length == 0){ // deselect this.resetVariables(); BX.cleanNode(sc.vars); if(BX.type.isElementNode(sc.nothingFound)) BX.hide(sc.nothingFound); this.fireEvent('after-deselect-item'); this.fireEvent('after-clear-selection'); return; }else if(value == sv.value) // dup return; if(autoSelect !== false) sv.forceSelectSingeOnce = true; if(typeof sv.cache.nodes[value] == 'undefined'){ // lazyload it... this.resetNavVariables(); ctx.downloadBundle({VALUE: value}, function(data){ ctx.fillCache(data, false); // storing item in the cache if(typeof sv.cache.nodes[value] == 'undefined'){ // still not found ctx.showNothingFound(); }else{ ////////////////// if(so.autoSelectIfOneVariant || sv.forceSelectSingeOnce) ctx.selectItem(value); else ctx.displayVariants([value]); ////////////////// } }, function(){ sv.forceSelectSingeOnce = false; }); }else{ if(sv.forceSelectSingeOnce) this.selectItem(value); else this.displayVariants([value]); sv.forceSelectSingeOnce = false; } }, getValue: function(){ return this.vars.value === false ? '' : this.vars.value; }, clearSelected: function(){ this.setValue(''); }, getNodeByValue: function(value){ return this.vars.cache.nodes[value]; }, setTabIndex: function(index){ this.ctrls.inputs.fake.setAttribute('tabindex', index); }, setTargetInputName: function(newName){ this.ctrls.inputs.origin.setAttribute('name', newName); }, cancelRequest: function(){ // completely cancel current pending query this.vars.forceSelectSingeOnce = false; // todo }, // low-level, use with caution setTargetInputValue: function(value){ this.vars.eventLock = true; this.ctrls.inputs.origin.value = this.getSelectorValue(value); BX.fireEvent(this.ctrls.inputs.origin, 'change'); this.vars.eventLock = false; }, // function sets value of a fake input setFakeInputValue: function(display){ var sc = this.ctrls; BX.data(sc.inputs.fake, 'bx-dc-previous-value', display); // prevent bindDebouncedChange from fire sc.inputs.fake.value = display; // update fake input value }, setValueVariable: function(value){ this.vars.value = value; }, ////////// PRIVATE: forbidden to use outside (for compatibility reasons) fillCache: function(items, key){ var sv = this.vars, so = this.opts; if(!items.length) return; // first fill items themselves for(var k in items) if(items.hasOwnProperty(k)) this.addItem2Cache(items[k]); if(typeof key == 'number' && key != 0){ if(typeof sv.cache.search[key] == 'undefined') sv.cache.search[key] = []; for(var k in items) if(items.hasOwnProperty(k)) sv.cache.search[key].push(items[k].VALUE); } }, addItem2Cache: function(item){ this.vars.cache.nodes[item.VALUE] = item; }, setInitialValue: function(){ var initalValue = false; if(this.opts.selectedItem !== false) initalValue = this.opts.selectedItem; else if(this.ctrls.inputs.origin.value.length > 0) initalValue = this.ctrls.inputs.origin.value; if(initalValue !== false) this.setValue(initalValue); }, getCachedPage: function(query, pageNum){ var so = this.opts, sv = this.vars; var key = this.getCacheKeyForQuery(query); if(typeof sv.cache.search[key] != 'object' || !('length' in sv.cache.search[key])) return false; var page = sv.cache.search[key].slice((pageNum * so.pageSize), ((pageNum + 1) * so.pageSize)); if(page.length == 0) return false; return page; }, displayNextPage: function(){ var sv = this.vars; if(!this.opts.usePagingOnScroll || sv.lastQuery == null) return; this.displayPage(sv.lastQuery, sv.lastPage + 1); }, displayPage: function(query, pageNum){ var so = this.opts, sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls, ctx = this; if(sv.blockingCall && sv.displayPageMutex) // display is locked with the previous call return; query = this.refineQuery(query); var key = this.getCacheKeyForQuery(query); if(typeof pageNum == 'undefined') pageNum = 0; var ceiling = this.manageCeiling(key); if(ceiling > 0 && ceiling <= pageNum) return; // no more pages, maximum were reached for that query //console.dir('lock kb mutex'); sv.keyboardMutex = true; sv.displayPageMutex = true; sv.blockingCall = false; sv.lastQuery = query; sv.lastPage = pageNum; if(so.useCache){ var page = this.getCachedPage(query, pageNum); if(page !== false){ // showing cached page //console.dir('From cache'); ////////////////// if((so.autoSelectIfOneVariant || sv.forceSelectSingeOnce) && page.length == 1 && sv.lastPage == 0) ctx.selectItem(page[0]); else ctx.displayVariants(page, pageNum); ////////////////// sv.forceSelectSingeOnce = false; sv.displayPageMutex = false; sv.keyboardMutex = false; }else{ // page not found, download //console.dir('Load page'); ctx.downloadBundle(query, function(data){ ctx.fillCache(data, key); // storing data in the cache page = this.getCachedPage(query, pageNum); if(page == false){ if(pageNum == 0) ctx.showNothingFound(); // still not found else{ ctx.manageCeiling(key, pageNum); // maximum reached } }else{ ////////////////// if((so.autoSelectIfOneVariant || sv.forceSelectSingeOnce) && page.length == 1 && sv.lastPage == 0) ctx.selectItem(page[0]); else ctx.displayVariants(page, pageNum); ////////////////// if(!so.paginatedRequest) // we have just downloaded everyting, no further paging needed for ctx.manageCeiling(key, Math.ceil(sv.cache.search[key].length / so.pageSize)); } }, function(){ sv.forceSelectSingeOnce = false; sv.blockingCall = false; sv.displayPageMutex = false; sv.keyboardMutex = false; //console.dir('UNlock kb mutex'); }); } }else throw new Error('Sorry, useCache = false currently is not implemented'); }, manageCeiling: function(key, pageNum){ var sv = this.vars; if(typeof pageNum == 'undefined'){ if(typeof sv.cache.ceilings[key] == 'undefined') return -1; return sv.cache.ceilings[key]; } sv.cache.ceilings[key] = pageNum; }, getCanLoadMore: function(key){ var sv = this.vars; if(typeof key == 'undefined') key = this.getCacheKeyForQuery(sv.lastQuery); if(typeof sv.cache.ceilings[key] == 'undefined') return true; return sv.lastPage < sv.cache.ceilings[key]; }, resetVariables: function(){ this.deselectItem(); this.setFakeInputValue(''); this.resetNavVariables(); }, resetNavVariables: function(){ this.vars.lastQuery = null; this.vars.lastPage = 0; }, // this function sets value of an origin input setTargetValue: function(value){ var so = this.opts, sv = this.vars, wasSelected = this.vars.value !== false; sv.value = value == '' ? false : value; this.setTargetInputValue(value); if(sv.value) this.fireEvent('after-select-item', [sv.value, true]); else if(wasSelected) this.fireEvent('after-deselect-item'); }, blockingCall: function(){ this.vars.blockingCall = true; }, downloadBundle: function(request, onLoad, onComplete, onError){ var so = this.opts, sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls, ctx = this; sv.loader.show(); BX.ajax({ url: ctx.opts.source, method: 'post', dataType: 'json', async: true, processData: true, emulateOnload: true, start: true, data: BX.merge(ctx.refineRequest(request), ctx.getNavParams()), //cache: true, onsuccess: function(result){ //try{ sv.loader.hide(); if(result.result){ result.data = ctx.refineResponce(result.data, request); if(typeof result.data == 'undefined') result.data = []; onLoad.apply(ctx, [result.data]); }else ctx.showError(ctx.opts.messages.error, result.errors); onComplete.call(ctx); //}catch(e){console.dir(e);} if (sc.popup) { sc.popup.adjustPosition(); } }, onfailure: function(e){ sv.loader.hide(); ctx.showError( so.messages.error, false, e ); onComplete.call(ctx); if(BX.type.isFunction(onError)) onError.call(ctx); if (sc.popup) { sc.popup.adjustPosition(); } } }); }, getNavParams: function(){ return this.opts.paginatedRequest ? { PAGE_SIZE: this.opts.pageSize, PAGE: this.vars.lastPage } : {}; }, getSelectorValue: function(value){ return value; }, getCacheKeyForQuery: function(query){ var str = ''; for(var k in query){ if(query.hasOwnProperty(k)){ str += k.toString().toLowerCase()+':'+query[k].toString().toLowerCase()+'|'; } } return BX.util.hashCode(str); }, // cache depends on the value returned by this function refineQuery: function(query){ return query; }, // this function is called just before request send, i.e. it`s look like a 'query proxy' refineRequest: function(query){ return query; }, // responce 'proxy-back' refineResponce: function(responce, request){ return responce; }, // turn everyting off and clear up selection deselectItem: function(){ var sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls, so = this.opts; this.hideError(); this.whenClearToggle.apply(this, [false]); sv.currentGlow = false; sv.previousGlow = false; sv.displayedIndex = []; sc.displayedItems = {}; // todo: turn off input origin "change" signal processing to avoid collisions this.setTargetValue(''); }, // invokes when user selects value selectItem: function(value){ var sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls, so = this.opts; sv.value = value; // set current [VALUE, DISPLAY] pair id sc.inputs.origin.value = sv.cache.nodes[value].VALUE; // update origin input value this.setFakeInputValue(this.whenItemSelect.apply(this, [value])); this.hideDropdown(); this.whenClearToggle.apply(this, [true]); this.setTargetValue(value); }, toggleGlow: function(){ var so = this.opts, sc = this.ctrls, sv = this.vars; var item = sc.displayedItems[sv.displayedIndex[sv.currentGlow]]; if(sv.previousGlow !== false) this.whenItemToggle(false, sc.displayedItems[sv.displayedIndex[sv.previousGlow]], sv.previousGlow); // here we can have event triggering instead if(sv.currentGlow !== false) this.whenItemToggle(true, item, sv.currentGlow); // here we can have event triggering instead }, showDropdown: function(){ if(this.vars.opened) return; var flip = !this.vars.opened; this.vars.opened = true; if(this.vars.lastPage == 0){ this.whenItemToggle(false, this.ctrls.displayedItems[this.vars.displayedIndex[this.vars.currentGlow]], this.vars.currentGlow); this.vars.currentGlow = 0; this.toggleGlow(); } BX.show(this.ctrls.pane); // read height var paneHeight = BX.height(this.ctrls.pane); BX.hide(this.ctrls.pane); // read height end var input = this.ctrls.inputs.fake; var inputPos = BX.pos(input); var spaceUnderItem = BX.scrollTop(window) + BX.height(window) - (Math.ceil(inputPos.top) + inputPos.height); this.whenDropdownToggle.apply(this, [true, spaceUnderItem - paneHeight < -20, inputPos.height, flip]); }, hideDropdown: function(){ this.vars.opened = false; this.whenDropdownToggle.apply(this, [false, false, 0, true]); }, clearDisplayedVariants: function(){ this.hideDropdown(); this.vars.displayedIndex = []; }, displayVariants: function(items, pageNum){ var sc = this.ctrls, sv = this.vars, so = this.opts, code = this.sys.code; //this.hideDropdown(); // todo: here ... this.hideNothingFound(); // and here ... if(typeof pageNum == 'undefined' || pageNum == 0){ BX.cleanNode(sc.vars); // and here "deferred" pattern required, kz hideDropdown() might be async in some implementations sv.displayedIndex = []; sc.displayedItems = {}; } var base = sv.displayedIndex.length; for(var k in items) { if(!items.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; if(!items[k]) continue; var domItem = this.whenRenderVariant(items[k], base + parseInt(k))[0]; BX.data(domItem, 'bx-'+code+'-item-value', items[k]); sc.vars.appendChild(domItem); this.fireEvent('after-item-append', [domItem]); sv.displayedIndex.push(items[k]); sc.displayedItems[items[k]] = domItem; } this.showDropdown(); this.fireEvent('after-page-display', [sv.cache.nodes, pageNum]); }, showNothingFound: function(){ BX.cleanNode(this.ctrls.vars); if(BX.type.isElementNode(this.ctrls.nothingFound)) this.whenNothingFoundToggle(true); else{ // show message directly in the dropdown this.ctrls.vars.appendChild(this.whenRenderNothingFound(this.opts.messages.nothingFound)); this.showDropdown(); } this.fireEvent('nothing-found'); // this.opts.onNothingFound.apply(this); }, hideNothingFound: function(){ if(BX.type.isElementNode(this.ctrls.nothingFound)) this.whenNothingFoundToggle(false); }, // actually, means "hide static error" hideError: function(){ if(BX.type.isElementNode(this.ctrls.errorMessage) && this.vars.allowHideErrors) BX.hide(this.ctrls.errorMessage); }, showError: function(errorLabel, messages, sysDesc){ BX.cleanNode(this.ctrls.vars); this.ctrls.vars.appendChild(this.whenRenderError(errorLabel)); this.showDropdown(); BX.debug(arguments); }, refineItemDataForTemplate: function(itemData){ var query = this.vars.lastQuery.QUERY; if(BX.type.isNotEmptyString(query)){ var chunks = []; if(this.opts.wrapSeparate) chunks = query.split(/\s+/); else chunks = [query]; itemData['=display_wrapped'] = BX.util.wrapSubstring(itemData.DISPLAY, chunks, this.opts.wrapTagName, true); }else itemData['=display_wrapped'] = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(itemData.DISPLAY); return itemData; }, getCurrentItem: function(){ return this.vars.cache.nodes[this.vars.value]; }, /* Behaviour functions below */ whenDisplayVariant: function(itemId){ return this.vars.cache.nodes[itemId]['DISPLAY']; }, whenItemSelect: function(itemId){ // evaluates when user selects a particular item. should return value which we want in our fake input return this.vars.cache.nodes[itemId]['DISPLAY']; }, whenLoaderToggle: function(way){ BX[way ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](this.ctrls.inputs.fake, 'bx-ui-'+this.sys.code+'-loading'); }, whenDropdownToggle: function(way, upward, inputHeight, flip){ if(way) { if(flip) { this.whenDecidePaneOrient(upward, inputHeight, flip); } if (this.opts.usePopup) { this.ctrls.popup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create( 'popup-location-search-list', this.ctrls.scope.parentNode, { className: 'bx-sls', content: this.ctrls.pane, bindOptions: { forceBindPosition: true }, zIndex: 1020 } ); this.ctrls.popup.show(); } BX.show(this.ctrls.pane); } else { if (this.opts.usePopup && this.ctrls.popup) { this.ctrls.popup.destroy(); } BX.hide(this.ctrls.pane); } this.fireEvent('after-popup-toggled', [way]); }, whenDecidePaneOrient: function(upward, inputHeight){ var sc = this.ctrls; if(upward){ var top = BX.style(sc.pane, 'top'); if(top != 'auto'){ BX.data(sc.pane, 'pane-top', top); } BX.style(sc.pane, 'top', 'auto'); BX.style(sc.pane, 'bottom', (inputHeight + this.opts.pageUpWardOffset)+'px'); }else{ var top = BX.data(sc.pane, 'pane-top'); if(typeof top != 'undefined') BX.style(sc.pane, 'top', top); BX.style(sc.pane, 'bottom', 'auto'); } }, whenItemToggle: function(way, node, itemId){ BX[way ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](node, 'bx-ui-'+this.sys.code+'-variant-active'); }, whenClearToggle: function(way){ BX[way ? 'show' : 'hide'](this.ctrls.clear); }, whenNothingFoundToggle: function(way){ BX[way ? 'show' : 'hide'](this.ctrls.nothingFound); }, whenRenderVariant: function(itemId, index){ var itemData = BX.clone(this.vars.cache.nodes[itemId]); itemData = this.refineItemDataForTemplate(itemData); itemData.index = index; this.fireEvent('before-render-variant', [itemData]); if(typeof this.tmpls['dropdown-item'] == 'string') return this.createNodesByTemplate('dropdown-item', itemData, true); return [BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+this.sys.code+'-variant' }, text: this.vars.cache.nodes[itemId]['DISPLAY'] })]; }, whenRenderError: function(message){ if(typeof this.tmpls['error'] == 'string') return this.createNodesByTemplate('error', {message: message}, true)[0]; return BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+this.sys.code+'-error' }, text: message }); }, whenRenderNothingFound: function(message){ if(typeof this.tmpls['nothing-found'] == 'string') return this.createNodesByTemplate('nothing-found', {message: message}, true)[0]; return this.whenRenderError(message); } }); })();