Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/ui/buttons/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/ui/buttons/ui.buttons.js |
(function() { "use strict"; BX.namespace("BX.UI"); /** * @interface * @constructor */ BX.UI.IButton = function() { }; BX.UI.IButton.prototype = { render: function() { throw new Error("Must be implemented by subclass"); } }; /** * * @param {object} options * @constructor */ BX.UI.BaseButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; this.button = null; this.text = ""; this.props = {}; this.events = {}; this.handleEvent = this.handleEvent.bind(this); this.tag = this.isEnumValue(options.tag, BX.UI.Button.Tag) ? options.tag : BX.UI.Button.Tag.BUTTON; this.baseClass = BX.type.isNotEmptyString(options.baseClass) ? options.baseClass : "ui-btn"; this.setText(options.text); this.setProps(options.props); this.setDataSet(options.dataset); this.setClass(options.className); this.bindEvent("click", options.onclick); this.bindEvents(options.events); }; BX.UI.BaseButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.IButton.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.BaseButton, /** * @public * @return {Element} */ render: function() { return this.getContainer(); }, /** * @public * @param {Element} node * @return {?Element} */ renderTo: function(node) { if (BX.type.isDomNode(node)) { return node.appendChild(this.getContainer()); } return null; }, /** * @public * @return {Element} */ getContainer: function() { if (this.button !== null) { return this.button; } switch (this.getTag()) { case BX.UI.Button.Tag.BUTTON: default: this.button = BX.create("button", { props: { className: this.getBaseClass() } }); break; case BX.UI.Button.Tag.INPUT: this.button = BX.create("input", { props: { className: this.getBaseClass() }, attrs: { type: "button" } }); break; case BX.UI.Button.Tag.LINK: this.button = BX.create("a", { props: { className: this.getBaseClass(), href: "" } }); break; case BX.UI.Button.Tag.SUBMIT: this.button = BX.create("input", { props: { className: this.getBaseClass() }, attrs: { type: "submit" } }); break; } return this.button; }, /** * @protected * @return {string} */ getBaseClass: function() { return this.baseClass; }, /** * @public * @param {string} text * @return {BX.UI.BaseButton} */ setText: function(text) { if (BX.type.isString(text)) { this.text = text; if (this.isInputType()) { this.getContainer().value = text; } else { this.getContainer().textContent = text; } } return this; }, /** * @public * @return {string} */ getText: function() { return this.text; }, /** * @public * @return {BX.UI.Button.Tag} */ getTag: function() { return this.tag; }, /** * @public * @param {object.<string, string>} props * @return {BX.UI.BaseButton} */ setProps: function(props) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(props)) { return this; } for (var propName in props) { var propValue = props[propName]; if (propValue === null) { this.getContainer().removeAttribute(propName); delete this.props[propName]; } else { this.getContainer().setAttribute(propName, propValue); this.props[propName] = propValue; } } return this; }, /** * @public * @return {object.<string, string>} */ getProps: function() { return this.props; }, /** * @public * @param {object.<string, string>} props * @return {BX.UI.BaseButton} */ setDataSet: function(props) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(props)) { return this; } for (var propName in props) { var propValue = props[propName]; if (propValue === null) { delete this.getDataSet()[propName]; } else { this.getDataSet()[propName] = propValue; } } return this; }, /** * @public * @return {DOMStringMap} */ getDataSet: function() { return this.getContainer().dataset; }, /** * @public * @param {string} className * @return {BX.UI.BaseButton} */ setClass: function(className) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(className)) { BX.addClass(this.getContainer(), className); } return this; }, /** * @public * @param {string} className * @return {BX.UI.BaseButton} */ removeClass: function(className) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(className)) { BX.removeClass(this.getContainer(), className); } return this; }, /** * @public * @param {boolean} [flag=true] * @return {BX.UI.BaseButton} */ setDisabled: function(flag) { if (flag === false) { this.setProps({ disabled: null }); } else { this.setProps({ disabled: true }); } return this; }, /** * * @return {boolean} */ isDisabled: function() { return this.getProps().disabled === true; }, /** * @public * @return {boolean} */ isInputType: function() { return this.getTag() === BX.UI.Button.Tag.SUBMIT || this.getTag() === BX.UI.Button.Tag.INPUT; }, /** * @public * @param {object.<string, function>} events * @return {BX.UI.BaseButton} */ bindEvents: function(events) { if (BX.type.isPlainObject(events)) { for (var eventName in events) { var fn = events[eventName]; this.bindEvent(eventName, fn); } } return this; }, /** * @public * @param {string[]} events * @return {BX.UI.BaseButton} */ unbindEvents: function(events) { if (BX.type.isArray(events)) { events.forEach(function(eventName) { this.unbindEvent(eventName); }, this); } return this; }, /** * @public * @param {string} eventName * @param {function} fn * @return {BX.UI.BaseButton} */ bindEvent: function(eventName, fn) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(eventName) && BX.type.isFunction(fn)) { this.unbindEvent(eventName); this.events[eventName] = fn; this.getContainer().addEventListener(eventName, this.handleEvent); } return this; }, /** * @public * @param {string} eventName * @return {BX.UI.BaseButton} */ unbindEvent: function(eventName) { if (this.events[eventName]) { delete this.events[eventName]; this.getContainer().removeEventListener(eventName, this.handleEvent); } return this; }, /** * @private * @param {MouseEvent} event */ handleEvent: function(event) { var eventName = event.type; if (this.events[eventName]) { var fn = this.events[eventName]; fn.call(this, this, event); } }, /** * @protected */ isEnumValue: function(value, enumeration) { for (var code in enumeration) { if (enumeration[code] === value) { return true; } } return false; } }; /** * * @param {object} [options] * @extends BX.UI.BaseButton * @constructor */ BX.UI.Button = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.BaseButton.call(this, options); this.size = null; this.color = null; this.icon = null; this.state = null; this.id = null; this.context = null; this.menuWindow = null; this.handleMenuClick = this.handleMenuClick.bind(this); this.handleMenuClose = this.handleMenuClose.bind(this); this.setSize(options.size); this.setColor(options.color); this.setIcon(options.icon); this.setState(options.state); this.setId(options.id); this.setMenu(options.menu); this.setContext(options.context); options.noCaps && this.setNoCaps(); options.round && this.setRound(); if (options.dropdown || (this.getMenuWindow() && options.dropdown !== false)) { this.setDropdown(); } }; /** * @readonly * @enum {string} */ BX.UI.Button.Size = { LARGE: "ui-btn-lg", MEDIUM: "ui-btn-md", SMALL: "ui-btn-sm", EXTRA_SMALL: "ui-btn-xs" }; /** * @readonly * @enum {string} */ BX.UI.Button.Color = { DANGER: "ui-btn-danger", DANGER_DARK: "ui-btn-danger-dark", DANGER_LIGHT: "ui-btn-danger-light", SUCCESS: "ui-btn-success", SUCCESS_LIGHT: "ui-btn-success-light", PRIMARY_DARK: "ui-btn-primary-dark", PRIMARY: "ui-btn-primary", SECONDARY: "ui-btn-secondary", LINK: "ui-btn-link", LIGHT: "ui-btn-light", LIGHT_BORDER: "ui-btn-light-border" }; /** * @readonly * @enum {string} */ BX.UI.Button.State = { HOVER: "ui-btn-hover", ACTIVE: "ui-btn-active", DISABLED: "ui-btn-disabled", CLOCKING: "ui-btn-clock", WAITING: "ui-btn-wait" }; /** * @readonly * @enum {string} */ BX.UI.Button.Icon = { UNFOLLOW: "ui-btn-icon-unfollow", FOLLOW: "ui-btn-icon-follow", ADD: "ui-btn-icon-add", STOP: "ui-btn-icon-stop", START: "ui-btn-icon-start", ADD_FOLDER: "ui-btn-icon-add-folder", PAUSE: "ui-btn-icon-pause", SETTING: "ui-btn-icon-setting", TASK: "ui-btn-icon-task", INFO: "ui-btn-icon-info", SEARCH: "ui-btn-icon-search", PRINT: "ui-btn-icon-print", LIST: "ui-btn-icon-list", BUSINESS: "ui-btn-icon-business", BUSINESS_CONFIRM: "ui-btn-icon-business-confirm", BUSINESS_WARNING: "ui-btn-icon-business-warning", CAMERA: "ui-btn-icon-camera", PHONE_UP: "ui-btn-icon-phone-up", PHONE_DOWN: "ui-btn-icon-phone-down", BACK: "ui-btn-icon-back" }; /** * @readonly * @enum {string} */ BX.UI.Button.Tag = { BUTTON: 0, LINK: 1, SUBMIT: 2, INPUT: 3 }; /** * @readonly * @enum {string} */ BX.UI.Button.Style = { NO_CAPS: "ui-btn-no-caps", ROUND: "ui-btn-round", DROPDOWN: "ui-btn-dropdown", }; BX.UI.Button.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.BaseButton.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.Button, /** * @public * @param {BX.UI.Button.Size|null} size * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setSize: function(size) { return this.setProperty("size", size, BX.UI.Button.Size); }, /** * @public * @return {?BX.UI.Button.Size} */ getSize: function() { return this.size; }, /** * @public * @param {BX.UI.Button.Color|null} color * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setColor: function(color) { return this.setProperty("color", color, BX.UI.Button.Color); }, /** * @public * @return {?BX.UI.Button.Size} */ getColor: function() { return this.color; }, /** * @public * @param {BX.UI.Button.Icon} icon * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setIcon: function(icon) { this.setProperty("icon", icon, BX.UI.Button.Icon); if (this.isInputType() && this.getIcon() !== null) { throw "Input type button cannot have an icon."; } return this; }, /** * @public * @return {?BX.UI.Button.Icon} */ getIcon: function() { return this.icon; }, /** * @public * @param {BX.UI.Button.State|null} state * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setState: function(state) { return this.setProperty("state", state, BX.UI.Button.State); }, /** * @public * @return {BX.UI.Button.State} */ getState: function() { return this.state; }, /** * @public * @param {boolean} [flag=true] * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setNoCaps: function(flag) { if (flag === false) { BX.removeClass(this.getContainer(), BX.UI.Button.Style.NO_CAPS); } else { BX.addClass(this.getContainer(), BX.UI.Button.Style.NO_CAPS); } return this; }, /** * * @param {boolean} [flag=true] * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setRound: function(flag) { if (flag === false) { BX.removeClass(this.getContainer(), BX.UI.Button.Style.ROUND); } else { BX.addClass(this.getContainer(), BX.UI.Button.Style.ROUND); } return this; }, /** * * @param {boolean} [flag=true] * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setDropdown: function(flag) { if (flag === false) { BX.removeClass(this.getContainer(), BX.UI.Button.Style.DROPDOWN); } else { BX.addClass(this.getContainer(), BX.UI.Button.Style.DROPDOWN); } return this; }, /** * @protected * @param {object|false} options */ setMenu: function(options) { if (BX.type.isPlainObject(options) && BX.type.isArray(options.items) && options.items.length > 0) { this.setMenu(false); this.menuWindow = new BX.PopupMenuWindow( "ui-btn-menu-" + BX.util.getRandomString().toLowerCase(), this.getMenuBindElement(), options.items, options ); BX.addCustomEvent(this.menuWindow.getPopupWindow(), "onPopupClose", this.handleMenuClose); this.getMenuClickElement().addEventListener("click", this.handleMenuClick); } else if (options === false && this.menuWindow !== null) { this.menuWindow.close(); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.menuWindow.getPopupWindow(), "onPopupClose", this.handleMenuClose); this.getMenuClickElement().removeEventListener("click", this.handleMenuClick); this.menuWindow.destroy(); this.menuWindow = null; } }, /** * @public * @return {Element} */ getMenuBindElement: function() { return this.getContainer(); }, /** * @public * @return {Element} */ getMenuClickElement: function() { return this.getContainer(); }, /** * @protected * @param event */ handleMenuClick: function(event) { this.getMenuWindow().show(); this.setActive(this.getMenuWindow().getPopupWindow().isShown()); }, /** * @protected */ handleMenuClose: function() { this.setActive(false); }, /** * @public * @return {BX.PopupMenuWindow} */ getMenuWindow: function() { return this.menuWindow; }, /** * @public * @param {string|null} id * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setId: function(id) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(id) || id === null) { this.id = id; } return this; }, /** * @public * @return {?string} */ getId: function() { return this.id; }, /** * @public * @param {boolean} [flag=true] */ setActive: function(flag) { return this.setState(flag === false ? null : BX.UI.Button.State.ACTIVE); }, /** * @public * @return {boolean} */ isActive: function() { return this.getState() === BX.UI.Button.State.ACTIVE; }, /** * @public * @param {boolean} [flag=true] */ setHovered: function(flag) { return this.setState(flag === false ? null : BX.UI.Button.State.HOVER); }, /** * @public * @return {boolean} */ isHover: function() { return this.getState() === BX.UI.Button.State.HOVER; }, /** * @public * @param {boolean} [flag=true] * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setDisabled: function(flag) { this.setState(flag === false ? null : BX.UI.Button.State.DISABLED); BX.UI.BaseButton.prototype.setDisabled.call(this, flag); return this; }, /** * @public * @return {boolean} */ isDisabled: function() { return this.getState() === BX.UI.Button.State.DISABLED; }, /** * @public * @param {boolean} [flag=true] * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setWaiting: function(flag) { if (flag === false) { this.setState(null); this.setProps({ disabled: null }); } else { this.setState(BX.UI.Button.State.WAITING); this.setProps({ disabled: true }); } return this; }, /** * @public * @return {boolean} */ isWaiting: function() { return this.getState() === BX.UI.Button.State.WAITING; }, /** * @public * @param {boolean} [flag=true] */ setClocking: function(flag) { if (flag === false) { this.setState(null); this.setProps({ disabled: null }); } else { this.setState(BX.UI.Button.State.CLOCKING); this.setProps({ disabled: true }); } return this; }, /** * @public * @return {boolean} */ isClocking: function() { return this.getState() === BX.UI.Button.State.CLOCKING; }, /** * @protected */ setProperty: function(property, value, enumaration) { if (this.isEnumValue(value, enumaration)) { BX.removeClass(this.getContainer(), this[property]); BX.addClass(this.getContainer(), value); this[property] = value; } else if (value === null) { BX.removeClass(this.getContainer(), this[property]); this[property] = null; } return this; }, /** * @public * @param {*} context */ setContext: function(context) { if (context !== undefined) { this.context = context; } }, /** * * @return {*} */ getContext: function() { return this.context; } }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.Button} * @constructor */ BX.UI.SaveButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.Button.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_SAVE_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.SUCCESS); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.SaveButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Button.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.SaveButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.Button} * @constructor */ BX.UI.CreateButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.Button.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_CREATE_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.SUCCESS); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.CreateButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Button.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.CreateButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.Button} * @constructor */ BX.UI.AddButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.Button.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_ADD_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.SUCCESS); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.AddButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Button.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.AddButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.Button} * @constructor */ BX.UI.SendButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.Button.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_SEND_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.SUCCESS); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.SendButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Button.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.SendButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.Button} * @constructor */ BX.UI.ApplyButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.Button.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_APPLY_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.LIGHT_BORDER); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.ApplyButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Button.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.ApplyButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.Button} * @constructor */ BX.UI.CancelButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.Button.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_CANCEL_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.LINK); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.CancelButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Button.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.CancelButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.Button} * @constructor */ BX.UI.CloseButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.Button.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_CLOSE_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.LINK); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.CloseButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Button.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.CloseButton }; /** * * @param {object} [options] * @extends {BX.UI.Button} * @constructor */ BX.UI.SplitButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; delete options.tag; delete options.round; var mainOptions = BX.type.isPlainObject(options.mainButton) ? options.mainButton : {}; var menuOptions = BX.type.isPlainObject(options.menuButton) ? options.menuButton : {}; mainOptions.buttonType = BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type.MAIN; menuOptions.buttonType = BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type.MENU; this.mainButton = new BX.UI.SplitSubButton(mainOptions); this.menuButton = new BX.UI.SplitSubButton(menuOptions); this.mainButton.setSplitButton(this); this.menuButton.setSplitButton(this); this.menuTarget = BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type.MAIN; if (options.menuTarget === BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type.MENU) { this.menuTarget = BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type.MENU; } BX.UI.Button.call(this, options); }; BX.UI.SplitButton.State = { HOVER: "ui-btn-hover", MAIN_HOVER: "ui-btn-main-hover", MENU_HOVER: "ui-btn-menu-hover", ACTIVE: "ui-btn-active", MAIN_ACTIVE: "ui-btn-main-active", MENU_ACTIVE: "ui-btn-menu-active", DISABLED: "ui-btn-disabled", MAIN_DISABLED: "ui-btn-main-disabled", MENU_DISABLED: "ui-btn-menu-disabled", CLOCKING: "ui-btn-clock", WAITING: "ui-btn-wait", }; BX.UI.SplitButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Button.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.SplitButton, /** * @public * @return {Element} */ getContainer: function() { if (this.button === null) { this.button = BX.create("div", { props: { className: "ui-btn-split" }, children: [ this.getMainButton().getContainer(), this.getMenuButton().getContainer() ] }); } return this.button; }, /** * @public * @return {BX.UI.SplitSubButton} */ getMainButton: function() { return this.mainButton; }, /** * @public * @return {BX.UI.SplitSubButton} */ getMenuButton: function() { return this.menuButton; }, /** * @public * @param {string} text * @return {BX.UI.SplitButton} */ setText: function(text) { if (BX.type.isString(text)) { this.getMainButton().setText(text); } return this; }, /** * @public * @param {BX.UI.SplitButton.State|null} state * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setState: function(state) { return this.setProperty("state", state, BX.UI.SplitButton.State); }, /** * @public * @param {boolean} [flag=true] * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setDisabled: function(flag) { this.setState(flag === false ? null : BX.UI.Button.State.DISABLED); this.getMainButton().setDisabled(flag); this.getMenuButton().setDisabled(flag); return this; }, /** * @protected * @return {Element} */ getMenuBindElement: function() { if (this.getMenuTarget() === BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type.MENU) { return this.getMenuButton().getContainer(); } else { return this.getContainer(); } }, /** * @protected * @param event */ handleMenuClick: function(event) { this.getMenuWindow().show(); var isActive = this.getMenuWindow().getPopupWindow().isShown(); this.getMenuButton().setActive(isActive); }, /** * @protected * @param event */ handleMenuClose: function(event) { this.getMenuButton().setActive(false); }, /** * @protected * @return {Element} */ getMenuClickElement: function() { return this.getMenuButton().getContainer(); }, /** * @public * @return {BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type} */ getMenuTarget: function() { return this.menuTarget; }, /** * * @param {boolean} [flag=true] * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setRound: function(flag) { throw new Error("BX.UI.SplitButton can't be round."); } }; /** * * @param {object} options * @extends {BX.UI.BaseButton} * @constructor */ BX.UI.SplitSubButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; this.splitButton = null; this.buttonType = options.buttonType === BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type.MAIN ? BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type.MAIN : BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type.MENU ; options.baseClass = this.buttonType; BX.UI.BaseButton.call(this, options); if (this.isInputType()) { throw "Split button cannot be an input tag."; } }; BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type = { MAIN: "ui-btn-main", MENU: "ui-btn-menu" }; BX.UI.SplitSubButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.BaseButton.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.SplitSubButton, /** * @param {BX.UI.SplitButton} button */ setSplitButton: function(button) { this.splitButton = button; }, /** * @public * @return {BX.UI.SplitButton} */ getSplitButton: function() { return this.splitButton; }, /** * @public * @return {boolean} */ isMainButton: function() { return this.buttonType === BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type.MAIN; }, /** * @public * @return {boolean} */ isMenuButton: function() { return this.buttonType === BX.UI.SplitSubButton.Type.MENU; }, /** * @public * @param {boolean} [flag=true] */ setActive: function(flag) { this.toggleState( flag, BX.UI.SplitButton.State.ACTIVE, BX.UI.SplitButton.State.MAIN_ACTIVE, BX.UI.SplitButton.State.MENU_ACTIVE ); return this; }, /** * @public * @return {boolean} */ isActive: function() { var state = this.getSplitButton().getState(); if (state === BX.UI.SplitButton.State.ACTIVE) { return true; } if (this.isMainButton()) { return state === BX.UI.SplitButton.State.MAIN_ACTIVE; } else { return state === BX.UI.SplitButton.State.MENU_ACTIVE; } }, /** * @public * @param {boolean} [flag=true] * @return {BX.UI.Button} */ setDisabled: function(flag) { this.toggleState( flag, BX.UI.SplitButton.State.DISABLED, BX.UI.SplitButton.State.MAIN_DISABLED, BX.UI.SplitButton.State.MENU_DISABLED ); BX.UI.BaseButton.prototype.setDisabled.call(this, flag); return this; }, /** * @public * @param {boolean} flag * @return {BX.UI.SplitSubButton} */ setHovered: function(flag) { this.toggleState( flag, BX.UI.SplitButton.State.HOVER, BX.UI.SplitButton.State.MAIN_HOVER, BX.UI.SplitButton.State.MENU_HOVER ); return this; }, /** * @public * @return {boolean} */ isHovered: function() { var state = this.getSplitButton().getState(); if (state === BX.UI.SplitButton.State.HOVER) { return true; } if (this.isMainButton()) { return state === BX.UI.SplitButton.State.MAIN_HOVER; } else { return state === BX.UI.SplitButton.State.MENU_HOVER; } }, /** * @private * @param flag * @param globalState * @param mainState * @param menuState */ toggleState: function(flag, globalState, mainState, menuState) { var state = this.getSplitButton().getState(); if (flag === false) { if (state === globalState) { this.getSplitButton().setState(this.isMainButton() ? menuState : mainState); } else { this.getSplitButton().setState(null); } } else { if (state === mainState && this.isMenuButton()) { this.getSplitButton().setState(globalState); } else if (state === menuState && this.isMainButton()) { this.getSplitButton().setState(globalState); } else if (state !== globalState) { this.getSplitButton().setState(this.isMainButton() ? mainState : menuState); } } }, }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.SplitButton} * @constructor */ BX.UI.SaveSplitButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.SplitButton.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_SAVE_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.SUCCESS); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.SaveSplitButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.SplitButton.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.SaveSplitButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.SplitButton} * @constructor */ BX.UI.CreateSplitButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.SplitButton.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_CREATE_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.SUCCESS); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.CreateSplitButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.SplitButton.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.CreateSplitButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.SplitButton} * @constructor */ BX.UI.AddSplitButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.SplitButton.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_ADD_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.SUCCESS); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.AddSplitButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.SplitButton.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.AddSplitButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.SplitButton} * @constructor */ BX.UI.SendSplitButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.SplitButton.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_SEND_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.SUCCESS); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.SendSplitButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.SplitButton.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.SendSplitButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.SplitButton} * @constructor */ BX.UI.ApplySplitButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.SplitButton.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_APPLY_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.LIGHT_BORDER); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.ApplySplitButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.SplitButton.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.ApplySplitButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.SplitButton} * @constructor */ BX.UI.CancelSplitButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.SplitButton.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_CANCEL_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.LINK); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.CancelSplitButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.SplitButton.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.CancelSplitButton }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.UI.SplitButton} * @constructor */ BX.UI.CloseSplitButton = function(options) { options = BX.type.isPlainObject(options) ? options : {}; BX.UI.SplitButton.call(this, options); this.setText(BX.message("UI_BUTTONS_CLOSE_BTN_TEXT")); this.setText(options.text); this.setColor(BX.UI.Button.Color.LINK); this.setColor(options.color); }; BX.UI.CloseSplitButton.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.SplitButton.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.CloseSplitButton }; })();