Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/bin/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/bin/rsyslog-recover-qi.pl |
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # recover rsyslog disk queue index (.qi) from queue files (.nnnnnnnn). # # See: # runtime/queue.c: qqueuePersist() # runtime/queue.c: qqueueTryLoadPersistedInfo() # # kaiwang.chen@gmail.com 2012-03-14 # use strict; use Getopt::Long; my %opt = (); GetOptions(\%opt,"spool|w=s","basename|f=s","digits|d=i","help!"); if ($opt{help}) { print "Usage: \t$0 -w WorkDirectory -f QueueFileName -d 8 > QueueFileName.qi "; exit; } # runtime/queue.c: qConstructDisk() my $iMaxFiles = 10000000; # 0+"1".( "0"x($opt{digits} - 1)); # get the list of queue files, spool directory excluded my $re = qr/^\Q$opt{basename}\E\.\d{$opt{digits}}$/; opendir(DIR, $opt{spool}) or die "can’t open spool: $!"; my @qf = grep { /$re/ && -f "$opt{spool}/$_" } readdir(DIR); closedir DIR; # ensure order and continuity @qf = sort @qf; my ($head) = ($qf[0] =~ /(\d+)$/); my ($tail) = ($qf[-1] =~ /(\d+)$/); $head += 0; $tail += 0; if ($tail-$head+1 != @qf || $tail > $iMaxFiles) { die "broken queue: missing file(s) or wrong tail\n"; } # collect some counters about the queue, assuming all are unprocessed entries. my $sizeOnDisk = 0; my $iQueueSize = 0; chdir($opt{spool}) or die "can't chdir to spool: $!"; print STDERR "traversing ". @qf ." files, please wait...\n"; for (@qf) { open FH, "<", $_ or die "can't read queue file $_\n"; $sizeOnDisk += (stat FH)[7]; while (<FH>) { $iQueueSize++ if /^<Obj/; # runtime/msg.c: MsgSerialize() } close FH; } # happen to reuse last stat my $iCurrOffs_Write = (stat(_))[7]; # runtime/queue.c: qqueuePersist() my $qqueue = Rsyslog::OPB->new("qqueue",1); $qqueue->property("iQueueSize", "INT", $iQueueSize); $qqueue->property("tVars.disk.sizeOnDisk", "INT64", $sizeOnDisk); $qqueue->property("tVars.disk.bytesRead", "INT64", 0); # runtime/stream.h: strmType_t my $STREAMTYPE_FILE_CIRCULAR = 1; # runtime/stream.h: strmMode_t my $STREAMMODE_READ = 1; my $STREAMMODE_WRITE_APPEND = 4; # runtime/stream.c: strmSerialize() # write to end my $strm_Write = Rsyslog::Obj->new("strm",1); $strm_Write->property( "iCurrFNum", "INT", $tail); $strm_Write->property( "pszFName", "PSZ", $opt{basename}); $strm_Write->property( "iMaxFiles", "INT", $iMaxFiles); $strm_Write->property( "bDeleteOnClose", "INT", 0); $strm_Write->property( "sType", "INT", $STREAMTYPE_FILE_CIRCULAR); $strm_Write->property("tOperationsMode", "INT", $STREAMMODE_WRITE_APPEND); $strm_Write->property( "tOpenMode", "INT", 0600); $strm_Write->property( "iCurrOffs","INT64", $iCurrOffs_Write); # read from head my $strm_ReadDel = Rsyslog::Obj->new("strm",1); $strm_ReadDel->property( "iCurrFNum", "INT", $head); $strm_ReadDel->property( "pszFName", "PSZ", $opt{basename}); $strm_ReadDel->property( "iMaxFiles", "INT", $iMaxFiles); $strm_ReadDel->property( "bDeleteOnClose", "INT", 1); $strm_ReadDel->property( "sType", "INT", $STREAMTYPE_FILE_CIRCULAR); $strm_ReadDel->property("tOperationsMode", "INT", $STREAMMODE_READ); $strm_ReadDel->property( "tOpenMode", "INT", 0600); $strm_ReadDel->property( "iCurrOffs","INT64", 0); # .qi print $qqueue->serialize(); print $strm_Write->serialize(); print $strm_ReadDel->serialize(); exit; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package Rsyslog::Serializable; # runtime/obj.c sub COOKIE_OBJLINE { '<' } sub COOKIE_PROPLINE { '+' } sub COOKIE_ENDLINE { '>' } sub COOKIE_BLANKLINE { '.' } # VARTYPE(short_ptype) sub VARTYPE { my ($t) = @_; # runtime/obj-types.h: propType_t my $ptype = "PROPTYPE_".$t; # runtime/var.h: varType_t my %vm = ( VARTYPE_NONE => 0, VARTYPE_STR => 1, VARTYPE_NUMBER => 2, VARTYPE_SYSLOGTIME => 3, ); # runtime/obj.c: SerializeProp() my %p2v = ( #PROPTYPE_NONE => "", PROPTYPE_PSZ => "VARTYPE_STR", PROPTYPE_SHORT => "VARTYPE_NUMBER", PROPTYPE_INT => "VARTYPE_NUMBER", PROPTYPE_LONG => "VARTYPE_NUMBER", PROPTYPE_INT64 => "VARTYPE_NUMBER", PROPTYPE_CSTR => "VARTYPE_STR", #PROPTYPE_SYSLOGTIME => "VARTYPE_SYSLOGTIME", ); my $vtype = $p2v{$ptype}; unless ($vtype) { die "property type $t is not supported!\n"; } return $vm{$vtype}; } sub serialize { my $self = shift; # runtime/obj.c: objSerializeHeader() my $x = COOKIE_OBJLINE(); $x .= join(":", $self->type(), $self->cver(), $self->id(), $self->version()); $x .= ":\n"; for ( values %{$self->{props}} ) { # runtime/obj.c: SerializeProp() $x .= COOKIE_PROPLINE(); $x .= join(":", $_->{name}, VARTYPE($_->{type}), length($_->{value}), $_->{value}); $x .= ":\n"; } # runtime/obj.c: EndSerialize() $x .= COOKIE_ENDLINE() . "End\n"; $x .= COOKIE_BLANKLINE() . "\n"; } # constructor: new(id,version) sub new { my ($class, $id, $version) = @_; $class = ref $class if ref $class; bless { id => $id, version => $version, props => {}, }, $class; } sub id { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $x = $self->{id}; $self->{id} = shift; return $x; } return $self->{id}; } sub version { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $x = $self->{version}; $self->{version} = shift; return $x; } return $self->{version}; } # property(name, type, value) sub property { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; if (@_) { my $x = $self->{props}{$name}; $self->{props}{$name}{name} = $name; $self->{props}{$name}{type} = shift; $self->{props}{$name}{value} = shift; return $x; } return $self->{props}{$name}; } 1; package Rsyslog::OPB; use base qw(Rsyslog::Serializable); sub type { 'OPB' } sub cver { 1 } sub new { shift->SUPER::new(@_) } 1; package Rsyslog::Obj; use base qw(Rsyslog::Serializable); sub type { 'Obj' } sub cver { 1 } sub new { shift->SUPER::new(@_) } 1;