Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/bin/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/bin/yum-config-manager |
#!/usr/bin/python -tt import os, os.path import sys import re import yum sys.path.insert(0,'/usr/share/yum-cli') from utils import YumUtilBase import logging import fnmatch import tempfile import shutil from iniparse import INIConfig import yum.config import yum.yumRepo from yum.parser import varReplace # Regular expressions to sanitise cache filenames re_url_scheme = re.compile(r'^\w+:/*(\w+:|www\.)?') re_slash = re.compile(r'[?/:&#|]+') re_initial_cruft = re.compile(r'^[,.]*') re_final_cruft = re.compile(r'[,.]*$') def sanitize_url_to_fs(url): """Return a filename suitable for the filesystem Strips dangerous and common characters to create a filename we can use to store the cache in. """ # code taken and modified from planet venus code base: # http://intertwingly.net/code/venus/LICENCE try: if re_url_scheme.match(url): if isinstance(url,str): url=url.decode('utf-8').encode('idna') else: url=url.encode('idna') except: pass if isinstance(url,unicode): url=url.encode('utf-8') url = re_url_scheme.sub("", url) url = re_slash.sub("_", url) url = re_initial_cruft.sub("", url) url = re_final_cruft.sub("", url) # limit length of url if len(url)>250: parts=url.split(',') for i in range(len(parts),0,-1): if len(','.join(parts[:i])) < 220: url = ','.join(parts[:i]) + ',' + \ yum.misc.checksum('md5', (','.join(parts[i:]))) break return url def writeRawConfigFile(filename, section_id, yumvar, cfgoptions, items, optionobj, only=None): """ From writeRawRepoFile, but so we can alter [main] too. """ ini = INIConfig(open(filename)) osection_id = section_id # b/c repoids can have $values in them we need to map both ways to figure # out which one is which if section_id not in ini._sections: for sect in ini._sections.keys(): if varReplace(sect, yumvar) == section_id: section_id = sect # Updated the ConfigParser with the changed values cfgOptions = cfgoptions(osection_id) for name,value in items(): if value is None: # Proxy continue if only is not None and name not in only: continue option = optionobj(name) ovalue = option.tostring(value) # If the value is the same, but just interpreted ... when we don't want # to keep the interpreted values. if (name in ini[section_id] and ovalue == varReplace(ini[section_id][name], yumvar)): ovalue = ini[section_id][name] if name not in cfgOptions and option.default == value: continue ini[section_id][name] = ovalue fp =file(filename, "w") fp.write(str(ini)) fp.close() def match_repoid(repoid, repo_setopts): for i in repo_setopts: if fnmatch.fnmatch(repoid, i): return True NAME = 'yum-config-manager' VERSION = '1.0' USAGE = 'yum-config-manager [options] [section ...]' yum.misc.setup_locale() yb = YumUtilBase(NAME, VERSION, USAGE) logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.cli.yum-config-manager") yb.preconf.debuglevel = 0 yb.preconf.errorlevel = 0 yb.optparser = yb.getOptionParser() if hasattr(yb, 'getOptionGroup'): # check if the group option API is available group = yb.getOptionGroup() else: group = yb.optparser group.add_option("--save", default=False, action="store_true", help='save the current options (useful with --setopt)') group.add_option("--enable", default=False, action="store_true", help='enable the specified repos (automatically saves)') group.add_option("--disable", default=False, action="store_true", help='disable the specified repos (automatically saves)') group.add_option("--add-repo", default=[], dest='addrepo', action='append', help='add (and enable) the repo from the specified file or url') try: opts = yb.doUtilConfigSetup() except yum.Errors.RepoError, e: logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(50) if opts.save or opts.enable or opts.disable or opts.addrepo: if yb.conf.uid != 0: logger.error("You must be root to change the yum configuration.") sys.exit(50) args = set(yb.cmds) if opts.enable and opts.disable: logger.error("Error: Trying to enable and disable repos.") opts.enable = opts.disable = False if opts.enable and not args: logger.error("Error: please specify repos to enable (\* to enable all).") opts.enable = False if opts.disable and not args: logger.error("Error: please specify repos to disable (\* to disable all).") opts.disable = False only = None if (not args and not opts.addrepo) or 'main' in args: print yb.fmtSection('main') print yb.conf.dump() if opts.save and hasattr(yb, 'main_setopts') and yb.main_setopts: fn = opts.conffile if not os.path.exists(fn): if fn == '/etc/yum/yum.conf': # Try the old default fn = '/etc/yum.conf' else: raise yum.Errors.ConfigError("Error accessing file for config %s" % fn) ybc = yb.conf writeRawConfigFile(fn, 'main', ybc.yumvar, ybc.cfg.options, ybc.iteritems, ybc.optionobj, only=yb.main_setopts.items) if opts.enable or opts.disable: opts.save = True if not hasattr(yb, 'repo_setopts') or not yb.repo_setopts: only = ['enabled'] if args: repos = yb.repos.findRepos(','.join(args), name_match=True, ignore_case=True) else: repos = yb.repos.listEnabled() # Automatically select repos specified within --setopt (but only for exact # matches without wildcards). This way users don't have to specify disabled # repos twice on the cmdline. if hasattr(yb, 'repo_setopts') and yb.repo_setopts: ids = set(yb.repo_setopts.keys()) & set(yb.repos.repos.keys()) ids -= set([r.id for r in repos]) repos += yb.repos.findRepos(','.join(ids), name_match=True, ignore_case=True) if not opts.addrepo: for repo in sorted(repos): print yb.fmtSection('repo: ' + repo.id) if opts.enable and not repo.enabled: repo.enable() elif opts.disable and repo.enabled: repo.disable() print repo.dump() if (opts.save and (only or (hasattr(yb, 'repo_setopts') and match_repoid(repo.id, yb.repo_setopts)))): writeRawConfigFile(repo.repofile, repo.id, repo.yumvar, repo.cfg.options, repo.iteritems, repo.optionobj, only) if opts.addrepo: # figure out the best reposdir by seeing which dirs exist myrepodir = None for rdir in yb.conf.reposdir: if os.path.exists(rdir): # take the first one that exists myrepodir = rdir break if not myrepodir: myrepodir = yb.conf.reposdir[0] os.makedirs(myrepodir) error = False for url in opts.addrepo: print 'adding repo from: %s' % url if url.endswith('.repo'): # this is a .repo file - fetch it, put it in our reposdir and enable it destname = os.path.basename(url) destname = myrepodir + '/' + destname # dummy grabfunc, using [main] options repo = yum.yumRepo.YumRepository('dummy') repo.baseurl = ['http://dummy/'] repo.populate(yum.config.ConfigParser(), None, yb.conf) grabber = repo.grabfunc; del repo print 'grabbing file %s to %s' % (url, destname) f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() try: grabber.urlgrab(url, filename=f.name, copy_local=True, reget=None) shutil.copy2(f.name, destname) os.chmod(destname, 0o644) except (IOError, OSError, yum.Errors.YumBaseError), e: logger.error('Could not fetch/save url %s to file %s: %s' % (url, destname, e)) error = True continue else: print 'repo saved to %s' % destname finally: f.close() else: repoid = sanitize_url_to_fs(url) reponame = 'added from: %s' % url repofile = myrepodir + '/' + repoid + '.repo' try: thisrepo = yb.add_enable_repo(repoid, baseurl=[url], name=reponame) except yum.Errors.DuplicateRepoError, e: logger.error('Cannot add repo from %s as is a duplicate of an existing repo' % url) error = True continue try: yum.config.UrlOption().parse(url) except ValueError, e: logger.error('Cannot add repo from %s: %s' % (url, e)) error = True continue repoout = """\n[%s]\nname=%s\nbaseurl=%s\nenabled=1\n\n""" % (repoid, reponame, url) try: fo = open(repofile, 'w+') fo.write(repoout) print repoout except (IOError, OSError), e: logger.error('Could not save repo to repofile %s: %s' % (repofile, e)) error = True continue else: fo.close() if error: sys.exit(1)