Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/doc/perl-Moose-2.1005/t/cmop/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/doc/perl-Moose-2.1005/t/cmop/immutable_metaclass.t |
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; use Class::MOP; { package Foo; use strict; use warnings; use metaclass; __PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('bar'); package Bar; use strict; use warnings; use metaclass; __PACKAGE__->meta->superclasses('Foo'); __PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('baz'); package Baz; use strict; use warnings; use metaclass; __PACKAGE__->meta->superclasses('Bar'); __PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('bah'); } { my $meta = Foo->meta; my $original_metaclass_name = ref $meta; is_deeply( { $meta->immutable_options }, {}, 'immutable_options is empty before a class is made_immutable' ); ok( $meta->make_immutable, 'make_immutable returns true' ); my $line = __LINE__ - 1; ok( $meta->make_immutable, 'make_immutable still returns true' ); my $immutable_metaclass = $meta->_immutable_metaclass->meta; my $immutable_class_name = $immutable_metaclass->name; ok( !$immutable_class_name->is_mutable, '... immutable_metaclass is not mutable' ); ok( $immutable_class_name->is_immutable, '... immutable_metaclass is immutable' ); is( $immutable_class_name->meta, $immutable_metaclass, '... immutable_metaclass meta hack works' ); is_deeply( { $meta->immutable_options }, { inline_accessors => 1, inline_constructor => 1, inline_destructor => 0, debug => 0, immutable_trait => 'Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Trait', constructor_name => 'new', constructor_class => 'Class::MOP::Method::Constructor', destructor_class => undef, file => $0, line => $line, }, 'immutable_options is empty before a class is made_immutable' ); isa_ok( $meta, "Class::MOP::Class" ); } { my $meta = Foo->meta; is( $meta->name, 'Foo', '... checking the Foo metaclass' ); ok( !$meta->is_mutable, '... our class is not mutable' ); ok( $meta->is_immutable, '... our class is immutable' ); isa_ok( $meta, 'Class::MOP::Class' ); isnt( exception { $meta->add_method() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->alias_method() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->remove_method() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->add_attribute() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->remove_attribute() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->add_package_symbol() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->remove_package_symbol() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); is( exception { $meta->identifier() }, undef, '... no exception for get_package_symbol special case' ); my @supers; is( exception { @supers = $meta->superclasses; }, undef, '... got the superclasses okay' ); isnt( exception { $meta->superclasses( ['UNIVERSAL'] ) }, undef, '... but could not set the superclasses okay' ); my $meta_instance; is( exception { $meta_instance = $meta->get_meta_instance; }, undef, '... got the meta instance okay' ); isa_ok( $meta_instance, 'Class::MOP::Instance' ); is( $meta_instance, $meta->get_meta_instance, '... and we know it is cached' ); my @cpl; is( exception { @cpl = $meta->class_precedence_list; }, undef, '... got the class precedence list okay' ); is_deeply( \@cpl, ['Foo'], '... we just have ourselves in the class precedence list' ); my @attributes; is( exception { @attributes = $meta->get_all_attributes; }, undef, '... got the attribute list okay' ); is_deeply( \@attributes, [ $meta->get_attribute('bar') ], '... got the right list of attributes' ); } { my $meta = Bar->meta; is( $meta->name, 'Bar', '... checking the Bar metaclass' ); ok( $meta->is_mutable, '... our class is mutable' ); ok( !$meta->is_immutable, '... our class is not immutable' ); is( exception { $meta->make_immutable(); }, undef, '... changed Bar to be immutable' ); ok( $meta->make_immutable, '... make immutable returns true' ); ok( !$meta->is_mutable, '... our class is no longer mutable' ); ok( $meta->is_immutable, '... our class is now immutable' ); isa_ok( $meta, 'Class::MOP::Class' ); isnt( exception { $meta->add_method() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->alias_method() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->remove_method() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->add_attribute() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->remove_attribute() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->add_package_symbol() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->remove_package_symbol() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); my @supers; is( exception { @supers = $meta->superclasses; }, undef, '... got the superclasses okay' ); isnt( exception { $meta->superclasses( ['UNIVERSAL'] ) }, undef, '... but could not set the superclasses okay' ); my $meta_instance; is( exception { $meta_instance = $meta->get_meta_instance; }, undef, '... got the meta instance okay' ); isa_ok( $meta_instance, 'Class::MOP::Instance' ); is( $meta_instance, $meta->get_meta_instance, '... and we know it is cached' ); my @cpl; is( exception { @cpl = $meta->class_precedence_list; }, undef, '... got the class precedence list okay' ); is_deeply( \@cpl, [ 'Bar', 'Foo' ], '... we just have ourselves in the class precedence list' ); my @attributes; is( exception { @attributes = $meta->get_all_attributes; }, undef, '... got the attribute list okay' ); is_deeply( [ sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @attributes ], [ Foo->meta->get_attribute('bar'), $meta->get_attribute('baz') ], '... got the right list of attributes' ); } { my $meta = Baz->meta; is( $meta->name, 'Baz', '... checking the Baz metaclass' ); ok( $meta->is_mutable, '... our class is mutable' ); ok( !$meta->is_immutable, '... our class is not immutable' ); is( exception { $meta->make_immutable(); }, undef, '... changed Baz to be immutable' ); ok( $meta->make_immutable, '... make immutable returns true' ); ok( !$meta->is_mutable, '... our class is no longer mutable' ); ok( $meta->is_immutable, '... our class is now immutable' ); isa_ok( $meta, 'Class::MOP::Class' ); isnt( exception { $meta->add_method() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->alias_method() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->remove_method() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->add_attribute() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->remove_attribute() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->add_package_symbol() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); isnt( exception { $meta->remove_package_symbol() }, undef, '... exception thrown as expected' ); my @supers; is( exception { @supers = $meta->superclasses; }, undef, '... got the superclasses okay' ); isnt( exception { $meta->superclasses( ['UNIVERSAL'] ) }, undef, '... but could not set the superclasses okay' ); my $meta_instance; is( exception { $meta_instance = $meta->get_meta_instance; }, undef, '... got the meta instance okay' ); isa_ok( $meta_instance, 'Class::MOP::Instance' ); is( $meta_instance, $meta->get_meta_instance, '... and we know it is cached' ); my @cpl; is( exception { @cpl = $meta->class_precedence_list; }, undef, '... got the class precedence list okay' ); is_deeply( \@cpl, [ 'Baz', 'Bar', 'Foo' ], '... we just have ourselves in the class precedence list' ); my @attributes; is( exception { @attributes = $meta->get_all_attributes; }, undef, '... got the attribute list okay' ); is_deeply( [ sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @attributes ], [ $meta->get_attribute('bah'), Foo->meta->get_attribute('bar'), Bar->meta->get_attribute('baz') ], '... got the right list of attributes' ); } # This test probably needs to go last since it will muck up the Foo class { my $meta = Foo->meta; $meta->make_mutable; $meta->make_immutable( inline_accessors => 0, inline_constructor => 0, constructor_name => 'newer', ); my $line = __LINE__ - 5; is_deeply( { $meta->immutable_options }, { inline_accessors => 0, inline_constructor => 0, inline_destructor => 0, debug => 0, immutable_trait => 'Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Trait', constructor_name => 'newer', constructor_class => 'Class::MOP::Method::Constructor', destructor_class => undef, file => $0, line => $line, }, 'custom immutable_options are returned by immutable_options accessor' ); } done_testing;