Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/munin/plugins/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/munin/plugins/cupsys_pages |
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- =head1 NAME cupsys_pages - Plugin to monitor number of pages pr printer printed by CUPS =head1 CONFIGURATION The following environment variables are used logdir - Which logfile to use logfile - What file to read in logdir maxlabel - Maximum printers to plot =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2004 Rune Nordbøe Skillingstad <rune@skillingstad.no> =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =cut use strict; use Munin::Plugin; my $statefile = "$ENV{MUNIN_PLUGSTATE}/munin-cupsys-pages.state"; my $pos = undef; my %printers = (); my $LOGDIR = $ENV{'logdir'} || '/var/log/cups'; my $LOGFILE = $ENV{'logfile'} || 'page_log'; my $MAXLABEL = $ENV{'maxlabel'} || 20; if($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf' ) { my $logfile; if(-d $LOGDIR) { $logfile = "$LOGDIR/$LOGFILE"; if(-f $logfile) { if(-r $logfile) { print "yes\n"; exit 0; } else { print "no (logfile not readable)\n"; } } else { print "no (logfile not found)\n"; } } else { print "no (could not find logdir)\n"; } exit 0; } my $logfile = "$LOGDIR/$LOGFILE"; my $rotlogfile = $logfile . ".0"; my $rotlogfile_last_sunday = $logfile . "-" . `date --date="last sunday" +%Y%m%d`; chomp($rotlogfile_last_sunday); if (-f "$logfile.0") { $rotlogfile = $logfile . ".0"; } elsif (-f "$logfile.1") { $rotlogfile = $logfile . ".1"; } elsif (-f "$logfile.01") { $rotlogfile = $logfile . ".01"; } elsif (-f "$rotlogfile_last_sunday") { $rotlogfile = $rotlogfile_last_sunday; } if (! -f $logfile and ! -f $rotlogfile) { print "pages.value $logfile $rotlogfile U\n"; exit 0; } if (-f $statefile) { open(IN, $statefile) or die "Could not open $statefile for reading: $!\n"; if(<IN> =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $pos = $1; } LINE: while(<IN>) { if(/^([^:]+):(\d+)$/) { $printers{$1} = $2; } if(keys(%printers) >= $MAXLABEL) { last LINE; } } close(IN); } my $startsize = (stat $logfile)[7]; if (!defined $pos) { # Initial run. $pos = $startsize; $pos = 0; } if ($startsize < $pos) { # Log rotated parselogfile ($rotlogfile, $pos, (stat $rotlogfile)[7]); $pos = 0; } parselogfile($logfile, $pos, $startsize); $pos = $startsize; # Write back to state file open (STATFILE, ">$statefile") or die "Could not open $statefile for writing: $!\n"; print STATFILE "$pos\n"; foreach my $printer (sort(keys %printers)) { print STATFILE "$printer:".$printers{$printer}."\n"; } close(STATFILE); if($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { print "host_name $ENV{FQDN}\n"; print "graph_title CUPS pages printed\n"; print "graph_category printing\n"; print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n"; print "graph_vlabel pages/\${graph_period}\n"; foreach my $printer (sort(keys %printers)) { # Convert printername to something legal my $p = $printer; $printer = clean_fieldname($printer); print "$printer.label $p\n"; print "$printer.type DERIVE\n"; print "$printer.min 0\n"; } exit 0; } else { foreach my $printer (sort(keys %printers)) { my $p = $printer; $printer = clean_fieldname($printer); print "$printer.value ".$printers{$p}."\n"; } exit 0; } sub parselogfile { my ($fname, $start, $stop) = @_; open (LOGFILE, $fname) or die "No logfile $fname: $!\n"; seek (LOGFILE, $start, 0) or die "Could not seek in logfile $fname: $!\n"; while (tell(LOGFILE) < $stop) { my $line = <LOGFILE>; chomp ($line); if ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+\[[^\]]+\]\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) { if(!defined($printers{$1}) && keys(%printers) < $MAXLABEL) { $printers{$1} += int($2)*int($3); } elsif(defined($printers{$1})) { $printers{$1} += int($2)*int($3); } } } close(LOGFILE); }