Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/munin/plugins/quota_usage_
=head1 NAME
quota_usage_ - Plugin to monitor quota on a specified device.
Needs repquota and root privs
=head1 USAGE
Create Service Link /etc/munin/plugins/quota_usage_<dev>
for example C<quota_usage_hda3>. Use underscores instead of slashes, for
example to monitor C</dev/mapper/vol-foo>, name this C<quota_usage_mapper_vol-foo>
For backwards compatibility the prefix C<quota-usage_> is also acceptable
(instead of C<quota_usage_>).
This plugin uses the soft and hard quota data for warning and critical
levels respectively.
#%# family=manual
=head1 AUTHOR
Unknown author
Source: L<>
=head1 LICENSE
use strict;
use warnings;
use Munin::Plugin;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(splitdir);
# We do some magic to allow device strings with underscore to mean a /
# So to monitor /dev/mapper/vol-foo use "quota_usage_mapper_vol-foo" or
# "quota-usage_mapper_vol-foo". The latter was advertised as the default usage previously, but it
# is confusing since it does not match the name of the plugin exactly.
# See
my @path_tokens = splitdir($0);
my $basename = $path_tokens[-1];
# partial name of the device (it will be prefixed with "/dev/")
my $dev;
if ($basename =~ /^quota_usage_(.+)$/) {
# The plugin was called with the basename "quota_usage_*".
$dev = $1;
$dev =~ s#_#/#g;
} else {
# The plugin was called with the basename "quota-usage_*" (or another prefix without an
# underscore).
# This approach was documented for this plugin. But it conflicts with the common style of
# using the exact plugin name (instead of a slight variation) for symlinks.
my @tmp = split(/_/, $basename);
shift @tmp;
$dev = join("/", @tmp);
my %users;
open (REP, "/usr/sbin/repquota /dev/$dev |") or exit 22;
while (<REP>) {
if (/^-+$/../^$/) {
my @data = split(/ +/);
next if !$data[0] || $data[0] =~ /^#/;
if ( @data > 2 && $data[2] > 0 ) {
$users{$data[0]}[0] = $data[2]; # current usage
$users{$data[0]}[1] = $data[3]; # Soft quota
$users{$data[0]}[2] = $data[4]; # Hard quota
close REP;
my @users_by_usage = sort { $users{$b} <=> $users{$a} } keys(%users);
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") {
print "graph_title Filesystem usage by user on $dev\n";
print "graph_args --base 1024 --lower-limit 0\n";
print "graph_vlabel bytes\n";
print "graph_category disk\n";
for my $user (@users_by_usage) {
my ($uid, $name) = (getpwnam($user))[2,6];
my $id = clean_fieldname($user);
$name = $user if (length($name) < length($user));
$name = (split(/,/, $name))[0];
printf "%s.label %s\n", $id, $name;
printf "%s.cdef %s,1024,*\n", $id, $id;
if ($users{$user}[1] && $users{$user}[1] > 0) {
printf "%s.warning %s\n", $id, $users{$user}[1];
if ($users{$user}[2] && $users{$user}[2] > 0) {
printf "%s.critical %s\n", $id, $users{$user}[2];
if ($uid < 200) {
printf "%s.graph no\n", $id
} else {
for my $user (@users_by_usage) {
my $esc = $user;
$esc = clean_fieldname($esc);
printf "%s.value %s\n", $esc, $users{$user}[0];