Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/nagios/html/js/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/nagios/html/js/histogram-graph.js |
angular.module("histogramApp") .directive("nagiosHistogram", function() { return { templateUrl: "histogram-graph.html", restrict: "AE", scope: { cgiurl: "@cgiurl", reporttype: "@reporttype", host: "@host", service: "@service", timeperiod: "@timeperiod", t1: "@t1", t2: "@t2", breakdown: "@breakdown", graphevents: "@graphevents", graphstatetypes: "@graphstatetypes", assumestateretention: "@assumestateretention", initialstateslogged: "@initialstateslogged", ignorerepeatedstates: "@ignorerepeatedstates", lastUpdate: "=lastUpdate", reload: "@reload", build: "&build" }, controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $http, histogramEventsService, statisticsBreakdown) { // Layout variables $scope.fontSize = 11; $scope.graphMargin = { top: 40, right: 290, bottom: 84, left: 60 }; $scope.svgHeight = 320; $scope.svgWidth = 900; $scope.dateFormat = d3.time.format("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"); // Application state variables $scope.fetchingAlerts = false; $scope.$watch("reload", function(newValue) { // Remove any previous graphs d3.select("g#grid").selectAll("path").remove(); // Set the start and end times $scope.startTime = $scope.t1 * 1000; $scope.endTime = $scope.t2 * 1000; // Show the histogram showHistogram(); }); // Get the statistics breakdown label $scope.statisticsBreakdownLabel = function(value) { for (var i = 0; i < statisticsBreakdown.length; i++) { var bd = statisticsBreakdown[i]; if (bd.value == value) { return bd.label; } } }; // Get the x-axis scale domain var getXScaleDomain = function() { // Set up the x-axis scale domain var domain = []; switch($scope.breakdown) { case "monthly": domain = d3.range(0,13); break; case "dayofweek": domain = d3.range(0,8); break; case "hourly": domain = d3.range(0,25); break; case "dayofmonth": default: domain = d3.range(0,32); break; } return domain; }; // Get the x-axis tick values var getXAxisTickValue = function(d) { // Set up the x-axis tick values var values = []; switch($scope.breakdown) { case "monthly": var months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", "January"]; return months[d % 12]; break; case "dayofweek": var days = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]; return days[d % 7]; break; case "hourly": var hourFormat = d3.format("02d"); return hourFormat(d % 24) + ":00"; break; case "dayofmonth": default: var value = ((d + 1) % 32); return (value == 0 ? 1 : value); break; } }; // Get the number of periods for the breakdown $scope.getBreakdownPeriods = function() { switch($scope.breakdown) { case "monthly": return 12; break; case "dayofweek": return 7; break; case "hourly": return 24; break; case "dayofmonth": default: return 31; break; } }; // Determine the y-axis maximum getYMax = function() { var states = ["up", "down", "unreachable", "ok", "warning", "unknown", "critical" ]; var yMax = 0; states.forEach(function(e, i, a) { yMax = Math.max($scope.summary[$scope.breakdown].maxima[e], yMax); }); return yMax; }; // Display the graph var displayGraph = function() { // Local variables var graphHeight = $scope.svgHeight - ($scope.graphMargin.bottom + $scope.graphMargin.top); var graphWidth = $scope.svgWidth - ($scope.graphMargin.right + $scope.graphMargin.left); var gridCenter = $scope.graphMargin.left + graphWidth / 2; // Get the header group var gridGroup = d3.select("svg#histogram") .select("g#grid") .attr({ transform: function() { return "translate(" + $scope.graphMargin.left + "," + $scope.graphMargin.top + ")"; } }); // Build the x-axis scale var xScale = d3.scale.ordinal() .domain(getXScaleDomain()) .rangePoints([0, graphWidth]); // Build the x-axis var xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(xScale) .orient("bottom") .tickSize(graphHeight) .tickFormat(function(d) { return getXAxisTickValue(d); }); // Display the x-axis d3.select("g#xaxis").call(xAxis); // Rotate the value labels for the x-axis var translate = -(graphHeight + ($scope.fontSize / 2)); d3.select("g#xaxis") .selectAll("text") .attr({ transform: function() { return "rotate(-90) translate(" + translate + "," + translate + ")"; } }) .style({ "text-anchor": "end" }); // Build the y-axis scale var yScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([getYMax(), 0]) .rangeRound([0, graphHeight]); // Build the y-axis var yAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(yScale) .orient("left") .tickSize(graphWidth); // Display the y-axis d3.select("g#yaxis").call(yAxis); // Generate the lines var states = []; if($scope.reporttype == "hosts") { states = ["up", "down", "unreachable"]; } else { states = ["ok", "warning", "unknown", "critical"]; } states.forEach(function(e, i, a) { var line = d3.svg.line() .x(function(d, i) { return xScale(i); }) .y(function(d) { return yScale(d[e]); }) .interpolate("linear"); gridGroup.append("path") .attr({ "d": line($scope.summary[$scope.breakdown].details), "class": e }); }); }; // Initialize the data for display var initializeData = function(obj, size) { var states = ["up", "down", "unreachable", "ok", "warning", "unknown", "critical" ]; obj.maxima = new Object; obj.minima = new Object; obj.totals = new Object; states.forEach(function(e, i, a) { obj.maxima[e] = 0; obj.minima[e] = -1; obj.totals[e] = 0; }); obj.details = new Array; for(var i = 0; i < size; i++) { obj.details.push({ "up": 0, "down": 0, "unreachable": 0, "ok": 0, "warning": 0, "unknown": 0, "critical": 0 }); } }; // Update the summary data var updateData = function(obj, state, index) { obj.details[index][state]++; obj.maxima[state] = Math.max(obj.maxima[state], obj.details[index][state]); obj.totals[state]++; if(index == 0) { // If this is the first entry in the breakdown, // also update the last because the graph // "wraps around" obj.details[obj.details.length - 1][state]++; } }; // Calculate the minima var calculateMinima = function(obj) { for(var key in obj.minima) { obj.minima[key] = obj.details[0][key]; for(var j = 1; j < obj.details.length; j++) { obj.minima[key] = Math.min(obj.minima[key], obj.details[j][key]); } } }; // Summarize the data for display var summarizeData = function() { // Initialize the data $scope.summary = { monthly: new Object, dayofmonth: new Object, dayofweek: new Object, hourly: new Object, }; initializeData($scope.summary.monthly, 13); initializeData($scope.summary.dayofmonth, 32); initializeData($scope.summary.dayofweek, 8); initializeData($scope.summary.hourly, 25); $scope.json.data.alertlist.forEach(function(e, i, a) { // Create a Javascript date object var ts = new Date(e.timestamp); // Update the monthly data updateData($scope.summary.monthly, e.state, ts.getMonth()); // Update the day of month data updateData($scope.summary.dayofmonth, e.state, ts.getDate() - 1); // Update the day of week data updateData($scope.summary.dayofweek, e.state, ts.getDay()); // Update the hourly data updateData($scope.summary.hourly, e.state, ts.getHours()); }); // Calculate the minima calculateMinima($scope.summary.monthly); calculateMinima($scope.summary.dayofmonth); calculateMinima($scope.summary.dayofweek); calculateMinima($scope.summary.hourly); }; // Show the graph var showHistogram = function() { if(!$scope.build()) { return; } // Build the list of parameters for the JSON query var parameters = { query: "alertlist", formatoptions: "enumerate bitmask", objecttypes: ($scope.reporttype == "hosts" ? "host" : "service"), hostname: $scope.host, starttime: $scope.t1, endtime: $scope.t2, statetypes: function() { switch($scope.graphstatetypes) { case 1: return "soft"; break; case 2: return "hard"; break; case 3: default: return "hard soft"; break; } }(), backtrackedarchives: $scope.backtracks }; switch($scope.reporttype) { case "hosts": var events = histogramEventsService.hostEvents.filter(function(e) { return e.value == $scope.graphevents; }); if(events.length > 0) { parameters.hoststates = events[0].states; } else { parameters.hoststates = "up down unreachable"; } break; case "services": var events = histogramEventsService.serviceEvents.filter(function(e) { return e.value == $scope.graphevents; }); parameters.servicedescription = $scope.service; if(events.length > 0) { parameters.servicestates = events[0].states; } else { parameters.servicestates = "ok warning unknown critical"; } break; } var getConfig = { params: parameters, withCredentials: true }; // Where to place the spinner var spinnerdiv = d3.select("div#spinner"); var spinner = null; // Send the JSON query $http.get($scope.cgiurl + "archivejson.cgi", getConfig) .error(function(err) { console.warn(err); // Stop the spinner $scope.fetchingAlerts = false; spinner.stop(); }) .success(function(json) { // Stop the spinner $scope.fetchingAlerts = false; spinner.stop(); // Save the json results $scope.json = json; // Record the query time $scope.lastUpdate = new Date(json.result.query_time); // Summarize the results summarizeData(); // Display the graph displayGraph(); // Display the summary }); // Start the spinner $scope.fetchingAlerts = true; spinner = new Spinner($scope.spinnerOpts).spin(spinnerdiv[0][0]); }; } }; });