Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/nagios/html/js/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/nagios/html/js/map-directive.js |
angular.module("mapApp") .directive("nagiosMap", function() { return { templateUrl: "map-directive.html", restrict: "AE", scope: { cgiurl: "@cgiurl", layoutIndex: "@layout", dimensions: "@dimensions", ulx: "@ulx", uly: "@uly", lrx: "@lrx", lry: "@lry", root: "=root", maxzoom: "=maxzoom", nolinks: "@nolinks", notext: "@notext", nopopups: "@nopopups", noresize: "@noresize", noicons: "@noicons", iconurl: "@iconurl", updateIntervalValue: "@updateInterval", lastUpdate: "=lastUpdate", reload: "@reload", svgWidth: "=mapWidth", svgHeight: "=mapHeight", build: "&build" }, controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $http, nagiosProcessName, layouts) { // Contents of the popup $scope.popupContents = {}; // Layout variables $scope.diameter = Math.min($scope.svgHeight, $scope.svgWidth); $scope.mapZIndex = 20; $scope.popupZIndex = 40; $scope.popupPadding = 10; $scope.fontSize = 10; // px $scope.minRadius = 5; // radius of node with zero services $scope.maxRadiusCount = 20; // number of services at which to max radius $scope.maxRadius = 12; // radius of node with maxRadiusCount+ services $scope.swellRadius = 4; // amount by which radius swells when updating $scope.nodeID = 0; // Incrementing unique node ID for each node // Display variables $scope.layout = parseInt($scope.layoutIndex); $scope.ulx = parseInt($scope.ulxValue); $scope.uly = parseInt($scope.ulyValue); $scope.lrx = parseInt($scope.lrxValue); $scope.lry = parseInt($scope.lryValue); $scope.showText = $scope.notext == "false"; $scope.showLinks = $scope.nolinks == "false"; $scope.showPopups = $scope.nopopups == "false"; $scope.allowResize = $scope.noresize == "false"; $scope.showIcons = $scope.noicons == "false"; // Resize handle variables $scope.handleHeight = 8; $scope.handleWidth = 8; $scope.handlePadding = 2; // Host node tree - initialize the root node $scope.hostTree = { hostInfo: { name: nagiosProcessName, objectJSON: { name: nagiosProcessName, icon_image: "", icon_image_alt: "", x_2d: 0, y_2d: 0 }, serviceCount: 0 }, saveArc: { x: 0, dx: 0, y: 0, dy: 0 }, saveLabel: { x: 0, dx: 0, y: 0, dy: 0 } }; $scope.hostList = new Object; // Icon information $scope.iconList = new Object; $scope.iconsLoading = 0; // Update frequency $scope.updateStatusInterval = parseInt($scope.updateIntervalValue) * 1000; // Map update variables $scope.updateDuration = 0; // Date format for popup dates $scope.popupDateFormat = d3.time.format("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S"); // Root node name $scope.rootNodeName = nagiosProcessName; $scope.rootNode = null; // Application state variables $scope.fetchingHostlist = false; $scope.displayPopup = false; var previousLayout = -1; var statusTimeout = null; var displayMapDone = false; // Placeholder for saving icon url var previousIconUrl; // User-supplied layout information var userSuppliedLayout = { dimensions: { upperLeft: {}, lowerRight: {} }, xScale: d3.scale.linear(), yScale: d3.scale.linear() } // Force layout information var forceLayout = new Object; // Watch for noresize update $scope.$watch("noresize", function() { $scope.allowResize = $scope.noresize == "false"; if ($scope.allowResize) { d3.select("#resize-handle").style("visibility", "visible"); } else { d3.select("#resize-handle").style("visibility", "hidden"); } }) // Watch for changes on the reload value $scope.$watch("reload", function(newValue) { // Cancel the timeout if necessary if (statusTimeout != null) { clearTimeout(statusTimeout); } // Clean up after previous maps var selectionExit; switch (previousLayout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: selectionExit = d3.select("g#container") .selectAll("g.node") .data([]) .exit(); selectionExit.selectAll("circle").remove(); selectionExit.selectAll("text").remove(); selectionExit.remove(); break; case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: selectionExit = d3.select("g#container") .selectAll(".node") .data([]) .exit(); selectionExit.selectAll("circle").remove(); selectionExit.selectAll("text").remove(); selectionExit.remove(); d3.select("g#container") .select("g#links") .selectAll(".link") .data([]) .exit() .remove(); d3.select("g#links").remove(); break; case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: d3.select("g#container") .select("g#paths") .selectAll("path") .data([]) .remove(); selectionExit = d3.select("g#container") .selectAll("g.label") .data([]) .exit(); selectionExit.selectAll("rect").remove(); selectionExit.selectAll("text").remove(); selectionExit.remove(); d3.select("g#paths").remove(); break; case layouts.Force.index: selectionExit = d3.select("g#container") .selectAll(".link") .data([]) .exit(); selectionExit.selectAll("line").remove(); selectionExit.remove(); selectionExit = d3.select("g#container") .selectAll("g.node") .data([]) .exit(); selectionExit.selectAll("circle").remove(); selectionExit.selectAll("text").remove(); selectionExit.remove(); d3.select("g#links").remove(); break; } // Clean up the host list $scope.hostList = {}; // Clean up the icon image cache if the icon url // has changed if (previousIconUrl != $scope.iconurl) { d3.selectAll("div#image-cache img").remove(); $scope.iconList = new Object; $scope.iconsLoading = 0; } previousIconUrl = $scope.iconurl; // Reset the zoom and pan $scope.zoom.translate([0,0]).scale(1); // Show the map if ($scope.build()) { // Determine the new layout $scope.layout = parseInt($scope.layoutIndex); // Adjust the container appropriately d3.select("svg#map g#container") .attr({ transform: function() { return getContainerTransform(); } }); // Layout-specific steps switch ($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: userSuppliedLayout.dimensionType = $scope.dimensions break; case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: case layouts.Force.index: break; } previousLayout = $scope.layout; // Start the spinner $scope.spinnerdiv = d3.select("div#spinner"); $scope.fetchingHostlist = true; $scope.spinner = new Spinner($scope.spinnerOpts) .spin($scope.spinnerdiv[0][0]); // Get the host list and move forward getHostList(); } }); // Watch for changes in the size of the map $scope.$watch("svgWidth", function(newValue) { if (displayMapDone) { updateOnResize(d3.select("#resize-handle").node()); } }); $scope.$watch("svgHeight", function(newValue) { if (displayMapDone) { updateOnResize(d3.select("#resize-handle").node()); } }); // Get the services of the children of a specific node var getServiceList = function() { var parameters = { query: "servicelist", formatoptions: "enumerate bitmask", details: false }; var getConfig = { params: parameters, withCredentials: true }; if ($scope.showIcons && $scope.iconsLoading > 0) { setTimeout(function() { getServiceList() }, 10); return; } // Send the JSON query $http.get($scope.cgiurl + "objectjson.cgi", getConfig) .error(function(err) { console.warn(err); }) .success(function(json) { // Record the time of the last update $scope.lastUpdate = json.result.query_time; for(var host in json.data.servicelist) { $scope.hostList[host].serviceCount = json.data.servicelist[host].length; } }); }; // Take action on the zoom start var onZoomStart = function() { // Hide the popup window $scope.displayPopup = false; $scope.$apply("displayPopup"); }; // Take action on the zoom var onZoom = function() { // Get the event parameters var zoomTranslate = $scope.zoom.translate(); var zoomScale = $scope.zoom.scale(); var translate = []; switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: d3.selectAll("g.node") .attr({ transform: function(d) { return getNodeTransform(d); } }); d3.selectAll("g.node text") .each(function(d) { setTextAttrs(d, this); }); break; case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: d3.selectAll("path.link") .attr({ d: $scope.diagonal }); d3.selectAll("g.node") .attr({ transform: function(d) { return getNodeTransform(d); } }); break; case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: // Calculate the real translation taking // into account the centering translate = [zoomTranslate[0] + ($scope.svgWidth / 2) * zoomScale, zoomTranslate[1] + ($scope.svgHeight / 2) * zoomScale]; d3.select("svg#map g#container") .attr("transform", "translate(" + translate + ")"); d3.selectAll("path.link") .attr({ d: $scope.diagonal }); d3.selectAll("g.node") .attr({ transform: function(d) { return getNodeTransform(d); } }); break; case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: // Calculate the real translation taking // into account the centering translate = [zoomTranslate[0] + ($scope.svgWidth / 2) * zoomScale, zoomTranslate[1] + ($scope.svgHeight / 2) * zoomScale]; // Update the group with the new calculated values d3.select("svg#map g#container") .attr("transform", "translate(" + translate + ")"); d3.selectAll("path") .attr("transform", "scale(" + zoomScale + ")"); d3.selectAll("g.label") .attr({ transform: function(d) { return getPartitionLabelGroupTransform(d); } }); break; case layouts.Force.index: d3.selectAll("line.link") .attr({ x1: function(d) { return $scope.xZoomScale(d.source.x); }, y1: function(d) { return $scope.yZoomScale(d.source.y); }, x2: function(d) { return $scope.xZoomScale(d.target.x); }, y2: function(d) { return $scope.yZoomScale(d.target.y); } }); d3.selectAll("g.node") .attr({ transform: function(d) { return "translate(" + $scope.xZoomScale(d.x) + ", " + $scope.yZoomScale(d.y) + ")"; } }); break; } }; // Get the tree size var getTreeSize = function() { switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.DepthLayers.index: return [$scope.svgWidth, $scope.svgHeight - layouts.DepthLayers.topPadding - layouts.DepthLayers.bottomPadding]; break; case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: return [$scope.svgHeight, $scope.svgWidth - layouts.DepthLayersVertical.leftPadding - layouts.DepthLayersVertical.rightPadding]; break; case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: return [$scope.svgWidth, $scope.svgHeight - layouts.CollapsedTree.topPadding - layouts.CollapsedTree.bottomPadding]; break; case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: return [$scope.svgHeight, $scope.svgWidth - layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.leftPadding - layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.rightPadding]; break; case layouts.BalancedTree.index: return [$scope.svgWidth, $scope.svgHeight - layouts.BalancedTree.topPadding - layouts.BalancedTree.bottomPadding]; break; case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: return [$scope.svgHeight, $scope.svgWidth - layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.leftPadding - layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.rightPadding]; break; case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: return [360, $scope.diameter / 2 - layouts.CircularBalloon.outsidePadding]; break; } }; // Get the node transform var getNodeTransform = function(d) { switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: var x1 = d.hostInfo.objectJSON.x_2d; var x2 = userSuppliedLayout.xScale(x1); var x3 = $scope.xZoomScale(x2); var y1 = d.hostInfo.objectJSON.y_2d; var y2 = userSuppliedLayout.yScale(y1); var y3 = $scope.yZoomScale(y2); return "translate(" + x3 + "," + y3 + ")"; break; case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: return "translate(" + $scope.xZoomScale(d.x) + "," + $scope.yZoomScale(d.y) + ")"; break; case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: return "translate(" + $scope.xZoomScale(d.y) + "," + $scope.yZoomScale(d.x) + ")"; break; case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: if(d.y == 0) return ""; var rotateAngle = d.x + layouts.CircularBalloon.rotation; var translate = d.y * $scope.zoom.scale(); return "rotate(" + rotateAngle + ") translate(" + translate + ")"; break; } }; // Determine the amount of text padding due to an icon var getIconTextPadding = function(d) { var iconHeight = 0, iconWidth = 0; if (d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("iconInfo")) { iconHeight = d.hostInfo.iconInfo.height; iconWidth = d.hostInfo.iconInfo.width; } else { return 0; } switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: switch(layouts.UserSupplied.textAlignment) { case "above": case "below": return iconHeight / 2; break; case "left": case "right": return iconWidth / 2; break; } break; case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: return iconHeight / 2; break; case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: return iconWidth / 2; break; case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: var rotateAngle = d.x + layouts.CircularBalloon.rotation; var angle; // angle used to calculate distance var r; // radius used to calculate distance if (rotateAngle < 45.0) { // Text is right of icon angle = rotateAngle; r = iconWidth / 2; } else if(rotateAngle < 135.0) { // Text is below icon angle = Math.abs(90.0 - rotateAngle); r = iconHeight / 2; } else if(rotateAngle < 225.0) { // Text is left icon angle = Math.abs(180.0 - rotateAngle); r = iconWidth / 2; } else if(rotateAngle < 315.0) { // Text is above icon angle = Math.abs(270.0 - rotateAngle); r = iconHeight / 2; } else { // Text is right of icon angle = 360.0 - rotateAngle; r = iconWidth / 2; } var radians = angle * Math.PI / 180.0; var cos = Math.cos(radians); return r + (r - r * cos) * cos; break; case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: return 0; break; case layouts.Force.index: return iconWidth / 2; break; } }; // Set the node label attributes var setTextAttrs = function(d, domNode) { // Placeholder for attributes var attrs = new Object; var state = "ok"; var stateCounts = {}; // Variables used for all layouts var serviceCount = getObjAttr(d, ["serviceCount"], 0); var iconTextPadding = getIconTextPadding(d); var fontSize = $scope.fontSize + "px"; if (d.hostInfo.name == $scope.$parent.search.host) fontSize = ($scope.fontSize * 2) + "px"; attrs["font-size"] = fontSize; attrs["font-weight"] = "normal"; attrs["text-decoration"] = "none"; attrs["fill"] = "#000000"; if (d.hostInfo.name != $scope.$parent.search.host && d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("serviceStatusJSON")) { for (var service in d.hostInfo.serviceStatusJSON) { var state = d.hostInfo.serviceStatusJSON[service]; if(!stateCounts.hasOwnProperty(state)) stateCounts[state] = 0; stateCounts[state]++; } if (stateCounts["critical"]) state = "critical"; else if (stateCounts["warning"]) state = "warning"; else if (stateCounts["unknown"]) state = "unknown"; else if (stateCounts["pending"]) state = "pending"; } switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: var textPadding = layouts.UserSupplied.textPadding[layouts.UserSupplied.textAlignment]; if (!d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("iconInfo")) { textPadding += $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount); } var x = 0; var y = 0; switch(layouts.UserSupplied.textAlignment) { case "above": y = -(textPadding + iconTextPadding); attrs["text-anchor"] = "middle"; break; case "left": x = -(textPadding + iconTextPadding); attrs["text-anchor"] = "end"; attrs.dy = ".4em"; break; case "right": x = textPadding + iconTextPadding; attrs["text-anchor"] = "start"; attrs.dy = ".4em"; break; case "below": y = textPadding + iconTextPadding; attrs["text-anchor"] = "middle"; break; } attrs.transform = "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")"; break; case layouts.DepthLayers.index: var textPadding = $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount) + layouts.DepthLayers.dyText + iconTextPadding; attrs.dy = d.children ? -textPadding : 0; attrs.transform = d.children ? "" : "rotate(90) translate(" + textPadding + ", " + (($scope.fontSize / 2) - 1) + ")"; attrs["text-anchor"] = d.children ? "middle" : "start"; break; case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: var textPadding = $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount) + layouts.DepthLayersVertical.dxText + iconTextPadding; attrs.dx = d.children ? -textPadding : textPadding; attrs.dy = layouts.DepthLayersVertical.dyText; attrs["text-anchor"] = d.children ? "end" : "start"; break; case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: var textPadding = $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount) + layouts.CollapsedTree.dyText + iconTextPadding; attrs.dy = d.children ? -textPadding : 0; attrs.transform = d.children ? "" : "rotate(90) translate(" + textPadding + ", " + (($scope.fontSize / 2) - 1) + ")"; attrs["text-anchor"] = d.children ? "middle" : "start"; break; case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: var textPadding = $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount) + layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.dxText + iconTextPadding; attrs.dx = d.children ? -textPadding : textPadding; attrs.dy = layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.dyText; attrs["text-anchor"] = d.children ? "end" : "start"; break; case layouts.BalancedTree.index: var textPadding = $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount) + layouts.BalancedTree.dyText + iconTextPadding; attrs.dy = d.children ? -textPadding : 0; attrs.transform = d.children ? "" : "rotate(90) translate(" + textPadding + ", " + (($scope.fontSize / 2) - 1) + ")"; attrs["text-anchor"] = d.children ? "middle" : "start"; break; case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: var textPadding = $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount) + layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.dxText + iconTextPadding; attrs.dx = d.children ? -textPadding : textPadding; attrs.dy = layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.dyText; attrs["text-anchor"] = d.children ? "end" : "start"; break; case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: var textPadding = $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount) + layouts.CircularBalloon.textPadding + iconTextPadding; if(d.y == 0) { attrs["text-anchor"] = "middle"; attrs.transform = "translate(0,-" + $scope.fontSize + ")"; } else if(d.x < 180) { attrs["text-anchor"] = "start"; attrs.transform = "translate(" + textPadding + ")"; } else { attrs["text-anchor"] = "end"; attrs.transform = "rotate(180) translate(-" + textPadding + ")"; } attrs.dy = layouts.CircularBalloon.dyText; break; case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: attrs["alignment-baseline"] = "middle"; attrs["text-anchor"] = "middle"; attrs["transform"] = ""; if (d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("iconInfo")) { var rotateAngle = (d.x + d.dx / 2) * 180 / Math.PI + layouts.CircularBalloon.rotation; var translate = (d.hostInfo.iconInfo.height + layouts.CircularMarkup.textPadding) / 2; attrs["transform"] = "rotate(" + -rotateAngle + ") translate(0, " + translate + ")"; } else { if (d.depth > 0 && d.x + d.dx / 2 > Math.PI) { attrs["transform"] = "rotate(180)"; } } break; case layouts.Force.index: attrs["alignment-baseline"] = "middle"; attrs["x"] = $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount) + layouts.Force.textPadding + iconTextPadding; break; } if (d.hostInfo.name == $scope.$parent.search.host) { attrs["font-weight"] = "bold"; attrs["stroke"] = "red"; attrs["stroke-width"] = "1"; attrs["fill"] = "#0000ff"; } else if (state != "ok") { attrs["font-weight"] = "bold"; attrs["text-decoration"] = "underline"; switch(state) { case "critical":attrs["fill"] = "#ff0000"; break; case "warning": attrs["fill"] = "#b0b214"; break; case "unknown": attrs["fill"] = "#ff6419"; break; case "pending": attrs["fill"] = "#cccccc"; break; } } d3.select(domNode).attr(attrs); }; // Get the quadrant of the mouse pointer within the svg var getQuadrant = function(mouse, bcr) { var quadrant = 0; // mouse is relative to body - // convert to relative to svg var mouseX = mouse[0] - bcr.left; var mouseY = mouse[1] - bcr.top; if(mouseX < ((bcr.width - bcr.left) / 2)) { // Left half of svg if(mouseY < ((bcr.height - bcr.top) / 2)) { // Top half of svg quadrant = 2; } else { // Bottom half of svg quadrant = 3; } } else { // Right half of svg if(mouseY < ((bcr.height - bcr.top) / 2)) { // Top half of svg quadrant = 1; } else { // Bottom half of svg quadrant = 4; } } return quadrant; }; // Display the popup var displayPopup = function(d) { // Get the mouse position relative to the body var body = d3.select("body"); var mouse = d3.mouse(body.node()); // Get the bounding client rect of the div // containing the map var bcr = d3.select("div#mapsvg") .node() .getBoundingClientRect(); // Hide the popup by setting is z-index to // less than that of the map div and by // centering it under the map div var popup = d3.select("#popup") .style({ "z-index": $scope.mapZIndex - 1, left: $scope.svgWidth / 2 + "px", top: $scope.svgHeight / 2 + "px" }); // Set it's contents and "display" it (it's still not // visible because of it's z-index) setPopupContents(popup, d); $scope.displayPopup = true; $scope.$apply("displayPopup"); // Now that it's "displayed", we can get it's size and // calculate it's proper placement. Do so and set it's // z-index so it is displayed var popupBR = popup[0][0].getBoundingClientRect(); var left; var top; switch(getQuadrant(mouse, bcr)) { case 1: left = mouse[0] - bcr.left - popupBR.width - $scope.popupPadding; top = mouse[1] - bcr.top + $scope.popupPadding; break; case 2: left = mouse[0] - bcr.left + $scope.popupPadding; top = mouse[1] - bcr.top + $scope.popupPadding; break; case 3: left = mouse[0] - bcr.left + $scope.popupPadding; top = mouse[1] - bcr.top - popupBR.height - $scope.popupPadding; break; case 4: left = mouse[0] - bcr.left - popupBR.width - $scope.popupPadding; top = mouse[1] - bcr.top - popupBR.height - $scope.popupPadding; break; default: // use first quadrant settings left = mouse[0] - bcr.left - popupBR.width - $scope.popupPadding; top = mouse[1] - bcr.top + $scope.popupPadding; break; } popup.style({ "z-index": $scope.popupZIndex, left: left + "px", top: top + "px" }); }; // Prune any deleted hosts from the host tree var pruneHostTree = function(node) { if(node.hasOwnProperty("children")) { node.children = node.children.filter(function(e) { return e.hostInfo != null; }); node.children.forEach(function(e) { pruneHostTree(e); }); } }; // Sort the children of a node recursively var sortChildren = function(node) { if (node.hasOwnProperty("children")) { // First sort the children node.children.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.hostInfo.objectJSON.name < b.hostInfo.objectJSON.name) { return -1; } else if (a.hostInfo.objectJSON.name > b.hostInfo.objectJSON.name) { return 1; } return 0; }); // Next sort the children of each of these nodes node.children.forEach(function(e, i, a) { sortChildren(e); }); } }; // Re-parent the tree with a new root var reparentTree = function(node) { // The specified node becomes the new node and all // it's children remain in place relative to it var newTree = node; // Visit each parent of the specified node var currentNode = node; while (!(currentNode === $scope.hostTree)) { // First record the parent node of the current node var parent = currentNode.parent; // Fix root nodes with no parent nodes if (parent === undefined) { return true; } // Next remove the current node as a child of // the parent node parent.children = parent.children.filter(function(e, i, a) { if (e === currentNode) { return false; } return true; }); // Finally add the parent as a child // to the current node if (!currentNode.hasOwnProperty("children")) { currentNode.children = new Array; } currentNode.children.push(parent); // Set the current node the former parent of the // former current node currentNode = parent; } // Now sort the nodes in the tree sortChildren(newTree); // Record the host name for the root node $scope.rootNodeName = newTree.hostInfo.name; $scope.rootNode = newTree; // Assign the new tree $scope.hostTree = newTree; $scope.focalPoint = newTree; }; // Toggle a node var toggleNode = function(d) { if (d.children) { d._children = d.children; d.children = null; d.collapsed = true; } else { switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: updateToggledNodes($scope.hostTree, updateDescendantsOnExpand); break; } d.children = d._children; d._children = null; d.collapsed = false; } }; // Interpolate the arcs in data space. var arcTween = function(a) { var i = d3.interpolate({x: a.saveArc.x, dx: a.saveArc.dx, y: a.saveArc.y, dy: a.saveArc.dy}, a); return function(t) { var b = i(t); a.saveArc.x = b.x; a.saveArc.dx = b.dx; a.saveArc.y = b.y; a.saveArc.dy = b.dy; return $scope.arc(b); }; } // Interpolate the node labels in data space. var labelGroupTween = function(a) { var i = d3.interpolate({x: a.saveLabel.x, dx: a.saveLabel.dx, y: a.saveLabel.y, dy: a.saveLabel.dy}, a); return function(t) { var b = i(t); a.saveLabel.x = b.x; a.saveLabel.dx = b.dx; a.saveLabel.y = b.y; a.saveLabel.dy = b.dy; return getPartitionLabelGroupTransform(b); }; } // Get the partition map label group transform var getPartitionLabelGroupTransform = function(d) { var radians = d.x + d.dx / 2; var rotate = (radians * 180 / Math.PI) - 90; var exponent = 1 / layouts.CircularMarkup.radialExponent; var radius = d.y + (d.y / (d.depth * 2)); var translate = Math.pow(radius, exponent) * $scope.zoom.scale(); var transform = ""; if(d.depth == 0) { transform = ""; } else { transform = "rotate(" + rotate + ")" + " translate(" + translate + ")"; } return transform; }; // Find a host in a sorted array of hosts var findElement = function(list, key, accessor) { var start = 0; var end = list.length - 1; while (start < end) { var midpoint = parseInt(start + (end - start + 1) / 2); if (accessor(list, midpoint) == key) { return midpoint; } else if (key < accessor(list, midpoint)) { end = midpoint - 1; } else { start = midpoint + 1; } } return null; }; // Update a node in the host tree var updateHostTree = function(node, hosts) { // Sort the hosts array hosts.sort(); // First remove any children of the node that are not // in the list of hosts if (node.hasOwnProperty("children") && node.children != null) { node.children = node.children.filter(function(e) { return findElement(hosts, e.hostInfo.name, function(list, index) { return list[index]; }) != null; }); // Sort the remaining children node.children.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.hostInfo.name == b.hostInfo.name) { return 0; } else if (a.hostInfo.name < b.hostInfo.name) { return -1; } else { return 1; } }); } if (!node.hasOwnProperty("children") || node.children == null) { node.children = new Array; } // Next add any hosts in the list as children // of the node, if they're not already hosts.forEach(function(e) { var childIndex = node.children.findIndex(function(s) { return s.hostInfo.name === e; }); if ($scope.hostList[e]) { if (childIndex === -1) { // Create the node object var hostNode = new Object; // Point the node's host info to the entry in // the host list hostNode.hostInfo = $scope.hostList[e]; // And vice versa if (!$scope.hostList[e].hasOwnProperty("hostNodes")) { $scope.hostList[e].hostNodes = new Array; } if (!$scope.hostList[e].hostNodes.reduce(function(a, b) { return a && b === hostNode; }, false)) { $scope.hostList[e].hostNodes.push(hostNode); } // Set the parent of this node hostNode.parent = node; // Initialize layout information for transitions hostNode.saveArc = new Object; hostNode.saveArc.x = 0; hostNode.saveArc.dx = 0; hostNode.saveArc.y = 0; hostNode.saveArc.dy = 0; hostNode.saveLabel = new Object; hostNode.saveLabel.x = 0; hostNode.saveLabel.dx = 0; hostNode.saveLabel.y = 0; hostNode.saveLabel.dy = 0; // Add the node to the parent node's children node.children.push(hostNode); // Get the index childIndex = node.children.length - 1; } // Recurse to all children of this host if ($scope.hostList[e].objectJSON.child_hosts.length > 0) { var childHosts = $scope.hostList[e].objectJSON.child_hosts; updateHostTree(node.children[childIndex], childHosts, hostNode); } } }); }; // Create an ID for an img based on a file name var imgID = function(image) { return "cache-" + image.replace(/\./, "_"); }; // Update the image icon cache var updateImageIconCache = function() { var cache = d3.select("div#image-cache") for (var host in $scope.hostList) { var image = $scope.hostList[host].objectJSON.icon_image; if (image != "") { if (!$scope.iconList.hasOwnProperty(imgID(image))) { $scope.iconList[imgID(image)] = new Object; $scope.iconsLoading++; cache.append("img") .attr({ id: function() { return imgID(image); }, src: $scope.iconurl + image }) .on("load", function() { $scope.iconsLoading--; var img = d3.select(d3.event.target); var image = img.attr("id"); $scope.iconList[image].width = img.node().naturalWidth; $scope.iconList[image].height = img.node().naturalHeight; }) .on("error", function() { $scope.iconsLoading--; }); } $scope.hostList[host].iconInfo = $scope.iconList[imgID(image)]; } } }; // Build the host list and tree from the hosts returned // from the JSON CGIs var processHostList = function(json) { // First prune any host from the host list that // is no longer in the hosts returned from the CGIs for (var host in $scope.hostList) { if(host != nagiosProcessName && !json.data.hostlist.hasOwnProperty(host)) { // Mark the entry as null (deletion is slow) $scope.hostList[host] = null; } } // Next prune any deleted hosts from the host tree pruneHostTree($scope.hostTree); // Now update the host list with the data // returned from the CGIs for (var host in json.data.hostlist) { // If we don't know about the host yet, add it to // the host list if (!$scope.hostList.hasOwnProperty(host) || $scope.hostList[host] == null) { $scope.hostList[host] = new Object; $scope.hostList[host].name = host; $scope.hostList[host].serviceCount = 0; } // If a hosts' parent is not in the hostlist (user // doesn't have permission to view parent) re-parent the // host directly under the nagios process for (var parent in json.data.hostlist[host].parent_hosts) { var prnt = json.data.hostlist[host].parent_hosts[parent]; if (!json.data.hostlist[prnt]) { var p = json.data.hostlist[host].parent_hosts; json.data.hostlist[host].parent_hosts.splice(0, 1); } } // Update the information returned $scope.hostList[host].objectJSON = json.data.hostlist[host]; } // Now update the host tree var rootHosts = new Array; for (var host in $scope.hostList) { if ($scope.hostList[host] != null && $scope.hostList[host].objectJSON.parent_hosts.length == 0) { rootHosts.push(host); } } updateHostTree($scope.hostTree, rootHosts); // Update the icon image cache if ($scope.showIcons) { updateImageIconCache(); } // Finish the host list processing finishProcessingHostList(); }; var finishProcessingHostList = function() { if ($scope.showIcons && $scope.iconsLoading > 0) { setTimeout(function() { finishProcessingHostList() }, 10); return; } // If this is the first time the map has // been displayed... if($scope.fetchingHostlist) { // Stop the spinner $scope.spinner.stop(); $scope.fetchingHostlist = false; // Display the map displayMap(); } // Reparent the tree to specified root host if ($scope.hostList.hasOwnProperty($scope.root) && ($scope.rootNode != $scope.hostTree) && $scope.hostList[$scope.root].hasOwnProperty("hostNodes")) { reparentTree($scope.hostList[$scope.root].hostNodes[0]); } // Finally update the map updateMap($scope.hostTree); }; // Get list of all hosts var getHostList = function() { var parameters = { query: "hostlist", formatoptions: "enumerate bitmask", details: true }; var getConfig = { params: parameters, withCredentials: true }; // Send the JSON query $http.get($scope.cgiurl + "objectjson.cgi?", getConfig) .error(function(err) { // Stop the spinner $scope.spinner.stop(); $scope.fetchingHostlist = false; console.warn(err); }) .success(function(json) { // Record the last time Nagios core was started $scope.lastNagiosStart = json.result.program_start; // Record the time of the last update $scope.lastUpdate = json.result.query_time; // Process the host list received processHostList(json); // Get the services for each host getServiceList(); // Get the status of each node getAllStatus(0); }) }; // Get the node's stroke color var getNodeStroke = function(hostStatus, collapsed) { var stroke; if(collapsed) { stroke = "blue"; } else { switch(hostStatus) { case "up": case "down": case "unreachable": stroke = getNodeFill(hostStatus, false); break; default: stroke = "#cccccc"; break; } } return stroke; }; // Get the node's fill color var getNodeFill = function(hostStatus, dark) { var fill; switch(hostStatus) { case "up": fill = dark ? "rgb(0, 105, 0)" : "rgb(0, 210, 0)"; break; case "down": fill = dark ? "rgb(128, 0, 0)" : "rgb(255, 0, 0)"; break; case "unreachable": fill = dark ? "rgb(64, 0, 0)" : "rgb(128, 0, 0)"; break; default: switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: case layouts.Force.index: fill = "#ffffff"; break; case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: fill = "#cccccc"; break; } break; } return fill; }; // Get the host status for the current node var getHostStatus = function(d) { var hostStatus = "pending"; if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo") && d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("statusJSON")) { hostStatus = d.hostInfo.statusJSON.status; } return hostStatus; }; // Get the service count for the current node var getServiceCount = function(d) { var serviceCount = 0; if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo") && d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("serviceCount")) { serviceCount = d.hostInfo.serviceCount; } return serviceCount; }; // Return the glow filter for an icon var getGlowFilter = function(d) { if (d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("statusJSON")) { switch (d.hostInfo.statusJSON.status) { case "up": return "url(#icon-glow-up)"; break; case "down": return "url(#icon-glow-down)"; break; case "unreachable": return "url(#icon-glow-unreachable)"; break; default: return null; break; } } else { return null; } }; // Get the text filter var getTextFilter = function(d) { if ($scope.showIcons && d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("iconInfo") && d._children) { return "url(#circular-markup-text-collapsed)"; } return null; }; // Get the text stroke color var getTextStrokeColor = function(d) { if ($scope.showIcons && d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("iconInfo") && d._children) { return "white"; } return null; }; // Update the node's status var updateNode = function(domNode) { var duration = 750; var selection = d3.select(domNode); var data = selection.datum(); var hostStatus = getHostStatus(data); var serviceCount = getServiceCount(data); switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: case layouts.Force.index: selection.select("circle") .transition() .duration(duration) .attr({ r: function() { return $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount) + $scope.swellRadius; } }) .style({ stroke: function() { return getNodeStroke(hostStatus, selection.datum().collapsed); }, fill: function() { return getNodeFill(hostStatus, false); } }) .transition() .duration(duration) .attr({ r: $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount) }); selection.select("image") .style({ filter: function(d) { return getGlowFilter(d); } }); selection.select("text") .each(function() { setTextAttrs(data, this); }) .style({ filter: function(d) { return getTextFilter(d); }, stroke: function(d) { return getTextStrokeColor(d); } }); break; case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: selection .transition() .duration(duration) .style({ fill: function() { return getNodeFill(hostStatus, true); }, "fill-opacity": 1, "stroke-opacity": 1 }) .attrTween("d", arcTween) .transition() .duration(duration) .style({ fill: function() { return getNodeFill(hostStatus, false); } }); break; } }; // What to do when getAllStatus succeeds var onGetAllStatusSuccess = function(json, since) { // Record the time of the last update $scope.lastUpdate = json.result.query_time; // Check whether Nagios has restarted. If so // re-read the host list if (json.result.program_start > $scope.lastNagiosStart) { getHostList(); } else { // Iterate over all hosts and update their status for (var host in json.data.hostlist) { if(!$scope.hostList[host].hasOwnProperty("statusJSON") || ($scope.hostList[host].statusJSON.last_check < json.data.hostlist[host].last_check)) { $scope.hostList[host].statusJSON = json.data.hostlist[host]; if($scope.hostList[host].hasOwnProperty("g")) { $scope.hostList[host].g.forEach(function(e, i, a) { updateNode(e); }); } } } // Send the request for service status getServiceStatus(since); // Schedule an update statusTimeout = setTimeout(function() { var newSince = (json.result.last_data_update / 1000) - $scope.updateStatusInterval; getAllStatus(newSince) }, $scope.updateStatusInterval); } }; // Get status of all hosts and their services var getAllStatus = function(since) { if ($scope.showIcons && $scope.iconsLoading > 0) { setTimeout(function() { getAllStatus() }, 10); return; } var parameters = { query: "hostlist", formatoptions: "enumerate bitmask", details: true, hosttimefield: "lastcheck", starttime: since, endtime: "-0" }; var getConfig = { params: parameters, withCredentials: true }; // Send the request for host status statusTimeout = null; $http.get($scope.cgiurl + "statusjson.cgi", getConfig) .error(function(err) { console.warn(err); // Schedule an update statusTimeout = setTimeout(function() { getAllStatus(since) }, $scope.updateStatusInterval); }) .success(function(json) { onGetAllStatusSuccess(json, since); }) }; // What to do when the getting the service status is successful var onGetServiceStatusSuccess = function(json) { var serviceCountUpdated = false; // Record the time of the last update $scope.lastUpdate = json.result.query_time; for (var host in json.data.servicelist) { var serviceStatUpdated = false; if (!$scope.hostList[host].hasOwnProperty("serviceStatusJSON")) { $scope.hostList[host].serviceCount = Object.keys(json.data.servicelist[host]).length; serviceCountUpdated = true; $scope.hostList[host].serviceStatusJSON = new Object; // Since this is the first time we have a // service count if we have the host status, // update the node(s). if ($scope.hostList[host].hasOwnProperty("statusJSON")) { switch ($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: case layouts.Force.index: if($scope.hostList[host].hasOwnProperty("g")) { $scope.hostList[host].g.forEach(function(e, i, a) { updateNode(e); }); } break; } } } else if (Object.keys($scope.hostList[host].serviceStatusJSON).length < Object.keys(json.data.servicelist[host]).length) { $scope.hostList[host].serviceCount = Object.keys(json.data.servicelist[host]).length; serviceCountUpdated = true; } for (service in json.data.servicelist[host]) { if ($scope.hostList[host].serviceStatusJSON[service] != json.data.servicelist[host][service]) serviceStatUpdated = true; $scope.hostList[host].serviceStatusJSON[service] = json.data.servicelist[host][service]; } if ($scope.hostList[host].hasOwnProperty("g") && serviceStatUpdated) { $scope.hostList[host].g.forEach(function(e, i, a) { updateNode(e); }); } } if (serviceCountUpdated) { switch ($scope.layout) { case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: updateMap($scope.hostTree); break; } } }; // Get status of all hosts' services var getServiceStatus = function(since) { var parameters = { query: "servicelist", formatoptions: "enumerate bitmask", servicetimefield: "lastcheck", starttime: since, endtime: "-0" }; var getConfig = { params: parameters, withCredentials: true }; // Send the request for service status $http.get($scope.cgiurl + "statusjson.cgi", getConfig) .error(function(err) { console.warn(err); }) .success(function(json) { onGetServiceStatusSuccess(json); }); }; // Get an object attribute in a generic way that checks for // the existence of all attributes in the hierarchy var getObjAttr = function(d, attrs, nilval) { if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo")) { var obj = d.hostInfo; for(var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { if(!obj.hasOwnProperty(attrs[i])) { return nilval; } obj = obj[attrs[i]]; } return obj; } return nilval; }; // Determine how long an object has been in it's // current state var getStateDuration = function(d) { var now = new Date; var duration; var last_state_change = getObjAttr(d, ["statusJSON", "last_state_change"], null); var program_start = getObjAttr(d, ["statusJSON", "result", "program_start"], null); if(last_state_change == null) { return "unknown"; } else if(last_state_change == 0) { duration = now.getTime() - program_start; } else { duration = now.getTime() - last_state_change; } return duration; }; // Get the display value for a state time var getStateTime = function(time) { var when = new Date(time); if(when.getTime() == 0) { return "unknown"; } else { return when; } }; // Get the list of parent hosts var getParentHosts = function(d) { var parents = getObjAttr(d, ["objectJSON", "parent_hosts"], null); if(parents == null) { return "unknown"; } else if(parents.length == 0) { return "None (This is a root host)"; } else { return parents.join(", "); } }; // Get the number of child hosts var getChildHosts = function(d) { var children = getObjAttr(d, ["objectJSON", "child_hosts"], null); if(children == null) { return "unknown"; } else { return children.length; } }; // Get a summary of the host's service states var getServiceSummary = function(d) { var states = ["ok", "warning", "unknown", "critical", "pending"]; var stateCounts = {}; if(d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("serviceStatusJSON")) { for (var service in d.hostInfo.serviceStatusJSON) { var state = d.hostInfo.serviceStatusJSON[service]; if(!stateCounts.hasOwnProperty(state)) { stateCounts[state] = 0; } stateCounts[state]++; } } return stateCounts; }; // Set the popup contents var setPopupContents = function(popup, d) { $scope.popupContents.hostname = getObjAttr(d, ["objectJSON", "name"], "unknown"); if($scope.popupContents.hostname == nagiosProcessName) { var now = new Date; $scope.popupContents.alias = nagiosProcessName; $scope.popupContents.address = window.location.host; $scope.popupContents.state = "up"; $scope.popupContents.duration = now.getTime() - $scope.lastNagiosStart; $scope.popupContents.lastcheck = $scope.lastUpdate; $scope.popupContents.lastchange = $scope.lastNagiosStart; $scope.popupContents.parents = ""; $scope.popupContents.children = ""; $scope.popupContents.services = null; } else { $scope.popupContents.alias = getObjAttr(d, ["objectJSON", "alias"], "unknown"); $scope.popupContents.address = getObjAttr(d, ["objectJSON", "address"], "unknown"); $scope.popupContents.state = getObjAttr(d, ["statusJSON", "status"], "pending"); $scope.popupContents.duration = getStateDuration(d); $scope.popupContents.lastcheck = getStateTime(getObjAttr(d, ["statusJSON", "last_check"], 0)); $scope.popupContents.lastchange = getStateTime(getObjAttr(d, ["statusJSON", "last_state_change"], 0)); $scope.popupContents.parents = getParentHosts(d); $scope.popupContents.children = getChildHosts(d); $scope.popupContents.services = getServiceSummary(d); } }; // Update the map var updateMap = function(source, reparent) { // Update config variables before updating the map $scope.showText = $scope.notext == "false"; $scope.showLinks = $scope.nolinks == "false"; $scope.showPopups = $scope.nopopups == "false"; $scope.allowResize = $scope.noresize == "false"; $scope.showIcons = $scope.noicons == "false"; reparent = reparent || false; switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: updateUserSuppliedMap(source); break; case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: $scope.updateDuration = 500; updateTreeMap(source); break; case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: $scope.updateDuration = 750; updatePartitionMap(source, reparent); break; case layouts.Force.index: updateForceMap(source); break; } }; // Update all descendants of a node when collapsing the node var updateDescendantsOnCollapse = function(root, x, y, member) { // Default member to _children member = member || "_children"; if(root.hasOwnProperty(member) && root[member] != null) { root[member].forEach(function(e, i, a) { e.x = x; e.dx = 0; updateDescendantsOnCollapse(e, x, y, "children"); }); } }; // Update all descendants of a node when expanding the node var updateDescendantsOnExpand = function(root, x, y, member) { // Default member to _children member = member || "_children"; if(root.hasOwnProperty(member) && root[member] != null) { root[member].forEach(function(e, i, a) { e.saveArc.x = x; e.saveArc.dx = 0; e.saveArc.y = y; e.saveArc.dy = 0; e.saveLabel.x = x; e.saveLabel.dx = 0; e.saveLabel.y = y; e.saveLabel.dy = 0; updateDescendantsOnExpand(e, x, y, "children"); }); } }; // Update the layout information for nodes which are/were // children of collapsed nodes var updateToggledNodes = function(root, updater) { if(root.collapsed) { if(root.depth == 0) { updater(root, 0, 0); } else { updater(root, root.x + root.dx / 2, root.y + root.dy / 2); } } else if(root.hasOwnProperty("children")) { root.children.forEach(function(e, i, a) { updateToggledNodes(e, updater); }); } }; // The on-click function for partition maps var onClickPartition = function(d) { var evt = d3.event; // If something else (like a pan) is occurring, // ignore the click if(d3.event.defaultPrevented) return; // Hide the popup $scope.displayPopup = false; $scope.$apply("displayPopup"); if(evt.shiftKey) { // Record the new root $scope.root = d.hostInfo.name; $scope.$apply('root'); // A shift-click indicates a reparenting // of the tree if(d.collapsed) { // If the node click is collapsed, // expand it so the tree will have some // depth after reparenting toggleNode(d); } // Collapse the root node for good animation toggleNode($scope.hostTree); updateMap($scope.hostTree, true); // Waiting until the updating is done... setTimeout(function() { // Re-expand the root node so the // reparenting will occur correctly toggleNode($scope.hostTree); // Reparent the tree and redisplay the map reparentTree(d); updateMap($scope.hostTree, true); }, $scope.updateDuration + 50); } else { // A click indicates collapsing or // expanding the node toggleNode(d); updateMap($scope.hostTree); } }; // Recalculate the values of the partition var recalculatePartitionValues = function(node) { if(node.hasOwnProperty("children") && node.children != null) { node.children.forEach(function(e) { recalculatePartitionValues(e); }); node.value = node.children.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b.value; }, 0); } else { node.value = getPartitionNodeValue(node); } }; // Recalculate the layout of the partition var recalculatePartitionLayout = function(node, index) { index = index || 0; if(node.depth > 0) { if(index == 0) { node.x = node.parent.x; } else { node.x = node.parent.children[index - 1].x + node.parent.children[index - 1].dx; } node.dx = (node.value / node.parent.value) * node.parent.dx } if(node.hasOwnProperty("children") && node.children != null) { node.children.forEach(function(e, i) { recalculatePartitionLayout(e, i); }); } }; // Text filter for labels var textFilter = function(d) { return d.collapsed ? "url(#circular-markup-text-collapsed)" : "url(#circular-markup-text)"; } var addPartitionMapTextGroupContents = function(d, node) { var selection = d3.select(node); // Append the label if($scope.showText) { selection.append("text") .each(function(d) { setTextAttrs(d, this); }) .style({ "fill-opacity": 1e-6, fill: "white", filter: function(d) { return textFilter(d); } }) .text(function(d) { return d.hostInfo.objectJSON.name; }); } // Display the node icon if it has one if($scope.showIcons) { var image = d.hostInfo.objectJSON.icon_image; if (image != "" && image != undefined) { var iconInfo = d.hostInfo.iconInfo; selection.append("image") .attr({ "xlink:href": $scope.iconurl + image, width: iconInfo.width, height: iconInfo.height, x: -(iconInfo.width / 2), y: -((iconInfo.height + layouts.CircularMarkup.textPadding + $scope.fontSize) / 2), transform: function() { var rotateAngle = (d.x + d.dx / 2) * 180 / Math.PI + layouts.CircularBalloon.rotation; return "rotate(" + -rotateAngle + ")"; } }) .style({ filter: function() { return getGlowFilter(d); } }); } } }; // Update the map for partition displays var updatePartitionMap = function(source, reparent) { // The svg element that holds it all var mapsvg = d3.select("svg#map g#container"); // The data for the map var mapdata = $scope.partition.nodes(source); if(reparent) { if($scope.hostTree.collapsed) { // If this is a reparent operation and // we're in the collapse phase, shrink // the root node to nothing $scope.hostTree.x = 0; $scope.hostTree.dx = 0; $scope.hostTree.y = 0; $scope.hostTree.dy = 0; } else { // Calculate the total value of the 1st level // children to determine whether we have // the bug below var value = $scope.hostTree.children.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b.value; }, 0); if(value == 2 * $scope.hostTree.value) { // This appears to be a bug in the // d3 library where the sum of the // values of the children of the root // node is twice what it should be. // Work around the bug by manually // adjusting the values. recalculatePartitionValues($scope.hostTree); recalculatePartitionLayout($scope.hostTree); } } } // Update the data for the paths var path = mapsvg .select("g#paths") .selectAll("path") .data(mapdata, function(d) { return d.id || (d.id = ++$scope.nodeID); }); // Update the data for the labels var labelGroup = mapsvg .selectAll("g.label") .data(mapdata, function(d) { return d.id || (d.id = ++$scope.nodeID); }); // Traverse the data, artificially setting the layout //for collapsed children updateToggledNodes($scope.hostTree, updateDescendantsOnCollapse); var pathEnter = path.enter() .append("path") .attr({ d: function(d) { return $scope.arc({x: 0, dx: 0, y: d.y, dy: d.dy}); } }) .style({ "fill-opacity": 1e-6, "stroke-opacity": 1e-6, stroke: "#fff", fill: function(d) { var hostStatus = "pending"; if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo") && d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("statusJSON")) { hostStatus = d.hostInfo.statusJSON.status; } return getNodeFill(hostStatus, false); } }) .on("click", function(d) { onClickPartition(d); }) .each(function(d) { // Traverse each node, saving a pointer // to the node in the hostList to // facilitate updating later if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo")) { if(!d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("g")) { d.hostInfo.g = new Array; } d.hostInfo.g.push(this); } }); if ($scope.showPopups) { pathEnter .on("mouseover", function(d, i) { if($scope.showPopups && d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo")) { displayPopup(d); } }) .on("mouseout", function(d, i) { $scope.displayPopup = false; $scope.$apply("displayPopup"); }); } labelGroup.enter() .append("g") .attr({ class: "label", transform: function(d) { return "translate(" + $scope.arc.centroid({x: 0, dx: 1e-6, y: d.y, dy: d.dy}) + ")"; } }) .each(function(d) { addPartitionMapTextGroupContents(d, this); }); // Update paths on changes path.transition() .duration($scope.updateDuration) .style({ "fill-opacity": 1, "stroke-opacity": 1, fill: function(d) { var hostStatus = "pending"; if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo") && d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("statusJSON")) { hostStatus = d.hostInfo.statusJSON.status; } return getNodeFill(hostStatus, false); } }) .attrTween("d", arcTween); // Update label groups on change labelGroup .transition() .duration($scope.updateDuration) .attrTween("transform", labelGroupTween); if($scope.showText) { labelGroup .selectAll("text") .style({ "fill-opacity": 1, filter: function(d) { return textFilter(d); } }) .each(function(d) { setTextAttrs(d, this); }); } if($scope.showIcons) { labelGroup .selectAll("image") .attr({ transform: function(d) { var rotateAngle = (d.x + d.dx / 2) * 180 / Math.PI + layouts.CircularBalloon.rotation; return "rotate(" + -rotateAngle + ")"; } }); } // Remove paths when necessary path.exit() .transition() .duration($scope.updateDuration) .style({ "fill-opacity": 1e-6, "stroke-opacity": 1e-6 }) .attrTween("d", arcTween) .remove(); // Remove labels when necessary if($scope.showText) { var labelGroupExit = labelGroup.exit(); labelGroupExit.each(function(d) { var group = d3.select(this); group.select("text") .transition() .duration($scope.updateDuration / 2) .style({ "fill-opacity": 1e-6 }); group.select("image") .transition() .duration($scope.updateDuration) .style({ "fill-opacity": 1e-6 }); }) .transition() .duration($scope.updateDuration) .attrTween("transform", labelGroupTween) .remove(); } }; // Traverse the tree, building a list of nodes at each depth var updateDepthList = function(node) { if($scope.depthList[node.depth] == null) { $scope.depthList[node.depth] = new Array; } $scope.depthList[node.depth].push(node); if(node.hasOwnProperty("children") && node.children != null) { node.children.forEach(function(e) { updateDepthList(e); }); } }; // Calculate the layout for the collapsed tree var calculateCollapsedTreeLayout = function(root) { // First get the list of nodes at each depth $scope.depthList = new Array; updateDepthList(root); // Then determine the widest layer var maxWidth = $scope.depthList.reduce(function(a, b) { return a > b.length ? a : b.length; }, 0); // Determine the spacing of nodes based on the max width var treeSize = getTreeSize(); var spacing = treeSize[0] / maxWidth; // Re-calculate the layout based on the above $scope.depthList.forEach(function(layer, depth) { layer.forEach(function(node, index) { // Calculate the location index: the // "index distance" from the center node var locationIndex = (index - (layer.length - 1) / 2); node.x = (treeSize[0] / 2) + (locationIndex * spacing); }); }); }; // The on-click function for trees var onClickTree = function(d) { var evt = d3.event; var updateNode = d; // If something else (like a pan) is occurring, // ignore the click if(d3.event.defaultPrevented) return; // Hide the popup $scope.displayPopup = false; $scope.$apply("displayPopup"); if(evt.shiftKey) { // Record the new root $scope.root = d.hostInfo.name; $scope.$apply('root'); switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: // Expand the children of the focal point $scope.focalPoint.children.forEach(function(e) { if(e.collapsed) { toggleNode(e); } }); // If the focal point is not the root node, // restore all children of it's parent if(!($scope.focalPoint === $scope.hostTree)) { $scope.focalPoint.parent.children = $scope.focalPoint.parent._children; delete $scope.focalPoint.parent._children; $scope.focalPoint.parent.collapsed = false; } break; default: if(d.collapsed) { // If the node click is collapsed, // expand it so the tree will have // some depth after reparenting toggleNode(d); } break; } reparentTree(d); } else { switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: if((d === $scope.focalPoint) || !(d.hasOwnProperty("children") || d.hasOwnProperty("_children"))) { // Nothing to see here, move on return; } // Restore all the children of the current focal // point and it's parent (if it is not the root // of the tree) $scope.focalPoint.children.forEach(function(e) { if(e.collapsed) { toggleNode(e); } }); if(!($scope.focalPoint === $scope.hostTree)) { $scope.focalPoint.parent.children = $scope.focalPoint.parent._children; $scope.focalPoint.parent._children = null; $scope.focalPoint.parent.collapsed = false; } // Set the new focal point $scope.focalPoint = d; updateNode = (d === $scope.hostTree) ? d : d.parent; break; default: toggleNode(d); break; } } updateMap(updateNode); }; // Add a node group to the tree map var addTreeMapNodeGroupContents = function(d, node) { var selection = d3.select(node); // Display the circle if the node has no icon or // icons are suppressed if(!$scope.showIcons || d.hostInfo.objectJSON.icon_image == "") { selection.append("circle") .attr({ r: 1e-6 }); } // Display the node icon if it has one if($scope.showIcons) { var image = d.hostInfo.objectJSON.icon_image; if (image != "" && image != undefined) { var iconInfo = d.hostInfo.iconInfo; var rotateAngle = null; if ($scope.layout == layouts.CircularBalloon.index) { rotateAngle = d.x + layouts.CircularBalloon.rotation; } selection.append("image") .attr({ "xlink:href": $scope.iconurl + image, width: iconInfo.width, height: iconInfo.height, x: -(iconInfo.width / 2), y: -(iconInfo.height / 2), transform: function() { return "rotate(" + -rotateAngle + ")"; } }) .style({ filter: function() { return getGlowFilter(d); } }); } } // Label the nodes with their host names if($scope.showText) { selection.append("text") .each(function(d) { setTextAttrs(d, this); }) .style({ "fill-opacity": 1e-6 }) .text(function(d) { return d.hostInfo.objectJSON.name; }); } // Register event handlers for showing the popups if($scope.showPopups) { selection .on("mouseover", function(d, i) { if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo")) { displayPopup(d); } }) .on("mouseout", function(d, i) { $scope.displayPopup = false; $scope.$apply("displayPopup"); }); } }; // Update the tree map var updateTreeMap = function(source) { var textAttrs; // The svg element that holds it all var mapsvg = d3.select("svg#map g#container"); // Build the nodes from the data var nodes; switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: // If this is a depth layer layout, first update the // tree based on the current focused node, updateDepthLayerTree(); // then build the nodes from the data var root = ($scope.focalPoint === $scope.hostTree) ? $scope.hostTree : $scope.focalPoint.parent; nodes = $scope.tree.nodes(root).reverse(); break; case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: // If this is a collapsed tree layout, // first build the nodes from the data, nodes = $scope.tree.nodes($scope.hostTree).reverse(); // then re-calculate the positions of the nodes calculateCollapsedTreeLayout($scope.hostTree); break; default: nodes = $scope.tree.nodes($scope.hostTree).reverse(); break; } // ...and the links from the nodes var links = $scope.tree.links(nodes); // Create the groups to contain the nodes var node = mapsvg.selectAll(".node") .data(nodes, function(d) { return d.id || (d.id = ++$scope.nodeID); }); if($scope.showLinks) { // Create the paths for the links var link = mapsvg .select("g#links") .selectAll(".link") .data(links, function(d) { return d.target.id; }); // Enter any new links at the parent's // previous position. link.enter() .append("path") .attr({ class: "link", d: function(d) { var o = { x: (source.hasOwnProperty("xOld") ? source.xOld : source.x) * $scope.zoom.scale(), y: (source.hasOwnProperty("yOld") ? source.yOld : source.y) * $scope.zoom.scale() }; return $scope.diagonal({source: o, target: o}); } }) .transition() .duration($scope.updateDuration) .attr({ d: $scope.diagonal }); // Transition links to their new position. link.transition() .duration($scope.updateDuration) .attr({ d: $scope.diagonal }); // Transition exiting nodes to the parent's // new position. link.exit().transition() .duration($scope.updateDuration) .attr({ d: function(d) { var o = { x: source.x * $scope.zoom.scale(), y: source.y * $scope.zoom.scale() }; return $scope.diagonal({source: o, target: o}); } }) .remove(); } // Enter any new nodes at the parent's // previous position. var nodeEnter = node.enter() .append("g") .attr({ class: "node", transform: function(d) { return getNodeTransform(source); } }) .on("click", function(d) { onClickTree(d); }) .each(function(d) { // Traverse each node, saving a pointer to // the node in the hostList to facilitate // updating later if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo")) { if(!d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("g")) { d.hostInfo.g = new Array; } d.hostInfo.g.push(this); } addTreeMapNodeGroupContents(d, this); }); // Move the nodes to their final destination var nodeUpdate = node.transition() .duration($scope.updateDuration) .attr({ transform: function(d) { return getNodeTransform(d); } }); // Update the node's circle size nodeUpdate.select("circle") .attr({ r: function(d) { var serviceCount = 0; if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo") && d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("serviceCount")) { serviceCount = d.hostInfo.serviceCount; } return $scope.nodeScale(serviceCount); } }) .style({ stroke: function(d) { var hostStatus = "pending"; if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo") && d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("statusJSON")) { hostStatus = d.hostInfo.statusJSON.status; } return getNodeStroke(hostStatus, d.collapsed); }, fill: function(d) { var hostStatus = "pending"; if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo") && d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("statusJSON")) { hostStatus = d.hostInfo.statusJSON.status; } return getNodeFill(hostStatus, false); }, }); // Update the images' filters nodeUpdate.select("image") .style({ filter: function(d) { return getGlowFilter(d); } }); // Update the text's opacity nodeUpdate.select("text") .each(function(d) { setTextAttrs(d, this); }) .style({ "fill-opacity": 1, filter: function(d) { return getTextFilter(d); }, stroke: function(d) { return getTextStrokeColor(d); } }); // Transition exiting nodes to the parent's // new position. var nodeExit = node.exit().transition() .duration($scope.updateDuration) .attr({ transform: function(d) { return getNodeTransform(source); } }) .remove(); nodeExit.select("circle") .attr({ r: 1e-6 }); nodeExit.select("text") .style({ "fill-opacity": 1e-6 }); // Update all nodes associated with the source if(source.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo") && source.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("g")) { source.hostInfo.g.forEach(function(e, i, a) { updateNode(e); }); } // Save the old positions for the next transition. nodes.forEach(function(e) { e.xOld = e.x; e.yOld = e.y; }); }; // Update the tree for the depth layer layout var updateDepthLayerTree = function() { // In a depth layer layout, the focal point node is the // center of the universe; show only it, it's children // and it's parent (if the focal point node is not the // root node). if(!($scope.focalPoint === $scope.hostTree)) { // For all cases except where the focal point is the // root node make the focal point the only child of // it's parent $scope.focalPoint.parent._children = $scope.focalPoint.parent.children; $scope.focalPoint.parent.children = new Array; $scope.focalPoint.parent.children.push($scope.focalPoint); $scope.focalPoint.parent.collapsed = true; } // Collapse all the children of the focal point if($scope.focalPoint.hasOwnProperty("children") && $scope.focalPoint.children != null) { $scope.focalPoint.children.forEach(function(e) { if(!e.collapsed && e.hasOwnProperty("children") && (e.children.length > 0)) { toggleNode(e); } }); } }; var addUserSuppliedNodeGroupContents = function(d, node) { var selection = d3.select(node); // Display the circle if the node has no icon or // icons are suppressed if(!$scope.showIcons || d.hostInfo.objectJSON.icon_image == "") { selection.append("circle") .attr({ r: 1e-6 }); } // Display the node icon if it has one if($scope.showIcons) { var image = d.hostInfo.objectJSON.icon_image; if (image != "" && image != undefined) { var iconInfo = d.hostInfo.iconInfo selection.append("image") .attr({ "xlink:href": $scope.iconurl + image, width: iconInfo.width, height: iconInfo.height, x: -(iconInfo.width / 2), y: -(iconInfo.height / 2), }) .style({ filter: function() { return getGlowFilter(d); } }); } } // Label the nodes with their host names if($scope.showText) { selection.append("text") .each(function(d) { setTextAttrs(d, this); }) .text(function(d) { return d.hostInfo.objectJSON.name; }); } // Register event handlers for showing the popups if($scope.showPopups) { selection .on("mouseover", function(d, i) { if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo")) { displayPopup(d); } }) .on("mouseout", function(d, i) { $scope.displayPopup = false; $scope.$apply("displayPopup"); }); } }; // Update the map that uses configuration-specified // coordinates var updateUserSuppliedMap = function(source) { // Update the scales calculateUserSuppliedDimensions(); userSuppliedLayout.xScale .domain([userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.upperLeft.x, userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.x]); userSuppliedLayout.yScale .domain([userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.upperLeft.y, userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.y]); // The svg element that holds it all var mapsvg = d3.select("svg#map g#container"); // Convert the host list into an array var mapdata = new Array; for(host in $scope.hostList) { if(host != null) { var tmp = new Object; tmp.hostInfo = $scope.hostList[host]; mapdata.push(tmp); } } // Update the data for the nodes var node = mapsvg .selectAll("g.node") .data(mapdata); var nodeEnter = node.enter() .append("g") .attr({ class: "node", transform: function(d) { return getNodeTransform(d); } }) .each(function(d) { // Traverse each node, saving a pointer // to the node in the hostList to // facilitate updating later if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo")) { if(!d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("g")) { d.hostInfo.g = new Array; } d.hostInfo.g.push(this); } addUserSuppliedNodeGroupContents(d, this); }); }; // Tick function for force layout var onForceTick = function(source) { if($scope.showLinks) { forceLayout.link .attr({ x1: function(d) { return $scope.xZoomScale(d.source.x); }, y1: function(d) { return $scope.yZoomScale(d.source.y); }, x2: function(d) { return $scope.xZoomScale(d.target.x); }, y2: function(d) { return $scope.yZoomScale(d.target.y); } }); } forceLayout.node .attr({ transform: function(d) { return "translate(" + $scope.xZoomScale(d.x) + ", " + $scope.yZoomScale(d.y) + ")"; } }); }; // Flatten the map var flattenMap = function(root) { var nodes = [], i = 0; function recurse(node, depth) { if(node.children) node.children.forEach(function(e) { recurse(e, depth + 1); }); if(!node.id) node.id = ++i; node.depth = depth; nodes.push(node); } recurse(root, 0); return nodes; }; // Handle a click on a node in the force tree var onClickForce = function(d) { // Hide the popup $scope.displayPopup = false; $scope.$apply("displayPopup"); // Note: reparenting the tree is not implemented // because the map doesn't appear any different // after reparenting. However, reparenting would // affect what is collapsed/expanded when an // interior node is click, so it eventually may // make sense. toggleNode(d); updateMap(d); }; // Add the components to the force map node group var addForceMapNodeGroupContents = function(d, node) { var selection = d3.select(node); if(!$scope.showIcons || d.hostInfo.objectJSON.icon_image == "") { selection.append("circle") .attr({ r: $scope.minRadius }); } // Display the node icon if it has one if ($scope.showIcons) { var image = d.hostInfo.objectJSON.icon_image; if (image != "" && image != undefined) { var iconInfo = d.hostInfo.iconInfo; var rotateAngle = null; if ($scope.layout == layouts.CircularBalloon.index) { rotateAngle = d.x + layouts.CircularBalloon.rotation; } selection.append("image") .attr({ "xlink:href": $scope.iconurl + image, width: iconInfo.width, height: iconInfo.height, x: -(iconInfo.width / 2), y: -(iconInfo.height / 2), transform: function() { return "rotate(" + -rotateAngle + ")"; } }) .style({ filter: function() { return getGlowFilter(d); } }); } } if ($scope.showText) { selection.append("text") .each(function(d) { setTextAttrs(d, this); }) .text(function(d) { return d.hostInfo.objectJSON.name; }) .style({ filter: function(d) { return getTextFilter(d); }, stroke: function(d) { return getTextStrokeColor(d); } }); } if ($scope.showPopups) { selection .on("click", function(d) { onClickForce(d); }) .on("mouseover", function(d) { if($scope.showPopups) { if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo")) { displayPopup(d); } } }) .on("mouseout", function(d) { $scope.displayPopup = false; $scope.$apply("displayPopup"); }); } }; // Update the force map var updateForceMap = function(source) { // How long must we wait var duration = 750; // The svg element that holds it all var mapsvg = d3.select("svg#map g#container"); // Build the nodes from the data var nodes = flattenMap($scope.hostTree); // ...and the links from the nodes var links = d3.layout.tree().links(nodes); // Calculate the force parameters var maxDepth = nodes.reduce(function(a, b) { return a > b.depth ? a : b.depth; }, 0); var diameter = Math.min($scope.svgHeight - 2 * layouts.Force.outsidePadding, $scope.svgWidth - 2 * layouts.Force.outsidePadding); var distance = diameter / (maxDepth * 2); var charge = -30 * (Math.pow(distance, 1.2) / 20); // Restart the force layout. $scope.force .linkDistance(distance) .charge(charge) .nodes(nodes) .links(links) .start(); if($scope.showLinks) { // Create the lines for the links forceLayout.link = mapsvg.select("g#links") .selectAll(".link") .data(links, function(d) { return d.target.id; }); // Create new links forceLayout.link.enter() .append("line") .attr({ class: "link", x1: function(d) { return $scope.xZoomScale(d.source.x); }, y1: function(d) { return $scope.yZoomScale(d.source.y); }, x2: function(d) { return $scope.xZoomScale(d.target.x); }, y2: function(d) { return $scope.yZoomScale(d.target.y); } }); // Remove any old links. forceLayout.link.exit().remove(); } // Create the nodes from the data forceLayout.node = mapsvg.selectAll("g.node") .data(nodes, function(d) { return d.id; }); // Exit any old nodes. forceLayout.node.exit().remove(); // Create any new nodes var nodeEnter = forceLayout.node.enter() .append("g") .attr({ class: "node", transform: function(d) { return "translate(" + $scope.xZoomScale(d.x) + ", " + $scope.yZoomScale(d.y) + ")"; } }) .each(function(d) { // Traverse each node, saving a pointer // to the node in the hostList to // facilitate updating later if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo")) { if(!d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("g")) { d.hostInfo.g = new Array; } d.hostInfo.g.push(this); } addForceMapNodeGroupContents(d, this); }) .call($scope.force.drag); // Update existing nodes forceLayout.node .select("circle") .transition() .duration(duration) .attr({ r: function(d) { return $scope.nodeScale(getServiceCount(d)); } }) .style({ stroke: function(d) { return getNodeStroke(getHostStatus(d), d.collapsed); }, fill: function(d) { return getNodeFill(getHostStatus(d), false); } }); forceLayout.node .select("text") .style({ filter: function(d) { return getTextFilter(d); }, stroke: function(d) { return getTextStrokeColor(d); } }); }; // Create the value function var getPartitionNodeValue = function(d) { if(d.hasOwnProperty("hostInfo") && d.hostInfo.hasOwnProperty("serviceCount")) { return d.hostInfo.serviceCount == 0 ? 1 : d.hostInfo.serviceCount; } else { return 1; } }; // Calculate the dimensions for the user supplied layout var calculateUserSuppliedDimensions = function() { switch ($scope.dimensions) { case "auto": // Create a temporary array with pointers // to the object JSON data ojdata = new Array; for(var host in $scope.hostList) { if(host != null) { ojdata.push($scope.hostList[host].objectJSON); } } // Determine dimensions based on included objects userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.upperLeft.x = ojdata[0].x_2d; userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.upperLeft.x = ojdata.reduce(function(a, b) { return a < b.x_2d ? a : b.x_2d; }); userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.upperLeft.y = ojdata[0].y_2d; userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.upperLeft.y = ojdata.reduce(function(a, b) { return a < b.y_2d ? a : b.y_2d; }); userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.x = ojdata[0].x_2d; userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.x = ojdata.reduce(function(a, b) { return a > b.x_2d ? a : b.x_2d; }); userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.y = ojdata[0].y_2d; userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.y = ojdata.reduce(function(a, b) { return a > b.y_2d ? a : b.y_2d; }); break; case "fixed": userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.upperLeft.x = 0; userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.upperLeft.y = 0; userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.x = $scope.svgWidth; userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.y = $scope.svgHeight; break; case "user": userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.upperLeft.x = $scope.ulx; userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.upperLeft.y = $scope.uly; userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.x = $scope.lrx; userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.y = $scope.lry; break; } }; // What to do when the resize handle is dragged var onResizeDrag = function() { // Get the drag event var event = d3.event; // Resize the div $scope.svgWidth = event.x; $scope.svgHeight = event.y; // Propagate changes to parent scope (so, for example, // menu icon is redrown immediately). Note that it // doesn't seem to matter what we apply, so the // empty string is applied to decouple this directive // from it's parent's scope. $scope.$parent.$apply(""); updateOnResize(this); }; var updateOnResize = function(resizeHandle) { d3.select("div#mapsvg") .style({ height: function() { return $scope.svgHeight + "px"; }, width: function() { return $scope.svgWidth + "px"; } }) $scope.diameter = Math.min($scope.svgHeight, $scope.svgWidth); // Update the scales switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: switch($scope.dimensions) { case "auto": userSuppliedLayout.xScale.range([0 + layouts.UserSupplied.padding.left, $scope.svgWidth - layouts.UserSupplied.padding.right]); userSuppliedLayout.yScale.range([0 + layouts.UserSupplied.padding.top, $scope.svgHeight - layouts.UserSupplied.padding.bottom]); break; case "fixed": userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.x = $scope.svgWidth; userSuppliedLayout.dimensions.lowerRight.y = $scope.svgHeight; // no break; case "user": userSuppliedLayout.xScale.range([0, $scope.svgWidth]); userSuppliedLayout.yScale.range([0, $scope.svgHeight]); break; } break; } // Resize the svg d3.select("svg#map") .style({ height: $scope.svgHeight, width: $scope.svgWidth }) // Update the container transform d3.select("svg#map g#container") .attr({ transform: function() { return getContainerTransform(); } }); // Update the appropriate layout switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: // Update the tree size $scope.tree.size(getTreeSize()) break; case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: // Update the partition size var radius = $scope.diameter / 2 - layouts.CircularMarkup.padding; var exponent = layouts.CircularMarkup.radialExponent; $scope.partition.size([2 * Math.PI, Math.pow(radius, exponent)]); break; case layouts.Force.index: $scope.force.size([$scope.svgWidth - 2 * layouts.Force.outsidePadding, $scope.svgHeight - 2 * layouts.Force.outsidePadding]); break; } // Move the resize handle if($scope.allowResize) { d3.select(resizeHandle) .attr({ transform: function() { x = $scope.svgWidth - ($scope.handleWidth + $scope.handlePadding); y = $scope.svgHeight - ($scope.handleHeight + $scope.handlePadding); return "translate(" + x + ", " + y + ")"; } }); } // Update the contents switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: d3.selectAll("g.node circle") .attr({ transform: function(d) { return getNodeTransform(d); } }); d3.selectAll("g.node text") .each(function(d) { setTextAttrs(d, this); }); break; case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: $scope.updateDuration = 0; updateTreeMap($scope.hostTree); break; case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: $scope.updateDuration = 0; updatePartitionMap($scope.hostTree); break; case layouts.Force.index: updateForceMap($scope.hostTree); break; } }; // Set up the resize function setupResize = function() { // Create the drag behavior var drag = d3.behavior.drag() .origin(function() { return { x: $scope.svgWidth, y: $scope.svgHeight }; }) .on("dragstart", function() { // silence other listeners d3.event.sourceEvent.stopPropagation(); }) .on("drag", onResizeDrag); // Create the resize handle d3.select("svg#map") .append("g") .attr({ id: "resize-handle", transform: function() { x = $scope.svgWidth - ($scope.handleWidth + $scope.handlePadding); y = $scope.svgHeight - ($scope.handleHeight + $scope.handlePadding); return "translate(" + x + ", " + y + ")"; } }) .call(drag) .append("path") .attr({ d: function() { return "M 0 " + $scope.handleHeight + " L " + $scope.handleWidth + " " + $scope.handleHeight + " L " + $scope.handleWidth + " " + 0 + " L " + 0 + " " + $scope.handleHeight; }, stroke: "black", fill: "black" }); }; // Get the node container transform getContainerTransform = function() { switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: case layouts.Force.index: return null; break; case layouts.DepthLayers.index: return "translate(0, " + layouts.DepthLayers.topPadding + ")"; break; case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: return "translate(" + layouts.DepthLayersVertical.leftPadding + ", 0)"; break; case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: return "translate(0, " + layouts.CollapsedTree.topPadding + ")"; break; case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: return "translate(" + layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.leftPadding + ", 0)"; break; case layouts.BalancedTree.index: return "translate(0, " + layouts.BalancedTree.topPadding + ")"; break; case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: return "translate(" + layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.leftPadding + ", 0)"; break; case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: var zoomTranslate = $scope.zoom.translate(); var zoomScale = $scope.zoom.scale(); var translate = [zoomTranslate[0] + ($scope.svgWidth / 2) * zoomScale, zoomTranslate[1] + ($scope.svgHeight / 2) * zoomScale]; return "transform", "translate(" + translate + ") scale(" + zoomScale + ")"; break; default: return null; break; } }; // Display the map var displayMap = function() { displayMapDone = false; // Update the scales switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.UserSupplied.index: switch($scope.dimensions) { case "auto": userSuppliedLayout.xScale .range([0 + layouts.UserSupplied.padding.left, $scope.svgWidth - layouts.UserSupplied.padding.right]); userSuppliedLayout.yScale .range([0 + layouts.UserSupplied.padding.top, $scope.svgHeight - layouts.UserSupplied.padding.bottom]); break; case "fixed": case "user": userSuppliedLayout.xScale .range([0, $scope.svgWidth]); userSuppliedLayout.yScale .range([0, $scope.svgHeight]); break; } break; } // Resize the svg d3.select("svg#map") .style({ height: $scope.svgHeight, width: $scope.svgWidth }); var container = d3.select("g#container"); // Build the appropriate layout switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: // Append a group for the links container.append("g") .attr({ id: "links" }); // Build the tree var treeSize = getTreeSize(); $scope.tree = d3.layout.tree() .size(treeSize) .separation(function(a, b) { switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: return a.parent == b.parent ? 1 : 2; break; case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: var d = a.depth > 0 ? a.depth : b.depth, sep; if (d <= 0) d = 1; sep = (a.parent == b.parent ? 1 : 2) / d; return sep; break; } }); break; case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: // Append a group for the links container.append("g") .attr({ id: "paths" }); // Build the partition var radius = $scope.diameter / 2 - layouts.CircularMarkup.padding; var exponent = layouts.CircularMarkup.radialExponent; $scope.partition = d3.layout.partition() // .sort(cmpHostName) .size([2 * Math.PI, Math.pow(radius, exponent)]) .value(getPartitionNodeValue); break; case layouts.Force.index: // Append a group for the links container.append("g") .attr({ id: "links" }); // Build the layout $scope.force = d3.layout.force() .size([$scope.svgWidth - 2 * layouts.Force.outsidePadding, $scope.svgHeight - 2 * layouts.Force.outsidePadding]) .on("tick", onForceTick); break; } // Create the diagonal that will be used to // connect the nodes switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.DepthLayers.index: case layouts.CollapsedTree.index: case layouts.BalancedTree.index: $scope.diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal() .projection(function(d) { return [$scope.xZoomScale(d.x), $scope.yZoomScale(d.y)]; }); break; case layouts.DepthLayersVertical.index: case layouts.CollapsedTreeVertical.index: case layouts.BalancedTreeVertical.index: $scope.diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal() .projection(function(d) { return [$scope.xZoomScale(d.y), $scope.yZoomScale(d.x)]; }); break; case layouts.CircularBalloon.index: $scope.diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal.radial() .projection(function(d) { var angle = 0; if(!isNaN(d.x)) { angle = d.x + layouts.CircularBalloon.rotation + 90; } return [d.y * $scope.zoom.scale(), ((angle / 180) * Math.PI)]; }); break; } // Create the arc this will be used to display the nodes switch($scope.layout) { case layouts.CircularMarkup.index: $scope.arc = d3.svg.arc() .startAngle(function(d) { return d.x; }) .endAngle(function(d) { return d.x + d.dx; }) .innerRadius(function(d) { return Math.pow(d.y, (1 / exponent)); }) .outerRadius(function(d) { return Math.pow(d.y + d.dy, (1 / exponent)); }); break; } // Set the focal point to the root $scope.focalPoint = $scope.hostTree; // Signal the fact that displayMap() is done displayMapDone = true; }; // Activities that take place only on // directive instantiation var onDirectiveInstantiation = function() { // Create the zoom behavior $scope.xZoomScale = d3.scale.linear(); $scope.yZoomScale = d3.scale.linear(); $scope.zoom = d3.behavior.zoom() .scaleExtent([1 / $scope.maxzoom, $scope.maxzoom]) .x($scope.xZoomScale) .y($scope.yZoomScale) .on("zoomstart", onZoomStart) .on("zoom", onZoom); // Set up the div containing the map and // attach the zoom behavior to the it d3.select("div#mapsvg") .style({ "z-index": $scope.mapZIndex, height: function() { return $scope.svgHeight + "px"; }, width: function() { return $scope.svgWidth + "px"; } }) .call($scope.zoom); // Set up the resize function if($scope.allowResize) { setupResize(); } // Create a container group d3.select("svg#map") .append("g") .attr({ id: "container", transform: function() { return getContainerTransform(); } }); // Create scale to size nodes based on // number of services $scope.nodeScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, $scope.maxRadiusCount]) .range([$scope.minRadius, $scope.maxRadius]) .clamp(true); }; onDirectiveInstantiation(); } }; });