Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Business/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Business/ISBN.pm |
package Business::ISBN; use strict; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Business::ISBN - work with International Standard Book Numbers =head1 SYNOPSIS use Business::ISBN; # 10 digit ISBNs $isbn10 = Business::ISBN->new('1565922573'); $isbn10 = Business::ISBN->new('1-56592-257-3'); # 13 digit ISBNs $isbn13 = Business::ISBN->new('978-0-596-52724-2'); # convert $isbn10 = $isbn13->as_isbn10; # for the 978 prefixes $isbn13 = $isbn10->as_isbn13; # maybe you don't care what it is as long as everything works $isbn = Business::ISBN->new( $ARGV[0] ); #print the ISBN with hyphens at usual positions print $isbn->as_string; #print the ISBN with hyphens at specified positions. #this not does affect the default positions print $isbn->as_string([]); #print the group code or publisher code print $isbn->group_code; print $isbn->publisher_code; #check to see if the ISBN is valid $isbn->is_valid; #fix the ISBN checksum. BEWARE: the error might not be #in the checksum! $isbn->fix_checksum; # create an EAN13 barcode in PNG format $isbn->png_barcode; =head1 DESCRIPTION This modules handles International Standard Book Numbers, including ISBN-10 and ISBN-13. =cut # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Boring set up stuff use subs qw( _common_format INVALID_GROUP_CODE INVALID_PUBLISHER_CODE BAD_CHECKSUM GOOD_ISBN BAD_ISBN ); use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $debug %group_data $MAX_GROUP_CODE_LENGTH %ERROR_TEXT ); use Carp qw(carp croak cluck); use base qw(Exporter); use Business::ISBN::Data 20120719.001; # now a separate module # ugh, hack *group_data = *Business::ISBN::country_data; sub _group_data { $group_data{ $_[1] } } sub _max_group_code_length { $Business::ISBN::MAX_COUNTRY_CODE_LENGTH }; sub _max_publisher_code_length { $_[0]->_max_length - $_[0]->_prefix_length # prefix - $_[0]->_group_code_length # group - 1 # article - 1; # checksum }; sub _publisher_ranges { my $self = shift; [ @{ $self->_group_data( $self->group_code )->[1] } ]; } my $debug = 0; BEGIN { @EXPORT_OK = qw( INVALID_GROUP_CODE INVALID_PUBLISHER_CODE BAD_CHECKSUM GOOD_ISBN BAD_ISBN INVALID_PREFIX %ERROR_TEXT valid_isbn_checksum ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => \@EXPORT_OK, ); }; $VERSION = "2.06"; sub INVALID_PREFIX () { -4 }; sub INVALID_GROUP_CODE () { -2 }; sub INVALID_PUBLISHER_CODE () { -3 }; sub BAD_CHECKSUM () { -1 }; sub GOOD_ISBN () { 1 }; sub BAD_ISBN () { 0 }; %ERROR_TEXT = ( 0 => "Bad ISBN", 1 => "Good ISBN", -1 => "Bad ISBN checksum", -2 => "Invalid group code", -3 => "Invalid publisher code", -4 => "Invalid prefix (must be 978 or 979)", ); use Business::ISBN10; use Business::ISBN13; =head2 Function interface =over 4 =item valid_isbn_checksum( ISBN10 | ISBN13 ) This function is exportable on demand, and works for either 10 or 13 character ISBNs). use Business::ISBN qw( valid_isbn_checksum ); Returns 1 if the ISBN is a valid ISBN with the right checksum. Returns 0 if the ISBN has valid prefix and publisher codes, but an invalid checksum. Returns undef if the ISBN does not validate for any other reason. =back =cut sub valid_isbn_checksum { my $isbn = shift; my $obj = Business::ISBN->new( $isbn ); return unless defined $obj; return 1 if $obj->is_valid_checksum == GOOD_ISBN; return 0 if $obj->is_valid_checksum == BAD_CHECKSUM; return; } =head2 Object interface =over 4 =item new($isbn) The constructor accepts a scalar representing the ISBN. The string representing the ISBN may contain characters other than C<[0-9xX]>, although these will be removed in the internal representation. The resulting string must look like an ISBN - the first nine characters must be digits and the tenth character must be a digit, 'x', or 'X'. The constructor attempts to determine the group code and the publisher code. If these data cannot be determined, the constructor sets C<< $obj->error >> to something other than C<GOOD_ISBN>. An object is still returned and it is up to the program to check C<< $obj->error >> for one of five values (which may be exported on demand). The actual values of these symbolic versions are the same as those from previous versions of this module which used literal values. Business::ISBN::INVALID_PUBLISHER_CODE Business::ISBN::INVALID_GROUP_CODE Business::ISBN::BAD_CHECKSUM Business::ISBN::GOOD_ISBN Business::ISBN::BAD_ISBN If you have one of these values and want to turn it into a string, you can use the C<%Business::ISBN::ERROR_TEXT> hash, which is exportable by asking for it explicitly in the import list. use Business::ISBN qw(%ERROR_TEXT); The string passed as the ISBN need not be a valid ISBN as long as it superficially looks like one. This allows one to use the C<fix_checksum()> method. Despite the disclaimer in the discussion of that method, the author has found it extremely useful. One should check the validity of the ISBN with C<is_valid()> rather than relying on the return value of the constructor. If all one wants to do is check the validity of an ISBN, one can skip the object-oriented interface and use the C<valid_isbn_checksum()> function which is exportable on demand. If the constructor decides it cannot create an object, it returns C<undef>. It may do this if the string passed as the ISBN cannot be munged to the internal format meaning that it does not even come close to looking like an ISBN. =cut # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # sub new { my $class = shift; my $input_data = shift; my $common_data = _common_format $input_data; return unless $common_data; my $self = { input_isbn => $input_data, common_data => $common_data }; my $isbn = do { if( length( $common_data ) == 10 ) { bless $self, 'Business::ISBN10'; } elsif( length( $common_data ) == 13 ) { bless $self, 'Business::ISBN13'; } else { return BAD_ISBN; } }; $self->_init( $common_data ); $self->_parse_isbn( $common_data ); return $isbn; } =back =head2 Instance methods =over 4 =item input_isbn Returns the starting ISBN. Since you may insert hyphens or fix checksums, you might want to see the original data. =cut sub input_isbn { $_[0]->{'input_isbn'} } =item common_data Returns the starting ISBN after normalization, which removes anything that isn't a digit or a valid checksum character. =cut sub common_data { $_[0]->{'common_data'} } =item isbn Returns the current value of ISBN, even if it has an invalid checksum. This is the raw data so it doesn't have the hyphens. If you want hyphenation, try C<as_string>. The C<isbn> method should be the same as C<as_string( [] )>. =cut sub isbn { $_[0]->{'isbn'} } =item error Return the error code for the reason the ISBN isn't valid. The return value is a key in %ERROR_TEXT. =cut sub error { $_[0]->{'valid'} } =item is_valid Return true if the ISBN is valid, meaning that it has a valid prefix (for ISBN-13), group code, and publisher code; and its checksum validates. =cut sub is_valid { $_[0]->{'valid'} eq GOOD_ISBN } =item type Returns either C<ISBN10> or C<ISBN13>. =cut sub type { $_[0]->{'type'} } =item prefix Returns the prefix for the ISBN. This is currently either 978 or 979 for ISBN-13. It returns the empty string (so, a defined value) for ISBN-10. =cut sub prefix { $_[0]->{'prefix'} } sub _prefix_length { length $_[0]->{'prefix'} } =item group_code Returns the group code for the ISBN. This is the numerical version, for example, '0' for the English group. The valid group codes come from C<Business::ISBN::Data>. =cut sub group_code { $_[0]->{'group_code'} } =item group Returns the group name for the ISBN. This is the string version. For instance, 'English' for the '0' group. The names come from C<Business::ISBN::Data>. =cut sub group { $_[0]->_group_data( $_[0]->group_code )->[0] } sub _group_code_length { length( defined $_[0]->{'group_code'} ? $_[0]->{'group_code'} : '' ); } =item publisher_code Returns the publisher code for the ISBN. This is the numeric version, for instance '596' for O'Reilly Media. =cut sub publisher_code { $_[0]->{'publisher_code'} } sub _publisher_code_length { length( defined $_[0]->{'publisher_code'} ? $_[0]->{'publisher_code'} : '' ); } =item article_code Returns the article code for the ISBN. This is the numeric version that uniquely identifies the item. =cut sub article_code { $_[0]->{'article_code'} } =item checksum Returns the checksum code for the ISBN. This checksum may not be valid since you can create an object an fix the checksum later with C<fix_checksum>. =cut sub checksum { $_[0]->{'checksum'} } sub _checksum_pos { length( $_[0]->isbn ) - 1 } =item is_valid_checksum Returns C<Business::ISBN::GOOD_ISBN> for valid checksums and C<Business::ISBN::BAD_CHECKSUM> otherwise. This does not guarantee that the rest of the ISBN is actually assigned to a book. =cut sub is_valid_checksum { my $self = shift; cluck "is_valid_checksum: Didn't get object!" unless ref $self; no warnings 'uninitialized'; return GOOD_ISBN if $self->checksum eq $self->_checksum; return BAD_CHECKSUM; } =item fix_checksum Checks the checksum and modifies the ISBN to set it correctly if needed. =cut sub fix_checksum { my $self = shift; my $last_char = substr($self->isbn, $self->_checksum_pos, 1); my $checksum = $self->_checksum; my $isbn = $self->isbn; substr($isbn, $self->_checksum_pos, 1) = $checksum; $self->_set_isbn( $isbn ); $self->_set_checksum( $checksum ); $self->_check_validity; return 0 if $last_char eq $checksum; return 1; } =item as_string(), as_string([]) Return the ISBN as a string. This function takes an optional anonymous array (or array reference) that specifies the placement of hyphens in the string. An empty anonymous array produces a string with no hyphens. An empty argument list automatically hyphenates the ISBN based on the discovered group and publisher codes. An ISBN that is not valid may produce strange results. The positions specified in the passed anonymous array are only used for one method use and do not replace the values specified by the constructor. The method assumes that you know what you are doing and will attempt to use the least three positions specified. If you pass an anonymous array of several positions, the list will be sorted and the lowest three positions will be used. Positions less than 1 and greater than 12 are silently ignored. A terminating 'x' is changed to 'X'. =cut sub as_string { my $self = shift; my $array_ref = shift; #this allows one to override the positions settings from the #constructor $array_ref = $self->_hyphen_positions unless ref $array_ref eq ref []; # print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump( [$array_ref], [qw(array_ref)] ); # print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump( [$self], [qw(self)] ); return unless $self->is_valid eq GOOD_ISBN; my $isbn = $self->isbn; foreach my $position ( sort { $b <=> $a } @$array_ref ) { next if $position > 12 or $position < 1; substr($isbn, $position, 0) = '-'; } return $isbn; } =item as_isbn10 Returns a new ISBN object. If the object is already ISBN-10, this method clones it. If it is an ISBN-13 with the prefix 978, it returns the ISBN-10 equivalent. For all other cases it returns undef. =cut sub as_isbn10 { croak "as_isbn10() must be implemented in Business::ISBN subclass" } =item as_isbn13 Returns a new ISBN object. If the object is already ISBN-13, this method clones it. If it is an ISBN-10, it returns the ISBN-13 equivalent with the 978 prefix. =cut sub as_isbn13 { croak "as_isbn13() must be implemented in Business::ISBN subclass" } =item xisbn In scalar context, returns an anonymous array of related ISBNs using xISBN. In list context, returns a list. This feature requires C<LWP::Simple>. =cut sub xisbn { my $self = shift; my $data = $self->_get_xisbn; $data =~ tr/x/X/; my @isbns = $data =~ m|<isbn>(.*?)</isbn>|ig; shift @isbns; wantarray ? @isbns : \@isbns; } sub _get_xisbn { my $self = shift; eval "use LWP::Simple"; if( $@ ) { carp "You need LWP::Simple to use xisbn()"; return; } my $data = LWP::Simple::get( $self->_xisbn_url ); carp "Could not fetch xISBN data" unless defined $data; return $data; } sub _xisbn_url { my $self = shift; my $isbn = $self->as_string([]); return "http://xisbn.worldcat.org/xid/isbn/$isbn"; } =item png_barcode Returns image data in PNG format for the barcode for the ISBN. This works with ISBN-10 and ISBN-13. The ISBN-10s are automaically converted to ISBN-13. This requires C<GD::Barcode::EAN13>. =cut sub png_barcode { my $self = shift; my $ean = $self->as_isbn13->as_string([]); eval "use GD::Barcode::EAN13"; if( $@ ) { carp "Need GD::Barcode::EAN13 to use png_barcode!"; return; } my $image = GD::Barcode::EAN13->new($ean)->plot->png; return $image; } =back =cut sub _set_isbn { $_[0]->{'isbn'} = $_[1]; } sub _set_is_valid { $_[0]->{'valid'} = $_[1]; } sub _set_prefix { croak "_set_prefix() must be implemented in Business::ISBN subclass" } sub _set_group_code { $_[0]->{'group_code'} = $_[1]; } sub _set_group_code_string { $_[0]->{'group_code_string'} = $_[1]; } sub _set_publisher_code { $_[0]->{'publisher_code'} = $_[1]; } sub _set_publisher_code_string { $_[0]->{'publisher_code_string'} = $_[1]; } sub _set_article_code { $_[0]->{'article_code'} = $_[1]; } sub _set_checksum { $_[0]->{'checksum'} = $_[1]; } sub _set_type { croak "_set_type() must be implemented in Business::ISBN subclass" } # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # internal methods. you don't get to use this one. sub _common_format { #we want uppercase X's my $data = uc shift; #get rid of everything except decimal digits and X $data =~ s/[^0-9X]//g; return $1 if $data =~ m/ \A #anchor at start ( (?:\d\d\d)? \d{9}[0-9X] ) \z #anchor at end /x; return; } sub _init { my $self = shift; my $common_data = shift; my $class = ref $self =~ m/.*::(.*)/g; $self->_set_type; $self->_set_isbn( $common_data ); # we don't know if we have a valid group code yet # so let's assume that we don't $self->_set_is_valid( INVALID_GROUP_CODE ); } { my @methods = ( [ qw( prefix ), INVALID_PREFIX ], [ qw( group_code ), INVALID_GROUP_CODE ], [ qw( publisher_code ), INVALID_PUBLISHER_CODE ], [ qw( article_code ), BAD_ISBN ], [ qw( checksum ), BAD_CHECKSUM ], ); sub _parse_isbn { my $self = shift; foreach my $pair ( @methods ) { my( $method, $error_code ) = @$pair; my $parser = "_parse_$method"; my $result = $self->$parser; unless( defined $result ) { $self->_set_is_valid( $error_code ); #print STDERR "Got bad result for $method [$$self{isbn}]\n"; return; } $method = "_set_$method"; $self->$method( $result ); } $self->_set_is_valid( $self->is_valid_checksum ); return $self; } } sub _parse_group_code { my $self = shift; my $trial; # try this to see what we get my $group_code_length = 0; my $count = 1; GROUP_CODE: while( defined( $trial= substr($self->isbn, $self->_prefix_length, $count++) ) ) { if( defined $self->_group_data( $trial ) ) { return $trial; last GROUP_CODE; } # if we've past the point of finding a group # code we're pretty much stuffed. return if $count > $self->_max_group_code_length; } return; #failed if I got this far } sub _parse_publisher_code { my $self = shift; my $pairs = $self->_publisher_ranges; # get the longest possible publisher code # I'll try substrs of this to get the real one my $longest = substr( $self->isbn, $self->_prefix_length + $self->_group_code_length, $self->_max_publisher_code_length, ); #print STDERR "Trying to parse publisher: longest [$longest]\n"; while( @$pairs ) { my $lower = shift @$pairs; my $upper = shift @$pairs; my $trial = substr( $longest, 0, length $lower ); #print STDERR "Trying [$trial] with $lower <-> $upper [$$self{isbn}]\n"; # this has to be a sring comparison because there are # possibly leading 0s if( $trial ge $lower and $trial le $upper ) { #print STDERR "Returning $trial\n"; return $trial; } } return; #failed if I got this far } sub _parse_article_code { my $self = shift; my $head = $self->_prefix_length + $self->_group_code_length + $self->_publisher_code_length; my $length = length( $self->isbn ) - $head - 1; substr( $self->isbn, $head, $length ); } sub _parse_checksum { my $self = shift; substr( $self->isbn, -1, 1 ); } sub _check_validity { my $self = shift; if( $self->is_valid_checksum eq GOOD_ISBN and defined $self->group_code and defined $self->publisher_code and defined $self->prefix ) { $self->_set_is_valid( GOOD_ISBN ); return GOOD_ISBN; } else { $self->_set_is_valid( INVALID_PUBLISHER_CODE ) unless defined $self->publisher_code; $self->_set_is_valid( INVALID_GROUP_CODE ) unless defined $self->group_code; $self->_set_is_valid( INVALID_PREFIX ) unless defined $self->prefix; return; } } sub _hyphen_positions { croak "hyphen_positions() must be implemented in Business::ISBN subclass" } 1; __END__ =head1 BUGS =head1 TO DO * i would like to create the bar codes with the price extension =head1 SOURCE AVAILABILITY This source is in Github: https://github.com/briandfoy/business--isbn =head1 AUTHOR brian d foy C<< <bdfoy@cpan.org> >> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2001-2013, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved. You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 CREDITS Thanks to Mark W. Eichin C<< <eichin@thok.org> >> for suggestions and discussions on EAN support. Thanks to Andy Lester C<< <andy@petdance.com> >> for lots of bug fixes and testing. Ed Summers C<< <esummers@cpan.org> >> has volunteered to help with this module. =cut