Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Munin/Common/
use warnings;
use strict;
# $Id$
package Munin::Common::Timeout;
use base qw(Exporter);
use Carp;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
our @EXPORT = qw(
# This represents the current ALRM signal setting
my $current_timeout_epoch;
# This sub always uses absolute epoch time reference.
# This is in order to cope with eventual stealed time...
# ... and to avoid complex timing computations
# $timeout is relative seconds, $timeout_epoch is absolute.
sub do_with_timeout {
my ($timeout, $block) = @_;
croak 'Argument exception: $timeout'
unless $timeout && $timeout =~ /^\d+$/;
croak 'Argument exception: $block'
unless ref $block eq 'CODE';
my $new_timeout_epoch = time + $timeout;
# Nested timeouts cannot extend the global timeout,
# and we always leave 5s for outer loop to finish itself
if ($current_timeout_epoch && $new_timeout_epoch > $current_timeout_epoch - 5) {
$new_timeout_epoch = $current_timeout_epoch - 5;
if ($new_timeout_epoch <= time) {
# Yey ! Time's up already, don't do anything, just : "farewell !"
return undef;
# Ok, going under new timeout setting
my $old_current_timeout_epoch = $current_timeout_epoch;
$current_timeout_epoch = $new_timeout_epoch;
my $ret_value;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n required
alarm ($new_timeout_epoch - time);
$ret_value = $block->();
my $err = $EVAL_ERROR;
# Restore the old $current_timeout_epoch...
$current_timeout_epoch = $old_current_timeout_epoch;
# ... and restart the old alarm if needed
if ($current_timeout_epoch) {
my $timeleft = $current_timeout_epoch - time;
if ($timeleft <= 0) {
# no timeleft : directly raise alarm
die "alarm\n";
alarm ($timeleft);
} else {
# Remove the alarm
alarm (0);
# And handle the return code
if ($err) {
return undef if $err eq "alarm\n";
die $err; # Propagate any other exceptions
return $ret_value;
=head1 NAME
Munin::Common::Timeout - Run code with a timeout. May nest.
use Munin::Common::Timeout;
do_with_timeout(50, sub {
# ...
do_with_timeout(5, sub {
# ...
# ...
# ...
See also L<Time::Out>, L<Sys::AlarmCall>
=item B<do_with_timeout>
my $finished_with_no_timeout = do_with_timeout($seconds, $code_ref)
or die "Timed out!";
Executes $block with a timeout of $seconds. Returns the return value of the $block
if it completed within the timeout. If the timeout is reached and the code is still
running, it halts it and returns undef.
NB: every $code_ref should return something defined, otherwise the caller doesn't know
if a timeout occurred.
Calls to do_with_timeout() can be nested. Any exceptions raised
by $block are propagated.
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