Direktori : /proc/self/root/usr/share/doc/perl-Moose-2.1005/t/attributes/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/share/doc/perl-Moose-2.1005/t/attributes/attribute_delegation.t |
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # HASH handles # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # the canonical form of of the 'handles' # option is the hash ref mapping a # method name to the delegated method name { package Foo; use Moose; has 'bar' => (is => 'rw', default => 10); sub baz { 42 } package Bar; use Moose; has 'foo' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { Foo->new }, handles => { 'foo_bar' => 'bar', foo_baz => 'baz', 'foo_bar_to_20' => [ bar => 20 ], }, ); } my $bar = Bar->new; isa_ok($bar, 'Bar'); ok($bar->foo, '... we have something in bar->foo'); isa_ok($bar->foo, 'Foo'); my $meth = Bar->meta->get_method('foo_bar'); isa_ok($meth, 'Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation'); is($meth->associated_attribute->name, 'foo', 'associated_attribute->name for this method is foo'); is($bar->foo->bar, 10, '... bar->foo->bar returned the right default'); can_ok($bar, 'foo_bar'); is($bar->foo_bar, 10, '... bar->foo_bar delegated correctly'); # change the value ... $bar->foo->bar(30); # and make sure the delegation picks it up is($bar->foo->bar, 30, '... bar->foo->bar returned the right (changed) value'); is($bar->foo_bar, 30, '... bar->foo_bar delegated correctly'); # change the value through the delegation ... $bar->foo_bar(50); # and make sure everyone sees it is($bar->foo->bar, 50, '... bar->foo->bar returned the right (changed) value'); is($bar->foo_bar, 50, '... bar->foo_bar delegated correctly'); # change the object we are delegating too my $foo = Foo->new(bar => 25); isa_ok($foo, 'Foo'); is($foo->bar, 25, '... got the right foo->bar'); is( exception { $bar->foo($foo); }, undef, '... assigned the new Foo to Bar->foo' ); is($bar->foo, $foo, '... assigned bar->foo with the new Foo'); is($bar->foo->bar, 25, '... bar->foo->bar returned the right result'); is($bar->foo_bar, 25, '... and bar->foo_bar delegated correctly again'); # curried handles $bar->foo_bar_to_20; is($bar->foo_bar, 20, '... correctly curried a single argument'); # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ARRAY handles # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # we also support an array based format # which assumes that the name is the same # on either end { package Engine; use Moose; sub go { 'Engine::go' } sub stop { 'Engine::stop' } package Car; use Moose; has 'engine' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { Engine->new }, handles => [ 'go', 'stop' ] ); } my $car = Car->new; isa_ok($car, 'Car'); isa_ok($car->engine, 'Engine'); can_ok($car->engine, 'go'); can_ok($car->engine, 'stop'); is($car->engine->go, 'Engine::go', '... got the right value from ->engine->go'); is($car->engine->stop, 'Engine::stop', '... got the right value from ->engine->stop'); can_ok($car, 'go'); can_ok($car, 'stop'); is($car->go, 'Engine::go', '... got the right value from ->go'); is($car->stop, 'Engine::stop', '... got the right value from ->stop'); # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # REGEXP handles # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # and we support regexp delegation { package Baz; use Moose; sub foo { 'Baz::foo' } sub bar { 'Baz::bar' } sub boo { 'Baz::boo' } package Baz::Proxy1; use Moose; has 'baz' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Baz', default => sub { Baz->new }, handles => qr/.*/ ); package Baz::Proxy2; use Moose; has 'baz' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Baz', default => sub { Baz->new }, handles => qr/.oo/ ); package Baz::Proxy3; use Moose; has 'baz' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Baz', default => sub { Baz->new }, handles => qr/b.*/ ); } { my $baz_proxy = Baz::Proxy1->new; isa_ok($baz_proxy, 'Baz::Proxy1'); can_ok($baz_proxy, 'baz'); isa_ok($baz_proxy->baz, 'Baz'); can_ok($baz_proxy, 'foo'); can_ok($baz_proxy, 'bar'); can_ok($baz_proxy, 'boo'); is($baz_proxy->foo, 'Baz::foo', '... got the right proxied return value'); is($baz_proxy->bar, 'Baz::bar', '... got the right proxied return value'); is($baz_proxy->boo, 'Baz::boo', '... got the right proxied return value'); } { my $baz_proxy = Baz::Proxy2->new; isa_ok($baz_proxy, 'Baz::Proxy2'); can_ok($baz_proxy, 'baz'); isa_ok($baz_proxy->baz, 'Baz'); can_ok($baz_proxy, 'foo'); can_ok($baz_proxy, 'boo'); is($baz_proxy->foo, 'Baz::foo', '... got the right proxied return value'); is($baz_proxy->boo, 'Baz::boo', '... got the right proxied return value'); } { my $baz_proxy = Baz::Proxy3->new; isa_ok($baz_proxy, 'Baz::Proxy3'); can_ok($baz_proxy, 'baz'); isa_ok($baz_proxy->baz, 'Baz'); can_ok($baz_proxy, 'bar'); can_ok($baz_proxy, 'boo'); is($baz_proxy->bar, 'Baz::bar', '... got the right proxied return value'); is($baz_proxy->boo, 'Baz::boo', '... got the right proxied return value'); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ROLE handles # ------------------------------------------------------------------- { package Foo::Bar; use Moose::Role; requires 'foo'; requires 'bar'; package Foo::Baz; use Moose; sub foo { 'Foo::Baz::FOO' } sub bar { 'Foo::Baz::BAR' } sub baz { 'Foo::Baz::BAZ' } package Foo::Thing; use Moose; has 'thing' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Foo::Baz', handles => 'Foo::Bar', ); package Foo::OtherThing; use Moose; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; has 'other_thing' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Foo::Baz', handles => Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint('Foo::Bar'), ); } { my $foo = Foo::Thing->new(thing => Foo::Baz->new); isa_ok($foo, 'Foo::Thing'); isa_ok($foo->thing, 'Foo::Baz'); ok($foo->meta->has_method('foo'), '... we have the method we expect'); ok($foo->meta->has_method('bar'), '... we have the method we expect'); ok(!$foo->meta->has_method('baz'), '... we dont have the method we expect'); is($foo->foo, 'Foo::Baz::FOO', '... got the right value'); is($foo->bar, 'Foo::Baz::BAR', '... got the right value'); is($foo->thing->baz, 'Foo::Baz::BAZ', '... got the right value'); } { my $foo = Foo::OtherThing->new(other_thing => Foo::Baz->new); isa_ok($foo, 'Foo::OtherThing'); isa_ok($foo->other_thing, 'Foo::Baz'); ok($foo->meta->has_method('foo'), '... we have the method we expect'); ok($foo->meta->has_method('bar'), '... we have the method we expect'); ok(!$foo->meta->has_method('baz'), '... we dont have the method we expect'); is($foo->foo, 'Foo::Baz::FOO', '... got the right value'); is($foo->bar, 'Foo::Baz::BAR', '... got the right value'); is($foo->other_thing->baz, 'Foo::Baz::BAZ', '... got the right value'); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # AUTOLOAD & handles # ------------------------------------------------------------------- { package Foo::Autoloaded; use Moose; sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $name = our $AUTOLOAD; $name =~ s/.*://; # strip fully-qualified portion if (@_) { return $self->{$name} = shift; } else { return $self->{$name}; } } package Bar::Autoloaded; use Moose; has 'foo' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { Foo::Autoloaded->new }, handles => { 'foo_bar' => 'bar' } ); package Baz::Autoloaded; use Moose; has 'foo' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { Foo::Autoloaded->new }, handles => ['bar'] ); package Goorch::Autoloaded; use Moose; ::isnt( ::exception { has 'foo' => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { Foo::Autoloaded->new }, handles => qr/bar/ ); }, undef, '... you cannot delegate to AUTOLOADED class with regexp' ); } # check HASH based delegation w/ AUTOLOAD { my $bar = Bar::Autoloaded->new; isa_ok($bar, 'Bar::Autoloaded'); ok($bar->foo, '... we have something in bar->foo'); isa_ok($bar->foo, 'Foo::Autoloaded'); # change the value ... $bar->foo->bar(30); # and make sure the delegation picks it up is($bar->foo->bar, 30, '... bar->foo->bar returned the right (changed) value'); is($bar->foo_bar, 30, '... bar->foo_bar delegated correctly'); # change the value through the delegation ... $bar->foo_bar(50); # and make sure everyone sees it is($bar->foo->bar, 50, '... bar->foo->bar returned the right (changed) value'); is($bar->foo_bar, 50, '... bar->foo_bar delegated correctly'); # change the object we are delegating too my $foo = Foo::Autoloaded->new; isa_ok($foo, 'Foo::Autoloaded'); $foo->bar(25); is($foo->bar, 25, '... got the right foo->bar'); is( exception { $bar->foo($foo); }, undef, '... assigned the new Foo to Bar->foo' ); is($bar->foo, $foo, '... assigned bar->foo with the new Foo'); is($bar->foo->bar, 25, '... bar->foo->bar returned the right result'); is($bar->foo_bar, 25, '... and bar->foo_bar delegated correctly again'); } # check ARRAY based delegation w/ AUTOLOAD { my $baz = Baz::Autoloaded->new; isa_ok($baz, 'Baz::Autoloaded'); ok($baz->foo, '... we have something in baz->foo'); isa_ok($baz->foo, 'Foo::Autoloaded'); # change the value ... $baz->foo->bar(30); # and make sure the delegation picks it up is($baz->foo->bar, 30, '... baz->foo->bar returned the right (changed) value'); is($baz->bar, 30, '... baz->foo_bar delegated correctly'); # change the value through the delegation ... $baz->bar(50); # and make sure everyone sees it is($baz->foo->bar, 50, '... baz->foo->bar returned the right (changed) value'); is($baz->bar, 50, '... baz->foo_bar delegated correctly'); # change the object we are delegating too my $foo = Foo::Autoloaded->new; isa_ok($foo, 'Foo::Autoloaded'); $foo->bar(25); is($foo->bar, 25, '... got the right foo->bar'); is( exception { $baz->foo($foo); }, undef, '... assigned the new Foo to Baz->foo' ); is($baz->foo, $foo, '... assigned baz->foo with the new Foo'); is($baz->foo->bar, 25, '... baz->foo->bar returned the right result'); is($baz->bar, 25, '... and baz->foo_bar delegated correctly again'); } # Check that removing attributes removes their handles methods also. { { package Quux; use Moose; has foo => ( isa => 'Foo', default => sub { Foo->new }, handles => { 'foo_bar' => 'bar' } ); } my $i = Quux->new; ok($i->meta->has_method('foo_bar'), 'handles method foo_bar is present'); $i->meta->remove_attribute('foo'); ok(!$i->meta->has_method('foo_bar'), 'handles method foo_bar is removed'); } # Make sure that a useful error message is thrown when the delegation target is # not an object { my $i = Bar->new(foo => undef); like( exception { $i->foo_bar }, qr/is not defined/, 'useful error from unblessed reference' ); my $j = Bar->new(foo => []); like( exception { $j->foo_bar }, qr/is not an object \(got 'ARRAY/, 'useful error from unblessed reference' ); my $k = Bar->new(foo => "Foo"); is( exception { $k->foo_baz }, undef, "but not for class name" ); } { package Delegator; use Moose; sub full { 1 } sub stub; ::like( ::exception{ has d1 => ( isa => 'X', handles => ['full'], ); }, qr/\QYou cannot overwrite a locally defined method (full) with a delegation/, 'got an error when trying to declare a delegation method that overwrites a local method' ); ::is( ::exception{ has d2 => ( isa => 'X', handles => ['stub'], ); }, undef, 'no error when trying to declare a delegation method that overwrites a stub method' ); } done_testing;