Direktori : /proc/self/root/usr/share/doc/perl-Moose-2.1005/t/cmop/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/share/doc/perl-Moose-2.1005/t/cmop/methods.t |
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; use Scalar::Util qw/reftype/; use Sub::Name; use Class::MOP; use Class::MOP::Class; use Class::MOP::Method; { # This package tries to test &has_method as exhaustively as # possible. More corner cases are welcome :) package Foo; # import a sub use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; sub pie; sub cake (); use constant FOO_CONSTANT => 'Foo-CONSTANT'; # define a sub in package sub bar {'Foo::bar'} *baz = \&bar; # create something with the typeglob inside the package *baaz = sub {'Foo::baaz'}; { # method named with Sub::Name inside the package scope no strict 'refs'; *{'Foo::floob'} = Sub::Name::subname 'floob' => sub {'!floob!'}; } # We hateses the "used only once" warnings { my $temp1 = \&Foo::baz; my $temp2 = \&Foo::baaz; } package OinkyBoinky; our @ISA = "Foo"; sub elk {'OinkyBoinky::elk'} package main; sub Foo::blah { $_[0]->Foo::baz() } { no strict 'refs'; *{'Foo::bling'} = sub {'$$Bling$$'}; *{'Foo::bang'} = Sub::Name::subname 'Foo::bang' => sub {'!BANG!'}; *{'Foo::boom'} = Sub::Name::subname 'boom' => sub {'!BOOM!'}; eval "package Foo; sub evaled_foo { 'Foo::evaled_foo' }"; } } my $Foo = Class::MOP::Class->initialize('Foo'); is join(' ', sort $Foo->get_method_list), 'FOO_CONSTANT baaz bang bar baz blah cake evaled_foo floob pie'; ok( $Foo->has_method('pie'), '... got the method stub pie' ); ok( $Foo->has_method('cake'), '... got the constant method stub cake' ); my $foo = sub {'Foo::foo'}; ok( !UNIVERSAL::isa( $foo, 'Class::MOP::Method' ), '... our method is not yet blessed' ); is( exception { $Foo->add_method( 'foo' => $foo ); }, undef, '... we added the method successfully' ); my $foo_method = $Foo->get_method('foo'); isa_ok( $foo_method, 'Class::MOP::Method' ); is( $foo_method->name, 'foo', '... got the right name for the method' ); is( $foo_method->package_name, 'Foo', '... got the right package name for the method' ); ok( $Foo->has_method('foo'), '... Foo->has_method(foo) (defined with Sub::Name)' ); is( $Foo->get_method('foo')->body, $foo, '... Foo->get_method(foo) == \&foo' ); is( $Foo->get_method('foo')->execute, 'Foo::foo', '... _method_foo->execute returns "Foo::foo"' ); is( Foo->foo(), 'Foo::foo', '... Foo->foo() returns "Foo::foo"' ); my $bork_blessed = bless sub { }, 'Non::Meta::Class'; is( exception { $Foo->add_method('bork', $bork_blessed); }, undef, 'can add blessed sub as method'); # now check all our other items ... ok( $Foo->has_method('FOO_CONSTANT'), '... not Foo->has_method(FOO_CONSTANT) (defined w/ use constant)' ); ok( !$Foo->has_method('bling'), '... not Foo->has_method(bling) (defined in main:: using symbol tables (no Sub::Name))' ); ok( $Foo->has_method('bar'), '... Foo->has_method(bar) (defined in Foo)' ); ok( $Foo->has_method('baz'), '... Foo->has_method(baz) (typeglob aliased within Foo)' ); ok( $Foo->has_method('baaz'), '... Foo->has_method(baaz) (typeglob aliased within Foo)' ); ok( $Foo->has_method('floob'), '... Foo->has_method(floob) (defined in Foo:: using symbol tables and Sub::Name w/out package name)' ); ok( $Foo->has_method('blah'), '... Foo->has_method(blah) (defined in main:: using fully qualified package name)' ); ok( $Foo->has_method('bang'), '... Foo->has_method(bang) (defined in main:: using symbol tables and Sub::Name)' ); ok( $Foo->has_method('evaled_foo'), '... Foo->has_method(evaled_foo) (evaled in main::)' ); my $OinkyBoinky = Class::MOP::Class->initialize('OinkyBoinky'); ok( $OinkyBoinky->has_method('elk'), "the method 'elk' is defined in OinkyBoinky" ); ok( !$OinkyBoinky->has_method('bar'), "the method 'bar' is not defined in OinkyBoinky" ); ok( my $bar = $OinkyBoinky->find_method_by_name('bar'), "but if you look in the inheritence chain then 'bar' does exist" ); is( reftype( $bar->body ), "CODE", "the returned value is a code ref" ); # calling get_method blessed them all for my $method_name ( qw/baaz bar baz floob blah bang bork evaled_foo FOO_CONSTANT/ ) { isa_ok( $Foo->get_method($method_name), 'Class::MOP::Method' ); { no strict 'refs'; is( $Foo->get_method($method_name)->body, \&{ 'Foo::' . $method_name }, '... body matches CODE ref in package for ' . $method_name ); } } for my $method_name ( qw/ bling / ) { is( ref( $Foo->get_package_symbol( '&' . $method_name ) ), 'CODE', '... got the __ANON__ methods' ); { no strict 'refs'; is( $Foo->get_package_symbol( '&' . $method_name ), \&{ 'Foo::' . $method_name }, '... symbol matches CODE ref in package for ' . $method_name ); } } ok( !$Foo->has_method('blessed'), '... !Foo->has_method(blessed) (imported into Foo)' ); ok( !$Foo->has_method('boom'), '... !Foo->has_method(boom) (defined in main:: using symbol tables and Sub::Name w/out package name)' ); ok( !$Foo->has_method('not_a_real_method'), '... !Foo->has_method(not_a_real_method) (does not exist)' ); is( $Foo->get_method('not_a_real_method'), undef, '... Foo->get_method(not_a_real_method) == undef' ); is_deeply( [ sort $Foo->get_method_list ], [qw(FOO_CONSTANT baaz bang bar baz blah bork cake evaled_foo floob foo pie)], '... got the right method list for Foo' ); my @universal_methods = qw/isa can VERSION/; push @universal_methods, 'DOES' if $] >= 5.010; is_deeply( [ map { $_->name => $_ } sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } $Foo->get_all_methods() ], [ map { $_->name => $_ } map { $Foo->find_method_by_name($_) } sort qw( FOO_CONSTANT baaz bang bar baz blah bork cake evaled_foo floob foo pie ), @universal_methods, ], '... got the right list of applicable methods for Foo' ); is( $Foo->remove_method('foo')->body, $foo, '... removed the foo method' ); ok( !$Foo->has_method('foo'), '... !Foo->has_method(foo) we just removed it' ); isnt( exception { Foo->foo }, undef, '... cannot call Foo->foo because it is not there' ); is_deeply( [ sort $Foo->get_method_list ], [qw(FOO_CONSTANT baaz bang bar baz blah bork cake evaled_foo floob pie)], '... got the right method list for Foo' ); # ... test our class creator my $Bar = Class::MOP::Class->create( package => 'Bar', superclasses => ['Foo'], methods => { foo => sub {'Bar::foo'}, bar => sub {'Bar::bar'}, } ); isa_ok( $Bar, 'Class::MOP::Class' ); ok( $Bar->has_method('foo'), '... Bar->has_method(foo)' ); ok( $Bar->has_method('bar'), '... Bar->has_method(bar)' ); is( Bar->foo, 'Bar::foo', '... Bar->foo == Bar::foo' ); is( Bar->bar, 'Bar::bar', '... Bar->bar == Bar::bar' ); is( exception { $Bar->add_method( 'foo' => sub {'Bar::foo v2'} ); }, undef, '... overwriting a method is fine' ); is_deeply( [ Class::MOP::get_code_info( $Bar->get_method('foo')->body ) ], [ "Bar", "foo" ], "subname applied to anonymous method" ); ok( $Bar->has_method('foo'), '... Bar-> (still) has_method(foo)' ); is( Bar->foo, 'Bar::foo v2', '... Bar->foo == "Bar::foo v2"' ); is_deeply( [ sort $Bar->get_method_list ], [qw(bar foo meta)], '... got the right method list for Bar' ); is_deeply( [ map { $_->name => $_ } sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } $Bar->get_all_methods() ], [ map { $_->name => $_ } sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } ( $Foo->get_method('FOO_CONSTANT'), $Foo->get_method('baaz'), $Foo->get_method('bang'), $Bar->get_method('bar'), ( map { $Foo->get_method($_) } qw( baz blah bork cake evaled_foo floob ) ), $Bar->get_method('foo'), $Bar->get_method('meta'), $Foo->get_method('pie'), ( map { $Bar->find_next_method_by_name($_) } @universal_methods ) ) ], '... got the right list of applicable methods for Bar' ); my $method = Class::MOP::Method->wrap( name => 'objecty', package_name => 'Whatever', body => sub {q{I am an object, and I feel an object's pain}}, ); Bar->meta->add_method( $method->name, $method ); my $new_method = Bar->meta->get_method('objecty'); isnt( $method, $new_method, 'add_method clones method objects as they are added' ); is( $new_method->original_method, $method, '... the cloned method has the correct original method' ) or diag $new_method->dump; { package CustomAccessor; use Class::MOP; my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize(__PACKAGE__); $meta->add_attribute( foo => ( accessor => 'foo', ) ); { no warnings 'redefine', 'once'; *foo = sub { my $self = shift; $self->{custom_store} = $_[0]; }; } $meta->add_around_method_modifier( 'foo', sub { my $orig = shift; $orig->(@_); } ); sub new { return bless {}, shift; } } { my $o = CustomAccessor->new; my $str = 'string'; $o->foo($str); is( $o->{custom_store}, $str, 'Custom glob-assignment-created accessor still has method modifier' ); } { # Since the sub reference below is not a closure, Perl caches it and uses # the same reference each time through the loop. See RT #48985 for the # bug. foreach my $ns ( qw( Foo2 Bar2 Baz2 ) ) { my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->create($ns); my $sub = sub { }; $meta->add_method( 'foo', $sub ); my $method = $meta->get_method('foo'); ok( $method, 'Got the foo method back' ); } } { package HasConstants; use constant FOO => 1; use constant BAR => []; use constant BAZ => {}; use constant UNDEF => undef; sub quux {1} sub thing {1} } my $HC = Class::MOP::Class->initialize('HasConstants'); is_deeply( [ sort $HC->get_method_list ], [qw( BAR BAZ FOO UNDEF quux thing )], 'get_method_list handles constants properly' ); is_deeply( [ sort map { $_->name } $HC->_get_local_methods ], [qw( BAR BAZ FOO UNDEF quux thing )], '_get_local_methods handles constants properly' ); { package DeleteFromMe; sub foo { 1 } } { my $DFMmeta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize('DeleteFromMe'); ok($DFMmeta->get_method('foo')); delete $DeleteFromMe::{foo}; ok(!$DFMmeta->get_method('foo')); ok(!DeleteFromMe->can('foo')); } { my $baz_meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize('Baz'); $baz_meta->add_method(foo => sub { }); my $stash = Package::Stash->new('Baz'); $stash->remove_symbol('&foo'); is_deeply([$baz_meta->get_method_list], [], "method is deleted"); ok(!Baz->can('foo'), "Baz can't foo"); } done_testing;