Direktori : /proc/self/root/usr/share/ghostscript/9.07/Resource/CMap/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/share/ghostscript/9.07/Resource/CMap/HKm314-B5-H |
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (HKm314-B5-H) %%Title: (HKm314-B5-H Adobe CNS1 1) %%Version: 1.003 %%Copyright: ----------------------------------------------------------- %%Copyright: Copyright 1990-2009 Adobe Systems Incorporated. %%Copyright: All rights reserved. %%Copyright: %%Copyright: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or %%Copyright: without modification, are permitted provided that the %%Copyright: following conditions are met: %%Copyright: %%Copyright: Redistributions of source code must retain the above %%Copyright: copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following %%Copyright: disclaimer. %%Copyright: %%Copyright: Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above %%Copyright: copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following %%Copyright: disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials %%Copyright: provided with the distribution. %%Copyright: %%Copyright: Neither the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated nor the names %%Copyright: of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote %%Copyright: products derived from this software without specific prior %%Copyright: written permission. %%Copyright: %%Copyright: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND %%Copyright: CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, %%Copyright: INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %%Copyright: MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE %%Copyright: DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR %%Copyright: CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, %%Copyright: SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT %%Copyright: NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; %%Copyright: LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) %%Copyright: HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN %%Copyright: CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR %%Copyright: OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS %%Copyright: SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. %%Copyright: ----------------------------------------------------------- %%EndComments /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo 3 dict dup begin /Registry (Adobe) def /Ordering (CNS1) def /Supplement 1 def end def /CMapName /HKm314-B5-H def /CMapVersion 1.003 def /CMapType 1 def /XUID [1 10 25527] def /WMode 0 def 2 begincodespacerange <00> <80> <A140> <FEFE> endcodespacerange 1 beginnotdefrange <00> <1f> 1 endnotdefrange 100 begincidrange <20> <7e> 1 <a140> <a158> 99 <a159> <a15c> 13743 <a15d> <a17e> 128 <a1a1> <a1f5> 162 <a1f6> <a1f6> 248 <a1f7> <a1f7> 247 <a1f8> <a1fe> 249 <a240> <a27e> 256 <a2a1> <a2fe> 319 <a340> <a37e> 413 <a3a1> <a3bb> 476 <a3bd> <a3bf> 503 <a440> <a47e> 595 <a4a1> <a4fe> 658 <a540> <a57e> 752 <a5a1> <a5fe> 815 <a640> <a67e> 909 <a6a1> <a6fe> 972 <a740> <a77e> 1066 <a7a1> <a7fe> 1129 <a840> <a87e> 1223 <a8a1> <a8fe> 1286 <a940> <a97e> 1380 <a9a1> <a9fe> 1443 <aa40> <aa7e> 1537 <aaa1> <aafe> 1600 <ab40> <ab7e> 1694 <aba1> <abfe> 1757 <ac40> <ac7e> 1851 <aca1> <acfd> 1914 <acfe> <acfe> 2431 <ad40> <ad7e> 2007 <ada1> <adfe> 2070 <ae40> <ae7e> 2164 <aea1> <aefe> 2227 <af40> <af7e> 2321 <afa1> <afcf> 2384 <afd0> <affe> 2432 <b040> <b07e> 2479 <b0a1> <b0fe> 2542 <b140> <b17e> 2636 <b1a1> <b1fe> 2699 <b240> <b27e> 2793 <b2a1> <b2fe> 2856 <b340> <b37e> 2950 <b3a1> <b3fe> 3013 <b440> <b47e> 3107 <b4a1> <b4fe> 3170 <b540> <b57e> 3264 <b5a1> <b5fe> 3327 <b640> <b67e> 3421 <b6a1> <b6fe> 3484 <b740> <b77e> 3578 <b7a1> <b7fe> 3641 <b840> <b87e> 3735 <b8a1> <b8fe> 3798 <b940> <b97e> 3892 <b9a1> <b9fe> 3955 <ba40> <ba7e> 4049 <baa1> <bafe> 4112 <bb40> <bb7e> 4206 <bba1> <bbc7> 4269 <bbc8> <bbfe> 4309 <bc40> <bc7e> 4364 <bca1> <bcfe> 4427 <bd40> <bd7e> 4521 <bda1> <bdfe> 4584 <be40> <be51> 4678 <be52> <be52> 4308 <be53> <be7e> 4696 <bea1> <befe> 4740 <bf40> <bf7e> 4834 <bfa1> <bffe> 4897 <c040> <c07e> 4991 <c0a1> <c0fe> 5054 <c140> <c17e> 5148 <c1a1> <c1aa> 5211 <c1ab> <c1fe> 5222 <c240> <c27e> 5306 <c2a1> <c2ca> 5369 <c2cb> <c2cb> 5221 <c2cc> <c2fe> 5411 <c340> <c360> 5462 <c361> <c37e> 5496 <c3a1> <c3b8> 5526 <c3b9> <c3b9> 5551 <c3ba> <c3ba> 5550 <c3bb> <c3fe> 5552 <c440> <c455> 5620 <c456> <c456> 5495 <c457> <c47e> 5642 <c4a1> <c4fe> 5682 <c540> <c57e> 5776 <c5a1> <c5fe> 5839 <c640> <c67e> 5933 <c740> <c740> 15725 <c741> <c741> 14788 <c742> <c742> 17305 <c743> <c743> 15877 endcidrange 100 begincidrange <c744> <c744> 14058 <c745> <c745> 14792 <c746> <c746> 14653 <c747> <c747> 17307 <c748> <c748> 16418 <c749> <c749> 17309 <c74a> <c74a> 16436 <c74b> <c74b> 17311 <c74c> <c74c> 16035 <c74d> <c74d> 16038 <c74e> <c74e> 16465 <c74f> <c750> 16456 <c751> <c751> 16459 <c752> <c752> 16463 <c753> <c753> 17314 <c754> <c754> 16474 <c755> <c755> 16036 <c756> <c756> 15805 <c757> <c757> 15807 <c758> <c758> 16476 <c759> <c759> 16479 <c75a> <c75a> 17316 <c75b> <c75b> 16507 <c75c> <c75c> 16514 <c75d> <c75d> 16237 <c75e> <c75e> 16523 <c75f> <c75f> 17318 <c760> <c760> 16531 <c761> <c761> 16534 <c762> <c762> 17319 <c763> <c763> 16536 <c764> <c764> 15999 <c765> <c765> 15479 <c766> <c766> 16039 <c767> <c767> 16010 <c768> <c768> 16024 <c769> <c769> 16012 <c76a> <c76a> 16545 <c76b> <c76b> 14848 <c76c> <c76c> 14755 <c76d> <c76d> 16013 <c76e> <c76e> 17320 <c76f> <c76f> 16216 <c770> <c770> 15804 <c771> <c771> 15564 <c772> <c773> 16040 <c774> <c774> 15150 <c775> <c775> 15302 <c776> <c776> 16011 <c777> <c777> 16031 <c778> <c778> 17196 <c779> <c779> 17321 <c77a> <c77a> 16136 <c77b> <c77b> 16037 <c77c> <c77c> 16009 <c77d> <c77d> 15811 <c77e> <c77e> 16002 <c7a1> <c7a1> 16001 <c7a2> <c7a2> 16020 <c7a3> <c7a3> 16003 <c7a4> <c7a4> 16008 <c7a5> <c7a5> 17323 <c7a6> <c7a6> 16017 <c7a7> <c7a7> 17324 <c7a8> <c7a8> 15996 <c7a9> <c7a9> 16000 <c7aa> <c7aa> 16015 <c7ab> <c7ab> 15975 <c7ac> <c7ac> 15992 <c7ad> <c7ad> 15976 <c7ae> <c7ae> 17325 <c7af> <c7af> 14290 <c7b0> <c7b0> 16205 <c7b1> <c7b1> 17326 <c7b2> <c7b2> 15998 <c7b3> <c7b3> 16572 <c7b4> <c7b4> 15971 <c7b5> <c7b5> 16573 <c7b6> <c7b6> 17327 <c7b7> <c7b7> 16567 <c7b8> <c7b8> 16055 <c7b9> <c7b9> 16109 <c7ba> <c7ba> 16234 <c7bb> <c7bb> 16021 <c7bc> <c7bc> 14664 <c7bd> <c7bd> 15560 <c7be> <c7bf> 17329 <c7c0> <c7c0> 16588 <c7c1> <c7c1> 16006 <c7c2> <c7c2> 15482 <c7c3> <c7c3> 15485 <c7c4> <c7c4> 17332 <c7c5> <c7c5> 16593 <c7c6> <c7c6> 15730 <c7c7> <c7c7> 15398 <c7c8> <c7c8> 14059 <c7c9> <c7c9> 16575 <c7ca> <c7ca> 16640 <c7cb> <c7cb> 15493 <c7cc> <c7cc> 17333 endcidrange 100 begincidrange <c7cd> <c7cd> 14877 <c7ce> <c7ce> 14325 <c7cf> <c7cf> 14062 <c7d0> <c7d0> 15967 <c7d1> <c7d1> 16662 <c7d2> <c7d2> 16671 <c7d3> <c7d3> 16664 <c7d4> <c7d4> 16675 <c7d5> <c7d5> 16679 <c7d6> <c7d6> 16681 <c7d7> <c7d8> 17340 <c7d9> <c7d9> 16014 <c7da> <c7da> 14447 <c7db> <c7db> 16707 <c7dc> <c7dc> 16710 <c7dd> <c7dd> 16708 <c7de> <c7de> 16713 <c7df> <c7df> 15269 <c7e0> <c7e0> 16727 <c7e1> <c7e1> 16737 <c7e2> <c7e2> 14060 <c7e3> <c7e3> 16746 <c7e4> <c7e4> 16386 <c7e5> <c7e5> 16774 <c7e6> <c7e6> 16314 <c7e7> <c7e7> 16208 <c7e8> <c7e8> 16022 <c7e9> <c7e9> 16778 <c7ea> <c7ea> 16321 <c7eb> <c7eb> 15759 <c7ec> <c7ec> 17345 <c7ed> <c7ed> 16032 <c7ee> <c7ee> 16150 <c7ef> <c7ef> 16029 <c7f0> <c7f0> 16786 <c7f1> <c7f1> 14950 <c7f2> <c7f2> 16028 <c7f3> <c7f3> 16016 <c7f4> <c7f4> 16797 <c7f5> <c7f6> 17346 <c7f7> <c7f7> 14248 <c7f8> <c7f8> 16798 <c7f9> <c7f9> 16775 <c7fa> <c7fa> 16034 <c7fb> <c7fb> 16007 <c7fc> <c7fc> 16004 <c7fd> <c7fd> 16046 <c7fe> <c7fe> 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<c8c9> <c8c9> 16043 <c8ca> <c8cb> 17383 <c8cc> <c8cc> 14430 <c8cd> <c8cd> 17385 <c8ce> <c8ce> 15806 <c8cf> <c8cf> 16005 <c8d0> <c8d1> 14435 <c8d2> <c8d2> 15724 <c8d3> <c8d3> 14449 <c8d4> <c8d4> 14460 <c8d5> <c8d5> 14466 <c8d6> <c8d6> 16027 <c8d7> <c8d7> 14472 <c8d8> <c8d8> 15374 <c8d9> <c8d9> 14382 <c8da> <c8da> 14490 <c8db> <c8db> 14475 <c8dc> <c8dc> 15364 <c8dd> <c8dd> 14057 <c8de> <c8de> 17085 <c8df> <c8df> 15309 <c8e0> <c8e0> 14495 <c8e1> <c8e1> 14235 <c8e2> <c8e2> 14511 <c8e3> <c8e3> 16023 <c8e4> <c8e4> 14576 <c8e5> <c8e5> 15357 <c8e6> <c8e7> 15377 <c8e8> <c8e8> 17391 <c8e9> <c8e9> 14213 <c8ea> <c8ea> 14594 <c8eb> <c8eb> 16298 <c8ec> <c8ec> 16153 <c8ed> <c8ed> 14617 <c8ee> <c8ee> 17393 <c8ef> <c8f0> 14618 <c8f1> <c8f1> 15974 <c8f2> <c8f2> 16162 <c8f3> <c8f3> 15742 <c8f4> <c8f4> 15417 <c8f5> <c8f5> 16033 <c8f6> <c8f7> 17394 <c8f8> <c8f8> 16176 <c8f9> <c8f9> 14633 <c8fa> <c8fa> 16316 <c8fb> <c8fc> 14646 <c8fd> <c8fd> 16272 <c8fe> <c8fe> 2746 <c940> <c949> 5996 <c94a> <c94a> 628 <c94b> <c96b> 6006 <c96c> <c97e> 6040 <c9a1> <c9bd> 6059 <c9be> <c9be> 6039 endcidrange 100 begincidrange <c9bf> <c9ec> 6088 <c9ed> <c9fe> 6135 <ca40> <ca7e> 6153 <caa1> <caf6> 6216 <caf7> <caf7> 6134 <caf8> <cafe> 6302 <cb40> <cb7e> 6309 <cba1> <cbfe> 6372 <cc40> <cc7e> 6466 <cca1> <ccfe> 6529 <cd40> <cd7e> 6623 <cda1> <cdfe> 6686 <ce40> <ce7e> 6780 <cea1> <cefe> 6843 <cf40> <cf7e> 6937 <cfa1> <cffe> 7000 <d040> <d07e> 7094 <d0a1> <d0fe> 7157 <d140> <d17e> 7251 <d1a1> <d1fe> 7314 <d240> <d27e> 7408 <d2a1> <d2fe> 7471 <d340> <d37e> 7565 <d3a1> <d3fe> 7628 <d440> <d47e> 7722 <d4a1> <d4fe> 7785 <d540> <d57e> 7879 <d5a1> <d5fe> 7942 <d640> <d67e> 8036 <d6a1> <d6cb> 8099 <d6cc> <d6cc> 8788 <d6cd> <d6fe> 8143 <d740> <d779> 8193 <d77a> <d77a> 8889 <d77b> <d77e> 8251 <d7a1> <d7fe> 8255 <d840> <d87e> 8349 <d8a1> <d8fe> 8412 <d940> <d97e> 8506 <d9a1> <d9fe> 8569 <da40> <da7e> 8663 <daa1> <dade> 8726 <dadf> <dadf> 8142 <dae0> <dafe> 8789 <db40> <db7e> 8820 <dba1> <dba6> 8883 <dba7> <dbfe> 8890 <dc40> <dc7e> 8978 <dca1> <dcfe> 9041 <dd40> <dd7e> 9135 <dda1> <ddfb> 9198 <ddfc> <ddfc> 9089 <ddfd> <ddfe> 9289 <de40> <de7e> 9291 <dea1> <defe> 9354 <df40> <df7e> 9448 <dfa1> <dffe> 9511 <e040> <e07e> 9605 <e0a1> <e0fe> 9668 <e140> <e17e> 9762 <e1a1> <e1fe> 9825 <e240> <e27e> 9919 <e2a1> <e2fe> 9982 <e340> <e37e> 10076 <e3a1> <e3fe> 10139 <e440> <e47e> 10233 <e4a1> <e4fe> 10296 <e540> <e57e> 10390 <e5a1> <e5fe> 10453 <e640> <e67e> 10547 <e6a1> <e6fe> 10610 <e740> <e77e> 10704 <e7a1> <e7fe> 10767 <e840> <e87e> 10861 <e8a1> <e8a2> 10924 <e8a3> <e8fe> 10927 <e940> <e975> 11019 <e976> <e97e> 11074 <e9a1> <e9fe> 11083 <ea40> <ea7e> 11177 <eaa1> <eafe> 11240 <eb40> <eb5a> 11334 <eb5b> <eb7e> 11362 <eba1> <ebf0> 11398 <ebf1> <ebf1> 10926 <ebf2> <ebfe> 11478 <ec40> <ec7e> 11491 <eca1> <ecdd> 11554 <ecde> <ecde> 11073 <ecdf> <ecfe> 11615 <ed40> <ed7e> 11647 <eda1> <eda9> 11710 <edaa> <edfe> 11720 <ee40> <ee7e> 11805 <eea1> <eeea> 11868 <eeeb> <eeeb> 12308 <eeec> <eefe> 11942 <ef40> <ef7e> 11961 <efa1> <effe> 12024 <f040> <f055> 12118 endcidrange 42 begincidrange <f056> <f056> 11719 <f057> <f07e> 12140 <f0a1> <f0ca> 12180 <f0cb> <f0cb> 11361 <f0cc> <f0fe> 12222 <f140> <f162> 12273 <f163> <f16a> 12309 <f16b> <f16b> 12640 <f16c> <f17e> 12317 <f1a1> <f1fe> 12336 <f240> <f267> 12430 <f268> <f268> 12783 <f269> <f27e> 12470 <f2a1> <f2c2> 12492 <f2c3> <f2fe> 12527 <f340> <f374> 12587 <f375> <f37e> 12641 <f3a1> <f3fe> 12651 <f440> <f465> 12745 <f466> <f47e> 12784 <f4a1> <f4b4> 12809 <f4b5> <f4b5> 12526 <f4b6> <f4fc> 12829 <f4fd> <f4fe> 12901 <f540> <f57e> 12903 <f5a1> <f5fe> 12966 <f640> <f662> 13060 <f663> <f663> 12900 <f664> <f67e> 13095 <f6a1> <f6fe> 13122 <f740> <f77e> 13216 <f7a1> <f7fe> 13279 <f840> <f87e> 13373 <f8a1> <f8fe> 13436 <f940> <f976> 13530 <f977> <f97e> 13586 <f9a1> <f9c3> 13594 <f9c4> <f9c4> 13585 <f9c5> <f9c5> 13629 <f9c6> <f9c6> 13641 <f9c7> <f9d1> 13630 <f9d2> <f9d5> 13642 endcidrange endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF