Direktori : /proc/self/root/usr/share/munin/plugins/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/share/munin/plugins/mhttping |
#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- perl -*- # # Plugin by Greg Connor # # 1. Drop or symlink "mhttping" into plugins dir # # 2. Edit mhttping to tell it where the "data" text file and "results" # writable directory are. # # 3. Create the file "data" with a list of things to do... # # Format must include name= url= proxy= in that order (spaces or tabs ok) # Use proxy=none for direct # # name=google_mtv1 url=http://www.google.com # proxy=proxy1.mydomain.com:8080 # name=yahoo_mtv1 url=http://www.yahoo.com proxy=proxy1.mydomain.com:8080 # name=www_direct url=http://www.mydomain.com proxy=none # # 4. Add to crontab to make "mhttping run" execute every 5 minutes, offset # from munin time a bit. This can be any user who can run "httping" and # write to the "results" dir. # # 2-59/5 * * * * /home/gconnor/mhttping/mhttping run > # /home/gconnor/mhttping/log 2>&1 # # 5. Verify that "mhttping run" works, from command line and from cron. Then # verify that "mtthping config" and "mhttping fetch" work. # # 6. Restart munin-node. # use strict ; ############################## STUFF YOU MIGHT NEED TO CHANGE my $datafile = "$ENV{MUNIN_PLUGSTATE}/mhttping.data" ; my $resultsdir = "/home/gconnor/mhttping/results/" ; my $timeout = 30 ; my $count = 3 ; my $options = "-c $count -s -t $timeout" ; my $debug = 0 ; ############################## CHANGE STUFF BELOW HERE AT YOUR OWN RISK sub do_fetch() ; sub do_config() ; sub do_run() ; if ( scalar(@ARGV) < 1 ) { do_fetch() ; } elsif ( scalar(@ARGV) > 1 ) { print "$0: argument should be fetch, config, or run\n" ; exit 99; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "fetch") { &do_fetch() ; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "") { &do_fetch() ; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "config") { &do_config() ; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "run") { &do_run() ; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "rundebug") { $debug=1; &do_run() ; } else { print "$0: argument should be fetch, config, or run, not $ARGV[0]\n" ; exit 99; } exit 0 ; ############################## sub do_fetch() { my ( @results, $file, $mtime, $avg ) ; -d $resultsdir or `mkdir -p $resultsdir` ; opendir (RESULTSDIR, $resultsdir) or die "Unable to open results dir $resultsdir: $!" ; @results = readdir (RESULTSDIR) or die "Unable to read results dir $resultsdir: $!" ; close (RESULTSDIR) ; for $file (@results) { next if ($file =~ /^\./) ; $mtime = (stat("$resultsdir/$file"))[9]; if ( $mtime < (time()-300) ) { print ( STDERR "File too old, deleting: $file\n" ) ; unlink("$resultsdir/$file") ; next; } $avg = `cat $resultsdir/$file ` ; chomp $avg ; print "$file.value $avg\n" ; } # end for $dir } # end sub do_fetch() ############################## sub do_config() { my ( @results, $file, $mtime, $avg ) ; -d $resultsdir or `mkdir -p $resultsdir` ; opendir (RESULTSDIR, $resultsdir) or die "Unable to open results dir $resultsdir: $!" ; @results = readdir (RESULTSDIR) or die "Unable to read results dir $resultsdir: $!" ; close (RESULTSDIR) ; print "graph_title Web ping times\n" ; print "graph_vlabel response time (sec)\n" ; for $file (@results) { next if ($file =~ /^\./) ; print "$file.label $file\n" ; print "$file.type GAUGE\n" ; print "$file.warning $timeout\n" ; } # end for $file } # end sub do_config() ############################## sub do_run() { my ( @results, $line, $site, %url, %proxy, $command, $result, %avgtime ) ; # Create results directory if it doesn't already exist -d $resultsdir or `mkdir -p $resultsdir` ; -d $resultsdir or die "Unable to create results dir $resultsdir: $!" ; # Read in the sites list (data file) @results = ` cat $datafile ` or die "Unable to read data file $datafile: $!" ; # Parse data file and store results in $site, $url{$site}, $proxy{$site} for $line ( @results ) { chomp $line ; next if ( $line =~ /^\s*#/ ) ; #skip comments next if ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ) ; #skip empty lines if ( $line =~ /\s*name=(\S*)\s+url=(\S*)\s+proxy=(\S*)\s*/ ) { $site = $1 ; $url{$site} = $2 ; $proxy{$site} = $3 ; if ( $proxy{$site} eq "none" || $proxy{$site} eq "" ) { $proxy{$site} = "" ; } else { $proxy{$site} = "-x $proxy{$site}" ; } } else { print ( STDERR "Can't parse this line, ignoring: $line\n" ) ; } } # end for $line # Visit each site and grab the average time for $site ( keys(%url) ) { $command="httping $options $proxy{$site} -g $url{$site} 2>&1 " ; $debug && print "$command\n" ; $result= `$command` ; $debug && print "$result\n" ; if ( $result =~ m{round-trip min/avg/max = .*/(.*)/.* ms} ) { $avgtime{$site} = $1 / 1000 ; $debug && print "site=$site avgtime=$avgtime{$site}\n" ; } elsif ( $result =~ /timeout connecting to host/ ) { print ( STDERR "Timeout connecting to $site\n" ) ; print ( STDERR "command: $command\n" ) ; print ( STDERR "result:".substr($result,0,60)."\n" ) ; $avgtime{$site} = $timeout + 1 ; $debug && print "site=$site avgtime=$avgtime{$site}\n" ; } elsif ( $result =~ /error connecting to host/ ) { print ( STDERR "Error connecting to $site\n" ) ; print ( STDERR "command: $command\n" ) ; print ( STDERR "result:".substr($result,0,60)."\n" ) ; $avgtime{$site} = $timeout + 1 ; $debug && print "site=$site avgtime=$avgtime{$site}\n" ; } else { print ( STDERR "Could not parse result of command:\n" ) ; print ( STDERR "command: $command\n" ) ; print ( STDERR "result:".substr($result,0,60)."\n" ) ; $avgtime{$site} = "U" ; } # end if $result open ( RESULTSFILE, ">$resultsdir/$site" ) or die "Unable to write results file $resultsdir/$site: $!" ; print ( RESULTSFILE "$avgtime{$site}\n" ) ; close ( RESULTSFILE ) ; } # end for $site } # end sub do_run()