Direktori : /proc/self/root/usr/share/nagios/html/js/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/share/nagios/html/js/trends-graph.js |
angular.module("trendsApp") .directive("nagiosTrends", function() { return { templateUrl: "trends-graph.html", restrict: "AE", scope: { cgiurl: "@cgiurl", reporttype: "@reporttype", host: "@host", service: "@service", timeperiod: "@timeperiod", t1: "@t1", t2: "@t2", assumeinitialstates: "@assumeinitialstates", assumestateretention: "@assumestateretention", assumestatesduringnotrunning: "@assumestatesduringnotrunning", includesoftstates: "@includesoftstates", initialassumedhoststate: "@initialassumedhoststate", initialassumedservicestate: "@initialassumedservicestate", backtrack: "@backtrack", nopopups: "@nopopups", nomap: "@nomap", lastUpdate: "=lastUpdate", reload: "@reload", build: "&build" }, controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $http, spinnerOpts) { // Global variables $scope.fontSize = 11; $scope.states = null; $scope.stateChangeMargin = { top: 53, right: 280, bottom: 156, left: 110 }; $scope.svgHeight = $scope.svgHostHeight; $scope.svgWidth = 900; $scope.dateFormat = d3.time.format("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"); $scope.showPopups = $scope.nopopups == "false"; // State information for services $scope.serviceStates = { "ok": { "label": "Ok", "popupText": "OK", "y": 13, "color": { "r": 0, "g": 210, "b": 0 } }, "warning": { "label": "Warning", "popupText": "WARNING", "y": 36, "color": { "r": 176, "g": 178, "b": 20 } }, "unknown": { "label": "Unknown", "popupText": "UNKNOWN", "y": 59, "color": { "r": 255, "g": 100, "b": 25 } }, "critical": { "label": "Critical", "popupText": "CRITICAL", "y": 82, "color": { "r": 255, "g": 0, "b": 0 } }, "nodata": { "label": "Indeterminate", "popupText": "?", "y": 107, "color": { "r": 0, "g": 0, "b": 0, "a": 0 } } }; // State information for hosts $scope.hostStates = { "up": { "label": "Up", "popupText": "UP", "y": 13, "color": { "r": 0, "g": 210, "b": 0 } }, "down": { "label": "Down", "popupText": "DOWN", "y": 38, "color": { "r": 255, "g": 0, "b": 0 } }, "unreachable": { "label": "Unreachable", "popupText": "UNREACHABLE", "y": 63, "color": { "r": 128, "g": 0, "b": 0 } }, "nodata": { "label": "Indeterminate", "popupText": "?", "y": 88, "color": { "r": 0, "g": 0, "b": 0, "a": 0 } } }; // Application state variables $scope.fetchingStateChanges = false; $scope.fetchingAvailability = false; $scope.popupDisplayed = false; $scope.popupDisplayedOnZoomStart = false; $scope.$watch("reload", function(newValue) { // Set the graph dimensions switch ($scope.reporttype) { case "hosts": $scope.svgHeight = 300; break; case "services": $scope.svgHeight = 320; break; default: $scope.svgHeight = 0; break; } // Set the start and end times $scope.startTime = $scope.t1 * 1000; $scope.endTime = $scope.t2 * 1000; // Show the trend if($scope.build()) { displayStateChanges(); getAvailability($scope.t1, $scope.t2); } }); $scope.getYAxisTemplate = function() { switch ($scope.reporttype) { case "hosts": return "trends-host-yaxis.html"; break; case "services": return "trends-service-yaxis.html"; break; default: return null; break; } }; // Create a color from a color object var genColor = function(color) { if(color.hasOwnProperty("a")) { return "rgba(" + color.r + "," + color.g + "," + color.b + "," + color.a + ")"; } else { return "rgb(" + color.r + "," + color.g + "," + color.b + ")"; } }; var setPopupContents = function(popup, previousState, currentState) { $scope.popupContents = { state: $scope.states[previousState.state].popupText, start: previousState.timestamp, end: currentState.timestamp, duration: currentState.timestamp - previousState.timestamp, info: previousState.plugin_output }; $scope.$apply($scope.popupContents); }; var getTickValues = function(stateChangeList) { // Set up tick values, skipping those that are too // close together var tickValues = []; tickValues.push(stateChangeList[0].timestamp); for(var i = 1; i < stateChangeList.length; i++) { var ts = stateChangeList[i].timestamp; if($scope.xScale(ts) > $scope.xScale(tickValues[tickValues.length - 1]) + $scope.fontSize) { tickValues.push(ts); } } return tickValues; }; var displayGrid = function(zoom, sidePadding) { // Local layout variables var bottomPadding = 3; var gridWidth = $scope.svgWidth - ($scope.stateChangeMargin.left + $scope.stateChangeMargin.right); var gridHeight = $scope.svgHeight - ($scope.stateChangeMargin.top + $scope.stateChangeMargin.bottom); // Adjust the grid group attributes d3.select("g#grid").call(zoom); // Generate rectangles for state durations var rects = d3.select("g#groupRects") .selectAll("rect.state") .data($scope.stateChangeJSON.data.statechangelist, function(d) { return d.timestamp; }) .enter() .append("rect") .attr({ x: function(d, i) { if(i == 0) { return 0; } var ts = d.previous.timestamp; return $scope.xScale(ts); }, y: function(d, i) { if(i == 0) { return 0; } var state = d.previous.state; return $scope.states[state].y - 1; }, width: function(d, i) { if(i == 0) { return 0; } var ts = d.previous.timestamp; return $scope.xScale(d.timestamp) - $scope.xScale(ts); }, height: function(d, i) { if(i == 0) { return 0; } var state = d.previous.state; return gridHeight - $scope.states[state].y - bottomPadding; }, fill: function(d, i) { if(i == 0) { return "white"; } var state = d.previous.state; return genColor($scope.states[state].color); }, class: "state" }); if($scope.showPopups) { rects.on("mouseover", function(d, i) { var mouse = d3.mouse(this); var popup = d3.select("#popup") .style({ left: (mouse[0] + $scope.stateChangeMargin.left) + "px", top: (mouse[1] + $scope.stateChangeMargin.top) + "px" }); setPopupContents(popup, d.previous, d); $scope.popupDisplayed = true; $scope.$apply("popupDisplayed"); }) .on("mouseout", function(d, i) { $scope.popupDisplayed = false; $scope.$apply("popupDisplayed"); }); } // Display the x-axis var xTranslate = -gridHeight; var yTranslate = -($scope.fontSize / 2) - gridHeight; var x = d3.select("g#groupXAxis").call($scope.xAxis); x.selectAll("text") .attr({ class: "xaxis", transform: "rotate(-90) translate(" + xTranslate + "," + yTranslate + ")" }) .style({ "text-anchor": "end" }); x.selectAll("line") .attr({ class: "vLine", }); d3.select("g#groupXAxis").select("path").remove(); }; // Handle a successful availability response var onAvailabilitySuccess = function(json) { // Local layout variables var dataPosition = 100; // Attach the json to the current scope $scope.availabilityJSON = json; var totalTime = (json.data.selectors.endtime - json.data.selectors.starttime) / 1000; switch ($scope.reporttype) { case "services": $scope.states = $scope.serviceStates; $scope.availabilityStates = calculateAvailability(json.data.service, $scope.serviceStates, totalTime); break; case "hosts": $scope.states = $scope.hostStates; $scope.availabilityStates = calculateAvailability(json.data.host, $scope.hostStates, totalTime); break; } }; // Display the availability information var getAvailability = function(start, end) { // Where to place the spinner var spinnerdiv = d3.select("div#availabilityspinner"); var spinner = null; var parameters = { query: "availability", formatoptions: "enumerate bitmask", availabilityobjecttype: $scope.reporttype, hostname: $scope.host, statetypes: $scope.includesoftstates ? "hard soft" : "hard", starttime: start, endtime: end, }; if($scope.reporttype == "services") { parameters.servicedescription = $scope.service; } var getConfig = { params: parameters, withCredentials: true }; // Send the query $http.get($scope.cgiurl + "/archivejson.cgi?", getConfig) .error(function(err) { // Stop the spinner spinner.stop(); $scope.fetchingAvailability = false; console.warn(err); }) .success(function(json) { // Stop the spinner spinner.stop(); $scope.fetchingAvailability = false; onAvailabilitySuccess(json); }); // Start the spinner $scope.fetchingAvailability = true; spinner = new Spinner(spinnerOpts) .spin(spinnerdiv[0][0]); }; var onStateChangeSuccess = function(json) { // Local layout variables var sidePadding = 3; // Attach the json to the current scope $scope.stateChangeJSON = json; // Record the time of the query $scope.lastUpdate = new Date(json.result.query_time); // Add a pseudo end state so drawing will be correct var last = $scope.stateChangeJSON.data.statechangelist[json.data.statechangelist.length - 1]; if(last.timestamp < $scope.stateChangeJSON.data.selectors.endtime) { var final = { timestamp: $scope.stateChangeJSON.data.selectors.endtime }; $scope.stateChangeJSON.data.statechangelist.push(final); } // For all but the first entry create a previous // entry "pointer" for(var i = 1; i < $scope.stateChangeJSON.data.statechangelist.length; i++) { $scope.stateChangeJSON.data.statechangelist[i].previous = $scope.stateChangeJSON.data.statechangelist[i-1]; } // Determine whether the state change list is for a // host or service switch ($scope.reporttype) { case "services": $scope.states = $scope.serviceStates; break; case "hosts": $scope.states = $scope.hostStates; break; } var gridWidth = $scope.svgWidth - ($scope.stateChangeMargin.left + $scope.stateChangeMargin.right); var gridHeight = $scope.svgHeight - ($scope.stateChangeMargin.top + $scope.stateChangeMargin.bottom); // Set up the x-axis scale $scope.xScale = d3.time.scale() .domain([$scope.stateChangeJSON.data.selectors.starttime, $scope.stateChangeJSON.data.selectors.endtime]) .rangeRound([sidePadding, gridWidth - sidePadding * 2]) .clamp(true); // Set up x axis $scope.xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale($scope.xScale) .orient("bottom") .tickSize(gridHeight) .tickValues(function() { return getTickValues($scope.stateChangeJSON.data.statechangelist); }) .tickFormat(function(d) { var ts = new Date(d); return $scope.dateFormat(ts); }); // Create the zoom var maxExtent = Math.round(($scope.stateChangeJSON.data.selectors.endtime - $scope.stateChangeJSON.data.selectors.starttime) / 2000); var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom() .x($scope.xScale) .scaleExtent([1, maxExtent]) .on("zoomstart", onZoomStart) .on("zoom", onZoom) .on("zoomend", onZoomEnd); // Display the grid displayGrid(zoom, sidePadding); }; var displayStateChanges = function() { // Where to place the spinner var spinnerdiv = d3.select("div#gridspinner"); var spinner = null; var parameters = { query: "statechangelist", formatoptions: "enumerate bitmask", objecttype: ($scope.reporttype == "hosts" ? "host" : "service"), hostname: $scope.host, starttime: $scope.t1, endtime: $scope.t2, statetypes: $scope.includesoftstates ? "hard soft" : "hard", backtrackedarchives: $scope.backtrack }; if($scope.reporttype == "services") { parameters.servicedescription = $scope.service; } var getConfig = { params: parameters, withCredentials: true }; // Send the query $http.get($scope.cgiurl + "/archivejson.cgi?", getConfig) .error(function(err) { // Stop the spinner spinner.stop(); $scope.fetchingStateChanges = false; console.warn(err); }) .success(function(json) { // Stop the spinner spinner.stop(); $scope.fetchingStateChanges = false; onStateChangeSuccess(json); }); // Clear the current grid d3.select("g#groupRects") .selectAll("rect.state") .data([]) .exit() .remove(); // Clear the current x-axis if($scope.xAxis != undefined) { $scope.xAxis.tickValues([]); var x = d3.select("g#groupXAxis") .call($scope.xAxis); x.selectAll("text").remove(); x.selectAll("line").remove(); x.selectAll("path").remove(); } // Start the spinner $scope.fetchingStateChanges = true; spinner = new Spinner(spinnerOpts) .spin(spinnerdiv[0][0]); }; var onZoomStart = function() { $scope.popupDisplayedOnZoomStart = $scope.popupDisplayed; $scope.popupDisplayed = false; $scope.$apply("popupDisplayed"); }; var onZoom = function() { var gridHeight = $scope.svgHeight - ($scope.stateChangeMargin.top + $scope.stateChangeMargin.bottom); var xTranslate = -gridHeight; var yTranslate = -($scope.fontSize / 2) - gridHeight; var domain = $scope.xScale.domain(); // Update the x-axis var x = d3.select("g#groupXAxis"); x.call($scope.xAxis); x.selectAll("text") .attr({ class: "xaxis", transform: "rotate(-90) translate(" + xTranslate + "," + yTranslate + ")" }) .style({ "text-anchor": "end" }) .text(function(d, i) { // This is a kludge to get the endpoints // to update if(i == 0) { return $scope.dateFormat(new Date(domain[0])); } else if(d > domain[1]) { return $scope.dateFormat(new Date(domain[1])); } else { return $scope.dateFormat(new Date(d)); } }); x.selectAll("line") .attr({ class: "vLine", }); x.select("path").remove(); // Update the times for the header $scope.startTime = domain[0]; $scope.$apply("startTime"); $scope.endTime = domain[1]; $scope.$apply("endTime"); // Update the rectangles d3.select("g#groupRects") .selectAll("rect") .attr({ x: function(d, i) { if(i == 0) { return 0; } var ts = d.previous.timestamp; return $scope.xScale(ts); }, width: function(d, i) { if(i == 0) { return 0; } var ts = d.previous.timestamp; return $scope.xScale(d.timestamp) - $scope.xScale(ts); } }); } var onZoomEnd = function() { // Get the new domain var domain = $scope.xScale.domain(); // Determine the new start and end times var start = Math.round(domain[0].getTime() / 1000); var end = Math.round(domain[1].getTime() / 1000); if(start == end) { start--; } // Update the availability display getAvailability(start, end); // Re-display the popup if it was shown before zooming $scope.popupDisplayed = $scope.popupDisplayedOnZoomStart; $scope.$apply("popupDisplayed"); $scope.popupDisplayedOnZoomStart = false; }; var calculateAvailability = function(availability, layoutStates, totalTime) { var states = {}; for(var s in layoutStates) { if(s == "up") { layoutStates[s].totalTime = availability.time_up + availability.scheduled_time_up; } else if(s == "down") { layoutStates[s].totalTime = availability.time_down + availability.scheduled_time_down; } else if(s == "unreachable") { layoutStates[s].totalTime = availability.time_unreachable + availability.scheduled_time_unreachable; } else if(s == "ok") { layoutStates[s].totalTime = availability.time_ok + availability.scheduled_time_ok; } else if(s == "warning") { layoutStates[s].totalTime = availability.time_warning + availability.scheduled_time_warning; } else if(s == "unknown") { layoutStates[s].totalTime = availability.time_unknown + availability.scheduled_time_unknown; } else if(s == "critical") { layoutStates[s].totalTime = availability.time_critical + availability.scheduled_time_critical; } else if(s == "nodata") { layoutStates[s].totalTime = availability.time_indeterminate_nodata + availability.time_indeterminate_notrunning; } layoutStates[s].percentageTime = layoutStates[s].totalTime / totalTime; states[s] = layoutStates[s]; } return states; }; } }; });