Direktori : /proc/self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Dist/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Dist/CheckConflicts.pm |
package Dist::CheckConflicts; BEGIN { $Dist::CheckConflicts::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:DOY'; } { $Dist::CheckConflicts::VERSION = '0.06'; } use strict; use warnings; use 5.008001; # ABSTRACT: declare version conflicts for your dist use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT = our @EXPORT_OK = ( qw(conflicts check_conflicts calculate_conflicts dist) ); use Carp; use List::MoreUtils 0.12 'first_index'; my %CONFLICTS; my %HAS_CONFLICTS; my %DISTS; sub import { my $pkg = shift; my $for = caller; my ($conflicts, $alsos, $dist); ($conflicts, @_) = _strip_opt('-conflicts' => @_); ($alsos, @_) = _strip_opt('-also' => @_); ($dist, @_) = _strip_opt('-dist' => @_); my %conflicts = %{ $conflicts || {} }; for my $also (@{ $alsos || [] }) { eval "require $also; 1;" or next; if (!exists $CONFLICTS{$also}) { $also .= '::Conflicts'; eval "require $also; 1;" or next; } if (!exists $CONFLICTS{$also}) { next; } my %also_confs = $also->conflicts; for my $also_conf (keys %also_confs) { $conflicts{$also_conf} = $also_confs{$also_conf} if !exists $conflicts{$also_conf} || $conflicts{$also_conf} lt $also_confs{$also_conf}; } } $CONFLICTS{$for} = \%conflicts; $DISTS{$for} = $dist || $for; if (grep { $_ eq ':runtime' } @_) { for my $conflict (keys %conflicts) { $HAS_CONFLICTS{$conflict} ||= []; push @{ $HAS_CONFLICTS{$conflict} }, $for; } # warn for already loaded things... for my $conflict (keys %conflicts) { (my $file = $conflict) =~ s{::}{/}g; $file .= '.pm'; if (exists $INC{$file}) { _check_version([$for], $conflict); } } # and warn for subsequently loaded things... @INC = grep { !(ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' && @$_ > 1 && $_->[1] == \%CONFLICTS) } @INC; unshift @INC, [ sub { my ($sub, $file) = @_; (my $mod = $file) =~ s{\.pm$}{}; $mod =~ s{/}{::}g; return unless $mod =~ /[\w:]+/; return unless defined $HAS_CONFLICTS{$mod}; { local $HAS_CONFLICTS{$mod}; require $file; } _check_version($HAS_CONFLICTS{$mod}, $mod); # the previous require already handled it my $called; return sub { return 0 if $called; $_ = "1;"; $called = 1; return 1; }; }, \%CONFLICTS, # arbitrary but unique, see above ]; } $pkg->export_to_level(1, @_); } sub _strip_opt { my $opt = shift; my $idx = first_index { ( $_ || '' ) eq $opt } @_; return ( undef, @_ ) unless $idx >= 0 && $#_ >= $idx + 1; my $val = $_[ $idx + 1 ]; splice @_, $idx, 2; return ( $val, @_ ); } sub _check_version { my ($fors, $mod) = @_; for my $for (@$fors) { my $conflict_ver = $CONFLICTS{$for}{$mod}; my $version = do { no strict 'refs'; ${ ${ $mod . '::' }{VERSION} }; }; if ($version le $conflict_ver) { warn <<EOF; Conflict detected for $DISTS{$for}: $mod is version $version, but must be greater than version $conflict_ver EOF return; } } } sub conflicts { my $package = shift; return %{ $CONFLICTS{ $package } }; } sub dist { my $package = shift; return $DISTS{ $package }; } sub check_conflicts { my $package = shift; my $dist = $package->dist; my @conflicts = $package->calculate_conflicts; return unless @conflicts; my $err = "Conflicts detected for $dist:\n"; for my $conflict (@conflicts) { $err .= " $conflict->{package} is version " . "$conflict->{installed}, but must be greater than version " . "$conflict->{required}\n"; } die $err; } sub calculate_conflicts { my $package = shift; my %conflicts = $package->conflicts; my @ret; CONFLICT: for my $conflict (keys %conflicts) { { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { }; eval "require $conflict; 1" or next CONFLICT; } my $installed = $conflict->VERSION; push @ret, { package => $conflict, installed => $installed, required => $conflicts{$conflict}, } if $installed le $conflicts{$conflict}; } return sort { $a->{package} cmp $b->{package} } @ret; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Dist::CheckConflicts - declare version conflicts for your dist =head1 VERSION version 0.06 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Dist::CheckConflicts -dist => 'Class-MOP', -conflicts => { 'Moose' => '1.14', 'namespace::autoclean' => '0.08', }, -also => [ 'Package::Stash::Conflicts', ]; __PACKAGE__->check_conflicts; =head1 DESCRIPTION One shortcoming of the CPAN clients that currently exist is that they have no way of specifying conflicting downstream dependencies of modules. This module attempts to work around this issue by allowing you to specify conflicting versions of modules separately, and deal with them after the module is done installing. For instance, say you have a module C<Foo>, and some other module C<Bar> uses C<Foo>. If C<Foo> were to change its API in a non-backwards-compatible way, this would cause C<Bar> to break until it is updated to use the new API. C<Foo> can't just depend on the fixed version of C<Bar>, because this will cause a circular dependency (because C<Bar> is already depending on C<Foo>), and this doesn't express intent properly anyway - C<Foo> doesn't use C<Bar> at all. The ideal solution would be for there to be a way to specify conflicting versions of modules in a way that would let CPAN clients update conflicting modules automatically after an existing module is upgraded, but until that happens, this module will allow users to do this manually. This module accepts a hash of options passed to its C<use> statement, with these keys being valid: =over 4 =item -conflicts A hashref of conflict specifications, where keys are module names, and values are the last broken version - any version greater than the specified version should work. =item -also Additional modules to get conflicts from (potentially recursively). This should generally be a list of modules which use Dist::CheckConflicts, which correspond to the dists that your dist depends on. (In an ideal world, this would be intuited directly from your dependency list, but the dependency list isn't available outside of build time). =item -dist The name of the distribution, to make the error message from check_conflicts more user-friendly. =back The methods listed below are exported by this module into the module that uses it, so you should call these methods on your module, not Dist::CheckConflicts. As an example, this command line can be used to update your modules, after installing the C<Foo> dist (assuming that C<Foo::Conflicts> is the module in the C<Foo> dist which uses Dist::CheckConflicts): perl -MFoo::Conflicts -e'print "$_\n" for map { $_->{package} } Foo::Conflicts->calculate_conflicts' | cpanm As an added bonus, loading your conflicts module will provide warnings at runtime if conflicting modules are detected (regardless of whether they are loaded before or afterwards). =head1 METHODS =head2 conflicts Returns the conflict specification (the C<-conflicts> parameter to C<import()>), as a hash. =head2 dist Returns the dist name (either as specified by the C<-dist> parameter to C<import()>, or the package name which C<use>d this module). =head2 check_conflicts Examine the modules that are currently installed, and throw an exception with useful information if any modules are at versions which conflict with the dist. =head2 calculate_conflicts Examine the modules that are currently installed, and return a list of modules which conflict with the dist. The modules will be returned as a list of hashrefs, each containing C<package>, C<installed>, and C<required> keys. =head1 BUGS No known bugs. Please report any bugs through RT: email C<bug-dist-checkconflicts at rt.cpan.org>, or browse to L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Dist-CheckConflicts>. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Module::Install::CheckConflicts> L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Conflicts> =head1 SUPPORT You can find this documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Dist::CheckConflicts You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * MetaCPAN L<https://metacpan.org/release/Dist-CheckConflicts> =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Dist-CheckConflicts> =item * Github L<https://github.com/doy/dist-checkconflicts> =item * CPAN Ratings L<http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/Dist-CheckConflicts> =back =head1 AUTHOR Jesse Luehrs <doy at tozt dot net> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Jesse Luehrs. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut