Direktori : /proc/self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Mail/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Mail/Internet.pm |
# Copyrights 1995-2012 by [Mark Overmeer <perl@overmeer.net>]. # For other contributors see ChangeLog. # See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms. # Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.00. package Mail::Internet; use vars '$VERSION'; $VERSION = '2.12'; use strict; # use warnings? probably breaking too much code use Carp; use Mail::Header; use Mail::Util qw/mailaddress/; use Mail::Address; sub new(@) { my $call = shift; my $arg = @_ % 2 ? shift : undef; my %opt = @_; my $class = ref($call) || $call; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->{mail_inet_head} = $opt{Header} if exists $opt{Header}; $self->{mail_inet_body} = $opt{Body} if exists $opt{Body}; my $head = $self->head; $head->fold_length(delete $opt{FoldLength} || 79); $head->mail_from($opt{MailFrom}) if exists $opt{MailFrom}; $head->modify(exists $opt{Modify} ? $opt{Modify} : 1); if(!defined $arg) { } elsif(ref($arg) eq 'ARRAY') { $self->header($arg) unless exists $opt{Header}; $self->body($arg) unless exists $opt{Body}; } elsif(defined fileno($arg)) { $self->read_header($arg) unless exists $opt{Header}; $self->read_body($arg) unless exists $opt{Body}; } else { croak "couldn't understand $arg to Mail::Internet constructor"; } $self; } sub read(@) { my $self = shift; $self->read_header(@_); $self->read_body(@_); } sub read_body($) { my ($self, $fd) = @_; $self->body( [ <$fd> ] ); } sub read_header(@) { my $head = shift->head; $head->read(@_); $head->header; } sub extract($) { my ($self, $lines) = @_; $self->head->extract($lines); $self->body($lines); } sub dup() { my $self = shift; my $dup = ref($self)->new; my $body = $self->{mail_inet_body} || []; my $head = $self->{mail_inet_head};; $dup->{mail_inet_body} = [ @$body ]; $dup->{mail_inet_head} = $head->dup if $head; $dup; } sub body(;$@) { my $self = shift; return $self->{mail_inet_body} ||= [] unless @_; $self->{mail_inet_body} = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : [ @_ ]; } sub head { shift->{mail_inet_head} ||= Mail::Header->new } sub print($) { my $self = shift; my $fd = shift || \*STDOUT; $self->print_header($fd) and print $fd "\n" and $self->print_body($fd); } sub print_header($) { shift->head->print(@_) } sub print_body($) { my $self = shift; my $fd = shift || \*STDOUT; foreach my $ln (@{$self->body}) { print $fd $ln or return 0; } 1; } sub as_string() { my $self = shift; $self->head->as_string . "\n" . join '', @{$self->body}; } sub as_mbox_string($) { my $self = shift->dup; my $escaped = shift; $self->head->delete('Content-Length'); $self->escape_from unless $escaped; $self->as_string . "\n"; } sub header { shift->head->header(@_) } sub fold { shift->head->fold(@_) } sub fold_length { shift->head->fold_length(@_) } sub combine { shift->head->combine(@_) } sub add(@) { my $head = shift->head; my $ret; while(@_) { my ($tag, $line) = splice @_, 0, 2; $ret = $head->add($tag, $line, -1) or return undef; } $ret; } sub replace(@) { my $head = shift->head; my $ret; while(@_) { my ($tag, $line) = splice @_, 0, 2; $ret = $head->replace($tag, $line, 0) or return undef; } $ret; } sub get(@) { my $head = shift->head; return map { $head->get($_) } @_ if wantarray; foreach my $tag (@_) { my $r = $head->get($tag); return $r if defined $r; } undef; } sub delete(@) { my $head = shift->head; map { $head->delete($_) } @_; } # Undocumented; unused??? sub empty() { my $self = shift; %$self = (); 1; } sub remove_sig($) { my $body = shift->body; my $nlines = shift || 10; my $start = @$body; my $i = 0; while($i++ < $nlines && $start--) { next if $body->[$start] !~ /^--[ ]?[\r\n]/; splice @$body, $start, $i; last; } } sub sign(@) { my ($self, %arg) = @_; my ($sig, @sig); if($sig = delete $arg{File}) { local *SIG; if(open(SIG, $sig)) { local $_; while(<SIG>) { last unless /^(--)?\s*$/ } @sig = ($_, <SIG>, "\n"); close SIG; } } elsif($sig = delete $arg{Signature}) { @sig = ref($sig) ? @$sig : split(/\n/, $sig); } if(@sig) { $self->remove_sig; s/[\r\n]*$/\n/ for @sig; push @{$self->body}, "-- \n", @sig; } $self; } sub tidy_body() { my $body = shift->body; shift @$body while @$body && $body->[0] =~ /^\s*$/; pop @$body while @$body && $body->[-1] =~ /^\s*$/; $body; } sub reply(@) { my ($self, %arg) = @_; my $class = ref $self; my @reply; local *MAILHDR; if(open(MAILHDR, "$ENV{HOME}/.mailhdr")) { # User has defined a mail header template @reply = <MAILHDR>; close MAILHDR; } my $reply = $class->new(\@reply); # The Subject line my $subject = $self->get('Subject') || ""; $subject = "Re: " . $subject if $subject =~ /\S+/ && $subject !~ /Re:/i; $reply->replace(Subject => $subject); # Locate who we are sending to my $to = $self->get('Reply-To') || $self->get('From') || $self->get('Return-Path') || ""; my $sender = (Mail::Address->parse($to))[0]; my $name = $sender->name; unless(defined $name) { my $fr = $self->get('From'); $fr = (Mail::Address->parse($fr))[0] if defined $fr; $name = $fr->name if defined $fr; } my $indent = $arg{Indent} || ">"; if($indent =~ /\%/) { my %hash = ( '%' => '%'); my @name = $name ? grep( {length $_} split /[\n\s]+/, $name) : ''; $hash{f} = $name[0]; $hash{F} = $#name ? substr($hash{f},0,1) : $hash{f}; $hash{l} = $#name ? $name[$#name] : ""; $hash{L} = substr($hash{l},0,1) || ""; $hash{n} = $name || ""; $hash{I} = join "", map {substr($_,0,1)} @name; $indent =~ s/\%(.)/defined $hash{$1} ? $hash{$1} : $1/eg; } my $id = $sender->address; $reply->replace(To => $id); # Find addresses not to include my $mailaddresses = $ENV{MAILADDRESSES} || ""; my %nocc = (lc($id) => 1); $nocc{lc $_->address} = 1 for Mail::Address->parse($reply->get('Bcc'), $mailaddresses); if($arg{ReplyAll}) # Who shall we copy this to { my %cc; foreach my $addr (Mail::Address->parse($self->get('To'), $self->get('Cc'))) { my $lc = lc $addr->address; $cc{$lc} = $addr->format unless $nocc{$lc}; } my $cc = join ', ', values %cc; $reply->replace(Cc => $cc); } # References my $refs = $self->get('References') || ""; my $mid = $self->get('Message-Id'); $refs .= " " . $mid if defined $mid; $reply->replace(References => $refs); # In-Reply-To my $date = $self->get('Date'); my $inreply = ""; if(defined $mid) { $inreply = $mid; $inreply .= ' from ' . $name if defined $name; $inreply .= ' on ' . $date if defined $date; } elsif(defined $name) { $inreply = $name . "'s message"; $inreply .= "of " . $date if defined $date; } $reply->replace('In-Reply-To' => $inreply); # Quote the body my $body = $reply->body; @$body = @{$self->body}; # copy body $reply->remove_sig; $reply->tidy_body; s/\A/$indent/ for @$body; # Add references unshift @{$body}, (defined $name ? $name . " " : "") . "<$id> writes:\n"; if(defined $arg{Keep} && ref $arg{Keep} eq 'ARRAY') # Include lines { foreach my $keep (@{$arg{Keep}}) { my $ln = $self->get($keep); $reply->replace($keep => $ln) if defined $ln; } } if(defined $arg{Exclude} && ref $arg{Exclude} eq 'ARRAY') # Exclude lines { $reply->delete(@{$arg{Exclude}}); } $reply->head->cleanup; # remove empty header lines $reply; } sub smtpsend($@) { my ($self, %opt) = @_; require Net::SMTP; require Net::Domain; my $host = $opt{Host}; my $envelope = $opt{MailFrom} || mailaddress(); my $quit = 1; my ($smtp, @hello); push @hello, Hello => $opt{Hello} if defined $opt{Hello}; push @hello, Port => $opt{Port} if exists $opt{Port}; push @hello, Debug => $opt{Debug} if exists $opt{Debug}; if(!defined $host) { local $SIG{__DIE__}; my @hosts = qw(mailhost localhost); unshift @hosts, split /\:/, $ENV{SMTPHOSTS} if defined $ENV{SMTPHOSTS}; foreach $host (@hosts) { $smtp = eval { Net::SMTP->new($host, @hello) }; last if defined $smtp; } } elsif(UNIVERSAL::isa($host,'Net::SMTP') || UNIVERSAL::isa($host,'Net::SMTP::SSL')) { $smtp = $host; $quit = 0; } else { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $smtp = eval { Net::SMTP->new($host, @hello) }; } defined $smtp or return (); my $head = $self->cleaned_header_dup; # Who is it to my @rcpt = map { ref $_ ? @$_ : $_ } grep { defined } @opt{'To','Cc','Bcc'}; @rcpt = map { $head->get($_) } qw(To Cc Bcc) unless @rcpt; my @addr = map {$_->address} Mail::Address->parse(@rcpt); @addr or return (); $head->delete('Bcc'); # Send it my $ok = $smtp->mail($envelope) && $smtp->to(@addr) && $smtp->data(join("", @{$head->header}, "\n", @{$self->body})); $quit && $smtp->quit; $ok ? @addr : (); } sub send($@) { my ($self, $type, @args) = @_; require Mail::Mailer; my $head = $self->cleaned_header_dup; my $mailer = Mail::Mailer->new($type, @args); $mailer->open($head->header_hashref); $self->print_body($mailer); $mailer->close; } sub nntppost { my ($self, %opt) = @_; require Net::NNTP; my $groups = $self->get('Newsgroups') || ""; my @groups = split /[\s,]+/, $groups; @groups or return (); my $head = $self->cleaned_header_dup; # Remove these incase the NNTP host decides to mail as well as me $head->delete(qw(To Cc Bcc)); my $news; my $quit = 1; my $host = $opt{Host}; if(ref($host) && UNIVERSAL::isa($host,'Net::NNTP')) { $news = $host; $quit = 0; } else { my @opt = $opt{Host}; push @opt, Port => $opt{Port} if exists $opt{Port}; push @opt, Debug => $opt{Debug} if exists $opt{Debug}; $news = Net::NNTP->new(@opt) or return (); } $news->post(@{$head->header}, "\n", @{$self->body}); my $rc = $news->code; $news->quit if $quit; $rc == 240 ? @groups : (); } sub escape_from { my $body = shift->body; scalar grep { s/\A(>*From) />$1 /o } @$body; } sub unescape_from { my $body = shift->body; scalar grep { s/\A>(>*From) /$1 /o } @$body; } # Don't tell people it exists sub cleaned_header_dup() { my $head = shift->head->dup; $head->delete('From '); # Just in case :-) # An original message should not have any Received lines $head->delete('Received'); $head->replace('X-Mailer', "Perl5 Mail::Internet v".$Mail::Internet::VERSION) unless $head->count('X-Mailer'); my $name = eval {local $SIG{__DIE__}; (getpwuid($>))[6]} || $ENV{NAME} ||""; while($name =~ s/\([^\(\)]*\)//) { 1; } if($name =~ /[^\w\s]/) { $name =~ s/"/\"/g; $name = '"' . $name . '"'; } my $from = sprintf "%s <%s>", $name, mailaddress(); $from =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g; foreach my $tag (qw(From Sender)) { $head->get($tag) or $head->add($tag, $from); } $head; } 1;