Current File : //usr/share/doc/perl-Moose-2.1005/t/cmop/ArrayBasedStorage_test.t
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use File::Spec;
use Scalar::Util 'reftype';
use Class::MOP;
require_ok(File::Spec->catfile('examples', 'ArrayBasedStorage.pod'));
package Foo;
use strict;
use warnings;
use metaclass (
'instance_metaclass' => 'ArrayBasedStorage::Instance',
Foo->meta->add_attribute('foo' => (
accessor => 'foo',
clearer => 'clear_foo',
predicate => 'has_foo',
Foo->meta->add_attribute('bar' => (
reader => 'get_bar',
writer => 'set_bar',
default => 'FOO is BAR'
sub new {
my $class = shift;
package Bar;
use metaclass (
'instance_metaclass' => 'ArrayBasedStorage::Instance',
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Foo';
Bar->meta->add_attribute('baz' => (
accessor => 'baz',
predicate => 'has_baz',
package Baz;
use metaclass (
'instance_metaclass' => 'ArrayBasedStorage::Instance',
use strict;
use warnings;
use metaclass (
'instance_metaclass' => 'ArrayBasedStorage::Instance',
Baz->meta->add_attribute('bling' => (
accessor => 'bling',
default => 'Baz::bling'
package Bar::Baz;
use metaclass (
'instance_metaclass' => 'ArrayBasedStorage::Instance',
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Bar', 'Baz';
my $foo = Foo->new();
isa_ok($foo, 'Foo');
is(reftype($foo), 'ARRAY', '... Foo is made with ARRAY');
can_ok($foo, 'foo');
can_ok($foo, 'has_foo');
can_ok($foo, 'get_bar');
can_ok($foo, 'set_bar');
can_ok($foo, 'clear_foo');
ok(!$foo->has_foo, '... Foo::foo is not defined yet');
is($foo->foo(), undef, '... Foo::foo is not defined yet');
is($foo->get_bar(), 'FOO is BAR', '... Foo::bar has been initialized');
$foo->foo('This is Foo');
ok($foo->has_foo, '... Foo::foo is defined now');
is($foo->foo(), 'This is Foo', '... Foo::foo == "This is Foo"');
ok(!$foo->has_foo, '... Foo::foo is not defined anymore');
is($foo->foo(), undef, '... Foo::foo is not defined anymore');
is($foo->get_bar(), 42, '... Foo::bar == 42');
my $foo2 = Foo->new();
isa_ok($foo2, 'Foo');
is(reftype($foo2), 'ARRAY', '... Foo is made with ARRAY');
ok(!$foo2->has_foo, '... Foo2::foo is not defined yet');
is($foo2->foo(), undef, '... Foo2::foo is not defined yet');
is($foo2->get_bar(), 'FOO is BAR', '... Foo2::bar has been initialized');
$foo2->set_bar('DONT PANIC');
is($foo2->get_bar(), 'DONT PANIC', '... Foo2::bar == DONT PANIC');
is($foo->get_bar(), 42, '... Foo::bar == 42');
# now Bar ...
my $bar = Bar->new();
isa_ok($bar, 'Bar');
isa_ok($bar, 'Foo');
is(reftype($bar), 'ARRAY', '... Bar is made with ARRAY');
can_ok($bar, 'foo');
can_ok($bar, 'has_foo');
can_ok($bar, 'get_bar');
can_ok($bar, 'set_bar');
can_ok($bar, 'baz');
can_ok($bar, 'has_baz');
ok(!$bar->has_foo, '... Bar::foo is not defined yet');
is($bar->foo(), undef, '... Bar::foo is not defined yet');
is($bar->get_bar(), 'FOO is BAR', '... Bar::bar has been initialized');
ok(!$bar->has_baz, '... Bar::baz is not defined yet');
is($bar->baz(), undef, '... Bar::baz is not defined yet');
$bar->foo('This is Bar::foo');
ok($bar->has_foo, '... Bar::foo is defined now');
is($bar->foo(), 'This is Bar::foo', '... Bar::foo == "This is Bar"');
is($bar->get_bar(), 'FOO is BAR', '... Bar::bar has been initialized');
$bar->baz('This is Bar::baz');
ok($bar->has_baz, '... Bar::baz is defined now');
is($bar->baz(), 'This is Bar::baz', '... Bar::foo == "This is Bar"');
is($bar->foo(), 'This is Bar::foo', '... Bar::foo == "This is Bar"');
is($bar->get_bar(), 'FOO is BAR', '... Bar::bar has been initialized');
# now Baz ...
my $baz = Bar::Baz->new();
isa_ok($baz, 'Bar::Baz');
isa_ok($baz, 'Bar');
isa_ok($baz, 'Foo');
isa_ok($baz, 'Baz');
is(reftype($baz), 'ARRAY', '... Bar::Baz is made with ARRAY');
can_ok($baz, 'foo');
can_ok($baz, 'has_foo');
can_ok($baz, 'get_bar');
can_ok($baz, 'set_bar');
can_ok($baz, 'baz');
can_ok($baz, 'has_baz');
can_ok($baz, 'bling');
is($baz->get_bar(), 'FOO is BAR', '... Bar::Baz::bar has been initialized');
is($baz->bling(), 'Baz::bling', '... Bar::Baz::bling has been initialized');
ok(!$baz->has_foo, '... Bar::Baz::foo is not defined yet');
is($baz->foo(), undef, '... Bar::Baz::foo is not defined yet');
ok(!$baz->has_baz, '... Bar::Baz::baz is not defined yet');
is($baz->baz(), undef, '... Bar::Baz::baz is not defined yet');
$baz->foo('This is Bar::Baz::foo');
ok($baz->has_foo, '... Bar::Baz::foo is defined now');
is($baz->foo(), 'This is Bar::Baz::foo', '... Bar::Baz::foo == "This is Bar"');
is($baz->get_bar(), 'FOO is BAR', '... Bar::Baz::bar has been initialized');
is($baz->bling(), 'Baz::bling', '... Bar::Baz::bling has been initialized');
$baz->baz('This is Bar::Baz::baz');
ok($baz->has_baz, '... Bar::Baz::baz is defined now');
is($baz->baz(), 'This is Bar::Baz::baz', '... Bar::Baz::foo == "This is Bar"');
is($baz->foo(), 'This is Bar::Baz::foo', '... Bar::Baz::foo == "This is Bar"');
is($baz->get_bar(), 'FOO is BAR', '... Bar::Baz::bar has been initialized');
is($baz->bling(), 'Baz::bling', '... Bar::Baz::bling has been initialized');
Foo->meta->add_attribute( forgotten => is => "rw" );
my $new_baz = Bar::Baz->new;
cmp_ok( scalar(@$new_baz), ">", scalar(@$baz), "additional slot due to refreshed meta instance" );