Direktori : /usr/share/doc/perl-Moose-2.1005/t/cmop/ |
Current File : //usr/share/doc/perl-Moose-2.1005/t/cmop/instance.t |
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; use Scalar::Util qw/isweak reftype/; use Class::MOP::Instance; can_ok( "Class::MOP::Instance", $_ ) for qw/ new create_instance get_all_slots initialize_all_slots deinitialize_all_slots get_slot_value set_slot_value initialize_slot deinitialize_slot is_slot_initialized weaken_slot_value strengthen_slot_value inline_get_slot_value inline_set_slot_value inline_initialize_slot inline_deinitialize_slot inline_is_slot_initialized inline_weaken_slot_value inline_strengthen_slot_value /; { package Foo; use metaclass; Foo->meta->add_attribute('moosen'); package Bar; use metaclass; use base qw/Foo/; Bar->meta->add_attribute('elken'); } my $mi_foo = Foo->meta->get_meta_instance; isa_ok($mi_foo, "Class::MOP::Instance"); is_deeply( [ $mi_foo->get_all_slots ], [ "moosen" ], '... get all slots for Foo'); my $mi_bar = Bar->meta->get_meta_instance; isa_ok($mi_bar, "Class::MOP::Instance"); isnt($mi_foo, $mi_bar, '... they are not the same instance'); is_deeply( [ sort $mi_bar->get_all_slots ], [ "elken", "moosen" ], '... get all slots for Bar'); my $i_foo = $mi_foo->create_instance; isa_ok($i_foo, "Foo"); { my $i_foo_2 = $mi_foo->create_instance; isa_ok($i_foo_2, "Foo"); isnt($i_foo_2, $i_foo, '... not the same instance'); is_deeply($i_foo, $i_foo_2, '... but the same structure'); } ok(!$mi_foo->is_slot_initialized( $i_foo, "moosen" ), "slot not initialized"); ok(!defined($mi_foo->get_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" )), "... no value for slot"); $mi_foo->initialize_slot( $i_foo, "moosen" ); #Removed becayse slot initialization works differently now (groditi) #ok($mi_foo->is_slot_initialized( $i_foo, "moosen" ), "slot initialized"); ok(!defined($mi_foo->get_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" )), "... but no value for slot"); $mi_foo->set_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen", "the value" ); is($mi_foo->get_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" ), "the value", "... get slot value"); ok(!$i_foo->can('moosen'), '... Foo cant moosen'); my $ref = []; $mi_foo->set_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen", $ref ); $mi_foo->weaken_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" ); ok( isweak($i_foo->{moosen}), '... white box test of weaken' ); is( $mi_foo->get_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" ), $ref, "weak value is fetchable" ); ok( !isweak($mi_foo->get_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" )), "return value not weak" ); undef $ref; is( $mi_foo->get_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" ), undef, "weak value destroyed" ); $ref = []; $mi_foo->set_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen", $ref ); undef $ref; is( reftype( $mi_foo->get_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" ) ), "ARRAY", "value not weak yet" ); $mi_foo->weaken_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" ); is( $mi_foo->get_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" ), undef, "weak value destroyed" ); $ref = []; $mi_foo->set_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen", $ref ); $mi_foo->weaken_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" ); ok( isweak($i_foo->{moosen}), '... white box test of weaken' ); $mi_foo->strengthen_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" ); ok( !isweak($i_foo->{moosen}), '... white box test of weaken' ); undef $ref; is( reftype( $mi_foo->get_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" ) ), "ARRAY", "weak value can be strengthened" ); $mi_foo->deinitialize_slot( $i_foo, "moosen" ); ok(!$mi_foo->is_slot_initialized( $i_foo, "moosen" ), "slot deinitialized"); ok(!defined($mi_foo->get_slot_value( $i_foo, "moosen" )), "... no value for slot"); done_testing;