Direktori : /usr/share/doc/perl-Moose-2.1005/t/roles/ |
Current File : //usr/share/doc/perl-Moose-2.1005/t/roles/role.t |
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; =pod NOTE: Should we be testing here that the has & override are injecting their methods correctly? In other words, should 'has_method' return true for them? =cut { package FooRole; use Moose::Role; our $VERSION = '0.01'; has 'bar' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Foo'); has 'baz' => (is => 'ro'); sub foo { 'FooRole::foo' } sub boo { 'FooRole::boo' } before 'boo' => sub { "FooRole::boo:before" }; after 'boo' => sub { "FooRole::boo:after1" }; after 'boo' => sub { "FooRole::boo:after2" }; around 'boo' => sub { "FooRole::boo:around" }; override 'bling' => sub { "FooRole::bling:override" }; override 'fling' => sub { "FooRole::fling:override" }; ::isnt( ::exception { extends() }, undef, '... extends() is not supported' ); ::isnt( ::exception { augment() }, undef, '... augment() is not supported' ); ::isnt( ::exception { inner() }, undef, '... inner() is not supported' ); no Moose::Role; } my $foo_role = FooRole->meta; isa_ok($foo_role, 'Moose::Meta::Role'); isa_ok($foo_role, 'Class::MOP::Module'); is($foo_role->name, 'FooRole', '... got the right name of FooRole'); is($foo_role->version, '0.01', '... got the right version of FooRole'); # methods ... ok($foo_role->has_method('foo'), '... FooRole has the foo method'); is($foo_role->get_method('foo')->body, \&FooRole::foo, '... FooRole got the foo method'); isa_ok($foo_role->get_method('foo'), 'Moose::Meta::Role::Method'); ok($foo_role->has_method('boo'), '... FooRole has the boo method'); is($foo_role->get_method('boo')->body, \&FooRole::boo, '... FooRole got the boo method'); isa_ok($foo_role->get_method('boo'), 'Moose::Meta::Role::Method'); is_deeply( [ sort $foo_role->get_method_list() ], [ 'boo', 'foo', 'meta' ], '... got the right method list'); ok(FooRole->can('foo'), "locally defined methods are still there"); ok(!FooRole->can('has'), "sugar was unimported"); # attributes ... is_deeply( [ sort $foo_role->get_attribute_list() ], [ 'bar', 'baz' ], '... got the right attribute list'); ok($foo_role->has_attribute('bar'), '... FooRole does have the bar attribute'); my $bar_attr = $foo_role->get_attribute('bar'); is($bar_attr->{is}, 'rw', 'bar attribute is rw'); is($bar_attr->{isa}, 'Foo', 'bar attribute isa Foo'); is(ref($bar_attr->{definition_context}), 'HASH', 'bar\'s definition context is a hash'); is($bar_attr->{definition_context}->{package}, 'FooRole', 'bar was defined in FooRole'); ok($foo_role->has_attribute('baz'), '... FooRole does have the baz attribute'); my $baz_attr = $foo_role->get_attribute('baz'); is($baz_attr->{is}, 'ro', 'baz attribute is ro'); is(ref($baz_attr->{definition_context}), 'HASH', 'bar\'s definition context is a hash'); is($baz_attr->{definition_context}->{package}, 'FooRole', 'baz was defined in FooRole'); # method modifiers ok($foo_role->has_before_method_modifiers('boo'), '... now we have a boo:before modifier'); is(($foo_role->get_before_method_modifiers('boo'))[0]->(), "FooRole::boo:before", '... got the right method back'); is_deeply( [ $foo_role->get_method_modifier_list('before') ], [ 'boo' ], '... got the right list of before method modifiers'); ok($foo_role->has_after_method_modifiers('boo'), '... now we have a boo:after modifier'); is(($foo_role->get_after_method_modifiers('boo'))[0]->(), "FooRole::boo:after1", '... got the right method back'); is(($foo_role->get_after_method_modifiers('boo'))[1]->(), "FooRole::boo:after2", '... got the right method back'); is_deeply( [ $foo_role->get_method_modifier_list('after') ], [ 'boo' ], '... got the right list of after method modifiers'); ok($foo_role->has_around_method_modifiers('boo'), '... now we have a boo:around modifier'); is(($foo_role->get_around_method_modifiers('boo'))[0]->(), "FooRole::boo:around", '... got the right method back'); is_deeply( [ $foo_role->get_method_modifier_list('around') ], [ 'boo' ], '... got the right list of around method modifiers'); ## overrides ok($foo_role->has_override_method_modifier('bling'), '... now we have a bling:override modifier'); is($foo_role->get_override_method_modifier('bling')->(), "FooRole::bling:override", '... got the right method back'); ok($foo_role->has_override_method_modifier('fling'), '... now we have a fling:override modifier'); is($foo_role->get_override_method_modifier('fling')->(), "FooRole::fling:override", '... got the right method back'); is_deeply( [ sort $foo_role->get_method_modifier_list('override') ], [ 'bling', 'fling' ], '... got the right list of override method modifiers'); done_testing;