Direktori : /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Munin/Master/ |
Current File : //usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Munin/Master/HTMLOld.pm |
package Munin::Master::HTMLOld; =encoding utf-8 =begin comment -*- perl -*- This is Munin::Master::HTMLOld, a minimal package shell to make munin-html modular (so it can loaded persistently in munin-fastcgi-graph for example) without making it object oriented yet. The non-"old" module will feature propper object orientation like munin-update and will have to wait until later. Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Jimmy Olsen, Audun Ytterdal, Kjell Magne Øierud, Nicolai Langfeldt, Linpro AS, Redpill Linpro AS and others. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. $Id$ This is the hierarchy of templates * munin-overview.tmpl - Overview with all groups and hosts shown (2 levels down) * munin-domainview.tmpl - all members of one domain, showing links down to each single service and/or sub-group * munin-nodeview.tmpl - two (=day, week) graphs from all plugins on the node * munin-serviceview.tmpl - deepest level of view, shows all 4 graphs from one timeseries * Zoom view - zoomable graph based on one of the other four graphs OR * munin-nodeview.tmpl - multigraph sub-level. When multigraph sublevels end ends the next is a munin-serviceview. * Comparison pages (x4) are at the service level. Not sure how to work multigraph into them so avoid it all-together. =end comment =cut use warnings; use strict; use Exporter; our (@ISA, @EXPORT); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(html_startup html_main get_config emit_main_index emit_comparison_template emit_group_template emit_graph_template emit_service_template emit_category_template emit_problem_template update_timestamp); use HTML::Template; use POSIX qw(strftime); use Getopt::Long; use Time::HiRes; use File::Copy::Recursive qw(dircopy); use IO::File; use Munin::Master::Logger; use Munin::Master::Utils; use Munin::Master::HTMLConfig; use Log::Log4perl qw( :easy ); my @times = ("day", "week", "month", "year"); my $DEBUG = 0; my $conffile = "$Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_CONFDIR/munin.conf"; my $do_usage = 0; my $do_version = 0; my $stdout = 0; my $force_run_as_root = 0; my $config; my $limits; my $htmltagline; my %comparisontemplates; my $tmpldir; my $htmldir; my $do_dump = 0; my $do_fork = 1; my $max_running=6; my $running=0; my $timestamp; my $htmlconfig; sub update_timestamp { # For timestamping graphs $timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T%z (%Z)", localtime); if ($timestamp =~ /%z/) { # %z (numeric timezone offset) may not be available, but %Z # (timeszone name) seems to be universaly supported though the # timezone names are not really standardized. $timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T%Z", localtime); } $htmltagline = "This page was generated by <a href='http://munin-monitoring.org/'>Munin</a> version ".$Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_VERSION." at $timestamp"; } sub html_startup { my ($args) = @_; local @ARGV = @{$args}; $do_usage = 1 unless GetOptions ( "host=s" => [], "service=s" => [], "config=s" => \$conffile, "debug!" => \$DEBUG, "stdout!" => \$stdout, "force-run-as-root!" => \$force_run_as_root, "help" => \$do_usage, "version!" => \$do_version, "dump!" => \$do_dump, "fork!" => \$do_fork, ); print_usage_and_exit() if $do_usage; print_version_and_exit() if $do_version; exit_if_run_by_super_user() unless $force_run_as_root; munin_readconfig_base($conffile); # XXX: should not need that part here, yet. $config = munin_readconfig_part('datafile', 0); logger_open($config->{'logdir'}); logger_debug() if $DEBUG; $tmpldir = $config->{tmpldir}; $htmldir = $config->{htmldir}; $max_running = &munin_get($config, "max_html_jobs", $max_running); update_timestamp(); %comparisontemplates = instanciate_comparison_templates($tmpldir); } sub get_config { my $use_cache = shift; # usecache should match being in a cgi ($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}) $htmlconfig = undef; # avoid double ram usage if ($use_cache) { $htmlconfig = generate_config($use_cache); } else { my $graphs_filename = $config->{dbdir} . "/graphs"; my $graphs_filename_tmp = $graphs_filename . ".tmp." . $$; $config->{"#%#graphs_fh"} = new IO::File("> $graphs_filename_tmp"); $htmlconfig = generate_config($use_cache); # Closing the file $config->{"#%#graphs_fh"} = undef; # Atomic move rename($graphs_filename_tmp, $graphs_filename); # htmlconf cache # munin-html writes it # munin-cgi-html reads it # # full cron - written, never read # munin-html and munin-cgi-html - written, and read as cache # full munin-cgi-html - should not exist! # and here, we avoid leaving a never-updating cache file my $cachefile = "$config->{dbdir}/htmlconf.storable"; munin_writeconfig_storable($cachefile, $htmlconfig); } return $htmlconfig; } sub html_main { my $staticdir = $config->{staticdir}; copy_web_resources($staticdir, $htmldir); my $configtime = Time::HiRes::time; get_config(0); my $groups = $htmlconfig; $configtime = sprintf("%.2f", (Time::HiRes::time - $configtime)); INFO "[INFO] config generated ($configtime sec)"; if (munin_get($config,"html_strategy","cron") eq "cgi"){ INFO "[INFO] html_strategy is cgi. Skipping template generation"; return; } my $update_time = Time::HiRes::time; my $lockfile = "$config->{rundir}/munin-html.lock"; INFO "[INFO] Starting munin-html, getting lock $lockfile"; munin_runlock($lockfile); # Preparing the group tree... if (!defined($groups) or scalar(%{$groups} eq '0')) { LOGCROAK "[FATAL] There is nothing to do here, since there are no nodes with any plugins. Please refer to http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/FAQ_no_graphs"; }; if (defined $groups->{"name"} and $groups->{"name"} eq "root") { $groups = $groups->{"groups"}; # root->groups } if ($do_dump) { print munin_dumpconfig_as_str($groups); exit 0; } generate_group_templates($groups); generate_category_templates($htmlconfig->{"globalcats"}); emit_main_index($groups,$timestamp,0); emit_problem_template(0); INFO "[INFO] Releasing lock file $lockfile"; munin_removelock("$lockfile"); $update_time = sprintf("%.2f", (Time::HiRes::time - $update_time)); INFO "[INFO] munin-html finished ($update_time sec)"; } sub find_complinks{ my($type) = @_; my @links = (); foreach my $current (qw(day week month year)) { my $data = {}; if ($type eq $current) { $data->{'LINK'} = undef; } else { $data->{'LINK'} = "comparison-$current.html"; } $data->{'NAME'} = $current; push(@links, $data); } return \@links; } sub emit_comparison_template { my ($key, $t, $emit_to_stdout) = @_; ( my $file = $key->{'filename'}) =~ s/index.html$//; $file .= "comparison-$t.html"; DEBUG "[DEBUG] Creating comparison page $file"; # Rewrite peer urls to point to comparison-$t my $comparepeers = []; for my $peer (@{$key->{'peers'}}){ my $comparelink = $peer->{"link"}; next unless $comparelink; # avoid dead links $comparelink =~ s/index.html$/comparison-$t.html/; push((@$comparepeers), {"name" => $peer->{"name"}, "link" => $comparelink}); } # when comparing categories, we're generating the page inside the # domain, but the images' urls will point inside the node itself, # or even worse within a category inside it. We strip out the # extra '../' that is used to generate a relative path which is no # longer valid. # Sadly this change is permanent and will influence successive # responses in a permanent execution environment like fcgid or # as a systemd socket service. Thus we need to revert it later. foreach my $cat(@{$key->{'comparecategories'}}) { foreach my $service(@{$cat->{'services'}}) { foreach my $node(@{$service->{'nodes'}}) { foreach my $imgsrc(qw(imgday imgweek imgmonth imgyear cimgday cimgweek cimgmonth cimgyear zoomday zoomweek zoommonth zoomyear)) { next unless defined($node->{$imgsrc}); # keep a copy of the original value (to be restored below) $node->{"orig_$imgsrc"} = $node->{$imgsrc}; $node->{$imgsrc} =~ s|^\.\./\.\./(?:\.\./)?|../|; } } } } $comparisontemplates{$t}->param( INFO_OPTION => 'Groups on this level', NAME => $key->{'name'}, GROUPS => $key->{'comparegroups'}, PATH => $key->{'path'}, CSS_NAME => get_css_name(), R_PATH => $key->{'root_path'}, COMPLINKS => find_complinks($t), LARGESET => decide_largeset($comparepeers), PEERS => $comparepeers, PARENT => $key->{'path'}->[-2]->{'name'}, CATEGORIES => $key->{'comparecategories'}, NCATEGORIES => $key->{'ncomparecategories'}, TAGLINE => $htmltagline, "COMPARISON-$t" => 1, ROOTGROUPS => $htmlconfig->{"groups"}, MUNIN_VERSION => $Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_VERSION, TIMESTAMP => $timestamp, NGLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"nglobalcats"}, GLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"globalcats"}, NCRITICAL => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"criticals"}}), NWARNING => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"warnings"}}), NUNKNOWN => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"unknowns"}}), ); # store template output before reverting links my $template_output = $comparisontemplates{$t}->output; # restore the paths to their original value foreach my $cat(@{$key->{'comparecategories'}}) { foreach my $service(@{$cat->{'services'}}) { foreach my $node(@{$service->{'nodes'}}) { foreach my $imgsrc(qw(imgday imgweek imgmonth imgyear cimgday cimgweek cimgmonth cimgyear zoomday zoomweek zoommonth zoomyear)) { next unless defined($node->{$imgsrc}); $node->{$imgsrc} = $node->{"orig_$imgsrc"}; delete($node->{"orig_$imgsrc"}); } } } } if($emit_to_stdout){ print $template_output; } else { ensure_dir_exists($file); open(my $FILE, '>', $file) or die "Cannot open $file for writing: $!"; print $FILE $template_output; close $FILE; } } sub emit_graph_template { my ($key, $emit_to_stdout) = @_; my $graphtemplate = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$tmpldir/munin-nodeview.tmpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, global_vars => 1, loop_context_vars => 1, filter => sub { my $ref = shift; $$ref =~ s/URLX/URL$key->{'depth'}/g; }); DEBUG "[DEBUG] Creating graph(nodeview) page ".$key->{filename}; $graphtemplate->param( INFO_OPTION => 'Nodes on this level', GROUPS => $key->{'groups'}, PATH => $key->{'path'}, CSS_NAME => get_css_name(), R_PATH => $key->{'root_path'}, PEERS => $key->{'peers'}, LARGESET => decide_largeset($key->{'peers'}), PARENT => $key->{'path'}->[-2]->{'name'}, NAME => $key->{'name'}, CATEGORIES => $key->{'categories'}, NCATEGORIES => $key->{'ncategories'}, TAGLINE => $htmltagline, ROOTGROUPS => $htmlconfig->{"groups"}, MUNIN_VERSION => $Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_VERSION, TIMESTAMP => $timestamp, NGLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"nglobalcats"}, GLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"globalcats"}, NCRITICAL => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"criticals"}}), NWARNING => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"warnings"}}), NUNKNOWN => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"unknowns"}}), ); if($emit_to_stdout){ print $graphtemplate->output; } else { my $filename = $key->{'filename'}; ensure_dir_exists($filename); open(my $FILE, '>', $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename for writing: $!"; print $FILE $graphtemplate->output; close $FILE; } } sub emit_category_template { my ($key, $time, $emit_to_stdout) = @_; my $graphtemplate = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$tmpldir/munin-categoryview.tmpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, global_vars => 1, loop_context_vars => 1, filter => sub { my $ref = shift; $$ref =~ s/URLX/URL/g; }, ); my $filename = $key->{'filename-' . $time}; DEBUG "[DEBUG] Creating global category page ".$filename; # Manipulate the relative paths for the requested root-level context. # Sadly this change is permanent and will influence successive # responses in a permanent execution environment like fcgid or # as a systemd socket service. Thus we need to revert it later. foreach my $graphs(@{$key->{'graphs'}}) { foreach my $graph(@{$graphs->{'graphs'}}) { foreach my $imgsrc(qw(imgday imgweek imgmonth imgyear cimgday cimgweek cimgmonth cimgyear zoomday zoomweek zoommonth zoomyear)) { # keep a copy of the original value (to be restored below) $graph->{"orig_$imgsrc"} = $graph->{$imgsrc}; $graph->{$imgsrc} =~ s|^(?:\.\./)+||; } } } $graphtemplate->param( PATH => $key->{'path'}, CSS_NAME => get_css_name(), HOST_URL => $key->{'host_url'}, R_PATH => ".", "TIME".$time => 1, NAME => $key->{'name'}, TAGLINE => $htmltagline, ROOTGROUPS => $htmlconfig->{"groups"}, MUNIN_VERSION => $Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_VERSION, TIMESTAMP => $timestamp, NGLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"nglobalcats"}, GLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"globalcats"}, CATEGORY => $key->{"name"}, SERVICES => $key->{"graphs"}, NCRITICAL => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"criticals"}}), NWARNING => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"warnings"}}), NUNKNOWN => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"unknowns"}}), ); # store template output before reverting links my $template_output = $graphtemplate->output; # restore the paths to their original value foreach my $graphs(@{$key->{'graphs'}}) { foreach my $graph(@{$graphs->{'graphs'}}) { foreach my $imgsrc(qw(imgday imgweek imgmonth imgyear cimgday cimgweek cimgmonth cimgyear zoomday zoomweek zoommonth zoomyear)) { $graph->{$imgsrc} = $graph->{"orig_$imgsrc"}; delete($graph->{"orig_$imgsrc"}); } } } if($emit_to_stdout){ print $template_output; } else { ensure_dir_exists($filename); open(my $FILE, '>', $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename for writing: $!"; print $FILE $template_output; close $FILE; } } sub ensure_dir_exists { my $dirname = shift; $dirname =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//; munin_mkdir_p($dirname, oct(755)); } sub emit_problem_template { my ($emit_to_stdout) = @_; my $graphtemplate = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$tmpldir/munin-problemview.tmpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, global_vars => 1, loop_context_vars => 1, ); my $filename = munin_get_html_filename($config); $filename =~ s/index.html$/problems.html/g; INFO "[INFO] Creating problem page ".$filename; # Manipulate the relative paths for the requested root-level context. # Sadly this change is permanent and will influence successive # responses in a permanent execution environment like fcgid or # as a systemd socket service. Thus we need to revert it later. foreach my $problem_graphs (values %{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}}) { foreach my $graph(@$problem_graphs) { foreach my $imgsrc(qw(imgday imgweek imgmonth imgyear cimgday cimgweek cimgmonth cimgyear zoomday zoomweek zoommonth zoomyear)) { next unless defined($graph->{$imgsrc}); # keep a copy of the original value (to be restored below) $graph->{"orig_$imgsrc"} = $graph->{$imgsrc}; $graph->{$imgsrc} =~ s|^(?:\.\./)+||; } } } $graphtemplate->param( CSS_NAME => get_css_name(), R_PATH => ".", NAME => "Problem overview", TAGLINE => $htmltagline, ROOTGROUPS => $htmlconfig->{"groups"}, MUNIN_VERSION => $Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_VERSION, TIMESTAMP => $timestamp, NGLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"nglobalcats"}, GLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"globalcats"}, CRITICAL => $htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"criticals"}, WARNING => $htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"warnings"}, UNKNOWN => $htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"unknowns"}, NCRITICAL => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"criticals"}}), NWARNING => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"warnings"}}), NUNKNOWN => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"unknowns"}}), ); # store template output before reverting links my $template_output = $graphtemplate->output; # restore the paths to their original value foreach my $problem_graphs (values %{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}}) { foreach my $graph(@$problem_graphs) { foreach my $imgsrc(qw(imgday imgweek imgmonth imgyear cimgday cimgweek cimgmonth cimgyear zoomday zoomweek zoommonth zoomyear)) { next unless defined($graph->{$imgsrc}); $graph->{$imgsrc} = $graph->{"orig_$imgsrc"}; delete($graph->{"orig_$imgsrc"}); } } } if($emit_to_stdout){ print $template_output; } else { ensure_dir_exists($filename); open(my $FILE, '>', $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename for writing: $!"; print $FILE $template_output; close $FILE; } } sub emit_group_template { my ($key, $emit_to_stdout) = @_; my $grouptemplate = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$tmpldir/munin-domainview.tmpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, global_vars => 1, loop_context_vars => 1, filter => sub { my $ref = shift; $$ref =~ s/URLX/URL$key->{'depth'}/g; }); DEBUG "[DEBUG] Creating group page ".$key->{filename}; $grouptemplate->param( INFO_OPTION => 'Groups on this level', GROUPS => $key->{'groups'}, PATH => $key->{'path'}, R_PATH => $key->{'root_path'}, CSS_NAME => get_css_name(), PEERS => $key->{'peers'}, LARGESET => decide_largeset($key->{'peers'}), PARENT => $key->{'path'}->[-2]->{'name'} || "Overview", COMPARE => $key->{'compare'}, TAGLINE => $htmltagline, ROOTGROUPS => $htmlconfig->{"groups"}, MUNIN_VERSION => $Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_VERSION, TIMESTAMP => $timestamp, NGLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"nglobalcats"}, GLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"globalcats"}, NCRITICAL => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"criticals"}}), NWARNING => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"warnings"}}), NUNKNOWN => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"unknowns"}}), ); if($emit_to_stdout){ print $grouptemplate->output; } else { my $filename = $key->{'filename'}; ensure_dir_exists($filename); open(my $FILE, '>', $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename for writing: $!"; print $FILE $grouptemplate->output; close $FILE or die "Cannot close $filename after writing: $!"; } } sub emit_zoom_template { my($srv, $emit_to_stdout) = @_; my $servicetemplate = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$tmpldir/munin-dynazoom.tmpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, global_vars => 1, loop_context_vars => 1 ); my $pathnodes = $srv->{'path'}; my $peers = $srv->{'peers'}; #remove underscores from peers and title (last path element) if ($peers){ $peers = [ map { $_->{'name'} =~ s/_/ /g; $_;} @$peers ]; } $pathnodes->[scalar(@$pathnodes) - 1]->{'pathname'} =~ s/_/ /g; $servicetemplate->param( INFO_OPTION => 'Graphs in same category', SERVICES => [$srv], PATH => $pathnodes, PEERS => $peers, LARGESET => decide_largeset($peers), R_PATH => $srv->{'root_path'}, CSS_NAME => get_css_name(), CATEGORY => ucfirst $srv->{'category'}, TAGLINE => $htmltagline, ROOTGROUPS => $htmlconfig->{"groups"}, MUNIN_VERSION => $Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_VERSION, TIMESTAMP => $timestamp, NGLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"nglobalcats"}, GLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"globalcats"}, NCRITICAL => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"criticals"}}), NWARNING => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"warnings"}}), NUNKNOWN => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"unknowns"}}), SHOW_ZOOM_JS => 1, ); if($emit_to_stdout){ print $servicetemplate->output; } else { my $filename = $srv->{'filename'}; ensure_dir_exists($filename); DEBUG "[DEBUG] Creating service page $filename"; open(my $FILE, '>', $filename) or die "Cannot open '$filename' for writing: $!"; print $FILE $servicetemplate->output; close $FILE or die "Cannot close '$filename' after writing: $!"; } } sub emit_service_template { my ($srv, $emit_to_stdout) = @_; my $servicetemplate = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$tmpldir/munin-serviceview.tmpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, global_vars => 1, loop_context_vars => 1 ); my $pathnodes = $srv->{'path'}; my $peers = $srv->{'peers'}; #remove underscores from peers and title (last path element) if ($peers){ $peers = [ map { $_->{'name'} =~ s/_/ /g; $_;} @$peers ]; } $pathnodes->[scalar(@$pathnodes) - 1]->{'pathname'} =~ s/_/ /g; $servicetemplate->param( INFO_OPTION => 'Graphs in same category', SERVICES => [$srv], PATH => $pathnodes, PEERS => $peers, LARGESET => decide_largeset($peers), R_PATH => $srv->{'root_path'}, CSS_NAME => get_css_name(), CATEGORY => ucfirst $srv->{'category'}, TAGLINE => $htmltagline, ROOTGROUPS => $htmlconfig->{"groups"}, MUNIN_VERSION => $Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_VERSION, TIMESTAMP => $timestamp, NGLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"nglobalcats"}, GLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"globalcats"}, NCRITICAL => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"criticals"}}), NWARNING => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"warnings"}}), NUNKNOWN => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"unknowns"}}), ); # No stored filename for this kind of html node. if($emit_to_stdout){ print $servicetemplate->output; } else { my $filename = $srv->{'filename'}; ensure_dir_exists($filename); DEBUG "[DEBUG] Creating service page $filename"; open(my $FILE, '>', $filename) or die "Cannot open '$filename' for writing: $!"; print $FILE $servicetemplate->output; close $FILE or die "Cannot close '$filename' after writing: $!"; } } sub decide_largeset { my ($peers) = @_; return scalar(@$peers) > $config->{'dropdownlimit'} ? 1 : 0; } sub emit_main_index { # Draw main index my ($groups, $t, $emit_to_stdout) = @_; my $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$tmpldir/munin-overview.tmpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, loop_context_vars => 1, global_vars => 1, filter => sub { my $ref = shift; $$ref =~ s/URLX/URL0/g; }, ); # FIX: this sometimes bugs: # HTML::Template::param() : attempt to set parameter 'groups' with # a scalar - parameter is not a TMPL_VAR! at # /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Munin/Master/HTMLOld.pm line 140 $template->param( TAGLINE => $htmltagline, GROUPS => $groups, CSS_NAME => get_css_name(), R_PATH => ".", ROOTGROUPS => $htmlconfig->{"groups"}, MUNIN_VERSION => $Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_VERSION, TIMESTAMP => $timestamp, NGLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"nglobalcats"}, GLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"globalcats"}, NCRITICAL => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"criticals"}}), NWARNING => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"warnings"}}), NUNKNOWN => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"unknowns"}}), ); if($emit_to_stdout){ print $template->output; } else { my $filename = munin_get_html_filename($config); ensure_dir_exists($filename); DEBUG "[DEBUG] Creating main index $filename"; open(my $FILE, '>', $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename for writing: $!"; print $FILE $template->output; close $FILE; } } sub copy_web_resources { my ($staticdir, $htmldir) = @_; unless(dircopy($staticdir, "$htmldir/static")){ ERROR "[ERROR] Could not copy contents from $staticdir to $htmldir"; die "[ERROR] Could not copy contents from $staticdir to $htmldir"; } } sub instanciate_comparison_templates { my ($tmpldir) = @_; return ( day => HTML::Template->new( filename => "$tmpldir/munin-comparison-day.tmpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, global_vars => 1, loop_context_vars => 1 ), week => HTML::Template->new( filename => "$tmpldir/munin-comparison-week.tmpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, global_vars => 1, loop_context_vars => 1 ), month => HTML::Template->new( filename => "$tmpldir/munin-comparison-month.tmpl", global_vars => 1, die_on_bad_params => 0, loop_context_vars => 1 ), year => HTML::Template->new( filename => "$tmpldir/munin-comparison-year.tmpl", global_vars => 1, die_on_bad_params => 0, loop_context_vars => 1 )); } sub get_css_name{ #NOTE: this will do more in future versions. knuthaug 2009-11-15 return "style.css"; } sub fork_and_work { my ($work) = @_; if (!$do_fork || !$max_running) { # We're not forking. Do work and return. DEBUG "[DEBUG] Doing work synchrnonously"; &$work; return; } # Make sure we don't fork too much while ($running >= $max_running) { DEBUG "[DEBUG] Too many forks ($running/$max_running), wait for something to get done"; look_for_child("block"); --$running; } my $pid = fork(); if (!defined $pid) { ERROR "[ERROR] fork failed: $!"; die "fork failed: $!"; } if ($pid == 0) { # This block does the real work. Since we're forking exit # afterwards. &$work; # See?! exit 0; } else { ++$running; DEBUG "[DEBUG] Forked: $pid. Now running $running/$max_running"; while ($running and look_for_child()) { --$running; } } } sub generate_category_templates { my $arr = shift || return; foreach my $key (@$arr) { foreach my $time (@times) { emit_category_template($key, $time, 0); } } } sub generate_group_templates { my $arr = shift || return; return unless ref($arr) eq "ARRAY"; foreach my $key (@$arr) { if (defined $key and ref($key) eq "HASH") { if (defined $key->{'ngroups'} and $key->{'ngroups'}) { fork_and_work(sub {generate_group_templates($key->{'groups'})}); emit_group_template($key,0); if ($key->{'compare'}) { # Create comparison templates as well foreach my $t (@times) { emit_comparison_template($key,$t,0); } } } if (defined $key->{'ngraphs'} and $key->{'ngraphs'}) { emit_graph_template($key, 0); foreach my $category (@{$key->{"categories"}}) { foreach my $serv (@{$category->{"services"}}) { unless($serv->{"multigraph"}){ emit_service_template($serv); #emit_zoom_template($serv); } } } } } } } sub print_usage_and_exit { print "Usage: $0 [options] Options: --help View this message. --debug View debug messages. --version View version information. --nofork Compatibility. No effect. --service <service> Compatibility. No effect. --host <host> Compatibility. No effect. --config <file> Use <file> as configuration file. [/etc/munin/munin.conf] "; exit 0; } 1; =head1 NAME munin-html - A program to draw html-pages on an Munin installation =head1 SYNOPSIS munin-html [options] =head1 OPTIONS =over 5 =item B<< --service <service> >> Compatibility. No effect. =item B<< --host <host> >> Compatibility. No effect. =item B<< --nofork >> Compatibility. No effect. =item B<< --config <file> >> Use E<lt>fileE<gt> as configuration file. [/etc/munin/munin.conf] =item B<< --help >> View help message. =item B<< --[no]debug >> If set, view debug messages. [--nodebug] =back =head1 DESCRIPTION Munin-html is a part of the package Munin, which is used in combination with Munin's node. Munin is a group of programs to gather data from Munin's nodes, graph them, create html-pages, and optionally warn Nagios about any off-limit values. Munin-html creates the html pages. =head1 FILES /etc/munin/munin.conf /var/lib/munin/datafile /var/log/munin/munin-html /var/www/html/munin/* /var/run/munin/* =head1 VERSION This is munin-html version 2.0.54 =head1 AUTHORS Knut Haugen, Audun Ytterdal and Jimmy Olsen. =head1 BUGS munin-html does, as of now, not check the syntax of the configuration file. Please report other bugs in the bug tracker at L<http://munin-monitoring.org/>. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Knut Haugen, Audun Ytterdal, and Jimmy Olsen / Linpro AS. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program is released under the GNU General Public License =head1 SEE ALSO For information on configuration options, please refer to the man page for F<munin.conf>. =cut # vim:syntax=perl:ts=8