Direktori : /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Munin/Master/ |
Current File : //usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Munin/Master/Node.pm |
package Munin::Master::Node; # $Id$ # This module is used by UpdateWorker to keep in touch with a node and # parse some of the output. use warnings; use strict; use Carp; use Munin::Master::Config; use Munin::Common::Timeout; use Munin::Common::TLSClient; use Data::Dumper; use Log::Log4perl qw( :easy ); use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval ); use IO::Socket::INET6; # Used as a timestamp value, this declares none was found use constant NO_TIMESTAMP => -1; my $config = Munin::Master::Config->instance()->{config}; # Quick version, to enable "DEBUG ... if $debug" constructs my $debug = $config->{debug}; # Note: This timeout governs both small commands and waiting for the total # output of a plugin. It is reset for each read. sub new { my ($class, $address, $port, $host, $configref) = @_; my $self = { address => $address, port => $port, host => $host, tls => undef, reader => undef, pid => undef, writer => undef, master_capabilities => "multigraph dirtyconfig", io_timeout => 120, configref => $configref, }; return bless $self, $class; } sub do_in_session { my ($self, $block) = @_; if ($self->_do_connect()) { $self->_run_starttls_if_required(); my $exit_value = $block->(); $self->_do_close(); return { exit_value => $exit_value }; # If we're still here } return 0; # _do_connect failed. } sub _do_connect { # Connect to a munin node. Return false if not, true otherwise. my ($self) = @_; LOGCROAK("[FATAL] No address! Did you forget to set 'update no' or to set 'address <IP>' ?") if !defined($self->{address}); # Check if it's an URI or a plain host use URI; # Parameters are space-separated from the main address my ($url, $params) = split(/ +/, $self->{address}, 2); my $uri = new URI($url); # If address is only "ssh://host/" $params will not get set $params = "" unless defined $params; # If the scheme is not defined, it's a plain host. # Prefix it with munin:// to be able to parse it like others $uri = new URI("munin://" . $url) unless $uri->scheme; LOGCROAK("[FATAL] '$url' is not a valid address!") unless $uri->scheme; if ($uri->scheme eq "munin") { $self->{reader} = $self->{writer} = IO::Socket::INET6->new( PeerAddr => $uri->host, PeerPort => $self->{port} || 4949, LocalAddr => $config->{local_address}, Proto => 'tcp', MultiHomed => 1, Timeout => $config->{timeout} ); if (! $self->{reader} ) { ERROR "Failed to connect to node $self->{address}:$self->{port}/tcp : $!"; return 0; } } elsif ($uri->scheme eq "ssh") { my $ssh_command = sprintf("%s %s", $config->{ssh_command}, $config->{ssh_options}); my $user_part = ($uri->user) ? ($uri->user . "@") : ""; my $remote_cmd = ($uri->path ne '/') ? $uri->path : ""; # Add any parameter to the cmd my $remote_connection_cmd = $ssh_command . " -p " . $uri->port . " " . $user_part . $uri->host . " " . $remote_cmd . " " . $params; # Open a triple pipe use IPC::Open3; $self->{reader} = new IO::Handle(); $self->{writer} = new IO::Handle(); $self->{stderr} = new IO::Handle(); DEBUG "[DEBUG] open3($remote_connection_cmd)"; $self->{pid} = open3($self->{writer}, $self->{reader}, $self->{stderr}, $remote_connection_cmd); ERROR "Failed to connect to node $self->{address} : $!" unless $self->{pid}; } elsif ($uri->scheme eq "cmd") { # local commands should ignore the username, url and host my $local_cmd = $uri->path; my $local_pipe_cmd = "$local_cmd $params"; # Open a triple pipe use IPC::Open3; $self->{reader} = new IO::Handle(); $self->{writer} = new IO::Handle(); $self->{stderr} = new IO::Handle(); DEBUG "[DEBUG] open3($local_pipe_cmd)"; $self->{pid} = open3($self->{writer}, $self->{reader}, $self->{stderr}, $local_pipe_cmd); ERROR "Failed to execute local command: $!" unless $self->{pid}; } else { ERROR "Unknown scheme : " . $uri->scheme; return 0; } # check all the lines until we find one that matches the expected # greeting; ignore anything that doesn't look like it as long as # there is output. This allows to accept SSH connections where # lastlog or motd is used. until(defined($self->{node_name})) { my $greeting = $self->_node_read_single(); if (!$greeting) { die "[ERROR] Got unknown reply from node ".$self->{host}."\n"; } if ($greeting =~ /\#.*(?:lrrd|munin) (?:client|node) at (\S+)/i) { $self->{node_name} = $1; } }; INFO "[INFO] node $self->{host} advertised itself as $self->{node_name} instead." if $self->{node_name} && $self->{node_name} ne $self->{host}; return 1; } sub _get_node_or_global_setting { my ($self, $key) = @_; return exists $self->{configref}->{$key} ? $self->{configref}->{$key} : $config->{$key}; } sub _run_starttls_if_required { my ($self) = @_; # TLS should only be attempted if explicitly enabled. The default # value is therefore "disabled" (and not "auto" as before). my $tls_requirement = $self->_get_node_or_global_setting("tls"); DEBUG "TLS set to \"$tls_requirement\"."; return if $tls_requirement eq 'disabled'; my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("Munin::Master"); $self->{tls} = Munin::Common::TLSClient->new({ DEBUG => $config->{debug}, logger => sub { $logger->warn(@_) }, read_fd => fileno($self->{reader}), read_func => sub { _node_read_single($self) }, tls_ca_cert => $self->_get_node_or_global_setting("tls_ca_certificate"), tls_cert => $self->_get_node_or_global_setting("tls_certificate"), tls_paranoia => $tls_requirement, tls_priv => $self->_get_node_or_global_setting("tls_private_key"), tls_vdepth => $self->_get_node_or_global_setting("tls_verify_depth"), tls_verify => $self->_get_node_or_global_setting("tls_verify_certificate"), tls_match => $self->_get_node_or_global_setting("tls_match"), write_fd => fileno($self->{writer}), write_func => sub { _node_write_single($self, @_) }, }); if (!$self->{tls}->start_tls()) { $self->{tls} = undef; if ($tls_requirement eq "paranoid" or $tls_requirement eq "enabled") { die "[ERROR] Could not establish TLS connection to '$self->{address}'. Skipping.\n"; } } } sub _do_close { my ($self) = @_; close $self->{reader}; close $self->{writer}; $self->{reader} = undef; $self->{writer} = undef; # Close stderr if needed close $self->{stderr} if $self->{stderr}; $self->{stderr} = undef if $self->{stderr}; # Reap the underlying process waitpid($self->{pid}, 0) if (defined $self->{pid}); } sub negotiate_capabilities { my ($self) = @_; # Please note: Sone of the capabilities are asymetrical. Each # side simply announces which capabilities they have, and then the # other takes advantage of the capabilities it understands (or # dumbs itself down to the counterparts level of sophistication). DEBUG "[DEBUG] Negotiating capabilities\n"; $self->_node_write_single("cap $self->{master_capabilities}\n"); my $cap = $self->_node_read_single(); if (index($cap, 'cap ') == -1) { return ('NA'); } my @node_capabilities = split(/\s+/,$cap); shift @node_capabilities ; # Get rid of leading "cap". DEBUG "[DEBUG] Node says /$cap/\n"; return @node_capabilities; } sub list_plugins { my ($self) = @_; # Check for one on this node- if not, use the global one my $use_node_name = defined($self->{configref}{use_node_name}) ? $self->{configref}{use_node_name} : $config->{use_node_name}; my $host = $use_node_name ? $self->{node_name} : $self->{host}; my $use_default_node = defined($self->{configref}{use_default_node}) ? $self->{configref}{use_default_node} : $config->{use_default_node}; if (! $use_default_node && ! $host) { die "[ERROR] Couldn't find out which host to list on $host.\n"; } my $list_host = $use_default_node ? "" : $host; $self->_node_write_single("list $list_host\n"); my $list = $self->_node_read_single(); if (not $list) { WARN "[WARNING] Config node $self->{host} listed no services for $host, (advertised as $self->{node_name}). Please see http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/FAQ_no_graphs for further information."; } return split / /, $list; } sub parse_service_config { my ($self, $service, $lines) = @_; my $errors; my $correct; my $plugin = $service; my $nodedesignation = $self->{host}."/".$self->{address}."/".$self->{port}; my $global_config = { multigraph => [], }; my $data_source_config = {}; my @graph_order = ( ); # Pascal style nested subroutine local *new_service = sub { push @{$global_config->{multigraph}}, $service; $global_config->{$service} = []; $data_source_config->{$service} = {}; }; local *push_graphorder = sub { my ($oldservice) = @_; # We always appends the field names in config order to any # graph_order given. # Note that this results in duplicates in the internal state # for @graph_order but munin_get_field_order() will eliminate # them before graphing. if (@graph_order) { foreach (@{$global_config->{$oldservice}}) { if ( $_->[0] eq 'graph_order' ) { # append to a given graph_order $_->[1] .= join(' ', '', @graph_order); @graph_order = ( ); return; } } push @{$global_config->{$oldservice}}, ['graph_order', join(' ', @graph_order)]; } @graph_order = ( ); }; DEBUG "[DEBUG] Now parsing config output from plugin $plugin on " .$self->{host}; new_service($service); for my $line (@$lines) { DEBUG "[CONFIG from $plugin] $line" if $debug; if ($line =~ /\# timeout/) { die "[ERROR] Timeout error on $nodedesignation during fetch of $plugin. \n"; } next unless $line; next if $line =~ /^\#/; if ($line =~ m{\A multigraph \s+ (.+) }xms) { push_graphorder($service); $service = $1; if ($service eq 'multigraph') { ERROR "[ERROR] SERVICE can't be named \"$service\" in plugin $plugin on ".$self->{host}."/".$self->{address}."/".$self->{port}; $errors++; last; } if ($service =~ /(^\.|\.$|\.\.)/) { ERROR "[ERROR] SERVICE \"$service\" contains dots in wrong places in plugin $plugin on ".$self->{host}."/".$self->{address}."/".$self->{port}; $errors++; last; } if ($service !~ m/^[-\w.:.]+$/) { ERROR "[ERROR] SERVICE \"$service\" contains weird characters in plugin $plugin on ".$self->{host}."/".$self->{address}."/".$self->{port}; $errors++; last; } new_service($service) unless $global_config->{$service}; DEBUG "[CONFIG multigraph $plugin] Service is now $service"; $correct++; } elsif ($line =~ m{\A ([^\s\.]+) \s+ (.+?) \s* $}xms) { $correct++; my $label = $self->_sanitise_fieldname($1); # add to config if not already here push @{$global_config->{$service}}, [$label, $2] unless grep { $_->[0] eq $label } @{$global_config->{$service}}; DEBUG "[CONFIG graph global $plugin] $service->$label = $2" if $debug; } elsif ($line =~ m{\A ([^\.]+)\.value \s+ (.+?) \s* $}xms) { $correct++; # Special case for dirtyconfig my ($ds_name, $value, $when) = ($1, $2, NO_TIMESTAMP); $ds_name = $self->_sanitise_fieldname($ds_name); if ($value =~ /^(\d+):(.+)$/) { $when = $1; $value = $2; } DEBUG "[CONFIG dirtyconfig $plugin] Storing $value from $when in $ds_name"; # Creating the datastructure if not created already $data_source_config->{$service}{$ds_name} ||= {}; $data_source_config->{$service}{$ds_name}{when} ||= []; $data_source_config->{$service}{$ds_name}{value} ||= []; # Saving the timed value in the datastructure push @{$data_source_config->{$service}{$ds_name}{when}}, $when; push @{$data_source_config->{$service}{$ds_name}{value}}, $value; } elsif ($line =~ m{\A ([^\.]+)\.([^\s]+) \s+ (.+?) \s* $}xms) { $correct++; my ($ds_name, $ds_var, $ds_val) = ($1, $2, $3); $ds_name = $self->_sanitise_fieldname($ds_name); $data_source_config->{$service}{$ds_name} ||= {}; $data_source_config->{$service}{$ds_name}{$ds_var} = $ds_val; DEBUG "[CONFIG dataseries $plugin] $service->$ds_name.$ds_var = $ds_val" if $debug; push ( @graph_order, $ds_name ) if $ds_var eq 'label'; } else { $errors++; DEBUG "[DEBUG] Protocol exception: unrecognized line '$line' from $plugin on $nodedesignation.\n"; } } if ($errors) { WARN "[WARNING] $errors lines had errors while $correct lines were correct in data from 'config $plugin' on $nodedesignation"; } $self->_validate_data_sources($data_source_config); push_graphorder($service); return (global => $global_config, data_source => $data_source_config); } sub fetch_service_config { my ($self, $service) = @_; my $t0 = [gettimeofday]; DEBUG "[DEBUG] Fetching service configuration for '$service'"; $self->_node_write_single("config $service\n"); # The whole config in one fell swoop. my $lines = $self->_node_read(); my $elapsed = tv_interval($t0); my $nodedesignation = $self->{host}."/".$self->{address}."/".$self->{port}; DEBUG "[DEBUG] config: $elapsed sec for '$service' on $nodedesignation"; $service = $self->_sanitise_plugin_name($service); return $self->parse_service_config($service, $lines); } sub spoolfetch { my ($self, $timestamp) = @_; DEBUG "[DEBUG] Fetching spooled services since $timestamp (" . localtime($timestamp) . ")"; $self->_node_write_single("spoolfetch $timestamp\n"); # The whole stuff in one fell swoop. my $lines = $self->_node_read(); # using the multigraph parsing. # Using "__root__" as a special plugin name. return $self->parse_service_config("__root__", $lines); } sub _validate_data_sources { my ($self, $all_data_source_config) = @_; my $nodedesignation = $self->{host}."/".$self->{address}.":".$self->{port}; for my $service (keys %$all_data_source_config) { my $data_source_config = $all_data_source_config->{$service}; for my $ds (keys %$data_source_config) { if (!defined $data_source_config->{$ds}{label}) { ERROR "Missing required attribute 'label' for data source '$ds' in service $service on $nodedesignation"; $data_source_config->{$ds}{label} = 'No .label provided'; $data_source_config->{$ds}{extinfo} = "NOTE: The plugin did not provide any label for the data source $ds. It is in need of fixing."; } } } } sub parse_service_data { my ($self, $service, $lines) = @_; my $plugin = $service; my $errors = 0; my $correct = 0; my $nodedesignation = $self->{host}."/".$self->{address}.":".$self->{port}; my %values = ( $service => {}, ); DEBUG "[DEBUG] Now parsing fetch output from plugin $plugin on ". $nodedesignation; # every 'N' has the same value. Should not take parsing time into the equation my $now = time; for my $line (@$lines) { DEBUG "[FETCH from $plugin] $line"; if ($line =~ /\# timeout/) { die "[WARNING] Timeout in fetch from '$plugin' on ". $nodedesignation; } next unless $line; next if $line =~ /^\#/; if ($line =~ m{\A multigraph \s+ (.+) }xms) { $service = $1; if ($service =~ /(^\.|\.$|\.\.)/) { ERROR "[ERROR] SERVICE \"$service\" contains dots in wrong places in plugin $plugin on ".$self->{host}."/".$self->{address}."/".$self->{port}; $errors++; last; } if ($service !~ m/^[-\w.:.]+$/) { ERROR "[ERROR] SERVICE \"$service\" contains weird characters in plugin $plugin on ".$self->{host}."/".$self->{address}."/".$self->{port}; $errors++; last; } $values{$service} = {}; if ($service eq 'multigraph') { $errors++; ERROR "[ERROR] SERVICE can't be named \"$service\" in plugin $plugin on ". $nodedesignation; last; } $correct++; } elsif ($line =~ m{\A ([^\.]+)\.value \s+ ([\S:]+) }xms) { my ($data_source, $value, $when) = ($1, $2, $now); $correct++; $data_source = $self->_sanitise_fieldname($data_source); DEBUG "[FETCH from $plugin] Storing $value in $data_source"; if ($value =~ /^(\d+):(.+)$/) { $when = $1; $value = $2; } $values{$service}{$data_source} ||= { when => [], value => [], }; push @{$values{$service}{$data_source}{when}}, $when; push @{$values{$service}{$data_source}{value}}, $value; } elsif ($line =~ m{\A ([^\.]+)\.extinfo \s+ (.+?) \s* $}xms) { # Extinfo is used in munin-limits my ($data_source, $value) = ($1, $2); $correct++; $data_source = $self->_sanitise_fieldname($data_source); $values{$service}{$data_source} ||= {}; $values{$service}{$data_source}{extinfo} = $value; } else { $errors++; DEBUG "[DEBUG] Protocol exception while fetching '$service' from $plugin on $nodedesignation: unrecognized line '$line'"; next; } } if ($errors) { my $percent = ($errors / ($errors + $correct)) * 100; $percent = sprintf("%.2f", $percent); WARN "[WARNING] $errors lines had errors while $correct lines were correct ($percent%) in data from 'fetch $plugin' on $nodedesignation"; } return %values; } sub fetch_service_data { my ($self, $plugin) = @_; my $t0 = [gettimeofday]; $self->_node_write_single("fetch $plugin\n"); my $lines = $self->_node_read_fast(); my $elapsed = tv_interval($t0); my $nodedesignation = $self->{host}."/".$self->{address}."/".$self->{port}; DEBUG "[DEBUG] data: $elapsed sec for '$plugin' on $nodedesignation"; $plugin = $self->_sanitise_plugin_name($plugin); return $self->parse_service_data($plugin, $lines); } sub quit { my ($self) = @_; my $t0 = [gettimeofday]; $self->_node_write_single("quit \n"); my $elapsed = tv_interval($t0); my $nodedesignation = $self->{host}."/".$self->{address}."/".$self->{port}; DEBUG "[DEBUG] quit: $elapsed sec on $nodedesignation"; return 1; } sub _sanitise_plugin_name { my ($self, $name) = @_; $name =~ s/[^_A-Za-z0-9]/_/g; return $name; } sub _sanitise_fieldname { # http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/notes_on_datasource_names my ($self, $name) = @_; $name =~ s/^[^A-Za-z_]/_/; $name =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g; return $name; } sub _node_write_single { my ($self, $text) = @_; DEBUG "[DEBUG] Writing to socket: \"$text\"."; my $timed_out = !do_with_timeout($self->{io_timeout}, sub { if ($self->{tls} && $self->{tls}->session_started()) { $self->{tls}->write($text) or exit 9; } else { print { $self->{writer} } $text; } return 1; }); if ($timed_out) { LOGCROAK "[FATAL] Socket write timed out to ".$self->{host}. ". Terminating process."; } return 1; } sub _node_read_single { my ($self) = @_; my $res = undef; my $timed_out = !do_with_timeout($self->{io_timeout}, sub { if ($self->{tls} && $self->{tls}->session_started()) { $res = $self->{tls}->read(); } else { $res = readline $self->{reader}; } # Remove \r *and* \n. Normally only one, since we read line per line. $res =~ tr/\x{d}\x{a}//d if defined $res; return 1; }); if ($timed_out) { LOGCROAK "[FATAL] Socket read timed out to ".$self->{host}. ". Terminating process."; } if (!defined($res)) { # Probable socket not open. Why are we here again then? # aren't we supposed to be in "do in session"? LOGCROAK "[FATAL] Socket read from ".$self->{host}." failed. Terminating process."; } DEBUG "[DEBUG] Reading from socket to ".$self->{host}.": \"$res\"." if $debug; return $res; } sub _node_read_fast { my ($self) = @_; # We cannot bypass the IO if using TLS # so just reverting to normal mode. return _node_read(@_) if $self->{tls}; # Disable Buffering here, to be able to use sysread() local $| = 1; my $io_src = $self->{reader}; my $buf; my $offset = 0; while (my $read_len = sysread($io_src, $buf, 4096, $offset)) { $offset += $read_len; # Stop when we read a \n.\n # ... No need to have a full regex : simple index() my $start_offset = $offset - $read_len - 3; $start_offset = 0 if $start_offset < 0; last if index($buf, "\n.\n", $start_offset) >= 0; # if empty, the client only sends a plain ".\n" last if $buf eq ".\n"; } # Remove the last line that only contains ".\n" $buf =~ s/\.\n$//; return [ split(/\n/, $buf) ]; } sub _node_read { my ($self) = @_; my @array = (); my $line = $self->_node_read_single(); while($line ne ".") { push @array, $line; $line = $self->_node_read_single(); } DEBUG "[DEBUG] Reading from socket: \"".(join ("\\n",@array))."\"."; return \@array; } # Defines the URL::scheme for munin package URI::munin; # We are like a generic server require URI::_server; @URI::munin::ISA=qw(URI::_server); # munin://HOST[:PORT] sub default_port { return 4949; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Munin::Master::Node - Provides easy access to the munin node =head1 SYNOPSIS use Munin::Master::Node; my $node = Munin::Master::Node->new('localhost', '4949', 'foo'); $node->do_in_session(sub{ ... # Call misc. methods on $node }); =head1 METHODS =over =item B<new> FIX =item B<do_in_session> FIX =item B<negotiate_capabilities> FIX =item B<list_services> FIX =item B<fetch_service_config> FIX =item B<fetch_service_data> FIX =back